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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Saturday, 12 March 2011


What is a wish? It's a hope or desire for something to come true. If you take it further and make that wish a spell it becomes a concentrated thought form.

Every time you have a thought you create a thought form and that thought form is an energy that goes out into the Cosmos and can create an effect. You should never wish ill on anyone for everything you do you get back tenfold. If someone has hurt you no matter how much it hurts send them out healing energy and love, so that they might see the error of their ways. Allow the Universe and Karma to deal with wrong doers, for Karma will always find them and deal with them in the most appropriate way.

When you use spell work to enhance your wish always do your spell for the highest good, you must never wish ill on anyone nor must you covet someone's partner or material objects.

A spell is only as powerful as the energy that you put into it. True belief and concentration are necessary.

If you know your herbs and what they are used for, some of your best spells will be those you develop yourself. Of course, not all spells require herbs, or any tools for that matter. The energy and visualization from within you is very powerful.

  • Keep whole bay leaf in the corners of the rooms in your house to protect from any unwanted spirits.
  • Toss a bit of rosemary toward danger.. including people you want to stay away from you.
  • Sprinkle salt in doorways and window sills to avoid unwanted visitors.
  • Salt is a purifier, use it to cleanse tools after they are used.


This is just a simple generic candle spell that you can adapt to most anything you need. If you use it, please use it wisely. Don't use it to interfere with anyone else's life.

Find a spot where you will not be disturbed for awhile, and will have reasonable quiet. Use a flat level service, such as an altar. If you don't have an altar, you can use a coffee table or dresser. You can perform this spell during the day, or at night. If you do it at night, you can turn the lights off, but if it makes you uncomfortable, leave them on.

You will need a candle, oil for anointing the candle, one or more herbs corresponding to the spell. You will also need your athame, or straight pin if you don't have an athame. You can also use stones if you want. Check herb and color correspondences for the appropriate color, herb and oils. The shape of the candle does not really matter. Taper or Votive candles will work. If you can't find the color you need, use plain white.

Carve what you wish to accomplish into the candle with the athame or pin. If you are using a taper, carve the words from top to bottom, for increasing and bottom to top for decreasing. If you are using a votive candle, carve it around the candle clockwise for increasing, counterclockwise for decreasing.
Anoint the candle with the oil. A drop is enough. Rub from wick to end for increasing and end to wick for decreasing.

Put the candle in the holder. Sprinkle the herbs in a circle around the base of the candle, a pinch is more than enough. If you are using stones, set them in a circle around the candle holder. If you are using just one stone, set it beside the holder in the direction that corresponds to the purpose of your spell. For example, if you were doing a spell to increase your physical energy, you might set the stone in the south.

Light the candle. As you light the candle, visualize what you want to accomplish. To do this, think of what you need and hold a picture of it in your mind. You can also use a chant at this point or just say what you want to happen out loud. This is optional, in my opinion, visualization is the most effective.

Let the candle burn out completely if possible. DO Not leave it unattended.If you have to leave or go to sleep, put the candle out and relight it as soon as you can. No matter how safe you think your candle holders are, accidents can happen. ALWAYS monitor your candles, and use fireproof holders.

When the candle has burned out, dispose of the wax and herbs. Bury it if possible.

Color Correspondences

  • White: All Purpose, but especially good for purification, protection, truth, Maiden Aspect of the Goddess
  • Black: protection, absorbing negative energies, Crone Aspect of the Goddess, reversing and transforming negativity, removing obstacles or blocks
  • Red: Protection, energy, defense, element of fire, Mother Aspect of the Goddess, passionate love, motivation, action being taken
  • Pink: calm, love, reconciliation, children, peace
  • Blue: truth, creativity,protection, element of water
  • Green: Money, Prosperity, abundance, element of earth, success, marriage
  • Gold: The God, The sun, healing, prosperity
  • Silver: the goddess, the moon,neutralizing negative energies
  • Purple: protection, divination, psychic abilities, change luck, removing negative energies and spells, spiritual protection
  • Yellow: divination, element of air, healing, intellect
  • Magenta: added to any spell to speed results
  • Indigo: neutralize negative magic or negative energies
You can use most any type of candle with success. As long as the intention and faith it there, the candle doesn’t much matter.  7-day vigil or 2 day jar candles: these take a bit of time to burn out. They come glass encased and need no holder. You can carve your spell intent into the top of the candle, clockwise for increasing, counterclockwise for decreasing, or you can add a label to the jar with your spell intent. Anoint the top of the candle as stated above. If you use herbs, use a VERY light sprinkling, as they make it more likely the candle will catch fire and the glass will split. A good idea is to place them in a metal container in case the glass cracks which happens occasionally. They are good when you need an extra energy boost because of their tendency to burn a long time.

Votives: can be used same as above, for a shorter burning time.  The advantage of votives in a glass holder is that you can anoint the full candle with oils and herbs before you put them in the holder. Again put them on a metal or stone surface in the interests of fire safety.

Watch how your candles burn for signs as to how successful your spell may be. Your best result is where most of the wax is used and there is little or no blackness or soot. Soot can mean obstacles or adversity., and its wise to do a cleansing or working to remove these obstacles. Candles going out are also a VERY bad sign and may require repeated workings to wear down resistance.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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To use the Feng Shui Bagua Chart above simply draw out your floor plan, and superimpose this chart over your living space. Hold it so that it can be read while you are standing at your front door looking in. Depending on whether your front door is to the left, middle or right of your house, this will mean it will be in either the Knowledge, Career or Helpful People section. This will allow you to determine the area of your home that relates to an area of your life.

Feng Shui tips for your home

1) There should be no shoes or slippers lying around outside the main door of your house. Remove it if you can. Allow that space at the main door to be free and clear. The chi (energy) rides with the wind and will collect all the smell of those shoes and slippers into your house causing sickness. Ch’i then travels about in your house looking for water to stay but if there are no water fountains or fish tanks, then the Ch’i will be dispersed by wind.

2) There should be no television sets in your bedrooms: If you cannot get rid of that habit then after watching the television cover it with a plastic table cloth. Remember it has to be plastic and not simply cloth.

3) There should be no mirrors opposite your bed or at the side of your bed. Mirrors opposite the bed can attract a third party to the relationship. Therefore, do not place mirrors anywhere you like and especially in your bedroom.

4) Place an indoor water fountain in your home, position in a favourable area to attract whatever you want in your life.

5) If you already have a fish tank in your house, be careful. A fish tank placed correctly can bring about greater fortune, as you will tap on the "Divine Water Dragon's Den". But if you tap wrongly, it can cause you to have lawsuits, bankruptcy, work pressure, troubles and problems. If you noticed any of these after placing the fish tank for approximately four months, shift your fish tank to another location.

6) In your kitchen, ensure that opposite your stove there is no refrigerator, washing machine, washbasin and toilet. The fire and water crash causing family members to have disagreements.

7) Try not to allow children to sleep on mattresses on the floor. Yes, this allows young children not to fall off beds but it also causes young children to fall sick frequently. The reason is: chi is not able to flow underneath the bed. Ideally, chi should circulate around the mattress where our children sleep to allow them to be healthy.

8) For young children, try to have their back to the wall when they write. It is important there should be a solid wall behind a children's writing table. This allows the child to have support so that he can sit there and study longer rather than for only half an hour and then they tend to move about because there is no solid wall behind their back. Adjust your writing table.

9) Do not allow children to sleep on double bunk beds even if it means saving space. The child sleeping underneath will not have "fresh chi" and so his health might be weak. But if due to space constraints, then monitor your child's health if not add in a metal 6 rods wind chime or a crystal sphere, to break up the "stale chi" around his bed.

10) Your bed should always have a solid wall behind you. This is important if you wish to have a good rest. A solid wall simply means that you can go into deeper sleep and therefore enabling you to have good rest so that when you wake up in the morning, you will feel fresh and well rested. This also allows you to be able to concentrate on your work better.

11) There should be no beam on top of your bed. The beam above causes chi to be pressured thus enabling you to have pressures in life. Therefore, don't place furniture underneath it or alternatively level the beam. But make sure if you choose the latter, it is important that you have enough height for that space.

12) If you have a lot of work pressure, maybe it's the marble table that you have in your dinning room that causes you to have those problems. Remove that marble table and change to a wooden one or alternatively live with that work pressure!

13) If your child usually falls sick in that bedroom: Then either change them to another bedroom or simply hang a six rod metal wind chime as the metal element will break all the earth energies in that room. After hanging, if the wind could not do the job for you then you will have to "chime" it yourself and then watch for the good results.

14) Do not use a red sofa set: The colour red represent the element of fire. And for Feng Shui, some places simply cannot have the colour red in that sector. For example: the wealth area or some other sectors which without a Feng Shui check would be unable to tell you where it is. A red sofa sets gives rise to heavy work pressure, troubles and obstacles.

15) Always open your bedroom windows at least once 20 minutes a day to allow fresh chi to come in, we do this so that it allows fresh new chi from outside to come into your bedroom, if not you will be sleeping with stale chi every night. And if that happens, then how can you expect your life to bring in more good fortune to come to you? So open that window and never mind if dusts comes in! The great good fortune that you can have will far exceeds the time you take to clean off the dust.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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The word 'Reiki' is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy and it is the name given to a natural healing system developed by Dr. Mikao Usui. It took Dr. Usui many years of study of ancient teachings to develop this system of healing and he dedicated his life to practising and teaching Reiki. Dr Usui rediscovered and developed this system of healing on a trip to Mt. Kurama, At some point in his life he became a Tendai Buddhist Monk/Priest (what we in the west call a lay priest). On several occasions he took a form of meditation lasting 21 days.He took it into hospitals in Japan. Dr. Usui died in 1926 but before he died he passed on Reiki to Dr. Chujiro Hayashi. Dr. Hayashi was a naval doctor. It has been said he is probably the originator of the hand position system used here in the west. He started his Reiki training with Usui Sensei in 1925, 47 years of age. It is believed he was one of the last Reiki Masters trained by Usui.

Following his first training he left the Usui school and started a small clinic in Tokyo named "Hayashi Reiki Kenkyu-kai", which had 8 beds and 16 healers. Practitioners worked in pairs of two to a bed giving treatments to patients. Dr Hayashi compiled his own 40 page manual on how to use the hand positions for certain ailments. This manual may have been give to his students. During his work with Reiki he initiated about 17 Reiki Masters including Mrs Takata. Mrs Hawayo Takata is responsible for bringing Reiki to the west.

Chujiro Hayashi ritually ended his life by committing Seppuku' on May 10th 1940.

Hawayo Takata was born at dawn on December 24th 1900, on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. Her parents were Japanese immigrants and her father worked in the sugar cane fields. She eventually married the bookkeeper of the plantation where she was employed. In October of 1930, Saichi Takata died at the age of thirty-four leaving Mrs. Takata to raise their two daughters. In order to provide for her family, she had to work very hard with little rest. After five years she developed severe abdominal pain, a lung condition and had a nervous breakdown.

Soon after this, one of her sisters died and she traveled to Japan where her parents had moved to deliver the news. She also felt she could find help for her poor health in Japan. Here she came in contact with Dr Hayashi's clinic and she began receiving Reiki treatment. Mrs. Takata received daily treatments twice a day and got progressively better. In four months, she was completely healed. Impressed by the results, she wanted to learn Reiki. In the Spring of 1936, Mrs. Takata received First Degree Reiki (Shoden). She worked with Dr. Hayashi for one year and then received Second Degree Reiki (Okuden).

Mrs. Takata returned to Hawaii in 1937. She was soon followed by Dr. Hayashi who came to help Mrs Takata establish Reiki in Hawaii. In the Winter of 1938, Dr. Hayashi initiated Hawayo Takata as a Reiki Master. She was the thirteenth and last Reiki Master Dr. Hayashi initiated. Between 1970 and her transition on December 11th 1980, Mrs. Takata initiated twenty-two Reiki Masters. These twenty two teachers went on to teach others and Reiki spread world wide.

Being a Reiki Master teacher myself I can name the lineage from Dr Usui. My Reiki master's Reiki master was taught by one of the twenty two initiated by Mrs Takata, this makes me seventh in line from Dr. Usui.

Reiki is a form of spiritual healing using "universal life energy" channelled through the practitioner to the recipient. 
Reiki helps to harmonize body, mind and spirit for yourself or anyone you want to help.
Reiki treatment
You relax, fully clothed, on a couch or seated while the healer holds his hands on or above you. A treatment can last an hour or longer depending on the treatment required. In the western world many practitioners use the standard hand positions and commonly a full treatment is given covering all the important organs of the body.
There is no pressure on the body making it ideal for treating all ages and conditions, sometimes hands are even held away from the body. The energy flows wherever it is required (spiritually guided) and can normally be felt as a warm sensation or tingling in the body. Receiving Reiki is a very relaxing and soothing experience!

The ability to use Reiki is normally given via an attunement or initiation. There are 3 levels of Reiki: Reiki 1 and 2 and the Master level.

During the attunement/initiation process the Reiki master acts as a mirror to help the student adjust to the Reiki energy. This energy creates an open "channel" for the cosmic or universal life energy. From the top of the persons head and through this "channel" the energy flows down through the body and back out through the hands when Reiki is "given". The Reiki attunement is almost always a very special spiritual experience for the receiver and sometimes also for the Master. It is one you will never forget and is a very important milestone in your life.

The Reiki Principals taught by Dr Usui

  • For today only: Value today! The present is now, life is not in the future or in the past, there is only now!
  • Do not anger Realize that anger and other selfish emotions like resentment, hatred, envy are harmful, avoid such emotions.
  • Do not worry Do your best, believe and trust in the universe.
  • Express your thanks In this world it is easy to lose ourselves when we forget gratitude for being alive.
  • Be diligent in your work, and be kind to others It is not important what we do, it is important what we learn from what we do. "Be kind to others" also means take good care of yourself, there is no difference between self and others in a universal dimension.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Friday, 11 March 2011


Why do we need psychic protection? well overtime we think and create many thoughts, each becomes a thought form, it is in effect an energy. Think about how many thoughts you have in a day, thousands, some of those are positive and that is great, however some of those are negative and all those thoughts we send out into the cosmos. Now these thoughts being energy can become tangible and manifest. It is by the power of thought healers use for distant healing. Remember energy is power and it can be used for good or evil. We may not realise we are doing this but when you think negatively of someone that energy is going somewhere and its generally to the person concerned. These negative thoughts in time can attack and often the symptoms may be headaches, feeling low, lacking energy.

I'll give you another example how many of you have a friend who comes to visit and likes unburdening their worries and troubles on to you. They feel great for getting all their thoughts of their chest but it often renders you tired and exhausted. This is because they have left all their negative energy on to you.

So what can we do to prevent this? Well we can use the same process, thought, to protect ourselves from negative energy, psychic attack.

These are some of the simple methods below

Strengthening the Aura.

Cleansing with aroma, (any light scent will do that you like) first inhale the scent in cupped hands, then sweep over the body and down to the ground. It is possible to obtain special preparations for this, but any light scented perfume will do, and even better if you particularly like it! 
Cleansing the Chakra's also helps to protect. Imagine that you are surrounded by a bubble of light, and that nothing can penetrate it unless you wish it to! Extend this to family and especially CAR. In difficult situations, crystallize the outside of the bubble for extra protection! Use crystals for protection (double terminators & quartz)

Protective mirrors in bad attacks
If you know what direction the harm is coming from, place a small mirror in your window facing that direction saying:-
"Mirror bright-mirror clear protect from harm all who bide here"

Instead of the bubble exercise you may use a hooded, floor length cloak or a shield decorated with a protective design of your choice. The shield idea is versatile as you can use a ‘mini shield’ over any area you feel vulnerable, such as your solar plexus.

If you shower in the morning visualise the water flowing through your energy field carrying away any negativity down the plughole with it. If you prefer a bath you may add sea or rock salt to the water- about a cupful- dissolve it well. Salt has long been renowned for its cleansing properties.

Visualise a shower of light running through your aura and dissolving any negativity.

Stay grounded. Visualise roots growing deep down into the Earth from the soles of your feet. Being ‘well grounded’ offers a great deal of protection. Practice your grounding visualisation every morning and whenever you feel ‘spacey’. Carry hematite or another grounding stone with you if necessary.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Palmistry is the art of reading character and destiny from the shape of the hand and the lines of the palm.  The palm gives us a map of our life and it is up to us to make the most of it. It is important to note that the lines of the hand can change, for better or for worse. Nothing is set in stone and we have free will to change our future. Life is what we make it.
Bear in mind this is just a rough guide and I know when I am reading palms I use the hands purely as a gateway to tap in to what is going in and around the client. It's relatively easy to learn the lines and know what they mean but to go that bit deeper you need to tap into the client's auric field.

The hand you use is called the major, or outer hand. This indicates any future events, as well as what you are like on the outside.

The other hand is the minor, or inner hand. This shows your potential, as well as what you are like on the inside.
Right-handed people tend to be more logical because that part is connected to the analytical, left side of the brain.

Left-handed people tend to be more creative because that part is connected to the intuitive, right side of the brain.

The texture and feel of the hand is important in an initial assessment. Is it soft? Or hard? Does it bend easily under pressure or is it very rigid? The job has no relevance to the feel of the hand: manual workers can have soft hands and office workers can have hard hands. 

People with really soft hands are refined, sensitive and prefer genteel activities. Hard-skinned people are tough and prefer plenty of activity and concrete matters. 

Some people’s hands are really pliable and bendy: this indicates an easy going and flexible nature. If you have really stiff hands this shows a determined/stubborn nature. You tend to hold your ground!


The length of the fingers supplies various information about the character. A long-fingered person is analytical and academic, liking to study things in detail. A person with markedly short fingers is very practical and intuitive, liking to go with their gut instinct. When the hands are in proportion it shows a balanced personality.

The proportion of the fingers in relation to each other is very important. They each stand for a character marking and indicate the strength of that quality.

  • Forefinger: Confidence, ego, ambition, drive.

  • Middle finger: Discipline, balance.

  • Ring finger: Emotional expression, creativity.

  • Little finger: Communication.
  • A balanced ego is indicated when the forefinger reaches the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.
  • Balanced emotions are indicated when the ring finger reaches the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.
  • Great confidence is indicated when the fore finger reaches past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.
  • Very emotional and creative impulses are indicated when the ring finger reaches past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.
  • A lack of confidence is indicated when the fore finger doesn’t reach past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.
  • Blocked emotions are indicated when the ring finger doesn’t reach past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.
  • When the middle finger is prominent, standing out from the rest, it shows a serious and intense nature.
  • When the little finger stands out naturally from your hand it shows an independent and outspoken nature.
  • The thumb, nails and fingerprints are very important in hand analysis. This guide is too brief for a detailed explanation.

Rings on the fingers can indicate character traits.

  • Forefinger: Overbearing ego; or compensating for a lack of confidence.

  • Middle finger: Materialistic nature; needing security.

  • Ring finger: This is conventional and is only noted if there are multiple or large rings adorning it. If this is the case then emotional or creative frustration could be present.

  • Little finger: It is common to see this in the gay community, especially on the left-hand. Otherwise you'll see a lot of businessmen, showbiz people, and anybody else who likes to accumulate fame, status and money.
  • The affect of the rings is enhanced if they are on both hands, and by their size.

A hand covered with jewellery shows emotional armour: the person is hiding behind their rings, finding it hard to be themselves.


The life line travels around the thumb. This tells us about the subject’s physical health: the stronger the line the better the physical constitution. If the line looks weak and frayed then it could be a sign of delicate health. Again it is worth noting that we can’t make a deduction from one line alone as other markings might compensate the weakness.

The line also tells us about particular events in the subject’s life, especially big changes and the affects of other people.


The Head line has the same starting point as the life line (near the thumb) and then goes across the palm. It shows the the way you think. The longer it is the more potential you have. And the clearer it is the more strong-minded / focused you are.

A straight head line shows a practical and logical person. They can be over-analytical, especially when it comes to love.

A gently curving head line shows a balance between the practical and the creative. They have their feet on the ground and are flexible enough to adapt. A steeply curving head line shows a very imaginative and creative person. They have plenty of ideas and inspiration but can find it difficult to keep their feet on the ground.


The heart line stands for your emotions. It starts from the edge of the hand (from the little finger side) and travels across the top of the palm. It is especially important when it comes to relationships. When the heart line ends between the forefinger and the middle finger it means you are emotional and passionate.

When the heart line ends underneath the middle finger it means that you can be self-centered in relationships and need to consider your partner more. When the heart line travels across the top of the hand it means you are more interested in the mental side of the relationship. You don't like great displays of emotion.

When the heart line is short and doesn't go past the middle finger it means you are very cool with your emotions and the physical side is the most important thing in relationships. When the heart line ends in a fork it shows a balance with your emotions: you are very adaptable in that sphere.


The lines have various markings on them. This guide is very brief  but you will see how these two lines are inter-related to each other. This modifies the meaning and gives texture to the interpretation.

When the heart line appears low in the hand and looks like it’s pushing down on the head line, it means that you are ruled by your emotions.

When the head line appears high in the hand and looks like it’s pushing up on the heart line, it means that you are ruled by your intellect. The gap between the heart line and the head line is called the quadrangle. When it is narrow it means you could be close-minded.

When the quadrangle is wide it means you are probably open-minded. If the quadrangle starts narrow and gets wider it means you become more open as you get older.

The gap between the beginning of the head line and the life line is significant. A wide space means an independent nature from an early age. If the two lines are tied together it means a cautious nature-especially if they look chained which means shyness.

For those of you who wish to study palmistry a bit deeper then I can recommend "Art of Hand Reading" by Lori Reid. I have this book on my own shelf and it is well illustrated and clearly laid out and easy to follow

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Scrying is a practice that involves seeing things psychically in an object usually for purposes of obtaining spiritual visions and less often for purposes of divination. The most common objects used are reflective, translucent, or luminescent substances such as crystals, stones, glass, mirrors, water, fire, or smoke. Scrying has been used in many cultures as a means of divining the past, present, or future. Depending on the culture and practice, the visions that come when one stares into the objects are thought to come from God, spirits, the psychic or the subconscious.

Although scrying is most commonly done with a crystal ball, it may also be performed using any smooth surface, such as a bowl of liquid, a pond, or a crystal. When I am reading tarot I use a combination method for divining the cards, I am aware of the basic meanings of each card but I take this on to a much deeper level by scrying the illustrations on the cards themselves. In actual fact Scrying doesn't just stop at water, glass, smoke etc. tea leaves, coffee grounds, sand ,candle flames and a fire even the clouds can be used.

Scrying has be used by many cultures and belief systems and is not limited to one tradition or ideology, like other aspects of divination and parapsychology, scrying is not supported by mainstream science as a method of predicting the future or otherwise seeing events that are not physically observable.

The visions that scryers say they see may come from variations in the object used. If the object used is water (hydromancy), then the visions may come from the colour, ebb and flow, or ripples produced by pebbles dropped in a pool. If the object used is a crystal ball, the visions may come from the tiny scratches, marks, faults, or the cloudy glow within the ball under low light (e.g., candlelight). One method of scrying using a crystal ball involves a self-induced trance and when in this state it is perceived to be able to tap into our subconscious mind or higher self and be able to key into psychic vibrations and Universal knowledge

One of the most famous scryers in history, lived in the 16th century and was known as Nostradamus. He used a bowl of water or a "magic mirror" to "see" the future in it, while he was in trance.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Thursday, 10 March 2011



I am not going into how to read the Tarot in any great depth as every reader has their own way of using them and every reader has their favourite pack, mine is the Mythic Tarot, but rather talk about how they came about and dispel any myths about them.

There are many theories as to how they came about one was that Gypsies are said to have carried the cards to Europe and "gypsy" is considered a corrupt form of "Egyptian." They were considered by the Church to be "the devil's picture book", and the cards were quickly condemned by the Catholic Church as heretical. Just to possess them was a dangerous act. There seems no doubt that the cards were a means for preservation of ancient knowledge that the Church considered dangerous, or heretical, at a time when it was literally a danger to your life to believe anything other than the established Church dogma. Like everything at this time the Church wielded great power and in order to assert power and control over the people, it did not like what IT considered anything other than its established beliefs

Another theory was that the Tarot was first known a Tronfi and later known as Taoocci or Tarock and originated from the 15th century in parts of Europe. They were used to play an Italian game known as Tarocchini and French Tarot

Its not known for sure on their origins, but the Tarot images are inextricably linked to ancient beliefs, mythologies, and religious systems such as the Hebrew Cabala. Others, notably Pythagoras, believed that letters and numbers are in themselves divine beings possessing extraordinary powers; the Greek neo-Pythagorean school taught these ideas.

The actual cards number 78 and devised into four suits, the names may vary but they are commonly known as Pentacles, Cups, Wands and Swords. Each suit has pip cards from Ace to ten and four Face cards, therefore each suit has 14 cards. These suits are known as the Minor Arcana. In addition there are the 21 Major Arcana and the Fool.

Whatever you may think of the Tarot they are not evil, they have been around for centuries and they are not going to go away. Many people play card games such as Bridge and that's is widely accepted for modern day playing cards are derived from the Tarot. They are harmless cards that help those with intuitive abilities to interpret and access Universal Knowledge

Maggie Brown (Author)
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What is Dowsing?

It is the ability to use our natural sensitivity our intuition , which we all possess, that enables us to know things, to locate things which we cannot know or do by using our conscious mind, or by learning, or by experience, or by using the five physical senses which we are born with in effect it enables us to tap into our sixth sense our intuition, our inherent psychic ability we all possess. Dowsing enables us to locate anything in the world without having to travel there. Distance, depth, height, date, location don't seem to make any difference

How Does it Work?

The short answer is that no-one really knows – it just does!. The scientific world, geologists and archaeologists and so on appear to put their heads in the sand because here is something that cannot be Proved nor can it be Disproved scientifically. However it is surprising how many water, mining, oil companies and so on use dowsers in exploration work – it is never admitted because it may take away the credibility of the large concern – increasingly police forces etc. will use the services of a dowser.
All that can be said is that it is an in-built ability within man from the beginning of time, it helped him to find his food and water and his minerals thus to survive and protect us from danger. In addition it helped him to communicate with other members of his tribe at a distance and there are still in this world so-called primitive tribes who have these natural abilities to this day. Gradually over the centuries our so called sophistication and civilisation etc. have stifled these natural abilities, plus, of course, condemnation by the church particularly in the period of about 1610 until the late 1700’s and even today when it was and is, by some, considered the work of the devil. I firmly believe that it is some primeval and natural instinct that lies deep within us all, the Mind which has the ability to receive communication from the Universal Mind that knows and controls everything that there has ever been, that there is and ever will be – God. I firmly believe that it is a God given gift – to everyone who is prepared to develop and use it – to be used for the benefit of our fellow man and the world in which we live. We all have an inherent ability, call it intuition, sixth sense and this can be developed by practise.

There is very little in the physical world which cannot be found by dowsing and there are many answers we can find out by dowsing with practice

It can help locate
  • Water: The location of underground streams at any depth, water pipes etc
  • Minerals – Precious Stones: Their location and depth
  • Oil – Gas: The location of oil deposits under the land or the sea and the depth below the surface and an estimate of the quantity and the quality, also the porosity of the rock strata in which it lays.
  • Archaeology: The location of unknown sites where nothing shows on the surface of the ground.
  • The location of sunken ships and submarines:
  • Building Sites: Examination for all purposes, the water runs underneath them, rock state, soil state, rock faults, old wells, cavities, cellars, drains, sewers, cables and pipes and so on – especially if it is intended to build on that site.
  • Location of pipes, cables and drains: The line of the run, depth, location of fractured pipes, broken cables, leaks and blockages. It is particularly to farmers for searching for old or lost field drains and tracing water supplies from farm to field and field to field for animal drinking troughs and so on.
  • Location of tunnels, caves, lost mine workings: The demarcation, size and depth of them and flooding.
  • Lost articles: Valuables, car keys, rings, brooches, purses, wallets to name but a few.
  • Missing people: This is one of the most difficult tasks owing to the difficulty of identification and should be undertaken with care and careful preparation – bear in mind that some people deliberately ‘disappear’ for their own personal reasons and have no wish to be found.
  • Tracking lost animals or children or perhaps someone elderly and confused in areas of ,say, woodland:
  • Medical: A number of qualified doctors and others are increasingly using dowsing techniques to assist in diagnosis and the selection of remedies.
  • Animals: Pendulum dowsing can be used to locate health problems in animals and help in the selection of remedies. The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons accepts this course of action providing the services of a vet are called for if it is considered that the animal needs professional help.

What do I need to be able to dowse?

The pendulum: This is a simple weight on the end of a piece of cord or light chain, a key on the end of a bit of cord to a ring or a crystal. I use a piece of hazel twig for indoor working and a heavier crystal for out doors, simply because you need something that will be heavy enough not to be blown around by the wind. The pendulum is the most versatile tool for use in ‘map dowsing’ and straight question and answer type of dowsing. Before asking a question when dowsing double check but asking a question you know the answer to. e.g. ask the pendulum to give you a yes and it will swing in a particular way with me it is clockwise and and I also ask an obvious question is my name and give your name, this way you are checking the direction of the answer. For me no it swings anti clockwise and if its not a suitable time to ask or if the question is not understood it will swing backwards and forwards

Angle rods: The easiest and simplest of all tools to use. They are just lengths of wire bent at right angles and can be made quite easily from old metal coat-hangers, welding rods, thin brass rod, thick wire., for example; take a pair of wire coat hangers and cut them so that the top is about 9 to 12 inches long and from the angle towards the hook for hanging, about 4 to 5 inches long, then, having cut it, bend the angle to 90 degrees. The short length is held in the hand as the handle, though if its windy and you are using them to locate something outside its best to use something a bit heavier as in brass etc.

Wands: These are just springy lengths of thin branch about 36 inches long and are ideal for dowsing up a wall, for example following the path of an old chimney – these tend to meander up the walls of old houses. A modern materials are taking over and the usual wand is a 36 inch length of fairly thin plastic.

When you dowse focus on the object you are trying to locate and don't tense up keep relaxed so as you don't interfere consciously with the tool you are using. When you are trying to locate something you have lost in your home make a list of questions that can be answered by yes or no. and go through the list methodically e.g. is my lost ring in the bedroom, is it in the living room until you narrow it down, when you have double checked this answer break it down further divide the room into sections and again ask the questions is it in this quarter of the room until you have narrowed it to enable a through search of the area. Like all skills it needs practise.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday, 9 March 2011


I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them:
I will in time feature more questions and answers as this blog evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?

A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers

Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?

A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.

Q. What is free will?

A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice

Q. How does free will affect a situation?

A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?

A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.

Q. So what is the Aura?

A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will

My aura photograph albeit taken some time ago

Q. Are Mediums and Psychics the same?

A.No they are not. Mediums are also Psychics but Psychics are not Mediums. Mediums and Psychics work on two different levels. The psychic vibrations are closer to the Earth Plane and it may surprise you to know that each and everyone of you have the ability to develop this sense.

In days gone by as we evolved as a species, this 6th sense (the psychic for that's all it is) was part of our survival mechanism. Designed to keep us safe and out of danger i.e. that "gut feeling" that something was wrong or that we smelt danger. However as we became more civilized we began to depend less on our instinct and our psychic sense. Animals however still have this ability and if you watch your cat or dog you will see them tap into this sense.

Mediumship though cannot be developed this is a gift bestowed on the Medium and many a Medium will tell you, "Is it a gift or is it a curse?" It can be both. Mediums work on a higher vibration that that of Psychics and equally they can also work on a psychic level. Mediums have the ability to pick up and interpret the high vibrations from Spirit, just like a radio.

Q. You mention different levels of vibration what is the difference?

A.There are several planes within the Universe, the lowest being close to Earth see diagram below

It is on the Astral planes we visit when we dream, also on the Astral planes you will find souls who generally because of some trauma are unable to move on and pass over to the realms of Spirit, they appear to be stuck in limbo. The Astral planes is where you will find lower elementals, these are nature spirits, such as elves, nymphs etc and all those negative ones who like to cause mischief. It is also common when we start to open up psychically to see those elementals. For they know you have this ability and to them its akin to having a beacon flashing above your head and they will home in and cause mischief. This may take the form of a dream or what's common you will have a sensation of waking up and feel you are being attacked by a dark figure. They cannot harm you in any shape or form nor can they possess you, a myth brought about by the catholic church. No one can take control of your physical body or your soul, only you can do this. Your soul is fixed in your physical body until the point of death and then passes over to the spirit realms. Yes these experiences may be frightening but that's all they can do frighten but they cannot harm or hurt you in any way. When you develop psychically a bit more all you need do is tell them to get lost and they will go.

Maggie Brown (Author)
Find all the books, read about the author, and more.
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.