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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Today I am blogging about inexperienced Psychics/Mediums. There are many psychics/mediums around who give the profession a bad name, t...

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Showing posts with label medium. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 April 2014


Today I am blogging about inexperienced Psychics/Mediums. There are many psychics/mediums around who give the profession a bad name, trouble is a bad reading from a bad or inexperienced psychic/medium tars the rest of us with the same brush.

When embarking on this pathway each of us has personal responsibility, irrespective of what we feel is correct. How do we know if the messages we relay are correct, have we heard and interpreted them correctly? Many psychics/mediums use clairsentience (sensing feelings) to pick up messages from spirit, this has to be put into words, this can change the meaning of the message entirely by the wrong choice of words. It is important we do not influence who we are reading for, nor must we alarm or cause distress, we must be sensitive to the recipient and be tactful. If you are not sure of what you are picking up, don’t say it either. We must also bear in mind nothing is written in stone and subject to change and its possible we could be wrong, the professional Psychic/ Medium will never foretell, death, nor illness, nor diagnose, for they are not doctors for this very reason.

Many so called psychics/mediums are unable to distinguish what energy level they are working with, psychic energy resonates at a lower level than spiritual energy, the two are entirely different. spiritual energy is how Mediums communicate with spirit, whereas psychic energy deals with the energy from the aura. The inexperienced medium will not validate the source of the message, this is extremely important for they could be relaying messages from lower elementals or from the dark side. When delivering messages from spirit it is essential we identify who the spirit is by gaining survival evidence i.e. evidence only the recipient would know, the character of the disincarnate, what they died from and names, dates as much information as you can to prove you are talking to someone the recipient recognises. Of course psychic/mediums do work with guides and the experienced will recognise when the message is coming from an established guide and when it is not. A reading should be constructed in such away, it answers the recipients queries and leaves the recipient calm. If a loved one in spirit has a message he/she will come forward, you cannot summon spirit or a specific spirit. The use of Ouija boards, planchettes is not recommended as these attract lower elementals and the dark side

It is also important psychic/mediums have counselling experience, and I don’t mean a few days training either but a proper professional course recognised by a professional authority, this is valuable as when relaying messages it is possible all manner of feelings in the recipient will emerge. Supposing the recipient was sexually abused as a child, would you know how to deal with this? I cannot stress enough do not read for anyone unless you know how to tactfully and sensitively deal with delicate situations. You cannot become a professional psychic/medium overnight, it takes time to gain experience and develop, sometimes years, of sitting in a development circle with an experienced medium, who’s valuable experience will guide you safely. Psychic intuition courses claiming to develop you over a period of 4 classes are to be avoided as you cannot gain the experience needed for this work in so short a time, especially to be avoided if large  course fees are needed, charlatan comes to mind when I hear of this. If you truly want to foliow this pathway, it takes dedication and time, it should not involve money. The spiritualist church or the National Union of Spiritualists can direct you to a development circle near you, where the only money involved is for refreshments at the end of the meeting

Too many inexperienced psychics/mediums do more harm than good, a good reading is when the recipient leaves you feeling better for seeing you and is uplifted. All too often I have heard of inexperienced psychics/mediums causing worry and anxiety that is very unprofessional and this causes the public to take a dim view of us in general, it only takes a few bad apples to destroy the reputation some of us who are striving towards to achieve professionalism.

Astrid Brown (Author)
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Wednesday 20 June 2012


I have another new book on the way, it's a novel, but the reason I am mentioning it here on my psychic holistic site as this new book has a psychic/mediumship theme running through it. It is based on true phenomena that actually occurs with some psychic mediums and one of the major themes occuring through the plot is that of teleportation, this refers to the movement of objects. But before you dismiss teleportation something resigned to Sci Fi novels and Captain Kirk and the star ship 'The Enterprise' there have actually been some break throughs within the scientific world and this is only one link.

Some Mediums having been doing teleportation for years and in a  similar vein is 'Remote viewing' I recently described this in a recent book of mine "The Journey to Spirit". Remote viewing is being able to transport the soul or rather a tentacle of the Aura, if this makes it easier to understand, to another place, in fact it is possible to go anywhere in the world using this technique, distance is no object and that too has been Scientifically demonstrated the CIA conducted a series of studies over a period of several years reaching it's height during 'The cold war'.
Well the novel details a romance featuring these abilities, it is hilarious at times, very touching and tenderly beautiful in other parts and it will leave you thinking perhaps this is really possible and that's because it is. My book is presently with the publisher just now so I will keep you up to date when it is about to be released. Oh its title is "A PSYCHIC AFFAIR"

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Maggie Brown (Author)
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Monday 31 October 2011


This is a hot topic at what point does the soul enter the body, does it happen at conception or closer to birth?  As a Medium I am often asked, what happens to babies who are lost in the womb through miscarraige or abortion and when does that baby have a soul. I can only go on my teachings and experience and the teachings of Spirit guides. I do know that when a baby passes over it grows up in the spirit realms and he/she will always know who his/her parents are and will be reunited when the parents pass over. 
I lost my first baby I was devastated but some how I just knew this baby was never to be. It gave me comfort to know and this was explained to me at the time by a very experienced Medium, that the soul had chosen me to be its parent and that it was a very pure soul, that had never experienced life in the womb and it wanted to experience this.

But what happens to all those babies souls who are aborted? There will be those who will disagree with my point of view and I am not condoning the practise, but those souls also chose this experience. There will be some who will argue that the soul enters at conception but from spiritual teachings and philosophy from spirit guides this does not seem to be the case. I might add conception happens around a week before the developing blastocyst (a ball of cells) in the fallopian tubes and not in the Uterus so those who use the IUD or the progesterone mini pill, you are in fact rendering the uterus to becoming hostile to the embryo implanting.

From the sources below which are concurrent with Spiritual teachings the soul is not fixed within the fetus until just before birth and is free to leave the fetus and come and go. What happens will depend on that soul's destiny and what is planned and what that soul wishes to experience.

THE FOLLOWING IS FROM http://www.afterlifedata.com/afterlife

 When the spirit decides it is going to be that human, the soul begins its development then inside the fetus, even at the beginning of conception. The transformation from spirit to human is the aspect of a new soul, a new personality, a new ego being created. Though spirit is always who you are and is always with you, it is not in a conscious form as your soul is. And your soul is the makeup of your humaness.

Soul creation

Question: You have earlier described when a person crosses over, their soul leaving their physical body and entering in and being absorbed into the spirit. When a baby is reincarnated, is the opposite process underway, namely, a new soul is created and detached from the spirit in order to reside completely within the infant's body?
Spirit Guide: We will try to describe what we think you are asking about. The transformation from spirit to human is the aspect of a new soul, a new personality, a new ego being created. And as this soul is evolving during the pregnancy stage, that is how the humanness is being created. And the consciousness of spirit moving from spirit form into human form, and though spirit is always who you are and is always with you, it is not in a conscious form as your soul is. And your soul is the makeup of your humaness.

Question: And could you describe when the soul enters the infant?

Spirit Guide: When the spirit decides it is going to be that human, the soul begins its development then even at the beginning of conception.

Question: And if you like, it is located inside the fetus, the infant at that time?
Spirit Guide: Yes. For the soul is the beginning of the birth of the human and the spirit will eventually become around, as we have said many times, at two years old--become the subconscious connection to the human but never leaves it.


Journey of Souls by Newton

At some point prior to birth, the soul will carefully touch and join more fully with the impressionable, developing brain of a baby...Depending upon the inclinations of the particular soul involved, the connection may be early or late in the mother's pregnancy. I have had cases where souls timed their arrival at the last minute during delivery, but this is unusual. My findings indicate even those souls who join the baby early seem to do a lot of traveling outside the mother's womb during her term.

Destiny of Souls by Newton

The soul and brain of a new baby appear to begin their association as two separate and distinct entities and become one mind....Although the physical organism of the body will die, the soul who occupied that body never forgets the host which allowed them to experience Earth in a particular time and place.

Destiny of Souls by Newton

When a soul joins with a new baby, I can be fairly sure the partnership will address both the soul's shortcomings and a body-mind who needs this particular soul. The planners choose bodies for us which are intended to combine our character defects with certain body temperaments to produce specific personality combinations.

Seth Speaks by Roberts

Some personalities are drawn to enter at conception...Other personalities who never completely take to earthly existence may hold off full entry for some time, and even then always remain at a certain distance from the body.

Seth Speaks by Roberts

Various methods of entry are adopted. If there is a strong relationship between the parents and the child-to-be, then the personality may enter at the point of conception if he is extremely anxious to rejoin them. Even here, however, large portions of self-awareness continue to operate in the between-life dimension.

The Seth Material by Roberts

The fetus does have its own astral form. Now, this astral form belongs to the individual, the personality as it will be in this life. It is not the astral that existed in a 'previous' reincarnation... There is great energy connected with the fetus, for at no other time in physical life is so much energy utilized so purposefully and so well directed. It is this charge of energy of truly cosmic proportion that allows for the initial breakthrough into matter. The personality is busy transforming literally infinite data. Much of this work has already been done by the third month of pregnancy. As quickly as the new data forms the fetus and physical structure, the self from the previous reincarnation must begin to withdraw its hold. It enters briefly into this process (of birth) but it does not become the new individual. It helps form the new individual and then it must withdraw. The new self unit must be free and not hampered by the demands that could otherwise be put upon it. The new individual has a deeply buried memory of its past lives, but the personal consciousness of the last reincarnated self must not be superimposed upon this new identity. The new personality, in its small astral body, does visit with other portions of the entire identity. It is even given lessons of a kind, but it is very much its own self.

The Book of the Soul by Ian Lawton

As to the timing of incarnation, Newton's subjects report entering the fetus usually from somewhere between five months into pregnancy right up until just before birth, with the onus on the soul itself to choose the timing. Wambach provides considerable details in her survey, finding that eighty-nine per cent of her subjects did not enter the fetus until six months into pregnancy, while thirty-three percent of these delayed until just before or even during, birth. Of the other eleven per cent, quite a few suggested they entered as early as the point of conception. She also found that souls appear to know if a child is going to be born prematurely, and make sure they enter in time, even if in something of a rush. Whitton's subjects report that they enter between several months before birth to as late as just after it, while Cannon's subjects report entering any time from conception right up until some days after birth. Perhaps the most balanced view is Modi's, whose patients describe entering properly at any time between conception and the birth itself, but also suggest that they place a least of their soul energy into the fetus at conception.

Between Death & Life by Dolores Cannon

Cannon: Under normal circumstances, can you tell me at what point or at what time in the progress of the human physical development does the soul or spirit inhabit the body?

Spirit: It is at that point at which the spirit chooses to inhabit. It could be at the precise moment of fertilization or conception, or perhaps some time removed from the birth experience, so as not to have to experience the trauma of birth. It is entirely up to that individual spirit's choice.

Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts
...there is no rule, then, saying that the reincarnating personality must take over the new form prepared for it either at the point of conception, in the very earliest months of the fetus's growth, or even at the point of birth...If there is a strong relationship between the parents and the child-to-be, then the personality may enter at the point of conception if he is extremely anxious to rejoin them. Even here, however, large portions of self-awareness continue to operate in the between-life dimension....If the new personality has not entered earlier to any full extent, it usually does so at birth, in order to stabilize the new organism. It comforts the new organism, in other words.

The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec

When does the spirit unite with the body? Answer: The union begins at conception; it is complete only with birth. From the moment of conception, the spirit assigned to animate a given body is united with that body by the perispirit, which brings spirit and body closer and closer as the moment of birth approaches. When that moment arrives, the infant's cry announces that it is now among the living.

The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec

Is the union between the spirit and the body final from the moment of conception? ... Answer. The union is definitive in one sense: no other spirit can replace the one who has been chosen to inhabit that particular body...

Destiny of Souls by Newton

Souls join their assigned hosts in the womb of the baby's mother sometime after the third month of pregnancy so they will have a sufficiently evolved brain to work with before term...After birth, an amnesiac memory block sets in and souls meld their immortal character with the temporary human mind to produce a combination of traits for a new personality.

Destiny of Souls by Newton

...I have never had a single case where a soul joined the fetus in the first tremester. The reason that souls do not begin their complex merger with a fetus under three months is quite simply because there is not enough brain tissue for them to work with at this stage.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Thursday 29 September 2011


Now the article below my post here is from the Daily Mail but I want to recall my own experiences as a Medium. In Spiritualist's beliefs we believe both humans and animals have their own soul groups and we all begin as lower life forms gradually with each incarnation moving up the scale from the lower animal life forms until, more intelligent animals such as horses and elephants etc. until the time comes until the high forms are ready to be incarnated in human form. We then continue reincarnating and growing in human form.

I have many experiences with animal spirits but one very strong memory was when I was teaching. I had a class of mature college students and was in the midst of an anatomy and physiology lesson when the spirit form of a grey stallion with white mane stood next to one of the students. This horse stood very tall and I tried my best to carry on with the lesson but it was very difficult to do so when this horse was trying to attract my attention. To explain when we mediums communicate with animals its not through conventional speaking it's through thoughts and feelings. The students knew about my abilities but I did not talk about such subjects but touched on it in Holistic therapies, such as Aromatherapy and Crystal Healing.

Trying to carry on the lesson this horse conveyed to me about another horse and described its appearance and that it was a brown mare who was very sick. The stallion also conveyed to me how he passed over due to a wound in its leg after he had injured himself on a wire fence. He was a proud beast and quite a character.

I had an overwhelming feeling I should talk to this student about this and spirit always told me never to fear coming forward if I felt the need to. So at break I explained what I had picked up, the student was shocked at first but her family ran stables and indeed they had to put down a grey stallion after its severe injuries. She also told me they hired out horses and ponies to riding clubs and indeed they did have a brown mare of the description given to me but as far as she knew the mare was fine and was hired out to a riding club.

Two days went by and the student excitedly came to find me, the mare had been returned to them indeed very sick, the vet at the riding club didn't know what was wrong and neither did the girl's family's vet, it was obviously a very sick animal. I recalled what the Stallion had conveyed to me but I hadn't told the student how serious the mare was not wishing to alarm her, in actual fact the Stallion had conveyed the mare was to pass over.

One month later we had a fire alarm alert and the college staff and students were all gathered outside, fortunately it was a false alarm but the Stallion appeared standing next to the student, it was a bad feeling and I knew the Stallion had come for the mare to take her spirit to the afterlife. Later on this afternoon the student received a call from her mother to inform her the mare had died.

Now whether you chose to believe this story it is up to you, there were witnesses as I recalled the Stallion right down to where the injury was and how it had happened including the horse's character. I had no idea of this student's background and had no contact with any of her horses, in fact trying to describe their character was difficult and strange to the witnesses how I could communicate with the spirit of a dead horse. This is merely one of the spirit communications I have had with animals.


Animals and the afterlife: The pets who get in touch with their owners long after they've gone to the big field in the sky
We all develop close bonds with our pets over years of feeding, petting and growing up together.
But some bonds seem to be so strong, they carry on into the afterlife.
In Kim Sheridan's book, Animals And The Afterlife, she recounts tales of families who were visited by their pets long after they had passed away...


Animal lover: Kim Sheridan spoke to dozens of communicators to gather stories for her book Animals And The Afterlife
Animal lover: Kim Sheridan spoke to dozens of 'communicators' to gather stories for her book Animals And The Afterlife
George Stone was an animal spirituality sceptic until he saw the ghost of a dog jumping through walls.
He told Sheridan: 'I was once walking down an unlit road at night when I saw a big white dog come across the road. It was jumping as it moved – but in slow motion – and just went through the fence on the other side and on up through a field.
'I watched as it ran, still in slow motion, until I lost sight of it. So yes, I believe animals have spirits as we do.
'I think that every living thing has an afterlife.'


American nursery teacher Debra Tadman's oldest cat, Wiggie, had just died when she first called animal communicator Sharon Callaghan.
'Wiggie and I had a very close relationship and I felt as if I had lost a child. He had seen me through a marriage, divorce, other relationships, three house moves and other life experiences.'
Sharon told Debra Wiggie was concerned about her apartment, because it was a 'toxic place'.
'About a year later I decided to paint the inside of my apartment,' Debra said. 'It was then I found out that the texture contained asbestos. I had to have the entire ceiling removed.'

'When the wood wall panelling that had been exposed to the asbestos was taken down there was mould all over the walls. Then when parts of the wall were removed it was discovered that the aluminium wiring needed to be replaced.
Debra is forever grateful to Wiggie. She said: 'To this day I can’t believe how accurate and true that reading was. There is no way that Sharon could have known this.
'I didn’t even know myself until I started to have some painting done.'
Pet crazy: Kim with her dog, Beau
Pet crazy: Kim playing around with her dog, Beau


Narelle Box, a jeweller in Australia, had also recently had to say goodbye to her 'feline soulmate' of 15 years, Browby, when she went to a spiritual healer to help her grieve.
'The medium did not know that I’d had a cat who had died. When I rang to book the appointment I spoke to her husband. He just gave me an appointment date, a time and the address. He didn’t ask for any details.
'When I arrived on the day of the appointment the medium opened the door and the first thing she said as I walked across the threshold was, "Oh look, there’s a black cat at your feet."
'Those were the first words she said to me and that was the first time we had spoken.
'I looked down and saw nothing... I was speechless but it’s great to know that they are still looking after us and keeping us company.'


Some people are more open to spirits than others. Often some family members can see a pet who has passed on, while others cannot.
Robert and Kathy Simmons' dog, Hobbes, passed away while their son was at university.
When he returned home and was told his pet had died, Moe replied: 'That’s impossible. He was just here and I patted him.'
Strong bond: Some bonds between humans and pets are so strong they carry on into the afterlife
Strong bond: Some bonds between humans and pets are so strong they carry on into the afterlife


Others can feel their pets but cannot see them.
Animal communicator Gail De Sciose told Sheridan: 'People have told me they have actually felt the physical presence of their animals after they have died.
'There was one woman who told me that at times she could feel her cat sitting on her lap purring, even though the cat had passed away.'


Gail De Sciose had another client who had moved into a house where she started seeing a spirit cat.
She said: 'Her own animals saw that spirit animal too and everybody was comfortable with it because the cat had a very nice energy.
'We later found out that this cat had lived in that house 30 years before and that the cat’s owner had also since died.'


Read more: Animals And The Afterlife contains dozens more tales about spiritual appearances
Read more: Animals And The Afterlife contains dozens more tales about spiritual appearances
Barbara Meyers, a qualified grief therapist and animal behavourist told Sheridan her favourite tale about a pet's spirit sticking to the routine it had followed throughout its life.
'For a number of years I had treatment from a chiropractor, Meyers recalled. 'At that time one of the canine members of my family was a white toy poodle called Skila who accompanied me everywhere.
'Whenever we went to the chiropractor, Skila would run down the hallway outside the treatment room then run back and jump into the chiropractor’s arms. He always knew when we’d arrived because he would hear her coming down the hall.
'About six months after Skila died I had a very agitated phone call from the chiropractor who told me he had been in his office working at his desk when he heard something in the hallway. When he looked out of his office door he saw Skila walking down the hall as she had done so many times before.
'It was not a feeling or an image or some kind of shadowy sensation. It was what is known as a solid visitation. He was stunned. He had called not so much to tell me that Skila had visited him but that he thought he was having a breakdown.
'You see I had known him for years and we had talked about many things but he believed all this "stuff", as he would call it, was simply the product of a grief-stricken mind. That day everything changed for him.'
Animals And The Afterlife was written by Kim Sheridan. It is published by Hay House and costs £10.99

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.