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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Showing posts with label Mediumship. Show all posts

Tuesday, 16 March 2021


Reading this article the other day reminded me of my experience of Angels. I had been in hospital for surgery, although the surgery seemed to go well complications by way of a haemorrhage necessitated in me going back to the operating theatre. I regained full consciousness in the early hours of the morning and was aware of one of my spirit guides telling me I was going to be fine. I was also aware of a bright light and growing more intense at the foot of my hospital bed. It grew in size from floor to ceiling and took the shape of a being with golden skin wearing red and gold robes and massive wings that filled my hospital room. I wasn't at all frightened and felt very calm and then the being, which I would say was an angel, gradually faded and disappeared. I fully recovered


'Angels are real' Bible expert shares 19th century account of angels saving a missionary

ANGELS exist on the pages of the Holy Bible and in Christian art but what do we know about them outside of myth and legend? A scripture expert has shared why he thinks the adventures of 19th-century missionary John Gibson Paton prove "angels are real" and often go unnoticed by most.

Angels are mentioned nearly 300 times in the bible with appearances in the Old and New Testament alike. In Genesis, the Old Testament's first book, God sends forth two angels to warn Lot of the impending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. In the New Testament, an angel appears before the priest Zechariah to inform him his wife would bear a son named John - John the Baptist.

Even more famously, the Gospels state the Archangel Gabriel appeared before the virgin Mary to tell her she would give birth to Jesus.

According to Tom Meyer, a professor in Bible studies at Shasta Bible College and Graduate School in California, US, the Hebrew word for angel "malak" means someone who is dispatched as a deputy or messenger on behalf of God.

The word is often used in the Bible to describe prophets and priests as well as the nation of Israel itself.

Malak's most famous use, however, is reserved for a class of heavenly beings God created separately from humans.

Angels: Reverand John Gibson Paton is said to have been protected by angels (Image: GETTY)

Professor Meyer told The Express "Of the many names used of God in the Bible, the title LORD of Hosts describes God as the commander in chief of an organized army of angels.

"The Angel of YHWH encamps or literally pitches his tent around those that fear God, like an army encamped around a city to defend it (Psalm 34:7)."

The Bible expert believes one such divine intercession occurred in the 19th century during a mission of the Protestant missionary John Gibson Paton (1824 to 1907) to the New Hebrides in the South Pacific Ocean.

The account is described in the book Angels: God’s Secret Agents, penned by the American evangelist Billy Graham.

As the story goes, a group of hostile natives attacked Reverand Paton's mission headquarters one night only to be staved off by a host of angelic beings.

Reverand Paton and his wife Mary first visited the New Hebrides in November 1858 where they built a house at Port Resolution on the island of Tanna.

Professor Meyer explained: "One fateful night, hostile natives surrounded his mission headquarters, intent on smoking the Paton’s out of their house and then killing them.

"John Paton and his wife prayed all during that terror-filled night that God would miraculously deliver them.

"When daylight finally came, they were amazed to see that the attackers had unaccountably left them alone."

A year after the incident, the tribe that perpetrated the is said to have converted to Christianity. Reverand Paton then confronted the tribe's chief to find out why they had never burned down his house.

Much to his surprise, the chief said the house was surrounded by hundreds of men in shimmering garments" and with their swords drawn.

Professor Meyer said: "They seemed to circle the mission station so that the natives were afraid to attack. Only then did Mr.Paton realize that God had sent His angels to protect them.

"The chief agreed that there could be no other explanation."

In Professor Meyer's opinion, the story testifies to the existence of angels as described in the Bible.

He added: "Because we cannot see angels or do not recognize what they are when we see them, we can become dull or unaware of the tremendous role they play in the course of human events. Angels are as real as you and me."

Although the account is incredible and often cited by evangelists, sceptics would argue its veracity.

According to Benjamin Radford of the Center for Inquiry, there is no real evidence of angels outside of scripture and anecdotal testimonies.

Instead, he argued, the existence of angels is a matter of personal, spiritual and religious belief.

In a 2018 article titled Are Angels Real? he said: "Despite centuries of theological speculation about angels — from their number to their duties to how many can dance on the head of a pin — no one knows if they exist outside of stories and legends."

He added: "Whether real or fictional, angels have been with humans for millennia, and their presence will continue to comfort."

Astrid Brown (Author)
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Saturday, 3 September 2016




As I said before we learn through making mistakes and believe me I’ve made lots, every medium has a story to tell and it will be a life of ups and downs but none of us would change any of it. When we go through hard times it doesn’t feel like this but when you look back on your life you will see your life like a jigsaw, how one part had to happen to create another aspect, how each part came together like pieces of a jigsaw. You will realize just how much you have learned about life and you will come to accept these challenges we all face and it does in a way bring contentment.

I can’t speak for all mediums but I can share my experiences and from this you will start to understand what life is about.

What we all have in common as well as some tough times is a sensitivity, people will say you are too sensitive as it’s a bad thing to be, but to be a medium it’s a wonderful thing to be. Being sensitive enables us to tune into spirit and how people are feeling, we pick up atmospheres, know when something is not right and can understand how others feel. Chances are you’ve been like this from birth, your parents may have labeled you as being highly strung and or you may have cried a lot as a baby. This will have driven your parents to distraction at the time, we are often clingy children and pick up the moods of how are parents and siblings feel and if they feel unhappy and or stressed we will too. Trouble is at such a young age babies are not able to convey how they feel, and just know they are sad and unable to differentiate between what are their feelings and those of others.

Babies are naturally sensitive after all they have just recently been incarnated from spirit so they haven’t quite lost that memory of the spirit realms. It’s not uncommon to find babies staring at something you cannot see as they haven’t yet completed the full transition to life on earth.


The silent stars go by

Smiling down from velvet sky

An angel strokes your tiny head

As cherubs gather around your bed

Never will you walk alone

Never will you face the dark all alone

If ever there was a baby angel bright

To light up the darkness of the night

You are a special divine tiny one

A little piece of heaven a chosen one

Your sweet gurgles of contentment as they lullaby

As cherubs sprinkle sleepy dust in your eyes

Good night baby angel whom God has sent

Sleep peacefully darling I am blessed

However this does not mean every baby has the ability to become a medium for through day to day living gradually memories of the other side are lost. Parents will tell you it’s your imagination and the majority will forget. Those who are destined to become mediums will not, that sensitivity will never leave us and it’s this sensitivity that can make us appear odd, like we feel different and more often than not our peer groups will notice. Children can be very cruel and it’s not unusual for the sensitive child to become the victim of bullies precisely because we are different.

The sensitive child has a very active imagination, this is no bad thing it leads to creativity and deep thinking and its this thoughtfulness that leads to world changes and development. If you have a sensitive child support and be proud of them for they will make a difference to others’ lives in the world as they grow up. 

Our souls are at different development levels with some being older souls than others and the older the soul the more spiritual you will be. This is because older souls have experienced more incarnations (lifetimes) so have much more experience of different challenges of these lifetimes they have learned a lot, been to earth’s classroom a lot more so are more spiritually educated.

You may not think it but each lifetime has a blueprint, it has planned guidelines of lessons we wish to experience. These blueprints have not been written by spiritual guides or mentors but by ourselves for we wish to experience both sides of a situation, the good and the bad, so we have a greater understanding. We cannot blame anyone else for our lives, life is what we make it, and we can turn the most negative situation to a positive one and this leads us to a very important lesson in our development that of ‘Acceptance. 

Acceptance doesn’t mean you take what life throws at you and become a door mat, far from it, rather it means taking up the challenge and doing it in a positive way. For example, supposing you are finding it difficult to get a job, it certainly shouldn’t mean you just accept this and think, well it looks like I’m going to be dependent on welfare. Positively viewing it this way and thinking, ok I don’t have a job just now but I’m not going to sit at home all day, I will actively look and visit premises where there are none advertised just now and volunteer your services for free. In fact entering the volunteer service not only will raise your esteem and confidence, you will find it rewarding. Possible employers will see you working and see what you have to offer and it will enable you to build up references and add the experience to your CV. 

Acceptance can cover many situations that is just one example I’m sure you can think of many more. It’s all about taking a problem which is negative and turning it into a challenge which is positive. In the universe ‘like attracts like’ so the more positive you make your life the more positive energy will come your way.

I do appreciate it’s hard to change a pessimistic mind set, but if you take baby steps and say take one day at a time, you will be surprised at what life can bring you.

There is no doubt acceptance is a tough lesson and I have questioned it myself in the past, I would not be writing this book if I hadn’t gone through an acceptance lesson. It’s only when you have gone through a situation and you reflect back you can see what you have learned for no experience in life is every wasted, all are designed to teach us something.

I often write during the night as I do automatic writing and channel philosophy from Spirit and one night this message came through. I had been seeking the answers to a question I had asked and this was my given answer.

It's necessary as we grow more spiritual to undertake challenges, this happens not just in our present lifetime but in ALL our lifetimes, to undertake all kinds of pain. Of all those emotional is the hardest of all. For in emotional pain the message and lesson within touches the soul. Physical pain only affects the earthly body and can be solved, there are many advances in medicine to deal with this. Only a kindred soul who has gone through and felt emotional pain has the skills and experience to empathise and can truly unburden others. 

As you develop spiritually you will do more good by allowing others unburden their emotional pain onto you for you are the key to their release. This undertaking is tough but necessary your time just now is making keys of which there are many. One day you will have a full set. See yourself as a seeker of knowledge. 

The day will come when you are akin to a sponge when you cannot take in anymore, it is then you will have achieved full spiritual growth. Do not fight this. Your lesson is acceptance know this is so. remember one cancels out the other.

It's a very true saying no one can ever understand unless they have walked a mile in anothers shoes.

Remember too, "Compensation and Retribution for all souls" you will never go unrewarded for those you help

Life isn’t fair, it was never intended to be, life is a series of challenges each with a lesson that will enrich our lives and enable you to help others.

Remember this book is not about how you should develop your abilities but my philosophy and how I developed my mediumship. If it gives you tips along the way that is great and you may well see some similarities everyone is unique and we all develop our abilities at our own rate and the right time for us.

I can give you some exercises to help your development and I will throughout this book but you can’t force it for you cannot change what you alone planned before you incarnated.

Which leads me on to the different energies and spiritual planes and the difference between psychics and mediums.

Copyright Astrid Brown

Astrid Brown (Author)
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016


The word 'medium' means a vessel, literally. Mediums have the ability to link with spirit and communicate with them. When the physical body dies, the mind lives on, it is our mind that is our soul, our spirit. The term 'ghosts' are not spirit at all, a ghost is akin to a tape recording the vibrations of that person, and generally the recording is deposited and left behind after a particularly traumatic event in that person's life whilst they were here on earth. The event was so traumatic as to have caused immense distress to that person, all the emotions, feelings and mental anguish made a mark on where these strong emotions were experienced. Generally the so called 'ghost' follows the same pattern, an anniversary of the sighting might be experienced on the same date year after year for example. It is impossible to communicate with a ghost as it is a 'recording' and not a spirit.

So the spirit is the mind energy of someone who was once alive at sometime on earth, and the only difference now is they don't have a physical body. We as humans on earth just now are spirit in a human body that is the only difference.

Mediumship is not something that can be acquired through attending a course like psychic ability, it is a gift given to us by the 'Godhead' to be utilised for the highest good for mankind.

Everything on earth and in 'heaven' has a vibration, an energy, mediums have the ability to 'tune in' to this vibration and interpret ate it; a bit like turning the tuning dial on a radio to locate a station. After all each radio station has its own wave length and by turning the tuning dial we locate another channel. We know that sound waves exist, we cannot see them, but we know they are there for when we turn on the TV or radio, they are responsible for enabling us to watch and listen to our favourite program. This is exactly what a medium is, we have been gifted this 'tuning dial' that is all.

So when someone passes over, I prefer this term to death, it is only the physical human body that perishes, the person's mind still exists, with all the personality and foibles that made that person who they are, their character. Mediums therefore have the ability to tune into each souls vibration and pick up messages for their loved ones they left behind when their physical body perished.

Mediums are also psychic as spiritual vibrations resonate at a higher frequency than that of the psychic so have the ability to work on both levels. A medium cannot conjure up spirit, The link between spirit and those on earth is love and that bond can never be broken and lives on for all eternity. So all the medium can do is to ask for those loved ones to come forward if they have any messages of love to gift for those they have left behind on earth.

Most of the work a medium does is to provide survival evidence. 'Survival' evidence is knowledge that cannot be gained by the medium themselves about the person they are giving a sitting to, it is generally only something that the sitter would know, and often can only be confirmed by another relative, proof that their loved ones in spirit exist. Mediums are not there to foretell the future, the loved ones in spirit may well give a little information purely as proof of survival and as long as it did not hinder any progress in life for the sitter. And remember if you didn't take advice from 'Grandad' when he was alive you don't have to now he's passed over, he still has exactly the same personality and character as he did when he was' here'.

So how do mediums communicate with spirit, we do this with our minds, to be totally honest I have had this ability for as long as I can remember, and truthfully I really don't know, but I have over the years been able to recognise various sensations, that alert me that spirit are around, sensations like differences in temperature, tingling etc.

Mediums communicate in different ways, sometimes through 'clairvoyance' which means clear seeing, where the medium actually sees the spirit, now this can be in one of two ways or even both, where the medium sees the spirit as if looking at someone in real life, in the physical, the spirit may even be transparent or in their minds eye, this is known as 'Mental Mediumship'. Personally myself I see spirit in both these ways.

In 'clairaudience', this means hearing, now this can be actually hearing a voice that you is not your own, or it can sound like your own, but its not your thoughts, and don't worry, I am quite sane lol!

In 'clairsentience', this is feeling, sensing, the spirit, in this the medium senses the emotions, mental state of the spirit, almost as if the spirit imposes their themselves over you.

Most mediums use one or two of these abilities, myself I combine all three, when I link with them, this enables me to experience all their emotions, see what they looked like and hear what they are saying.

Now as I've said everything in the universe has its own vibration, Earth having the lowest in spiritual terms. After Earth comes the Astral realm, it is on this realm that we travel when we dream, its not unusual to see friends etc, in dream state, after all they will be travelling this realm too at night lol. It is on this realm where lower Elementals reside, i.e. wood nymphs, nature spirits, elves and fairies amongst others, and as often as in the case spirit who are trapped unable to move on also reside in this vibration. this is the same vibration used in psychic work. There are several spiritual realms each having a different vibration, with the most Celestial where the realms of the Angels are.

When the medium links with spirit, he or she has the ability to raise their own vibration that bit higher, loved ones in spirit who are around us at a given time, whether it is to help their loved ones on earth or sometimes it is an anniversary of their passing, will have lowered their vibration and the medium is then able to pick up these vibrations and interpret ate them. Unfortunately for the medium, it is not so easy and difficult to maintain this link continuously, hence some information may be lost, complete names for example and sentences to explain: 'the fat black cat sat on the red mat', what the medium might hear because of the fluctuating vibration would be: 'the back sat on mat', hence some information is lost.

For some reason spirit sometimes work with a type of shorthand i.e. symbols, these symbols have to be and worked out by the medium for example to me, seeing a ring might mean a marriage or partnership, it might mean something differently entirely to another medium, we each have our own, it is a way of communicating at a fast vibrational level. When messages from spirit come in to the medium's mind the arrive very fast and to help the medium 'catch' and interpret ate these messages quickly the shorthand helps speed up the process.

One of the most accurate ways of obtaining information from spirit is by doing absent readings, here the sitter is not present and the medium can link in with the sitter either by thinking about them or by viewing a photograph, sometimes an example of handwriting is useful. In this method the medium will ask any spirit links to come forward with any messages for the sitter. This is a particularly accurate method, for the medium cannot read the sitter's body language or by careful questioning gleam any information from the sitter as they are absent, many mediums work best in this area and each medium will eventually find a method suitable for them.

I myself personally like to work with Tarot, this works on the psychic level first of all, and in doing his gives an insight to the sitter's past, present and future, for all that can be picked up from the sitter's auric field: and then I raise the vibration to link with spirit, to bring forward any messages from the spirit realms. With regard to the information from the tarot or any other Mantic tool (A mantic tool is any form of divination aid such as tarot, crystals, crystal ball, angel cards, tea leaves any sort of aid that helps aid the psychic to use as a tool to latch on to the unique vibration of the sitter. The hand of the sitter is a mantic tool in palm reading) nothing is written in stone, God and the Universe gave us 'Free will'

Before we incarnate as spirit in a human body, for that is what we are whilst on earth, we have some sort of basic plan in mind. We have a goal, a series of lessons we have chosen for ourselves to experience and learn, these lessons may be such as humility, compassion, kindness, sorrow, pain and suffering, for in experiencing these emotions and experiences, we develop empathy and understanding for our fellow humans on earth. Each time we go through these experiences, we become more spiritual and closer to God. But we are never left on our own to go through life's traumas, we have our friends and guides in spirit who give us support to undergo these tasks. Sometimes it feels as if we are all alone and this is because of guides have to stand back to let us experience pain and suffering, for only by undertaking these challenges we learn and grown strong. They never allow us to suffer so much that we cannot bear it, we have chosen these experiences for ourselves, so we are responsible for our own spiritual development. They are there to guide and support us in our 'School on earth'. Why is it we never remember what we planned before we came here? Well that is because if we knew what was before us would we want to; I think not!

Often we incarnate in the same soul groups, the soul is neither male nor female, and we choose which sex we will be to experience life and views from that perspective. Sometimes in that soul group we may be the father of the son who was the father in the last incarnation to experience life from both sides to gain empathy and understanding. We tend to incarnate in groups so that we learn from one another, and the power of this in action is that we are often drawn to particular people in our lives here. We are often drawn to these souls, on meeting these people we instantly feel a bond, not necessarily of physical attraction, but we feel some sort of unseen force bond at work, for we had planned this meeting before we came here, and we recognise one another on a subconscious level. Remember though it is up to us whether we choose whether to go through the experience, but generally if we delay the process, we will often have to relive these experiences at a later date or another life, for we know instinctively what is best for us. We choose to do this because we have a common goal we wish to grow closer to God and the Universe.

Spiritual love is the purest love of all, it has no conditions, it does not judge, it has no limits and never ends. It conquers all that is evil and bad in this world and removes all pain. Our common goal is to grow in spirit, and our loved ones in spirit are always there supporting and sending us their love. Mediumship is a gift bestowed upon us to help mankind in order that we can feel the touch of spirit from beyond, to support and teach us and keep us on our chosen path, our path to God.


Astrid Brown (Author)
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Wednesday, 28 May 2014



I am often asked I've been told I'm psychic, another medium told me this, how can I go about doing what you do and do readings?

Most of the time its often a psychic on a premium line has told them this, or they have misinterpreted what they have been told.

A common misinterpretation is many people don't know the difference between a psychic and a medium and confuse the two. Everyone of us has a potential to develop our psychic abilities as it's one of our natural senses, animals have retained theirs for they use it regularly for survival, and this is what we have this sense for. Over our evolution as human beings we no longer had to make use of it, so we stopped using it  (most people have) you may like to call this sense intuition but intuition and psychic are one and the same.

Mediums on the other hand work on a different vibration they are able to communicate with disincarnates i.e. spirit, people who have passed on from this life on earth. Not everyone has this ability it is achieved through many lifetimes by souls who have evolved to a spiritual level, they understand the rules of the Universe and have gone through many tough challenges in their many lifetimes, experiencing situations from all sides and understand the concept of unconditional love and thus been gifted this from Spirit. Mediums are also psychic as they have evolved through this vibration to the higher one enabling them to communicate with the spiritual beings that reside there.

Psychics are able to tap into the Auric field that surrounds all living things, this is an electromagnetic field of different layers and it contains details of our past, our present, and our potential future. This is how they do their readings. The confusion from the public arises as the client has been given details of someone who has passed over, so they think the psychic is able to communicate with this person's spirit, however your auric field can contain such details. They go on to say that an event will happen as the psychic can obtain details from the clients aura and its assumed this is coming from the deceased spirit. 

Psychics need to tap into a clients vibration to do a reading, whether, its their voice vibration, a photograph, a piece of jewellery or writing as they are picking up feelings from this. Mediums do not need to have this direct link at all, for they communicate totally differently and often work with spirit guides and helpers to act as an intermediator between the client's own guides, and yes we all have guides in spirit to help us through life, instilling guidance and strength to help us through our lifetimes challenges. I have been asked who is my guide? well we don't always have one many are transient to help us with different situations.

Coming back to the original question, of how can I become a psychic and do readings? Well it is something that needs work and guidance, often this can take many years, many develop on their own to a certain extent but eventually its going to need guidance from an experienced Medium and teacher, this isn't something you can achieve through Skype, internet or books alone but in a regular circle with kindred souls and be willing to be dedicated often for years, it won't happen overnight. Whether you will become a medium well that is up to spirit who will judge if you have achieved the criteria of lessons necessary to understand the Universal laws.

As for becoming a psychic and reading for the public there are many codes of conduct and ethics to master and good counselling skills are necessary. We all have personal responsibility, what you say to a client can have an effect on the client, some good, but many can have a detrimental effect and just because money doesn't change hands, if you are doing this for free, don't for a moment think you are not responsible for a consequence that may happen as a direct result of what you have said to a client,  you are responsible for everything you say and in this day and age where there is a society willing to proceed with litigation this is very important.

These skills cannot be achieved overnight, if often takes many years and there are no guarantees you will ever be good enough to read for the public no matter how many years you put in.

A final note there are as many bad psychics as good out there and with the bad ones they don't seem to realise the concept of their actions and have personal responsibility for what they say, who is to say they are correct in their interpretation of what they see in reading for a client? If you are meant to go on to develop and use this ability, it will happen for it will have been planned before you incarnated on this earth, if its not in your destiny, it won't no matter how hard you want this.

Maggie Brown copyright May 2014

Astrid Brown (Author)
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Saturday, 15 March 2014

MY NO 1 BEST SELLER "THE JOURNEY TO SPIRIT" is FREE to download on Amazon worldwide.

From now until 18th March 2014 my book "THE JOURNEY TO SPIRIT" is FREE to download on Amazon worldwide. If you do take up this offer please can you leave a review

A guide to psychic development and spiritual and inspirational philosophy. The book is also an insight to psychic mediumship

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Astrid Brown (Author)
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Monday, 10 February 2014



I decided to write this book as everyone has a psychic ability. We are all born with it but so seldom do we use it to its best ability. It originated as part of our survival mechanism to help keep us safe and out of danger, but through the centuries that have gone by most of us have allowed this great resource to lie latent. Animals still use theirs to their best ability; they've had no one to tell them not to use it. It's neither fearful, nor creepy but another sense bestowed upon us we've allowed to lie dormant. I also want to dispel the myths and misconceptions about Psychics and Mediums.

Basically when I link with spirit, it's just like having a three way chat, only difference is that, the client, can't see or hear who I am speaking to, this does not mean I will make up a reading, far from it I will first of all obtain 'survival evidence' i.e. proof this person did exist on earth and I look for names, dates, the cause of death and their character and relation to you. I will also look for pieces of unique information only known to the client as evidence their spirit was around i.e. giving me details of what the client has been doing recently etc.

Normally I begin looking for a way to connect with the client, I can use a mantic tool, such as cards, crystals or a palm, for without that connection I cannot proceed. Every reading should be viewed as an experiment, sometimes it doesn't work, sometimes this is the client who is inadvertedly blocking the psychic, all that might be needed is to unfold the arms or uncross the legs sometimes the client is unconsciously closing down their mind. Psychics do need the client's permission to read for them.

Nor are we mind readers. I often get calls asking me, "Can you tell me what my boyfriend/girlfriend or whoever is thinking about me?" The short answer is NO I can't, nor can any psychic medium tell you this. Everybody's thoughts are private, so there is no point in asking, and any psychic medium who tells you they can read minds I'm afraid is making this up. However what we can do is this: we can connect to the boy friend's etc. spirit guide and they can tell us how they are feeling and of course the spirit guide will only tell us what they have permission to tell us. Mind reading is a misconception and myth I'm afraid.

Another fallacy is NO ONE can predict the future accurately, in spite of what you have been led to believe. Psychic mediums are not fortunetellers anybody who thinks or says this is misinformed. It may surprise you to know this but you already know your future, no one else does, for YOU and all of us for that matter, alone planned it, you planned what experiences and challenges YOU wished to go through before you incarnated on earth. However what psychic medium's can do is this: we can tap into your auric field for the vibrations of your past, present and future are there but its down to how good a connection we have. The other fly in the ointment to this process is what's known as 'FREE WILL' Free will is whether we wish to go through with what we alone have planned and of course since everyone has Free will can you now see how practically impossible it is to predict the future accurately? However what I can do is link with Spirit, whether it is loved ones that have passed over or a Spirit Guide and they can more accurately give me some more information as to likely outcomes. They WILL NOT tell me what is coming if there is a spiritual challenge coming up, as this is a teaching experience and something that should not be avoided, and if I was party to this information you might try and avoid it.

The Universe works on a whole set of Universal laws that influence outcomes too and more on Universal laws can be found later in this book

Neither I nor any other psychic medium want a client to go away feeling disappointed but you need to allow us to form a link with you either within your aura or with your spirit guides to gleam information. The vast majority of us work to extremely high ethical standards and we can only tell you, the client what information we receive, nor can we influence Tom, Dick or Harry to be attracted to you or make them like you, we cannot make things up to let you hear what you want to hear. Sometimes you will get information you won't like, this is not the psychic medium's fault, we are only the messengers. However what we can do is this: we can let you know you are loved and supported and guided by spirit, that you are never alone in your darkest hour and are given strength to cope with whatever the Universe throws at us all. Not only that WE CAN PROVE THIS, by giving you survival evidence and by giving us a little time to connect we can hopefully uplift you and that you go away feeling better to having talked with us.

I hope this book not only helps you on your spiritual journey but takes the fear and mystery of how all of this works, To enable you to understand how we progress and how all experiences in life the good and the bad enable us to learn and grow. To me I find if you explain how the Universe and Spirit works it helps the developing students understand why it’s necessary to practice meditation etc. It also enables the student to understand divine timing and why patience is necessary.

Some of you will read this book who wish to develop into Mediums and as you read through these pages you will know if this applies to you. Others will be content working on a psychic level and some of you will just want information and insight into the world of psychics and mediums and to how we work

Above all I hope this book addresses these doubts and encourages others to use such a marvelous gift.

The Journey to Spirit: A Guide to Psychic Development and Spiritual and Inspirational Philosophy by Astrid Brown 

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Friday, 3 February 2012


Sometimes when I get a bit down and I feel I'm loosing track of where I am going on my Spiritual Journey I read the philosophy of  Silver Birch. It never fails to uplift me. Here he is talking about and addressing Mediums

The following was a typical address from Spirit Guide Silver Birch speaking through
Medium Maurice Barbanell

To inspire the ambassadors of spirit
You are all privileged to be ambassadors of the Great Spirit. You are representatives of the Great Spirit wherever you labour. It becomes your charge and responsibility to see that your gifts are used in such a fashion that they produce the maximum good wherever you can.

There will be brought to you those whom you can help. They will often be pitiful derelicts, sick, ill, worried, cheerless, full of problems, feeling that life on earth has nothing more to offer them. It becomes your privilege to help them to become aware of themselves, of their true nature, of their inner spirit, the gift of divinity conferred at birth, so that they begin to get a realization of how they should order their lives and derive from them the fullness, richness, beauty, splendor and radiance that should be theirs.

That is your function, to make the power of the spirit available to all who come to you. It is the reason why you have buildings, churches, temples and societies, so that you are accessible. And accessibility is the reason for the existence of all your organizations.

I want you to appreciate that so far as we are concerned, if you help one soul to find itself, to become aware of its latent divinity and to begin to express it, then the whole of your earth life is well worth while. But you will be able to help more than one. You will be able, as a result, to perform this unique service that no others in your world can possibly give because they have made themselves inaccessible to the power of the spirit which is the life-giving essence for the whole cosmos in which we all dwell.

Do not worry if any come to you and after you have done your best you are unable to help them. They have had their chance. You must be sorry because they have not taken it. What you must realize is that until their soul is touched, until they are spiritually ready, there is nothing you can do to help them.

What will produce this preparation is not always easy to understand. It may be an illness. It may be a crisis. It may be anything which brings them to the lowest depths of despair, when they feel there is nothing in the whole of the material world that can produce the answer. Then they should begin to come into their own and you should be able to kindle the divine spark so that it can begin to grow into a lambent flame. That is why you exist in your churches, societies and organizations.

I must also say this. Because of what you are, because this tremendous power, divine in origin flows through you, yours is the greater responsibility to see that you do nothing that in any way lessens the trust that is reposed in you. We are not dictators. We are not your masters. We do not regard you as marionettes who have to dance when the strings are pulled in our world. You are our co-operators. We want to work together. We will always provide whatever is spiritually necessary according to the conditions available at the time.

We will lead. We will guide. We will direct. We will help, but we will not order. We will not compel and we will not dictate. If you hear, supposedly emanating from our life, entities who command you to do this, that and the other, you can be sure that their spiritual status is not very evolved. Co-operation is the law of the spirit. We would win you with love, with common sense and with reason. We would offer you nothing that is an insult to your intelligence or would make your reason revolt. Together we can help the Great Spirit in the eternal processes of evolution and creation.

This is the task on which we are all engaged. This is the opportunity given to all of us to help the Great Spirit so that His children may live a richer, fuller life and not waste all the opportunities earth provides in obtaining the equipment that is necessary when people come to our side of being.

We get too many misfits, too many ill-equipped, too many derelicts who are unready. It is easier for their education to begin in your world than it is in ours. So be aware of the tremendous possibilities that lie within you. Be aware of the great opportunities that you have for service. Do the best you can and then you will be fulfilling the purpose for which you came into your world”.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.