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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Monday, 11 April 2011


Ancient Egyptian view of the afterlife
What if you believed that this life was all that there is. That there was no afterlife, no heaven and no hell. How would you view life? Would you live for the moment? doing whatever you wanted, knowing that it didn't matter who you hurt and how you treated others? Or would you be sad knowing this was all that there was. If this is all there is, how would you feel knowing all your hopes, dreams and aspirations die with you? Knowing that you will never again see those you love when either they or you die. Wouldn't you feel sad? Wouldn't you question the whole meaning of life?

There are some people who believe in just this but the vast majority of us do believe in something, the desire to worship and believe in something is inherent within all of us. Be it a Higher Power or God, there is a tiny spark within all of us to believe what is right and wrong and to know there is something bigger than us. It's been there from the beginning of time. Ok there are someone people who's tiny spark may not be very bright but I firmly believe it is still there and its just a question of finding the right catalyst to trigger it off to burn a bit brighter.

If you believe there is a greater power and after we die we go on to live eternally how do you view your life. I feel this makes us more hopeful and it gives life more meaning and its more comforting to think our loved ones will live on. It makes our live feel more like a preparation for the next and it makes us more aware of how we should live our life and you can view life as a learning process.

But supposing you are given definite proof we don't die at all and you are given evidence that your loved ones live on? Supposing you are given evidence by those who have died messages beyond the grave, only something you could possibly know or better still where a third party has to verify this evidence? Would this comfort you to know, this life is not the end and know that you will meet your loved ones again? Would this change your outlook on life, would you live it differently with new meaning?

I firmly believe when you are given this hard evidence from spirit, you do see the bigger picture, it enables you to understand why we are here on Earth and it is comforting and it takes away the fear of death. For its fear of the unknown that causes the distress. It helps us view what is important in life and makes us realise material objects are just objects and do not matter in the scheme of things. Importantly it also fans that spark of righteousness thats within all of us to live our lives better and to treat others better. It brings us contentment.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Sunday, 10 April 2011


This resinous oil has a great calming and uplifting effect on the mind and helps to comfort the sad and lonely, while boosting circulation and easing respiratory disorders. At the same time it boosts the skin's elasticity, while calming redness, itchiness and irritation. Benzoin oil has a sweet, warm and vanilla-like aroma and is golden brown in color, with a treacle-like viscosity.

It is extracted from the tree Styrax Benzoin tree which grows in Java, Sumatra and Thailand and grows to 8 meters (20 feet). It is also known as gum benzoin, luban jawi (meaning frankincense of Java), Benjamin or Styrax benzoin. Deep incisions are made in the trunk of the tree, from which the grayish colored sap exudes. When the resinous lump becomes hard and brittle, it is collected from the bark.
Benzoin, also known as gum Benjamin, is one of the classic ingredients of incense. In ancient civilizations it was used in fumigation and it is also an ingredient of 'Friar's balsam', an aid to respiratory problems. It is also used as a fixative in the perfume industry.
Chemical composition
Benzoin oil's main chemical components are benzoic, cinnamic acids, benzyl benzoate, benzoic aldehyde, vanillin and coniferyl benzoate.
When concentration is needed, it is best to avoid using benzoin oil as it can have a very relaxing effect. and like other essential oils do not use in pregnancy and if epileptic
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of benzoin oil include the following; antiseptic, anti-depressant, astringent, anti-inflammatory, carminative, cordial, deodorant, diuretic, expectorant, sedative and vulnerary.
Benzoin oil can be used for bronchitis, coughs, colds, wounds, acne, eczema, psoriasis, rheumatism, arthritis, scar tissue, circulation, nervous tension, stress, muscle pains, chilblains, rashes and mouth ulcers.
Benzoin oil's greatest benefit lies in that it has a calming effect on the nervous and digestive systems, a warming effect on circulation problems and a toning effect on the respiratory tract.

This clear smelling citrus oil can help lift depression and lighten your mood when feeling blue. It is used to fight cellulite and to tone the skin in general. Lime oil has a sharp, citrus peel smell and is pale yellow to light olive in color. Originally from Asia, it is now cultivated in most warm countries, especially Italy, the West Indies and the Americas. It is an evergreen tree growing up to 4.5 meters (15 feet) high with smooth, green leaves, stiff sharp spines and small, white flowers. The fruit is green and although there are many varieties they usually measure about two inches in diameter. It was introduced into Europe by the Moors and from there it migrated to the Americas. Ships transporting it were called 'lime juicers' and ship crews depended on it to prevent scurvy, because of the high vitamin C content.
It is used to flavour ginger ale and cola drinks, and also used in the perfume industry.

Lime oil can be extracted by expression or by distillation - the peel of the unripe skin by cold expression or the peel and /or the whole ripe fruit by steam distillation.
lime oil is obtained by steam distillation of the fruit rinds and since it is distilled it does not have a phototoxic effect on the skin where by the expressed oil does.
Chemical composition
The main constituents in the distilled lime oil, like the one we sell is a-pinene, b-pinene, myrcene, limonene, terpinolene, 1,8-ceneole, linalool, borneol, citral and traces of neral acetate and geranyl acetate.
Non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing if the oil is obtained by steam extraction, yet the oil obtained from cold expression can cause photosensitivity in strong sunshine and can irritate the skin and as usual do not use in pregnancy and if epileptic.
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of lime oil are antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, aperitif, bactericidal, disinfectant, febrifuge, haemostatic, restorative and tonic.
Lime oil is useful to cool fevers associated with colds, sore throats and flu and aids the immune system while easing coughs, bronchitis and sinusitis, as well as helping asthma. Lime oil can stimulate and refresh a tired mind and helps with depression.
It can be helpful for arthritis, rheumatism and poor circulation, as well as for obesity and cellulite and has an astringent and toning action to clear oily skin and acne, and also helps with herpes, insect bites and cuts.

Lime oil is beneficial to the immune system, easing infection in the respiratory tract and relieving pain in muscles and joints, while revitalizing a tired mind and banishing the feeling of apathy, anxiety and depression.

I like to use these two essential oils together in a blend, where the Benzoin is relaxing and soothing and good for anxiety. The Lime is uplifting and good for depression, both are great for the respiratory tract especially for sinusitis. Lime essential oil also stimulates the appetite so very helpful when getting over illness or in the case of depression where the appetite was diminished. In a blend for massage I would use a 2% dilution but equally they are effective in a burner

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

In religions that believe in reincarnation, this belief is very important and forms the foundations of it. In my religion, Spiritualism, we have seven principals we aspire to, one of which is number six: 

"Compensation and retribution for all souls." 

This amounts to the same thing as Karma. It means you are responsible for all your own deeds — good and bad — and there will have to be some payback for all those deeds. Who decides this? Some may say it is God; in my beliefs it is the Universe. It has to be this way. The whole concept for us being on Earth is for us to learn and become better people, and thus closer to God, the Universe, or Spirit. We are only human. As humans, we mess up. We do it all the time and that is okay, for it is through mistakes that we reinforce the learning process. However, there will be some retribution if we have hurt others. There is no escaping this.

Just how much retribution will depend on how much we have reflected and learned and how much we realize what we have done. Much, if not all of this negative karma, may be cancelled out should we give out care, love, compassion, and understanding to others.

Above all, what is most important is that we realize each and every one of us is responsible for our own destiny. "For what we sow, we shall reap". Karma also transcends time, so if we think we have escaped it in this lifetime, we are mistaken. There is a constant shifting of energy in the Universe, from negative to positive and vice versa. It is not all doom and gloom. Likewise, if we have cared for, helped, and loved others, we shall be compensated and rewarded for doing so, whether in this life or the next. Always try to put yourself in the shoes of others and try to understand not everyone has had the same life experiences as you and accept this, but always do your very best.

It is not an easy way to live, but the following Reiki principals may help you (I am a Reiki Master):
• Just for today, do not get angry.
• Just for today, do not worry.
• Just for today, be grateful.
• Just for today, work hard.
• Just for today, be kind to others.

You just have to do this for one day, but then tomorrow is another day, so you start over, but by taking one day at a time like this, little by little, it makes it easier to try and aspire to these ideals.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Saturday, 9 April 2011


The word deva comes from the Sanskrit language, meaning "a being of brilliant light" and is used to indicate a non-physical being. We are using the word deva here as a general name for both nature spirits and angelic beings.

The Higher Developed Devas

These beings, usually called angels, archangels and so on, are creative intelligences building our world. They know how to manipulate ethereal substances into ever more crystallized forms of which the end result is physical matter. They build vehicles for every life form.

They do not have free will, but are very powerful in what they do. Their form changes as they move around, and changes over time. They live in a state of immediate knowledge and are a source of happiness and exaltation. They live fully in the moment, in full concentration and in unity with the flowing energy of the field they are working in.

They can create sounds in the ethereal worlds that have a positive effect on humans and their environment. They work with sounds, mantras, and movements to create energy patterns.

Classification of the Angels

Most people with the second sight have focus on the elemental beings, only a few also have contact with the angelic realm. They have described angels of sound, color, healing and so on, angels associated with the Christ energy and creative forces, but for a basic classification of the higher developed beings we have to turn to the old, but still valid classification in the Jewish/Christian tradition. So, here we go:

Besides all the beings and forces we have seen thus far, there are even more, greater beings that work on the fundaments of the cosmos. Here is an overview of the traditional hierarchy above the Archangels. The first name is from the Catholic tradition, the second name, between brackets, is from the Jewish tradition.

  • The Seraphim (Haioth ha Qodesh) distribute the universal force that allows mankind to fixate within themselves the divine unity. They determine the four supreme cardinal points, from which comes those of space. From these beings come the four elements, and all other group of four that determine existence. They are without any form.
  • The Cherubim (Ophanim or Galgalim) regulate and equilibrate the primordial chaos. They provide us the forms by which we are able to visualize the divine things. Their vibrations are in form of light as well as sounds. Their function is to maintain manifestation in movement.
  • The Thrones (Arailim) allow our spirit to fixate the images formed by the Cherubim. They maintain the primordial ether in the visible form in the subtle substances. They regulate and stabilize the power of the divine to give it form. They reside in the area of the cosmos where material form begins to take shape.
  • The Dominions (Hhashmalim) are like a reservoir of energy that animates nature. They give to men the necessary force to conquer the inner enemy and to achieve the ends that are assigned to them. Dominions are Angels of Leadership. They regulate the duties of the angels, making known the commands of God.
  • The Powers (Seraphin) have to do with divine sanctity and purification. Powers are Warrior Angels against evil defending the cosmos and humans. They are known as potentates. They fight against evil spirits who attempt to wreak chaos through human beings.
  • The Virtues (Malakim) work primordially on the mineral kingdom, the environment in which the beings of creation evolve. They produce the mineral realm, the metal, the gems and are the soul of all mineral medicine. Virtues are known as the Spirits of Motion and control the elements. They are sometimes referred to as "the shining ones." They govern all nature.
  • The Principalities (Tarshishim) give us the submission of all things, they embrace of all forces.
  • The Archangels (Beni-Elohim) rule over the animal kingdom and give man domination over it.
  • The Angels (Keroubim) are the guardians of the threshold, the defenders of the holiness of God against fallen man who would otherwise take the Tree of life. They deliver the prayers to God and God's answers and other messages to humans. Angels have the capacity to access any and all other Angels at any time. They are the most caring and to assist those who ask for help.

Benevolent and Malevolent Beings

Good devas keep themselves to the realm they are working in. Evil devas will approach animals and humans with their bad intentions.

More evolved does not automatically mean that they are benevolent to humans. Superior spirits, however, have made a vow that they will never introduce themselves with a personal name as a means to make people believe in them. They decline any personal recognition. Their messages are always refined and, if high in vibrancy, short with a profound meaning, and they are not compulsive. True spiritual beings of high development have a full aura. They are filled with a particular quality of white clear light.

If you want to know with what kind of spirit you are dealing with, ask to show them their inner, divine light. True spiritual beings will respond, while spirits with bad intentions will not. Or ask them their name, a good spirit will not give one.

Malevolent spirits interfere with life on the physical level, and cause trouble when they give psychic powers to people. They often give prophecies of disasters. They have no sense of the beautiful or the artistic. They cannot fake beauty or artistry, or sincerity, as all this comes from the heart, and from the divine. They might have a great amount of intelligence, but it is not rooted in truth. They like to talk about and fake the truth, wisdom, righteousness and love, but it is all distorted.

Malevolent spirits feed on fear. To avoid them learn to keep your fear under control, or learn to eliminate it. The opposite of fear is trust, trust in the divine. Don’t pay attention to them. Don’t hate them either, or be angry. They are also children of the divine, who went the wrong path. Respect them for who they are, and make a clear choice not to get involved with them. Know you are rooted in the divine, and bring out that divine light, which we all have in ourselves.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Rosemary has been extensively used since ancient times for a variety of purposes. The Romans gave special importance to rosemary plant and used it in religious ceremonies. Its use extended to wedding ceremonies, food, cosmetics, and herbal care. Rosemary plant and its extract were also used in the ancient Egyptian civilization as incense.

The health benefits of rosemary essential oil made it a favorite of Paracelsus, a renowned physician, who made significant contribution to herbal medicine during the sixteenth century. Paracelsus valued rosemary oil due to its ability to strengthen the entire body. He (rightly) believed that rosemary oil had the ability to heal delicate organs such as liver, brain as well as heart.

Rosemary was well known to ancient practitioners. It was an herb known for strengthening the memory and helping the brain. Eventually, it also became associated with the fidelity of lovers, and was presented to wedding guests as a gift. In 1607, Roger Hacket said, "Speaking of the powers of rosemary, it overtoppeth all the flowers in the garden, boasting man's rule. It helpeth the brain, strengtheneth the memorie, and is very medicinable for the head. Another property of the rosemary is, it affects the heart." 

Rosemary was often cultivated in kitchen gardens, and was said to represent the dominance of the lady of the house. One would assume that more than one "master" sabotaged his wife's garden to assert his own authority! This woody plant was also known to provide delicious flavoring for game and poultry. Later, it was used in wine and cordials, and even as a Christmas decoration. 

Roman priests used rosemary as incense in religious ceremonies, and many cultures considered it a herb to use as protection from evil spirits and witches. In England, it was burned in the homes of those who had died from illness, and placed on coffins before the grave was filled with dirt. 

For magical use, burn rosemary to rid a home of negative energy, or as an incense while you meditate. Hang bundles on your front door to keep harmful people, like burglars, from entering. Stuff a healing poppet with dried rosemary to take advantage of its medicinal properties, or mix with juniper berries and burn in a sickroom to promote healthy recovery. In spellwork, rosemary can be used as a substitute for other herbs such as frankincense.

As an essential oil

Rosemary oil should not be used during pregnancy and is unsuitable for people with epilepsy or high blood pressure.

Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of rosemary oil are analgesic, antidepressant, astringent, carminative, cephalic, cholagogue, cordial, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, hepatic, hypertensive, nervine, rubefacient, stimulant, sudorific and tonic.
  • Rosemary oil has a pronounced action on the brain and the central nervous system and is wonderful for clearing the mind and mental awareness, while having excellent brain stimulant properties, as well as improving memory.
  • It helps with headaches, migraines, neuralgia, mental fatigue and nervous exhaustion and the antiseptic action of rosemary oil is especially suitable for intestinal infections and diarrhea, easing colitis, dyspepsia, flatulence, hepatic disorders and jaundice and relieving pain associated with rheumatism, arthritis, muscular pain and gout. It also helps for arteriosclerosis, palpitations, poor circulation and varicose veins.
  • The diuretic properties of rosemary oil are useful with reducing water retention during menstruation, and also with obesity and cellulite.
  • On the respiratory system, it is effective for asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, sinus and whooping cough. Because of its astringent action, it is also effective for countering sagging skin. Its stimulating action benefits scalp disorders and encourages hair growth.
  • On the skin, it helps to ease congestion, puffiness and swelling and can also be used for acne, dermatitis and eczema, but a very popular use of this oil is the use in hair care products, as it has a pronounced positive effect on the health of the hair and scalp. It increases the circulation to the scalp and is therefore also effective for promoting hair growth.

Rosemary oil is effective for mental fatigue, circulation problems, pain relief for the muscular system, decongests the respiratory tract and is a skin and hair booster.

Burners and vaporizers
In vapor therapy, rosemary oil can be helpful for congestion, alcohol over-indulgence, overwork, sinusitis and mental and physical tiredness. It furthermore stimulates the brain, improves memory and promotes clear thinking.
Blended massage oil or in the bath
As a blended massage oil or diluted in the bath, rosemary oil can assist with liver and gall problems, mucus congestion, muscular aches, cramps, pains and spasms, stiff neck, overwork, rheumatism, arthritis, colds, constipation, diarrhea, coughs, bronchitis, back pain, scalp disorders, sinusitis, mental fatigue and physical tiredness.
Cream or lotion
◦ In a cream or lotion it is most beneficial for improving blood circulation and decongesting the skin.
◦ When added to shampoo it not only increases the circulation to the scalp and thereby improving hair growth, but also acts as a general conditioner and tonic for the hair and scalp.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Friday, 8 April 2011



She walks in shadows hoping to be unseen
Her hair of gold shimmers in moonlight sheen
It tumbles softly over shoulders soft
The moon smiles kindly in skies aloft
Alone and swiftly in her steps she glides
Checking she is quite alone she hides
For her purpose is to cast a spell
Quite unseen in shadows dwell
And from her pocket she takes her wares
And lighted candle into flame she stares
And then the flame's extinguished the spell is cast
The work is done fate will come to pass


Maggie Brown (Author)
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The article below describes how Wicca draws from the Old Traditions of Witchcraft. While this is true, we would simply like to clarify that Witchcraft and Wicca, while similar in many respects, are not the same.  One can be a Witch, without being a Wiccan, just as a person can be a Christian, without being a Baptist.  Wicca is a recognized religion, while Witchcraft itself is not considered a religion.  Thus, Wicca might best be described as a modern religion, based on ancient Witchcraft traditions.
What Is Wicca

Contrary to what those who choose to persecute or lie about us wish to believe, Wicca is a very peaceful, harmonious and balanced way of life which promotes oneness with the divine and all which exists.

Wicca is a deep appreciation and awe in watching the sunrise or sunset, the forest in the light of a glowing moon, a meadow enchanted by the first light of day.   It is the morning dew on the petals of a beautiful flower, the gentle caress of a warm summer breeze upon your skin, or the warmth of the summer sun on your face.   Wicca is the fall of colorful autumn leaves, and the softness of winter snow.   It is light, and shadow and all that lies in between.  It is the song of the birds and other creatures of the wild.   It is being in the presence of Mother Earths nature and being humbled in reverence.   When we are in the temple of the Lord and Lady, we are not prone to the arrogance of human technology as they touch our souls.   To be a Witch is to be a healer, a teacher, a seeker, a giver, and a protector of all things.   If this path is yours, may you walk it with honor, light and integrity.

Wicca is a belief system and way of life based upon the reconstruction of pre-Christian traditions originating in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.   While much of the information of how our ancestors lived, worshiped and believed has been lost due to the efforts of the medieval church to wipe our existence from history, we try to reconstruct those beliefs to the best of our ability with the information that is available.

Thanks to archaeological discoveries, we now have basis to believe that the origins of our belief system can be traced even further back to the Paleolithic peoples who worshipped a Hunter God and a Fertility Goddess.   With the discovery of these cave paintings, estimated to be around 30,000 years old, depicting a man with the head of a stag, and a pregnant woman standing in a circle with eleven other people, it can reasonably be assumed that Witchcraft is one of the oldest belief systems known in the world toady.   These archetypes are clearly recognized by Wiccan as our view of the Goddess and God aspect of the supreme creative force and predate Christianity by roughly 28,000 years making it a mere toddler in the spectrum of time as we know it.   

Witchcraft in ancient history was known as "The Craft of the Wise" because most who followed the path were in tune with the forces of nature, had a knowledge of Herbs and medicines, gave council and were valuable parts of the village and community as Shamanic healers and leaders.   They understood that mankind is not superior to nature, the earth and its creatures but instead we are simply one of the many parts, both seen and unseen that combine to make the whole.   As Chief Seattle said; "We do not own the earth, we are part of it."   These wise people understood that what we take or use, we must return in kind to maintain balance and equilibrium. Clearly, modern man with all his applied learning and technology has forgotten this.   Subsequently, we currently face ecological disaster and eventual extinction because of our hunger for power and a few pieces of gold.

For the past several hundred years, the image of the Witch has been mistakenly associated with evil, heathenism, and unrighteousness.   In my humble opinion, these misconceptions have their origin in a couple of different places.

To begin, the medieval church of the 15th through 18th centuries created these myths to convert the followers of the old nature based religions to the churches way of thinking.   By making the Witch into a diabolical character and turning the old religious deities into devils and demons, the missionaries were able to attach fear to these beliefs which aided in the conversion process.    Secondly, as medical science began to surface, the men who were engaged in these initial studies had a very poor understanding of female physiology, especially in the area of a women's monthly cycles.   The unknowns in this area played very well with the early churches agenda lending credence to the Witch Hunters claims and authority.   The fledgling medical professions also stood to benefit greatly from this because it took the power of the women healers away giving it to the male physicians transferring the respect and power to them.

Unfortunately these misinformed fears and superstitions have carried forward through the centuries and remain to this day.   This is why many who follow these nature oriented beliefs have adopted the name of Wicca over its true name of Witchcraft to escape the persecution, harassment and misinformation associated with the name of Witchcraft and Witch not to mention the bad publicity the press and Hollywood has given us simply to generate a profit.

What Witchcraft is:
Witchcraft is a spiritual system that fosters the free thought and will of the individual, encourages learning and an understanding of the earth and nature thereby affirming the divinity in all living things.   Most importantly however, it teaches responsibility.   We accept responsibility for our actions and deeds as clearly a result of the choices we make.   We do not blame an exterior entity or being for our shortcomings, weaknesses or mistakes.   If we mess up or do something that brings harm to another, we have no one but ourselves to blame and we must face the consequences resulting from those actions.   No ifs, ands or buts and no whining...

We acknowledge the cycles of nature, the lunar phases and the seasons to celebrate our spirituality and to worship the divine.   It is a belief system that allows the Witch to work with, not in supplication to deities with the intent of living in harmony and achieving balance with all things.

The spells that we do involve healing, love, harmony, wisdom and creativity.   The potions that we stir might be a headache remedy, a cold tonic, or an herbal flea bath for our pets.   We strive to gain knowledge of and use the natural remedies placed on this earth by the divine for our benefit instead of using synthetic drugs unless absolutely necessary.

Wiccan believe that the spirit of the One, Goddess and God exist in all things.   In the trees, rain, flowers, the sea, in each other and all of natures creatures.   This means that we must treat "all things" of the Earth as aspects of the divine.   We attempt to honor and respect life in all its many manifestations both seen and unseen.

Wiccan learn from and revere the gift of nature from divine creation by celebrating the cycles of the sun, moon and seasons.   We search within ourselves for the cycles that correspond to those of the natural world and try to live in harmony with the movement of this universal energy.   Our teachers are the trees, rivers, lakes, meadows, mountains and animals as well as others who have walked this path before us.   This belief creates a reverence and respect for the environment, and all life upon the Earth.

We also revere the spirits of the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water which combine to manifest all creation.   From these four elements we obtain insight to the rhythms of nature and understand they are also the rhythms of our own lives.

Because Witches have been persecuted for so many centuries, we believe in religious freedom first!   We do not look at our path as the only way to achieve spirituality, but as one path among many to the same end.   We are not a missionary religion out to convert new members to think the same as we do.   We are willing to share our experience and knowledge with those who seek our wisdom and perspective however.   We believe that anyone who is meant for this path will find it through their own search as the Goddess speaks to each of us in her time and way.   Wiccan practice tolerance and acceptance toward all other religions as long as those faiths do not persecute others or violate the tenant of "Harm None."

What Witchcraft is not:
More information about Witchcraft is available in the Frequently Asked Questions section, but in the interim, here are the main points.
  • Witchcraft or Wicca is not a cult.   We do not proclaim ourselves to be spokespersons for the divine or try to get others to follow us as their leaders.
  • We do not worship Satan or consort with Demons.   Satan is a Christian creation and they can keep him.   We do not need a paranoid creation of supreme evil and eternal damnation to scare us into doing the right thing and helping others.   We choose to do the right thing and love our brothers and sisters because it IS the right thing and it feels good to do it.   I suppose it is a maturity thing.
  • We do not sacrifice animals or humans because that would violate our basic tenant of "Harm None."   Anyone who does and claims to be a Wiccan or a Witch is lying.
  • We have no need to steal or control the life force of another to achieve mystical or supernatural powers.   We draw our energy from within, our personal relationship with the divine and nature.
  • We do not use the forces of nature or the universe to hex or cast spells on others.   Again, "Harm None" is the whole of the law.
Witches have a very strict belief in the Law of Three which states that whatever we send out into our world shall return to us three fold either good or bane.   With this in mind, a "True Witch" would hesitate in doing magick to harm or manipulate another because that boomerang we throw will eventually come back to us much larger and harder then when we threw it.

This is not to say that Witches are perfect, we are human too just like everyone else and make mistakes and errors in judgment.   Just as there are parents who love and nurture their children, there are parents who abuse their children.   As there are many who devote their lives to giving and helping mankind, likewise there are those who devote their lives to taking advantage of and using people for their own gain.   Unfortunately the same flaws in human nature applies to witches too.

Most of us continually strive to consider all potential outcomes of our thoughts and actions pausing to seriously consider the consequences before undertaking a ritual, spell or rite that could go astray.   It is when we follow the path with the love of the Goddess in our hearts and adhere to the basic tenant of the Reed that our works are beneficial and we achieve harmony and balance with all things.

The heart of Wicca is not something summed up into a few short words and can often take on different meaning to each since the Lord and Lady touch us in different ways.   To gain a fuller understanding of the Craft, I urge you visit the other pages on this site as well as following the links to a select group of exceptional Wiccan and Witchcraft sites.   Through the wisdom and words set down through the ages, you will find that you are able to understand the basis of our beliefs and how they may apply to you.   Your inner voice will also quickly let you know if the intent of what you are reading is for superficial purposes to benefit self instead of working to benefit the whole.   Remember to read with your heart, for it is when you see life and the world with your heart and spirit that you truly gain an understanding of what Wicca is.

Blessed Be!


Q.  Do Witches cast spells?

A.  Some do and some don't. Spellwork should never be the focus of following this path and those who seek our ways only for this purpose are very misguided. A spell is a ritual formula, or series of steps, to direct psychic energy to accomplish a desired end. This energy is drawn from the Earth with the aid of elementals, concentrated and sent out into the world to achieve a positive goal. Since Witchcraft teaches that whatever one sends out is returned threefold, Witches are very careful to never send out harmful energy carelessly. The Christian word for this is "Prayer". The only real difference is that Witches also invoke the aid of spirit guides, familiars or other elemental energies to add strength to the process as well as using ritual tools.

Q.  Do Witches worship the devil?

A.  No. Satan, or the Devil, has absolutely no place in Wicca or Witchcraft. The worship of Satan is the practice of profaning Christian symbolism and is thus a Christian heresy, rather than a Pagan religion. The Goddess and God of the Witches are in no way connected to Satanic practices. Satan, or the Devil, is a Christian creation and they are more than welcome to keep him.

Q.  If Witches don't have a bible, what do you use?

A.  Most modern Witches keep a Book of Shadows, (BOS) or Grimoire, which is more like an individuals workbook, journal, or diary, meaningful to the person who keeps it. This book contains rituals, discoveries, spells, poetry, herb lore, etc. Covens almost always keep a similar group book. I am not exactly sure how the name "Book of Shadows" came to be, but I would assume that this also ties into the Burning Times when the church set out to eliminate all texts along with the followers of the old ways. The writings that existed were more than likely were taken into the shadows and hidden with the survivors.

Copyright and taken from 'The Celtic Connection, wicca.com.' 

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday, 6 April 2011


Is there any point in holding on to resentment, sulking and not talking to anyone? You may not have any control of how others treat you but you can set and live by example. How is there any hope of solution or compromise, if one or neither party is talking to the other? This goes for all arguments and this goes for wars too, someone has to make a move and this should be you. You will never make a "right" from two "wrongs", be the bigger person and make a special effort to hold out an Olive branch and I will tell you why.

Holding on to grudges, resentment like other negative emotions only damages your own soul in the long run, it will affect your health and well being for when you dwell in negativity this causes changes in your auric field causing it to shrink in on itself, this in turn then affects the functioning of the Chakras (energy vortexes within the body and responsible for conducting the body's life force through the body and maintaining homeostasis). Each Chakra governs a major endocrine gland thus affecting hormone balance, hormones are chemical messengers within the body that instigate actions in their target organs e.g. stress hormones such as cortisol instigating a rise in blood pressure, which in turn can damage the kidneys and heart long term. So can you see, how resentment and other negative emotions do us no favours?

So you hold out the Olive branch the other person has a choice, they can take it or they carry on with their resentment. You may even find they will apologise, this may even get them to talk and both of you together may then see the other's point of view. I would suggest you try this tact a few times appealing to the other party you want to resolve your differences, only by talking will you resolve your differences.

Supposing they turn away and refuse and want to carry on with their grudge in spite of all your efforts, supposing after you have tried appealing to them a few times even in a letter if they still wont talk and wish to carry on? Well then you walk away, knowing you have done your very best and leave this to Universal law. We live in a Universe where there is a constant balance and exchange of energy. What you give out, you will get back tenfold, this applies to Positive thoughts as well as Negative, if you are constantly giving out positivity to others you have nothing to worry about and all this positivity will be returned to you. However if you constantly want to be wrapped up in Negativity and things go wrong in your life you only have yourself to blame, this is the Universe's way of showing us if we don't learn by our own actions then we will have to take what comes to us. We all have personal responsibility. Sometimes we do have to walk away from toxic people all we can do is pray that spirit will help them see the errors of their ways. Walk away but send them love and hopefully that kind and loving thoughtform will instigate a change and help them for their own good.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Tuesday, 5 April 2011


I had a feeling Mercury was in retrograde again and sure enough when I checked things out indeed it is. So if you have noticed anything to with communication slowing down and interactions with others going a bit haywire, and this includes all forms of communication and tools of communication going awry then you can be sure this is why.

The information below is from http://www.astrologycom.com

At 20:50 UT (Universal Time) Wednesday, March 30th, 2011, Mercury the wise communicator—and universal trickster—turns retrograde at 24°19' Aries in the sign of the Ram, sending communications, travel, appointments, mail and the www into a general snarlup! The retro period begins some days before the actual turning point (as Mercury slows) and lasts for three weeks or so, until April 23, 2011, when the Winged Messenger reaches his direct station. At this time he halts and begins his return to direct motion through the zodiac.
Everything finally straightens out on May 11th, as he passes the point where he first turned retrograde. Mercury normally turns retrograde three times a year, but last year he turned tail four times, which is unusual, and his shadow phase was still active in early January 2011. The effects of each period differ, according to the sign in which it happens (see box for Retrograde Periods in 2011).
A planet is described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. According to modern science, this traditional concept arises in the illusory planetary motion created by the orbital rotation of the earth with relation to other planets in our solar system. It's a bit like travelling on the road watching another car beside you: when the other car slows down, or you speed up, it looks as though the other car is moving backwards. Planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way due to this cosmic shadow-play.
Retrograde periods, although often problematic for us earthlings, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet retrogrades, except the Sun and Moon. Although a powerful astrological influence, Mercury is quite a small planet that travels at a relatively fast speed through the zodiac. Despite being the closest planet in our solar system to the Sun, Mercury is not always in the same sign as the Sun. Mercury turns retrograde this time in Aries while the Sun is in Aries, but the solar orb moves into Taurus on April 20 (with Mercury still in Aries). Mercury turns direct in Aries on April 23 with the Sun still in Taurus, but Mercury remains in Aries till May 15, when he enters Taurus at the same time as Venus also does.
 Fated Events
As a rule, planets are more emphatic during their retrograde phases, marking periods of seemingly inevitable or fated events that relate to their spheres of influence. By fated events I mean those that circumstances thrust upon us, rather than matters we have consciously decided to implement or resolve. In particular, unresolved issues from the past tend to rear their heads and demand to be dealt with.

Retro phases present us with a series of events over which we seem to have little or no conscious control, relating especially to the sign in which the retrogradation occurs—although this need not mean that our responses are outside our control! By way of example, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn (ambition; loyalty) awakens quite different sets of circumstances from those generated when he retrogrades into Sagittarius (freedom; independence).
A retrograde period is best seen as a cycle, beginning when a planet begins to slow to a halt before travelling backwards through the zodiac, and ending when it returns to the point where it first paused. However, during the cycle, a planet's energy is at its most powerful (and more likely to generate critical events of universal importance) when the planet is travelling slowly, and particularly when it makes a station: appearing motionless in the sky.
These stationary periods occur near the beginning of the cycle (when the planet first halts as it prepares to move backwards) and midway through the cycle when the retrograde planet slows to a stop before moving forward again. The direct station (when the planet halts before moving forward again) is the most powerful and can be used for maximum benefit.
 Mercury Shadow Phases
Many astrologers consider that the "Mercury Shadow" begins between two and three weeks before the actual retro station; so the "shadow phase" begins this time on March 17, when Mercury passes the point of direct station for the first time in this cycle (see the date for the beginning of each Shadow period in the table). Weird things often start to happen then, but the really noticeable peculiarities begin when Mercury slows significantly, a few days before the retro station.

The period of "Mercury Shadow" extends to the Return date, something under three weeks after the direct station. Bear this in mind, because experience shows that the effects of the retro period are still marked during the shadow phase. Some of the most characteristic annoyances often occur just after Mercury makes the direct station, while he is crawling forward before picking up speed.
 What does Mercury affect?
In general, Mercury rules thinking and perception, processing and disseminating information and all means of communication, commerce, education and transportation. By extension, Mercury rules people who work in these areas, especially those who work with their minds or their wits: writers and orators, consultants, commentators and critics, gossips and spin doctors, salespeople, teachers, travellers, tricksters and thieves. Mercury also has an occult side, so healing, astrology and the transmission of spiritual knowledge are also in his area.
Mercury retrograde gives rise to personal misunderstandings; flawed, disrupted, or delayed communications, negotiations and trade; glitches and breakdowns with phones, computers, cars, buses, and trains. And all of these problems usually arise because some crucial piece of information, or component, has gone astray or awry.
It is not exactly wise to make important decisions while Mercury is retrograde, since it is likely that such decisions will be clouded by misinformation, poor communication and careless thinking. Mercury is all about mental clarity and the power of the mind, so when Mercury is retrograde these intellectual characteristics tend to be less acute than usual, as the critical faculties are dimmed. Make sure you pay attention to the small print!

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.