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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Friday, 9 December 2011


I had to laugh at this, for this is not a new drug at all, AlkaSeltzer has been around for decades, it is a combination of asprin and an antiacid, ok it doesn't contain caffeine but a cup of coffee or strong tea will soon sort that out.

Also the main symptoms of a hangover are down to dehydration and what is caffeine? well its a diruretic! (makes you pass more urine adding to the dehydration). Honestly makes me wonder who writes this stuff.

Now I am not condoning hangovers but it is the party season after all but if you want a full proof Holistic remedy I have a better one. Homeopathic Nux Vomica 30C take a couple in a clean mouth, allow them to dissolve in the mouth before you go out on the razzle and before you go to bed drink plenty of water and allow another couple of Nux Vomica 30C to dissolve in the mouth. You should be fine in the morning but you must drink plenty of water as alcohol will dehydrate you and the additional water will help wash out the toxins from your body. However don't make a habit of it think of your poor over worked and poisoned liver.

We have created the ultimate hangover cure in a pill (just in time for Christmas), claim U.S scientists

  • First remedy of its kind
  • Combination of aspirin and caffeine eradicates all symptoms in just 15 minutes
  • Designed by ex-financier with no pharmaceutical background
  • More effective than other products on the market
Alcohol-induced hangovers will be a thing of the past thanks to a new over-the-counter remedy say U.S. scientists.
A single dose of Blowfish can eradicate all symptoms sparked by a night of heavy drinking, such as nausea, vomiting and fatigue, in just 15 minutes.
Hailed as a miracle cure by its maker, the pill - which contains 500 milligrams of aspirin, 60 milligrams of caffeine and an antacid to soothe upset stomachs - is already available online.
Blowfish for Hangovers Tablets
Blowfish for Hangovers Tablets
Haled as a miracle cure by its maker, the effervescent tablets- which contains 500 milligrams of aspirin, 60 milligrams of caffeine and an antacid to soothe upset stomachs - is already available online
It has just launched across the U.S. and if successful will be introduced to the UK next year, costing customers £1.90 for a single dose or £7.60 for a six-pack.
Incredibly the groundbreaking formula isn't the work of scientists but was discovered by former financier Brenna Haysom, who stumbled across the recipe after trying hundreds of hangover cures.
The Harvard graduate said: 'I started on a quest to find something that really worked and could be taken the morning after drinking. 
'After some research, I found a combination that did the trick, fast. I started sharing it with my friends, and they kept asking for more.'
Brenna Haysom, came across the recipe after trying hundreds of hangover cures (stock picture)
Brenna Haysom, came across the recipe after trying hundreds of hangover cures (stock picture)
Spotting a gap in the market, Miss Haysom,who has no pharmaceutical background, set about designing the first remedy specifically designed for hangovers in collaboration with New York-based manufacturers Rally Labs LLC.
Her product has now been granted approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) deeming it safe for market.
Those suffering from a hangover are instructed to take two of the effervescent tablets which claims to help 'restore mental alertness or wakefulness when experiencing fatigue or drowsiness associated with a hangover.'
Miss Haysom added: 'Most of the big drugs companies don't necessarily want to be associated with hangovers.
'It's really made from old-fashioned ingredients, after my own personal experimentation I realised that this combination really worked.
'So many people see hangovers as a shameful or embarrassing thing. I think of them as just a fact of life.'

Despite the product slogan, 'Own the night. Save the day' Miss Haysom denies that the treatment promotes binge drinking and she doesn't encourage overuse, adding 'I definitely don't encourage people to get obliterated.'
Some will also be concerned about the amount of aspirin contained in the tablets as the drug commonly causes heartburn and other symptoms of stomach irritation such as indigestion, pain, nausea, and vomiting.
For this reason the NHS states that paracetamol-based remedies for hangovers are preferable.
Anne Joshua, Associate Director of Pharmacy at NHS Direct, said: 'As Blowfish is a new drug, not currently available in the UK, we do not have enough information to comment on it.
However while aspirin is effective in treating painful conditions associated with a hangover, such as a headache, it is not suitable for everyone and some people can experience side effects from taking it.
'It is also not suitable for some people with certain long term conditions, and Paracetamol-based remedies are usually preferable for hangover symptoms.
'Many of the symptoms associated with a hangover are a result of dehydration, so drinking water before bed or the next day can also relieve symptoms.'

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday, 7 December 2011


Total Lunar Eclipse December 10, 2011 The Moon passes right to left through the Earth's shadow
Remember how the moon controls the great oceans, it stands to reason with us humans being 70% water its going to affect us.

The Sun is in Sagittarius and the Moon is in Gemini during the total lunar eclipse on December 10.

A lunar eclipse is a time of beginnings, endings, exposure and major changes. It always has something to do with "relationships". The changes are tied to how we relate and will have a lasting impression. Emotions run high, causing upsets and feelings of disorientation. Actions taken often do not have the expected results, it can be very unpredictable, but they do bring awareness and enlightenment. The energy of an eclipse is at its strongest during the two days before and three days after its occurrence.

A Lunar eclipse is a very special Full Moon. Decisions we make, things we let go of, and things we finish during this waning cycle have significance in the future. It is an excellent time to give up an old habit, for example, smoking and a time for affirmations to make positive changes in your life

Full Moons in general, and Lunar eclipses in particular, are times of high emotion, and they bring awareness. The Sun and the Moon, our animus and our emotions, are on opposite sides of the sky, as if the other were a mirror. This is a time of mirroring, we can see ourselves in others if we are willing to look. Many are not. Either way the lunar eclipse is a time to take stock of our lives and make positive changes towards the life we want for ourselves. Remember Universal Laws. We can have whatever we wish, the only proviso is that it must not be detrimental to anyone else. The lunar eclipse is a very auspicious time to manifest this.

And for those who are suffering under Mercury retrograde 
things will be improving very soon  as I type this on the 7th December 2011 Mercury moves forward again in a weeks time so we can all sigh with relief, that is until March 12 2012.

Upcoming Mercury retrogrades

Begins:     (stationary retrograde)

Ends:     (stationary direct)

Thursday, November 24, 2011
7:20 a.m. GMT

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
1:44 a.m. GMT

Monday, March 12, 2012
7:50 a.m. GMT

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
10:12 a.m. GMT

Sunday, July 15, 2012
2:17 a.m. GMT

Wednesday, August 8, 2012
5:41 a.m. GMT

Tuesday, November 6, 2012
11:05 p.m. GMT

Monday, November 26, 2012
10:49 p.m. GMT

Saturday, February 23, 2013
9:42 a.m. GMT

Sunday, March 17, 2013
8:04 p.m. GMT

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
1:09 p.m. GMT

Saturday, July 20, 2013
6:23 p.m. GMT

Monday, October 21, 2013
10:30 a.m. GMT

Sunday, November 10, 2013
9:13 p.m. GMT

Thursday, February 6, 2014
9:44 p.m. GMT

Friday, February 28, 2014
2:01 p.m. GMT

Maggie Brown (Author)
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The festive season is upon us, Christmas parties, office parties, chocolates and sweets being passed around. There's more opportunities to smoke and drink and taking weight off is a lot harder than putting it on. Gym membership always increases in January as the excesses of the festive season takes its toll. But after a few weeks of junk food, over indulgence and excess alcohol, bad habits set in and you start to think to yourself, "What harm will another chocolate, drink or ciggie do?" You slouch on the sofa watching Christmas TV munching and puffing away. But before you know it you find yourself feeling sluggish, your skin has lost its lustre, your spotty and you're developing bulges you'd rather not have, this in turn makes you depressed, so you tend to comfort eat and before you know it you approach the summer holiday season weighing two stone more rather than just two pounds. 

There's no harm in having the odd few chocolates or an extra glass of wine as long as you know when to stop. Fill up on the abundance of seasonal fruit, tangerines and oranges are in abundance at this time of year, the added vitamin C will go a long way to preventing colds and will give your skin a boost.

Which leads me to today's news item below, this isn't new really, most of us should know this by know, but how many take heed of it. When we are young and fit, we think we are invincible, cancer is something old people get, alas not so. With the increase of obesity the incidence of cancer is rising in younger people along with of course the rate of type 2 Diabetes. It's a well known fact, smoking doesn't just lead to lung cancer but other cancers too, not to mention cardivascular diseases often leading to amputation. Increased alcohol consumption is related to throat and mouth cancers as well as Pancreatic cancers and liver disease all of these diseases are affecting young people more than ever.

I have nursed lung cancer sufferers and amputees as a direct result of smoking and I cannot begin to tell you how distressing this is for the patient and their families, young families and the small children left without a parent. It's a particularly painful and distressing end to a life and the sad thing about it, it is preventable.

New year will be upon us soon and its almost time to make new year resolutions, let 2012 be the year when you can take stock of your health before it's too late PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE

Many cancers could be prevented
Press Association – 8 hours ago
Almost half (45%) of all cancers in men and 40% in women could be prevented, according to a major study.
The Cancer Research UK report found more than 100,000 cancers each year in the UK are caused by four lifestyle factors - smoking, unhealthy diets, alcohol and people being too fat.
This rises to around 134,000 cases a year when 14 lifestyle and environmental factors are taken into account.
Smoking is by far the biggest lifestyle contributor to a person's risk of developing cancer, accounting for 23% of all cancers in men and 15.6% in women.
As well as lung cancer, it is implicated in other forms of the disease including bladder, kidney, pancreatic and cervical cancer.
The charity said the review, which is published in the British Journal of Cancer, is the most comprehensive to date.
One in 25 cancers is linked to a person's job, such as being exposed to chemicals or asbestos, while one in 33 is linked to infections, such as the human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes most cases of cervical cancer.
Overall, 34% of cancers in 2010 (106,845) were linked to smoking, diet, drinking alcohol and excess weight.
In men, 6.1% (9,600) of cancer cases were linked to a lack of fruit and vegetables, 4.9% (7,800) to occupation, 4.6% (7,300) to alcohol, 4.1% (6,500) to overweight and obesity and 3.5% (5,500) to excessive sun exposure and sunbeds.
In women, 6.9% (10,800) were linked to overweight and obesity, 3.7% (5,800) to infections such as HPV, 3.6% (5,600) to excessive sun exposure and sunbeds, 3.4% (5,300) to lack of fruit and vegetables and 3.3% (5,100) to alcohol.
Copyright (c) Press Association Ltd. 2011, All Rights Reserved.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Monday, 5 December 2011


In case you are not aware I am a Spiritualist and obviously I adhere to the 7 principals of my religion. I mention it here not because I wish to try and convert you to my beliefs, far from it, but it is the thread that runs through my website here.

Many Christian sects associate mediums as working with evil spirits or the devil, this is so untrue and couldn't be further from the truth, so this is really to put the record straight. We work in the light and not with the dark side.

Unlike most other major religions, Spiritualism does not tie its adherents to a creed or dogma. Rather, the philosophy of Spiritualism is founded upon seven basic principles which were developed and derived through the Mediumship of one of Spiritualism’s greatest pioneers - Emma Hardinge Britten,

Emma Hardinge Britten

Emma Hardinge Britten is, perhaps, the most renowned and most respected advocate and proponent in the early Modern Spiritualist Movement.

She was the daughter of Captain Floyd Hardinge, whom writers call a seafaring man. Early in her life, she had shown gifts as a musician, singer, and speaker. In fact, at age 11 she was earning her living as a music teacher.

Under contract with a theatrical company, she went to America in 1856 where, through the mediumship of Miss Ada Hoyt (Mrs. Coan), she became converted to the Spiritualist philosophy. There, she began developing her own abilities as a medium and sat publicly for the Society for the Diffusion of Spiritual Knowledge of New York (what a wonderful name).

As a young medium, she furnished one of the best attested cases of early Spirit return. A member of the crew of the mail steamer, Pacific, which had sunk in the ocean, controlled young Emma and, in trance, disclosed the facts of the tragedy. Because of the nature of the details given through her mediumship, Emma Hardinge was threatened with prosecution by the owners of the boat when the story was made public, but all the details were found to be true and accurate.

Her mediumistic gifts embraced automatic and inspirational writing, psychometry, healing, prophecy, and inspirational speaking. She was best known for her inspirational addresses, which were very eloquent, inspiring, and informative. They were given completely extempore, and the subject was generally chosen in the auditorium by a committee from the audience.

Most historians agree that, as a propagandist for Spiritualism, she was unequaled in her zeal, commitment, and enthusiasm. For years she traveled all over the United States, Canada, England, Australia, and New Zealand, expounding the truths of Spiritualism and related areas of thought.

Emma Hardinge Britten founded and edited for five years the Two Worlds of Manchester. She was also among the founders of the Theosophical Society in New York, in 1875. However, she soon severed her connections with Madame Blavatsky.

Although she was not alive to see this happen, her dream of establishing a proper and formal "school of prophets" (training school for mediums) was realized in 1900, with the founding of the Britten Memorial Institute and Library, in Manchester, England.

Emma Hardinge Britten's writings include: Modern American Spiritualism, New York, 1870; Nineteenth Century Miracles, New York, 1884; Faith, Fact and Fraud of Religious History, Manchester, 1896; Extemporaneous Addresses, London, 1866. She was editor of the American periodical, The Western Star, 1872, and the British The Unseen Universe, 1992-1893. inspired in 1871 by the communicating spirit of Robert Owen (the founder, when alive in the physical body, of the Co-operative movement).

These Seven Principles, which act as guidelines for the development of a personal philosophy of how to live one’s life, are stated as follows:-


Each of us has his or her idea of God. To some, He is an austere personality instilling fear in his believers and meting out wrathful judgement to wrong doers, seated on a throne in heaven. To others he is a benign Father, caring for his vast family of every colour and creed and personified in everything that is beautiful around us. The latter is the broad Spiritualist viewpoint as envisaging the one supreme power.

We regard Him as the author of a divine plan, the natural law through which the universe which He created is governed and based on love, not fear.

He is the controlling force of all and “the Greatest Central Source of all life and love” as Andrew Jackson Davis, another of our pioneers so forcefully proclaimed. When we transgress these laws we are betraying a trust for which we shall have to pay, either here, on in the life hereafter. Our relationship with God is therefore determined by our obedience to these laws.

If we accept the Fatherhood of God then it naturally follows that we are his children, brothers and sisters in one family of all race and colour. This confers upon us a dual responsibility – to our Father and to each other, which we can sum up in one word – SERVICE. The inequalities of modern society, the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong, the wise and the ignorant, provide an incentive for love and service. In our daily lives we meet those who need material help, to whom a kind word or small act may work wonders.

If we would extend this call to service beyond the confines of our family, our town, our country, out into the wide world, pain and suffering, tumult and wars would cease and we would bring into being “that peace which passes all understanding”.

It goes further than that. The real meaning of our existence is not only our obligation to our fellow men. Man being himself a spirit here on earth, is immortal and the brotherhood of man is extended into the spirit spheres. Spiritualism therefore gives a new and higher meaning to our mutual interdependence and to Brotherhood.

3.COMMUNION OF SPIRITS AND THE MINISTRY OF ANGELS (This is the key Principle to our Religion)

This is the key around which our whole philosophy turns. Orthodoxy denies the reality of communion with departed spirits, whereas for the past one hundred and twenty years we have proved conclusively that man not only survives physical death but is able, through mediums, to commune with those left behind. Not only that, they spend quite a lot of their time giving us help and guidance in various ways with our earthly problems.

There are certain persons among us who are called mediums who are so highly sensitive to ‘spirit vibrations’ that they are able to establish contact with those who have passed over and wish to communicate with us. Each one of us has a spirit guide or helper – a ‘guardian angel’ if you like, who uses the medium as an instrument through whom he can talk.
We are thus able to learn how our loved ones are faring in their new environment and in their new way of life. This proof of survival is of great help to those who are bereaved.


There is a corollary of the previous principle and serves to accentuate how much our Spiritualist philosophy is so diametrically opposed to the materialist conception of life.

All the great religions of the world subscribe to some form of life after death in some nebulous heavenly existence, but because they have failed to prove it to the satisfaction of modern realists, they have lost their hold on the people.

Spiritualism on the other hand does prove this fact in no uncertain manner and in so doing has profoundly revolutionised our lives in that our behaviour is not encompassed within the narrow limits of our earthly lives, but extends into eternity. Our mode of living here will determine our spiritual status in the life to come.


This is the major doctrinal difference between Spiritualism and orthodox religions. The basis of the Christian religion rests on the belief that Jesus died on a cross to save us from our sins. This we most strongly repudiate. Jesus was put to death by crucifixion for political reasons. This was the then normal method of execution for most offences – including robbery. The Jewish priests were afraid He would usurp their power through his teaching and healing and the Romans that he might raise a rebellion against them – “He stireth up the people”

Spiritualism asserts that no one can save us from our wrong doing but ourselves. Man, through his conscience knows the difference between right and wrong and is given free will to choose which road he will take. No one, be he religious or an atheist can escape the consequences of his own mistakes. God does not sit in judgement over us, we have to be our own judges.

What the church calls sin, we regard as the violation of the divine natural laws made by God, which Paul interpreted when he wrote “Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” Man alone has to atone for his sins and not shirk his responsibilities.


This follows on what has been said above. The orthodox church would have us believe that on this awful “day of judgement” God will sit on his throne and cast each one of us into heaven or hell. Heaven and hell are states of mind of our own creation and not celestial localities. Our code of life on this earth will determine our spiritual status in the world of spirit.

It is equally wrong to think that because one attends church regularly, or performs evangelical or “other good works” one will automatically be given pride of place in the hereafter. It will be our everyday deeds and motive for them that will count and how well we have carried out the precept “Do unto others…” Neither is it true that after our passing we will become a saint. Death does not make us spiritually aware.


The idea of eternal progress may seem hard for us to understand in this world where everything has an ending, but in the world to come, where there are neither clocks nor calendars, time is immaterial. Spiritualism points to the certainty of eternal progress, but the rate of our own particular advancement will depend upon ones desire to do so, remembering that we shall have free will as we have here.

We shall by no means be idle in the spirit world, in fact, we shall be extremely busy pursuing those paths which will lead us toward perfection – and we shall have eternity in which to do it.

The transition from our earthly world to our new existence in the higher life does not alter our present make-up or character. We shall be just the same as we were before the passing, retaining our free will to fashion our new life with the sure knowledge that we shall be given the opportunity to make spiritual progress with no limit to time or the heights we can reach. Once again, we come face to face with our personal responsibility even on the other side.

These principles are the crux of our philosophy. They are inter-dependent and their influence has transformed man’s outlook on life.

As a final note, Spiritualism, through an intelligent and thorough investigation of its Seven Principles, reveals the understanding, the deepest significance of service to others and transforms life from selfishness to unselfishness, from individualism to social co-operation. Only on such a foundation can love and truth and all other spiritual values have any practical meaning or reality.


I myself have only once seen an angel and this was when I was recovering in hospital where I had been dangerously ill. At the time I was on the road to recovery and I woke in the night to see this vast being at the foot of my hospital bed. I wasn't in the least frightened but what I saw was incredible. It seemed to be neither male nor female and its skin, hair and wings were radiating gold and was dressed in red and gold robes. The wing span was massive and it stood from floor to ceiling. You can think of this what you will, but I did not imagine it and I knew then I was going to be ok and was being watched over.

On another occasion when my daughter was six years old, she was very ill with influenza and I was rightly very worried about her. So I asked her guardian angel to watch over her carefully and keep her safe. Three days later when my small daughter was over the worst, she came to me and said, "Mummy someone is watching me in my room", and described what could only be an angel. She wasn't frightened when I explained who it was. Satisfied she went on to recover and didn't mention the angel again. Later on my daughter would go on to talk about other experiences but those are other stories!


The Seraphim are closest to divinity. They are concerned with keeping divinity constant and intact, and are considered the angels of pure love, light and fire. They insure that only positive energy reaches to divinity, and create positive energy through all the choirs of angels and into the physical realms.  When you wish to raise energy for humanitarian or planetary causes ask for their help and guidance.

The Cherubim are guardians of light and stars. They create and channel positive energy from divinity, and appear exquisite in form. They outshine all the other angels. When you are seeking divine protection, wisdom, and knowledge, seek assistance from the Cherubim.

The Thrones are assigned to planets. They create, channel, and collect incoming and outgoing positive energies.  Their name comes from the idea that the power of divinity rests upon their shoulders. Justice and its dispensation are important to them and they will shine their light on injustices, and send healing energy to any victim.  Thrones take great interest in what humans are doing, though they normally channel energies through your guardian angel.  Look to the Thrones for assistance in smoothing relations with groups of people, nations, or individuals.

Issues of leadership are under the control of Dominions.  Dominion angels work to insure that humans are happy and healthy under the leadership they have bestowed.  They are very concerned with cause and effect. If you wish to access divine wisdom, ask the mediators, the Dominions.  Dominions will help you create or improve existing projects.

Powers are the warrior angels who work through love instead of fear.  Call them when you are in trouble or need to identify another's hidden agenda. They will bring clarity to your assessment of a puzzling situation.  These angels will defend your home, property, children, or any group of people who call on them for protection and defense.

The Virtues' primary job is to move massive quantities of spiritual energy to the earth plane and the collective human consciousness.  The Virtues are the spirits of movement, working and guiding the elemental energies that affect our planet.  These are the angels of nature (earth, air, fire, water, spirit, weather patterns, planetary upheavals).  Call the Virtues to your assistance when you are in trouble or working in a healing profession.

(The Angels listed above are most involved in larger issues that affect mankind. They rarely interact directly with humans.  The Angels listed below dedicate themselves to working with human beings, and are a constant presence in our lives, even if we are unaware.)

The Principalities are the guardians of large groups, including such as continents, countries, cities, governments, religious organizations, and humanitarian organizations. They work toward global reform and to aid leaders in wise choices.  Human rights and economic reform are important issues to these Angels.

The Archangels are the special forces of the angelic realms, who deal with all levels of humanity.  They also create and funnel energies both ways.

Angels are beings assigned to a particular person.  They are often known as Guardian Angels.  Angels deal with human and physical manifestation.  Not only do they channel energy from the Divine to us, but also from us to the Divine. Guardian Angels are assigned to us through all incarnations on Earth.  They are with us from birth to the transition of death.  They defend us when we are in trouble, help us adjust to a human existence, and assist in carrying out our divine plan.

READ MORE.......

MY PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT BOOK    'The Journey to Spirit'  Available in both paperback and kindle 





Maggie Brown (Author)
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Sunday, 4 December 2011


Homeopathy is a very safe holistic remedy, at worst it wont have any effect and at best it can make a fantastic difference. How effective it is depends on how much organic change has taken place in the tissues, but even that being so, it can make such a difference palliatively.

The remedies I am giving here are what's known as 'Polycrests'. Polychrests are the best known and most often used remedies, especially in constitutional prescribing. They correlate with personality archetypes .e.g. Nux-vomica is known as the businessman's remedy and Pulsatilla as the whingy child's remedy, and Chamomilla is the well known fractious teething baby, but this is only a tiny part of their picture. They're among the earliest remedies to have been discovered and therefore the remedies that have been tried and tested for the longest, with the greatest depth of study and understanding You will notice that a few of them are also in the basic remedies section. Like other remedies polychrests can be used for both acute and constitutional prescribing.

Chamomillia can be used for the kind of ache that seems to go on and on, whereby it makes you restless and irritable.

However the two main homeopathic remedies regularly prescribed are these two below:

Rhus Toxicodendron Affects fibrous tissue markedly - joints, tendons, sheaths - aponeurosis, etc., producing pains and stiffness. Post-operative complications. Tearing asunder pains. Motion always "limbers up" the Rhus patient, and hence he feels better for a time from a change of position.

Ruta Gravolens
Acts upon the periosteum and cartilages, eyes and uterus. Complaints from straining Flexor tendons especially. Tendency to the formation of deposits in the periosteum, tendons, and about joints, especially wrist. Over strain of ocular muscles. All parts of the body are painful, As if bruised

There are a couple of other remedies I would also suggest one is Arnica, for a bruising type of pain or if when trying to sleep the bed feels too hard. The other is Bellis Perennis which is for a deep aching pain similar to the type of aches if you have over done the gardening.

The standard dosage is 6C for chronic ailments and 30C for more acute. This article is only a tiny taster of the vast array of the fantastic abilities of Homeopathic medicine.

I did find this interesting article about Fibromyalgia.

If you feel pain all over your body, muscles ache all over and you frequently feel exhausted and unrefreshed even after a sleep. Also there are these points in your body where slight pressure causes severe pain and it so happens that even after numerous tests no diagnosis has ever been confirmed. If this sounds familiar, you may have fibromyalgia.

What is fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia syndrome is a chronic disorder although it resembles arthritis due to excessive pains, it is not at all like arthritis. It does not cause any damage or inflammation of joints, muscles and tissues.
Widespread muscle pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points are few of the important symptoms that often characterize the disorder. Tender points are specific places on the body where even slightest pressure causes extreme pain?they can be present on the neck, shoulders, back, hips, and upper and lower extremities.
As more medical advancement is being made to understand this strange disorder it is becoming more and more evident that sleep plays an important role in this disease. Usually people with fibromyalgia seem to wake up with tired-up feeling even though they seem to sleep enough. This morning fatigue is being linked to a kind of sleep disorder where a person is not able to go into deep sleep. Recent medical studies have suggested that this sleep problem is due to alpha wave interrupted sleep pattern, a condition where deep sleep is interrupted often by bursts of activity in the brain similar to wakefulness. So people suffering from fibromyalgia are deprived from this restorative phase of sleep.
In addition to the above mentioned symptoms those suffering from fibromyalgia may show a wide array of symptoms-, morning stiffness, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, painful menstrual periods, numbness or tingling of the extremities, restless legs syndrome, temperature sensitivity, memory problems, depression or a variety of other symptoms

What causes fibromyalgia?
Although it is still unclear as to what causes this disease, some evidence points towards its association with emotional or physical stressful events. Some researchers link this disease to other auto-immune disorders. They believe that those suffering disorders such as arthritis etc. are more likely to develop it. This disorder is more prevalent in females.
Homeopathy and fibromyalgia.
The treatment available with conventional medical system is just palliative, where as Homeopathy offers an effective form of treatment, aiming at curing the disorder. This statement is based on a hardcore research done by the National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, United States . This study involved patients affected with fibromyalgia; they were selected beforehand according to symptoms referring to a specific homeopathic medicine. The results showed a significant superiority of the homeopathic treatment, as regards pain, the quality of sleep and the overall condition.
Homeopathic treatment in such disorders is based on assessing one individual group of symptoms and thereby finding the most suitable medicine. Mental and physical make-up both are taken into consideration while prescribing. It is this holistic approach that gives homoeopathy an edge over the conventional system.
Reduce stress levels
As stress causes an increase in the symptoms of fibromyalgia, make sure to reduce your stress levels. Also make sure to follow a regular daily routine as people who tend to reduce their physical work due to pain, end up suffering more.
Getting enough sleep
Ensure adequate sleep in order to reduce fatigue. Follow a regular pattern in going to bed and getting up at the same time each day and limiting daytime napping
Regular exercise
Although initially the exercise would increase the symptoms, but eventually regular exercise would lead to reduction of the symptoms
Eat right
Having a regular balanced diet is essential in fighting all chronic disorders, especially if one suffers from irritable bowel syndrome along with.
Adjust your activities
Keep your daily activities on an even level. If you exert too much on a good day, you might have too many and severe bad days.
his feature ( authored by Dr. Vikas Sharma ) was earlier published in The Tribune(north India?s largest circulated daily newspaper). Dr. Vikas Sharma is regular Homeopathic columnist for The Tribune.You can mail him at  vikas@drhomeo.com

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Saturday, 3 December 2011



To me this is not news nutritionists and dietitians have known this for donkey ages, it stands to reason. It's a message us in the industry have been trying to get across for so long and it's pretty basic. The problem lies in peoples' diet these days and the cause of many a problem, too many people have come to rely on fast foods and processed convience foods. I say processed convience foods because nature has its own convience foods, salads and fruit and many vegetables don't take long to prepare and these are rich in these vitamins and minerals. Does the problem lie with peoples' parents these days? or does it stem from the education system that food and nutrition doesn't focus so much in schools? but then why should it? Personally I feel parents' have a duty to educate their children to why it's important to eat a well balanced diet.

If you tell a child or anyone for that matter, to do something or not do something, especially when it comes to eating 'greens' they are going to rebel, especially small children as they are born with a sweet palate, so education should start at an early age. Tell them as they grow up what nutrients do for our bodies, children are like little sponges they absorb facts and it will stay with them. If you say they must eat them without saying why, they will stubbornly refuse and that goes for educating adults as well.

Over cooking can also destroy vitamins, especially the water soluble ones such as  the B complex and Vit C, so steaming and microwaving, which don't use much water are idea. Frozen vegetables often contain more vitamins as they deteriorate rapidly after harvesting, whereby vegetables harvested for the frozen market must be picked and frozen straight away so the vitamin content is preserved.

Minerals are elements that originate in the soil and cannot be created by living things, such as plants and animals. Yet plants, animals and humans need minerals in order to be healthy. Plants absorb minerals from the soil, and animals get their minerals from the plants or other animals they eat. Most of the minerals in the human diet come directly from plants, such as fruits and vegetables, or indirectly from animal sources. Minerals may also be present in your drinking water, but this depends on where you live, and what kind of water you drink (bottled, tap). Minerals from plant sources may also vary from place to place, because the mineral content of the soil varies according to the location in which the plant was grown.

Men need 70 mcgs/day.
Women need 55 mcgs/day.

  • Selenium is a part of several enzymes necessary for the body to properly function. Generally, selenium functions as an antioxidant that works in conjunction with vitamin E.
  • Selenium deficiency is rare in humans.
  • Most fruits contain a small amount of selenium, but dates have a significant amount. 
  • Vegetables: 
Brussels Sprouts 
French Beans 
Lima Beans 
  • Most nuts contain selenium, but the following nuts have a significant amount: 
Brazil Nuts 
Wheat - Durum 
Wheat - Hard Red
  • Meat and Proteins: 
Cheddar Cheese 
Chicken Breast 
Chicken (dark meat) 
Soy Beans 
Turkey Breast 
Turkey Bacon 
Turkey Leg 
Roast Duck 
Ground Turkey
  • Most legumes are a good source of Selenium but these are the highest. 
Black Eye Peas 
Fava Beans 
Garbanzo Beans 
Lima Beans 
Mung Beans 
Navy Beans 
Pigeon Beans 
Pinto Beans 
Soy Beans 
Winged Beans

Men need 15 mgs/day.
Women should get 12 mg/day.
Children need 10 to 15 mg/day.

  • Vegetarians need about 50 percent more zinc in their diet than meat eaters.
  • This metal is important in a number of key activities, ranging from protein and carbohydrate metabolism to the immune system, wound healing, growth and vision.
  • Severe deficiency can contribute to stunted growth. Deficiency can sometimes be seen in white spots on the fingernails. (Though not always as damage to the matrix, the growing area under the cuticle area, can also cause these white spots)
  • Most fruits contain a small amount of zinc, but the following have a significant amount: 
  • Vegetables:
Amaranth leaves 
Bamboo Shoots 
Brussels Sprouts 
French Beans 
Lima Beans 
Swiss Chard
  • Most nuts have some zinc, but these have a significant amount: 
Pine Nuts/Pignolias 
Pumpkin Seeds 
Sunflower Seeds 
Wheat - Durum 
Wheat - Hard Red 
Wheat - Hard White
  • Meat and Proteins: 
Cheddar Cheese 
Chicken Breast 
Chicken (dark meat) 
Soy Beans 
Turkey Breast 
Turkey Bacon 
Turkey Leg 
Lowfat Yogurt 
Roast Duck 
Beef Sausage 
Beef Jerky 
Hot Dog (Beef) 
Ground Turkey 
Ground Chicken
  • Most legumes are a good source of Magnesium but these are the highest 
Adzuki Beans 
Black Beans 
Black Eye Peas 
Fava Beans 
Garbanzo Beans 
Kidney Beans 
Navy Beans 
Soy Beans 
Split Peas 
White Beans 
Winged Beans

Vitamins are organic food substances found only in living things, i.e. plants and animals. They are essential for our bodies to function properly, for growth, energy and for our general well-being. With very few exceptions the human body cannot manufacture or synthesize vitamins. They must be supplied in our diet or in man-made dietary supplements. Some people believe that vitamins can replace food, but that is incorrect. In fact, vitamins cannot be assimilated without also ingesting food. That is why it is best to take them with a meal. Synthetic vitamin supplements can be of varying quality, so it is a good idea to get your supplements from a reliable source. 

Vitamin A
10,000 IU/day (plant-derived) for adult males.
8,000 for adult females - 12,000 if lactating.
4,000 for children ages 1-3
5,000 for children ages 4-6
7,000 for children ages 7-10

  • Vitamin A helps cell reproduction. It also stimulates immunity and is needed for formation of some hormones. Vitamin A helps vision and promotes bone growth, tooth development, and helps maintain healthy skin, hair, and mucous membranes. It has been shown to be an effective preventive against measles.
  • Deficiency can cause night blindness, dry skin, poor bone growth, and weak tooth enamel.
  • Alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and retinol are all versions of Vitamin A.
  • Most fruits contain vitamin A, but the following fruits have a significant amount: 
  • Amaranth Leaves 
Bok Choy 
Brussels Sprouts 
Butternut Squash 
Chinese Broccoli 
Chinese Cabbage 
Squash - summer 
Squash - winter 
Sweet Potato 
Swiss Chard
  • Chestnuts 
  • Cheddar Cheese 
Cream Cheese 
Cows Milk 
Whipping Cream 
Goat Milk 
Goat Cheese 
Sour Cream
  • Most legumes do not contain a significant amount of Vitamin A

Vitamin C
60 mg for adults - 70 mg for women who are pregnant and 95 for those lactating.
Children need between 45 and 50 mg

  • Vitamin C is one of the most important of all vitamins. It plays a significant role as an antioxidant, thereby protecting body tissue from the damage of oxidation. Antioxidants act to protect your cells against the effects of free radicals, which are potentially damaging by-products of the body’s metabolism. Free radicals can cause cell damage that may contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Vitamin C has also been found by scientists to be an effective antiviral agent.
  • Black Currants 
  • Amaranth Leaves 
Bok Choy 
Brussels Sprouts 
Butternut Squash 
Green Pepper 
Swiss Chard
  • Other than 
Chestnuts, most nuts do not contain a significant amount of vitamin C.
  • Cod 
Goat Milk 
Soy Beans 
Lowfat Yogurt
  • Other than Edamame, most legumes do not contain a significant amount of vitamin C.

Vitamin E
30 IU for most adults. Children need between 6-11 mg/day. (1 IU is equal to approximately .75 mg)
Note: some researchers and medical experts believe that with all of the positive studies using higher doses of vitamin E, this daily recommended intake is not high enough.

  • Like vitamin C, vitamin E plays a significant role as an antioxidant, thereby protecting body tissue from the damage of oxidation. It is important in the formation of red blood cells and the use of vitamin K. Many women also use it to help minimize the appearance of wrinkles, and mothers use it to help heal minor wounds without scarring, as it is valued for its ability to soothe and heal broken or stressed skin tissue.
  • Avocado 
Black Currants 
  • Butternut Squash 
Swiss Chard 
  • Almonds 
Pine Nuts/Pignolias 
Sunflower Seeds
  • Eggs 
Turkey Bacon
  • Edamame 
Pinto Beans

Article below from the Daily Mail

Could a simple pill costing 30p a day be the answer to getting pregnant?

Pregnant: The new pill helped 60 per cent of women conceive

Pregnant: The new pill helped 60 per cent of women conceive

A 30p multi-vitamin pill could more than double a woman’s chance of having a baby, according to a study.

It found that 60 per cent of those taking the supplements while undergoing IVF became pregnant compared to just a quarter who did not take them.

Researchers say the pills contain nutrients that may boost fertility such as vitamins A, C and E, zinc and selenium, that are often absent from our diets.

The study carried out at University College London involved 56 women aged 18 to 40, who had all tried unsuccessfully to fall pregnant using IVF for at least a year.

Half were given a multi-nutrient pill to take every day and the other half given folic acid pills to take daily.

The micronutrient pill also contained folic acid which prevents birth defects and has also been shown to help boost fertility.

The team found that 60 per cent of women taking the multi-nutrients fell pregnant, and did not miscarry in the first three months when it is most common.

This compared to 25 per cent of women in the group taking folic acid who were still pregnant after three months.

The study published in the journal Reproductive Biomedicine also found that women taking the micronutrients needed far fewer attempts to become pregnant.

Of those who fell pregnant, 75 per cent conceived in the first course of IVF.

By comparison just 18 per cent of those on folic acid who became pregnant did so after the first IVF course.

The study carried out at University College London, pictured, involved 56 women aged 18 to 40, who had all tried unsuccessfully to fall pregnant using IVF

The particular pill, Vitabiotics Pregnacare-Conception,contains folic acid, vitamin B, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, selenium and some antioxidants.

It costs just over £10 over the counter for a month’s supply.

Lead researcher Dr Rina Agrawal said: 'The implications of this study are far reaching as they suggest that prenatal micronutrient supplementation in women undergoing ovulation induction improve pregnancy rates.

Vitabiotics Pregnacare-Conception,contains folic acid, vitamin B, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, selenium and some antioxidants

'There is a large body of evidence establishing the relationship between placental development, foetal growth, pregnancy outcomes and adequate nutrition, particularly vitamin intake.'

But other scientists pointed out that the study was very small so the results should not be taken too seriously.

Dr Allan Pacey who specialises in fertility at the University of Sheffield said: 'The influence of nutrition on our fertility is of general interest to the public and professionals, but there are relatively few studies which have examined this systematically and few which have shown direct benefits of taking supplements to enhance things.'

'Therefore, on the face of it, this study is interesting but we should acknowledge that this is a relatively small number of patients and the study would need to be repeated in a larger trial before we could be certain of the results.'

A woman’s fertility is known to be affected by a number of factors including her age, weight, alcohol consumption, whether she smokes.

High levels of stress and even drinking too much coffee have also been shown to reduce the chances of falling pregnant.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Friday, 2 December 2011


Never underestimate the power of positive thinking, but to explain I need to tell you about your Auric field. We are spIrit in a human body whilst we are incarnated on Earth and around us is an electromagnetic field our Aura, this has several layers or subtle bodies, the closest layer around our body is known as the Etheric body and it is a complete blueprint of our physical body but perfect eg. supposing we were unfortunate to have lost a limb, well it would still be present in the Etheric body. If you wish to start and try viewing the aura, the Etheric body is the first one you will see as you start to develop this ability.

Exercise for seeing the Human Energy Field commonly known as the Aura.

You will need a partner and a plain wall, not patterned and for beginners a fairly light coloured one.

Get your partner to stand a few feet away from you against the wall

Now let your eyes go out of focus as you would in day dreaming and stare at your partner until your eyes begin to get very uncomfortable and when you reach this stage when you need to blink you will have a clear view of the Etheric body. (Now I know what colour it is and I'm not going to try and influence you here, please leave a comment on your findings if you do this experiment.)
The other layers *SEE BELOW HERE FOR DETAILS  are comprised of different colours and are constantly moving and changing according to our emotions and mental state and what lies before us. Psychics are able to tap into their client's Aura to give readings for all your past, present and future is contained therein.

OK so that is the background, so what has this to do with positive thinking? well when we think positively our Auras expand, they are directly connected to our Chakras, these are spinning vortices of energy and what gives us our vital life force. If our Chakras are able to work correctly without being impinged in anyway, we will be happier mentally and emotionally and physically a lot healthier.

On the other hand if we think negatively our Aura's shrink in on themselves and this affects how the chakra's work, it restricts the flow of vital energy of the life force and starts to cause us problems both mentally and physically. Take for example the throat Chakra, it governs the thyroid and parathyroid endocrine glands and all the structures surrounding our throat and necks and vocal chords. It also governs communication between ourselves and others. So if we are thinking negatively it can lead to stiff neck muscles, causing tension headaches, make us more prone to sore throats, coughs and colds and can lead us to have communication problems relating to others perhaps causing arguments and an inability to understand others. This of course is just one Chakra.

Exercise for sensing and feeling the Human Energy Field commonly known as the Aura

Again you will need a partner and a chair.

Get your partner to sit on a chair facing away from you with their eyes closed and stand some distance away, several feet if possible.

Rub your hands vigorously together until your palms get warm and with palms facing one another you should feel a sensation like tingling, pulling them apart and bring them together, it should feel like you are bouncing an invisible ball between them, rub them a little more together then pull them apart and bring them together until you feel this.

Now with your palms facing outwards towards your partner ask he/she to think of something positive and happy, something which made them feel really happy.

As they are concentrating on this walk slowly towards them palms outstretched until you feel a sensation like you felt before, you should be able to bounce it like before even pull it a little, this is your partners Aura. Note where you are standing in relation to them.

Now repeat the exercise again, but asking your partner to think of something that made them very sad and miserable and to focus on this as you repeat what you did before. Walk forward again sensing where you detect their aura. Note where you are standing, what do you notice? (Again leave me a comment here of your findings it should be different to your first detection experiment)

Universal Laws The Law of Attraction

One of the Universe's laws is the law of attraction where 'like attracts like' have you noticed how the same type of people tend to group together? So positive energy is attracted to positive energy and like wise with negative energy. Now every time we think we create 'Thoughtforms' these are comprised of an energy so therefore if we think positively we will attract more positive energy and likewise negative thoughts will create more negative energy your way. So no matter what it pays to think positively. For one you will feel better physically and mentally and best of all you will attract more positive and good luck your way. It has to be consistent however you do have to keep it up to make this work, for any negative thinking will undo all the good you have done.

You may still have challenges in your life I can't guarantee life will be plain sailing but I can guarantee you will cope with those challenges a whole lot better than you would have done had you stayed thinking negatively.

*Spirituality and Psychic Development


This is an Aura photograph taken by a specialised camera. Aura cameras have come a long way since the first Kirlian camera in the 1970's. 

The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. For those of us who are lucky enough to see auras here is a photo of one. The colours are influenced by our moods and emotions and by Spirit activity, likewise our moods and emotions will influence how far our aura expands e.g. when we are happy our aura expands and when we are depressed it shrinks in on itself. Other shapes and bubbles within the aura are common. It is on the aura that psychics base their readings for the past, present and future is contained within it.

Colours represent different emotions and abilities if we take the photo on the left, this is my interpretation of it. The man has a red area to his right which is indicative of anger and upset the fact to his left he has a pink/purple area is representative of love and spiritual activity, to me this means there is some conflict here and upset over some area of love. You will notice there is also a very white silvery blue area, this denotes spirit activity and I would say this is this man's guide, who has come into his vicinity to impart love from spirit and heal the situation and help heal the hurt and anger in his relationship. This is reinforced by the green area moving in on the same side, greens denote balance and healing. On his left you can see a yellow area, yellow is associated with thinking and knowledge and learning. How I read this together I would see, he has been thinking deeply about a relationship that has caused him to feel upset and angry and spirit have moved in to help calm his anger and see the situation for what it is. Red over his base chakra area is normal as red is the colour of this chakra and this chakra is associated with base feelings and the genital area, red is also associated with passion, so this relationship obviously evokes a lot of passion and feelings. The area to his left, the right in the photo is representative of the future, so as I see it, he will calm down and I feel he will be more understanding.



I was born being able to see the Aura and I can now switch it on and off, which is just as well really but in this exercise I am going to try and explain how you can see this for yourself. When you begin to be able to view the Aura, you generally see the Etheric Body, there are several layers and this layer is closest to the physical body and is a complete blueprint of your physical body. If you have had organs or limbs removed they will still be present in your Etheric Body.

You will need at least one other person to do this exercise, they can be standing or sitting it doesn't matter however you will need to get them to stand or sit in front of a plain coloured wall. Some people prefer a light coloured wall others a dark, it's what works best for you and you can try both.

With your partner placed in front of the wall and it doesn't matter if they are facing you or facing away open your eyes wide, now its a bit difficult to describe but you have to allow your eyes to go floppy and to let your vision relax as if day dreaming and out of focus, but here is the tricky part. You stare at your partner until it gets uncomfortable and just before you have to blink you will get a perfect view of the Etheric body. Now this layer has a distinctive beautiful colour that radiates from the physical. I wont lead you on and tell you what colour it is as I want you to see this for yourself. After you have practised this a few times you will be able to view this layer a lot easier.

You can leave me a comment below what you actually view. It's not just humans who have an Aura but all animals and plants do too as do crystals who have some of the most beautiful. The illustration here will give you a rough idea how far this layer emulates from the body

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.