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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Saturday, 14 May 2011


Finally something we should all know and I already have a blog on this in the health section on here (I have posted it below this one). The key is UNREFINED CARBOHYDRATES, where the carbs are providing fibre, unrefined carbs take longer for the body to break down, thus expending energy to do so and because we are talking wholegrain are rich in nutrients. We see this in the base of the food pyramid below

Forget Atkins... carbs could help you LOSE weight

An explosive new book claims carb-heavy foods - including potatoes - can actually help you lose weight
An explosive new book claims carb-heavy foods - including potatoes - can actually help you lose weight
For years, dieters have berated themselves for every bite of bread or pasta that has passed their lips.
But tucking into carbs could actually help us lose weight, according to scientists.
An explosive book that claims bread, pasta, pizza and chips are the ingredients for a perfect body is threatening to consign the Atkins diet and other high-protein regimes to history.
The Carb Lover’s Diet, due for release in the UK next month, remained on bestseller lists in the U.S. for six months after it was published in August.
The book claims that resistant starch, found in carb-rich foods such as bananas, oatmeal, brown rice and potatoes, has the power to suppress appetite, boost metabolism, improve mood, reduce stress levels and speed up weight loss.
According to its authors, scientists at the University of Colorado Centre for Human Nutrition in Denver found evidence that certain carb-rich foods speed up metabolism and curb hunger pangs.
In their study of 4,451 volunteers, it emerged that the slimmest ate the most carbs in the form of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, while the fattest consumed the least.
Sample of the carb lover's diet

If it works, the diet could spell the end for high-protein weight loss programmes such as Atkins and Dukan, which is favoured by actress Jennifer Aniston.
Actress Jennifer Aniston is known to favour low-carb diets - but is there a better way to lose weight?
Actress Jennifer Aniston is known to favour low-carb diets - but is there a better way to lose weight?
Elisabeth Weichselbaum, from the British Nutrition Foundation, said: ‘If you eat a low-carb high-protein diet you do lose weight but it is not healthy – and it’s not a long term solution.’
She added that, in theory, the Carb Lover’s Diet could help slimmers shed pounds – but only if they didn’t use it as an excuse to eat limitless portions of pizza and pasta.
‘Resistance starch, which features prominently in the diet, bulks out what we eat. It is considered a fibre and it can be helpful in weight loss,’ she said.
‘One-third of what you eat should come from carbs. I don’t think we should increase the amount of carbs we eat but it’s not a good idea to totally cut them out.’
Anna Raymond, from the British Dietetic Association, said: ‘I’m pleased someone has finally advocated carb consumption.
‘Of course Atkins-type diets give results but in the long-term cutting out carbs means you metabolise using different processes that are harmful.
‘[The Carb Lover’s Diet] is basically a low GI diet. Resistant starch is fibre so it’s harder to break down and can suppress appetite.
If you feel fuller for longer, you eat less.
‘But it’s got to be interpreted quite carefully. People shouldn’t think they can eat a big bowl of pasta and half a loaf of white bread.’


Your body is a complex machine, it is constantly going through various chemical changes, taking nourishment to all its working parts and taking away waste and in order to do this efficiently it needs not only sufficient fuel but good quality fuel.


So let us use the pyramid as a guide. Firstly water we are composed of 70% water so it stands to reason we need to replenish this constantly. Water is used up in the removal of toxins, such as sweat, urine/excretement and respiration, so 8 good size glasses are required daily. Ideally this should be plain water and no harm will come of adding fruit squash providing it's not sugary and some of this could be fruit juice. As for tea and coffee, this should be in moderation as the caffeine contained is a diuretic, this causes the body to excrete more urine, so if you must drink tea and coffee  for every cup you drink, drink a glass of water. Don't wait until you are thirsty either, for when you feel this symptom you are already dehydrated, a little and often is the key. Skin suffers dreadfully when we are dehydrated, because it is not such as an important organ such as our internal organs, it will be last on the list. Our skin is constantly being renewed and on average the upper skin layer, the one you can see, it is roughly a period of 28 days from the time the cells are created until they die and are sloughed off. In the deeper layers of the epidermis the cells are plumper however as they mature they become drier and tougher due to the protein Keratin, this forms protection, however if they don't receive adequate water the skin will look dull and loose it's lustre. (More about this process in 'Skin care')

Next layer up in the food pyramid is cereals and cereal products, these ideally should be wholegrain and not refined. Wholegrain has much more nutrients, it takes longer for the body to break down, thus keeping the blood sugar levels stable for longer and provides the body with fiber. We need fiber for our intestines to help them work properly, preventing constipation and try to see fiber as a brush to sweep out our intestines of any toxic matter that can accumulate there and cause trouble later on. Fiber has little if any calories so plenty can be ingested. This layer forms what is known as carbohydrates and it is these that are the main source of fuel. These starches are broken down in the body to eventually form simple sugars to be used by our body's cells for energy. In a balanced diet the bulk of which is carbohydrates.

Next layer up is the fruit and vegetable layer and to receive adequate vitamins and minerals we need a good balance of both. Fruit and vegetables are also rich in fiber. Leafy dark green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and savoy cabbage are rich in iron, needed to make red blood cells and also vitamin C, this too is needed to form red blood cells. Vitamin C is a water soluable vitamin, it dissolves in water and a common mistake is to over boil green vegetables, all the vitamin C is thus transferred to the cooking water, so the best way to cook these vegetables is by steaming or microwave. The body cannot store water soluable vitamins like vitamin C so adequate levels need to be ingested daily.

Now a common mistake some people make if something is good for you they will take more, its not so much a problem with water soluable vitamins, however some vitamins are stored in the body in the liver namely vitamin A and high levels can be toxic and dangerous. With vitamin C however by taking copious amounts thinking it will do you good, all you will do is manufacture expensive urine as the body can only use so much and will excrete the rest. Too much vitamin C can cause diarrhoea and because vitamin C is ascorbic acid, will irritate your anal region. Vitamins and minerals are easier absorbed from food than as supplements too. Fruit and vegetables are a rich source of roughage/fiber and I mentioned this earlier. Another important aspect of fruit and vegetable are what's known as Bioflavonoids  these are plant pigments that are largely responsible for colors of many fruits and flowers.

Beneficial Effects
  • referred to as "nature's biological response modifiers" - modify body's reaction to compounds such as allergens, viruses, and carcinogens
  • powerful antioxidants by giving protection versus oxidative and free radical damage
  • prevents formation of oxidized cholesterol through antioxidant effects
  • greater antioxidant effects than Vitamins C, E, Selenium, and Zinc 

Next layer are Proteins and split here into two sources, the Dairy source, which is milk and milk products such as cheese and yoghurt and meat, fish and pulses (pulses are high sources of vegetable proteins e.g. lentils, beans) and nuts.

Proteins are the building blocks of the body and necessary for growth and repair of the body's tissues and classified into two groups, complete proteins e.g. found in animal foods such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, and milk products such as yogurt and cheese. Soybeans are the only plant protein considered to be a complete protein. And incomplete proteins such as beans, peas, nuts, seeds, and grain. A small amount of incomplete protein is also found in vegetables. This is why it is important to have a varied and balanced diet  to provide all of the essential amino acids and form a complete protein. Oily fish are a rich source of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids which can help reduce the risks of heart disease. Seafood in general contains an abundance of essential minerals which include, iron, zinc, iodine and selenium. Fish is also a good source of vitamins, which maintain healthy nerve tissues, strong bones and teeth and a glowing complexion.

Now we come to the tip of the food pyramid it is these foods that should be consumed sparingly, fats, oils and sweets, which include cakes and biscuits which are generally made from refined sugars and flour. We do have to consume a little fat (if you are on a fat reduced diet because of gall bladder disease etc consult with your medical practioner) as we need some fat for fat soluble vitamins. Fat as well as a source of stored energy is our insulation under the skin and protects some organs such as the kidneys.


Vitamins are only required in very small quantities. There is no chemical similarity between these chemicals; the similarity between them is entirely biological.
Vitamin A: good for your eyes.
Vitamin B: about 12 different chemicals.
Vitamin C: needed for your body to repair itself.
Vitamin D: can be made in your skin, needed for absorption of Calcium.

Mineral Salts

These are also needed in small quantities, but we need more of these than we need of vitamins.
Iron: required to make haemoglobin.
Calcium: required for healthy teeth, bones and muscles.
Sodium: all cells need this, especially nerve cells.

It's important to remember we have all of those components in the right amounts as if we don't have enough protein in our diets, we wont heal properly, not enough carbohydrates and we will be lacking in energy. Too much fat or too much carbohydrates will cause us to become overweight if we don't balance the amount of fuel (food) with our activities. Many vitamins work together and some cannot be absorbed unless the other is present e.g zinc is absorbed better with trace copper and vitamin C is needed to make haemaglobin in the blood as well as iron. The key is balance and the food pyramid will give a rough idea into the daily amounts and proportions to achieve this.
Tone up: Simple changes to your diet and exercise can make all the difference

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Thursday, 12 May 2011


Well it has to be better than smoking real cigarettes, nicotine is highly addictive but its all the cancerogenic additives in the burning of the tobacco and the tar that harms the lungs and prevents all the cilia within the respiratory tract from working, assisting the passage of mucus and other debris being coughed up

A step too far? The social network e-cigarettes that alert you when other smokers are nearby

Social networking: Packs of Blu e-cigarettes flash and vibrate when they come within 50 feet of each other
Social networking: Packs of Blu e-cigarettes flash and vibrate when they come within 50 feet of each other
Smoking with friends in a huddle outside bars or with colleagues on a break from work has always been sociable.
But a new electronic cigarette has been made for the social networking generation with sensors that alert smokers when someone else is lighting up nearby.
Packs of Blu e-cigarettes, which release a nicotine-laden vapour instead of smoke, vibrate and flash a blue light when they are within 50 feet of another pack.
Smokers can meet up with their fellow e-cigarette users and exchange contact details – all of which is stored electronically inside the packs of cigarettes.
The reusable packs, which also serve as a charger for the cigarettes, go on sale next month for $80 for five e-cigarettes.
The cigarette cartridges last for an average of approximately 250 puffs before they need to be replaced.
The packs conveniently vibrate when a smoker goes close to a store that sells the refills.
Celebrity smokers: Grey's Anatomy actress Katherine Heigl has been pictured smoking electronic cigarettes
Celebrity smokers: Grey's Anatomy actress Katherine Heigl has been pictured smoking electronic cigarettes


Electronic cigarettes have three integrated parts: the nicotine cartridge, the vaporiser and a lithium ion battery.
The battery powers the cartridge and releases the nicotine by heating, rather than burning like a conventional cigarette.
Packs of five Blue e-cigarettes will cost $80. Each cartridge lasts for about 250 puffs.
But while e-cigarettes are marketed as a safer device to tobacco there has been little independent research into the health impact.
The inventors behind the e-cigarettes said the connected packs would be most useful in nightclubs, where people want to strike up conversations and smoke without being forced outside.
They are developing versions of the e-cigarettes that can be connected to smartphones such as iPhones and BlackBerrys.
The company also plans to develop an app that monitors how much people smoke and then report back to the user, or their doctor.
‘You’ll meet more people than ever, just because of the wow factor,’ Jason Healy, founder of Blu, told the New York Times. ‘It’s like with any new technology.’
But not all market analysts were convinced that there is a demand for cigarettes that communicate with each other.
Charles Golvin, of Forrester Research, said: ‘The way that groups of affinity are conferred just by physical proximity makes a bit of sense.
Legal: Electronic cigarettes get around bans on smoking in public places because they only release water vapour
Legal: Electronic cigarettes get around bans on smoking in public places because they only release water vapour
‘If someone walks by with a Nintendo, great, I share a common interest. The fact that I walk by a smoker? Seems like a weak link.’
The e-cigarettes are made up of a cartridge that holds the nicotine and a long white tube that heats up the contents of the cartridge so it can be sucked into your mouth as a vapour.

E-cigarettes have become popular with people trying to quit smoking as they avoid bans on smoking in public places because they only release water vapour.
The electronics cigarettes have been marketed as a safer alternative to tobacco, but there has been little independent research into the health impact.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1385964/Social-network-e-cigarettes-alert-smokers-nearby.html#ixzz1MAFLaUQq

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday, 11 May 2011



Sometimes when Mediums are relaying messages from spirit they receive what is best described as spirit shorthand. If you have had a reading from a Medium they may mention they have seen a bird, or a black cat etc. This does not mean you have a guide who is a bird or a cat or even the spirits are of deceased pets. For example when I am asked to give a time frame for something that is coming up in the person's life I am reading for, I am often presented with a blackbird sitting in a beech tree. If the black bird is singing and the leaves are newly opened I know, spirit are trying to convey to me it's Spring as the blackbird only sings from March till June, as in the case of the sign I may have if the tree has rich green leaves and the blackbird is not singing, I will know spirit are trying to convey to me it's summer. Likewise if I am given a picture of a blackbird is sitting on the tree and the leaves are falling etc. I will know, they mean Autumn. For some Mediums seeing a symbol of a bird can mean news is coming our way, every Medium is different and we all have our own shorthand of symbols.

Why this is? well spirit vibrations are very fast and they communicate with me in a variety of fashions, every spirit communicator is different like every personality on earth. The voice I hear can come in very fast so it's often reinforced with spirit shorthand to aid communication. Sometimes a whole communication is entirely made up of symbols in this way other times its completely auditory others are entirely visual with spirit actually signing or holding up a blackboard or by pointing at their body to convey what they passed with. Other times its completely by feeling but mostly they communicate by a mixture of everything.

The symbols and shorthand we develop is an entirely individual thing, no one Medium will have the same, don't ask me how I know which symbol means what, I just know and likewise for the developing Medium they too will develop their own understood form of spirit shorthand. Spirit will make use of all of the Medium's senses to convey a message to loved ones on earth, all the Medium has to do, is just trust  what they are getting and allow their own intuition to guide them.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Monday, 9 May 2011


Homeopathy is my first love when it comes to Holistic medicine as was the first Holistic therapy that took me on my journey first as a student, then practioner and then lecturer in this field. So when it comes to ailments this is the first place I look. The beauty of Homeopathy is that it is so safe and gentle with no side effects. As you read about individual medicines, you would notice that homeopathic medicines are multipurpose and each of them covers wide range of symptoms. Polycrests particularly cover lots of symptoms that belong to various diseases. That is why homeopathy is capable of effectively treating most of the diseases. The point to note is that when a medicine is selected for a particular set of symptoms, it is not necessary that the person would have or should have all the symptoms indicated under that medicine. At times even key symptoms would only be considered but generally overall picture of the symptoms is considered to make the selection giving special importance to key symptoms. This rule is applied particularly in chronic cases. In acute cases, the methodology is somewhat different. However, each practitioner has own ways of doing it and maintains his own list of medicines


Aconitum Napellus
Sudden appearance of complaints. Extreme restlessness. Great fears (specially of death). Anxiety. Influenza. Dryness of mouth, throat and skin, with intense thirst for cold water. Anxious dreams. THE REASON I HAVE IT HERE IS IF YOU CAN USE ACONITUM NAPELLUS IN THE FIRST INSTANCE WITH ALL COMPLAINTS IT CAN PREVENT THINGS BECOMING WORSE. IT IS ALSO GOOD FOR ANXIETY/FEAR
Arnica Montana

Traumatic injuries. Pain from overuse of an organ. Fetid breath. Violent spasmodic cough. Angina pectoris. Small boils. Thrombosis. Tinnitus. Important  for bruising (never use Arnica in cream form on broken skin)
Puncture wounds, traumatic nerve pain, stings and bites the kind of pain where it feels like you've hit your thumb with a hammer. I HAVE IT LISTED HERE FOR IT IS PARTICULARLY GOOD FOR SEVERE NERVE TYPE OF PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH CUTS/WOUNDS

Excessive irritability and impatience specially in children. Violent earache. Diarrhea of children during dentition. Tickling cough. Rheumatic pains. PARTICULARLY WITH THE KIND OF DULL ACHING PAIN YOU CANNOT BEAR
Great lowness of spirit. Dread of death when alone. Fatty degenerations. Scurvy. Vertigo of the aged. Dandruff. Falling of hair. Hemorrhages. Cirrhosis of liver. Glaucoma. Epistaxis instead of menses. Vomiting soon after taking water, nausea after anaesthetic,  Hoarseness. Various respiratory problems. LISTED HERE BECAUSE ITS PARTICULARLY GOOD AT ALLEVIATING NAUSEA AND VOMITING AFTER ANAESTHETIC
Soothing and healing, helps tissue regeneration and helps prevent and fight infection, soothes after bites and stings, stinging nettles. SPEEDS UP HEALING, REDUCES THE LIKELIHOOD OF INFECTION.

For fractures there are a couple of other remedies such as Bellis Perennis for deep bruising Symphytum officinale commonly known as knitbone for obvious reasons as it is a particularly good remedy for assisting healing of fractures
As a general rule Higher Potencies for Acute conditions and lower for chronic so 30C is a good potency to have for emergencies


The information given in these pages is for general knowledge only. This information does not constitute a medical advice nor is meant to suggest a medicine for your health condition. For selection of correct medicine, dose and potency, consult your doctor.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Saturday, 7 May 2011


Patchouli essential oil's value in skincare is incalculable. It is also great for fighting depression and anxiety. It has great diuretic properties and also helps break down cellulite, while stimulating the regeneration of skin cells, speeding up healing and preventing ugly scars forming when wounds heal. Patchouli oil has a rich musky-sweet, strong spicy and herbaceous smell. It is light yellow to dark brown in color and is a thick oil. It is a perennial, bushy plant that grows up to 1meter (3 feet) high, with a sturdy, hairy stem and large, fragrant, furry leaves, about four inches long and five inches across. It has whitish flowers tinged with purple. The plant is native to Malaysia and India, where it is known as 'puchaput'. The word is derived from Hindustan word 'patch' meaning 'green' and 'ilai' meaning 'leaf.' It was placed between Indian cashmere shawls en route to Victorian England, to protect the merchandise from moths, and without this signature smell of dried patchouli leaves the shawls could not be sold in England. In the East, it is used in potpourris and sachets and place between linen, to keep bedbugs away, and it is the smell of patchouli oil, mixed with that of camphor, that gives Indian ink its characteristic smell.  Patchouli oil is extracted from the young leaves which are dried and fermented prior to steam distillation and yields 2 - 3 %. This oil improves with age to have a fuller, more well rounded odor.

Chemical composition
The chemical components of patchouli oil are b-patchoulene, a-guaiene, caryophyllene, a-patchoulene, seychellene, a-bulnesene, norpatchoulenol, patchouli alcohol and pogostol.

It is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing, but the smell of patchouli oil may be a little persistent for some people and large doses may cause loss of appetite in some individuals (thus can help curb appetite in aiding weight control). As usual do not use if suffering from epilepsy or in pregnancy and always in dilution.

Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of patchouli oil are antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicide, insecticide, sedative and tonic.

Patchouli oil has a grounding and balancing effect on the emotions and banishes lethargy, while sharpening the wits, fighting depression and anxiety. It is also said to create an amorous atmosphere.
It is effective for fungal and bacterial infection and is of great help for insect bites. It could also be used as an insect repellant and is also used as a support for dealing with any substance addiction.
With its excellent diuretic properties, it is effective in fighting water retention and to break up cellulite, easing constipation and helping to reduce overweight. Furthermore, it has a great deodorizing action, and helps when feeling hot and bothered, while cooling down inflammations and assisting with wound healing. On the skin, this oil is one of the most active and is a superb tissue regenerator, which helps to stimulate the growth of new skin cells. In wound healing, it not only promotes faster healing, but also helps to prevent ugly scarring when the wound heals. Patchouli oil is very effective in sorting out rough, cracked and overly dehydrated skin and is used to treat acne, acne, eczema, sores, ulcers, any fungal infections, as well as scalp disorders. Patchouli oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, helps for infections and insect bites, water retention and can help with stress related problems and addictions. 
Burners and vaporizers
In vapor therapy, patchouli oil can be used to fight anxiety and depression, while at the same time creating a very amorous atmosphere and acting as an insect repellent.

Blended massage oil or in the bath 
As a blended massage oil or diluted in the bath, patchouli oil can help to fight depression, skin and scalp complaints, fungal infections, fluid retention, help to break down cellulite and also assists with constipation, overweight and dermatitis.

Lotions and creams 
In a lotion or cream, patchouli oil can be used for general skin care, as it has superb tissue regenerating properties, to help rejuvenate the skin and stimulate the formation of new skin cells, while fighting infections. It also speeds up healing, while preventing the wound forming ugly scars and is effective for acne, eczema, weeping sores, ulcers, slow healing wounds, scalp disorders, as well as other fungal infections, such as athlete's foot.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Stress can damage your health its well documented and generally it results in high blood pressure, with resulting heart disease and strokes. I came across this article today.

You will find more on stress on my blog here on the tab at the top of this site. As for how to deal with stress well all Holistic Therapies are great for alleviating stress

Stress causes businessman's brain to 'blow a fuse' and wipes his entire memory

A businessman has lost his entire memory because he was so stressed his brain 'blew a fuse'.
Self-employed Billy Wallace, 53, was under so much pressure to make his timber haulage firm a success that his body could not cope.
Stress caused Billy's brain to 'shut down', wiping his memory in one life-changing blackout.
Blown a fuse: Billy Wallace was put under so much pressure by work that his brain shut down and wiped his memory
Blown a fuse: Billy Wallace was put under so much pressure by work that his brain shut down and wiped his memory
The devastating occurrence left the father unable to recognise his children, forcing him to relearn the simplest of tasks, even using a knife and fork.
His memories have never fully returned and doctors cannot offer answers to his nightmare ordeal.
'I was always on the go,' said Mr Wallace. 
'The work pressure built-up so much it had an effect on my personal life and I asked too much of myself at times.
'The doctor told me my brain overloaded and blew a fuse, like a safety mechanism.
'It's bizarre to think work did that to me. I've learned big lessons.
Forgotten: Mr Wallace (right) with his children Stephen and Rachel - he couldn't recognise them after his blackout
Forgotten: Mr Wallace (right) with his children Stephen and Rachel - he couldn't recognise them after his blackout
'I wish I could turn the clock back and do it differently.'
The former lorry driver decided to go it alone in 1989 and became a self-employed timber haulier.
But he found himself working 16 hours a day, six days a week and put in more time on the seventh.
He rarely had the chance to relax with his wife and children Stephen and Rachel, now 25 and 20.
But while waiting for his son Stephen to finish a music lesson in 1998, Billy became unwell and went to his car where he collapsed and suffered a total blackout - losing consciousness.
Mr Wallace, from Tynron near Thornhill, Dumfriesshire, was taken to hospital where specialists told him his brain had overloaded.

I've said to myself, just worry about todays and tomorrows, leave the past be

He said: 'I was petrified. I was so alone. It was like a horror movie.
'I would wake up in the morning and it was a matter of, what do I do and how do I do it?
'All my friends and work colleagues came to visit but it just frustrated me because I didn't know them. It made me really depressed.'
Mr Wallace spent six months in hospital where he was shown how to tell the time, tie his shoes and use cutlery again.
The former forester used to be able to identify every tree but suddenly found himself seeing them as if for the first time.
Experts used stories of past events and smells to trigger memories until eventually some began returning.
However, Mr Wallace's illness clouded his life and his family broke up.
On being discharged from Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary he moved in with friends and relearned how to play the guitar and sing.
But there was never a time when the memories came flooding back.
Some recollections - like his childhood home, playing school sports and the births of his children - remain, but the rest is patchy.
Dr John Higgon, a clinical psychologist at Dumfries and Galloway NHS, said the condition could be dissociative amnesia - a form of memory loss which occurs after a stressful event.
He said: 'It is extremely rare.
'It is a very traumatic experience to feel that a lot of your memories from early life have disappeared and you can't access them again.'
Now Mr Wallace is helping the organisation which was instrumental in piecing his life back together - Support In Mind Scotland.
He will cycle from John O'Groats to Land's End to raise cash for the charity next month.
'I don't remember much but I've said to myself, don't worry about it Billy, just worry about todays and tomorrows, leave the past be,' he said.
'The new memories are always good, because now I'm developing as an individual again.
'I've learned the good times of the future can drown out the bad times from the past.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1383501/Stress-causes-businessmans-brain-blow-fuse-wipes-entire-memory.html#ixzz1LgebIJpw

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Friday, 6 May 2011


Another great article I have come across to prove yet again, depression is not all in the mind. It's long been suspected that depression can run in families and this proves the genetic link. This research will further help to find better treatment for this condition and finally dispel once and for all "Depression is not all in the mind", "Pull yourself together" and "Mind over matter" and all those stupid phrases that ignorant people like to say to those with the condition.

The happiness gene that determines how cheery we are

How happy we are may depend as much on our genes as how well our lives are going, researchers have found.
They say that they have found a gene that releases 'happy' chemicals into the brain.
The 5-HTT gene also helps nerve cells recycle serotonin, another chemical in the brain which is linked to mood and depression.
In the genes: The 5-HTT gene helps release happy chemicals and recycle serotonin
In the genes: The 5-HTT gene helps release happy chemicals and recycle serotonin
Scientists from the London School of Economics analysed the genes of 2,500 people and found the happiest were the ones who inherited two 'long' versions of the 5-HTT gene.
The least happy were those who inherited the two 'short' versions of the gene.

Behavioural economist Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, who conducted the research, told the Express: 'It has long been suggested that this gene plays a role in mental health, but this study is the first to to show it is instrumental in shaping individual happiness levels.
'The results suggest a strong link between happiness and this functional variant of the 5-HTT gene.
Controlling who we are: A person's DNA make-up, as displayed in this image, controls how likely we are to say we are happy
Controlling who we are: A person's DNA make-up, as displayed in this image, controls how likely we are to say we are happy
'This finding helps to explain why some people tend to be naturally happier than others, and that's in no small part due to our individual genetic make-up.'
To conduct the research, published in the Journal of Human Genetics, the researchers compared the genetic make-up of each volunteer and asked them a series of questions including: 'How satisfied as a whole are you with your life?'
Those who had two long 5-HTT genes reported the most positive results - with the chances of them replying 'very positive' boosted by 17 per cent.
Some 26 per cent of those with two short 5-HTT genes were dissatisfied with their life.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Thursday, 5 May 2011



Diabetes occurs when either the pancreas fails to produce insulin, not enough insulin for the body mass or as an auto immune disorder. There are two types of Diabetes: is a disease brought on by either the body's inability to make insulin ( type 1 diabetes) or by the body not responding to the effects of insulin ( type 2 diabetes). It can also be brought on by pregnancy. Insulin is one of the main hormones that regulates blood sugar levels and allows the body to use sugar (called glucose) for energy.

Insulin is necessary to enable carbohydrates in the form of glucose, to pass through the body's cells membrane into the cell, the body's cells need energy in order to function and this applies to every cell in the body. It might be simpler to think of insulin as a door key, it unlocks the door to allow glucose to pass through. Now if there is no insulin, there is no key, so what does the body do, its cells still need energy to function, so it has to find an energy source via a different route. It does this by breaking down protein and it takes this protein from the body's muscles and organs, this is what happens in type 1 diabetes, where you see the characterises of severe weight loss and muscle atrophy. As the body does this it forms Ketones (a by product of breaking down protein for energy) and this gives rise to the characteristic acetone breath found in untreated type 1 Diabetics. Ketones in excess are harmful to the body.

With Type 2 this tends not to happen but the body's cells don't function so well and are essentially tired, so the diabetic will present symptoms of tiredness and lethargy. In some cases Diabetics with type 2 can go on to need insulin injections to manage their disease.

Type 1 Diabetes is often known insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM for short, and juvenile diabetes as it often begins in children and young adults and can start suddenly as a result after a viral illness such as the flu.

Type 2 diabetes: results from insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to use insulin properly, sometimes combined with an absolute insulin deficiency. Formerly referred to as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, NIDDM for short, and adult-onset diabetes.

Lastly  we have Gestational diabetes: is when pregnant women, who have never had diabetes before, have a high blood glucose level during pregnancy. It may precede development of type 2

There are other forms much rarer such as congenital diabetes, which is due to genetic defects of insulin secretion, cystic fibrosis-related diabetes, steroid diabetes induced by high doses of glucocorticoids, and several forms of monogenic diabetes. But since I wish to focus of the rise of type 2 and the problems this causes I won't discuss this here.

The rise of type 2 diabetes is because of an increase of obesity, not just in adults but this is now being found in overweight children. More and more of the population are eating a poor diet with too much refined sugars and carbohydrates and not enough exercise. Children in particular seem to be spending more time in front of game consuls and TV and computers instead of running around in the fresh air. It's also an easy option to keep them quiet by feeding them bags of artificially flavoured crisps, sweets and sugar laden fizzy drinks, instead of spending time with them or encouraging healthy snacks such as fruit and encouraging them to drink water when they are thirsty. The same goes for adults, in particular when it comes to taking children to school, instead of walking with them, its too easy to drive them, that does not help with carbon foot prints but thats for another blog in due time lol. In yesterday's blog I discussed how eating too much refined carbohydrates created sugar highs and lows facilitating cravings and leading to eating more of these products. Type 2 Diabetes is often initially managed by increasing exercise and dietary modification. If the condition progresses, medications may be needed.

So what does being Diabetic mean for the patient? It means changes in life style especially so for Type 1 diabetics, where blood sugar levels have to be constantly managed and insulin needs to be replaced by regular injections. Food intake, particularly carbohydrates and exercise have to be carefully managed so prevent coma and if untreated can lead to death, its that serious. Management is gravely important as serious health conditions can be the result, such as the loss of limbs, heart attacks and blindness.

Studies in the United Kingdom have shown that the prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance in the 35-65 year age group is about 17%. This is known as pre-diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance. While people with pre-diabetes usually have no symptoms, it’s almost always present before a person develops type 2 diabetes. However, complications normally associated with diabetes, such as heart disease, can begin to develop even when a person has only pre-diabetes.

Once type 2 diabetes develops, symptoms include unusual thirst, a frequent need to urinate, blurred vision, or extreme fatigue. Talk to your doctor to see if you need to be tested for pre-diabetes. By identifying the signs of pre-diabetes before diabetes occurs, you can prevent type 2 diabetes all together and lower your risk of complications associated with this condition such as heart disease.

In type 1 Diabetes the onset is rapid, weight loss, tiredness and complete exhaustion and since the body cannot use or get glucose into the body's cells, it remains in the blood, whereby the kidneys then filter it out of the body into urine, The untreated diabetic's urine has a characteristic sweet aroma. It's full name is Diabetes Mellitis and comes from the latin meaning copious amounts of urine smelling like honey. As the concentration of sugar is very high the body needs to dilute the sugar in the blood. The hypothalamus that area of the brain that is responsible for maintaining homeostasis sends a message to the area of our brains responsible for making us feel thirsty, so in both types of diabetics there will be an increased thirst. Therefore the diabetic will be both thirsty and passing a great deal of urine. Type 2 diabetes is more insidious it creeps up more slowly so the patient might not be aware of an increased thirst or passing more urine but may have noticed they are feeling more tired than usual, or they may notice the development of thrush, as thrush thrives in sugar laden tissues, or skin infections such as boils.

Coming back to the body's cells because all of the body's cells will be tired this includes blood cells, white blood cells and T'lymphocytes responsible for fighting infection wont work so well and wont be able to cope with infection as well as the non diabetic, hence the increase in skin infections, such as boils, poor healing etc. Nerve cells will also be tired, this goes from the brain all the way to the peripheral nerves, so we have mental exhaustion and nerves responsible for picking up sensation will be impaired so if an infection occurred say in the toes, where a non diabetic might feel the pain of an infection occurring, the diabetic will not, coupled with poor healing you can see why diabetics must be careful with something we take for granted like cutting toe nails as the risk of infection is much greater. The same goes for women diabetics, they shouldn't have waxing as the risk of them developing a serious infection is much greater. The blood vessels are comprised of cells of course, so these will also be compromised, therefore the diabetic's circulation, especially to the extremities, like the toes can become impaired, so the diabetic because their nerve sensations are impaired will not be aware of the circulation is not as efficient. All the body's cells require oxygen, which is delivered by the blood, without this cells will die, the cells will not be able to receive any nutrients either, so they cannot thrive if this happens we have tissues dying which is known as gangrene. If this is not treated, it can become infected and spread, which could result in death and certainly the necessity of having the dead tissue removed  resulting in amputation. Blindness is another complication since the body's cells, the blood vessels to the eyes are impaired. Infection in general, not just in the soft tissues but any infection can become serious for the diabetic as they are not as efficient wilt dealing with infection as the non diabetic. There is an increase in heart disease  too in diabetics, the heart is also as we know comprised of different types of cells, so you can be sure they are not working as efficiently as the non diabetic. These risks can be lessened with good management of the condition, so it is essential the diabetic takes care of their health and they do this by monitoring their blood sugar levels so that they are kept within normal levels. With type 1 this means constantly checking their blood several times a day, in a type 2 diabetic it means taking your medication you are prescribed and following the diet given to you and with all diabetics you must be vigilant in looking out for infection and any changes or worries discuss them with your doctor and don't put this off.

Prevention is always better than cure and there is much we can do to prevent type 2 Diabetes, there is no excuse to having this in children who are obese and its tantamount to child neglect allowing children to become so obese in the first place. If we all looked after our health, by eating a healthy balanced diet and taking regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight, not only would we be helping ourselves to better health but we would be saving the country a huge expense.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday, 4 May 2011


The teenage years are important years for storing nutrients to see women through old age. It's extremely important to build up enough Calcium to prevent osteoporosis later on in life. Poor nutrition can also cause problems with fertility and whats the point of starving yourself of nutrients to find your hair has fallen out and you have bad skin and bleeding gums and boils because you are anaemic. Not to mention lethargy.

Rather than have regular exercise, which will burn up excess calories and tone muscles and give a glow to the complexion many teenage girls would rather starve themselves or go on their version of a calorie reducing diet. What they fail to realise is they are storing up trouble for themselves later on, when it will be too late.

Something else I have noticed is that diet and nutrition part of home economics is no longer given much attention in schools. Where is this education going to come from? Many of their parents both work and rely on processed convenience foods, and they have no idea if their daughters have skipped lunch at school. Education is the key and it should be the parents to instill in their daughters not just a balanced diet and regular exercise but to explain why this is important. That this is their insurance policy for their fertile years and later life.

Size zero diets 'ruining girls' health' warns watchdog over teenagers copying celebrity role models

Teenage girls are wrecking their health with 'size zero' diets, according to an official report.
They are shunning protein and dairy foods in an apparent effort to keep as thin as their celebrity role models.
The study found that 46 per cent of teenage girls consume too little iron, putting them at risk of anaemia and the associated tiredness and lethargy.
Teen girl squeezing waist
Kate Moss
Teenage girls, image on left posed by model, are shunning protein and dairy foods in an apparent effort to keep as thin as celebrity role models, such as Kate Moss
The diets of a similar percentage are also low in magnesium and selenium, lack of which can lead to insomnia, severe headaches and mood swings.
Only 7 per cent of girls are eating the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

And the great majority are failing to consume enough oily fish, which contains the omega 3 necessary for a healthy heart and nervous system.

The report from the Food Standards Agency also found that teenage girls were significantly more likely to smoke and drink than boys their age.
Alison Tedstone, the agency's nutrition expert, said: 'Teenage girls are one of the groups in the population that stand out as having a poor diet.
'Teenage girls, particularly, don't eat enough. For example, they don't have very much dairy. We are talking about a poor quality of diet overall.
'Everyone recognises this is a group that needs to do better.'
Worryingly, more than a third of teenage girls were found to be overweight and a fifth are obese.
Dr Tedstone said this was true of adults too: 'Huge proportions of the population remain overweight or obese. The figures haven't changed.
'There isn't a golden bullet out there for changing diets, you need to do a whole range of things.That's what the Government has been doing, but we recognise it is a long haul.'
Twelve per cent of girls aged 13 to 15 reported drinking at least once a week - three times the level for boys of the same age.
And 29 per cent said they had smoked at some point, compared with 16 per cent of boys.
Janet Treasure, an eating disorders expert, said a 'size zero' obsession could be leading young girls to swing between starvation diets and junk food binges.
She said the fashion industry's obsession with catwalk thinness left models at high risk of eating disorders yet millions felt inspired to try to copy them.
Professor Treasure, who is based at King's College London, said: 'Controlling weight and shape has become a moral imperative for many young girls. It is almost a sign of goodness to be slim.
'The brain is undergoing a great phase of development from 12 to 25 and it needs a proper balance of oils and nutrients.
'If you impair that critical phase, moods become less regulated, you have more difficulty understanding other people and you become less flexible in your thinking.
'There is a risk of getting into a starve and binge routine which is very unhealthy and has been rapidly increasing in recent generations.'
Supermodel Kate Moss caused outrage last year by saying 'nothing tastes as good as skinny feels'.
And there was uproar in 2006 when Uruguayan model Luisel Ramos died from heart failure caused by anorexia.
She reportedly followed a diet of lettuce and Diet Coke in the three months before her death.
Tam Fry, chairman of the Child Growth Foundation, said: 'The poor diet of teenage girls is a hugely serious crisis.
'We need girls to eat properly in order that they are prepared for motherhood.'
The FSA's national diet and nutrition survey found that the national diet had not improved despite a decade of Government campaigns on healthy eating.
The researchers found that more than a quarter of men and one in seven women were regularly drinking twice the maximum recommended amount of alcohol.
And only around a third of adults were following the five a day rule.
Teenage girls are eating twice the amount of sweets, chocolates and sugary drinks that their mothers had consumed when young.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.