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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Showing posts with label Silver Birch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silver Birch. Show all posts

Saturday, 3 March 2012


I cannot recommend enough how wonderful the philosophy of Silver Birch is. It truly does help you cope and make sense of life and why we have challenges. There is one book everyone should have and that is "SILVER BIRCH BOOK OF QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS" You don't need to read it right through but dip into it when you like. I've owned several copies of the book and loaned it out never getting it back for the recipients have loved it so much. If there was only one book you were allowed to own this would be my choice.

Showing 1 - 10 of 16 results for "silver birch" in
Silver Birch Book of Questions and AnswersSilver Birch Book of Questions and Answers
by Tony Ortzen 11 new £8.50
Guidance from Silver Birch (Teachings from Silver Birch S.)Guidance from Silver Birch (Teachings from
Silver Birch S.)

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The Philosophy of Silver Birch (Teachings from Silver Birch series)The Philosophy of Silver Birch (Teachings from
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Lift Up Your Hearts (Teachings from Silver Birch)Lift Up Your Hearts (Teachings from Silver Birch)
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Silver Birch Anthology (Teachings from Silver Birch series)Silver Birch Anthology (Teachings from
Silver Birch series)

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Silver Birch: the Spirit SpeaksSilver Birch: the Spirit Speaks by Tony Ortzen
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A Voice in the Wilderness (Teachings from Silver Birch)A Voice in the Wilderness (Teachings from Silver Birch)
by T. Ortzen
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Maggie Brown (Author)
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Friday, 3 February 2012


Sometimes when I get a bit down and I feel I'm loosing track of where I am going on my Spiritual Journey I read the philosophy of  Silver Birch. It never fails to uplift me. Here he is talking about and addressing Mediums

The following was a typical address from Spirit Guide Silver Birch speaking through
Medium Maurice Barbanell

To inspire the ambassadors of spirit
You are all privileged to be ambassadors of the Great Spirit. You are representatives of the Great Spirit wherever you labour. It becomes your charge and responsibility to see that your gifts are used in such a fashion that they produce the maximum good wherever you can.

There will be brought to you those whom you can help. They will often be pitiful derelicts, sick, ill, worried, cheerless, full of problems, feeling that life on earth has nothing more to offer them. It becomes your privilege to help them to become aware of themselves, of their true nature, of their inner spirit, the gift of divinity conferred at birth, so that they begin to get a realization of how they should order their lives and derive from them the fullness, richness, beauty, splendor and radiance that should be theirs.

That is your function, to make the power of the spirit available to all who come to you. It is the reason why you have buildings, churches, temples and societies, so that you are accessible. And accessibility is the reason for the existence of all your organizations.

I want you to appreciate that so far as we are concerned, if you help one soul to find itself, to become aware of its latent divinity and to begin to express it, then the whole of your earth life is well worth while. But you will be able to help more than one. You will be able, as a result, to perform this unique service that no others in your world can possibly give because they have made themselves inaccessible to the power of the spirit which is the life-giving essence for the whole cosmos in which we all dwell.

Do not worry if any come to you and after you have done your best you are unable to help them. They have had their chance. You must be sorry because they have not taken it. What you must realize is that until their soul is touched, until they are spiritually ready, there is nothing you can do to help them.

What will produce this preparation is not always easy to understand. It may be an illness. It may be a crisis. It may be anything which brings them to the lowest depths of despair, when they feel there is nothing in the whole of the material world that can produce the answer. Then they should begin to come into their own and you should be able to kindle the divine spark so that it can begin to grow into a lambent flame. That is why you exist in your churches, societies and organizations.

I must also say this. Because of what you are, because this tremendous power, divine in origin flows through you, yours is the greater responsibility to see that you do nothing that in any way lessens the trust that is reposed in you. We are not dictators. We are not your masters. We do not regard you as marionettes who have to dance when the strings are pulled in our world. You are our co-operators. We want to work together. We will always provide whatever is spiritually necessary according to the conditions available at the time.

We will lead. We will guide. We will direct. We will help, but we will not order. We will not compel and we will not dictate. If you hear, supposedly emanating from our life, entities who command you to do this, that and the other, you can be sure that their spiritual status is not very evolved. Co-operation is the law of the spirit. We would win you with love, with common sense and with reason. We would offer you nothing that is an insult to your intelligence or would make your reason revolt. Together we can help the Great Spirit in the eternal processes of evolution and creation.

This is the task on which we are all engaged. This is the opportunity given to all of us to help the Great Spirit so that His children may live a richer, fuller life and not waste all the opportunities earth provides in obtaining the equipment that is necessary when people come to our side of being.

We get too many misfits, too many ill-equipped, too many derelicts who are unready. It is easier for their education to begin in your world than it is in ours. So be aware of the tremendous possibilities that lie within you. Be aware of the great opportunities that you have for service. Do the best you can and then you will be fulfilling the purpose for which you came into your world”.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Monday, 7 November 2011


The following are quotes from Silver Birch
(in bold type)

The spirit guide Silver Birch was channelled through a medium called Maurice Barbanell, who passed away 17th July 1981 at the age of 79. Maurice Barbanell was the founder and editor of a weekly Spiritualist newspaper, which is still in circulation today. Barbanell devoted half a century of his life spreading spiritual knowledge in the Psychic News.

Maurice Barbanell was born to Jewish Parents, in one or East London’s poor areas. His mother was devoutly religious, but his father was an atheist, due to this difference Barbanell heard many arguments between his parents. For a time Barbanell had the same outlook as his father, but later changed to agnosticism.

Later in life Barbanell was invited by a medium to join her at a séance, but was not impressed with what he saw, and even fell asleep on his second visit. What was strange with his ‘sleep’ and he himself thought he was asleep, in fact was in trance, having been seen by others on the circle and a Red Indian had spoken through him.

Through this trance, he was encouraged to start a paper for this guides teachings, which is how the Psychic News came about. It was many years before Barbanell revealed to his readers who was channelling the wisdom, as he did not want to be criticised for publishing his own mediumship Barbanell held many home circles where his guide Silver Birch would speak. It was always recorded in shorthand.

"There is no joy and no service that can match helping others. In a world so full of darkness, where millions have lost their way, where there are countless numbers troubled and perplexed with sorrow in their hearts, who awake each morning in fear and apprehension of what the day brings - if you can help one soul to find some serenity and to realise that he/she is not neglected, but surrounded by arms of infinite love, that is a great work. It is more important than anything else."
The reward in giving is so much richer than receiving the gift itself, to see the pleasure and feel the gratitude will lift you and instill within your soul love that cannot be obtained in any other way
"The law of cause and effect is basic, fundamental and unalterable because you can reap only what you have sown. Effect must follow cause with mathematical accuracy; it cannot be otherwise. In turn the effect becomes the cause by which another effect is set into motion, producing another cause. The process is a constant one"
In other words karma

"The marriage service performed in your churches refers to the existence of the marriage until death parts the man and his wife. If spiritually they are not united they are parted before death comes. If there is love, there is nothing that will ever separate them."
The bonds of true love are eternal and can never be broken distance nor time can ever break them

"The reason for communication is love, love governs communication, whether it be in the love founded on the relationship between people who know one another on earth, or the love of service and the desire to help mankind that attracts unknowns to one another."
Unconditional love is the truest love of all

"You must live for the day, for the hour, for the minute, for the second, live in the ever present moment. Have no anxiety for the morrow and do the best you can. The Great Spirit is aware of the fact that you are all human beings and imperfect. That is why you are on earth. If you were perfect you would not be where you are now. The function of your earthly life is simply to eliminate the imperfections."
Earth is our classroom

"You who live in the world of matter are most unoriginal creatures. You do not, except very seldom, create anything. You are receiving stations and transmitting stations. Thoughts come to you; they lodge within you; you add to their wings and send them forth where others receive them. The thought that comes to you is not the same as when it leaves you; your personality has quickened it, or slowed it down, enriched it or impoverished it, made it more beautiful or more ugly, given it new life, or perhaps vitiated it. But over and above all that, you can, when you attune yourself, receive positive inspiration from those of like mentality to yourself."
Open your heart to love and you will receive positive inspiration

"We can never promise that your life will be free from problems, perplexity, or even pain. We can promise that within yourself you will find the means to overcome all handicaps and disabilities. As you strive to express the highest, the deepest, the greatest within yourself, so you will attract to your aid those beings from our world who love you, who desire to help you, and through you help others."
Spirit will never let you fall so far you cannot get up, they will assist you on your journey

"What a glorious message we have for your world of matter - a message that makes men free and teaches them to rejoice in their divine heritage; a message that teaches them to throw off shackles and bonds; a message that teaches them to rejoice in the fulness of spiritual knowledge; a message that shows them how to live not only on the planes of matter but on the planes of spirit; a message that brings them beauty, love and wisdom, understanding, truth and happiness; a message that speaks of service, service, service."
When we accept spirit into our lives, our lives become the richer for it
"When you had those experiences you may have thought that life was bitter and harsh and unkind, that you were forgotten, or lonely or neglected, and fate had dealt you a very hard blow. But the soul grows through adversity and the pure gold emerges after the processes of crushing and refining have taken place."
We become stronger through challenges and when we see problems, not as problems but as challenges, we can then see they can be overcome. Challenges as designed to test us and to teach us to become more resilient and help us gain empathy and understanding and in turn this experience can help us to counsel others and help others on their journey throughout life

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday, 27 April 2011


The past is gone. Whatever mistakes you have made you must forget. You come into your world to make mistakes and to learn from them. Forget the past. It is the present that matter. Philosophy of Silver Birch pp137

See every day as a clean sheet, you cannot relive the past. None of us on Earth are perfect for if we were, there would be no need for us to be here. Nor should you worry too much about the future. If you spend time worrying what might happen you will miss out on what is happening at this moment in
time. It is the present you are in control of, it is the present you can change.


I wish I had a magic wand
To make things right that are wrong
I'd change so much I dearly would
And bestow happiness if I could
But life is not fair, its not meant to be
For the lessons in life we would not see
We are here on Earth to be educated
Not in academia  but compassion and empathy it's fated
To understand we have to see the other's side
To feel and experience and from pain we cannot hide
It's only through experience we can learn
Even though we wish for better that we yearn
We have to look at life from a different view
And know each lifetime will be different too
Some will be joyful and in that we should relish
To see through the tough times that will be hellish
Remember this there is no magic wand
No fairy dust, nor magic spells to change whats wrong
That doesn't mean things wont change
And to you this philosophy might seem strange
But for all souls there is retribution and compensation
Hold on to that thought and make it you life's mission
No experience is wasted but cleverly crafted and designed
This lifetime you are on is but a grain of sand
Within a bigger picture  to be viewed
To enrich and educate that soul within you


Maggie Brown (Author)
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Sunday, 13 March 2011


The chances are that Silver Birch's wisdom will remain with you forever. Long after you have forgotten his precise words, his guidance will still be a very real influence whenever you need it. Silver Birch's words are so accessible and meaningful that you will never tire of reading them.

I was introduced to the teachings of Silver Birch many years ago and it is true you never will tire of reading them. There is something so special, so deep that will resonate within your soul and his words with stay with you, guide you, and comfort you for the rest of your life.

Silver Birch, the spirit guide channelled his words of wisdom through Maurice Barbanell.
He was born to Jewish parents in a poor area of London's East End. His mother was devoutly religious but his father, a barber was an atheist so Barbanell heard many arguments about religion during his early years. His father always won, and his son adopted the same outlook but later changed to agnosticism. Yet after hearing about Spiritualism from a speaker at a social and literary club of which he was secretary, Barbanell refused to start the debate by putting an opposing view - one of his duties - because, he explained, he had made no personal investigation and therefore his opinions were valueless.This impressed the speaker who invited Barbanell to attend a seance in which a medium, Mrs Blaustein, was entranced by various spirits of different nationalities. He was not impressed, and on a second visit fell asleep. Barbanell apologised, believing that either boredom or tiredness had been responsible, but the other circle members informed him that he had not been asleep but had been in a trance and a Red Indian had spoken through him.

With the encouragement of a famous Fleet Street journalist Hannen Swaffer, Barbanell founded Psychic News partly as a vehicle for the guide's teachings. But, because he knew he would be criticised for publishing his own mediumship in his own newspaper, Barbanell did not reveal to his readers for many years who was channelling the wisdom, by which time the guide had a huge following on his own merits.Silver Birch spoke regularly at Barbanell's home circle and the proceedings were always recorded shorthand. There were a number of differences in style and procedure between Barbanell's own journalistic efforts and the way in which Silver Birch communicated, as Barbanell himself observed:

"In my working life I use words every day. I have never yet written or dictated an article with which I was satisfied when I read it. Inevitably I find, when looking at the typed material, that I can improve it by altering words, phrases and sentences. No such problem arises with the guide's teachings. These flow perfectly, requiring usually only punctation. Another interesting aspect is the occasional use of words that I regard as archaic and do not form part of my normal vocabulary."

Silver Birch

But who was Silver Birch? A psychic artist depicts him as a serious-looking native American Indian with a single feather and compassionate eyes. There is evidence to suggest that this was simply a convenient persona behind which a far more spiritually evolved soul hid in order that those who read his words would judge them not by the name attached to them but by the wisdom that pervades every sentence.Those who knew them both were well aware of the differences in the way they spoke and the words they used. They both had spiritual missions and they fulfilled them admirably, particularly when working together in their unique two-world partnership. This, as you will discover, has provided inspirational answers to the questions we all ask, from time to time, about life and its purpose. They are needed now more than ever before as we prepare for the challenges that confront us in the 21st century.

Silver Birch Speaks:
"Man was born to be free, to dwell in liberty. He was not born to be a slave, bound and fettered. His life should be full of richness, the richness of mind and body and spirit. All knowledge should be open to him, all truth, all wisdom, all inspiration. He should dwell in the splendour of the spirit with none of the cramping, irksome, vexatious restrictions imposed upon him by those who would deny his heritage and thwart his destiny.
"The power of the spirit is the power of life. The reason why there is life is because Spirit is there. The power that fashioned the whole universe, majestic though it is and stupendously vast, is the same power which enables you to exist here and hereafter for all time.
"The power that enables you to love, to think, to care, to judge, to reflect, to decide, to weigh, to ponder, to be inspired, to reach the heights and depths of the whole gamut of human feelings - that power is the power of the spirit."

The following are quotes from the various books of Silver Birch

Quotes from Teachings of Silver Birch
What a glorious message we have for your world of matter - a message that makes men free and teaches them to rejoice in their divine heritage; a message that teaches them to throw off shackles and bonds; a message that teaches them to rejoice in the fulness of spiritual knowledge; a message that shows them how to live not only on the planes of matter but on the planes of spirit; a message that brings them beauty, love and wisdom, understanding, truth and happiness; a message that speaks of service, service, service...

Quotes from Guidance from Silver Birch
There is no joy and no service that can match helping others. In a world so full of darkness, where millions have lost their way, where there are countless numbers troubled and perplexed with sorrow in their hearts, who awake each morning in fear and apprehension of what the day brings - if you can help one soul to find some serenity and to realise that he/she is not neglected, but surrounded by arms of infinite love, that is a great work. It is more important than anything else.

Quotes from Philosophy of Silver Birch
If you prefer blindness, keep your eyes closed. If you prefer deafness keep your ears closed. But if you are wise, you will open the windows of your soul so that you can become aware of that mighty, vast power of the spirit which will strengthen and encourage you and make you know how life can be lived and enjoyed to the full.

Quotes from More Philosophy of Silver Birch
You must live for the day, for the hour, for the minute, for the second, live in the ever present moment. Have no anxiety for the morrow and do the best you can. The Great Spirit is aware of the fact that you are all human beings and imperfect. That is why you are on earth. If you were perfect you would not be where you are now. The function of your earthly life is simply to eliminate the imperfections.

Quotes from Light From Silver Birch
Of course there will be problems in Life. Earth is a place where you are presented with difficulties, frustrations, obstacles and handicaps. The whole purpose of earthly existence is to meet conditions that are a challenge to the evolving spirit so that it can have the chance to epxress some of its latent qualities that can be called on in times of crisis. You cannot achieve spiritual mastery without conquering the problems that you encounter; but none is so insuperable that you cannot overcome it. You will have to be patient and pray for guidance that at the right time the door will open and the way will be shown. I always tell my friends in very simple language never to bang against a closed door.

Quotes from Silver Birch Companion
You who live in the world of matter are most unoriginal creatures. You do not, except very seldom, create anything. You are receiving stations and transmitting stations. Thoughts come to you; they lodge within you; you add to their wings and send them forth where others receive them. The thought that comes to you is not the same as when it leaves you; your personality has quickened it, or slowed it down, enriched it or impoverished it, made it more beautiful or more ugly, given it new life, or perhaps vitiated it. But over and above all that, you can, when you attune yourself, receive positive inspiration from those of like mentality to yourself.

Quotes from A Voice in the Wilderness
In all the moments of crisis, fix your minds upon the eternal things of the spirit. Do not dwell too much on the kingdom of empires and dominions but on the Kingdom of Heaven. Do not have excessive adoration for those who are only men. Remember the great tasks, the greater problems. Remember the masses who cry out, whose pain, bitterness and sorrow are far, far greater than the difficulties of only one. That is the greater lesson for all in your world of matter to learn.

Quotes from The Seed of Truth
Man was born to be free,to dwell in liberty; he was not born to be a slave, bound and fettered. His life should be full of richness, the richness of mind and body and spirit. All knowledge should be open to him, all truth, all wisdom, all inspiration. He should dwell in the splendour of the spirit with none of the cramping, irksome, vexatious restrictions imposed upon him by those who would deny his heritage and thwart his destiny.

Quotes from The Spirit Speaks
The reason for communication is love, love governs communication, whether it be in the love founded on the realationship between people who know one another on earth, or the love of service and the desire to help mankind that attracts unknowns to one another.

Quotes from Lift Up Your Hearts
Everybody in your world has to die. It is part of the law that you cannot live on earth for ever. So it is inevitable that the physical body, when it has fulfilled its function, should be severed from the spiritual body and the soul which endowed it with animation. It is thus that the transitional period can be accomplished and the soul go marching on as part of its eternal pilgramage. It is of course sad that this happens because many of you, alas, have your spiritual vision restricted so that you see only the material, the shell, the husk, and not the underlying, sublime reality. The eyes of the spirit are open, and knows that the one you love and who loves you has left you physically but not spiritually.
Death has no power to separate those whom love has joined together and made them one in spirit.

Quotes from The Universe of Silver Birch
The Great Spirit is the natural Law of the universe. The Great Spirit is the creative force behind all life, whether registered in the plane of matter or that of the plane of spirit. The Great Spirit pervades all the universe, whether it is the tiny portion known to you, or the larger part, which ,as yet, has not been revealed to earthly gaze.

Quotes from Silver Birch Anthology
All things of matter will fade away and become absorbed in the dust of which your earthly life is made. Ambitions, desires, the aquisition of wealth,all these are of no account, but you will always remain as spiritual beings, and your richness will be just what is contained within your own nature, no more, no less. That is the lesson to be learned in all earthly life. If you learn it you are wise because you have found yourself, and having found yourself, you will have found the Great Spirit.

Quotes from The Silver Birch Book of Questions and Answers
Q - What is spirit?A - SPIRIT is perfect in its origin, spirit possess intrinsically the creative forces of all life. Spirit is not subject to age, infirmity,wastage or to any of the defects that affect the physical body. The line of spirit evolution is from immaturity to maturity. Part of its evolution is accomplished through a physical body, which it has created for that purpose. Spirit is dominant, spirit is the king, spirit is the ruler. But here comes the paradox. There is an interaction between spirit, mind and body, and the body restricts the activity of the spirit on earth because the spirit can express itself on earth only through the body at its disposal.

courtesy of the the Spiritual Truth Foundation website. The Spiritual Truth Foundation Is a charity set up by Trust Deed in April 1965 by Maurice Barbanell and a group of friends for the promotion & advancement of the religion and religious philosophy of Spiritualism.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.