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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Showing posts with label stress solutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stress solutions. Show all posts

Thursday 2 August 2012


Well I've always known Laughing is good for you, it lift's the Spirit and is good for the heart and I always try and find something funny in each day. It certainly doesn't take much to make me laugh as I laugh at the silliest of things but research has now shown even smiling when we don't feel like it is beneficial to our health. So Grin and Bear it next time you feel stressed!

Article from the Daily Mail below

Why you should grin and bear life's problems - it's good for the heart

  • Researchers got participants to use chopsticks to encourage neutral or smiling expressions
  • Those who smiled after a stressful event recovered more quickly

Fake it till you make it: Even a forced smile can reduce stress levels
Fake it till you make it: Even a forced smile can reduce stress levels
Grinning and bearing it gets us through many of life’s tricky situations.
But researchers have found smiling really does help reduce stress – and boost the health of the heart.
A study from the University of Kansas investigated the potential benefits of smiling by looking at how different types of smiling, and the awareness of smiling, affects a person's ability to recover from episodes of stress.
Study author Tara Kraft said: 'Age old adages, such as ‘grin and bear it’ have suggested smiling to be not only an important nonverbal indicator of happiness but also wishfully promotes smiling as a panacea for life’s stressful events.
'We wanted to examine whether these adages had scientific merit; whether smiling could have real health-relevant benefits.'
The team found smiling could indeed influence our physical state.
Smiles are generally divided into two categories: standard smiles, which use the muscles surrounding the mouth, and genuine or Duchenne smiles, which engage the muscles surrounding both the mouth and eyes.
Previous research shows that positive emotions can help during times of stress and that smiling can affect emotion; however, the work of Kraft and Pressman is the first of its kind to experimentally manipulate the types of smiles people make in order to examine the effects of smiling on stress.
The researchers recruited 169 participants from a Midwestern university. The study involved two phases: training and testing.
During the training phase, participants were divided into three groups, and each group was trained to hold a different facial expression. Participants were instructed to hold chopsticks in their mouths in such a way that they engaged facial muscles used to create a neutral facial expression, a standard smile, or a Duchenne smile.

Chopsticks were essential to the task because they forced people to smile without them being aware that they were doing so: only half of the group members were actually instructed to smile.
Grinning and bearing it does reduce the pain
For the testing phase, participants were asked to work on multitasking activities, which unknown to them were designed to be stressful.
The first activity required the participants to trace a star with their non-dominant hand by looking at a reflection of the star in a mirror. The second activity required participants to submerge a hand in ice water.
During both of the stressful tasks, participants held the chopsticks in their mouth just as they were taught in training. The researchers measured participants’ heart rates and self-reported stress levels throughout the testing phase.
The study found those who were instructed to smile and had Duchenne smiles had lower heart rate levels after the stressful activities compared to participants who held neutral expressions.
Those participants who held chopsticks in a manner that forced them to smile, but were not explicitly told to smile as part of the training, also reported a positive affect, although this wasn't as marked.
These findings show that smiling during brief stressors can help to reduce the intensity of the body’s stress response, regardless of whether a person actually feels happy.
'The next time you are stuck in traffic or are experiencing some other type of stress,' says Ms Pressman, 'you might try to hold your face in a smile for a moment. Not only will it help you ‘grin and bear it’ psychologically, but it might actually help your heart health as well!'
The study is in the journal Psychological Science.

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Thursday 5 July 2012


Now if you have read the previous articles on here about stress, you will now know what effects it can have on the body and ultimately health (*****links at the foot of this article if you haven't read them). I also mentioned meditation, massage and aromatherapy as solutions to stress so I now will cover Reiki,  Reflexology Bach Flower Remedies and Homeopathy.


The word 'Reiki' is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy and it is the name given to a natural healing system developed by Dr. Mikao Usui. It took Dr. Usui many years of study of ancient teachings to develop this system of healing and he dedicated his life to practising and teaching Reiki. Dr Usui rediscovered and developed this system of healing on a trip to Mt. Kurama, At some point in his life he became a Tendai Buddhist Monk/Priest (what we in the west call a lay priest). On several occasions he took a form of meditation lasting 21 days.He took it into hospitals in Japan. Dr. Usui died in 1926 but before he died he passed on Reiki to Dr. Chujiro Hayashi. Dr. Hayashi was a naval doctor. It has been said he is probably the originator of the hand position system used here in the west. He started his Reiki training with Usui Sensei in 1925, 47 years of age. It is believed he was one of the last Reiki Masters trained by Usui.

Following his first training he left the Usui school and started a small clinic in Tokyo named "Hayashi Reiki Kenkyu-kai", which had 8 beds and 16 healers. Practitioners worked in pairs of two to a bed giving treatments to patients. Dr Hayashi compiled his own 40 page manual on how to use the hand positions for certain ailments. This manual may have been give to his students. During his work with Reiki he initiated about 17 Reiki Masters including Mrs Takata. Mrs Hawayo Takata is responsible for bringing Reiki to the west.

Chujiro Hayashi ritually ended his life by committing Seppuku' on May 10th 1940.

Hawayo Takata was born at dawn on December 24th 1900, on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. Her parents were Japanese immigrants and her father worked in the sugar cane fields. She eventually married the bookkeeper of the plantation where she was employed. In October of 1930, Saichi Takata died at the age of thirty-four leaving Mrs. Takata to raise their two daughters. In order to provide for her family, she had to work very hard with little rest. After five years she developed severe abdominal pain, a lung condition and had a nervous breakdown.

Soon after this, one of her sisters died and she traveled to Japan where her parents had moved to deliver the news. She also felt she could find help for her poor health in Japan. Here she came in contact with Dr Hayashi's clinic and she began receiving Reiki treatment. Mrs. Takata received daily treatments twice a day and got progressively better. In four months, she was completely healed. Impressed by the results, she wanted to learn Reiki. In the Spring of 1936, Mrs. Takata received First Degree Reiki (Shoden). She worked with Dr. Hayashi for one year and then received Second Degree Reiki (Okuden).

Mrs. Takata returned to Hawaii in 1937. She was soon followed by Dr. Hayashi who came to help Mrs Takata establish Reiki in Hawaii. In the Winter of 1938, Dr. Hayashi initiated Hawayo Takata as a Reiki Master. She was the thirteenth and last Reiki Master Dr. Hayashi initiated. Between 1970 and her transition on December 11th 1980, Mrs. Takata initiated twenty-two Reiki Masters. These twenty two teachers went on to teach others and Reiki spread world wide.

Being a Reiki Master teacher myself I can name the lineage from Dr Usui. My Reiki master's Reiki master was taught by one of the twenty two initiated by Mrs Takata, this makes me seventh in line from Dr. Usui.

Reiki is a form of spiritual healing using "universal life energy" channelled through the practitioner to the recipient. 
Reiki helps to harmonize body, mind and spirit for yourself or anyone you want to help.

Reiki treatment
You relax, fully clothed, on a couch or seated while the healer holds his hands on or above you. A treatment can last an hour or longer depending on the treatment required. In the western world many practitioners use the standard hand positions and commonly a full treatment is given covering all the important organs of the body.
There is no pressure on the body making it ideal for treating all ages and conditions, sometimes hands are even held away from the body. The energy flows wherever it is required (spiritually guided) and can normally be felt as a warm sensation or tingling in the body. Receiving Reiki is a very relaxing and soothing experience!

The ability to use Reiki is normally given via an attunement or initiation. There are 3 levels of Reiki: Reiki 1 and 2 and the Master level.

During the attunement/initiation process the Reiki master acts as a mirror to help the student adjust to the Reiki energy. This energy creates an open "channel" for the cosmic or universal life energy. From the top of the persons head and through this "channel" the energy flows down through the body and back out through the hands when Reiki is "given". The Reiki attunement is almost always a very special spiritual experience for the receiver and sometimes also for the Master. It is one you will never forget and is a very important milestone in your life.

The Reiki Principals taught by Dr Usui

• For today only: Value today! The present is now, life is not in the future or in the past, there is only now!

• Do not anger Realize that anger and other selfish emotions like resentment, hatred, envy are harmful, avoid such emotions.

• Do not worry Do your best, believe and trust in the universe.

• Express your thanks In this world it is easy to lose ourselves when we forget gratitude for being alive.

• Be diligent in your work, and be kind to others It is not important what we do, it is important what we learn from what we do. "Be kind to others" also means take good care of yourself, there is no difference between self and others in a universal dimension.


REFLEXOLOGY dates back to ancient civilisations such as Egypt, India and China, but this therapy was only introduced to the West in the early 20th Century. The oldest documentation of Reflexology comes from a pictograph in the tomb of an Egyptian Physician Ankhmahor (2500-2330 B.C.) at Saqquara near Cairo.

It shows two men working on the feet and hands of two other men. The hieroglyphics above the scene read‘ Do not let it be painful’ says one of the patients.‘ I do as you please’ the practitioner says

In China there is evidence of some form of foot and hand therapy being practiced as long ago as 4,000 B.C., and the North American Indians have practised a form of foot therapy for hundreds of years. It was not until Dr William Fitzgerald USA 1872-1942 who was an Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon. He practiced in the USA, briefly in London and Vienna for 2 years. He was the founder of “Zone Therapy”, an early form of reflexology. But it was medical journalist Dr. Edwin Bowers who suggested his method be known as 'Zone Therapy'. Through research Dr. Fitzgerald discovered that if he exerted pressure on the tips of the toes or fingers, a corresponding part of the body would be anaesthetised. From this theory he divided the body into 10 equal zones running from the top of the head to the tips of the toes. He found that by applying pressure using tight bands of elastic on the middle section of each finger, or by using small clamps that were placed on the tips, he could carry out minor surgery using this technique only. These were very controversial ideas at the time.

However it was Eunice Ingham (1889 -1974) USA “The Mother of Modern Reflexology” who finally developed it to the form we now know and recognise. She was a Physiotherapist who worked in a Doctors practice and she used Dr Fitzgerald’s Zone Therapy method. However, she felt that the therapy could be more effective on the feet than the hands. After extensive research she evolved a map of the entire body on the feet. Hence the saying ‘The feet are a mirror of the body’. Eunice Ingham travelled around America for 30 years teaching Reflexology first to Doctors and Nurses and then to non-medical practitioners. It was in 1966 Doreen Bailey who was a former student of Eunice Ingham, returned to England and became the pioneer of reflexology as we know today in the UK


After a detailed consultation, asking about medical history and making sure there are no contra-indications to treatment, the therapist will make the client comfortable, this may be on a couch or a chair and foot stool and indeed, reflexology is extremely soothing and relaxing, many clients do fall asleep during treatment. There are different methods, some reflexologists like to work on both beet simultaneously others do not and if one or both of the feet are injured for example the reflexologist can work on the corresponding hand instead. The treatment generally lasts approximately an hour and generally begins with a soothing massage to relax and open the feet prior to the more detailed work on the specific reflexes. Each area of the feet when placed together mirror the body and reflexes is the term given to each area of the body mapped on the feet. e.g. the head reflex are the big toes. The type of pressure point massage we use is like finger walking using the thumb though we may use all our fingertips at certain points during the treatment. We can often tell where in the clients body there is an imbalance, this is where we might pick up a 'Reflex' and to describe what we find, its often a grainy area that dissipates when we work that area or the client may say there is a specific tender area, which may correspond to an area in the body where the client has an imbalance.

On completion the reflexologist will make a note of her findings and will often suggest a follow up treatment, the client will find that the treatment is very relaxing and its quite common for the client to state they feel as if they are walking on air.

Often many reflexologists work with doctors these days and doctors have now begun to see how reflexology is a valuable complementary therapy.

Origins of Homeopathy, the word “Homeopathy” is derived from two Greek words meaning“similar suffering”. History tells us that it was the Greek physician Hippocrates, who, in the fifth century, first wrote of the medical practice of treating like with like. So far as is known he was the first doctor to treat an illness with a substance that produces, in a healthy person, similar symptoms to those displayed by the person who is ill. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the principle “similia similibus curentur”, (let likes be cured by likes), was quoted by many physicians, including Paracelsus, often regarded as the ‘father’ of holistic medicine. Homeopathy is therefore not new but the form we know today is attributed to Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755 - 1843), a German Physician who in 1796 prove his "Law of similars". The basic principal of homeopathy is "Let like be cured by like". There is no scientific proof as to how Homeopathy works and although individual trials have positive results, some researchers have suggested this is down to a placebo effect. However that argument falls down when it comes to work on animals and many vets use homeopathy on animals.

Homeopathic remedies are prepared by serial dilution, the term used for this is calledsuccession, (succession means shaken) this is known as potentisation. For example the original solution, known as a mother tincture and one example is a plant or herb, though homeopathic remedies are made from a variety of substances, and the herb is placed in a solution of alcohol. This is left to potenize and the liquor strained off and this is known as 'Mother Tincture'. In the "C" system of potency or '100', one drop of this mother tincture is placed with 99 drops of alcohol and succussed and this makes '1C'. To make 2C, one drop of 1C is added to 99 drops of alcohol, succussed and this makes 2C and so on some remedies go on being diluted well into the millions e.g. 2M. The medicines are often given in tablet form, though they can be powders or even applied topically as in a cream. To make the tablets/powders a few drops of the appropriate remedy tincture is added to a bottled or phial of lactose tablets/powder and these pills are to be allowed to dissolve in a clean mouth, that is a mouth not tainted with strong flavours such as mint or coffee as they would neutralise the effect of the remedy as homeopathic medicines are very gentle and delicate. Generally 30 mins should have elapsed since eating etc.

Homeopathy works on an energy/vibrational level and treats the whole person i.e.holistically and not just a specific disease or symptom but takes into account of how the patient is feeling mentally, emotionally as well as physically. The homeopath taking the case will want to know, if the weather affects the condition in anyway, does food for example does eating cold food make the patient feel worse or better and taking a case history a patient can expect an hour long consultation as the homeopath is looking for the correct remedy to match the homeopathic drug picture. The homoeopath, views the symptoms as a direct manifestation of the body’s attempt to heal itself therefore a substance is given capable of producing similar symptoms if given to a well person. Homeopathy does not treat diseases but, rather, individuals with specific symptom pictures.

Homeopathy do not have side effects as they work in a totally different way from orthodox medicine however if a remedy is not quite right the patient could end up proving a remedy, where symptoms may show up but no harm will come to the patient. Occasionally, on first taking a Homeopathic medicine, the symptoms become worse. This is one of the "Laws of Cure" and called an ‘aggravation’, and should be regarded as a good sign as it shows that the remedy is working you should stop taking the remedy until the aggravation has passed and only resume if necessary. Aggravations are most common with skin disorders, as the body “throws out” the disease. Higher potencies work at a much deeper level. Occasionally patients may exhibit symptoms of conditions suffered prior to condition under treatment, or their symptoms may manifest in other parts of the body. For this reason only trained homoeopaths should prescribe high potencies because only they can properly monitor such situations. Other users should limit themselves to the 6th and 30th potencies. When you think about how homeopathic medicines are made in effect it can be quite difficult to ascertain how they do work for when the remedies are succussed theres no actually remedy in the solution especially when it comes down to the very high potencies. There are different theories to how this may be one is that the liquor used in making the remedies retains a memory or the original substances and this is transmuted in an energy.

The "Laws of Cure" from a more important organ to a lesser one i.e. an internal organ to external like the skin, from above down i.e. from pains in the abdomen the pain travels down the legs to the feet then out of the body. And ailments in reverse order, symptoms from old ailments may manifest themselves before leaving the body. You will feel better in yourself, even though you are still suffering from the ailment and the aggravation, where the ailment worsens before getting better.

Homeopathic remedies are made from a large variety of substances minerals, plants and animal substances and the first stage in making a homeopathic remedy is to 'prove' it. The original homeopathic remedy was 'proved' by Hahnemann. Homeopathic medicine, as we know it today, was produced by Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755 - 1843). He was a doctor who, after qualifying in 1779, soon became disenchanted with medicine as it was practised at that time. Hahnemann advocated much that is far from revolutionary nowadays: proper diet, regular exercise and improved social conditions. He was also very concerned about large doses of noxious substances that were prescribed as medicines.

In 1790 Hahnemann became interested in an eminent Scottish doctor’s explanation as to how a Cinchona Bark extract worked to cure ague, or malaria as we know it today. Cinchona Bark, having been used for centuries in South America for the treatment of malaria, was introduced into Europe by missionaries and was proving successful. The Edinburgh doctor, William Cullen, accredited this success to its toning action on the stomach. Hahnemann did not agree, and was prompted to undertake an experiment on himself. As a healthy person he took a substantial dose of Cinchona Bark extract and found that he developed symptoms similar to malaria, the very disease the drug was used to treat. Hahnemann then went onto test many other substances in this same way; administering doses to healthy people, noting the symptoms that developed - and then using the substance to treat a disease when the substance picture matched that of the “poison” picture.

Many of the substances Hahnemann used were indeed highly poisonous, and this prompted him to spend many years experimenting in order to find the smallest possible effective dose. He eventually developed the method of “potentising” the starting substance, and, by administering infinitesimally small doses, he found that he not only cured without undesirable side effects but also that the curative properties were enhanced. Such was Hahnemann’s success, particularly with endemic diseases, that Homeopathy quickly spread throughout Europe and across to America. Dr. Frederick Harvey Foster Quin introduced Homeopathy into Great Britain in the late 1820’s and 1849 founded the London Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathy is recognised by Act of Parliament and widely accepted as a safe alternative form of medical treatment. It is practised by fully qualified doctors who are recognised by the General Medical Council and homeopathic medicines are available within the National Health Service.


What are Bach Flower Remedies? Well they are a very gentle and natural remedy for dealing with stress. They were devised by Dr. Edward Bach he studied medicine first in Birmingham and later at the University College Hospital, London, where he was House Surgeon. He also worked in private practice, having a set of consulting rooms in Harley Street. As a bacteriologist and pathologist he undertook original research into vaccines in his own research laboratory.

In 1917 Dr Bach was working on the wards tending to soldiers returned injured from France. One day he collapsed and was rushed into an operating theatre suffering from a severe haemmorhage. His colleagues operated to remove a tumour, but the prognosis was poor. When he came round they told Bach that he had only three months left to live.

As soon as he could get out of bed, Bach returned to his laboratory. He intended to advance his work as far as he could in the short time that remained. But as the weeks went by he began to get stronger. The three months came and went and found him in better health than ever. He was convinced that his sense of purpose was what saved him: he still had work to do.

Homoeopathic research

His research into vaccines was going well, but despite this Dr Bach felt dissatisfied with the way doctors were expected to concentrate on diseases and ignore the whole person. He aspired to a more holistic approach to medicine. Perhaps this explains why, not being a homoeopath, he took the offer of a post at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital.

Once there he soon noticed the parallels between his work on vaccines and the principles of homoeopathy. He adapted his vaccines to produce a series of seven homoeopathic nosodes. This work and its subsequent publication brought him some fame in homoeopathic circles. People began to refer to him as 'the second Hahnemann'.

The flower remedies

Up to now Bach had been working with bacteria, but he wanted to find remedies that would be purer and less reliant on the products of disease. He began collecting plants and in particular flowers - the most highly-developed part of a plant - in the hope of replacing the nosodes with a series of gentler remedies.

By 1930 he was so enthused by the direction his work was taking that he gave up his lucrative Harley Street practice and left London, determined to devote the rest of his life to the new system of medicine that he was sure could be found in nature. He took with him as his assistant a radiographer called Nora Weeks.

Just as he had abandoned his home, office and work, Dr Bach began to abandon the scientific method and its reliance on laboratories and reductionism. He fell back instead on his natural gifts as a healer, and more and more allowed his intuition to guide him to the right plants.

Over years of trial and error, which involved preparing and testing thousands of plants, he found one by one the remedies he wanted. Each was aimed at a particular mental state or emotion. He found that when he treated the personalities and feelings of his patients their unhappiness and physical distress would be alleviated naturally as the healing potential in their bodies was unblocked and allowed to work once more.

His life followed a seasonal pattern from 1930 to 1934: the spring and summer spent looking for and preparing the remedies; the winter giving help and advice to all who came looking for them. Most winters were spent in the coastal town of Cromer. Here he met and became friends with a local builder and healer, Victor Bullen.

The Bach Centre

In 1934 Dr Bach and Nora Weeks moved to a house called Mount Vernon in the Oxfordshire village of Brighwell-cum-Sotwell. In the lanes and fields he found the remaining remedies that he needed to complete the series. By now his body and mind were so in tune with his work that he would suffer the emotional state that he needed to cure and try plants and flowers until he found the one that would help him. In this way, through great personal suffering and sacrifice, he completed his life's work.

A year after announcing that his search for remedies was complete, Dr Bach passed away peacefully on the evening of November 27th, 1936. He was only 50 years old, but he had outlived his doctors' prognosis by nearly 20 years. He left behind him several lifetime's experience and effort, and a system of medicine that is used all over the world.

He left his work in the hands of his friends and colleagues Nora Weeks and Victor Bullen, with instructions that they should carry on his work and stay true to the essential simplicity of what he had done. In a letter to Victor dated 26th October 1936, a month before his death, he wrote:

"People like ourselves who have tasted the glory of self-sacrifice, the glory of helping our brothers, once we have been given a jewel of such magnitude, nothing can deviate us from our path of love and duty to displaying its lustre, pure and unadorned to the people of the world."

Nora and Victor stayed true to those ideals of simplicity and sharing, as does the Bach Centre today.

"Healing with the clean, pure, beautiful agents of nature is surely the one method of all which appeals to most of us"
- Dr Edward Bach, 1936

INFORMATION SUPPLIED © copyright 2009 The Bach Centre


The 38 remedies are divided into seven emotional states and are prescribed for each individual:

Fear (Rock Rose, Mimulus, Cherry Plum, Aspen, Red Chestnut)

Uncertainty (Cerato, Scleranthus, Gentian, Gorse, Hornbeam, Wild Oat)

Insufficient interest in present circumstances (Clematis, Honeysuckle, Wild Rose, Olive, White Chestnut, Mustard, Chestnut Bud)

Loneliness (Water Violet, Impatiens, Heather)

Those over-sensitive to influence and ideas (Agrimony, Centaury, Walnut, Holly)

Despondancy and despair (Larch, Pine, Elm, Sweet Chestnut, Star of Bethlehem, Willow, Oak, Crab Apple)

Over-care for welfare of others (Chicory, Vervain, Vine,Beech, Rock Water)

There is one composite remedy which is often used: and one that I highly recommend and as a good introduction to the Bach System

Rescue Remedy

This contains five of the 38 remedies and as the name would suggest, it is the remedy for emergencies and calming in traumatic situatuions such as visiting the dentist, before an exam, after a shock


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Thursday 28 June 2012


Minor raised blood pressure can easily be controlled by simple lifestyle changes, taking some exercise and no its not neccessary to take out a gym membership, brisk walking, taking the stairs rather than the lift, walking instead of driving. Loosing some weight, cutting out fatty foods, stopping smoking and cutting down on alcohol.

Now we know that the Sympathetic Nervous System increases blood pressure, so designed to help us survive in danger, though we no longer have the same dangers today as we did in evolution and we know the body can't differentiate between modern stressors and those centuries ago. Modern stressors tend to go on for long periods of time, this is bad for us, so to combat the effects of the SNS we need to "fool" the body into believing the stress is over and triggering the Parasympathetic Nervous System. The PSN reverses all the effects of the SNS, so therefore blood pressure will fall, the heart rate will slow down, respirations will become slower and deeper, blood will begin flowing to the extremities such as the skin and hair this is due to adrenaline no longer being produced as adrenaline causes vaso contraction (arterioles tiny arterial vessels narrow, this causes a rise in blood pressure as the volume of blood has less of an area in which to flow, blood is diverted from the skin and hair) and the digestive system will start functioning properly. 

Many types of therapies can instigate the PSN one of the simplest and cheapest, as it needs no financial outlay is Meditation. Some people may find meditation difficult as it does take a bit of mind discipline as the idea is to empty your mind of current thoughts and you do get better with practice. By training in meditation, we create an inner space and clarity that enables us to control our mind regardless of the external circumstances. Gradually we develop mental equilibrium, a balanced mind that is happy all the time, rather than an unbalanced mind that oscillates between the extremes of excitement and despondency. If we train in meditation systematically, eventually we will be able to eradicate from our mind the delusions that are the causes of all our problems and suffering. In this way, we will come to experience a permanent inner peace. There are many ways to learn the art of meditation, you can join a class and meditate within a group and by being part of a group it does help and you can discuss any difficulties you may experience but equally a cheaper option is to use a guided mediation CD and this is very effective, remember practice makes perfect. Meditation instills an inner calm so effectively you are working on the Hypothalamus, the area of moods and emotions within the brain, by practicing meditation you trigger the PSN. There are a number of articles on Meditation included 'A guided meditation' on my site here.

Any kind of massage will also trigger the PSN, it does this in the following ways. Massage stimulates blood flow to the surface of the skin due to the specialised cells within the Dermis, Mast cells, to release Histamine, what histamine does is to cause vaso dilation (the tiny arteries arterioles to dilate) this means that the blood is able to flow over a wider area over the body to the skin, this then takes the strain of the heart and reduces blood pressure. The skin and hair will of course will get a better blood supply so increased nourishment for them. 

When we are stressed we inadvertedly tense up our muscles particularly in the area of the neck and upper back, this can lead to tension headaches, by working on the muscles in massage you ease the tension so this can ease those tension aches and aches in the neck and back.

Whenever we touch one another there is an exchange of energy, think back to childhood when you fell over, didn't your mother rubbing or kissing the affected area feel better. Touch is fundamental and massage has been practised as a therapy from ancient times, it is comforting and healing. Massage comforts and soothes, eases tension stimulates peripheral blood flow, this stimulates the PSN.

With Aromatherapy massage it works in two ways, the massage alone is beneficial as I have described but the use of certain essential oils affect the body by evoking a reaction in the hypothalamus via the limbic system (specialsed nerve cells within the upper portion of the nose pick up the tiny molecules of the essential oils these cells are connected to the hypothalamus. The other way essential oils work is by absorption through the skin into the blood stream whereby the can also evoke a reaction in the hypothalamus as  well as being the home of moods and emotions it maintains homeostasis in the body. Different essential oils create different effects in the body and most of them do relax the body but there are those that can raise the blood pressure such as Hysop,  Rosemary, Sage and Thyme, these have a stimulating effect.

In the next article I will explain how other holistic therapies work and further ways of dealing with stress.

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In a previous article I talked about stress and how it is detrimental to our health. Some stress is necessary to keep us motivated and some folk cope with stress better than others, it's an individual thing so don't ever think you are weak because you feel others seem to cope better than you. There are lots of therapies and strategies that can help but the first thing to do is identify what your stressors are, make a list, write it down if you have to.

So now you have decided what your stressors are my theory is this, find someone to help you, this can even be a good listener, and before you say there is no one to listen, that's not true, the Samaritans, will listen without making judgement, you would be surprised how this can help. If you really cannot find anyone to help, is there any point in worrying? what will worry achieve for it will make you ill. This does not mean you put your head in a bucket and ignore problems, no matter where you are in the world there are always agencies who can help and the first step is to recognise your problems and to talk about them this alone will lift some of the burden, bottling up worries in your mind will only increase the burden and lead to more pronounced physical symptoms.



This is a great little technique to deal with worry you will need first of all a large glass jar, with a tight fitting lid. It doesn't have to be an expensive jar a large washed out coffee jar is ideal for you are not going to keep the jar when it is full

The jar should be kept near to your front door as the idea is you place all your worries in the jar e.g. worries about work, money, health etc. You will also require something like string, or wool, you can have different colours for different things e.g. green for health, yellow for money, it really doesn't matter but the more you can relate to the worries the better.

You will also need a pair of scissors and you keep the scissors and wool/string beside the jar by your front door. For every worry you have cut a length of wool/string you think represents how big your worry is e.g. for a big money worry cut a piece of yellow wool 12 inches long say and for a little health worry cut a piece of green wool 1inch long and place them in the jar and replace the lid. I am sure you will get the idea.

Over time you will find the lengths you cut will get shorter and shorter until you don't see them as worries at all. When the jar is completely full and full of all your worries you can either bury it in the garden or put it in the trash can, then you can begin a new worry jar.


Many problems in the scale of things are not really problems at all but if you have been under a great deal of stress for a long time and even if that original stressor has gone, it can still leave you in a stressed state and it can be hard to wind down and sometimes because you are so stressed you cannot see a solution, when there actually is one.

So the solution what can you do to alleviate the effects of stress? 

Well you need to reverse the physical manifestations caused by stress. In the previous article I wrote what happens in the body physically how the Sympathetic Nervous System initiates changes in our hormones and if these hormones are secreted for a long period of time it can be detrimental to our health. The solution is to instigate the opposite effect to the SNS and that is the Parasympathetic Nervous System, by triggering this we can slow down heart rate, incur slower deeper respirations, reduce blood pressure, antedote the digestive problems by instigating stomach motility (when stressed you can lose your appetite and food just sits there like a stone in your stomach, this is because the SNS takes blood flow and activity in the stomach and redirects it to the heart lungs and skeletal muscles SEE STRESS PART 1) All of this will enable you to relax and think clearly.

In the next article I will tell you how you can reverse the physical effects of stress and instigate the Parasympathetic Nervous System

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Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday 13 June 2012


I saw this article in the Daily Mail today, I am surprised it taken them so long to realise this, those of us involved in holistic therapies have known this for decades and in fact Clinicians involved with heart disease saw the link and how valuable meditation helped reduce stress and thus lowered the increased risk stress has on the heart in causing heart attacks. There are many benefits to meditation, it induces a sense of peace and helps us focus on what is really important in life as well as the physical effects by instigating the reducing effects of stress by the parasympathetic nervous system. Where adrenaline and other stress hormones have a detrimental effect on the body. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE HOW STRESS AFFECTS THE BODY

Why meditation helps you focus: Mindfulness improves brain wiring in just a month

  • Scientists saw improved brain connections after participants had just 11 hours of training

Just a month of meditation training alters brain wiring in ways that could open the door to new treatments for mental disorders, research has shown.
Scientists looked at the effects of integrative body-mind training (IBMT) on two groups of university students.
After just four weeks, or 11 hours, of training scans showed physical changes in the brains of the volunteers.
Becoming mindful: The study gives a much more detailed picture of what changes it is making in the brain
Becoming mindful: The study gives a much more detailed picture of what changes it is making in the brain
Nerve fibres, known as 'white matter', became denser, providing greater numbers of brain-signalling connections. At the same time there was an expansion of myelin, the protective fatty insulation surrounding nerve fibres.
The effects were seen in the anterior cingulate cortex region of the brain, which helps regulate behaviour.
Poor nerve activity in this part of the brain is associated with a range of mental problems, including attention deficit disorder, dementia, depression, and schizophrenia.
The study built on previous research based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans that first highlighted brain changes induced by IBMT.
Scientists revisited results from two 2010 studies, taking a closer look at what the scans revealed.

One involved 45 US students from the University of Oregon; the other 68 students from China's Dalian University of Technology.
The researchers found greater density of axons, or nerve fibres, after two weeks of IBMT training, but no change in myelin formation.
After a month both increases in axon density and myelin were seen.
Students undergoing IBMT also reported improvements in mood, experiencing reduced levels of anger, depression, anxiety and fatigue. They also had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Study leader Professor Michael Posner, from the University of Oregon, who carried out the original US research, said: 'This study gives us a much more detailed picture of what it is that is actually changing.
'We did confirm the exact locations of the white-matter changes that we had found previously. And now we show that both myelination and axon density are improving.
'The order of changes we found may be similar to changes found during brain development in early childhood, allowing a new way to reveal how such changes might influence emotional and cognitive development.'
The findings are reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
In their conclusions, the scientists wrote: 'This dynamic pattern of white matter change involving the anterior cingulate cortex, a part of the brain network related to self-regulation, could provide a means for intervention to improve or prevent mental disorders.'
Neuroscientist Dr Elena Antonova, from the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, said: 'The findings of this study are potentially good news for all of us. If as little as 11 hours of mindfulness training makes the brain wiring more prolific and better insulated, then simply by being mindful, which is accessible to anyone at any time, we might enjoy a lifetime of mental clarity and emotional stability.'
Dr Eva Cyhlarova, head of research at the Mental Health Foundation, said: 'This study is another example of brain neuroplasticity in adulthood and how with some simple techniques we can affect its structure as well as its function.
'Furthermore, these changes appear to lead to improvements in mood, which is consistent with self-regulation being a core feature of many mental health problems.
'If such a simple and cheap method of training shows positive results, there is hope for more people with mental health problems to be able to access support through affordable interventions.'

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Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday 21 December 2011


It's that time of year again when due to the stresses of the Holiday Season, tempers can get a bit frayed. We are often together with relatives we don't necessarily get on with but have to make the effort. Money can also be an issue and because of life styles we spend longer with spouses and children. Christmas and New Year tends to be a busy time for me regarding clients as there tends to be so much arguing going on when ideally its a holiday and we should be enjoying it. Remember its only for a few days in a year, so first thing, count to ten and bite your tongue before opening your mouth and think before you speak.

To help you cope with the stresses of the Holiday a few remedies come to mind, these are remedies I have tried myself, so I can vouch for them and some that I recommend and the feedback I've had is good.

Each Kalms Tablet contains the active ingredients: Hops powder BHP 45mg, extract of valerian from 135mg, extract of gentian from 90mg.

Kalms Tablets a traditional herbal remedy its one to try if my first choice Bach Rescue Remedy isn't alleviating your anxiety

RESCUE Remedy is made up of a five individual flower essences that help you cope with the different emotional aspects of stressful situations:
  • Rock Rose is used for terror and panic
  • Impatiens addresses irritation and impatience
  • Clematis is for inattentiveness and a lack of focus
  • Star of Bethlehem is for shock
  • Cherry Plum helps with irrational thoughts and a lack of self control

Calming foods in your diet such as oats Avena sativa  As a food, oats are known to be good for the heart because they keep blood fats under control. They also have other medicinal properties. Avena sativa seeds are not only a rich source of carbohydrate and soluble fibre, they also have the highest content of Iron, Zinc and Manganese of any grain. It is said to be useful as a nerve restorative.
Avena sativa has no known side effects, unlike the sometimes dangerous sexual prescription drugs. This wonderful herb is thought to be soothing to the brain and nervous system, whilst at the same time increasing sexual desire, and performance, in both men and women! It is used as a nervous system general tonic as well as a general health tonic. You will find Avena sativa (oats) in many herbal tonics for anxiety and stress, what better way to take these, is to incorporate this wonderful food in your diet.

Valerian is another good herbal remedy for anxiety especially when anxiety and worry is leading to insomnia. its ability to relax the central nervous system and the smooth muscle groups. It has been used as a sleeping aid for hundreds of years.

Valerian is used in Europe as an antispasmodic, particularly for abdominal cramps due to nervousness and for uterine cramps and menstrual agitation. It helps relieve dysmenorrhoea and it can be of benefit in migraine and rheumatic pain. It may also be applied locally as a treatment for cramps and other muscle tensions.

Valerian is also used as a mild tranquilizer for people experiencing emotional stress, much as anti-anxiety drugs are prescribed and has been prescribed for exhaustion. Valerian has occasionally been tried as part of a program to take a patient off antidepressants or benzodiazepines, and is sometimes used as a muscle relaxant to treat pain.

Valerian does not impair driving ability and produces no morning hangover effect. It is a gentle relaxant and an effective sleep aid. As you can see above Kalms tablets contain Valerian along with Hops and Gentian these two are also known for their relaxing effects.

Valerian as an essential oil is a favourite of mine in aromatherapy, its quite pungent and as is the rule with aromatherapy do not use an oil on a client if they do not like the smell, its clearly not the correct oil for the client, no matter what you've read up about its therapeutic effects.

Food rich in Tryptophan has been shown to be helpful for sleep, calming frayed nerves, weight loss, mood enhancement, pain tolerance, appetite control, chemical addiction, jet lag, and more.

Tryptophan, an essential amino acid, is the precursor to Serotonin, which is a necessary neurotransmitter responsible for transmitting nerve impulses in the brain and inducing sleep and tranquillity. Serotonin deficiencies, which are related, are well documented in cases of depression and insomnia. L-Tryptophan also converts to Niacin, and Vitamin B-6 (5P) is necessary for the metabolism and conversion to Serotonin. The dietary sources for L-Tryptophan are cottage cheese, milk, brown ride, peanuts, meat, turkey and soy products.

Whatever you do don't over indulge in alcohol in an effort to help you cope, that's how addictions start and alcohol as a solution never works anyway, you may forget your worries whilst drinking but in the cold light of a new day, you'll wake up the worse for it. Alcohol is a poison your poor liver has to break down. There's nothing wrong with drinking in moderation but you should not use alcohol as a prop, its a depressant, it often makes people argumentative and take risks as judgement is impaired.

I hope this blog has given you some food for thought, excuse the pun and wishing you all a stress free Holiday

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.