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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Thursday, 22 November 2012


In case you didn't know I adore chocolate so I will look for any excuse to eat more of it. I found this interesting article in the Daily Mail. Although it's stated, this article is a bit tongue in cheek, there are good reasons to eat chocolate, dark chocolate is especially high in iron and it's rich in flavonoids, which we know are antioxidants and fight free radicals and we all know how chocolate makes us feel good.

Does eating chocolate make you clever? New research suggests it may help you win a Nobel prize, at least...

  • US research suggests the higher a country's chocolate consumption, the more Nobel laureates it spawns
  • The Swiss take the lead, with the Swedes and Danes following closely behind. The UK was above average 
  • Researcher admits research is tongue-in-cheek, but maintains findings are scientifically sound 

The higher a country's chocolate consumption, the more Nobel laureates it spawns, new research suggests
The higher a country's chocolate consumption, the more Nobel laureates it spawns, new research suggests
Does eating chocolate make you clever?
It seems that might well be the case after scientists in New York found the higher a country's chocolate consumption, the more Nobel laureates it spawns.
The new research, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, is tongue-in-cheek, admits the lead author Dr. Franz Messerli.
But nonetheless, the results did show a surprisingly powerful scientific correlation between the amount of chocolate consumed in each country and the number of Nobel laureates it produced, he wrote in the journal.
The Swiss, naturally, take the lead, with the Swedes and Danes following closely behind. The UK was above average in the table (see below).
Dr Messerli, a Swiss doctor now working at Columbia University in New York, told Reuters Health: ‘I started plotting this in a hotel room, because I had nothing else to do, and I could not believe my eyes.
'All the countries lined up neatly on a graph, with higher chocolate intake tied to more laureates.'
It’s thought that eating chocolate might improve our ability to think as it is high in antioxidants known as flavonoids, which are also found in cocoa, green tea, red wine and some fruits.

Studies have suggested that flavonoids may improve thinking and reduce the risk of dementia by increasing the blood flow to the brain.
Dr Messerli wrote in the journal: ‘Since chocolate consumption has been documented to improve cognitive function, it seems most likely that in a dose-dependent way, chocolate intake provides the abundant fertile ground needed for the sprouting of Nobel laureates.’
The Swiss, naturally, take the lead, with the Swedes and Danes following closely behind. The UK was above average in the table
The Swiss, naturally, take the lead, with the Swedes and Danes following closely behind. The UK was above average in the table
When it comes to chocolate, several other researchers have suggested dark varieties might benefit the brain, the heart and even help cut excess pounds.
But to produce just one more laureate, the nation would have to up its cocoa intake by a whopping 275 million pounds a year, Dr Messerli added.
He estimates that every citizen would have to eat 400 grams of chocolate a year to increase the number of Nobel laureates in a given country by one per million inhabitants, if the correlation holds true. 
And in the 'conflict of interest section' of his article, Dr Messerli does admit to daily chocolate consumption. Despite the tongue-in-cheek tone of the research, he added that he does believe chocolate has real health effects, although he warns people to stay away from the sweeter varieties and opt for dark.

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Thursday, 15 November 2012


Again another article on depression from the Daily Mail, I have posted a comment below the main article from another reader as I do agree with them and it is so true. I wish more could be done to end the stigma of mental illness as it is a condition anyone of us could contract at any time. As I see it, it is no different from any other physical illness for in fact it is just the same and like thyroid disease or diabetes, both of which are due to a chemical imbalance in the body. As a rule men avoid seeking advice and are very reluctant to go to a doctor for a physical ailment as it is and even more so with depression. Guys you are not immune and just as likely as women to secumb to it, it's just women  confide in their friends and are not afraid to get help. Please don't play the martyr and suffer nor think it's macho and it will go away, when swift intervention can deal with it before it gets worse, you owe it to your wives, girl friends and children as they suffer too, knowing they are powerless to help you for you must take the first step.

It's easier to spot when a woman's depressed (meaning men are less likely to seek help)

  • Both men and women were equally likely to classify a woman as having the condition
  • But men were less able to spot it amongst themselves

People identify symptoms of depression more readily in women than men
People identify symptoms of depression more readily in women than men
People identify symptoms of depression more readily in women than men, according to a new study.
Researchers found gender stereotypes influence public perceptions of depressed people.
For instance, when presented with a scenario of a man or woman in distress, men were more likely to say a woman was depressed than their male counterparts. 
Dr Viren Swami, a reader in psychology at the University of Westminster, presented study participants with one of two fictitious subjects, Kate and Jack. 
Both were described as having identical symptoms of major depression, the only difference being their suggested gender. 
For example, a sample of the test reads: 'For the past two weeks, Kate/Jack has been feeling really down. 
'S/he wakes up in the morning with a flat, heavy feeling that sticks with her/him all day. S/he isn’t enjoying things the way s/he normally would. S/he finds it hard to concentrate on anything.'
The respondents were asked to identify whether the individual described suffered a mental health disorder, and how likely they would be to recommend seeking professional help to the subject in the test.

Both men and women were equally likely to classify Kate as having a mental health disorder, but men were less likely than women to indicate that Jack suffered from depression.
Dr Swami said: 'Men were also more likely to recommend that Kate seek professional help than women were, but both men and women were equally likely to make this suggestion for Jack. 
'Respondents, particularly men, rated Kate’s case as significantly more distressing, difficult to treat, and deserving of sympathy than they did Jack’s case.'
He also found that individual attitudes towards depression were associated with scepticism about psychiatry and anti-scientific attitudes. 
Dr Swami added: 'The results are significant for initiatives aimed at enhancing mental health literacy, which should consider the impact of gender stereotypes and attitudes towards help-seeking behaviours.'

I've posted this comment from the newspaper as it is so true.

I think that if more men were told that depression was the product of a chemical imbalance in the brain and that it could be treated with chemical means so that it was "only" a technical/scientific problem with a laboratory-science solution, and not indicative of a lack of moral fiber or machismo, they would be more willing to admit it and get treatment.

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Saturday, 10 November 2012

Thursday, 8 November 2012


An interesting little article I came across on the Daily Mail and anything is worth a try if it helps. Seriously though you need to think back and why you are addicted, people tended to become addicted because it's filling a void in their lives and generally something triggers this off. I often hear smokers say it makes them feel relaxed, technically smoking doesn't relax you, if anything it's a stimulant, what it does do is satisfy a craving and that you are craving something because initially it filled a void where something was lacking, perhaps it was because you felt you would belong better in your peer group when young and that it would give you more confidence and a sense of belonging. If you can analyse and find out why smoking or any addiction is your crutch in life, that's half the battle to kicking the habit for good.

How gargling lemonade could help smokers to quit the habit

  • Sugar on the tongue activate sensors that boost attention and can improve self control
  • Could help people quit bad habits, at least in the short-term

For those smokers desperate to give up the habit, scientists have an unusual solution - gargling with a glass of lemonade.
They found that the interaction of sugar (known as glucose) on the tongue boosts attention as well as energy and can improve self control.
This could help keep smokers away from the cigarettes at least in the short-term.
Trying to ditch a bad habit? A glass of lemonade could help by activating sensors on the tongue, which stimulate the brain
Trying to ditch a bad habit? A glass of lemonade could help by activating sensors on the tongue, which then stimulate the brain
A team from the University of Georgia conducted self-control tasks on 51 students to see if a mouth rinse with glucose boosts attention as well as energy.
The first task, which depletes self-control, was to meticulously cross out Es on a page from a statistics book.
The second was the Stroop task, where participants were asked to identify the colour of various words flashed on a screen, which spell out the names of other colours.
The Stroop task’s goal is to turn off the student’s tendency to read the words and instead see the colours.
Half the students rinsed their mouths with lemonade sweetened with sugar while performing the Stroop test, and the other half with Splenda-sweetened lemonade. 
Results showed students who rinsed with sugar, rather than artificial sweetener, were significantly faster at responding to the colour rather than the word.
Professor Leonard Martin, of the University of Georgia, said: 'Researchers used to think you had to drink the glucose and get it into your body to give you the energy to (have) self control.
'After this trial, it seems that glucose stimulates the simple carbohydrate sensors on the tongue. 
'This, in turn, signals the motivational centers of the brain where our self-related goals are represented. These signals tell your body to pay attention.'
Sugar could provide at least a short-term boost to your willpower
Sugar could provide at least a short-term boost to your willpower
It took participants about three to five minutes to perform the Stroop test, which shows a measure of self-control, but glucose mouthwash might not be enough to solve some of the biggest self-control obstacles like losing weight or smoking.
Professor Martin said: 'The research is not clear yet on the effects of swishing with glucose on long-term self-control. 
'So, if you are trying to quit smoking, a swish of lemonade may not be the total cure, but it certainly could help you in the short run.'
Professor Martin, along with co-author Matthew Sanders, a doctoral candidate, believes the motivation comes in the form of self-values, or emotive investment.
He said: 'It is the self-investment. It doesn’t just crank up your energy, but it cranks up your personal investment in what you are doing.
'Clicking into the things that are important to you makes those self-related goals salient.
'The glucose seems to be good at getting you to stop an automatic response such as reading the words in the Stroop task and to substitute the second harder one in its place such as saying the colour the word is printed in. 
'It can enhance emotive investment and self-relevant goals.'
The study, published in journal Psychological Science, says previous research into self-control has shown a decline in performance for the second task as energy levels plummet.
'Previous studies suggest the first task requires so much energy, you just don’t have the energy left for the second task that you need,' Martin said. 
'We are saying when people engage in self-control, they ignore important aspects of their goals and feelings. 
'If you have to stay late at work, for example, but you really want to be going home, you have to ignore your desire to go home. Doing so will help you stay late at work, but it may also put you out of touch with what you personally want and feel on later tasks. 
'Swishing glucose can focus you back on those goals and feelings and this, in turn, can help you perform better on the second task. 
'In short, we believe self-control goes away because people send it away, not because they don’t have energy. People turn it off on purpose.'

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Friday, 2 November 2012

Wednesday, 31 October 2012




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Tuesday, 30 October 2012


This exciting article is in the Daily Mail today so I had to draw attention to it. Finally some evidence to add to what us Mediums have been proving for years that LIFE DOESN'T END WITH PHYSICAL DEATH

Near-death experiences occur when the soul leaves the nervous system and enters the universe, claim two quantum physics experts

  • Ground-breaking theory holds that quantum substances form the soul
  • They are part of the fundamental structure of the universe 

Life after death: Dr Stuart Hameroff, Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona, advanced the theory on a television documentary
Life after death: Dr Stuart Hameroff, Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona, advanced the theory on a television documentary
A near-death experience happens when quantum substances which form the soul leave the nervous system and enter the universe at large, according to a remarkable theory proposed by two eminent scientists.
According to this idea, consciousness is a program for a quantum computer in the brain which can persist in the universe even after death, explaining the perceptions of those who have near-death experiences.
Dr Stuart Hameroff, Professor Emeritus at the Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology and the Director of the Centre of Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona, has advanced the quasi-religious theory.
It is based on a quantum theory of consciousness he and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose have developed which holds that the essence of our soul is contained inside structures called microtubules within brain cells.
They have argued that our experience of consciousness is the result of quantum gravity effects in these microtubules, a theory which they dubbed orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-OR).
Thus it is held that our souls are more than the interaction of neurons in the brain. They are in fact constructed from the very fabric of the universe - and may have existed since the beginning of time.

The concept is similar to the Buddhist and Hindu belief that consciousness is an integral part of the universe - and indeed that it is really all there may be, a position similar to Western philosophical idealism.
With these beliefs, Dr Hameroff holds that in a near-death experience the microtubules lose their quantum state, but the information within them is not destroyed. Instead it merely leaves the body and returns to the cosmos.
Shocked back to life: The theory holds that when patients have a near death experience their quantum soul is released from the body and re-enters the cosmos, before returning when they are revived
Shocked back to life: The theory holds that when patients have a near death experience their quantum soul is released from the body and re-enters the cosmos, before returning when they are revived
Dr Hameroff told the Science Channel's Through the Wormhole documentary: 'Let's say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing, the microtubules lose their quantum state.
'The quantum information within the microtubules is not destroyed, it can't be destroyed, it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large.
'If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the microtubules and the patient says "I had a near death experience".'
He adds: 'If they're not revived, and the patient dies, it's possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul.'
Evidence: Dr Hameroff believes new findings about the role quantum physics plays in biological processes, such as the navigation of birds, will one day prove his theory
Evidence: Dr Hameroff believes new findings about the role quantum physics plays in biological processes, such as the navigation of birds, will one day prove his theory
The Orch-OR theory has come in for heavy criticism by more empirically minded thinkers and remains controversial among the scientific community.
MIT physicist Max Tegmark is just one of the many scientists to have challenged it, in a 2000 paper that is widely cited by opponents, the Huffington Post reports.
Nevertheless, Dr Hameroff believes that research in to quantum physics is beginning to validate Orch-Or, with quantum effects recently being shown to support many important biological processes, such as smell, bird navigation and photosynthesis.

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Thursday, 25 October 2012


An interesting article in the Daily Mail and worthy of a try.

Why leaving the heating off and avoiding the gym could help you lose weight

Five years ago brown fat was 'rediscovered' in adults
Five years ago brown fat was 'rediscovered' in adults
By plunging my hand into a bucket of cold tap water, I am about to find out how effective my body is at burning calories.
What seems a rudimentary experiment is, in fact, the basis of a groundbreaking study into the effects of brown — or ‘good’ — fat.
We’re all born with brown fat around our shoulder blades: it plays an important role in maintaining our body temperature as babies, by burning up calories and fat reserves to keep us warm.
Unfortunately, scientists have long thought that brown fat disappears in infancy once its physiological uses have been exhausted.
Then five years ago, brown fat was ‘rediscovered’ in adults, when researchers carrying out scans on adult patients in the winter months noticed areas of fat that seemed to be turned on by the cold weather.
Their scans detected a few ounces of brown fat in the upper back, on the side of the neck, in the dip between the collarbone and the shoulder, and along the spine.
Since then, brown fat has become a rapidly growing area of interest among researchers who believe it could hold a vital key to weight problems.
Within just five years their understanding of it has advanced significantly.
It’s now thought, for instance, that not just the cold, but certain foods can activate it. So, too, can exercise.
So what is brown fat?
Unlike the more familiar, yellowish-white body fat you pile on if you eat too many calories, brown fat — apparently the colour of chocolate — does the opposite, burning excess energy to generate heat and maintain the body’s core temperature.
When ‘switched on’ it is said to produce around 300 times more heat than any other organ in the body.

Because of their higher total body fat, women are known to have proportionately more brown fat than men and it is more detectable in lean people than obese (researchers think this could be because excess white fat stifles the effects of brown fat, or the obese become overweight because their brown fat is inefficient anyway).
There is little doubt about the excitement being generated by the discovery of brown fat.
As one of the lead researchers, Professor Michael Symonds, says: ‘We are on the threshold of what could prove really significant advances in obesity research.’
And what’s so intriguing is that possible treatments could be extremely low-tech.
It’s now established that exposure to cold spurs brown fat into action in some people — could this simple principle be used to tackle obesity?
To answer this, scientists at the University of Nottingham’s Queen’s Medical Centre are using thermal imaging techniques — and a bucket of cold water — to assess changes in brown fat in adult recruits, and see how it affects their weight.
To activate your brown fat: Turn the heating off or down in the car, the office and at home
To activate your brown fat: Turn the heating off or down in the car, the office and at home
Professor Symonds, who is leading the study, has agreed to let me see the research for myself, and I’m going to have my own levels of brown fat measured — and tested to see if it’s working.
Before my brown fat can be assessed, Dr Lindsay Elvidge, a children’s doctor who is helping Professor Symonds, measures the thickness of the skin at the top of my shoulders using ultrasound — some studies have shown the thicker the skin here, the less active the brown fat beneath.
My skin thickness is average.
The temperature of my brown fat is then measured using a thermal scan. I’m asked to sit in a comfortable position for ten minutes (without moving to ensure my temperature fluctuates as little as possible) before placing my hand in the bucket of water.
At 20c, it is chilly but not freezing. After five minutes of submersion, my hand is turning numb — I can feel it and Dr Elvidge says it’s also being picked up by the thermal imaging camera hidden behind a screen, which is showing my hand as a startling blue.
She says the cameras are displaying a distinct increase in red areas around my lower neck — a sign that my brown fat stores are reacting in the way they should, producing heat and burning calories to keep me warm.
Is my brown fat reaction what they would expect?
Yes, says Professor Symonds, adding that in the overweight the patterns are different.
‘We are finding that the brown fat in overweight or obese children and adults is not activated in the same way,’ he says.
‘The million dollar question is why this happens. Nobody knows whether it is just less active, or if there is less of it.’
In a study published in the Journal of Pediatrics in June, Professor Symonds used thermal imaging to show the neck region in healthy children produces heat.
‘There is only about 50g of brown fat in the neck region of children and it switches on and off throughout the day as it’s exposed to different temperatures or if you exercise or eat,’ he says.
But this effect is less well-defined in adolescents and adults.
‘We do know that you have less brown fat as you get older and that ties in with the other metabolic changes that occur with age,’ says Professor Symonds.
‘We also think there might be subtle changes in brown fat that occur around puberty.’
What he and his team hope to find in their current trial is whether factors such as cool temperatures can be used to manipulate brown fat action, thereby preventing excess weight gain.
‘The more we know about how it works and what switches it on, the better,’ he says. ‘Certain foods, including milk, seem to have a positive thermogenic, or warming effect, on brown fat that triggers it into action.’
In theory, consuming cold, slush puppy-type drinks may be useful, particularly when combined with exercise, he explains.
Equally, hot drinks and a high consumption of high-fat foods are probably not great brown fat triggers.
Several studies, including one at the Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, have proposed that eating chilli peppers might help — they contain a compound, capsaicin, which seems to trick the brain into thinking it is cold, coaxing brown fat into burning a few more calories than normal.
With diet the next area to be studied in this emerging field of science, we could one day see the benefit on supermarket shelves.
‘We could add a heat index to food labels to show whether that product would increase or decrease heat production within brown fat,’ says Professor Symonds.
‘We could inform people whether the foods they select would speed up or slow down the number of calories they burn.’
There is also the potential for the development of drugs that prompt brown fat into action.
Avoid the gym. Take a walk, go for a cycle or just skip outdoors on a cold day
Avoid the gym. Take a walk, go for a cycle or just skip outdoors on a cold day
Already, some scientists are investigating ways in which stubborn white fat could be given some of the beneficial characteristics of energy-burning brown fat.
In one study, published in the journal Cell in August, researchers at Columbia University medical school managed to ‘brown’ white fat with the use of a class of drugs called thiazolidinediones (TZDs), sometimes used to lower blood sugar in type 2 diabetes.
‘Turning white fat into brown fat is an appealing therapeutic approach to staunching the obesity epidemic,’ says lead researcher Professor Domenico Accili. ‘But so far it has been difficult to do so in a safe and effective way.’
This is because these drugs are linked to risky side-effects including liver toxicity and bone loss.
However, Professor Accili concluded ‘TZDs may not be so bad — if you can find a way to tweak their activity’ and they may help to prevent both type 2 diabetes and heart disease in addition to weight problems.
A simpler way to convert white fat into a calorie-burning form of fat could be through exercise. In the flurry of research into the area, scientists have discovered another type of brown fat — initially they spotted it in mice, but now they’ve found it in humans.
Dubbed ‘beige fat’ because of its lighter colour, it is often interspersed in the white fat, and occurs in pea-size deposits rather than in large masses.
Writing in the journal Nature earlier this year, Bruce Spiegelman, a professor of cell biology and medicine at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in the U.S., revealed that in mice studies, exercise appears to temporarily turn white fat into beige fat — this burns calories, although not as effectively as brown fat.
The mouse muscle cells released a newly discovered hormone, irisin, that enabled their bodies to make beige fat from white.
As humans also have irisin that’s identical to mouse irisin, the same could be true in people who exercise.
‘What I would guess is that this is likely to be the explanation for some of the weight-loss effects of exercise,’ Professor Spiegelman says.
In other words, beige fat could be partly responsible for the so-called ‘after-burn’ of calories following a workout.
There is something I am keen to ask him. Every winter I lose half a stone in weight without trying and despite my activity levels and diet remaining unchanged. I literally feel myself ‘shrinking’ when the first cold snap of autumn arrives.
And, like many women, I suffer from Raynaud’s, the circulatory problem that leaves my fingers numb and invariably means I am constantly shifting about to try to stay warm.
Could all of this be sending my brown fat levels into overdrive?
Yes, he says, and is probably the reason my weight has remained stable within half a stone for the past eight years.
The fact I’ve done all my exercise — I run five or six times a week — outdoors, come rain or shine, has also helped to keep my brown fat activated.
And I can see the results myself from his test — the temperature of my brown fat rose 0.15c from its baseline of 34.5c.
It doesn’t sound much, but represents a rapid increase in just five minutes of cold exposure, equating to a 10-15 per cent rise in the number of calories I burn.
The Nottingham study, which will involve 20 adults, will look at the influence of weight, body mass index, food consumption and activity levels on brown fat.
As the results come out in the next couple of years, they could change the way we think about calorie burning.
And if we can activate our brown fat, it could even mean we could eat more without gaining weight.
As Professor Symonds points out: ‘It would turn us into more efficient calorie-gobbling machines.’


  • Turn the heating off or down in the car, the office and at home. If you are walking round in a T-shirt in mid-winter, your environment is too warm. ‘Our modern lifestyles are not conducive to brown fat activation,’ says Professor Symonds.
‘Thirty years ago, our houses and offices were not centrally heated. We had maybe one room in a house that was really warm. Many studies have noted a seasonal variation with more brown fat activation in winter months — so the more cold we are exposed to, the better.’
So turn down the heating and put on a jumper if you feel really cold. ‘We need to feel the cold to burn calories,’ he says.
  • Add chilli peppers to food — the active ingredient capsaicin has been shown to trigger brown fat into action.
  • Avoid the gym. Take a walk, go for a cycle or just skip outdoors on a cold day. If you are really brave, an outdoor swim is guaranteed to get brown fat working. Outdoor exercise of any kind is beneficial.
  • Consume dairy products — yoghurt, milk and cheese are thought to be important in activating brown fat. Steer clear of high-fat, sugary carbohydrates and highly processed foods. It is likely they have an adverse impact on brown fat.
  • Drink cold water or ice-cold juice. Some studies have shown that cold drinks help to keep the body’s core temperature lower during exercise — the effects might also trigger brown fat into action.

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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.