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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Today I am blogging about inexperienced Psychics/Mediums. There are many psychics/mediums around who give the profession a bad name, t...

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Showing posts with label psychic development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psychic development. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 March 2012


I have a new book on the way "THE JOURNEY TO SPIRIT" and will be launching soon in paperback and kindle. This is a psychic development book and a guide to spiritual and inspirational philosophy

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Maggie Brown (Author)
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Saturday 28 January 2012


I run a psychic development circle amongst psychic friends on Facebook. I regret it is a closed group, this is because I need to be aware of your experience and know you personally. It is by invitation only, so I'm sorry but I have to turn applicants away as its not open to apply.

However there are many exercises and articles on this site for those interested in psychic development it is preferable you join a local group in your area and many can be found in Spiritualist churches.

Love and Light

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Monday 2 January 2012


I am often asked how do I learn to become a Medium, the short answer is, you can't, you are incarnated with this ability and at some point in your life, when the time is right, you will begin to develop this. Sometimes this ability is apparent early on, in others its later in life, but it will develop when the time is right.

On the other hand EVERYONE has an ability to develop psychically, originally this intuition, sixth sense, was a survival sense, to help us survive and sense danger. Animals have retained this and you will see this quite clearly if you have a dog or cat. There are various exercises you can do to hasten your progress with either abilities, the main one and its essential is the art of meditation. Meditation helps develop and strengthen the mind and you will need a strong mind so you are in control of your abilities rather than your abilities be in control of you.

If you are serious in developing either psychically or mediumistically I recommend you do so under the tutelage of an experienced medium, he or she will show you how to open up and close down safely and teach you the art of meditation. Although nothing within the paranormal can harm you, it can be a bit frightening and daunting to the inexperienced. The best place to find a development group is at a Spiritualist church, however there are a few faculties of parasychology attached to some Universities plus a few psychic colleges such as the 'Authur Finlay College' at Stansted and Edinburgh College of Parasychology, these places often run open development groups.

The Arthur Findlay College

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday 17 August 2011



I have written about Psychic Protection before, but there is often a problem at night for those who are beginning their psychic development journey. You see when you initially open up to the world of the Spirit realms, their are those spirits, who basically think they can have some fun. These spirits inhabit the Astral plane, this is the lowest of the several spiritual relams and its is on this realm that inhabit earth bound spirits, i.e. those who feel they are trapped in a period of limbo, it could possibly be something traumatic that is holding them there, but often or not it is spirit who are denying the light and unwilling to accept good or it is the mischievious 'Lower Elementals' nature spirits. Lower Elementals are purely Earth Spirits i.e nymphs, fairies, elves etc. who like nothing better but to have some wicked fun.

What is important to remember, NOTHING CAN HARM YOU. OK they may give you a good fright but that is all they can do, no spirit, good, bad or indifferent can possess you in anyway, contrary to what folklore would have you believe.

The Universe does operate on a series of laws i.e. 'The law of attraction' where like attracts like and it is this law that is in operation that can cause a few problems. You have to remember we as humans are 'Spirit' in a physical body whilst we are on Earth and we all develop spiritually at different rates. The whole concept of being on Earth is to help us develop spiritually, with each incarnation we grow more spiritually and the older the soul the more experienced and spiritual we become.

To explain we understand more about compassion, empathy and understanding and we become more positive and pure of heart. However for those beginning on their Psychic development journey, those experiences are not as strong and they have not developed so spiritually and more prone to negative thinking coupled with the fact their 'mind discipline' is not so astute and controlled as someone who is more experienced psychically. Therein lies the problem which leads me back to the problem lower elementals and earth bound spirits. Now whilst we are awake we are firmly on earth, earth after all is our classroom, whereby we interact with others to enrich our experiences and learn, compassion, empathy etc. but whilst we are asleep, our spirits travel the Astral Planes, in effect we are allowed home at night to interact with the world of spirit, where we may communicate with our loved ones in spirit etc. It is when we are fully relaxed and asleep our protection is at its weakest for the inexperienced developing psychic so they may become the victim of the mischievous lower elementals and earth bound spirits. Now couple this with the 'Law of attraction' and you attract your current type of energy, ie. if you are a negative thinker, you will attract this type of spirit and likewise if you are a positive thinker you will attract a positive energy form.

So what can be done to get rid of these nightly problems? We firstly remember NOTHING CAN HARM YOU NOR POSSESS YOU and they will only frighten you if you allow them to do so. Easier said than done but the key here is MIND DISCIPLINE and we do this in development class through visualisation and meditatation, so we develop a strong mind and will power, this is the basis of Psychic Protection ~ the strength of will.

One of the easiest exercises is to surround yourself in a sealed golden bubble of light, this is done through visualisation and it can be found on my blog here another is asking the Angels to come forward to surround and protect you, but these visualistions have to be focused and concentrated when doing so, practice like most things makes perfect. Really if whatever energy it is all you need do is to say go to the light but you must say it with conviction so it knows you mean it and you don't have to shout it out loud either, simply say it in your mind. If all else fails then their is the salt method and this requires you to put a pinch of salt in every corner of the room and a light sprinkling across the door threshold and window sill, the energy wont cross this as salt is protective. The key to any type or variation of psychic protection is to mean and believe it and those nightly visitations will disappear.

The whole basis of psychic development is to be able to turn it off and on when YOU WANT IT and not when the spirit realms want it.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday 23 March 2011



Now this is a fun activity and what you need for this activity is a bunch of assorted flowers, they can be wild ones, ones from the garden, even weeds will do, it really doesn't matter. Do to a flower reading you have to let your mind go floppy and just go with the first thing that comes into your head. It's the very first words, thoughts ideas and it will come very fast, it you have to think about it, then its your own rational mind thinking about it and not your intuition.

So you have a vase of assorted flowers in a vase and in a group you can all take turns reading for each other. Everyone picks a flower at random and the person doing the flower reading takes the flower from the person who picked it and allows their intuition to pick up random thoughts, don't worry about what comes, just allow it to flow.

Below is some examples of the kind of things you may pick up allow the flower to give you ideas, you are using the flower as a mantic tool, a vehicle for the reading.

Now I'm not sure what this flower is but it doesn't matter, use what you have, the clues are very subtle but they are there and the Universe is very clever.

I feel this person can be quite shy, its not that they are secretive, there's nothing devious there purely because they lack confidence in what their abilities (I am using the flower that is half closed and has a deeper more detailed inner and the colour of white that denotes innocence as my key here) I feel that this person is very spiritual but they lack the confidence in their ability. I also feel this person is quite neat, tidy and organised (again I am using the detailed centre to give me the inspiration for this reading) I am also drawn the large amount of green leaves surrounding this flower and in fact the radiate around the flower like a halo. Green is often associated with healing and the caring professions so I feel this person cares for others and possibly in one of the caring professions like nursing or even teaching and the have a natural healing aura about them. (Again I am using what I have here to use in the reading) I am sure you will get the idea, don't be frightened to say what first comes to you.

You don't even have to use real flowers, you can use pictures of flowers whereby  each of the group takes a picture from an assorted pile of flower pictures. The Universe is very clever how it works. We all have this ability, this is merely a tool to help us link into our inherent psychic abilities.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday 16 March 2011



I was born being able to see the Aura and I can now switch it on and off, which is just as well really but in this exercise I am going to try and explain how you can see this for yourself. When you begin to be able to view the Aura, you generally see the Etheric Body, there are several layers and this layer is closest to the physical body and is a complete blueprint of your physical body. If you have had organs or limbs removed they will still be present in your Etheric Body.

You will need at least one other person to do this exercise, they can be standing or sitting it doesn't matter however you will need to get them to stand or sit in front of a plain coloured wall. Some people prefer a light coloured wall others a dark, it's what works best for you and you can try both.

With your partner placed in front of the wall and it doesn't matter if they are facing you or facing away open your eyes wide, now its a bit difficult to describe but you have to allow your eyes to go floppy and to let your vision relax as if day dreaming and out of focus, but here is the tricky part. You stare at your partner until it gets uncomfortable and just before you have to blink you will get a perfect view of the Etheric body. Now this layer has a distinctive beautiful colour that radiates from the physical. I wont lead you on and tell you what colour it is as I want you to see this for yourself. After you have practised this a few times you will be able to view this layer a lot easier.

You can leave me a comment below what you actually view. It's not just humans who have an Aura but all animals and plants do too as do crystals who have some of the most beautiful. The illustration here will give you a rough idea how far this layer emulates from the body

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Monday 7 March 2011


I forgot to address this query from the last post in depth so doing this now. The following is part of the email in the last post received by me

Quote: Psychics set up telephone hotlines to have you call for a reading and you end up paying hundreds of dollars for it. Psychics will tell you they are here to help, but if they truly wanted to help they would do it for free. Unquote

My explanation: Psychics do this for free, you are paying for their time not their advice, most of the cost of these calls are taken up by the phone companies the lines are rented from and agency overheads, the actual readers only receive a tiny percentage of the fee. Because the psychics time is taken up giving advice, it prevents then working in other occupations and the vast majority of these psychic advisers are highly trained counsellors with professional qualifications. Would you expect to go to a therapist and get this service for free? Oh I admit like any other profession there are poor psychics, some being charlatans however if you go to a reputable agency and there are a few highly respected and reliable ones out there, who take the care to vet and test the psychics and mediums on their books. you wont have any problems. A medium's job is to give you evidence of survival to prove to you the spirit he/she is communicating with is someone you recognise, this is done by describing their appearance, their character, what ailment caused their death, their relationship to you and hopefully their name. We try and find out some facts only be known to the client such as describing a situation around you.

This takes up a great deal of energy to do this and it takes time and counselling advice is given too. I might add that a good counsellor only makes a client aware of their choices and does not tell the client what to do and listens and empathises with the client. And you want all of this for free?

When entering a debate its essential to firstly get your facts right and give the other you are debating with a chance to challenge your debate as this makes the view unbalanced, bias and prejudiced

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Friday 25 February 2011


I have read many books by Cassandra Eason and I can whole heartedly recommend her works. This is an excellent book to begin with and will give you an understanding on your journey of psychic development

A Complete Guide to Psychic Development


Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday 23 February 2011


In my many years of working with Spirit and it has been a lifetime, often I am asked about disturbing dreams or experiences, when waking in the night or just drifting off to sleep. These often manifest as frightening faces, or eyes or a sensation you are being attacked. These experiences tend to come when you are very tired and off guard. These experiences are typical of the activities of lower entities and elementals that inhabit the astral plane. The Astral plane is the closest vibration of the several spiritual realms, to earth and it is on this realm we travel when we sleep.

Now everybody is capable of developing their psychic ability, this is not the same as mediumship, where you can communicate with spirit, this psychic ability is inherent to all of us and was designed as a protective mechanism to keep us safe. Animals still use theirs, we have just got out of the habit and in this day and age we do not use it for survival. However some are more psychically aware than others so are able to sense these entities on the Astral Planes. I might add it is the Astral Plane that Psychics use as it is a lower vibration that the ones used by Medium's when they communicate with loved ones in spirit.

Unfortunately when you are developed or starting to develop this psychic ability, it's almost as if you have a beacon above your head and these lower entities can detect who can see them, so they get up to mischief and have what is fun to them, hence the activity and experiences. Firstly no being, no spirit can ever possess you, this is a myth put about by various religious orders, that is simply nonsense, your spirit and your spirit only is the only one who can inhabit your body, however if you brainwash people into believing this, mass hysteria will prevail, it just cannot happen I assure you, only you are in control of your body. These entities can maybe give you a fright, but only if you let them, they cannot harm you in anyway, you are in total control at all times.

So what can you do about these experiences, well you have a choice, we all do for remember no matter for whatever reason we came to earth to experience we also have free will. So we can choose to develop our experiences and many latent Mediums start off in this way, some don't progress this far but do develop their psychic abilities, or we can suppress and ignore these abilities, we all have free will. If you wish to develop your ability, then its best to find a good development group and many of these groups can be found in Spiritualist Churches, many others can be found under the guidance of an experienced Medium. If you do not want to take this ability any further that is fine also, but if you do not want these experiences and disturbances, then you need to refrain from reading and dabbling in psychic subjects and if you do get disturbed you have to show no fear when these experiences happen. If this doesn't work then simple table salt sprinkled in the corners of rooms, should be enough to chase them away.

Supposing you will to follow the development path, well remember Universal Laws, there is good and bad, there is a continual balancing of the Universe and Like attracts like, the more spiritual you become the less likely you are to be bothered in this way, if you have good and pure thoughts and don't dwell on the lower side of life, you wont attract this type of energy. At some point all developing Mediums will be shown the dark side, it's a right of passage and I defy any Medium to say they haven't experienced this. In order to understand good, you need to understand the bad, so you can deal with it. How do we deal with the negative and bad we do this through strength of mind for to chase away the bad we need to do so with conviction. We develop strength of mind through the art of Meditation. You will find the better we become in meditating the stronger our minds become, so we are able to turn on and off psychic and mediumistic abilities. We need to be able to do this so we can deal with these entities and communicate more effectively with the world of spirit and also it's very exhausting being tuned in all the time, it uses a great deal of energy up. We also need to learn to protect ourselves from negative energy as this can be terribly exhausting too and you don't need to be a psychic or medium to benefit from this. How many of you have a friend or associate who comes and tells you all their troubles, they make you feel low and tired, of course they go away feeling great, they've off loaded all their negativity onto you. Simple exercises, simply by using visualisation can make the world of a difference when dealing with these negative people and protect us when entering negative surroundings.

One of the simplest protection visualisation exercises is to simply visualise you surround yourself in either golden or silver light, like stepping into a sphere or egg shape and you seal it completely. Next time you feel vulnerable or know you are meeting negative people try this exercise and see how it makes a difference.


Maggie Brown (Author)
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Friday 18 February 2011



THE ANSWER IS NO ONE CAN. I hope the article I've posted before will shed some light on to why this is for basically it explains FREEWILL. (especially area highlighted in italics)

What is the difference between a Psychic and a Medium?

Everybody is capable with working on a psychic level, it is our sixth sense. When man was evolving it was this special sense, that kept us safe, it was an inner knowing, a gut feeling that helped protect us and survive danger. Animals still use this sense, you might like think of it as being akin to instinct.

The psychic level is our link with 'the ethos', the Universe, where all knowledge can be sought.

It is perfectly possible to develop this ability, through finding a development class or from various techniques and exercises that can be found in suitable reading literature. Some people are naturally good psychics and it is perfectly possible to develop naturally. However this can be frightening for some, in which case a development class is the best option where the student will be under the tutelage of an experienced medium.

So just what is psychic energy, it is an energy lower than that of spiritual energy but it gives us insight and ability to gain knowledge from the past, present and future. We can do this by linking in to the universe, where the answers we are seeking to anything can be found. We do this by using our subconscious mind, the same part of the brain that is active when we are dreaming or under hypnosis. Our subconscious mind absorbs every piece of information given to us, every thought, every event in our present life and those we had before. The trouble is gaining access to this information, it is a skill, and like all skills can be developed.

Ah! the future, you say, that sounds interesting, and who on earth doesn't want to know at some point in their lives, what will befall them, whether it is, 'Will I pass this exam?', 'Will I get the job?' or 'When will I move house?' Therein lies the problem. It is truly impossible to truly predict the future accurately, we have all been issued with 'Free Will', nothing is written in stone, so it can only be a guide, as we all have the ability to make our own futures and life is what you make it.

So What is Mediumship?

The word 'medium' means a vessel, literally. Mediums have the ability to link with spirit and communicate with them. When the physical body dies, the mind lives on, it is our mind that is our soul, our spirit. The term 'ghosts' are not spirit at all, a ghost is akin to a tape recording the vibrations of that person, and generally the recording is deposited and left behind after a particularly traumatic event in that person's life whilst they were here on earth. The event was so traumatic as to have caused immense distress to that person, all the emotions, feelings and mental anguish made a mark on where these strong emotions were experienced. Generally the so called 'ghost' follows the same pattern, an anniversary of the sighting might be experienced on the same date year after year for example. It is impossible to communicate with a ghost as it is a 'recording' and not a spirit.

So the spirit is the mind energy of someone who was once alive at sometime on earth, and the only difference now is they don't have a physical body. We as humans on earth just now are spirit in a human body that is the only difference.

Mediumship is not something that can be acquired through attending a course like psychic ability, it is a gift given to us by the 'Godhead' to be utilised for the highest good for mankind.

Everything on earth and in 'heaven' has a vibration, an energy, mediums have the ability to 'tune in' to this vibration and interpret ate it; a bit like turning the tuning dial on a radio to locate a station. After all each radio station has its own wave length and by turning the tuning dial we locate another channel. We know that sound waves exist, we cannot see them, but we know they are there for when we turn on the TV or radio, they are responsible for enabling us to watch and listen to our favourite program. This is exactly what a medium is, we have been gifted this 'tuning dial' that is all.

So when someone passes over, I prefer this term to death, it is only the physical human body that perishes, the person's mind still exists, with all the personality and foibles that made that person who they are, their character. Mediums therefore have the ability to tune into each souls vibration and pick up messages for their loved ones they left behind when their physical body perished.

Mediums are also psychic as spiritual vibrations resonate at a higher frequency than that of the psychic so have the ability to work on both levels. A medium cannot conjure up spirit, The link between spirit and those on earth is love and that bond can never be broken and lives on for all eternity. So all the medium can do is to ask for those loved ones to come forward if they have any messages of love to gift for those they have left behind on earth.

Most of the work a medium does is to provide survival evidence. 'Survival' evidence is knowledge that cannot be gained by the medium themselves about the person they are giving a sitting to, it is generally only something that the sitter would know, and often can only be confirmed by another relative, proof that their loved ones in spirit exist. Mediums are not there to foretell the future, the loved ones in spirit may well give a little information purely as proof of survival and as long as it did not hinder any progress in life for the sitter. And remember if you didn't take advice from 'Grandad' when he was alive you don't have to now he's passed over, he still has exactly the same personality and character as he did when he was' here'.

So how do mediums communicate with spirit, we do this with our minds, to be totally honest I have had this ability for as long as I can remember, and truthfully I really don't know, but I have over the years been able to recognise various sensations, that alert me that spirit are around, sensations like differences in temperature, tingling etc.

Mediums communicate in different ways, sometimes through 'clairvoyance' which means clear seeing, where the medium actually sees the spirit, now this can be in one of two ways or even both, where the medium sees the spirit as if looking at someone in real life, in the physical, the spirit may even be transparent or in their minds eye, this is known as 'Mental Mediumship'. Personally myself I see spirit in both these ways.

In 'clairaudience', this means hearing, now this can be actually hearing a voice that you is not your own, or it can sound like your own, but its not your thoughts, and don't worry, I am quite sane lol!

In 'clairsentience', this is feeling, sensing, the spirit, in this the medium senses the emotions, mental state of the spirit, almost as if the spirit imposes their themselves over you.

Most mediums use one or two of these abilities, myself I combine all three, when I link with them, this enables me to experience all their emotions, see what they looked like and hear what they are saying.

Now as I've said everything in the universe has its own vibration, Earth having the lowest in spiritual terms. After Earth comes the Astral realm, it is on this realm that we travel when we dream, its not unusual to see friends etc, in dream state, after all they will be travelling this realm too at night lol. It is on this realm where lower Elementals reside, i.e. wood nymphs, nature spirits, elves and fairies amongst others, and as often as in the case spirit who are trapped unable to move on also reside in this vibration. this is the same vibration used in psychic work. There are several spiritual realms each having a different vibration, with the most Celestial where the realms of the Angels are.

When the medium links with spirit, he or she has the ability to raise their own vibration that bit higher, loved ones in spirit who are around us at a given time, whether it is to help their loved ones on earth or sometimes it is an anniversary of their passing, will have lowered their vibration and the medium is then able to pick up these vibrations and interpret ate them. Unfortunately for the medium, it is not so easy and difficult to maintain this link continuously, hence some information may be lost, complete names for example and sentences to explain: 'the fat black cat sat on the red mat', what the medium might hear because of the fluctuating vibration would be: 'the back sat on mat', hence some information is lost.

For some reason spirit sometimes work with a type of shorthand i.e. symbols, these symbols have to be and worked out by the medium for example to me, seeing a ring might mean a marriage or partnership, it might mean something differently entirely to another medium, we each have our own, it is a way of communicating at a fast vibrational level. When messages from spirit come in to the medium's mind the arrive very fast and to help the medium 'catch' and interpret ate these messages quickly the shorthand helps speed up the process.

One of the most accurate ways of obtaining information from spirit is by doing absent readings, here the sitter is not present and the medium can link in with the sitter either by thinking about them or by viewing a photograph, sometimes an example of handwriting is useful. In this method the medium will ask any spirit links to come forward with any messages for the sitter. This is a particularly accurate method, for the medium cannot read the sitter's body language or by careful questioning gleam any information from the sitter as they are absent, many mediums work best in this area and each medium will eventually find a method suitable for them.

I myself personally like to work with Tarot, this works on the psychic level first of all, and in doing his gives an insight to the sitter's past, present and future, for all that can be picked up from the sitter's auric field: and then I raise the vibration to link with spirit, to bring forward any messages from the spirit realms. With regard to the information from the tarot or any other Mantic tool (A mantic tool is any form of divination aid such as tarot, crystals, crystal ball, angel cards, tea leaves any sort of aid that helps aid the psychic to use as a tool to latch on to the unique vibration of the sitter. The hand of the sitter is a mantic tool in palm reading) nothing is written in stone, God and the Universe gave us 'Free will'

Before we incarnate as spirit in a human body, for that is what we are whilst on earth, we have some sort of basic plan in mind. We have a goal, a series of lessons we have chosen for ourselves to experience and learn, these lessons may be such as humility, compassion, kindness, sorrow, pain and suffering, for in experiencing these emotions and experiences, we develop empathy and understanding for our fellow humans on earth. Each time we go through these experiences, we become more spiritual and closer to God. But we are never left on our own to go through life's traumas, we have our friends and guides in spirit who give us support to undergo these tasks. Sometimes it feels as if we are all alone and this is because of guides have to stand back to let us experience pain and suffering, for only by undertaking these challenges we learn and grown strong. They never allow us to suffer so much that we cannot bear it, we have chosen these experiences for ourselves, so we are responsible for our own spiritual development. They are there to guide and support us in our 'School on earth'. Why is it we never remember what we planned before we came here? Well that is because if we knew what was before us would we want to; I think not!

Often we incarnate in the same soul groups, the soul is neither male nor female, and we choose which sex we will be to experience life and views from that perspective. Sometimes in that soul group we may be the father of the son who was the father in the last incarnation to experience life from both sides to gain empathy and understanding. We tend to incarnate in groups so that we learn from one another, and the power of this in action is that we are often drawn to particular people in our lives here. We are often drawn to these souls, on meeting these people we instantly feel a bond, not necessarily of physical attraction, but we feel some sort of unseen force bond at work, for we had planned this meeting before we came here, and we recognise one another on a subconscious level. Remember though it is up to us whether we choose whether to go through the experience, but generally if we delay the process, we will often have to relive these experiences at a later date or another life, for we know instinctively what is best for us. We choose to do this because we have a common goal we wish to grow closer to God and the Universe.

Spiritual love is the purest love of all, it has no conditions, it does not judge, it has no limits and never ends. It conquers all that is evil and bad in this world and removes all pain. Our common goal is to grow in spirit, and our loved ones in spirit are always there supporting and sending us their love. Mediumship is a gift bestowed upon us to help mankind in order that we can feel the touch of spirit from beyond, to support and teach us and keep us on our chosen path, our path to God.

MPB (c)

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday 16 February 2011



This is an Aura photograph taken by a specialised camera. Aura cameras have come a long way since the first Kirlian camera in the 1970's.

The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. For those of us who are lucky enough to see auras here is a photo of one. The colours are influenced by our moods and emotions and by Spirit activity, likewise our moods and emotions will influence how far our aura expands e.g. when we are happy our aura expands and when we are depressed it shrinks in on itself. Other shapes and bubbles within the aura are common. It is on the aura that psychics base their readings for the past, present and future is contained within it.

Colours and shapes within the aura mean different things and are constantly changing due to our thoughts. In mine here I was very positive as you can see by how expansive it is. I will be adding exercises to the 'Spirituality & Psychic Development' section of this blog on how we can influence the aura through thought and demonstrate how you can feel this for yourself.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.