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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011


I came across this story in the 'Daily Mail' and I was horrified to see, this woman give this excuse. NO SPIRIT CAN POSSESS ANOTHER'S SOUL. Your soul is fixed in your body until death and we all have responsibility for our actions, less of course suffering from a psychosis. What gets me this trial was in the UK and yes witchcraft exists good and bad and certainly negative energy can be aimed at others and used to attack someone BUT your soul cannot be possessed and this is superstitious nonsense and hocus pokus rubbish and it incenses me that these stupid superstitious beliefs still exist. When spirits move to the spirit realms, they progress and they certainly don't wish harm on another. At most those spirits who are trapped in limbo because they are earth bound, all they can do, is give someone a fright BUT THEY CANNOT HARM YOU OR TELL YOU WHAT TO DO. It looks to me a case of misdiagnosis and the psychiatrists need to look again

Freed, girl who knifed her mother 'after being possessed by evil spirits'

  • Mother said Lorraine Mbulawa appeared to be in a trance during the attack
  • Psychiatrists ruled she has no mental illness
Enlarge   Lorraine Mbulawa was found not guilty of attempted murder but was charged with the lesser offence of unlawful wounding
Lorraine Mbulawa was found not guilty of attempted murder but was charged with the lesser offence of unlawful wounding
A young woman who repeatedly stabbed her mother as she slept has walked free from court after a judge accepted she believed she was acting on the instructions of evil spirits.
Lorraine Mbulawa, 20, donned dark clothes, gloves and a  home-made balaclava and attacked her mother with a kitchen knife in Braunstone Firth, Leicester.
The 43-year-old victim saved  herself by grabbing the weapon, but suffered serious face and  arm injuries.
Mbulawa, who was 18 at the time, was cleared of attempted murder at her trial at Leicester Crown Court earlier this year but convicted of unlawful wounding.
Psychiatrists said she was not mad and the jury agreed that she knew what she was doing.
However, the A-level student, who was born in Zimbabwe, escaped with a 12-month suspended prison sentence and was ordered to do 120 hours of unpaid work.
Passing sentence on Monday, Mr Justice Keith said he accepted the defendant had strong beliefs in witchcraft and thought she was possessed by the spirit of her dead grandmother at the time of the attack in May 2009.
He told Leeds Crown Court: ‘She believed spirits can enter the body and make you do things that otherwise you would not have done.’
He praised Mbulawa as ‘unusually confident and assured, also not unintelligent with a degree of charm and poise’.
Family members were in court and her mother Sisbsisiwe gave Mbulawa an emotional hug as she was released from the dock. She will now be able to move back in with her mother in Braunstone Frith, Leicester, after living apart for two years.
Mr Justice Keith told Mbulawa: ‘I hope that you and your mother can come to terms with what has happened. I wish you all the best for the future.’
Mr Justice Keith allowed Lorraine Mbulawa to walk free from court
Mr Justice Keith allowed Lorraine Mbulawa to walk free from court
The court heard a psychiatrist who assessed Mbulawa said she was still a risk because she believed the spirits could possess her again and she has no control over them.
Describing the attack, Mrs Mbulawa, a nurse, told the jury: ‘I saw this figure in my room  and a shiny object was in the air. I was petrified. I thought it was an intruder.’
She turned the light on, pulled off the mask and discovered the attacker was her daughter, who screamed: ‘Mummy, people are after us. They want to kill us.’
Mrs Mbulawa said her husband collapsed and died suddenly in 2000 and she moved to the UK with her daughter two years later.
In her evidence Mbulawa told the court: ‘My grandmother said my mother was responsible for the death of my father and I had to do the honourable thing to my father by killing my mother.’
A policewoman who arrived at the house said Mbulawa was sitting on the stairs in a trance-like state, crying, shaking and hyper-ventilating, while her mother, who was bleeding heavily, was trying to comfort her.
PC Patricia Lutz said Mbulawa was co-operative and appeared to calm down on the journey to the police station and then seemed ‘like a different person’.
After the case Philip Davies, the Conservative MP for Shipley, said the case was an example of a trend in soft sentencing. He said: ‘It is cases like this that make people lose faith in the criminal justice system and in politicians as well.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1390303/Possessed-teenager-stabbed-mother-times-allowed-walk-free-judge-accepts-strong-spiritual-beliefs.html#ixzz1NNPh0Wkv

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Tuesday, 24 May 2011



Being a psychic medium I am asked questions all the time, most often what is he or she thinking? I cannot tell you this as I do not read minds and in fact no psychic medium can read minds. What we do firstly on a psychic level is to read Auras and it is within the aura we are able obtain information about a person's past, what is going on in the present and the potential for the future. I say potential because nothing is written in stone for although we all incarnate with a basic blueprint of choices about what we wish to gain from our life, we also have free will and it is this free will that makes accuracy more difficult. On a mediumistic level I can communicate with guides or loved ones and it is up to them and my interpretation whether I can gleam any information. Sometimes guides will deliberately not reveal information and will step back, this is because there is a challenge and lesson involved and its in our interest to go through it as it will be a valuable teaching experience for us.

Further many will ask questions about a situation and the answer may not be to the questioner's liking. Life is not a bed of roses all the time, so sometimes you may get an answer not to your liking. As a psychic medium I have to give what I am given. Where would my credibility be if I just made it all up and I try my best to give evidence only the recipient would know and I do this mostly with spirit. That does not mean I don't have personal responsibility, that we all do, so I do have to chose what I say wisely and you need to be aware answers are based on many factors, the link, the connection and the medium's interpretation.

Sometimes the answers you may seek will not be the outcome you desire. The moral is: "Don't ask questions if you are not prepared for the answer"

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Monday, 23 May 2011


It never ceases to amaze me how powerful reflexology is and how useful it is as a  complement to orthodox medicine. More and more local health authorities are recognising it's value and I was fortunate enough to work within the palliative care team at my local teaching hospital. All my patients were terminal and the palliative care team's job was to make patients last days on earth as comfortable and as pain free as possible. I worked both as an aromatherapist and a reflexologist there.

Some patients were still receiving chemotherapy and of course having unpleasant side effects such as loss of appetite and nausea  essential oils played a great part in helping the nausea and helping with the understandable anxiety knowing that their illness was terminal. Because these patient's health was very fragile, the treatment generally was centred on treatment of the hands and feet, as they were too fragile to have a full body or back and shoulders treatment, none the less, these treatments were very helpful and the feed back from the patients and their relatives was very good. The patient's relatives also benefited from therapy too as caring for a loved one who has not long to live is undoubtably stressful.

One case study I recall however was from a client at my local practise, she had been diagnosed as having a terminal brain tumour. Although the tumour was not malignant, it's place in the brain was inoperable and as it had been slow growing it was hard to say how the prognosis would go. She was experiencing tremendous headaches and her eyesight was now being affected as the tumour was growing near the area of the brain that governs sight. Her doctors could no longer do anything but help with the pain and wait and see how things panned out. She was suffering extreme anxiety, as you would expect and she was not sleeping at all well. She explained to me where the tumour was and she had the permission from her doctor to have reflexology, this is very important as reflexology is a very powerful tool and in some cases can stimulate the body so much medications may be affected.

On examination of her feet, the area of the big toes corresponds in reflexology as the head with the base of the big toes as the neck, I discovered a lump like reflex on the pad of the big toe on one foot, it wasn't uncomfortable to work this area on the client, but on the big toe of the the foot although there was no lump like reflex present, it was very sensitive and painful. This did not strike me as unusual given my experience as we know the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa. As I worked her feet, she fell asleep and when I completed the treatment she told me she felt more relaxed that she had for some time. I advised her to come back a couple of weeks later for a follow up treatment.

When I saw her a fortnight later she was smiling and very eager to tell me when she returned home after treatment she slept all afternoon and woke up headache free and her sleeping was much improved, something she had not experienced for a while. I saw her regularly at fortnightly intervals for around six treatments in total and her headaches had lessened to almost negligible. Now I can't say if this was down to the reflexology or the aromatherapy oils I used in the foot cream for massage, but it helped where nothing had previously. Her doctors were pleased with her progress and possibly it was the nature of her tumour, but I do know from the case loads of patients I have worked on complementary therapies are a valuable addition to orthodox medicine.

Up until a century or so ago medicine was all holistic, where the whole person was looked at and ailments were not pigeon holed, I am glad to see, there has been a turn in the tide and physicians are now seeing the benefits of Complementary (holistic) therapies after all, we are all 'mind, body and spirit'.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Saturday, 21 May 2011


When we talk about "Healing" in the spiritual sense it can take many formats and in an earlier blog I wrote on here I mentioned, I thought initially it was possible to have some effect on others but as I have developed more spiritually over the years I now know, this isn't always possible. Firstly the recipient needs to want to be healed and secondly as a healer we need permission from spirit to heal a recipient. I have also learned from experience we are not allowed to interfere with the spiritual pathways of others, my guides have pointed this out to me on several occasions. Healing remember also on a soul level, so even though you may not make a difference on a physical level you can make a difference to their soul but again, its only if the recipient wants it.

I can recall the first time I heard from my guides who told me why a particular person was not feeling better, and that was because they did not want to be healed for they loved the attention they received having this particular condition and they told me nothing could be done until she saw this for herself, to want to have attention for being unwell, was not the thing to do.

Healing can take many formats as I mentioned and not always with the laying on or hands, be that Spiritual Healing or Reiki, but also by listening, talking and counselling. My job as a psychic medium is also healing, by providing survival evidence from the spirit realms, comforting others by letting them know, their loved ones are happy and they still watch over them and by passing on messages.

But we are all capable of healing, by giving a hug, not only does that physical action show we care, but that there is an exchange of energy, where souls touch another soul and send out positive energy to the recipient's auric field. The action of a mother kissing a child's bumped knee or by rubbing it better, there is also this exchange of energy. With my own daughter she had a stuffed toy lamb from birth and it was always with her, she really loved it and when as she was growing and she started not to be so attached to it, she would always ask for it when she felt poorly. I asked her one day why and she told me, "Sheepy" always makes me feel better, and I then realised why, over the years she put so much loving energy into "Sheepy" when she felt poorly, she would draw on that loving energy to make her feel better. This is why babies and small children often have a stuffed toy or a blanket they like, and no you shouldn't wash it, unless you have to for you don't want to remove any of that energy. They draw on that energy when they feel insecure or poorly, it makes them feel better.

All too often in modern life we have forgotten how a simple touch, like touching the back of  hand, never mind a hug, or just exchanging a smile can make another being feel so much better. When you do this small exchange it is also a form of healing.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Friday, 20 May 2011


An article found in today's Daily Mail. I certainly wonder about this, certainly when I was lecturing at college and over hearing the tales of what my students got up to. Week end classes were certainly bad, that's if they turned up, they were generally late or fell asleep. No body is saying the odd drink is bad however moderation is the key. Alcohol is toxic to the liver and cirrhosis of the liver is becoming apparent in young people, it is worrying what a whole generation is doing to themselves

Why binge drinking makes you forgetful - it damages your ability to lay down long-term memories

Students who enjoy regular pub crawls are putting their long-term memory at risk, scientists warn.
A study has found that binge drinking affects the brain's hippocampus, which plays a key role in learning and memory.
This brain structure is particularly sensitive to the poisonous effect of alcohol no matter what your age, which is bad news for heavy drinking undergraduates.
Night on the tiles: Heavy drinking can affect your memory long-term and not just the night after
Night on the tiles: Heavy drinking can affect your memory long-term and not just the night after
Lead researcher Dr Maria Parada said: 'We wondered whether hippocampus-dependent learning and memory could be affected by heavy episodic drinking.
'In northern European countries, there is a strong tradition of a sporadic, drunkenness-orientated, drinking style.
'In recent years, the pattern of binge drinking among young people has become more widespread throughout Europe, hence the growing concern about this issue.'
Our long-term memory is split into two types: declarative memory - which is our memory for facts and procedural memory - which is how we know how to physically do something like tie our shoelaces.
Scientists from Universidade de Santiago de Compostela in Spain found heavy drinking had a detrimental effect on students' declarative memory.
Those who admitted to indulging in too many pints were not as good at remembering facts.


This seahorse-shaped set of neurons is known to be play a role in both writing a working memory and committing it into a long term memory store.
It also connects memories with other memories to give them context. So pictures from your first day at work may be connected with information about the physical surroundings.

Many people with damage to the hippocampus have anterograde amnesia: they can remember the distant past but cannot form new memories. However, they can learn new skills.

The most often quoted case is of H.M. Two thirds of his hippocampus was removed to relieve him of epileptic seizures in 1953.
Doctors then realised that although H.M had memories from before the operation, he could not hold on to any new memories for more than a few seconds.
His story changed scientific understanding about the brain.
Dr Parada said: 'Our main finding was a clear association between binge drinking and a lower ability to learn new verbal information in healthy college students.
'This was even after controlling for other possible confounding variables such as intellectual levels, history of disorders, other drug use, or family history of alcoholism.'
The study examined 122 Spanish university students, aged between 18 and 20, divided into two groups - those who engaged in binge drinking and those who abstained.

They were then subjected to a neuropsychological assessment which included a logical memory subtest to test verbal declarative memory and tests to measure visual declarative memory.
Dr Parada said: 'This (study) allowed us to establish a clearer association between binge drinking patterns and poorer performance on memory tasks.
'One of the factors that appear to be behind this pattern of consumption is the low perception of risk.
'Whereas most attention has focused on negative consequences such as traffic accidents, violence or public disorder, society and students themselves are unaware of the damaging effects binge drinking may have on the brain.'
She added that the study accounted for variables such as genetic vulnerability, or drug use, such as marijuana.
Dr Parada said they would be following the students long-term to see whether drinking could affect academic performance, when taking variables such as class attendance into account.
The findings are published in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1387919/Alcohol-Heavy-drinking-university-damages-long-term-memory.html#ixzz1MuC1XY00

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Tuesday, 17 May 2011


If you are faced with an array of doors what do you do? Like if you are choosing a new kitchen or visiting a show home you want to open these doors and see what is behind them. Similarly supposing you have been in a dentist or doctor's waiting room and you see some closed doors, don't you wonder what's behind them?

So why is it when the Universe shows us new doors, we are so reluctant to open them. Sometimes opportunities are put there for us to explore, we might be missing out and we will never know unless we try.

We cannot change what is past but we can influence the present and the future. We only learn new things from trying something new. It's an old saying but a true one "A change is as good as a rest". Don't go through life thinking "If only" If a new opening is presented to you, it's there for a reason.


Don't shy away from an open door
Throw caution to the wind and explore
Don't be frightened of what's unseen
You can't change what has been
Think of all the new and bright
Trust in spirit and follow the light
And if it guides you and beckons you step through
For trust and truth will walk with you


Maggie Brown (Author)
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Monday, 16 May 2011


Will this open a whole can of worms? I feel it will. Some how I don't feel this will be so straight forward. There are always exceptions to the rules, in some it will give a false sense of security and in others it will cause endless anxiety wondering if this day is to be their last. Then what if insurance companies get involved, will they demand and put in the small print, if you've had the test and you don't declare it will this mean they will nullify your cover? The truth is simply this: no one can predict how long someone will live, even those who have been diagnosed as suffering from terminal cancer, it cannot be predicted how long really. There will always be a few who will want to know, but I feel the majority would not wish to. There will be others, whom their curiosity will lead them to have the test and then deeply regret it. There are somethings best left alone to God and nature, this is one of them.

£435 DNA test that tells you how long you'll live to go on sale later this year... but will you be brave enough to take it?

Critics said the controversial new technology opens a Pandora¿s box, whereby insurance companies may demand tests before offering someone a policy
Critics said the controversial new technology opens a Pandora¿s box, whereby insurance companies may demand tests before offering someone a policy
A test that tells you how long you will live for is to go on sale in Britain later this year.
The blood test, which will offer the alluring possibility of estimating your lifespan, will cost £435.
Critics said the controversial new technology opens a Pandora’s box, whereby insurance companies may demand tests before offering someone a policy.
However, some scientists said the test could also provide vital insights into a range of age-related disorders, from cardiovascular disease to Alzheimer’s and cancer.
Medical researchers working on the technology said they will be able to read a person’s ‘biological age’, by the length of structures on the ends of a person’s chromosomes, called telomeres.
Scientists believe telomeres are an important indicator of the speed at which a person is ageing and several studies have indicated that individuals with shorter-than-normal telomeres are likely to die younger than those with longer telomeres.
But the test cannot yet predict the exact number of months and years a person has yet to live. Telomere testing will become widespread within the next five or 10 years, scientists claim.
But some medical researchers have already raised questions about ethical controls, if the technology becomes widely used.

Research: Maria Blasco said people with shorter telomeres had shorter lifespans
Research: Maria Blasco said people with shorter telomeres had shorter lifespans
Faced with bad news, it is not known how people will react to the test.
The results of the tests could also be of great interest to companies offering life insurance, with those not blessed with long telomeres struggling to get cover.
Some scientists are also worried that testing may be hijacked by organisations or individuals trying to peddle fake elixirs of life.
Maria Blasco of the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre in Madrid, the inventor of the commercial test, said: ‘We know that people who are born with shorter telomeres than normal also have a shorter lifespan.
‘But we don’t know whether longer telomeres are going to give you a longer lifespan. That’s not really known in humans.’
Dr Blasco said that the test was simple, fast and very precise.
‘What is new about this test is that it is very precise. We can detect very small differences in telomere length and it is a very simple and fast technique where many samples can be analysed at the same time.
'Most importantly, we are able to determine the presence of dangerous telomeres – those that are very short.’

Dr Blasco’s company, Life Length, is in negotiations with medical diagnostic companies to market the test and collect blood samples for analysis in Spain.
Life Length is expecting demand from thousands once the company is able to bring down the cost of the test.
Although Life Length is not the only company selling telomere tests, it is the only one gearing up for over-the-counter sales to the public, said Professor Jerry Shay of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre in Dallas.
Professor Shay, who is a scientific consultant for Life Length said: ‘Everyone talks about the chronological age, but there is also a biological age and telomere length is actually a pretty good representation of your biological age.
However, Professor Thomas von Zglinicki from Newcastle University, who is an expert in the field said: 'Studies indicate that telomere length in a single individual might vary considerably over relatively short periods of time, much more than the mean value in a population group does.
'If this is so, telomere length might be good to compare groups, but not worth a single pound to tell you about your individual health, at least not its long-term prospects.
'So, personally, I think to sell this to the public is premature, and I would not buy it.'
The test cannot yet predict the exact number of months and years a person has yet to live. But scientists claim telomere testing will become widespread within the next five or 10 years
The test cannot yet predict the exact number of months and years a person has to live. But scientists claim telomere testing will become widespread within the next five or 10 years. (Posed by model)

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Sunday, 15 May 2011




Daren't expose your arms? These two exercises can help you tone up those flabby bits in just six weeks. For the first exercise use three to four kilo hand weights or improvise with tins of food.

Bicep curl

A great isolation exercise, the bicep curl gives fantastic definition to the upper arm.
  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent and arms by your sides. Start with your elbows slightly bent; hold the weights so that your palms face outwards.
  2. Bend your arms and lift the weights towards your shoulders. Keep your elbows tucked in close to your body. At the top of the movement, flex your biceps to maximise the effectiveness of the exercise.
Keep the movement slow and controlled and take care to keep your back straight as you lift the weights.
Do three sets of 10-15 repetitions every other day

Tricep dip

This highly effective exercise concentrates work on the triceps. It can be done off the end of a bed, rather than a workbench. Exercises that involve lifting your own bodyweight help to improve posture and strengthen and protect the skeletal system.
  1. Place feet hip-width apart; keep your back straight and close to the bench and bend your knees at 90.
  2. Lower yourself down until your arms are bent at 90 degrees, then push back up until arms are straight, but not locked.
Do three sets of 10-15 repetitions every other day


Basic crunch

Of all the abdominal exercises, the basic crunch is one of the most effective. The key is to keep the movement slow and to focus on good technique.
  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and hands by your ears.
  2. Curl your shoulders forwards, keeping your lower back on the floor. Tense the abdominals, breathing out as you lift and in as you lower. Keep a space the size of an apple under your chin, to ensure that your head stays in line with your spine. Each repetition should take about 4-5 seconds in total.
Do two set of 12 - 15 repetitions every other day

Oblique crunch

This is the best exercise for the obliques, the muscles at the side of the stomach that run from under the ribcage to the hips.
  1. Lie on your back on a mat with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and hands by your head
  2. Slowly raise one shoulder and elbow up towards the outside of the opposite thigh. Change shoulders to work the muscles on the other side.
Do two set of 12 - 15 repetitions every other day

Reverse curl

The reverse curl targets the lower part of the abdominal section, putting less strain on the neck area. Used in conjunction with other crunches it can help to give a toned effect to the entire stomach area.
  1. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head, legs straight up in the air. Keep your shoulders and head on the floor at all times. Ensure that your feet never come further back than your head.
  2. Tighten your lower abdominals and bring your legs and pelvis towards your ribcage. Keep the movement slow and controlled and be careful not to let your legs swing about.
Do two set of 12 - 15 repetitions every other day

Thighs and Hips


Squats work the thighs and buttocks as well as the lower leg muscles, abdominals and lower back as they are used for balance. Performing the exercise with hand weights increases the intensity.
  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Keep your back straight and place your hands on your hips.
  2. Bend your knees to 90 degrees and allow your body to lean forwards slightly until it is at right angles to your thighs. Take care to keep your heels on the floor.
Do two set of 12 - 15 repetitions every other day


A demanding exercise, the lunge can give you wonderfully toned inner thighs and buttocks. Hold hand weights to make it more challenging.
  1. Place one foot forward about one stride-length apart from the back leg. Keep your hips facing straight ahead and your arms loose by your sides. Keep your body upright and you abdominals firm.
  2. Bend your knees to bring your front knee directly over your front foot. Put your weight on to the heel of your front foot to work the buttock muscle most effectively. Return to the start position.
Do two set of 12 - 15 repetitions every other day

Dorsal raise

This is an excellent exercise for the lower back. By strengthening the main muscles that run along the lower part of the spine, the erector spinae, it can help improve posture and also prevent lower back pain.
  1. Lie on your front on a mat with your arms outstretched in front of you and legs straight. Take care not to tense the muscles in your neck.
  2. Raise your left arm and your right leg, keeping them both straight. Hold for one second, then slowly lower them. Repeat raising the opposite arm and leg.
Do two set of 12 - 15 repetitions every other day


Press ups

Press ups use the weight of the body to work the pectorals, deltoids and triceps (chest, arm and shoulder muscles). Start with the half press up and progress to the full press up once you have built up strength.
  1. Place your hands directly under your shoulders, or slightly wider if you want to put more emphasis on the chest. Keep your fingers pointing forwards and your torso and legs straight.
  2. Bend your arms to about 90 and lower your body, keeping your head in line with your spine. Keep your stomach and thigh muscles tight, which will help to keep your legs straight. Be careful not to point your bottom in the air.
Push yourself back up to the start position. Remember to breathe in on the way down and out as you press up.

Half press-up - alternative

Press ups use the weight of the body to work the pectorals, deltoids and triceps (chest, arm and shoulder muscles). Start with the half press up and progress to the full press up once you have built up strength.
Keep arms in the same position as for the full press-up, but keep your knees on the mat. Slowly lower the body, then return to the start position.
Do two set of 12 - 15 repetitions every other day

Chest press

This exercise can be done on the floor rather than a bench. For best results, keep your abdominals tight.
  1. Lie on your back on a bench with your knees bent. Holding a weight in each hand, bend your arms so that your elbows are at 90 and your palms face the wall opposite you.
  2. Extend your arms upwards so that they are nearly straight. Return to the start position, using a pace of about four seconds per repetition.
Do two set of 12 - 15 repetitions every other day


Maggie Brown (Author)
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I can maybe understand the logic of this. Sugar is a natural preservative, e.g. take preserves such as jams and marmalade, sugar stops bacteria and moulds growing in the product, so it stands to reason it might hinder the bacteria somewhat and allow the antibiotics to be more effective.

A spoonful of sugar can help beat bugs: Antibiotics made more effective by glucose

It seems a spoonful of sugar can do more than help the medicine go down – it can also help make it work.
Sugar can improve the effectiveness of antibiotics against infections, according to researchers.
They found that glucose and fructose – types of sugar found in plants – make bugs that cause chronic and recurrent infections more vulnerable to drugs.
Sugar can improve the effectiveness of antibiotics against infections, according to researchers
Sugar can improve the effectiveness of antibiotics against infections, according to researchers
Such infections often occur when bacteria ‘shut down’, making antibiotics ineffective against them.
Over time, the bugs, known as ‘persisters’, return to life, causing patients to relapse.
The scientists, from Boston University, tested the effects of drawing the bacteria out of their hibernation using sugar.
They found stimulating the bugs with sugar renders them vulnerable to antibiotic attack.
Testing the strategy on Eschericia coli (E. coli) bacteria, a common cause of urinary infections, the researchers were able to eliminate 99.9 per cent of persisters in just two hours.
Without sugar, the drugs they used had no effect, according to a report in the journal Nature.
The team now plans to investigate whether sugar additives can help fight tuberculosis.
Researchers found stimulating E.coli bacteria with sugar rendered them vulnerable to antibiotic attack
Researchers found stimulating E.coli bacteria with sugar rendered them vulnerable to antibiotic attack

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.