In this section I will be answering common questions I am often asked. I shall regularly be updating this
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will
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My aura photograph albeit taken some time ago |
Q. Are Mediums and Psychics the same?
A.No they are not. Mediums are also Psychics but Psychics are not Mediums. Mediums and Psychics work on two different levels. The psychic vibrations are closer to the Earth Plane and it may surprise you to know that each and everyone of you have the ability to develop this sense.
In days gone by as we evolved as a species, this 6th sense (the psychic for that's all it is) was part of our survival mechanism. Designed to keep us safe and out of danger i.e. that "gut feeling" that something was wrong or that we smelt danger. However as we became more civilized we began to depend less on our instinct and our psychic sense. Animals however still have this ability and if you watch your cat or dog you will see them tap into this sense.
Mediumship though cannot be developed this is a gift bestowed on the Medium and many a Medium will tell you, "Is it a gift or is it a curse?" It can be both. Mediums work on a higher vibration that that of Psychics and equally they can also work on a psychic level. Mediums have the ability to pick up and interpret the high vibrations from Spirit, just like a radio.
A.There are several planes within the Universe, the lowest being close to Earth see diagram below
A. Indeed it is possible and one of the best ways is by Dowsing?
What is Dowsing?
How Does it Work?
All that can be said is that it is an in-built ability within man from the beginning of time, it helped him to find his food and water and his minerals thus to survive and protect us from danger. In addition it helped him to communicate with other members of his tribe at a distance and there are still in this world so-called primitive tribes who have these natural abilities to this day. Gradually over the centuries our so called sophistication and civilisation etc. have stifled these natural abilities, plus, of course, condemnation by the church particularly in the period of about 1610 until the late 1700’s and even today when it was and is, by some, considered the work of the devil. I firmly believe that it is some primeval and natural instinct that lies deep within us all, the Mind which has the ability to receive communication from the Universal Mind that knows and controls everything that there has ever been, that there is and ever will be – God. I firmly believe that it is a God given gift – to everyone who is prepared to develop and use it – to be used for the benefit of our fellow man and the world in which we live. We all have an inherent ability, call it intuition, sixth sense and this can be developed by practise.
There is very little in the physical world which cannot be found by dowsing and there are many answers we can find out by dowsing with practice
It can help locate
- Water: The location of underground streams at any depth, water pipes etc
- Minerals – Precious Stones: Their location and depth
- Oil – Gas: The location of oil deposits under the land or the sea and the depth below the surface and an estimate of the quantity and the quality, also the porosity of the rock strata in which it lays.
- Archaeology: The location of unknown sites where nothing shows on the surface of the ground.
- The location of sunken ships and submarines:
- Building Sites: Examination for all purposes, the water runs underneath them, rock state, soil state, rock faults, old wells, cavities, cellars, drains, sewers, cables and pipes and so on – especially if it is intended to build on that site.
- Location of pipes, cables and drains: The line of the run, depth, location of fractured pipes, broken cables, leaks and blockages. It is particularly to farmers for searching for old or lost field drains and tracing water supplies from farm to field and field to field for animal drinking troughs and so on.
- Location of tunnels, caves, lost mine workings: The demarcation, size and depth of them and flooding.
- Lost articles: Valuables, car keys, rings, brooches, purses, wallets to name but a few.
- Missing people: This is one of the most difficult tasks owing to the difficulty of identification and should be undertaken with care and careful preparation – bear in mind that some people deliberately ‘disappear’ for their own personal reasons and have no wish to be found.
- Tracking lost animals or children or perhaps someone elderly and confused in areas of ,say, woodland:
- Medical: A number of qualified doctors and others are increasingly using dowsing techniques to assist in diagnosis and the selection of remedies.
- Animals: Pendulum dowsing can be used to locate health problems in animals and help in the selection of remedies. The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons accepts this course of action providing the services of a vet are called for if it is considered that the animal needs professional help.
What do I need to be able to dowse?
Angle rods: The easiest and simplest of all tools to use. They are just lengths of wire bent at right angles and can be made quite easily from old metal coat-hangers, welding rods, thin brass rod, thick wire., for example; take a pair of wire coat hangers and cut them so that the top is about 9 to 12 inches long and from the angle towards the hook for hanging, about 4 to 5 inches long, then, having cut it, bend the angle to 90 degrees. The short length is held in the hand as the handle, though if its windy and you are using them to locate something outside its best to use something a bit heavier as in brass etc.
Wands: These are just springy lengths of thin branch about 36 inches long and are ideal for dowsing up a wall, for example following the path of an old chimney – these tend to meander up the walls of old houses. A modern materials are taking over and the usual wand is a 36 inch length of fairly thin plastic.
When you dowse focus on the object you are trying to locate and don't tense up keep relaxed so as you don't interfere consciously with the tool you are using. When you are trying to locate something you have lost in your home make a list of questions that can be answered by yes or no. and go through the list methodically e.g. is my lost ring in the bedroom, is it in the living room until you narrow it down, when you have double checked this answer break it down further divide the room into sections and again ask the questions is it in this quarter of the room until you have narrowed it to enable a through search of the area. Like all skills it needs practise.
Q. Why cant psychics tell me This weeks lottery numbers and oh,,,,will i be marrying an 18 year old blonde stunna soon ???
Its not possible to predict the future accurately because of free will Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
So to answer your question you haven't chosen this route in life. God and the Universe will always see we are given what we need, it might not be what we want, but it will be what is needed to help us grow closer to God.
Q question...can having paranormal films in ur house draw in negative energy...I have always wondered since I wos a little girl about amityville, poltergeist, excorcism films??? And may b worth bringing up people who think they want to b psychic bringing tarot cards into their houses
Everyone has an inherent psychic ability Now everybody is capable of developing their psychic ability, this is not the same as mediumship, where you can communicate with spirit, this psychic ability is inherent to all of us and was designed as a protective mechanism to keep us safe. Animals still use theirs, we have just got out of the habit and in this day and age we do not use it for survival. However some are more psychically aware than others so are able to sense entities on the Astral Planes. Lower Elementals.
The universe has its own vibration, Earth having the lowest in spiritual terms. After Earth comes the Astral realm, it is on this realm that we travel when we dream, its not unusual to see friends etc, in dream state, after all they will be traveling this realm too at night lol. It is on this realm where lower Elementals reside, i.e. wood nymphs, nature spirits, elves and fairies amongst others, and as often as in the case spirit who are trapped unable to move on also reside in this vibration. this is the same vibration used in psychic work. There are several spiritual realms each having a different vibration, with the most Celestial where the realms of the Angels are. I might add it is the Astral Plane that Psychics use as it is a lower vibration that the ones used by Medium's when they communicate with loved ones in spirit.
Unfortunately when you are developed or starting to develop this psychic ability, it's almost as if you have a beacon above your head and these lower entities can detect who can see them, so they get up to mischief and have what is fun to them, hence the activity and experiences. Firstly no being, no spirit can ever possess you, this is a myth put about by various religious orders, that is simply nonsense, your spirit and your spirit only is the only one who can inhabit your body, however if you brainwash people into believing this, mass hysteria will prevail, it just cannot happen I assure you, only you are in control of your body. These entities can maybe give you a fright, but only if you let them, they cannot harm you in anyway, you are in total control at all times.
Like everything in the Universe there are two sides to a coin, Yin and Yang, good and evil, dark and light, so as you develop there will come a stage when you will be shown the dark side. Remember one of the fundamental laws of the Universe "The law of attraction" Like attracts like, so if you always walk in the light, you wont attract the dark.
Furthermore it is an ability that can't be forced it will develop at the right rate for you. You cannot train however to be a Medium you are born that way, and it is a gift bestowed upon you, though you can fine tune your Mediumship abilities.
Q. Do Witches cast spells?
A. Some do and some don't. Spellwork should never be the focus of following this path and those who seek our ways only for this purpose are very misguided. A spell is a ritual formula, or series of steps, to direct psychic energy to accomplish a desired end. This energy is drawn from the Earth with the aid of elementals, concentrated and sent out into the world to achieve a positive goal. Since Witchcraft teaches that whatever one sends out is returned threefold, Witches are very careful to never send out harmful energy carelessly. The Christian word for this is "Prayer". The only real difference is that Witches also invoke the aid of spirit guides, familiars or other elemental energies to add strength to the process as well as using ritual tools.
Q. Do Witches worship the devil?
A. No. Satan, or the Devil, has absolutely no place in Wicca or Witchcraft. The worship of Satan is the practice of profaning Christian symbolism and is thus a Christian heresy, rather than a Pagan religion. The Goddess and God of the Witches are in no way connected to Satanic practices. Satan, or the Devil, is a Christian creation and they are more than welcome to keep him.
Q. If Witches don't have a bible, what do you use?
A. Most modern Witches keep a Book of Shadows, (BOS) or Grimoire, which is more like an individuals workbook, journal, or diary, meaningful to the person who keeps it. This book contains rituals, discoveries, spells, poetry, herb lore, etc. Covens almost always keep a similar group book. I am not exactly sure how the name "Book of Shadows" came to be, but I would assume that this also ties into the Burning Times when the church set out to eliminate all texts along with the followers of the old ways. The writings that existed were more than likely were taken into the shadows and hidden with the survivors.
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