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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Wednesday, 16 November 2011


An interesting article I came across today. Whether some would like to dismiss astrology as hokum pokum or say its evil and occult, its never going to go away, and why should it? As I see it if the moon is powerful enough to control the great oceans, it stands to reason, it must have an effect on us, after all we are 70% water. The general forecasts you see in newspapers and magazines are much too generalised and it's because of these Astrology does not get the credibility it rightly deserves. Before you follow the crowd and dismiss Astrology because of those generalised forecasts I urge you to have a proper natal chart and forecast done in detail, then you too will see what an incredible science Astrology is.

Astrology is a science, court rules

Astrology, the study of interplanetary alignments as the explanation for everything, is a credible science, an Indian court has ruled.

 For years it has been dismissed by the world's scientists, but according to the Bombay High Court astrologers are officially their colleagues Photo: ALAMY

The judgment will be met with relief in India, where engagements are decided, wedding and election dates are chosen on the basis of detailed charts drawn up by revered astrologers. A day deemed "auspicious" by an astrologer can lead to thousands of weddings and traffic gridlock.
For years it has been dismissed by the world's scientists, but according to the Bombay High Court astrologers are officially their colleagues.
The ruling was made in a case brought by a campaign group, Janhit Manch, which sought a ruling against practitioners of "tantric" black magic and "fake" astrologers. Their "work" should be prohibited by India's Drugs and Megical Remedies Act (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954 which bans false claims in advertisements.
The judges rejected the application, however, relying on an affidavit by Dr R Ramakrishna, a government deputy drug controller, who said: "The Act does not cover astrology and related sciences. Astrology is a trusted science and is being practised for over 4000 years."
Lakshman Das Madan, one of India's leading astrologers and editor of the bestselling 'Babaji' magazine, offers detailed predictions ranging from domestic political tips on ministerial resignations to the wedding dates for top cricket stars. He remains hugely popular despite several errors. In 2009, he predicted the Hindu nationalist opposition BJP and its allies would win the election. In fact it lost spectacularly to its Congress rivals.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Tuesday, 15 November 2011


The following spell is from a lovely new website I have discovered on the net:

Spell To Make A Wish Come True

  • Cast your circle.
  • Light a charcoal disc and sprinkle some ORRIS ROOT, CINNAMON, and NUTMEG on it.
  • Light a blue candle.
  • Pass a piece of Golden Beryl Crystal through the smoke while you think of your wish.
  • Write your wish on a square piece of parchment paper.
  • Drip 7 drops of wax from your candle on your paper and fold the corners of the paper inward.
  • Continue folding the paper until it is about an inch wide and long.
  • Read aloud the following:

This night I light,
With a Candle of Blue,
The Goddess I call,
Make this wish come true.
So It Is, And So Shall It Be! 

  • Carry your folded paper and your crystal with you until your wish comes true.

This Free Spell to make a wish come true uses the following significant elements; 

  • Oris root is commonly used in the manufactur of perfumes and carries the scent of violets. In witchcraft, Orris Root is used as a love drawing herb to assure the love you give out will be returned.
  • The blue candle symbolizes the element of water. It is used in witchcraft for many things, including connecting the mind in meditation and bringing good health, patience and wisdom.
  • Golden Beryl Crystal is used in ritual magic as an aid in scrying. It offers the power of manifestation and is an important ingredient in any spell, particularly ones involiving the desire for a wish to come true.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Monday, 14 November 2011


Although the incidence of type 1 Diabetes is relatively unchanged there is a continued rise of type 2 Diabetes, largely in part to do with growing obesity and lack of exercise and unhealthy eating. This disease as explained below causes all manner of problems to our health and its not just related, to feeling tired and passing more urine. Type 2 Diabetes is one of those insidious conditions that creep up on us causing unrepairable damage to our eye sight, kidneys, our cardiovascular system, which can lead to gangerine and the loss of our limbs. 

Type 1 is an acute disease that happens rapidly and its pretty easy to spot that there is something obviously wrong, type 2 can be difficult to spot. Diabetes is a systemic disease irrespective of whatever type you have, for every single cell in the body is affected by it. To put it simply each body cell is unable to process energy in the normal way, cells are unable to taken in glucose, the cell's fuel, so it has to break down fat and protein instead this leads to ketones forming in the body, deadly if unchecked in type 1 but it creeps up slowly in type 2. The bodies cells then cannot function correctly so the nerve cells, blood cells are affected in fact every single cell in the body, leading to the problems of poor circulation, increased infection and diminished nerve sensations etc. As the body tries to create homeostasis within the body, it tries to get rid of the excess sugar (glucose) in the blood by excreting it as urine, this of course creates the classic, passing excess urine and increased thirst. The symptoms of tiredness are because all the body's cells are not getting the glucose they need for energy.

Type 2 is less likely to develop if we have a good balanced diet and watch our weight. Sadly this type of diabetes is now showing up in overweight children, who have a diet high in refined carbohydrates and high in fat and who do not have adequate exercise

The following article below I have taken from Yahoo Health News

Diabetes: do you have it, but don't know it?

World Diabetes Day

Diabetes: are you at risk?
© evgenyb - Fotolia.com
Around 2.6 million people in the UK currently have diabetes, but an estimated 500,000 people have type 2 diabetes and don’t know it, because they ignore or are unaware of its early warning signs.
According to Diabetes UK, most cases of diabetes are detected by accident, when the person visits their doctor with another medical condition.
But a late diagnosis of diabetes increases the risk of serious complications such as stroke, kidney failure, blindness, heart disease and amputation.
Middle aged men are twice as likely to have diabetes compared with women, but are less likely to visit their GP.

Most at risk

Being overweight or obese is a major risk factor. Around 80 per cent of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight. Other risk factors include:
  • Having a large waist
  • Being of Black or South Asian origin
  • Having a family history of the condition
  • Being over the age of 40, or over 25 if you’re Black or of South Asian descent
At risk waist measurements are 37 inches or more for men, except those of South Asian origin who are at risk at 35 inches or more, and 31.5 inches or more for all women.

Diabetes warning signs

  • Increased thirst
  • Having to pee all the time, especially at night
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Blurred vision
  • Genital itching or regular episodes of thrush
  • Wounds which are slow to heal

Diabetes risk assessment

As part of the NHS Health Check scheme for people aged between 40 and 74, GPs will assess whether you are at risk of developing, or may have type 2 diabetes.
Your BMI, blood pressure and family history will be taken into account. Depending on the results, they may order further tests to check your blood sugar levels.
If the assessment finds you are at an increased risk of developing diabetes, your GP will advise you on steps you should take to lower your risk of developing the disease.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Sunday, 13 November 2011


As this holistic blog is for everyone, it also includes babies and if there is one thing babies love its the sense of touch. When we touch one another we are not just interacting on a physical level but also on a spiritual level. Massage is one of the most ancient therapies of all. Think back to your childhood when you fell over what soothed you more than anything else, it was kissing or rubbing your bruised knees better, it is this exchange of energies from one to another that soothes and heals. So what better than to soothe a fretful baby. The best time to massage a baby is not immediately after a feed, their little splincter valve at the top of their stomach is not fully strong and you are liable to make them regurgitate their feed back up. Nor should you massage them when they are very hungry, they wont appreciate your massage. The best time is after a bath.

Massage on its own is soothing for a baby but to relax and soothe a baby for sleep one good way is via Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy oils are very potent and if you are unsure how to use them, don't consult a qualified Aromatherapy practitioner first. They should ALWAYS BE DILUTED and like medications the dosage should be the lowest possible as babies are more receptive and sensitive to essential oils. Not all essential oils are suitable for babies and no essential oils should be used even diluted with a carrier oil on a new born.

Using an electric diffuser such as a ceramic aroma stone is one of the safest ways to diffuse essential oils into the room and can be left on safely unlike a candle type of diffuser. Another way to diffuse essential oils whilst massaging the baby is to put one drop on to a tissue and place near the baby. Essential oils work on the limbic system in that they inhaled in tiny molecules in the atmosphere and picked up by olfactory receptors high in the nasal chambers whereby they have a direct influence on the hypothalamus, the area of the brain responsible for moods and emotions amongst others including homeostasis in the body.

The safest oils to use on babies and small children are Mandarin, Tangerine, Chamomile and Lavender, one drop of these oils can be added to the baby's bathwater but even then the oil should be diluted in a little carrier oil such as grape seed as its the most innocuous of carrier oils or failing this a little milk. Diluting essential oils for adding to bathwater is advisable right across the board babies and adults alike, for oil floats on water and if the essential oil is not diluted it can touch the skin and cause irritation.

Grape seed or Avocado oil, which is richer make the best carrier oils for the massage. Mineral oil, commonly marketed as Baby Oil, is not plant based and is a by product of the petroleum industry and is not suitable as a carrier oil, the essential oils won't blend with it effectively and it sits on the surface of the skin, mineral oil is notorious for blocking pores for this reason, whilst vegetable oils sink into the skin won't block pores and blend with essential oils since they are plant based like essential oils.

The dilution should be NO MORE THAN 1% and blends in carrier oils and bath water and only on babies older than 3 months before this use a diffuser or a drop of essential oil on a tissue near the baby when doing massage. Remember Babies have very delicate and sensitive skin. 

For the massage you do not need a copious amount of carrier oil either  a dessert spoon of carrier oil is more than enough for a small person, which should be measured out into a small bowl.
How do I work out & measure this percentage? 
1 % equals one-drop essential oil to 100 drops carrier and 2% blend equals two drops essential oil to 100 drops carrier. 
Does that mean I have to count out 1OO drops of carrier oil? – No, 100 drops of oil is equivalent to 5mls or one teaspoon, therefore 1 % dilution would be one drop of essential oil per 5mls and 2% would be two drops per 5mls. A dessert spoon is equivalent to 10 mls. Whatever you do NEVER ALLOW UNDILUTED ESSENTIAL OILS ON A BABY'S SKIN Remember essential oils are still effective diffused in the atmosphere, so if in any doubt consultant a qualified Aromatherapist before commencing using essential oils.

Mandarin and Tangerine essential oils are good for colic
Lavender is good for sleep
Chamomile for colic, relaxation and the discomfort of teething

The video above details a simple routine and the oil used should always be warmed in the palm of the hands first never pour the oil direct on to the baby and a little goes a long way, you do not want your baby glistening like an oil slick apart from being unnecessary it makes it difficult to turn the baby over as baby will slip from your grasp and unsafe. Remember the room should be warm and the safest place for the massage is on a warm towel on the floor.

You should find your baby is relaxed ready for his feed and bed

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Saturday, 12 November 2011

ASTRIDESTELLA PHILOSOPHY~ "The reward is in the giving"

The story from the Daily Mail doesn't surprise me in the least, something I discovered for myself many years ago and more so because I worked in the caring professions. I have written much on this over the years and its something I teach in Spirit Philosophy and something many discovered centuries ago from when that proverb was written "It is better to give than to receive", here this study details scientific evidence to prove this. But there's more to it than science looking at this holistically i.e. mind, body and the most important aspect of ourselves 'spirit' following spiritual principals 'retribution and compensation for all souls. This is the basis for one of the most fundamental laws of the Universe, the one of "Cause and effect". What you do today ultimately affects tomorrow, like the ripples from a stone thrown into a pool of water, these effects of the ripples are wide reaching and you never know how far those ripples will travel and what effect they will have on the surroundings. 
When we do a kindness, the recipient more often than not will feel touched that you helped them and want to repay you or pass on the kindness. Of course there will be some who will take your kindness for granted and I like to think those that do are few and far between and we should not dislike those but instead pity them for they are younger souls who have not yet discovered what you give out you get back. All we can do is hope by showing example something will resonate within their psyche and trigger something, where they will see how the Universe works.

As I have said many, many times: "The reward is in the giving"

Betrayal of trust comes in many forms
Like the love from a parent that flounders and fails
Or from family members those whom once trust
From the dearest friends you thought once had
From whom you thought were there in times of sad
When you gave your all and then some more
Yet happy you were to give to those whom you adore
For that is love and all its gifts
Pleasures token was in the giving but now there's rifts
And how it came to pass, to be this way
You know not how you thought they'd always stay
And yet you love so unconditionally
For that is how you chose to live
Having so much love inside to share, to give
For that is me and how I am I cannot change
And for some people that may sound so strange
For me the pleasures of the living
Is opening my heart and purely giving

MPB (c)  From 'Dear J~Poetry from the soul'

Forget chocolate, sex and money... caring for others can bring just as much pleasure and benefit your health

  • Support-giving triggers reward-related regions of the brain
  • Helping others can boost happiness and reduce stress

Caring for friends and family benefits the giver, not just the receiver, scientists say.
Confirming the proverb 'it is better to give than to receive' researchers at the University of California say that lending support to others is a pleasurable experience which can boost happiness and lower stress.
During trials they discovered that when patients were able to help loved ones they experienced positive emotions commonly associated with chocolate, sex and money.
Researchers at the University of California say that lending support to others is a pleasurable experience which can boost happiness and lower stress
Researchers at the University of California say that lending support to others is a pleasurable experience which can boost happiness and lower stress
Lead researcher, Naomi Eisenberger said: 'When people talk about the ways in which social support is good for our health, they typically assume that the benefits of social support come from the support we receive from others.
'But it now seems likely that some of the health benefits of social support actually come from the support we provide to others.'
During the study 20 young heterosexual couples in healthy relationships were observed.
Each of the men were subjected to painful electric shocks while their girlfriends underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) brain scans which measured changes in blood flow related to neural activity in the brain.
At times, the women could provide support by holding the arm of their boyfriends, but on other occasions they were forced to watch as their partners received shocks.
Findings revealed that when women were able to help their boyfriends reward-related regions of the brain were activated, including the ventral striatum and septal area.
Under conditions in which no support was provided, these regions showed decreased activity.
Eisenberger said: 'One of these regions, the ventral striatum, is typically active in response to simple rewards like chocolate, sex and money.'
'The fact that support-giving also activates this region suggests that support-giving may be processed by the brain as a very basic type of rewarding experience.'
Findings, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine also suggest that offering support to others can help reduce stress.
Scientists noted an interesting pattern of neural activity in the septal area, which in addition to being a pleasure center, plays a role in stress-reduction by inhibiting regions of the brain that process threats.
Eisenberger said: 'This finding suggests that support-giving may have stress-reducing effects for the person who provides the support.'
She also noted that support-giving could be a basic human instinct, aiding the 'survival of our species.'

Eisenberger is now conducting further research on how giving to others may reduce our stress responses and ultimately contribute to better health.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Thursday, 10 November 2011


Now the golden rule is you don't squeeze spots as you can damage the skin, cause bruising and scarring and spread infection, but let's be honest we have all done it. If you must do this, then do it correctly in the way us beauty therapists do. Only spots that are ripe and have a 'white head' can be extracted any other kind can lead to problems of spreading infection etc.

You need to open up the pores of the skin first and this can be done in one of two ways, both by heating the skin. Either by steaming the skin, must not be done if your skin is highly vascular or you suffer from broken capillaries or acne rosacea, or by the use of a hot compress but again not if you suffer from acne rosacea. If you have a few broken capillaries you can protect the areas affected by petroleum jelly before applying the compress.

For the compress you will need a freshly laundered small hand towel wrung out in as hot water as you can bear and is comfortable on the face, and protect your hair with a shower cap. 

Also required are:
  • A pair of PVC or latex gloves
  • Clean tissues
  • Teatree essential oil if not sensitive to it or Lavender essential oil, failing those antiseptic lotion
  • Damp cotton wool pads for the eyes

Wring out the small hand towel in the hot water and fold in half length wise and lying semi reclined drape it over the face placing the centre of the folded towel on the chin and draping it over the cheeks and up onto the forehead leaving out the nostrils to enable you to breathe. Cover your eyes with the damp pads and relax for 5 minutes.

Not only does this open the pores to prepare for spot extractions it also moisturises the skin.

Wash your hands throughly and glove up and covering a finger on both hands, index fingers are ideal and using the diagram here as a guide, push down under the spot and trying to meet the fingers together underneath it, this will apply pressure within the hair follicle and cause the spot to rupture, this expressing the excess sebum and dead white blood cells, which make up the white matter in the spot along with a little serous fluid. Using a clean cotton bud apply a little neat teatree or lavender essential oil or antiseptic fluid. For additional spots you must use clean tissues over your gloved fingers for each spot. Whatever you do, if the spot wont budge don't force it as you will cause broken capillaries in the skin, and these are permanent or spread the infection further. In this case apply a little of the a fore mentioned essential oils and leave alone, they will ripen in there own good time

Treating spots in this way is not a substitute for good skincare however and more often or not dirty fingers or make up brushes are common culprits leading to spots. There are many reasons for break outs from hormone imbalances, to poor hygiene, stress or bad skincare. If you have full blown acne, then I urge you to seek medical advice as there are many effective treatments to alleviate this distressing condition.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Tuesday, 8 November 2011


Although Jung has coined the word here, I feel it is making 'Synchronicity' more complex than it needs to be, it means the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection. To me and reading about the event detailed below, its simply premonition. Of course there is no rational explanation for synchronicity, but parapsychological events don't have a rational explanation for the world of Spirit cannot be explained in human earth terms.  When you have lived your life and you look back on it you will see this synchronicity in action, whether it was gut feelings/intuition at the time and the outcome, synchronicity will make sense and it really isn't complex at all. As for no discernible causal connection, indeed there is, it's spirit and your own soul in action. We are more than a living creature, we are more than a mind, we have a soul, a spirit and that is the reason for synchronicity.

EXCERPTS BELOW ARE FROM © Carl Jung Resources, 2011.

What is Synchronicity?

The term synchronicity is coined by Jung* to express a concept that belongs to him. It is about acausal connection of two or more psycho-physic phenomena. This concept was inspired to him by a patient's case that was in situation of impasse in treatment. Her exaggerate rationalism (animus inflation) was holding her back from assimilating unconscious materials. One night, the patient dreamt a golden scarab - cetonia aurata. The next day, during the psychotherapy session, a real insect this time, hit against the Jung's cabinet window. Jung caught it and discovered surprisingly that it was a golden scarab; a very rare presence for that climate.

Cetonia Aurata or the Colden Scarab

So, the idea is all about coincidence: in this case, between the scarab dreamt by the patient and its appearance in reality, in the psychotherapy cabinet.

But this coincidence is not senseless, a simple coincidence. By using the amplification method, Jung associates in connection with the scarab and comes to the concept of death and rebirth from the esoteric philosophy of antiquity, a process that, in a symbolic way, the patient should experience for a renewal and vitalization of her unilateral personality, the cause of the neurosis she was suffering from.

Thus, a significant coincidence of physical and psychological phenomena that are a causal connected.

Jung's book on synchronicity

Behind all these phenomena Jung places the archetype or the constellation of an archetype, which, in his view, is a process that engages equally objective manifestations, in the physical world, and subjective ones, in the psychological universe.

Jung writes a book on synchronicity together with Nobel laureate W. Pauli, a book we invite you to read (learn more).

Synchronicity, as an explicative theory, applies to phenomena from the area of parapsychology, prevision and premonition, to I Ching (specific method of consulting the Oracle of Changes), to astrology and many other borderline fields.

It is also present in psychotherapy, as we have already shown. Several psychoanalysts noted certain strange coincidences in which their patients received information about them by extra-sensorial ways, information that was not accessible to the general public.

*Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) had a significant contribution to the psychoanalytical movement and is generally considered as the prototype of the dissident through the impact of his scission and the amplification of the movement he created in his turn (analytical psychology).

Jung was the son of a Swiss reverend. He completed his medical studies, specialized in psychiatry and joined the staff of Burgholzli, the renowned psychiatric hospital in Zurich, run at that time by the famous Dr. Eugen Bleuler.

In 1902-1903 he attended a traineeship in Paris with Pierre Janet, and then returned to Zurich and he was called senior physician at Burgholzli.

It was in this context that Jung was introduced to Freud in 1907. Freud would be seduced by the prestige and personality of Jung and would soon see in him the spiritual son that could ensure the survival of psychoanalysis, so much so as Jung was not Jewish.

Intense, professional and friendship bonds form between the two, with an ambivalence dominated by the inclination of Jung to underestimate himself in comparison with Freud, the fervor of his devotion to the "father" of psychoanalysis and oneiric hostility (emphasized by Freud in the common interpretation of dreams).

Jung had a swift ascension in the hierarchy of psychoanalysis. He became the editor of Jahrbuch.

In 1908, he traveled to the United States and in 1910 he became the first president o the International Association of Psychoanalysis.

The reluctance of Jung towards the Freudian theory referred to the role of sexuality in the psychic development. In fact, Jung never completely embraced the sexual theory of Freud.

Since 1912 he became more and more distant in his writings, which would cause a scission materialized in 1914 by his resignation from all the positions he already held.

After a period of personal turmoil, Jung founded his own school and produced a vast number of studies that would attract a great number of disciples.

By abandoning the meanders of psychosexuality, Jung would establish himself in the fields of spirituality and esoteric science.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Monday, 7 November 2011


The following are quotes from Silver Birch
(in bold type)

The spirit guide Silver Birch was channelled through a medium called Maurice Barbanell, who passed away 17th July 1981 at the age of 79. Maurice Barbanell was the founder and editor of a weekly Spiritualist newspaper, which is still in circulation today. Barbanell devoted half a century of his life spreading spiritual knowledge in the Psychic News.

Maurice Barbanell was born to Jewish Parents, in one or East London’s poor areas. His mother was devoutly religious, but his father was an atheist, due to this difference Barbanell heard many arguments between his parents. For a time Barbanell had the same outlook as his father, but later changed to agnosticism.

Later in life Barbanell was invited by a medium to join her at a séance, but was not impressed with what he saw, and even fell asleep on his second visit. What was strange with his ‘sleep’ and he himself thought he was asleep, in fact was in trance, having been seen by others on the circle and a Red Indian had spoken through him.

Through this trance, he was encouraged to start a paper for this guides teachings, which is how the Psychic News came about. It was many years before Barbanell revealed to his readers who was channelling the wisdom, as he did not want to be criticised for publishing his own mediumship Barbanell held many home circles where his guide Silver Birch would speak. It was always recorded in shorthand.

"There is no joy and no service that can match helping others. In a world so full of darkness, where millions have lost their way, where there are countless numbers troubled and perplexed with sorrow in their hearts, who awake each morning in fear and apprehension of what the day brings - if you can help one soul to find some serenity and to realise that he/she is not neglected, but surrounded by arms of infinite love, that is a great work. It is more important than anything else."
The reward in giving is so much richer than receiving the gift itself, to see the pleasure and feel the gratitude will lift you and instill within your soul love that cannot be obtained in any other way
"The law of cause and effect is basic, fundamental and unalterable because you can reap only what you have sown. Effect must follow cause with mathematical accuracy; it cannot be otherwise. In turn the effect becomes the cause by which another effect is set into motion, producing another cause. The process is a constant one"
In other words karma

"The marriage service performed in your churches refers to the existence of the marriage until death parts the man and his wife. If spiritually they are not united they are parted before death comes. If there is love, there is nothing that will ever separate them."
The bonds of true love are eternal and can never be broken distance nor time can ever break them

"The reason for communication is love, love governs communication, whether it be in the love founded on the relationship between people who know one another on earth, or the love of service and the desire to help mankind that attracts unknowns to one another."
Unconditional love is the truest love of all

"You must live for the day, for the hour, for the minute, for the second, live in the ever present moment. Have no anxiety for the morrow and do the best you can. The Great Spirit is aware of the fact that you are all human beings and imperfect. That is why you are on earth. If you were perfect you would not be where you are now. The function of your earthly life is simply to eliminate the imperfections."
Earth is our classroom

"You who live in the world of matter are most unoriginal creatures. You do not, except very seldom, create anything. You are receiving stations and transmitting stations. Thoughts come to you; they lodge within you; you add to their wings and send them forth where others receive them. The thought that comes to you is not the same as when it leaves you; your personality has quickened it, or slowed it down, enriched it or impoverished it, made it more beautiful or more ugly, given it new life, or perhaps vitiated it. But over and above all that, you can, when you attune yourself, receive positive inspiration from those of like mentality to yourself."
Open your heart to love and you will receive positive inspiration

"We can never promise that your life will be free from problems, perplexity, or even pain. We can promise that within yourself you will find the means to overcome all handicaps and disabilities. As you strive to express the highest, the deepest, the greatest within yourself, so you will attract to your aid those beings from our world who love you, who desire to help you, and through you help others."
Spirit will never let you fall so far you cannot get up, they will assist you on your journey

"What a glorious message we have for your world of matter - a message that makes men free and teaches them to rejoice in their divine heritage; a message that teaches them to throw off shackles and bonds; a message that teaches them to rejoice in the fulness of spiritual knowledge; a message that shows them how to live not only on the planes of matter but on the planes of spirit; a message that brings them beauty, love and wisdom, understanding, truth and happiness; a message that speaks of service, service, service."
When we accept spirit into our lives, our lives become the richer for it
"When you had those experiences you may have thought that life was bitter and harsh and unkind, that you were forgotten, or lonely or neglected, and fate had dealt you a very hard blow. But the soul grows through adversity and the pure gold emerges after the processes of crushing and refining have taken place."
We become stronger through challenges and when we see problems, not as problems but as challenges, we can then see they can be overcome. Challenges as designed to test us and to teach us to become more resilient and help us gain empathy and understanding and in turn this experience can help us to counsel others and help others on their journey throughout life

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Sunday, 6 November 2011



I found this great site "thefactsabout" by the cosmetic, toiletry and perfumery association

Safety matters

Ever wondered about the latest scare story and whether your cosmetics are safe? Read why you shouldn't worry.

Beauty matters

Being confident in our appearance can increase our self-esteem. Find out why a 'bad hair day' affects us so much.

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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.