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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Monday, 30 July 2012


I find this amazing it's taken Joe Public to realise this and to even conduct a study on this. In my religion in Spiritualism we've always taught this and in Christianity also, it's good to forgive for holding on to past hurts only harms your own soul and I always believe you should be the bigger person and forgive. No war, dispute or argument can never be solved without dialogue and each life on earth is much to short to waste it with simmering anger and hurt underneath. So below in this article by the Daily Mail, is further proof to forgive and forget.


In your heart sometimes
We have to accept
We cannot change things
Like 'Sorry'
Is a tough word to admit
This does not mean
You are beaten
It takes courage
To admit you were wrong
And courage 
To 'Accept' what is right
But if you truly believe
In your heart
What you feel instinctively is right
And if it feels true
Follow your goals
And realise your dreams


Why you SHOULD forgive and forget - it's good for your heart

  • Those who thought about a hurtful event in a forgiving way were protected from spikes in blood pressure
  • Hypertension increases the risk of heart attack and stroke

They say to err is human, to forgive divine. But new research has revealed that excusing people who have hurt you can actually boost your health.
Researchers from the University of California, San Diego, found those people who let go of their anger were less likely to see spikes in blood pressure.
They asked just over 200 volunteers to think about a time when a friend had offended them. Half of the group were told to think about how it had angered them while the other half were encouraged to consider it in a more forgiving way.
Forgive and forget? Those who do could be protecting their heart
Forgive and forget? Those who do could be protecting their heart
The particpants were then all distracted for five minutes after which they were told to think about the event again in any way they chose.
The participants were wired  up to monitors, which took blood pressure and heart rate readings.
The team, led by Dr Britta Larsen, found the angry group saw the greatest increase in blood pressure compared to the forgiving group after the first ruminating session. The effect was seen later on despite having the brief timeout period to calm down. However, there was no differences in heart rate.
The authors said that although it was small study, their research - published in the Journal of Biobehavioural Medicines - suggested forgiveness could 'lower reactivity' to stressful events and even offer 'sustained protection' from the physical impact.
Short-term rises in blood pressure are not known to be harmful. However, over a longer period high blood pressure - or hypertension - increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.
Around 30 per cent of adults in the UK have hypertension although many are unaware of it as there aren't obvious symptoms. Those most at risk are overweight, are of African or Caribbean descent, consume a lot of salt, don't exercise much, drink large amounts of coffee and are aged over 65.
The NHS recommends that all adults have their blood pressure checked every five years.

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Sunday, 29 July 2012


I saw this article below in the Daily Mail and this sort of thing really annoys me. Do they honestly think we are all stupid? Fact NOTHING CAN BE ABSORBED VIA THE SKIN UNLESS ITS A MEDICINE and if it could it would have to be classified as a medicine and it would be prescription only. Essential oils because they are essentially the plants hormones can be and that is why they must be diluted and advice should be sought from a qualified Aromatherapist before using them. Ultra Violet A can also permeate the skin and it is this that damages our skin more than anything. Anyone who is qualified in anatomy and physiology would understand this, but marketing knows a vast amount of the public isn't so relies on ignorance to sell its products and tries to blind the public with its pseudo scientific terminology to aid it's cause.  Our skin is there to protect our inner organs to keep water and bacteria out and everybody knows how tiny bacteria is, if it was possible for the skin to absorb products, we would end up being in a right sorry state.  In the article below from the Daily Mail it also states  product infuses the skin with oxygen, this is total bunkum! oxygen can only be carried to the skin cells via the blood stream and interstitial fluid as the tiny capillaries that deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide are only one cell thick and need to be minute for this process. I'm sorry ladies but prevention is the cure too much UVA light will age you as the specialised cells within the Dermis that produce collagen and elastin are damaged by this. Drinking plenty of water, a balanced diet, not too much alcohol, regular exercise (tones up the cardiovascular system to speed up blood supply to the skin) and relaxation techniques, as stress hormones also damage the specialised cells that produce collagen and elastin and no smoking will help prevent wrinkles prematurely. The use of a good moisturiser to prevent the skin from drying out also helps and ladies it does not need to be expensive. The photograph of me on the background of my page here was taken a few weeks ago and I am 55 and I have not had a facelift, nor botox or any fillers. A few posts ago I did a review of an Aldi moisturiser that costs a mere £1.99, it works for me and I can highly recommend this product.

To explain:


Firstly please read the blogs and page on health as this will give an indication on a balanced diet.

If I were to ask you what is the largest organ in the body what would you say? It's not the liver or the intestines but the skin, it does a very important job for us and how many of us take it for granted and don't look after it.


The basics so you will understand how the skin works. The skin is comprised of 3 layers, the Epidermis the layer you can see, the Dermis the true skin and the subcutaneous.Cosmetics only work on the Epidermis and you can see how deep it is, if you have ever experienced a blister. A blister is caused when friction causes the Epidermis and the Dermis to separate and the fluid within the blister is lymph. The Epidermis has no nerve endings or blood supply that is why removing the top layer of a blister is not painful, not to be recommended though as it exposes the Dermis which is rich in nerves and a blood supply to infection.

The skin  has several functions to secrete sebum that oily substance on your skin, this is to help keep the skin moisturised by trapping moisture and forming a barrier together with sweat known as the 'Acid Mantle' The Acid Mantle is slightly acidic and acts as a Bacteriastat to inhibit bacteria. The skin secretes sebum via the sebaceous glands within the hair follicles and sweat via the Endocrine glands (there are another type of sweat glands know as Apocrine glands these are found in the axillary and pubic regions unlike Endocrine sweat bacteria act on Apocrine sweat quickly and this causes the characteristic Body Odour, these glands only become active after puberty and have a role to play in pheromones)

Our body temperature is regulated by the skin this is due to the  peripheral circulation either dilating to bring blood to the extremities of the body like the skin causing flushing to help loose some of the heat and also by sweating for as the sweat evaporates heat rises with it. The opposite happens when its cold the body conserves heat to vital organs more important than the skin, giving a more white/bluish appearance and may even induce shivering. At the base of every hair follicle there is a tiny cilary muscle when its cold and we start to shiver this muscle contracts causing the hair to stand up trapping a layer of air next to the skin, giving the appearance of goosebumps. Within the Dermis there are sensory nerves that detect temperature. We also have an insulatory layer of fat in the subcutaneous.

Our skin is waterproof so absorbs very little, the only things that can permeate the skin are medications, this includes patches such as Nicotine  and HRT and Essential oils (see Aromatherapy articles on Blog) COSMETICS CAN NOT. Do not believe the hype and sales talk ladies if it could be absorbed by the skin you you have to go to your Doctor for it and it would need to be licensed as a Medicine.

Our Skin is protected by sensory nerves that alert us to pain, pressure, touch, heat and cold, it is waterproof largely impermeable except to the substances above, fairly tough and it with its layer of fat below the dermis in the subcutaneous layer keeps us warm, protects our organs and bones, gives us shape. As fore mentioned the Acid Mantle helps protect from bacteria as bacterial growth is inhibited in its slightly acid environment. Melanocytes special little cells in the dermis increase as a result of UV light and give us tanning, the epidermis also thickens to help protect our skin. Also in the skin are mast cells and when they are damaged, they produce histomine, it gives the characteristic itching a weals associated by allergies, its function is to stimulate blood to the skin to repair and maintain it. However with allergies the body is hypersensitive producing this effect.

The skin also excretes some toxins through sweat but this is very very minimal, so do not believe the hype of some sales people who will suggest you have a detoxifying foot bath that will rid you of toxins as it changes the water to a dirty brown colour. Again this is sheer hype and nonsense for if ridding the body of toxins was that easy we wouldn't have a need for Dialysis Machines for those suffering kidney failure. It is the Liver, Kidneys and large Intestine that detoxify us.

Vitamin D is also formed in the skin as a result of the action of UV light acting on 7-dehydrocholesterol present in the skin, so everything in moderation we do need some sunlight.


So you know know how the skin works and it's functions  and that's great when everything is in balance. However skin is a very sensitive organ but as far as the body is concerned it is a lesser important organ that the heart, lungs, liver etc, so priority is given to important organs at times of stress, whether that is emotional stress i.e. worry etc. or physical stress such as extremes of temperature and its very cold. 

What we put on the skin can throw it off balance, many people use soap and water, well thats fine for your body, but our face has more sebaceous glands, is more exposed to the elements and more open to micro-organisms. Why not soap and water? well soap is alkaline  and remember the acid mantle is slightly acidic, this maintains an environment where micro-organisms are less likely to multiply and if you use an alkaline product you will strip away this protective layer, making the skin more susceptible to infection. Because our sebaceous glands tend to be more active on the face, and this increase of sebum in nature's moisturiser, there may be more of a tendency for them to become blocked, if infection enters the blocked pores the result it a spot. There are a number of cleansing bars on the market and water activated cleansers around for those of you who like the feel of water on your face.

The trouble and risk of blocked pores is magnified if there is also a build up of dead skin cells. Now it takes roughly 28 days for new cells in the basal layer of the epidermis to form and be shed, this time span increases with age, as we get older our skin becomes more sluggish, if we don't cleanse our skin adequately enough a layer of dead cells sit on the surface making our complexion dull, combined with sebum these dead cells can block pores causing blackheads. Inncidently blackheads are not dirt but sebum and dead cells form a plug and oxidise  causing this this discolouration. In order to keep our complexions fresh and depending on the type of skin you have exfoliation should be carried out once to twice a week, with oily skin generally twice. There are various products on the market but avoid those exfoliators that are made from ground up nutshells and husks as these can be quite scratchy and can damage the surface of the skin leading to possible infection. Rather choose a product with fine micro beads. Some exfoliators work by dissolving dead skin cells and are often fruit based containing fruit acids or enzymes, these may irritate sensitive skin so its a good idea to patch test an area  before proceeding.

But before choosing what cleanser to use on your skin, you need to know what type of skin you have. Firstly normal skin is a rarity, normal skin is like the skin children have, its neither dry or oily, theres no visible pores nor shine, it has a good texture and colour, no spots, blackheads and is plump and has good elasticity. Now how many of us can say we have normal skin? Oily skin often has visible pores particularly down the 'T zone' of our faces, it becomes shiny very quickly, it is prone to blackheads and spots, its doesn't have dry, flaky patches and often has a sallow colour about it and make up slides of the face quite quickly. Dry skin, has no obvious pores, doesn't have a tendency to blackheads or spots, can have flaky itchy areas, often feels tight after cleansing and a tendency to line and can often be more highly coloured. Combination skin is by far the most common type of skin, it often has an oil 'T zone' with normal, if your lucky outer areas or dry cheeks. It is a combination of either of the aforementioned types. So you have 4 skin types. Now if only it was that simple but the skin has different conditions that affect it. Firstly moisture, it may surprise you to know that even oily skin can become dehydrated as this is down to moisture content in the skin and not oil. Central heating, changes in temperatures, windy weather and not drinking enough water, too much coffee, tea and cola drinks and alcohol all affect our skin and can lead to dehydration. Oily skin favours better than most as sebum can trap some moisture but not enough to prevent moisture loss. So its important you keep yourself hydrated and drink plenty of water to start with and use the correct moisturiser for your skin type. Moisturiser does what it says, its job is to trap moisture in the skin, with dry skin moisturisers, they generally are more oil based than one designed for oily skin and so on.

Cleansing is a matter of preference but your skin type will guide you as I mentioned early, some people prefer the feel of water on their skin so a rinse off type of cleanser will suit them. But whatever way you cleanse your skin, cleanse it twice once to remove make up and the grime from the day and second to deep cleanse the skin. Which leads me on to eye make up remover. The skin around the eyes is very delicate and is the thinest skin thickness on our bodies so treat it with care. Do not treat it roughly or rub cleanser harshly around the eyes as this will stretch this delicate skin. Eye make up is designed for this sensitive area and not all facial cleansers suitable, check the packaging. Which leads on to all in one cleansers and wipes, these are fine short term but not ideal in the long term. Many of the wipes contain alcohol and irritate sensitive eye tissue and certainly the same wipe should not be used for both eyes due to the risk of cross infection, the same goes for cotton wool pads and tissues.

Toners do we need them? well if you use a water based rinse of cleanser no you don't as the water is suffice to tone and freshen the skin, but if you use a tissue off cleanser yes you do to remove any residue of cleanser and grime. These vary from hydrasols (i.e. rose water) to witch hazel, avoid alcohol on the face as it will remove the acid mantle.

It may surprise you to know that skin after the age of 25 is considered mature but after the age of 25 ageing signs start becoming apparent. Prevention is better than cure and a lot easier. We know from Part 1 how UV light contributes to ageing so be sure your moisturiser contains a sun protection level of at least 15 thats the first thing to be aware of. Drink plenty of water to maintain moisture levels and avoid caffeinated drinks as they are diuretics as encourage the kidneys to excrete more urine and can lead to dehydration. A good balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables to give the cells the right nutrients. Avoid smoking I explained in an earlier article how this ages the skin and does so by ten years. And there is stress, now that is difficult to avoid but there are things you can do, you can lessen its affects by relaxation and I will be giving tips to avoid the damaging effects due to stress later.

Anti-wrinkle cremes, well if you read the earlier article in Part 1 no cosmetic can penetrate the epidermis, so I have to say ladies expensive skin cremes are a total waste of money. The only thing I would say is that avoid products with mineral oil as this oil sits on the surface of the skin, yes it traps the evaporation of moisture but it can block the pores but its fine to use on the body, instead use a vegetable oil based product and by that I don't mean 'Crisp and Dry' some examples are Almond oil, Jojoba oil, Olive oil. With expensive cremes you are paying for the packaging and nice jar. There are temporary anti-wrinkle fixers that work by temporarily tightening up the skin or have fillers and light reflective powders that soften the appearance of lines. Simple things like avoiding squinting in the sun or getting your eyes checked if you have difficulty in reading will prevent many a line forming around the eyes

Rise of the wrinkle busters: The Duchess of Cambridge's favourite anti-ageing cream is put to the test... with incredible results (and at around £50 it won't break the bank)

Radiant: The Duchess is said to be a big fan of the Karin Herzog range
Radiant: The Duchess is said to be a big fan of the Karin Herzog range
As a beauty writer I am acutely aware that much pseudo-science is spouted by manufacturers in a bid to tempt the public to buy their latest wonder cream. And once, this was largely marketing guff.
All moisturisers are essentially an emulsion of oil and water. The way to works is simple: putting it on the skin traps moisture to the surface, and stops the uppermost layers from becoming dry. But can using one really stop the ageing process - or even make us look younger?
Today, the answer is yes. Anti-ageing products available on the High Street are increasingly high-tech, created using techniques borrowed from advanced medical research. And they actually work - as I discovered when I put one famous Royal’s favourite face cream to the test.
For a month, I used The Duchess of Cambridge’s moisturiser of choice - from Karin Herzog range - which you can pick up in most department stores at around £50 for a 50ml pot. And scientists analysing my skin told me there was irrefutable evidence that my wrinkles had been reduced by 27 per cent. So how is this possible?
Experts call this ‘the age of the cosmeceutical’. That’s a term coined to cover high-tech skincare that falls into the gap between cosmetics, which by law should make only a very temporary change to the skin, and pharmaceutical products, which can be provided only with a doctor’s prescription, and bring about lasting changes.
Although it’s not a term recognised in law by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority (MHRA), which licenses medicines in the UK, it is a useful description as the lines between cosmetics and medicines are becoming increasingly blurred.
Technically, any potion that makes a physiological change to the skin – reducing wrinkles and uneven pigmentation, and reversing sun damage and other dermatological problems – should be classed as a medicine.
Kate's moisturiser of choice - which costs around £50 for a 50ml pot from the Karin Herzog range - was tested over the course of a month
Kate's moisturiser of choice - which costs around £50 for a 50ml pot from the Karin Herzog range - was tested over the course of a month
But to put a product through medical drug-testing is a lengthy process costing millions, and not something that even the major cosmetics companies would want to do, not least because at the end of it you would have a product that could be sold only on prescription rather than over the counter.
However, it is beyond dispute that today’s cosmetics can make significant changes to the skin. In the past decade, skincare companies have been falling over themselves to provide credible proof of how well their products work to persuade us to buy them.
And this is not just the ‘surveys-show-that-nine-out-of-ten-women-thought-their-skin-looked-better’ type of proof, but clinical trials, where the product has been properly tested against a placebo under controlled conditions.
No 7’s Protect And Perfect line famously began to sell out repeatedly in 2007 after clinical trials on the product, which showed that it genuinely reduced wrinkles, were judged to be scientifically sound.
Olay’s Regenerist 3-point Treatment Cream caused a stampede the following year after trials confirmed it made skin firmer within 21 days. Two years ago, Clinique conducted trials to demonstrate that its Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector (a bit of a mouthful, but one heck of a product) produced comparable results in reducing skin pigmentation to hydroquinone, the standard prescription treatment for skin pigmentation.
And in the past few weeks, L’Oreal’s new Revitalift Laser Renew serum has been shown by a clinical trial to produce skin benefits comparable to treatment with a skin-resurfacing laser. You’d expect these new wonder-potions to cost a small fortune, but all the above are between £20 and £40.
Because technically these creams are doing more than they ought, it has led to a bizarre situation where companies don’t always want to let on just how extensive the effects of their products may be in case of calls for them to be recategorised as medicines.
It’s time the categories were redrawn, if you ask Dr Chris Flower, director general of the cosmetics trade body, the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association (CTPA).
Skin deep: Beauty writer Alice Hart-Davis looks beyond the pseudo-science of wonder creams and discovers one worthy of the hype
Skin deep: Beauty writer Alice Hart-Davis looks beyond the pseudo-science of wonder creams and discovers one worthy of the hype
‘We now understand better the physiology of the skin and its responses to ingredients and can see that where the borderline [between cosmetics and medicines] has been drawn is not necessarily the best dividing line,’ he says. ‘Cosmetics aren’t watered-down drugs any more than they are beefed-up shoe polish. The key thing is that they are safe, effective and high-quality.
‘We are now trying to work out the best legal way of saying “medicine takes ill people and makes them better and cosmetics take ordinary, healthy people and make them better”. Ageing isn’t a disease but we can do things to improve it.
‘Cosmetics used to be purely decorative. But now we understand that even a simple moisturiser changes the way cells express genes and enzymes, so it’s interacting with the skin – but no one would seriously think that Vaseline should be labelled a medicine. Rather than arguing over the interpretation of legislation, we should take a commonsense approach and look at whether a product is aimed at sick people or healthy people.’
In the interests of research (and, yes, of vanity) I make a point of trying interesting new skincare lines and using them diligently for a month – the length of time it takes for any beneficial changes in the skin to show up – just to see what they are like.
Alice before and after
Last year, the selection ranged from Elizabeth Arden (lovely – its Prevage serum and SPF-fortified day cream suited my skin very well) to No 7’s Lift & Luminate (not ideal for me), though the product that made my skin look best of all – glowing, vibrant, neither dry nor overly oiled – was Environ, a range created by a South African cosmetic surgeon and based on the benefits to the skin of high-strength Vitamin C.
But then I was persuaded to try Karin Herzog, a Swiss range of handmade products that have trapped oxygen within the cream (much harder to do than it sounds).
The creams claim to infuse the skin with healing oxygen by a process that I didn’t quite understand so I’ll spare you the details.
What did make me prick up my ears was the quiet aside that these are the products that the Duchess of Cambridge has been using for years, and to which she is apparently devoted. If they’re good enough for her outstandingly beautiful skin .  .  .
The packaging is old-fashioned and they weren’t particularly nice to use – the roller-ball that dispensed the facial oil was reluctant to roll, the serum bottle had a savage squirt, and the peroxide in the main cream turned my eyebrows ginger.
As usual, I couldn’t see any difference in my skin but I’d taken the precaution of getting a professional before-and-after assessment with Nick Miedzianowski-Sinclair at the 3D Cosmetic Imaging Studio in Wimpole Street, Central London.
Nick’s specialist Visia camera took detailed photographs of my face, noting the exact extent of my wrinkles, pigment patches and so on, and after five weeks of using Karin Herzog there was a measurable reduction in wrinkles, age spots and red areas of the face. As Nick put it, ‘there’s some good evidence of efficacy’; genuine evidence that using this range will make your skin look younger.
I could have stuck with Herzog but I’ve been tempted away by Neo Strata, an ‘advanced anti-ageing regime’ from America – studies showed that after four weeks, 93 per cent of users saw improvements in wrinkles, skin texture and forehead lines.
Because the brand contains high levels of active ingredients such as ****glycolic acid*** SEE BELOW (which helps plump the skin), it is sold only through skin clinics, where the staff can keep an eye on how your skin is responding.
Cutting edge: Cream is applied on the epidermis. Products are becoming increasingly high-tech
Cutting edge: Cream is applied on the epidermis. Products are becoming increasingly high-tech
These clinics are a halfway house, if you like, between the prescription skincare that a doctor or dermatologist could provide and over-the-counter products.
And more developments will arrive thick and fast. To find out what the future hold for our faces, I visited the Episkin Predictive Evaluation Centre centre on the outskirts of Lyon, where scientists have actually cloned human skin in order to test new face cream formulations.
Episkin is owned by L’Oreal, the world’s biggest cosmetics company, and this is where the ingredients, and later the formulations, that will comprise many of the world’s best-selling skincare products are put through their paces on the reconstructed human skin – bionic skin, if you like – that is made in the lab.
The building itself looks unremarkable. There is no perimeter fence or security guard at the entrance, just a metal gate set in a high white wall. Inside, technicians, gloved and covered from top to toe in blue-hooded suits are hunched over tiny pots containing small, wet, white, floppy discs. This is Episkin - living, human skin.
I get to handle some of it. As I prod it with my latex-gloved fingers, the scientists regard me with tolerant amusement.
‘It’s quite strong,’ I venture.
‘It’s a bit like blister skin,’ says Dr Estelle Tinois-Tessonneaud, director of the Centre and the woman who, as a PhD student 30 years ago, invented the process by which the skin is created. ‘It is white because it has no blood supply and this version has no pigment, either.’
A scientist with a batch of cloned skin at the L'Oreal lab in Lyon
A scientist with a batch of cloned skin at the L'Oreal lab in Lyon
It is grown from skin cells taken from off-cuts donated by local plastic surgery clinics – then developed into discs of tissue.
As well as Episkin, which is used as the epidermis, or outside layer of the skin, the centre makes other skin models including ‘RealSkin’, which adds a dermis, the lower layer of skin, to the epidermis. Staff have even developed corneal (eye) and gum tissue.
Episkin has been authorised by the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods to replace animal testing – something L’Oreal has been working towards, and investing £25 million a year in, for 20 years.
Of the 130,000 samples of tissue now made in Lyon, 30 per cent are sold to other cosmetics companies to use as alternatives to animal testing. (Such experiments have been banned in the EU since 2009, although some tests, for which alternatives have yet to be established, are still allowed.)
The rest of the tissue is used by L’Oreal for testing ingredients and the finished formulae for safety and effectiveness. Since 2008, some 13,000 formulae have been evaluated in this way.
And it’s not just L’Oreal that is producing such high-tech products, using the latest science.
At Boots, you can now find BioEffect, a serum containing a substance called epidermal growth factor (EGF). The scientists who discovered EGF won a Nobel prize for their work. Numerous peer reviewed trials have shown a measurable effect on the skin, reducing the number of wrinkles.
There’s nanotechnology (the science of using molecules measured in millionths of a metre) in sunscreens. These microscopic particles of the sun-blocking ingredient titanium dioxide make sure your face won’t be left ghostly white.
Stem cells, both plant and human, have been investigated for their regenerative power and put to work in serums. Genomics research, the study of the whole gene, has been used by skincare companies to work out which ingredients will ‘switch on’ genes within the skin that become less active with age – and the results are on sale in Olay’s bestselling Pro-X range and Lancome’s Genifique line.
Avon ladies will soon be selling a serum containing a new molecule called A-F33, which helps older skin regenerate itself as quickly as younger skin does. Again, there’s Nobel prize-winning research behind this molecule, and Avon has exclusive rights to it for two years.
Such detailed research is an expensive business, too; L’Oreal’s research and innovation budget for 2010, for example, was £525 million. But with the British skincare market set to top £1 billion this year, there is a vested interest in being at the vanguard.
Rather than taking the old-fashioned route of mixing up trial formulae and seeing what they might do for skin, L’Oreal’s scientists at the Episkin Centre are now doing this virtually, using computerised data from their previous experiments to evaluate new ingredient molecules and formulae for safety and for beneficial effects, before mixing up a batch.
Because the computer models can whizz through this process, it is fair to assume that the pace of change, and of new advances, is only going to accelerate in future. Watch this face…


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Maggie Brown (Author)
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Friday, 27 July 2012


Loneliness won't leave you alone? How mindful meditation can ease your woes

  • The practice also boosted immunity in older adults

Solitude: Mindfulness helps improve your state of mind say scientists
Solitude: Mindfulness helps improve your state of mind say scientists
Older adults who suffer from loneliness are at far greater risk of health problems such as heart disease, Alzheimer's and premature death.
Schemes to encourage social networking such as creating community centres have had limited effectiveness.
Now scientists have come up with a new way for people to tackle the social ill - on their own.
Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University found that teaching mindful meditation techniques was effective at reducing feelings of isolation, while at the same time boosting their ability to fight disease.
Study leader J. David Creswell, said: 'We always tell people to quit smoking for health reasons, but rarely do we think about loneliness in the same way.
'We know that loneliness is a major risk factor for health problems and mortality in older adults. This research suggests that mindfulness meditation training is a promising intervention for improving the health of older adults.'
The 2,500-year-old practice dating back to the time of the spiritual leader Buddha focuses on creating an attentive awareness of the present moment.

Published in 'Brain, Behavior & Immunity,' the study also found that meditation lowered inflammation levels, which is thought to promote the development and progression of many diseases.
For the study, the researchers recruited 40 healthy adults aged 55-85 who indicated an interest in learning mindfulness meditation techniques. Each person was assessed at the beginning and end of the study using an established loneliness scale. Blood samples also were collected.
The participants were randomly assigned to receive either the eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program or no treatment.
Tranquility: Two-hour meditation classes also reduced inflammation
Tranquility: Two-hour meditation classes also reduced inflammation
The MBSR program consisted of weekly two-hour meetings in which participants learned body awareness techniques - noticing sensations and working on breathing - and worked their way toward understanding how to mindfully attend to their emotions and daily life practices.
They also were asked to practice mindfulness meditation exercises for 30 minutes each day at home and attended a day-long retreat.
The researchers found that eight weeks of the mindfulness meditation training decreased the participants' loneliness.
Meanwhile the blood samples revealed that the training reduced the participants elevated levels of an inflammatory-causing gene.
Study co-author Steven Cole from UCLA said: 'Reductions in the expression of inflammation-related genes were particularly significant because inflammation contributes to a wide variety of the health threats including cancer, cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative diseases.
'These results provide some of the first indications that immune cell gene expression profiles can be modulated by a psychological intervention.'

Creswell added that while this research suggests a promising new approach for treating loneliness and inflammatory disease risk in older adults, more work needs to be done.
'If you're interested in using mindfulness meditation, find an instructor in your city,' he said.
'It's important to train your mind like you train your biceps in the gym.'



Bringing yourself into the present moment, adopting an alert yet comfortable posture, close your eyes, if this is comfortable, and bring your attention inward. Becoming aware of your body and the surface upon which you are sitting, draw your focus to the spine, each vertebra stacked upon the other from sacrum to skull.

Now, turning your attention to your thoughts and feelings, ask, 'What thoughts and feelings are around right now? What bodily sensations are present?'. Acknowledge your experience in this moment, even if it is unwanted.


Now, gently direct your awareness to your breathing, following each in breath and each out breath, one after the other, if necessary, saying to yourself, 'I am breathing in. I am breathing out.'

The breath can function as an anchor to bring you into the present moment since the breath is always with us and available at any time as a focus of attention. Regulating the inbreath with the outbreath can assist in maintaining awareness and stillness.


Now, expanding your awareness to the whole body, imagine that you are breathing with the body as a whole including your posture and facial expression. When you're ready, open your eyes and return to your day.
Source: Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust

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Wednesday, 25 July 2012


I don't bee-lieve it! Man, 62, cures painful eye infection with 99p jar of honey

Frank Dougan from Glasgow spent eight years searching for a cure for a chronic eye condition
Frank Dougan from Glasgow spent eight years searching for a cure for a chronic eye condition
A man who spent eight years searching for a cure for a chronic eye condition was amazed when he finally found the remedy in a 99p jar of Tesco Value honey.
Frank Dougan, 62, lost his left eye when he was shot with a bow and arrow in a childhood accident and he later developed a painful infection called blepharitis.
He visited doctors and eye specialists and spent a fortune on different drops over the years but nothing worked.
But he was finally cured when he cut his hand while on holiday in Jerusalem and he was advised to put honey on it.
Surprised by the results, when he returned home to Glasgow he bought a jar of Tesco Value Honey and tried it on his eyelid - and within weeks the infection had cleared.
He said yesterday: 'It’s unbelievable. It’s incredibly effective. I have spent a fortune on prescription eye drops over the years, I have a fridge full of them.
'It’s funny that at the end of it all the cure would come in the form of a 99p jar of honey from the supermarket. And it’s not bad on toast either.'
The retired soul DJ, who has played for celebrity fans like Rod Stewart, Shirley Bassey, Joe Cocker and Eric Clapton, lost his left eye as a 12-year-old lad.
He has worn a prosthetic eye ever since, but it caused irritation at the end of the day and he eventually developed the painful infection which blighted him for eight years.
Despite the pain, he kept on working as an international DJ, completing long residencies at top hotels around the world including Hong Kong and D|sseldorf.
Frank spent hours visiting doctors and eye specialists but none could find a long lasting treatment.
Frank suffered blepharitis that caused chronic inflammation of the eyelid
Frank suffered blepharitis that caused chronic inflammation of the eyelid
He said: 'I got shot in the eye by a bow and arrow when I was playing with friends as a kid. It was a terrible experience but I got through it and never let it hold me back.
'Sometimes prosthetic eyes can cause irritation, especially at night after you have been wearing them all day.
'Over the years I have learnt to live with it and I get a new eye made every few years.
'But eight years ago I began to get these infections that turned out to be blepharitis.
'Lots of doctors gave me eyes drops, I have a whole fridge full and I have spent a fortune but nothing worked.'
The fed up Scot retired three years ago and has spent his time travelling the world visiting historic monuments, all the while suffering intolerable pain.
But in February, Frank stumbled across the cure while on a trip to Jerusalem, Israel.
He first spread the honey on his eyelid twice a day, including on his tear duct, and after just a few weeks the problem cleared up completely.
He said: 'I was staying at a B&B when I cut my hand. I didn’t have a first aid kit and the owner recommended putting honey on it.
'I did what he said and the cut healed overnight. Then weeks later I was at home and got a terrible inflammation in my eye.
'I thought I would give it a try and I haven’t had any problems since. I have looked it up and honey has anti-bacterial qualities so that must be it.
'Before that the best cure I could find was Johnson’s tear free baby shampoo.


Honey has long been known to have antibacterial properties and is sometimes included in licensed wound-care products.
Research has demonstrated that honey can inhibit pathogens normally capable of causing wound infection, including superbugs that are resistant to conventional antibiotics.
While Mr Dougan used supermarket honey, Manuka honey is thought to be particularly potent because it contains high levels of the compound dihydroxyacetone.
'I would wash my eye out with it and the pain would go away, but it was only a temporary fix and the pain would always come back.
'But I went to the opticians a few weeks ago after using the honey and she said she couldn’t find any trace of blepharitis.
'I have been all over the world and seen terrible illnesses in places where people can’t afford to go to the doctor. So to find a cure that’s so cheap could help so many people.
'It’s fantastic. My life has improved so much and for 99p I get a massive 340 gram tub which last for months.'
A Tesco spokesman said: 'While we can’t attest to its healing powers, we can say for sure that Everyday Value Honey is great quality at a fantastic price and we’re delighted that it has helped one of our customers.'
Consultant dermatologist Dr Sasi Attili, from www.onlineskinspecialist.com, based in Dundee, said: 'Honey does have anti-bacterial qualities and is used in medicine for wound healing and conditions such as leg ulcers.
'It’s hard to say whether a particular treatment will or won’t work because everyone is different, but honey has obviously worked well for this particular patient.'

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Tuesday, 24 July 2012



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Monday, 23 July 2012


Most people know the link between a high salt diet and high blood pressure but salt is in the news again this time its a link between a high consumption and stomach cancer. This has been known for a few years but most people are unaware of this link.

Stomach cancer has a poor prognosis, it is a nasty disease from having nursed patients with it to watching my own father die with this condition. From the time the disease was diagnosed till his death he managed to live for 12 months and it was so sad to watch my handsome and muscular dad wither away in front of my eyes. Stomach cancer is often not diagnosed until its well established and in my own father's case it was inoperable and had spread to his liver, the only symptoms he had was tiredness and loss of weight and what he described  a bit of heartburn periodically.

I don't aim to cause alarm here but if you have indigestion, lack of appetite, a feeling of fullness, bleeding, partially digested in your stools, vomit and vomiting quite regularly have it checked out by your doctor, it may well not be stomach cancer and something innocuous but better to be safe.

It's good to be armed with information so we can all take steps to maintain good health and that includes dietary information. The main culprits are processed foods get into the routine of reading labels. We do need a little salt for good health but salt in present naturally in food you don't need to add it and by and large and I have seen this many times, people sprinkling salt onto their food before they have even tasted it. After a while your taste buds will get used to it and you will find you will be more aware of the other flavours in food.

Studies have shown that a chronic H. pylori infection is closely associated with salt intake as salt has been found to increase the grown and action of this bacteria, thus increasing the risk of cancer. It is also thought salt can act as an irritant and can inflame the stomach lining which makes it susceptible to causing cancer. Statistically  deaths from stomach cancer are higher in countries where people have a preference for salty food and salt preserved meat and fish. A reduction therefore in salt may reduce H. pylori infection and so reduce the incidence of this distressing cancer.

Adults are advised to consume no more than 6g salt per day (about one teaspoon). Current intake is about 9g per day - thats 50 per cent higher than is recommended for good health. Babies and children should have less salt than adults. High salt intake in babies can be especially dangerous, as their kidneys cannot cope with large amounts.


Traffic light labelling on foods 'could help cut stomach cancers linked to salt'

  • Charity calls for green labels on foods low in salt, amber for medium content and red for salty products
  • One in seven cases of stomach cancer could be avoided by cutting salt intake
Food labelling must be improved to cut the number of stomach cancers linked to salt, experts have warned.

One in seven cases of stomach cancer in the UK could be avoided by reducing salt intake to recommended levels, research suggests.

Too much salt can promote cancer by damaging the stomach lining, and Britons consume an average of 8.6 grams each a day - 43 per cent higher than the maximum recommended amount.

The World Cancer Research Fund is calling for a standardised form of colour-coded 'traffic light' labelling on foods, which it says would help consumers to better control the amount of salt, sugar and fat they take.
Excess: Too much salt can promote stomach cancer, researchers have found
Excess: Too much salt can promote stomach cancer, researchers have found
The charity is recommending green labels for foods low in salt (less than 0.3g per 100g), amber for medium content (between 0.3g and 1.5g per 100g), and red for high salt levels (more than 1.5g per 100g).

Kate Mendoza, head of information at the charity, said: 'Stomach cancer is difficult to treat successfully because most cases are not caught until the disease is well established.

'This places even greater emphasis on making lifestyle choices to prevent the disease occurring in the first place - such as cutting down on salt intake and eating more fruit and vegetables.'

Ms Mendoza added: 'Because around three-quarters of the salt we consume is already in processed food when we buy it, WCRF would like to see traffic light labelling on the front of food and drink packaging to give clear guidance on the levels of salt as well as sugar, fat and saturated fat.

'Standardised labelling among retailers and manufacturers - rather than the different voluntary systems currently in place - would help consumers make better informed and healthy choices.'
Better: Cases of stomach cancer could be cut if food labelling were improved, the World Cancer Research Fund claims. (Picture posed by model)
Better: Cases of stomach cancer could be cut if food labelling were improved, the World Cancer Research Fund claims. (Picture posed by model)
Each year in the UK around 7,500 new cases of stomach cancer are diagnosed and almost 5,000 people die from the disease.

Cutting salt intake to six grams a day could prevent 1,050 of these cases, according to the WCRF.

Excess salt is also linked to high blood pressure, the main cause of strokes and a significant cause of heart disease, as well as osteoporosis and kidney disease.

A Department of Health spokesman said: 'We already know too much salt can lead to conditions such as heart disease and stroke.

'That is why we are taking action through the Responsibility Deal to help reduce the salt in peoples' diets.

'And we are looking at clearer salt labelling on foods as part of our consultation on front of pack labelling.

'We keep these findings under review alongside other emerging research in the field.'
Good example: Some foods already have traffic light labels, but campaigners want to see the system standardised
Good example: Some foods already have traffic light labels, but campaigners want to see the system standardised

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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.