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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Showing posts with label skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skin. Show all posts

Friday 17 June 2016


If I were to ask you what is the largest organ in the body what would you say? It's not the liver nor the intestines but the skin, it does a very important job for us and how many of us take it for granted and don't look after it? It works very hard for us and it deserves to be cared for, if you don't there will come a time when you regret you didn't, prevention is always better than trying to cure the damage caused by neglect.


The basics so you will understand how the skin works. The skin is comprised of 3 layers, the Epidermis the layer you can see, the Dermis the true skin and the subcutaneousCosmetics only work on the Epidermis and you can see how deep it is, if you have ever experienced a blister. A blister is caused when friction causes the Epidermis and the Dermis to separate and the fluid within the blister is lymph. The Epidermis has no nerve endings or blood supply that is why removing the top layer of a blister is not painful, not to be recommended though as it exposes the Dermis which is rich in nerves and a blood supply to infection.

The skin  has several functions to secrete sebum that oily substance on your skin, this is to help keep the skin moisturised by trapping moisture and forming a barrier together with sweat known as the  'Acid Mantle' The Acid Mantle is slightly acidic and acts as a Bacteriastat to inhibit bacteria. The skin secretes sebum via the sebaceous glands within the hair follicles and sweat via the Endocrine glands (there are another type of sweat glands know as Apocrine glands these are found in the axillary and pubic regions unlike Endocrine sweat bacteria act on Apocrine sweat quickly and this causes the characteristic Body Odour, these glands only become active after puberty and have a role to play in pheromones)

Our body temperature is regulated by the skin this is due to the  peripheral circulation either dilating to bring blood to the extremities of the body like the skin causing flushing to help loose some of the heat and also by sweating for as the sweat evaporates heat rises with it. The opposite happens when its cold the body conserves heat to vital organs more important than the skin, giving a more white/bluish appearance and may even induce shivering. At the base of every hair follicle there is a tiny cilary muscle when its cold and we start to shiver this muscle contracts causing the hair to stand up trapping a layer of air next to the skin, giving the appearance of goosebumps. Within the Dermis there are sensory nerves that detect temperature. We also have an insulatory layer of fat in the subcutaneous.

Our skin is waterproof so absorbs very little, the only things that can permeate the skin are medications, this includes patches such as Nicotine  and HRT and Essential oils (see Aromatherapy articles on Blog)  COSMETICS CAN NOT. Do not believe the hype and sales talk ladies if it could be absorbed by the skin you you have to go to your Doctor for it and it would need to be licensed as a Medicine.

Our Skin is protected by sensory nerves that alert us to pain, pressure, touch, heat and cold, it is waterproof largely impermeable except to the substances above, fairly tough and it with its layer of fat below the dermis in the subcutaneous layer keeps us warm, protects our organs and bones, gives us shape. As fore mentioned the Acid Mantle helps protect from bacteria as bacterial growth is inhibited in its slightly acid environment. Melanocytes special little cells in the dermis increase as a result of UV light and give us tanning, the epidermis also thickens to help protect our skin. Also in the skin are mast cells and when they are damaged, they produce histamine, it gives the characteristic itching a weals associated by allergies, its function is to stimulate blood to the skin to repair and maintain it. However with allergies the body is hypersensitive producing this effect.

The skin also excretes some toxins through sweat but this is very very minimal, so do not believe the hype of some sales people who will suggest you have a detoxifying foot bath that will rid you of toxins as it changes the water to a dirty brown colour. Again this is sheer hype and nonsense for if ridding the body of toxins was that easy we wouldn't have a need for Dialysis Machines for those suffering kidney failure. It is the Liver, Kidneys and large Intestine that detoxify us.

Vitamin D is also formed in the skin as a result of the action of UV light acting on 7-dehydrocholesterol present in the skin, so everything in moderation we do need some sunlight.

Astrid Brown (Author)
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Tuesday 31 May 2016


Having good skin doesn't have to cost a fortune, you do not have spend a lot of money of products and indeed many beauty products can be found in your food cupboards and fridge. Ideally these masks should be applied over gauze as it makes it a bit easier to clean up afterwards and its easier to use gauze with the help of a friend as you can lie down and relax whilst the friend applies. You can use your fingers to apply the products and professionally you would use a mask brush however any small paint brush or pastry brush would do, but for hygiene's sake keep it specifically for this purpose. The ingredients can be combined or applied to specific areas e.g. in combination skin apply avocado to dry cheeks and lemon juice to the Tzone across the nose etc. They should be applied for 5 to 10 minutes

If any of the ingredients like any other product you use on your skin feels uncomfortable and irritated, remove at once throughly with damp cotton wool and rinse well with cool water.

Natural Masks
Natural Masks must be prepared immediately before use, as they contain no preservatives a blender/food processor is best to mash up the ingredients failing this a fork and or sieve.

Is nourishing for dry skin owing to the high oil content of the fruit, especially suitable for mature skin and rich in Vitamin B and E

Egg White

Has a tightening effect and especially suitable for crepey skin on the neck.

Egg Yolk
Rich in B6 and nourishing for dry skin.

Has a natural antibiotic effect, it is a highly effective emollient, softening and smoothing the skin.

This fruit is a rich source of Potassium, and is an ideal emollient, good for sensitive skin.

This has a cooling and soothing effect yet can gently stimulate the skin.


Rich in Vitamin C, i.e. Ascorbic Acid, this restores the skin’s natural acid mantle and helps fight against ‘Free Radicals’ being an anti-oxidant.

Natural Yoghurt
Restores the skin’s natural acid mantle and has a cooling soothing effect.

Rich in Vitamin E, a natural anti-oxidant that fights against the effects of ‘Free Radicals’ therefore helps lessen the effects of ageing and aids healing.

Lemon Juice

This has a refining action on oily skin, tightening and refining the pores and restoring the skin’s pH balance, due to its acidic action.


Especially good for dull sluggish skin, with a build up of dead skin cells, a highly effective exfoliant (removes dead skin cells) mix with water or the other ingredients to form a paste


Being slightly acidic aids and restores the natural acid mantle.

Kiwi Fruit
Rich in vitamin C restores the skin’s natural pH balance and fights against ‘Free Radicals’. Like Strawberries suitable for younger skins or Combination, especially the oily ‘T.zone’.

A rich Humectant and ideal for dehydrated skin. (Humectants attract water. are natural moisturisers) and also a source of salicylic acid therefore aids desquamation. (removing dead skin cells)

Like apple a good humectant, but without the same amounts of salicylic acid.

Tea Bags

Have a cooling and tightening effect, due to the effects of the anti-oxidants, biflavanoids and caffeine, fight ‘Free Radicals’ and aid in the improvement in tired puffy eyes.

Teabags or Cucumber slices can be used over the eyes 

At the end of the treatment time, the gauze should be rolled up carefully and back as this makes its quicker and easier to remove. You should use damp cotton wool pads to remove the product, then follow with your usual toner and moisturiser

Astrid Brown (Author)
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Wednesday 25 May 2016


We all know how smoking,(with the effects of nicotine which is a vasoconstrictor) and the sun (Harmful UVA and UVB rays) damage the skin, along with a bad diet but are you aware of the damage stress does to our skin? To explain it's necessary to understand what happens in our body when we are stressed


Deep within the brain we have an area known as the Hypothalamus, its the home of our moods and emotions and a very primitive part of the brain. The Hypothalamus is also the area that maintains equilibrium in our bodies and it maintains and regulates every bit of our body's chemistry. It is the area that controls the Endocrine system, it forms part of the Autonomic Nervous System and part of the Limbic System. It is Hypothalmus  that is the key to managing stress and all its detrimental effects on our mind and body. It is directly through this area that the holistic therapy Aromatherapy works and is managed by other holistic therapies.

 Since the Hypothalamus is the home of moods and emotions anything that affects these will influence the Hypothalamus, thus will have an effect on the body's equilibrium.

Now if we are stressed and modern stressors are not the same as those stressors we had as we were evolving as humans, they still have the same effect resulting in "the fight or flight response"

The Role of the Hypothalamus

The Hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls the endocrine system.
The Pituitary gland lies beneath the Hypothalamus and it is this that controls the other endocrine glands.
The Hypothalamus receives information about the Homeostasis (balance) of the body, this is achieved by two means:

The blood circulation i.e. temperature, blood glucose levels and hormone levels
The nervous system i.e. The Autonomic Nervous system i.e. the part of the nervous system that regulates automatic functions e.g. breathing, heart rate etc. and mental and emotional states, our feelings: these influence ‘automatic responses’ e.g. ‘The fear, flight response’
The Hypothalamus responds to these changes by:

Secreting Hormones (chemical messengers) that regulate hormones to be released by the anterior lobe of the pituitary
The hypothalamus also directly releases hormones via the Posterior Lobe of the Pituitary , Vasopressin (ADH) and Oxytocin
And by stimulating a nerve response to the ‘Central Nervous System’ (Brain & spinal Cord)


Moods/emotions affect the hypothalamus, the hypothalamus evokes a reaction on the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland produces Adrenocorticotropic hormone this in turn targets the adrenal glands causing them to secrete Cortisone, Cortisone in turn effects the kidneys causing a rise in blood pressure by causing changes in the amount of salt secreted, this hormone causes the body to retain salt. Now remember the Hypothalamus one of its jobs is to maintain the body's equilibrium, it detects a rise in salt levels in the blood so to keep balance it causes the body to retain fluid, it is this retained fluid that increases blood pressure. At the same time, the Hypothalamus being part of the Central Nervous System evokes what is known as the Sympathetic Nervous System this diverts blood away from the digestive system and to lesser important body structures such as the skin and concentrates the blood to the heart, lungs and muscles. Simultaneously this nervous response influences the adrenal glands to produce Adrenalin and Noradrenalin, it is these hormones that induces vasoconstriction (reduces the blood supply) to the skin and peripheral tissues, thus also raising blood pressure.

Now this is putting it simply there are a few other processes also going on to increase blood sugar to give the body fuel to either run off or fight, Corticotrophic hormones influence the pancreas to secrete glucagon this has the opposite effect as insulin.

When the stress is over the Parasympathetic Nervous reverses the process again it is the Hyptholamus that instigates this.

Obviously its much more complex than this and I have focused on a few key hormones as it the action of these hormones that affects our well-being, the ageing process and blood pressure.

The fight or flight response was not designed to last forever it was meant ti instigate an action to deal with an aggressor, be it a wild animal or in a fight with an attacker therein lies the problem modern stressors tends to be work, work colleagues etc. the stress becomes long acting, this kind of reaction is fine in the short term but very detrimental to the body in the long term.

Take Cortisone, it has a damaging effect on specialised cells within the dermis (the skin), fibroblasts, these cells produce collagen and elastin, it is collagen and elastin that gives our skin elasticity and support. Adrenalin reduces blood supply to the peripheral tissues, such as the skin and hair, therefore, these structures do not receive adequate nourishment from the blood. So the effect of long term stress affects the skin resulting in ageing of the skin.

We all have various stresses in our lives, we cannot avoid it but we can reduce the effect it has on us with various relaxation techniques such as meditation and other therapies, such as massage, aromatherapy and reflexology or any pastime, even walking, that helps us relax. I hear all the time from clients I haven't the time to have a massage etc but even five minutes of meditation will have beneficial effects on our health in general and not just skin ageing. You can use the most expensive skin creams (not always the best), give up smoking, keep out of the sun but if you're highly stressed and not addressing the situation your skin won't be the best it could be.

To be the best we can be, we need to take a holistic approach to our health for our spirit, mind and body all work together so don't neglect any one component of this as each influences the other i.e. a stressed mind is going to affect our physical body and the skin, the body's largest organ is sure to be affected.


Astrid Brown (Author)
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Tuesday 19 August 2014


The reason I have posted this today is a warning to please take care of your skin especially blisters. Now I know you may think sepsis from a blister is rare but it is not as rare that it is unlikely to happen to you. I have experienced something similar myself, in my case it was a little crack in the dry skin of my foot and the infection spread from my heel to my thigh in a matter of hours and by that time I was very poorly. I've also come across a couple of students whom I was teaching, and noticed severe inflammation around a broken blister and advised them to visit their doctor straight away, both of whom were very glad I dismissed them from class to do so. 

All too often we neglect our poor feet, they work so hard for us so they do deserve the care you spend on your face.


Schoolboy, 12, six hours from death after blister on his feet becomes infected and sends him into toxic shock - all because he was wearing shoes with no socks 

  • Macenzie Campbell was rushed to hospital as his body began to shut down
  • His mother thought sore was verruca but next day his temperature soared 
  • He was just hours from death when he rung relatives to say his goodbyes
  • After operation on his foot to remove infected tissue he is now recovering

Macenzie Campbell almost died after a blister on his foot became infected and sent him into toxic shock
Macenzie Campbell almost died after a blister on his foot became infected and sent him into toxic shock
A 12-year-old boy was six hours from death when a blister on his foot became infected and sent him into toxic shock after he wore shoes without socks.
Family members prepared to say goodbye to Macenzie Campbell after his organs began to fail and his body shut down.
His mother Joanne, 38, thought the potentially fatal infection started from a verruca and had applied a treatment, but the next day his foot had swollen and a red rash spread all over his body.
She rushed him to a doctor, as his temperature soared, and he was immediately admitted to the Royal Bolton Hospital.
Staff warned him he may not survive and he phoned family members to say his goodbyes after the rash began turning black and his organs started shutting down.
The schoolboy said: ‘It was terrifying. I wasn’t only scared for myself, I was scared for my family. It had seemed like a normal blister, but I gradually started to feel worse and worse.
‘I felt sick, everything was blurry and my heart was racing. I didn’t know what was going on.’
His grandmother, Kate Campbell, said: ‘We thought we were going to lose him. He was ringing all of us in case he didn’t make it.
‘We were told afterwards he was only a few hours from death. The sepsis was gradually shutting his body down. We were distraught.’


  • Do not peel off the dead skin on top of the blister - allow the fluid inside to drain and then cover the blister and the area around it with a dry, sterile dressing to protect it from infection until it heals.
  • If the top layer of dead skin has already rubbed off, do not pick at the edges of the remaining skin.
  • If the blister is on your foot, avoid wearing the shoes that caused it until it heals.
    It is believed the blister actually appeared on his right ankle after he wore shoes without socks on in April and later burst.
    His foot was operated on to remove the infected tissue and he was kept in hospital for just over a week.
    Mrs Campell told The Sun: ‘Doctors said six to 12 hours later, he’d have been dead’.
    Macenzie is now recovering at home.
    Joanne Campbell thought the sore was a verruca at first and applied treatment but by the next day his foot had swollen, his temperature soared and he was covered in a red rash as toxic shock syndrome set in
    Joanne Campbell thought the sore was a verruca at first and applied treatment but by the next day his foot had swollen, his temperature soared and he was covered in a red rash as toxic shock syndrome set in
    Macenzie Campbell with his grandmother Kate who was was terrified she was going to loose her grandson
    Macenzie Campbell with his grandmother Kate who was was terrified she was going to loose her grandson

    Astrid Brown (Author)
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    See search results for this author

    Monday 16 June 2014


    The following article is from the Daily Mail and I'm posting this as its the time of year when people throw caution to the wind and at the first sign of sunshine lie out in it and toast themselves often without sun protection, which is crucial if you happen to have very fair skin. I've written many times about the dangers of UV light on this site follow the link below for more information on the dangers of UV light.

    Teacher, 30, told the mole on his back was nothing to worry about is dying from more than 50 tumours which have now spread to his brain and heart

    Series of failures by medics leaves father-of-one with terminal cancer
    Father Jordi Akhurst spotted mole on his back in 2007 and went to GP
    But hospital dermatologist twice told him there was nothing wrong
    After doctor removed it 'as a favour' Mr Akhurst was found to have cancer
    Following scans, experts then missed disease when it spread to his heart
    He is now on 'last resort' drug and hoping to be given access to trials

    Jordi Akhurst, 30, has been left with more than 50 tumours around his body after doctors dismissed his concerns about a mole on his back
    Jordi Akhurst, 30, has been left with more than 50 tumours around his body after doctors dismissed his concerns about a mole on his back
    A teacher has been left with terminal cancer after doctors refused to remove a suspicious mole from his back for nine months.
    Jordi Akhurst, 30, sought medical help after spotting the worrying blemish on his skin - but was repeatedly told there was nothing wrong.
    Over the next six months, the spot started to bleed and crack but a dermatologist insisted it was benign.
    His GP finally agreed to remove the mole because of Mr Akhurst's worries and sent off samples for routine analysis.
    Within days the father-of-one's worst fears were confirmed when hospital staff broke the news that he had skin cancer.
    The cancer has since spread to his brain, heart, adrenal glands and lymph nodes, leaving him with more than 50 tumours around his body.
    Experts say spotting the disease as early as possible is key to surviving cancer but Mr Akhurst, dad to a five-year-old son, Luca, says experts repeatedly botched his diagnosis.
    The maths teacher, from Plymouth, Devon, said: 'I started going to the doctor about a mole on my back in 2007.
    'My GP said they don't remove them anymore and I was referred to a dermatologist at Derriford Hospital [in Plymouth] who said there was nothing wrong with it and he would leave it and see how it went.
    'Three months later all the original problems were still there. It kept bleeding and it was bleeding so often it wouldn't be long before there was a blood mark on my shirt and I would have to change.
    'This was happening every day. I wasn't too worried - it was more annoying than anything else.

      'Six months later the dermatologist said it seemed unchanged and it was all fine.'
      Mr Akhurst wasn't happy with the diagnosis and went back to his doctor, who once more referred him to a dermatologist.
      Mr Akhurst shows the scar left from the removal of the original mole which doctors dismissed
      Mr Akhurst shows the scar left from the removal of the original mole which doctors dismissed

      He said: 'I went back to my GP after nine months because I wasn't happy and I wanted it taking off.
      'She referred me to the dermatologist again and he was quite insistent he wasn't going to remove it.
      'It was black, raised, cracked and bleeding - you don't have to be an expert in skin cancer to know something wasn't right.
      'I wasn't panicked at all. I just thought it was a case of getting rid of it.

      'I'm 30 and have a terminal illness - it's all very well if you're 70 but I was hoping for another 40 years of life ahead of me.'

      Cancer sufferer Jordi Akhurst

      'My GP ended up removing it as a favour. They're obliged to send it away for tests and a week later I had a phone call from the hospital in a complete state of panic.
      'I went in and was put in a room with a few people who were extremely apologetic, including a specialist cancer nurse and the dermatologist, who I haven't seen since.
      'At the time my son was being born so I just wanted anything that needed to happen to happen so I could get on with my life.'
      Nine months after his original visit to the GP, Mr Akhurst was finally admitted for surgery on his back.
      He said: 'They did the first operation and they weren't happy with the lesions and felt there was more they could have chopped out.
      'I had a second and then third operation. They kept having to open up the scar and search for more and more.
      'I went from being told there was nothing wrong to having this giant scar. In the following months I went for check ups but I felt they were quite brief and a bit useless.'
      A dermatologist at Plymouth's Derriford Hospital said there was nothing wrong with the original mole
      A dermatologist at Plymouth's Derriford Hospital said there was nothing wrong with the original mole

      After the three operations in 2007 to remove the infected tissue, Mr Akhurst hoped he had beaten the disease, but in January last year he noticed some new lumps.
      By the time the results came back on April 15 last year it had reached his adrenal glands, which are at the top of the kidneys and his lymph nodes.


      Figures show there are around 10,000 new cases of skin cancer every year and it's the fastest growing cancer for 18 to 30-year-olds.
      One in four diagnosed with melanoma, the most serious form of the disease, do not survive beyond five years.
      Mr Akhurst's plight emerged after shock figures revealed that the number of new cases in Devon and Cornwall is double the UK average.
      According to a new campaign from Public Health England (PHE) you are twice as likely to fall prey to the disease if you live in the two counties.
      But the heath group is urging anyone who spots anything strange on their skin to see their GP.
      PHE centre director, Professor Debra Lapthorne, said: 'The campaign message is clear, if you notice any unusual or persistent changes to your skin, you should visit your doctor.'
      He was diagnosed as being Stage 4 - which is terminal.
      Mr Akhurst was given pneumotherapy, which he said was hailed as a 'wonder drug', but didn't well respond to the treatment.
      The Bristol University classics graduate added: 'I was going up to the hospital every three weeks for four months and being put on a drip.
      'Even though it didn't work I felt well enough to carry on with my job and my day to day life.
      'They left me for two to three months to see how I was and after a scan they found the cancer had spread to my heart.
      'Doctors told me it was untreatable and any treatment would leave a hole in my heart. They said the tumour was new and it had grown quickly.
      'I had a specialist heart scan and it found the tumour wasn't new - it had been missed on previous scans and was actually treatable.
      'Despite all this I was still well, but I became ill in February this year. I was behaving quite strangely and couldn't do simple things like use my phone.
      'I found out I had 10 new brain tumours so the disease had progressed quite severely.'
      Mr Akhurst is now taking Zelboraf - the last of the licensed drugs he is able to take.
      If he doesn't respond after six months he will try to take part in clinical trials to be able to use unlicensed treatments.
      He said: 'It is very toxic and doesn't make you feel great. After this six months there is no more treatment. The best case scenario is that by the time I stop responding I would be put on a drug trial.'
      Mr Akhurst is now urging anyone who sees something unusual on their skin to see their doctor. File photo
      Mr Akhurst is now urging anyone who sees something unusual on their skin to see their doctor. 
      He added: 'I would be very happy to take part in trials. They said I have between one and five years when I was diagnosed in April last year.
      'I'm 30 and have a terminal illness - it's all very well if you're 70 but I was hoping for another 40 years of life ahead of me.
      'I didn't realise it would spread to where it has or so aggressively and quickly.
      'I was quite resentful to be honest - there's a slight injustice in it. I know people are dying of cancer all over the world but when you're 30 you think you have lots of time left.
      'There's nothing I did to contribute to it. I didn't sun worship or get burnt.
      'I want people to know that skin cancer exists. I had a mole and I had it removed and I really thought that was as far as it would go.
      'I don't want to be an anti-sun bed person and they're not part of my story but if people could think twice about using them and use sun cream - whether it's factor five or 50 - just think about it and use some protection.' 

      Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2658914/Teacher-30-told-mole-worry-dying-50-tumours-spread-brain-heart.html#ixzz34pp07suM
      Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

      Astrid Brown (Author)
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      Thursday 6 March 2014


      Today I am writing about Balance Products. Now having a medical background as well as being a beauty therapy lecturer I am giving the thumbs up to these three products below. As I have written many times on this site, nothing can permeate the dermis unless its UV light, aromatherapy essential oils or medications, you will know cosmetics cannot penetrate down into the dermis and can only affect the epidermis. So don't expect huge miracles and instant wrinkle remove effects but it certainly softens and hydrates the skin and a hydrated skin has fewer lines than a dry skin. These Synake products are not Botox so don't expect the same effects but if you are looking for a product to improve your skin's texture and hydration levels this is great and they leave the skin radiant. Unlike many skin creams they are not expensive and I don't see the point in wasting money on expensive creams that don't live up to their claims. I have been using them daily for the last couple of weeks and very pleased with them the only other product I use on my skin is Smashbox BB cream a light tinted moisturiser to even out my skin's tone.

      If you want to lessen the effects of ageing these products make a good start, however you still have to avoid UV light, smoking and drink plenty of water and have a good balanced diet. The solution to a young looking skin is prevention

      Balance Snake Venom Eye Cream 15ml

      by Balance
      4.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (19 customer reviews)

      Price:£2.41 (£7.53 / 100 g)
      You Save:£4.58 (66%)

      • Balance Active Formula Ultimate Youth Eye Cream gives an immediate
      •  lifting and tightening effect after only 4 weeks.
      • Eyes look rested and rejuvenated. Free from Parabens
      • Contains SYN-AKE and EYEPRO 3X
      • Dermatalogically Tested
      • 1 x 15ml Tube

      Balance Active Formula Wrinkle Freeze Serum 30 ml

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      3.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (106 customer reviews)

      Price:£5.50 (£18.33 / 100 ml) Eligible for free delivery with Amazon Prime.
      You Save:£0.49 (8%)

      • Balance Active Formula Wrinkle Freeze Serum
      • Causes an immediate reduction in the frequency of muscle contractions 
      • that cause expression lines by up to 82% after only 2 hours.
      • After 4 weeks forehead wrinkles will reduce by up to 52% and crows feet 
      • will decrease by up to 24%.
      • Suitable for ALL skin types
      • Free from Parabens

      Balance Hyaluronic 554 Youth Serum 30ml

      by Balance
      4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (45 customer reviews)

      Price:£4.50 (£15.00 / 100 ml) Eligible for free delivery with Amazon Prime.
      You Save:£6.49 (59%)

      • Hyaluronic 554 Youth Serum from Balance Cosmetics.
      • 24 Hour Non-Stop Moisturisation
      • Immediate Hydration
      • Clinically Proven
      • 30ml bottle

      Astrid Brown (Author)
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      See search results for this author

      Monday 9 December 2013


      Very interesting article I came across in the Daily Mail. It's not something I really drink much of at all as I knew the acid attacks the tooth enamel but this article has some interesting findings

      Why diet cola could be making you FATTER and WRINKLIER: Low-calorie drink could be to blame for spare tyre and withered skin

      Diet colas have long been regarded as the dieter's friend - but one-calorie fizzy drinks may actually be the reason you can't shift that stubborn spare tyre.
      Some health experts now believe the chemicals in the drink could actually be causing your body to lay down fat deposits around your middle - dubbed 'diet cola belly' - reports Get The Gloss

      And that's not all: some experts also believe diet cola’s mix of carbonated water, colourings and sweeteners such as aspartame and acesulfame K could also speed up the ageing process, and have disastrous health consequences.
      Diet cola is NOT going to help you lose weight, say health experts - and it could even cause wrinkles
      Diet cola is NOT going to help you lose weight, say health experts - and it could even cause wrinkles

      Hoards of nutritionists and scientists now claim diet cola’s image as a 'healthy' alternative to the nine-teaspoons-of sugar, regular variety of the fizzy drink is wholly misplaced.

      The fructose, artificial sweeteners, and sugar alcohols (another type of low-calorie sweetener) present in diet colas can all interfere with natural gut bacteria, according to Amanda Payne of Switzerland’s Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health which published a paper in the journal Obesity Reviews.
      Diet cola could be causing fat deposits around your middle, say health experts
      Diet cola could be causing fat deposits around your middle, say health experts 

      This messes up your metabolism and disrupts the body’s way of signaling to you that you’re full and satisfied.

      As a consequence, the body pumps out insulin, the hormone that controls sugar levels and fat storage, so that you lay down what Toribio-Mateas calls 'diet cola belly in the form of more fat around the midriff' - just where you wanted to shed fat.
      In addition to this: 'The fake sugars in the drink are hundreds of times sweeter than sugar and trick your brain into thinking real sugar is on the way,' says Toribio-Mateas. 'When the calories don’t arrive, it triggers a cascading effect that interferes with hunger signals, blood sugar levels and satiety.'

      Amanda Griggs, director of health and nutrition at the Balance Clinic in London, says: 'phosphoric acid, the ingredient that gives diet cola its appealing tangy taste and the tingle you get when it is swallowed, can cause a host of problems'. 

      According to one, study, published in a 2010 issue of the FASEB Journal, it can even accelerate the ageing process. 

      It found that the excessive phosphate levels found in sodas caused lab rats to die a full five weeks earlier than the rats whose diets had more normal phosphate levels.
      Diet cola no healthier than sugary alternatives, say some health experts
      The chemicals in diet cola could be responsible for your spare tyre, say some experts
      The excessive phosphate levels found in sodas caused lab rats to die a full five weeks earlier than the rats whose diets had more normal phosphate levels

      Phosphoric acid has also been linked to lower bone density in some studies, including a discussion in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

      In experiments at Harvard University, the mineral was found to make skin and muscles wither and to damage the heart and kidneys over time. 

      However, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a consumer watchdog group not affiliated with the food industry, only a small fraction of the phosphate in diets comes from additives in soft drinks. Most comes from meat and dairy products. 

      The phosphoric acid in cola drinks erodes away tooth enamel, and the coloring makes the root go dark brown
      The phosphoric acid in cola drinks erodes away tooth enamel, and the coloring makes the root go dark brown

      Sian Porter, spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association says diet colas may lack sugar, but the acidic nature of artificially sweetened fizzy varieties means they still attack tooth enamel. 

      'It’s not just the sugary drinks that are causing teeth problems,' says Porter. 'Sugar raises the risk of decay, but diet drinks are equally acidic and can cause erosion in the same way.'

      It has also been shown to raise the risk of type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure by some researchers. To add to the dire news for diet cola fans, results of a ten-year study found a link with cardiovascular disease among those who drank it every day; cola drinkers were found to be 43 per cent more likely to suffer a stroke or heart attack during a ten-year period than those who abstained.

      Other studies have shown that the phosphorus released from phosphoric acid in just two fizzy drinks a week can cause calcium to be leached from bones, raising the risk of osteoporosis.

      Cola (both diet and regular varieties) seems particularly damaging to the skeleton. Typically, a can of diet cola contains 44-62mg of phosphoric acid - more than in many other soft drinks - and researchers at Tufts University in Boston showed that women who regularly drank three or more cans a day had four per cent lower bone mineral density in their hips compared to those who preferred other soft drinks.





      I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

      Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
      A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
      Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
      A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
      Q. What is free will?
      A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
      Q. How does free will affect a situation?
      A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
      Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
      A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
      Q. So what is the Aura?
      A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.