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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Wednesday, 10 October 2012


As a firm believer in Holistic medicine, it's nice to see an article in the news such as this. I have used Echinacea myself and I swear by it, but don't take my word for it, read the article below and judge for yourself and lets hope there will be more blind studies into various holistic remedies.


Largest ever clinical study into echinacea finds herbal remedy CAN protect against colds

The herbal remedy echinacea can prevent colds and is of most benefit to people who are prone to them, according to the largest ever clinical study of the herbal medicine.
Researchers found that taking three daily doses of the common remedy for four months reduced the number of colds.
The duration of the illness suffered by patients also went down by an average of 26 per cent.
Taking three daily doses of the common remedy for four months reduced the number of colds, new research found
Taking three daily doses of the common remedy for four months reduced the number of colds, new research found
According to the results of tests on 750 people, the treatment also cut the number of recurrent colds suffered by those with weak immune systems or a history of catching several bouts each year by 60 per cent.
Several previous studies, including an overview of evidence by the highly respected Cochrane Library, had suggested that echinacea could soothe symptoms and cut colds short, but there was only limited evidence it could prevent the illness from ever taking hold.
The most recent major paper into the therapy, by the American College of Physicians, had found that it did not prevent colds or significantly reduce the length or severity symptoms.

But the new study by experts from the Cardiff University Common Cold Centre suggested that taking Echinaforce, a common form of the herb extract, could not only reduce the risk of colds but reduce the amount of paracetamol patients took while ill.
The research, which was part-funded by A. Vogel, the Swiss manufacturers of Echinaforce, was published in the peer-reviewed journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
It was primarily designed to test the safety of the treatment, and found that it caused no adverse sideeffects in the participants, who were all over the age of 18.
Experts from the Cardiff University Common Cold Centre suggested that taking Echinaforce, a common form of the herb extract, could not only reduce the risk of colds but reduce the amount of paracetamol patients took while ill
Experts from the Cardiff University Common Cold Centre suggested that taking Echinaforce, a common form of the herb extract, could not only reduce the risk of colds but reduce the amount of paracetamol patients took while ill
The MHRA, the British drugs regulator, warned parents earlier this year that Echinacea should not be given to children under 12 because of the risk of 'severe' allergic reactions including rashes and swelling of the mouth and tongue.
Echinacea is extracted from the Eastern Purple Coneflower, which is found in North America, and has long been used as a herbal remedy for the common cold.
It is purported to work by fighting viruses, which cause up to 95 per cent of all colds and flu, and studies suggest it can also boost weak immune systems if swallowed.
Patients mixed 25 drops of Echinaforce or a placebo with water and held it in their mouths for 10 seconds before swallowing it, three times per day over a four month period.
Those who took the treatment suffered 149 bouts of illness compared with 188 in the placebo group, a difference described by researchers as 'borderline significant', but the total number of days spent with flu was reduced from 850 to 672, a 'highly significant' change.
Recurring infections were cut from 100 episodes in 43 patients to 65 episodes in 28 patients, a difference of 59 per cent, the authors wrote.
Roland Schoop, a medical researcher for Bioforce, the British arm of A. Vogel, and one of the study's authors, told the Daily Telegraph: 'We were actually pretty amazed when we found this 26 per cent difference in cold episodes.'
University of London researcher Dr Margaret Richie, who was not involved in the study, added: 'The clinical trial indicates that echinacea supports low-running immune systems but does not overstimulate well-supported ones.'

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Sunday, 7 October 2012


Story below from the Daily Mail. You can conduct an argument in a civilised fashion, if you take time and don't become too emotional, easier said than done however, but it does make sense to count to ten. Think of an argument as a debate, do not launch a tirade of abuse at the other person but state your case why you feel this way and don't go on the defensive. In this way you can reason with one another civilly after all the other person may not have a clue you feel upset and why.

Ten steps to stop an argument unleashing your inner animal

Mention the word 'argument' and images of grimacing faces and finger-jabbing spring to mind. But discussing two differing sets of opinions need not end up this way.
An argument is an art form which, if carried out efficiently, can be a useful way of understanding how people feel, as well as acting as a vehicle by which to make positive changes in a relationship.
Indeed, over the course of my career as a relationship therapist, I have seen countless couples turn negative feelings towards each other into fresh, exciting futures. So, how to proceed?
An argument is an art form which, if carried out efficiently, can be a useful way of understanding how people feel
An argument is an art form which, if carried out efficiently, can be a useful way of understanding how people feel
Examine how you are feeling emotionally by checking where you are on a scale of one to ten
Examine how you are feeling emotionally by checking where you are on a scale of one to ten
Before starting an argument, it is vital you check your internal barometer. 
Examine how you are feeling emotionally by checking where you are on a scale of one to ten – one being serene and ten positively furious.
If you’re above seven-and-a-half, don’t even think about entering into a discussion.
When you become angry, your body displays physical symptoms. 
You will regress into a more animal state because neurons are not fired quickly enough to an area of the brain called the amygdala, which is responsible for processing our emotions.
At this point you are no longer capable of engaging in proper, rational thought and so revert to a primitive ‘fight-or-flight’ mode.
In this state your body is preparing itself to either fight, be it physically or verbally, or run away to seek shelter. 
You will notice physical symptoms such as a faster heartbeat, sweaty palms, a high temperature, feeling tense and sometimes extreme thoughts of violence.
When you feel like this, take some time out to reflect on why you are so angry or upset.
If taking only a short break, try to breathe slowly and deeply – it helps to signal to your brain that you are not in a dangerous situation. 
Your nervous system will start to behave normally and you will be able to assess your situation more objectively.
Sometimes a simple form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), a type of psychotherapy, may be of use. 
Note what is making you angry, think about why it makes you angry and then try to assess whether the situation really is as bad as you think it is. Very often it is not.
When you finally decide to enter into an argument, make sure you go in with the correct attitude. 
Remember that the goal is to be happy, not to be in the right. You should want to resolve the situation, not just compete or indulge in a pointless fight.
Know what the aim of the conflict is – do you want an apology or a change in behaviour, for example? Write it down. 
You will need to be equipped with appropriate language – verbal and physical – to make your desires or grievances clear. 
It can be easy to meander on to other, irrelevant issues in your relationship in the heat of the moment. Try not to as it will confuse the purpose of the argument and slow down any chance of resolution.
It is almost impossible to pretend you are not angry or upset when you are, but try not to hold a defensive posture. 
Aim not to hunch your shoulders, fold your arms or gesticulate too wildly. If possible, try to sit opposite the person you are arguing with and, if it’s your partner or someone you are very close to, perhaps even place your hand on theirs.
Keep reminding yourself that the  purpose of the conflict is for both people to come out of the other side as happy as possible. This will almost undoubtedly mean compromise, and the power of touch hints at this.
More important than talking is listening. You must show the other person that you are willing and able to hear both sides of the story being discussed. 
Indeed, hearing their side might even help contextualise your own feelings, making it easier to understand why you have ended up having a row in the first place.
And when you do start talking, do so with caution. Arguments are not blaming games – that chance you have to vocalise your emotions is not just a cue to hurl abuse at someone.
Instead of telling someone what they have done wrong and how they have made you feel, centre the discussion on yourself and bring in positive examples of the other person’s behaviour to help convey your point. 
For example, instead of saying ‘You forgot my birthday and you made me feel upset’, try ‘I felt upset when you forgot my birthday because you are usually so thoughtful.’ 
This immediately makes the tone less aggressive, limits the extent of fault placed on that person and makes it easier for them to understand why you’re unhappy.
Try not to fall back on past mistakes or conflicts when expressing the way you feel. 
The chances are that the person you are fighting with will be only too aware of past misdemeanours and  neither they nor you can do anything to change them.
Instead, focus on the here and now, so there can be resolution and reconciliation.
It is also crucial to remember that admitting a weakness, or when you have made a mistake, is a definite strength and in many cases is the key to ending a dispute. 
And if all else fails, get help. It can be too easy to enter into what seems to be a never-ending cycle of vicious disagreements.
If you think you need a third party to get involved and help arbitrate conversations, there are therapists available to help you.


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Monday, 1 October 2012


It really annoys me there is still a stigma to mental illness. Anyone of us could develop this at anytime and it is not all in the mind nor can sufferers pull themselves together. It is no different from Diabetes or Thyrotoxicosis people who suffer Depression are suffering from either an imbalance of neurotransmitters or an inability for their nervous system to uptake them, there is actually a physical cause. Others are more sympathetic to a broken leg etc. because this can be seen, therein lies the problem, mental illness cannot. 

Another cause could possibly be attributed to the weather and lack of sunshine in the long winter months and often referred to as 'Seasonal Affective Disorder' SAD. The sad thing is if workers or anyone could receive support and understanding they would recover quicker. Time the Stigma ended.

British workers 'are the most depressed in Europe' as one in four is diagnosed with the illness

  • European survey found 26% of British workers diagnosed with depression
  • Britons and Germans took the most time off as a result - 41 days on average

British workers are the most likely to be diagnosed with depression in Europe, a survey has found.
The worrying extent of the illness in the UK was laid bare by the poll that revealed 26 per cent of Britons had received the diagnosis from their GP, compared with 12 per cent of Italians.
Those in the UK also took the most time off as a result of the illness, recording 41 days on average compared with the European mean of 36.
Stigma? One in four of depressed workers surveyed said they didn't tell their employers for fear of losing their jobs
Stigma? One in four of depressed workers surveyed said they didn't tell their employers about their condition for fear of losing their jobs
The study from the European Depression Association, also revealed than one in 10 working people in Europe have taken time off because of the debilitating psychological condition, which is equivalent to 21,000 lost working days. In 2010, depression was estimated to cost the EU £73billion.
Despite the size of the problem, nearly one in three managers reported they had no formal support or resources to deal with employees who have depression, and 43 per cent called for better policies and legislation to protect employees.


Below are the more common symptoms associated with depression:
Persistent sadness or low mood. This may be with or without weepiness.
Marked loss of interest or pleasure in activities you normally enjoy.
Disturbed sleep compared with your usual pattern. 
Change in appetite. 
Fatigue (tiredness) or loss of energy.
Agitation or slowing of movements.
Poor concentration or indecisiveness. Even simple tasks can seem difficult.
Feelings of worthlessness, or excessive or inappropriate guilt.
Preoccupation with death and dying.
Visit your GP if you think you might be affected. For more information visit:http://www.patient.co.uk/health/Depression.htm
A quarter of employees with depression said they did not inform their work with many saying they feared it would put their job at risk.
The IDEA survey (Impact of Depression in the Workplace in Europe Audit) polled more than 7,000 people in Europe.
MEP Stephen Hughes said: 'Depression in the workplace is an employment and societal challenge that is causing serious damage and which requires attention and action from the European Union.'
Depression is the biggest mental health challenge among working-age people, affecting one in five people at some point in their lives.
However, the poll revealed there is still poor awareness of common symptoms. While 88 per cent identified low mood or sadness as a sign, just a third knew that forgetfulness could point to depression and around half knew it could affect concentration.
When asked what is needed to support employees with depression in the workplace, managers most often cited more counselling services and better government legislation and policies. 
Dr Vincenzo Costigliola, President of the European Depression Association said 'The results of the IDEA survey show that much needs to be done in raising awareness and supporting employees and employers in recognising and managing depression in the workplace.
'We ask policymakers to consider the impact of depression on the workforce and charge them with addressing depression and workers and workplace safety.'
Full results of the IDEA survey will be published in 2013.

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Tuesday, 25 September 2012


Scientists reveal the uncomfortable truth behind the Desk Derriere (and how to beat it)

With more than 15 million Britons working behind desks, our bottoms are getting bigger – a problem that has been dubbed ‘desk derriere’.
A recent study that scanned the buttocks of inactive people found muscle was shrinking and breaking down due to lack of exercise.
The research at Tel Aviv University also showed that fat cells thrive in the buttocks of those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, causing thick layers of fat to develop deep inside muscle tissue.
Here we explain why your backside is expanding – and the simple steps you can take to combat desk derriere . . .
A recent study that scanned the buttocks of inactive people found muscle was shrinking and breaking down due to lack of exercise
A recent study that scanned the buttocks of inactive people found muscle was shrinking and breaking down due to lack of exercise
Insufficient activity and a poor diet are the main causes of desk derriere but other factors also play a role
Insufficient activity and a poor diet are the main causes of desk derriere but other factors also play a role.
‘The hip flexor muscles, found at the front of the hip, become overactive and tight if an individual spends all day sitting,’ explains Chris Jones, professional head of physiology at Nuffield Health.
‘In response, the three key muscles that give the buttocks their shape – the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus – become less responsive and generally underactive, leading to poor muscle tone.’
The gluteal muscles are necessary for stabilising and controlling movement of the pelvis, legs and lower back.
‘When the bottom and stomach  muscles become weak and the  hip flexor muscles become tight,  Lower Crossed Syndrome can develop,’ says Anne Elliott, lecturer at the London Sport Institute, Middlesex University.
‘Symptoms include lower back,  knee or ankle pain and in some cases limited movement.’
The flat width of an office bottom may also be attributed to the length of time spent sitting.
The Tel Aviv study showed that preadipocyte cells – the precursor to fat cells – that were exposed to sustained mechanical loading, such as being sat on, developed into fat cells and accumulated fat twice as quickly as normal fat cells.
‘The results suggest that if you sit down for a long time, you are more likely to store fat in your bottom,’ says Professor Amit Gefen, who oversaw the 2011 study. ‘They also imply that the width of a bottom may be increased by sitting down.
‘When our work was published, many experts contacted me to say that they had seen this phenomenon in obese patients.’
Of course, many overweight people simply have a tendency to store fat in specific places.
Women especially are prone to store fat on the bottom, says Chris Jones. ‘This is due to an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase, which dictates where fat settles in the body. Females store more fat around the hips, while males tend to retain more around the waist.’
‘Unfortunately, you cannot spot-reduce fat,’ says dietician Anna Raymond, who is spokeswoman for the British Dietetic Association.
‘Luckily, the fat on the buttocks isn’t as metabolically active as that on the stomach – fat that deposits around the waist releases enzymes that contribute to the development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.’
However, it is crucial to cut down  on sugar, says nutritional therapist  Dr Elisabeth Philipps: ‘Simple carbohydrates lead to the secretion of insulin, which increases the body’s ability to store fat. They also sap energy, so you feel less like exercising.’
Drinking lots of water will also help with fluid retention. ‘Those sitting at desks all day often forget to drink enough,’ says Anna Raymond. ‘Dehydration may cause you to reach for sugary snacks.’
Finally it is important to get enough of the right types of fat: ‘You can improve skin elasticity on your bottom with  two portions of oily fish a week or an omega-3 supplement,’ Raymond adds.

It is possible to determine whether your gluteal muscles are functioning properly or if you are at risk of developing desk derriere with a simple exercise.
‘Lie flat on your tummy and bend one knee to 90 degrees so that the sole of  the foot is facing the ceiling,’ says  Chris Jones.
‘Keeping the foot facing the ceiling, slowly lift the leg five inches off the ground by squeezing your buttock on that side and then hold it motionless in the air  for 30 seconds.’
‘You should be able to hold the leg perfectly still, with any sensation of tension being limited to the buttock itself.
‘If the lifted leg shakes a lot with the effort or you feel tension in your hamstrings or lower back, the gluteal muscles are not correctly switching on and engaging.’

Tennis ball
To release the hip flexor muscles and reactivate the gluteal muscles, give yourself a sports massage.
‘Take a tennis ball and slowly roll over the hip flexor muscles where you feel it to be tight,’ recommends Chris Jones.
‘If it feels tender, hold the ball and  apply gentle pressure to the area for about a minute or until  the tenderness  has diminished.’
Do this between five and ten minutes a day, repeating five days a week until there is no tension.

‘Dry skin-brushing stimulates circulation and helps relieve water retention in the area,’ says Dr Elisabeth Philipps.
‘Using a long-handled brush, always work towards the heart, concentrating on the backs of thighs and buttocks  for two minutes every day before showering.’
Exercise is crucial because it involves dynamic loading (carrying weight while moving) of the muscle cells, which inhibits fat accumulation and burns stored fat.
Cornel Chin, a personal trainer who has worked with Leonardo DiCaprio, suggests incorporating simple exercises into your daily routine.
‘Climbing the stairs, but walking two steps at a time, really engages the  gluteal muscles,’ he says.
‘Work out at your desk a couple of times a day too: do ten slow buttock squeezes followed by ten squeezes that you hold for two seconds, and then ten pulses (very quick squeezes).’
‘Any exercise with explosive movement that abruptly clenches the muscles – basketball, netball, squash, tennis and even cricket – is excellent. This uses the entire muscle and therefore works the deeper fibres.’
David Cameron’s personal trainer, Matt Roberts, recommends the following three daily exercises:
Step Up
1 Stand straight in front of a bench or elevated surface.
2 Step up with one leg and follow with the other. Return to the starting position.
3 Repeat 12 times to see some  benefit, and each set three times  for optimal results.
Straight Leg, Donkey Kick
1 With your knees and forearms supporting the body go on all fours.  Face the floor and ensure you  maintain a straight back.
2 Straighten the right leg outwards and behind you whilst keeping the left leg in a bent position at 90 degrees.
3 Keeping the right leg straight, lift it up and toward the ceiling as far as is comfortably possible. Return to start position and repeat with your left leg.
Standing Abductor Raise
1 Holding on to a chair for balance,  start with your feet a hip-width apart.
2 Without bending sideways at the waist, lift your leg out to the side – no higher than 45 degrees – using a slow and controlled movement. Hold for one second and return to starting position.

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Monday, 24 September 2012


The following article below is from Yahoo Lifestyle. I am surprised a study was necessary. For years I have observed the trolleys of obese people in supermarkets and have noted their trolleys crammed high with sugary drinks, bags of crisps, biscuits, and other high fat and sweet things. The vast majority of these trolleys contain little or no fruit and vegetables nor wholegrain bread etc. Sugar is highly addictive when ingested it gives a huge buzz and surge of energy and very quickly drops leading to more cravings. This does the pancreas no favours at all for to combat the increase sugar the pancreas has to produce enough insulin to deal with all this sugar in the blood. It is one of the causes of Type 2 Diabetes. But as well as all this sugar these drinks contain additives some are very acidic which damages the enamel of the teeth, some additives such as sunset yellow (colouring) are known to create hyperactivity in children, sadly these sugary drinks are often given to children as a way of keeping them quiet rather than spending time with them.

I'm not saying we should ban fizzy drinks but these should be limited and can safely be included in a well balanced diet but certainly not to the excess as some people have become accustomed.


Three new studies published in the United States this weekend reaffirm a link between sweet soda and fruit drinks to an epidemic of obesity that is sweeping the US.

Consumption of these drinks has more than doubled since the 1970s, and the rate of obesity among Americans during the same period reached 30% of the adult population, said the authors of a study published online by the New England Journal of Medicine.

The first study, which involved more than 33,000 American men and women, showed that drinking sugary drinks was affecting genes that regulate weight and increased the genetic of a person to gain weight.

The researchers used 32 variations of genes known to affect the weight to establish a genetic profile of the participants. They also determined the participants' eating habits, their consumption of sweetened beverages and exercise practices.

The other two studies showed that giving to children and adolescents calorie-free drinks like mineral water or soft drinks sweetened with artificial sweeteners resulted in weight loss.

The first was conducted at Children's Hospital Boston, which examined 224 overweight adolescents who were encouraged to consume water or light sodas for a year.

These teens gained only 0.68 kilograms of weight during this period compared to 1.5 kilograms in another group that consumed sugary drinks.

Yet another study was conducted by researchers at the VU University Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and involved 641 children aged 4 to 11.

Half of the group drank sweet and fruity drinks while the other half the same drinks with sugarless sweeteners.

After 18 months, children who consumed the low-calorie drinks gained 6.39 kilograms on average compared to 7.36 kilograms in the group that drank sugary fruit drinks.

"Taken together, these three studies suggest that calories from sugar-sweetened beverages do matter," said Doctor Sonia Caprio of Yale University writing in the New England Journal of Medicine.

"These randomized, controlled studies ... provide a strong impetus to develop recommendations and policy decisions to limit consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, especially those served at low cost and in excessive portions, to attempt to reverse the increase in childhood obesity," she added.

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Saturday, 22 September 2012


A beauty blog this time, I'm always looking for new products to try especially if they are inexpensive as I don't believe you have to pay a lot for products. At the moment I'm trying a couple of Avon products and before you knock this company, they have been around a long time and their cosmetics have come a long way. You don't have to find an Avon representative either as you can buy directly online.

The first product I'm trying is this one.

Avon Ideal Flawless Matte Mousse Foundation

I'm using the shade "nude" this is a good colour match for me in fact it was difficult to tell where I had applied it. It's a very light foundation and gives light to medium coverage and has a matt finish, It's also very easy to apply and doesn't feel sticky or just sit there as some mouse foundations I've tried in the past and I'm impressed by it. It's very reasonably priced even at it's full price as it's on offer just now at half price.

The other product I'm using is this one

Anew PRO Line Corrector Treatment with A-F33

The jury is still out on this one as this is the first day I've tried it so I will follow up my findings on this product but its light and disappeared into my skin and doesn't have a greasy feel. I'm lucky to  have been blessed by good genes as I don't have many lines for my age and they are not deep, it helps having an oily skin, though when I was younger I cursed it however it's paying benefits now.

It's claims:

Gel lotion formulation with patented+ A-F33 for Avon's ultimate in fighting fine and deep wrinkles. 30ml. Our fastest wrinkle fighter EVER +U.S. patent All cosmetic product results are achieved with continued use.

I'll let you know if it's claims stand up, it's active ingredient appears to be Retinol.

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Friday, 21 September 2012


Hoping: Holly Pereira, who desperately needs a lung donor, has made a YouTube plea for more people to sign the national organ donor register

Is there anyone out there who will save my life? YouTube transplant plea by Holly, 19
  • Holly has cystic fibrosis and has only 20 per cent lung function
  • It would be amazing if more people signed up even if it's too late for me, says brave teen
  • Marks growing trend of patients making heartfelt appeals for organs online

Hoping: Holly Pereira, who desperately needs a lung donor, has made a YouTube plea for more people to sign the national organ donor register
When most young people place a video on YouTube, the aim is to share a cherished moment or favourite song.
Holly Pereira hopes it will save her life.
The 19-year-old cystic fibrosis sufferer fears she will not see her 21st birthday unless she receives a double lung transplant.
She has made a haunting, three-minute video about her plight which she hopes will persuade viewers to sign up to the national organ donor register.
‘There is nothing more I can do,’ said Holly, whose father John is a plastic surgeon, at the family’s country house in Buxted, East Sussex.
‘If I can get just a few people to sign up to the register which in future saves lives, even if it’s too late for me, that would be amazing.’
Holly was diagnosed at 18 months with the genetically inherited disease, which affects the digestive and respiratory systems. 
Despite daily medication, she has only 20 per cent of her lung function left. 
She has spent six months on the national transplant register and is desperately awaiting a call to say that a donor has been found.
The Pereira family’s position is doubly heartrending as Holly’s brother Jake, 18, also has cystic fibrosis and will need a transplant at some point.
In the black-and-white clip on video-sharing website YouTube, she says cystic fibrosis ‘makes the smallest, everyday tasks, like showering, walking or taking the stairs very difficult as I get out of breath very easily’.
'Being put on the list means that my chances of survival without a transplant may mean I only have a few years left to live.
'Due to the lack of organs available I may find it hard to find a suitable donor. I am very small and my blood type that I am means I may have a longer wait.
    ‘This could be 18 months or over and during this time my illness may get progressively worse, which means I may rely on oxygen to breathe and may not be able to get around properly.
    Scroll down for video...
    Haunting: Holly describes what life is like with cystic fibrosis and says she almost can't imagine what it must be like to be able to breathe properly 
    A chest x-ray of a patient with cystic fibrosis
    Illness: Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition that causes the build up of thick sticky mucus in the lungs and digestive system (see xray of a CF patient, left). Both Holly (right) and her brother have CF
    Holly says simple tasks such as climbing stairs are difficult for her
    Holly says simple tasks such as climbing stairs are difficult for her
    'To be able to receive a new pair of lungs would mean that my life would be significantly better, I would be able to do things I can’t do at the moment.'
    She ends the video by urging people to sign up to the organ donor register and saying how, once she does not need them, she will give 'any of my healthy organs away'.
    She reminds viewers that the most crucial step is to let close family know what organs they would wish to donate as they have the final say after death.
    Her grandfather David Nicholson, 67, said he was in tears when he watched the video, which she posted without telling her family.
    His wife Carol added: ‘We are very proud of what she has done and we want people to come forward and register so it gives youngsters like her a chance in life.’
    ■ To sign the confidential NHS organ donor register, click here.

    VIDEO: A plea from the heart... Watch Holly's video here... 

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    I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

    Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
    A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
    Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
    A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
    Q. What is free will?
    A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
    Q. How does free will affect a situation?
    A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
    Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
    A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
    Q. So what is the Aura?
    A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.