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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.
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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.
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Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Amethyst is one of the sixth-chakra stones. The sixth chakra relates to going within, to intuition, psychic development, and dreams. It is an energy center which is connected to the transition from ordinary consciousness to a deeper spiritual awareness, and amethyst is the principal stone used to assist in this transition. With this background, we can see that ametrine can be the ideal stone for someone who wants to:
• have self-confidence in the sense of valuing his/her uniqueness and particular purpose
• develop and use personal power for the greater good, and especially for spiritual reasons
• appreciate that we exist in a perpetual dance between physical and spiritual realities
Monday, 21 March 2011
Before using any new product particularly on the skin its a good idea to patch test on a tiny area where you wish to apply it and leave it unwashed and alone for 48 hours, if there is no reaction then its safe to go ahead and use the product.
Aromatherapy oils MUST NOT BE USED UNDILUTED and for the face the dilution is 1%, this is because the face is close to the nose and therefore the limbic system.
For this recipe you will need a base creme and its best to obtain one from an aromatherapy supplier as they are designed to be used for blending. The active ingredients in this recipe are the essential oils themselves and not the base creme.
Essential oils
On the skin this oil helps regenerate helps smooth out wrinkles, it has a firming action, and helps balance sebum levels. The ancient Egyptians used this essential oil in mummification, therefore if it helped preservation it makes sense that it will help preserve the skin.
Helps promote new cells again has a balancing effect on the skin and speeds up healing, so its especially effective at dealing with break outs.
This essential oil is also a good skin oil, particularly for rough dry areas and soothing for inflammed areas.
You will also require the contents of a Vitamin E capsule or a few drops of wheatgerm oil (which is high in Vitamin E) this extends the shelf life of the creme but more importantly Vitamin E is a powerful anti free radical agent and helps sooth the skin.
This creme is best used at night however if used during the day you would require the addition of a sun protection factor as UVA light ages the skin (see earlier articles on the skin)
To make a 1% dilution the ratio is as follows 1drop of essential oil to 100 drops of carrier oil/creme
1% dilutions
- 5 ml:1 drops
- 10 ml:2 drops
- 15 ml:3 drops
- 20 ml:4 drops
- 25 ml:5 drops
- 30 ml:6 drops
According to new research, the Moon affects not only the tides of the oceans but also people, producing a range of symptoms from flare-ups of gout to bladder problems. It may even lie behind the causes of car crashes and affect people's hormonal balances.
Having carried out new research and reviewed 50 other studies, scientists suggest that doctors and the police even need to prepare for how their work rate will increase at different points in the lunar cycle. Among the findings examined by the researchers were studies that showed GP consultations go up during a full moon, according to Leeds University. Appointments rise by 3.6 per cent, which works out at around three extra patients for each surgery. The researchers did not speculate on the nature of the moon-related problems or why they happened, but said that "it does not seem to be related to anxiety and depression".
Gout and asthma attacks peak during new and full moons, according to work carried out at the Slovak Institute of Preventive and Clinical Medicine in Bratislava, where attacks over a 22-year period were monitored.
Data from 140,000 births in New York City showed small but systematic variations in births over a period of 29.53 days - the length of the lunar cycle - with peak fertility in the last quarter. "The timing of the fertility peak in the third quarter suggests that the period of decreasing illumination immediately after the full moon may precipitate ovulation.''
A study in Florida of murders and aggravated assaults showed clusters of attacks around the full moon. A second study of three police areas found the incidence of crimes committed on full-moon days was much higher than on all other days. And a four-year study into car accidents found that the lowest number happened during the full-moon day, while the highest number was two days before the full moon. Accidents were more frequent during the waxing than the waning phase.
Another study of some 800 patients with urinary retention admitted to hospital over a period of three years found higher retention during the new moon compared with other phases of the cycle. Interestingly, patients didn't show any other daily, monthly or seasonal rhythms in their retention problems.
Even what we eat and drink is affected by the lunar cycle, according to a study at Georgia State University. Researchers looked at lunar variations in nutrient intakes and the meal patterns of 694 adults. They concluded: "A small but significant lunar rhythm of nutrient intake was observed with an 8 per cent increase in meal size and a 26 per cent decrease in alcohol intake at the time of the full moon relative to the new moon.''
While scientists have been trying to prove for some time that the Moon does exert an effect, what has not been established is why. Scientists have until now examined the theory that the Moon triggers changes through its gravitational pull. But the latest research points to an effect on people's hormones. "The lunar cycle has an impact on human reproduction, in particular fertility, menstruation and birth rate. Other events associated with human behaviour, such as traffic accidents, crimes, and suicides, appeared to be influenced by the lunar cycle,'' said Dr Michael Zimecki of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
"Although the exact mechanism of the Moon's influence on humans and animals awaits further exploration, knowledge of this kind of biorhythm may be helpful in police surveillance and medical practice,'' he said.
The researchers also found links between the lunar cycle and the likelihood of people being admitted to hospital with heart or bladder problems and with diarrhoea. The menstrual cycle, fertility, spontaneous abortions and thyroid disease were also affected. Just how the Moon could have an effect needs further research. Dr Zimecki suggests that it may be the effect of the Moon's gravity on immune systems, hormones and steroids.
He said: "At this stage of investigation, the exact mechanism of the lunar effect on the immune response is hard to explain. The prime candidates to exert regulatory function on the immune response are melatonin and steroids, whose levels are affected by the Moon cycle.
"It is suggested that melatonin and endogenous steroids [which are naturally occurring in humans] may mediate the described cyclic alterations of physiological processes. Electromagnetic radiation and/or the gravitational pull of the Moon may trigger the release of hormones.''
Whatever the root cause of the Moon's influence over us, its hold over the imagination will endure as long as the shining sphere of rock remains in the sky.
Sunday, 20 March 2011
To put this simply its a bit like throwing a pebble into a pond, the pebble reaches the water and you see the ripples reverberate due to this action. Your actions will affect others and that in turn will others still and its not limited to physical actions but to thoughts as well. All the Universal laws work together and if your action causes this ripple affect the law of attraction will return that action to the perpetuator magnified, just like the action of throwing a pebble created all those ripples, all those ripples will be returned to you. This is how Karma works
You cannot control your action or thought once it has left you, the only thing you can control is that first action or thought.
Remember these thoughts or actions are like seeds and they take time to grow and manifest but you can be sure when they have grown they will be returned and the result will have indeed been up to you. If you send out kindness and love you wont have anything to worry about but on the other hand if you give out hate, dislike and hurt then you can be sure at some point all of this will be returned to you magnified.
Untruths lies and deception will catch up with you in the end
It doesn't matter how many ways the truth you bend
For the Universe has natural orders in which to keep a balance
You may not think it matters such at first glance
For everything has cause and effect
For which a tally must be kept
The old saying is so very true "for you reap what you sow"
You may not believe and understand now but in time you will know
For one day the lies and deception that you gave
Will come to pay you back sooner or later or haunt you beyond the grave
And then you will know exactly how it feels to be deceived
So expect pay back one day to be received
And when it does I will pity you
And when it does it will be tenfold too
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Was something traditionally carried out by women, it was something practiced by my beloved grandmother herself a spiritualist Medium.
To do this you will need a wide cup and saucer and loose tea, tea bags are no use what so ever, or coarse ground coffee and do not strain the tea/coffee when pouring it into the cup.
Before even drinking the tea/coffee you can begin the reading, bubbles on the surface after pouring suggests money is on the way, if any tea leaves are floating on the surface, then visitors are imminent. The number of leaves shows how many days away they are, if two teaspoons are accidently placed on a saucer, then you can expect news of twins soon.
After you have drunk the tea/coffee as much as you can without drinking the leaves/grounds tip the cup upside down on to the saucer and turn round three times clockwise, then up turn and you are ready to begin the reading.
Look at the arrangement of the leaves look for patterns and images, are the scattered fewly suggesting a tidy ordered life or are there lots suggesting a rich and busy life.
Hold the cup so the handle faces the questioner and this represents the questioner and their home how far the leaves are away from the handle represents how far the symbols are away from the questioner. Leaves that lie to the rim of the cup represent recent events and leaves that lie close to the bottom of the cup represent the distant past and leaves on the bottom represent misfortune. Leaves that lie to the right of the handle indicate the future, and leaves to the left of the handle indicate the past. The further away the leaves lie from the handle, the further away the events are in either time or even physical distance.
Look inside the cup what are your first impressions. Any distinct drops of tea or coffee that remain in the cup despite the swirling and emptying of the cup, represent tears. A very large clump of tea leaves indicates trouble. Near the handle - trouble caused by your own making. Opposite the handle - the trouble is not your fault.Tea-stalks indicate people. Long stalks indicate men. Shorter stalks indicate women. Pale or dark stalks indicate colouring. Slanted stalks indicate untrustworthy people.
- Bat False friends, a journey ending in disappointment.
- Bath Disappointment.
- Bayonet A minor accident, a spiteful remark.
- Beans Poverty.
- Bear Facing handle of cup - irrational decisions cause difficulties. Facing away from handle of cup - a journey.
- Bed Inertia.
- Bee Social success, good news. Near handle of cup - friends gathering. Swarm of bees - success with an audience.
- Beehive Prosperity.
- Beetle Scandal, a difficult undertaking.
- Bell Unexpected news. Near top of cup - promotion. Near bottom of cup - sad news. Two bells - joy. Several bells - a wedding.
- Bellows Plans will meet with setbacks.
- Bird Good news.
- Birdcage Obstacles, quarrels.
- Bird's nest Domestic harmoney, love.
- Bishop Good luck coming.
- Boat Visit from a friend, a safe refuge.
- Book Open - expect legal actions, future success. Closed - delays, difficult studies.
- Boomerang Treachery, envy.
- Boot Achievement, protection from pain. Pointing away from handle of cup - dismissal. Broken - failure.
- Bottle One bottle - pleasure. Several bottles - illness.
- Bouquet Love and happiness.
- Bow (Bow and Arrow) Scandal, gossip.
- Box Open - romantic troubles solved. Closed - the lost will be found.
- Bracelet Impending marriage.
- Branch With leaves - a birth. Without leaves - a disappointment.
- Bread Avoid waste.
- Bridge An opportunity for success.
- Broom small worries disappear, a false friend.
- Buckle Disappointments ahead.
- Bugle Hard work necessary.
- Building A move.
- Bull Quarrels, enmity.
- Buoy Keep hoping.
- Bush New friends, fresh opportunities.
- Butterfly Frivolity, fickleness. Surrounded by dots - frittering away money.
- Cab A disappointment.
- Cabbage Jealousy causes complications at work.
- Cage A proposal.
- Camel Useful news.
- Candle Help form others, pursuit of knowledge.
- Cannon News of a soldier or a government employee.
- Cap Trouble ahead - be careful.
- Car Good fortune.
- Cart Success in business.
- Castle Financial gain through marriage, a strong character rising to prominence.
- Cat A quarrel, treachery, a false friend.
- Cattle Prosperity.
- Chain An engagement or wedding.
- Chair An unexpected guest. Surrounded by dots - financial improvements.
- Cherries A happy love affair.
- Chessmen Difficulties ahead.
- Chimney Hidden risks.
- Church Ceremony, unexpected money.
- Cigar New friends.
- Circle Success, a wedding. With a dot - a baby. With small lines nearby - efforts hampered.
- Claw A hidden enemy.
- Clock Avoid delay, think of the future, a recovery from illness.
- Clouds Trouble ahead. Surrounded by dots - money trouble ahead.
- Clover Prosperity.
- Coat A parting, an end of a friendship.
- Cockatoo Trouble among friends.
- Coffeepot Slight illness.
- Coffin Bad news.
- Coin Repayment of debts.
- Collar Dependence on others for success and happiness.
- Column Promotion, success, arrogance.
- Comb Deceit, a false friend.
- Comet An unexpected visitor.
- Compass Travel, a change of job.
- Corkscrew Curiosity causing trouble.
- Crab An enemy.
- Crescent A journey.
- Cross Sacrifice, trouble, ill health. Within a square - trouble averted. Two crosses - long life. Three crosses - great achievement.
- Crown Honour, success, a wish coming true, a legacy.
- Crutches Help from a friend.
- Cup Reward for effort.
- Curtain A secret.
- Cymbal Insincere love.
- Daffodil Great happiness.
- Dagger Impetuousness, danger ahead, enemies.
- Daisy Happiness in love.
- Dancer Disappointment.
- Deer A dispute or quarrel.
- Desk Letter containing good news.
- Devil Evil influences.
- Dish Quarrel at home.
- Dog Good friends. If running - good news, happy meetings. At bottom of cup - friend in trouble.
- Donkey Be patient and optimstic.
- Door Strange occurrence.
- Dot This symbolises the importance of the nearest symbol. Several dots - money.
- Dove Good fortune.
- Dragon Unforesen changes, trouble.
- Drum Scandal, gossip, a new job, arguments.
- Duck Money coming in.
- Dustpan Strange news about a friend.
- Eagle A change for the better.
- Ear Unexpected news.
- Earrings Misunderstanding.
- Easel Artistic success.
- Egg Prosperity, success - the more eggs the better.
- Eggcup Danger is passing.
- Elephant Wisdom, strength, lasting success, a trustworthy friend.
- Engine News on its way fast.
- Envelope Good news.
- Eye Overcoming difficulties, take care.
- Face One face - a change, setback. Several faces - a party.
- Fairy Joy and enchantment.
- Fan Flirtation, indiscretion.
- Feather Instability, inconsistency, lack of concentration.
- Feet An important decision.
- Fence Limitation to activities, minor setbacks, future success.
- Fender Beware of a person you dislike.
- Fern Disloyalty, an unfaithful lover.
- Finger Emphasises the symbol to which it points.
- Fir Artistic succes. The higher the tree, the better.
- Fire Achievement, avoid hasty over-reactions.
- Fireplace Matters related to your home.
- Fish Good fortune in all things, health, wealth and happiness.
- Fist An argument.
- Flag Danger ahead.
- Flower Wish coming true.
- Fly Domestic irritations. The more flies, the more petty problems.
- Font A birth.
- Fork A false friend, flattery.
- Forked Line Decisions to be made.
- Fountain Future success and happiness.
- Fox A deceitful friend.
- Frog Success through a change of home or job, avoid self-importance.
- Fruit Prosperity.
- Gallows Social failure, enemies confounded.
- Garden roller Difficulties ahead.
- Garland Success, great honour.
- Gate Opportunity, future happiness.
- Geese Invitations, unexpected visitors.
- Giraffe Think before you speak.
- Glass Integrity.
- Glove A challenge.
- Goat Enemies threaten, news about a sailor.
- Gondola Romance, travel.
- Gramophone Pleasure.
- Grapes Happiness.
- Grasshopper News of a much travelled friend.
- Greyhound Good fortune.
- Guitar Happiness in love.
- Gun Trouble, quarrels.
- Hammer Overcoming obstacles, ruthlessness, work that is uncongenial.
- Hand Friendship.
- Handcuffs Trouble ahead.
- Hare Timidity, news of a friend.
- Harp Harmony in love.
- Hat A new occupation, a change. Bent and broken - failure likely. In bottom of cup - a rival. At side of cup - diplomacy.
- Hawk Sudden danger, jealousy.
- Hayrick Think before you act.
- Head New opportunities.
- Heart Love and marriage, a trustworthy friend.
- Heather Good fortune.
- Hen Domestic bliss.
- Hill Obstacles, setbacks.
- Hoe Hard work leading to success.
- Holly An importance occurrence in the winter.
- Horn Abundance.
- Horse Galloping - good news from a lover. Head only - romance.
- Horseshoe Good luck.
- Hourglass A decision that must be made.
- House Security.
- Iceberg Danger.
- Initials Usually those of people known to you. If next to a triangle, the initials of strangers.
- Inkpot A letter.
- Insect Minor problems soon overcome.
- Ivy leaf Reliable friend.
- Jester Party or social gathering. Alternatively - avoid frivolity, be serious.
- Jewellery A present.
- Jockey Speculation.
- Jug Gaining in importance, good health.
- Kangaroo Domestic harmony.
- Kettle Minor illness. Near handle of cup - domestic bliss. Near or at bottom of cup - domestic strife.
- Key New opportunities, doors opening. Crossed keys - success. Two keys near bottom of cup - robbery.
- Keyhole Beware of idle curiosity.
- King A powerful ally.
- Kite Wishes coming true, do not take chances, scandal.
- Knife Broken relationships. Near handle of cup - divorce. On bottom of cup - lawsuits. Crossed knives - arguments.
- Ladder Promotion.
- Lamp Near handle of cup - money. Near rim of cup - celebration. On side of cup - personal loss. On bottom of cup - Postponed social event. Two lamps - two marriages.
- Leaf Prosperity, good fortune.
- Leopard News of a journey.
- Letter News. Near dots - news about money.
- Lighthouse Trouble threatening, but averted. Success through a friend.
- Lines Straight and clear - progress, journeys. Wavy - uncertainty, disappointment. Slanting - business failure.
- Lion Influential friends.
- Lock Obstacles in your path.
- Loop Impulsive actions could bring trouble.
- Man Near handle of cup - a visitor. Clear and distinct - dark-haired visitor. Not well-defined - fair-haired visitor. With arm outstretched - bearing gifts.
- Map Travel and change. The country it indicates could show a visit to that place, or represent someone from there.
- Mask Deception.
- Medal A reward.
- Mermaid Temptation, an offer that is not what it seems.
- Mitre Honours.
- Monkey A flattering mischief-maker.
- Monster Terror.
- Monument Lasting happiness.
- Moon Full - a love affair. First quarter - new projects. last quarter - fortune declining. Obscured - depression. Surrounded by dots - marriage for money.
- Mountain Obstacle, high ambition.
- Mouse Theft.
- Mushroom Growth, setbacks. Near handle of cup - a home in the country.
- Music Good fortune.
- Nail Malice, injustice, sharp pain.
- Necklace Complete - admirers. Broken - the end of a relationship.
- Needle Admiration.
- Net Traps for the unwary.
- Numbers Indicate a timescale, the number of days before an event occurs.
- Nun Quarantine.
- Nurse Illness.
- Nutcrackers Difficulty is passing.
- Oak Good fortune.
- Oar A small worry, help in difficulties.
- Octopus Danger.
- Opera glasses A quarrel, loss of a friend.
- Ostrich Travel.
- Owl Gossip, scandal, failure. At bottom of cup - financial failure. Near handle of cup - domestic failure.
- Oyster Courtship, acquired riches.
- Padlock Open - a surprise. Closed - a warning.
- Palm tree Success, honour, happiness in love.
- Parachute Escape from danger.
- Parasol A new lover.
- Parcel A surprise.
- Parrot A scandal, a journey.
- Peacock With tail spread - riches, land. Surrounded by dots - a life of luxury. Next to a ring - a rich marriage.
- Pear Comfort, financial ease.
- Pentagon Intellectual balance.
- Pepperpot A troublesome secret.
- Pig Material success brings emotional problems.
- Pigeon Sitting - an improvement in trade. Flying - important news.
- Pillar Supportive friends.
- Pipe Thoughts, solution to a problem, keep an open mind.
- Pistol Danger.
- Pitchfork Quarrels.
- Policeman Secret enemy.
- Pot Service to society.
- Profile New friend.
- Pump Generosity.
- Purse Profit. At bottom of cup - loss.
- Pyramid Solid success.
- Question mark Hesitancy, caution.
- Rabbit Timidity, be brave.
- Railway Long journey.
- Rainbow Happiness, prosperity.
- Rake Be organised.
- Rat Treachery.
- Raven Bad news.
- Razor Quarrels, partings.
- Reptiles Treacherous friend.
- Rider Hasty news.
- Ring Completion. Near top of cup - marriage. Near middle of cup - proposal. Near bottom of cup - long engagement. Complete ring - happy marriage. Broken ring or ring next to cross - broken engagement. Two rings - plans working out
- Rocks Difficulties.
- Rose Popularity.
- Saucepan Anxieties.
- Saw Interfering outsider.
- Scales A lawsuit. Balanced scales - justice. Unbalanced scales - injustice.
- Sceptre Power, authority.
- Scissors Domestic arguments, separation.
- Scythe Danger.
- Shamrock Good luck, wish coming true.
- Sheep Good fortune.
- Shell Good news.
- Ship Successful journey.
- Shoe A change for the better.
- Sickle Disappointment in love.
- Signpost Draws attention to the symbol to which it points.
- Skeleton Loss of money, ill health.
- Snake hatred, an enemy.
- Spade Hard work leads to success, or avoid taking side of cups.
- Spider Determined and persistent, secretive, money coming.
- Spoon Generosity.
- Square A symbol of protection, comfort, peace.
- Squirrel Prosperity after a hard time.
- Star Good health, happiness. Five-pointed star - good fortune. Eight-pointed star - accidents, reverses. Seven stars together - grief.
- Steeple Slight delay, bad luck.
- Steps An improvement in life.
- Sun Happiness, success, power.
- Swallow Decisiveness, unexpected journeys.
- Swan Smooth progress, contented life.
- Sword Disappointment, quarrels.
- Table Social gethering. Surrounded by dots - financial conference.
- Teapot Committee meeting.
- Telephone Forgetfulness causes trouble.
- Telescope Adventure.
- Tent Travel.
- Thimble Domestic changes.
- Toad Beware of flattery.
- Torch A turn for the better.
- Tortoise Criticism.
- Tower Opportunity, disappointment.
- Tree Changes for the better, ambitions fulfilled. Surrounded by dots - your fortune lies in the country.
- Triangle Somehing unexpected. Point upward - brings success. Point downward - brings failure.
- Trident Success at sea.
- Trunk A long journey, fateful decisions.
- Umbrella Annoyances, a need for shelter. If open - shelter found. If closed - shelter refused.
- Unicorn A secret wedding.
- Urn Wealth, happiness.
- Vase A friend in need.
- Vegetables Unhappiness followed by contentment.
- Violin Egotism.
- Volcano Emotions out of control.
- Vulture Loss, theft, an enemy in authority.
- Wagon A wedding.
- Walking stick A visitor.
- Wasp Trouble in love.
- Waterfall Prosperity.
- Weather vane A difficulty, indecisiveness.
- Whale Business success.
- Wheel Complete - good fortune, earned success. Broken - disappointment. Near rim of cup - unexpected money.
- Wheelbarrow A meeting with an old friend.
- Windmill Business success through hard work rather than brilliance.
- Window Open - good luck through a friend. Closed - disappointment through a friend
- Wings Messages.
- Wishbone A wish granted.
- Wolf Jealousy, selfishness.
- Woman Pleasure.
- Worms Scandal.
- Wreath Happiness ahead.
- Yacht Pleasure.
- Yoke Being dominated.
- Zebra Adventure overseas, an unsettled life.
- Zeppelin Delays, perseverance necessary.
Sulking and holding on to grudges is immature behaviour, it solves nothing. If you have a disagreement or difference of opinion about something with someone try and solve it by dialogue. Not everyone has the same opinion about situations and beliefs etc. it would be a dull world if we all thought the same way. However if it leads to an argument and one party sulks or holds a grudge how can it ever be resolved and the longer it carries on the worse it will become. Someone has to give way so be the adult and better person and step forward and begin by saying sincerely, "I'm sorry I don't want for us to fall out lets talk and see if we can resolve this". If the other person refuses and carries on well you just have to leave them to it and walk away from their negativity and think of it this way in that they will only be harming their own soul. Do not copy their negative behaviour be the better person.