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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Sunday, 9 June 2013



Most baby formulas are derived from cow's milk (although dairy-free formulas are also available). When milk — from the breast or from a cow — is digested, it breaks down into two byproducts: curds and whey. The curd is white and rubbery, and the whey is liquid.

When cow's milk breaks down, the curd that forms is hard for human babies to digest. Breast milk, on the other hand, forms more whey than curd, and the curd is softer and more easily digested. Because the baby can digest breast milk more easily than cow's milk, he's less likely to throw up on your favorite sweater. Cow's milk is designed for baby cows after all.

One of the amazing things about breast milk is that your milk is specially formulated to have the right composition for your baby, and to contain exactly the right amounts of nutrients. Bottle-fed babies receive the exact same nutrients every time they eat. Breast milk, on the other hand, continually changes in composition so that your baby gets what he or she needs at any age.

The first liquid the breasts produce (starting a few months before the baby is born) actually doesn't even look like milk. Colostrum, which is yellow and thicker than breast milk, is a great example of how your body custom-makes the right nutrition for your baby. Here are some of its benefits:

Colostrum has a high concentration of antibodies, especially IgA, an antibody that helps protect the lungs, throat, and intestines.
Colostrum helps "seal" the permeable newborn intestines to prevent harmful substances from penetrating the gut.
Colostrum is very high in concentrated nutrition.
Colostrum has a laxative effect, which helps the baby pass the first bowel movements (and prevents newborn jaundice).
Colostrum is low in fat, high in proteins and carbohydrates, and very easy to digest.

Within a few days after delivery, your body begins to produce mature milk that takes over the work of giving your baby the necessary ingredients for healthy growth. Colostrum is still present for around two weeks; the milk produced during this time is called transitional milk.

Breast milk contains more than 100 ingredients that the formula industry simply can't duplicate. For example, breast milk is full of antibodies that protect babies from illness and help them develop their own immune systems. Some other key differences between the ingredients in breast milk and formula include the following:
Formula has a higher protein content than human milk. However, the protein in breast milk is more easily and completely digested by babies.

Breast milk has a higher carbohydrate content than formula and has large amounts of lactose, a sugar found in lower amounts in cow's milk. Research shows that animals whose milk contains higher amounts of lactose experience larger brain development.

Minerals such as iron are present in lower quantities in breast milk than in formula. However, the minerals in breast milk are more completely absorbed by the baby. In formula-fed babies, the unabsorbed portions of minerals can change the balance of bacteria in the gut, which gives harmful bacteria a chance to grow. This is one reason why bottle-fed babies generally have harder and more odorous stools than breastfed babies.

Of course I appreciate sometimes it's not possible to breast feed sometimes due to various problems however I do believe every new mother should try and persevere if there are no contra indications to breast feeding as not only does it benefit the baby but it helps the mother regain her figure much quicker, even if the mother does so for three months the benefits to mother and baby are enormous.


Breast really is best if you want a brainy baby: Just THREE months of breastfeeding boosts development by 30%

  • Babies only fed breast milk have 30% extra growth in key parts of the brain
  • They have better development in areas which control language and emotion
  • Those fed breast milk have more white matter which is used for learning
  • Those only fed formula milk have the least white matter

Breast milk boosts brain development in babies by up to 30 per cent, according to a new study.
Children exclusively fed breast milk for at least three months have up to 30 per cent extra growth in the key parts of the brain which control language, emotion, and understanding, say scientists.
The study of under-fours showed children who have breast milk as part of their diet have a clear advantage when it comes to brain development.
Children exclusively fed breast milk for at least three months have up to 30 per cent extra growth in the key parts of the brain. Image shows how white matter develops with age
Children exclusively fed breast milk for at least three months have up to 30 per cent extra growth in the key parts of the brain. Image shows how white matter develops with age

Research carried out at Brown University, in the U.S., found that by the time the babies had reached their second birthday a discernible difference could be seen in their brain structure.
Dr Sean Deoni, an engineering professor and lead author, said: ‘We're finding the difference [in white matter growth] is in the order of 20 to 30 per cent, comparing the breastfed and the non-breastfed kids.’
Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) brain scans were taken of the babies who had been fed a diet of breast milk in the earliest stages of their development, and of those who had been fed formula milk.
The scans showed that babies fed breast milk alone had the fastest growth in myelinated white matter - tissue packed full of long nerve fibres that link different parts of the brain that are used for learning.
The babies who were weaned on a diet of formula were found to have the least white matter.
Dr Deoni's team carried out the study to see how early the changes in brain development took place.
‘We show that they're there almost right off the bat,’ he said.
Scans show that babies fed breast milk alone have the fastest growth in myelinated white matter - tissue packed full of long nerve fibres that link different parts of the brain that are used for learning
Scans show that babies fed breast milk alone have the fastest growth in myelinated white matter - tissue packed full of long nerve fibres that link different parts of the brain that are used for learning

Researchers looked at the brains of 133 babies who were born on time and came from similar families.
By comparing the myelin in older and younger children they were able to calculate how breast milk influenced the development of white matter.
The researchers backed up the results of the scans with a set of basic cognitive tests that showed language performance, visual reception and motor control were all better in the breastfed children.
The team found that the longer the babies were fed with breast milk the more developed their brains were, especially in the areas of the brain associated with movement and coordination.
While the Brown study published in the journal NeuroImage is not the first to link breastfeeding with improved development in the young, Dr Deoni claimed it is the first time MRI scans have been used to compare the brains in breastfed and non-breastfed children.
Dr Deoni said: ‘I think it's astounding that you could have that much difference so early. I think I would argue that combined with all the other evidence, it seems like breastfeeding is absolutely beneficial.’

Thursday, 6 June 2013


I'm giving plenty of warning as regards Mercury Retrograde, so you can prepare in advance. It's due to go into retrograde on June 26 2013 and won't move forward again until July 20 2013.

Mercury Retrograde Dates

Mer R Jun 26 2013  05:08  23°Cn06' R 
Mer D Jul  20 2013  10:23  13°Cn22' D
Mer R Oct  21 2013  02:29  18°Sc23' R 
Mer D Nov 10 2013  13:12  02°Sc30' D
Mer R Feb  6  2014  13:44  03°Pi20' R 
Mer D Feb 28 2014  06:01  18°Aq10' D
Mer R Jun  7  2014  03:57  03°Cn10' R 
Mer D Ju l  1  2014  04:51  24°Ge23' D
Mer R Oct  4  2014  09:03  02°Sc18' R 
Mer D Oct 25 2014  11:17  16°Li46' D
Mer R Jan 21 2015  07:55  17°Aq04' R 
Mer D Feb 11 2015  06:58  01°Aq19' D
Mer R May 18 2015  17:50  13°Ge08' R 
Mer D Jun 11 2015  14:34  04°Ge34' D
Mer R Sep 17 2015  10:10  15°Li55' R 
Mer D Oct  9   2015  06:58  00°Li55' D

Mer R Jan  5  2016  05:06  01°Aq01' R 
Mer D Jan 25 2016  13:50  14°Cp55' D

Mer R Apr  28 2016  09:20  23°Ta36' R 
Mer D May 22 2016  05:20  14°Ta21' D

Mer R Aug 30 2016  05:04  29°Vi04' R 
Mer D Sep 21 2016  21:31  14°Vi51' D

Mer R Dec 19 2016  02:56  15°Cp07' R 
Mer D Jan  8  2017  01:43  28°Sg52' D

Mer R Apr  9 2017  15:15  04°Ta50' R 
Mer D May 3 2017  08:33  24°Ar16' D

Mer R Aug 12 2017  17:01  11°Vi38' R 
Mer D Sep  5 2017   03:30  28°Le26' D

Mer R Dec  2  2017  23:35  29°Sg17' R 
Mer D Dec 22 2017  17:51  13°Sg01' D

Mer R Mar 22 2018  16:20  16°Ar54' R 
Mer D Apr 15 2018   01:21  04°Ar47' D

Mer R Jul  25 2018   21:03  23°Le27' R 
Mer D Aug 18 2018  20:25  11°Le33' D
Mer R Nov 16 2018  17:34  13°Sg29' R 
Mer D Dec  6  2018  13:23  27°Sc17' D
Mer R Mar  5  2019  10:19  29°Pi39' R 
Mer D Mar 28 2019  05:59  16°Pi06' D
Mer R Jul  7  2019  15:15  04°Le28' R 
Mer D Jul 31 2019  19:58  23°Cn58' D

Mer R Oct  31 2019  07:42  27°Sc38' R 
Mer D Nov 20 2019  11:12  11°Sc35' D
Mer R Feb 16 2020  16:55  12°Pi53' R 
Mer D Mar  9 2020  19:49  28°Aq13' D
Mer R Jun 17 2020  21:00  14°Cn45' R 
Mer D Jul  12 2020  00:27  05°Cn30' D
Mer R Oct 13 2020  17:06  11°Sc40' R 
Mer D Nov  3 2020  09:50  25°Li54' D
Mer R Jan 30 2021   07:52  26°Aq29' R 
Mer D Feb 20 2021  16:53  11°Aq02' D
Mer R May 29 2021  14:35  24°Ge43' R 
Mer D Jun  22 2021  14:01  16°Ge08' D
Mer R Sep 26 2021  21:11  25°Li28' R 
Mer D Oct  18 2021  07:17  10°Li08' D
Mer R Jan 14 2022  03:42  10°Aq19' R 
Mer D Feb  3 2022  20:14  24°Cp23' D

Mer R May 10 2022  03:48  04°Ge51' R 
Mer D Jun  3  2022   00:01  26°Ta06' D
Mer R Sep 9  2022  19:39  08°Li55' R 
Mer D Oct  2  2022  01:08  24°Vi13' D

Mer R Dec 29 2022  01:32  24°Cp20' R 
Mer D Jan 18 2023  05:13  08°Cp09' D



The planet Mercury, which is only visible just before sunrise or just after sunset travels in a forward direction most of the time. But three or four times a year, if you care to watch carefully, it appears to turn around and go backwards for about three weeks! Now Mercury really isn't going backwards. It's just an optical illusion based on the relative speeds and orbits of the Earth and Mercury around the Sun. For example think of riding in a fast car on an motorway which is passing a slower-moving car. The slower moving car appears to be moving backward, but it isn't really. It's just the relative speed and direction of the two cars gives that illusion, retrograde Mercury is similar to that.

The apparent backward motion of Mercury is called retrograde, and it has been known and studied in western astrology for thousands of years.

In general the effect of Mercury retrograde is annoyance. Little things get snarled up and a low-grade frustration emerges. Anything involving communications, verbal activity, technology, short trips and journeys, primary education, and siblings can be affected. Whilst Mercury retrograde usually is a minor irritant, every now and then a colossal screw-up can take place. 

During the next Mercury retrograde:
  • If at all possible, avoid signing legal documents.
  • If at all possible, finish projects which involve communication before the retrograde.
  • If at all possible, avoid closing big deals during the retrograde
  • If at all possible, avoid launching new projects during the retrograde
  • If at all possible, avoid scheduling meetings to make a big decision
  • Allow extra time when travelling
  • Backup your hard drive before the retrograde
  • If at all possible, avoid installing new computer software during the retrograde
  • Do needed repairs on machinery before the retrograde
  • Do not hold an election during the retrograde.

This is not to say Mercury retrograde is always a bad thing. Far from it. It is actually an ideal time to do some other things, like:

  • Do the follow-ups on a project already started
  • Wrap up or complete a project already started
  • Research a new project thoroughly
  • Catch up on paperwork
  • Hold an information-sharing meeting

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


Hallelujah haven't I been saying this for years.



Under the 'Stress section' I talked about how stress hormones such as Adrenalin and Cortisone affect the skin, if you recall Adrenalin reduces the nourishment delivered by the blood stream by directing the blood flow away from the extremities to the heart, lungs and muscles, so the skin and hair wont be so well nourished. Cortisone damages the fibrocytes, these are specialised cells within the Dermis that produce collagen and elastin and it is collagen and elastin that provides support and elasticity within the skin, akin to the foam and springs in a mattress. When we are young our skin is plump and elastic but through use from normal facial movements, the downward pull of gravity, the collagen and elastin tends to bunch together just like the stuffing in a well used mattress. Now if we undergo stress for a considerable period as these fibrocytes become damaged due to the action of Cortisol so the skin will loose its support structure, its elasticity will suffer and it wont spring back to shape like it used to, like spent elastic. Cell renewal will suffer due to the reduced blood supply there wont be adequate nourishment and the skin will take on a greyer pallor and it will loose its healthy rosy glow.

Now there is another aspect to this equation, the action of Ultra Violet Light from the sun and of course sunbeds. The sun produces three types of UV Light UVA UVB and UVC. The Earth's ozone layer blocks 97-99% of this UV radiation from penetrating through the atmosphere. Of the ultraviolet radiation that reaches the Earth's surface, 98.7% is UVA (UVC and more energetic radiation is responsible for the generation of the ozone layer, and formation of the ozone there). Now I don't want to get to technical here and want to focus on UVA and UVB. UVB can only penetrate down through the skin to the dermis and is responsible for burning but UVA is able to penetrate down through the dermis and like Cortisol damages the Fibrocytes, those little cells that plump up our skin and give it elasticity.

One of the best places on our bodies to see the affects of gravity and demishing collagen and elastin especially on women is on the thighs often referred to as 'Cellulite'.

Because we are composed of 70% water, water is an important component of the skin, therefore it important we drink adequate water to keep ourselves hydrated. Don't wait until you feel thirsty before you reach for that drink, it is much better to sip water at regular intervals as we are constantly loosing water through bodily processes.



Everything in moderation is something to bear in mind when it comes to food and drink and that includes alcohol, but alcohol is a toxin and the liver has to work hard to break it down. The occasional drink is not going to have too much effect on the skin but it does cause the peripheral circulation to dilate and one of the characteristic signs of too much alcohol is the appearance of broken capillaries across the face, There are other causes of broken capillaries, sometimes, it's hereditary but often caused by sudden changes in temperature i.e. going from very warm central heated homes to going outdoors without protecting the skin or driving in cars with the heater blasting against the face. Squeezing spots is another cause. Too much alcohol is a depressant too, so you may feel rather jolly at the time but you are sure to come back down to earth with a bump.

Many common prescribed drugs have an effect on the skin its something to be aware of many drugs such as diuretics will cause a loss of moisture so forewarned you take extra care to apply a good moisturiser to help counteract this effect.

Recreational drugs obviously will have an effect on the skin too with many of them toxic to the body and anything that diverts the body to spend time detoxifying obviously takes energy away from repairing and maintaining the body. This is not a blog that discusses drugs I am sure readers will already know the dangers of such substances.


Smoking is one of the worst abuses you can do to your body, firstly because of its direct effect affect on the lungs, it impairs the uptake and absorption of oxygen and of course all cells in the body require oxygen in order to function normally. The nicotine as well as being addictive is a powerful vasoconstrictor therefore it reduces blood flow to the peripheral circulation so the skin and hair are going to suffer. So as well as impairing oxygen uptake and reducing blood flow to the skin, the body is also having to use its resources dealing with all the toxins also inhaled. Poorly nourished skin means it cannot repair itself adequately. Smoking also leads to more wrinkling, those little purse string lines around the mouth and crows feet caused by the smoke further research has proven that smoking causes the skin to age ten years.


How sunbeds, smoking and not eating enough fruit can age a woman's skin by TEN YEARS

  • 'Lifestyle choices' account for 33 per cent of how old a woman looks
  • Researchers carried out study on 585 woman in UK, China and Spain
  • Team asked women a series of questions about their lifestyles

A new study has found liefstyle choices can account for as much as 33 per cent of how old a woman looks
A new study has found lifestyle choices can account for as much as 33 per cent of how old a woman looks
Living an unhealthy lifestyle can age a woman’s skin by over ten years, an in-depth international study has revealed.
The true damage caused by sun beds, smoking and a lack of fruit and moisturisation in accelerating the ageing process emerged following research on 585 women in the UK, China and Spain.
The study, published yesterday, showed the factors influencing their skin were the same even taking into account the backgrounds and skin type of the women involved.
It also emerged 'lifestyle choices' often account for as much as 33 per cent of how old a woman looks.
Dr Andrew Mayes, who led the study for Simple skincare, said: 'We already knew genetics accounted for about 50 per cent of how old people look, but we didn’t know how much would be accounted for by their lifestyles.
'Even we were surprised by just how much it was; both in terms of the number of years and the percentage.'
The study which was carried out over the last eight years involved women aged 45 to 75 in the UK, 30 to 70 in Spain and 25 to 70 in China.
Study sites with controlled laboratory conditions were established in Bedford in the UK, Madrid in Spain and Shanghai in China.
Those who took part were asked a string of questions about their lifestyles including whether or not they liked to sun tan and if they were smokers or non-smokers.
Other questions included how often the women moisturised, whether they eat fruit and veg, whether they brush their teeth and if they have all their own teeth.
The research team also took digital images of the women which were then assessed for how old they looked to identify their perceived age and whether they looked younger or older than their actual age.
The study, which was carried out over the last eight years, asked women questions about their lifestyle, including whether or not they smoked
The study, which was carried out over the last eight years, asked women questions about their lifestyle, including whether or not they smoked

Those taking part in the research were also asked whether or not they liked to sun tan and how often they moisturised
Those taking part in the research were also asked whether or not they liked to sun tan and how often they moisturised

The research team, led by Dr Mayes, then compared the perceived ages of those with good versus bad lifestyles.
They concluded the difference was 10.4 years.
'We already knew genetics accounted for about 50 per cent of how old people look, but we didn’t know how much would be accounted for by their lifestyles'
- Dr Andrew Mayes
Dr Mayes added: 'The number of years' difference was most staggering - we had just seen some data out of a group of plastic surgeons in the US and Canada suggesting that a face and neck lift (together with eyelid and forehead modifications) could take an average of about 8.5 years off your facial age.
'Then we got our data through demonstrating a saving of over 10 years. It’s fair to say at first we couldn’t quite believe it.
'But the evidence was there in front of us - women with a healthy lifestyle looked much younger than those with an unhealthy lifestyle.
'Simply put; good skin health is about more than fancy creams and lotions - it’s about how we live our lives and how we treat our bodies and the steps we need to take do not need to be extreme.
'They can be small and steady and the effects will be seen over time without the need for plastic surgery.'

Sunday, 2 June 2013


Since this is a holistic website I thought I would post this article from the Daily Mail. 

The European medical leech Hirudo medicinalis and some congeners, as well as some other species, have been used for clinical bloodletting for thousands of years. The use of leeches in medicine dates as far back as 2,500 years ago, when they were used for bloodletting in ancient India. Leech therapy is explained in ancient Ayurvedic texts. Many ancient civilizations practiced bloodletting, including Indian and Greek civilizations. In ancient Greek history, bloodletting was practiced according to the humoral theory, which proposed that, when the four humors, blood, phlegm, black and yellow bile in the human body were in balance, good health was guaranteed. An imbalance in the proportions of these humors was believed to be the cause of ill health. Records of this theory were found in the Greek philosopher Hippocrates' collection in the fifth century BC. Bloodletting using leeches was one method used by physicians to balance the humors and to rid the body of the plethora.

The use of leeches in modern medicine made its comeback in the 1980s after years of decline, with the advent of microsurgeries, such as plastic and reconstructive surgeries. In operations such as these, problematic venous congestion can arise due to inefficient venous drainage. Sometimes, because of the technical difficulties in forming an anastomosis of a vein, no attempt is made to reattach a venous supply to a flap at all. This condition is known as venous insufficiency. If this congestion is not cleared up quickly, the blood will clot, arteries that bring the tissues their necessary nourishment will become plugged, and the tissues will die. To prevent this, leeches are applied to a congested flap, and a certain amount of excess blood is consumed before the leech falls away. The wound will also continue to bleed for a while due to the anticoagulant hirudin in the leeches' saliva. The combined effect is to reduce the swelling in the tissues and to promote healing by allowing fresh, oxygenated blood to reach the area.

The active anticoagulant component of leech saliva is a small protein, hirudin. Discovery and isolation of this protein led to a method of producing it by recombinant technology. Recombinant hirudin is available to physicians as an intravenous anticoagulant preparation for injection, particularly useful for patients who are allergic to or cannot tolerate heparin.

Gruesome, medieval and utterly bizarre... but leeches freed me from awful migraines

  • Writer Emma Parker Bowles cures her headaches with leeches
  • Leech therapy, or hirudotherapy, involves having leeches such your blood
  • Leeches have been used for medicinal purposes for over 3,000 year

This sucks: Emma Parker Bowles tries leech therapy in the hope that it will cure her migranes
This sucks: Emma Parker Bowles tries leech therapy in the hope that it will cure her migranes
They undulate through the water in their glass bowl, the shiny black shapes glinting as they catch the light. 
And when I peer closely at the leeches, I am sure they writhe and wriggle faster – excited as they sense me, their next meal. 
These bloodsuckers are about to be put on my face.
Their ‘keeper’, Alicja Kolyszko, puts her tweezers in the water to catch one.
‘They are very hungry,’ she says in her jolly Eastern European accent. ‘You are going to be their last supper!’
I am drawn to things dark and gruesome. And it doesn’t get much more gruesome than having bloodsuckers attached to your personage.
Dear Lord, what have I let myself in for?
As Alicja advances towards me, with a long black slimy creature wriggling in the grip of her tweezers, I remind myself just how bad my migraines are, and how I would go to any lengths to get rid of them.
The word headache doesn’t even begin to describe them – as the eight million Britons who suffer from migraines will no doubt agree. 
Migraines are miserable with bells on – actually, the idea of listening to the sound of a bell with a migraine brings me out in a sweat. When I am suffering with one, I can’t even stand the sound of my sheets rustling.
Apart from the intense throbbing, all-encompassing pain in my head, I also feel extremely nauseous and sensitive to light. I feel as if I am a vampire – a small sliver of daylight and POOF: I will spontaneously combust.
But don’t just take my word for it: severe migraine attacks are classified by the World Health Organisation as among the most disabling illnesses, comparable to dementia, quadriplegia and psychosis.
I had my first migraine at boarding school when I was 15. It was a hot summer, and when the school gardener got going with his lawnmower outside my window, I literally wanted to die.
Oddly, I didn’t have another one until my 20s and since then they have struck sporadically – I could go for six months without suffering, then there would be a whole week of agony.
Say hello to my little friend: ¿Hirudotherapist¿ Alicja shows Emma the leeches which are about to be places on her face to feast on her blood
Say hello to my little friend: ¿Hirudotherapist¿ Alicja shows Emma the leeches which are about to be places on her face to feast on her blood

Some find there are triggers: hormonal cycles, stress, red wine. But mine hit me without rhyme or reason.
Which is why I decided to give leech therapy, or hirudotherapy – to give the treatment its correct medical term – a go.
As a believer in alternative medicine, I wanted to try something natural and holistic that didn’t involve days spent downing industrial-strength analgesics.
I remembered reading about Demi Moore having leech therapy at a clinic in Austria last year. The actress had the treatment to ‘detoxify her blood’ as part of an alternative beauty therapy. 
‘I have always been somebody looking for the cutting edge of things that are optimising your health and healing,’ she said afterwards. If it’s good enough for Demi, it’s good enough for me, I thought.
Living in Los Angeles now, I have seen Demi in the flesh. Up close, believe it or not, she is a natural beauty, very un-Hollywood. No fillers or collagen that I could detect.
So if the leeches could do things for my appearance as well as my health, then all the better.
And before you put me and Demi in a box marked ‘Complete loons’, it seems modern medicine is also looking to this rather medieval practice as a solution for a host of ailments.
Vampire weekend: Alicija careful places the leaches on Emma's face to start the migrane treatment
Vampire weekend: Alicija careful places the leaches on Emma's face to start the migrane treatment

In the 1980s, leeches began to be used by reconstructive plastic surgeons needing to remove stagnant blood from reattached limbs, to stave off gangrene.
But now there are numerous studies into medical uses for leeches. One found that a single session of leeching – the medical application of bloodsucking leeches – can significantly reduce knee pain caused by arthritis for at least two months.
Researchers from the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany claimed improvement levels were comparable to those achieved with daily moderate doses of painkillers such as ibuprofen. And before you say you’d probably rather pop a pill, consider the damage regularly taking painkillers can do to the stomach.


Bloodletting is the withdrawal  of quantities of blood from a patient to cure or prevent illness and disease.
Evidence of the practice dates back 3,000 years to Ancient Egypt. It was widespread in mid-19th Century Britain, when six million leeches were imported each year for this purpose.
Though doctors recommended it – fevers, apoplexy and headaches were thought to be caused by ‘too much blood’ – barbers carried out the procedure. 
Leeches – parasitic worms that feed on blood – were used as an alternative to just cutting the patient’s arm to release blood.
The withdrawal of enough blood to induce syncope (fainting) was considered beneficial, and many sessions would end only when the patient began to swoon.
Bloodletting was discredited at the end of the 19th Century as doctors felt it left patients weak and prone to infection, but it has had a recent resurgence, with a wave of celebrities trying it.
Another clinical trial at the university is investigating whether nerve pain caused by shingles could also be remedied by leeching.
The secret is in the leeches’ saliva: it apparently contains a large number of analgesic, anaesthetic, and blood-thinning compounds that tackle pain and inflammation, say the researchers.
Google led me to Alicja, a Russian/Polish hirudotherapist with ten years’ experience. She is based in Las Vegas and New York but she has clients from all around the world.
Her passion for natural medicine goes back to her childhood in 1960s Poland, where leeches were used as a popular ‘country healing method’ to cure various health problems. 
Back then, Kolyszko reminisces, leeches were sold at many pharmacies. Her grandmother would bring one home whenever any family member got sick, pop it on for an hour, and everything would be better.
I called her and within five minutes I was swept away by her passion for leeches, or ‘black pearls’, as she describes them.
These aren’t your common-or- garden leeches (there are more than 700 species that live wild in freshwater and marine environments – one once attached itself to my buttock while I was bathing in the Mekong river in Cambodia). 
Medicinal leeches are specially cultivated in a sterile environment. The largest leech farm in the world – Biopharm in Hendy, South Wales – was established in 1812, moving to its current base in 1984.
Alicja has treated people with all sorts of conditions and illnesses, from infertility to heart conditions to alopecia, and even runs a hirudotherapy training school.
She says the secretions from leeches’ saliva can be used to treat the entire spectrum of physiology: blood-clotting, digestion, connective tissue, disease, pain, inhibition of enzymes, and as a treatment for inflammation.
Go with the flow: An illustration showing a doctor performing bloodletting on a man
Go with the flow: An illustration showing a doctor performing bloodletting on a man

Armed with this information, and her assurance that she had helped many migraine patients live pain-free, I find myself reclining on my living-room sofa waiting for a leech to bite into me for the first time. It is – how can I put it politely? – an unusual experience.
For a start, when they sense (I am told, smell) flesh, they wiggle and crane their heads toward you. But the worst part is the anticipation. It’s like getting an injection – the sensible thing is not to look at the needle, though I find it impossible not to. And so it is with the wriggling leech.
Just before it bit into me, I could feel its cold and slimy body against my temple. But once it actually did, I was relieved that it felt like no more than a mild sting – the leech secretes an anaesthetic that numbs the skin, otherwise the pain would be unbearable. Botox is a million times worse.
Once Alicja is sure the leech has got to work, then it’s time for the next one, and the one after that, until you have four attached to you. You can definitely feel them working – it is a mild tugging sensation.
I know this sounds extraordinary, but I felt incredibly relaxed. The treatment takes about 40 minutes, until the leech is full and falls off, leaving a mark in the shape of a peace sign. They swell to about four times their normal size, as they become gorged with blood.
Once the leeches have done their job, Alicja sends them off to leech heaven by putting them in alcohol (she says it upsets her every time) as reusing them would risk cross-infections. The few hours after the treatment are not for the squeamish – as you do continue to bleed. The next day, I felt exhausted but wonderful. Within a few days, the wounds scab and disappear.
To get the most out of hirudotherapy, you need about three sessions within weeks of each other. I have not had a migraine since that first session. More than that, I feel rejuvenated.
Leeches really are miracle workers. I am a total convert.

Thursday, 30 May 2013


Anything that might help this debilitating problem is definitely worth trying and I can see how possibly this might work. In holistic terms the body works as a whole, for too long orthodox medicine has pigeon holed ailments and for certain complaints, particularly  chronic ones this has not effected a cure. Interesting study and I would like to see further research on this.

Could eating yoghurt help treat depression? Study finds probiotics affect areas of the brain related to emotions and reasoning

  • U.S. researchers found that eating yoghurt twice daily reduced activity in areas of the brain associated with emotion and pain
  • But there was increased activity in areas associated with decision-making
  • Mechanisms behind changes are unclear but it is clear that gut bacteria send signals to the brain that can change over time depending on diet
  • Scientists hope that a probiotic therapy may one day be available for  conditions including anxiety, depression and even autism and Alzheimer's

Probiotics found in natural yogurt could help boost a person’s mood because they affect brain function, according to new research.
Previous studies had shown that beneficial bacteria affected the brains of rats but no research has confirmed that the same occurred in human brains.
The study found that those who ate probiotic yoghurt twice daily for a month showed altered brain function, both in resting brain activity and in response to an 'emotional attention task', which was designed to monitor how the brain responded to certain emotions.
Dairy goodness: Scientists discovered that eating probiotic yogurt twice a day affected brain activity, although quite how they did this is unknown
Dairy goodness: Scientists discovered that eating probiotic yogurt twice a day for a month reduced activity in areas of the brain associated with emotion and pain

It has been known for some time that symbiotic gut bacteria, the complex ecosystem of microorganisms that live in the human digestive system, promote health by boosting immunity, aiding digestion, as well as maintain a healthy weight and blood pressure.
It has also been known that the brain sends signals to the gut, which is why stress and other emotions can contribute to gastrointestinal symptoms. This study shows that signals travel the opposite way as well.
    ‘Our findings indicate that some of the contents of yogurt may actually change the way our brain responds to the environment. 
    ‘When we consider the implications of this work, the old sayings "you are what you eat" and "gut feelings'" take on new meaning,’ said Dr. Kirsten Tillisch of UCLA's School of Medicine, who led the study.
    Beneficial bacteria found in fermented products such a yoghurt have long been known to boost immunity
    Beneficial bacteria found in fermented products such a yoghurt have long been known to boost immunity
    ‘Time and time again we hear from patients that they never felt depressed or anxious until they started experiencing problems with their gut. 
    ‘Our study shows that the gut-brain connection is a two-way street,’ she added.
    Tillisch's team recruited 36 women of a healthy weight aged between 18 and 53.
    They were assigned to one of three groups. One group ate a yogurt with live bacterial cultures  containing probiotic strains such as Bifidobacterium animalis, Streptococcus thermophiles, and Lactobacillus bulgaricus twice a day for one month.
    Another ate a dairy product which contained no living bacteria, and another was given no dairy products at all.
    Before and after the one-month study period, the researchers conducted functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) brain scans on the women. 
    In each session, they started with a five-minute scan of the brain at rest, while the women lay still with their eyes closed.
    Afterwards, the participants were asked to perform an ‘emotional faces attention task’, in which their brains were scanned while they matched a series of angry or fearful faces on a computer screen to other faces that appeared.
    The results showed that during the emotional task, women who ate the probiotic yogurt had reduced activity in a brain network that included the somatosensory cortex - which receives sensory information - and the insula, a brain region that integrates sensory feedback from internal parts of the body including the gut. 
    You are what you eat?: Probiotic yoghurts are already very popular in the UK. The findings show that nutritional therapy could one day play a vital role in treating some neurological disorders
    You are what you eat?: Probiotic yoghurts are already very popular in the UK. The findings show that nutritional therapy could one day play a vital role in treating patients with disorders that cause pain and emotional upset

    They also had reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex, precuneus, and basal ganglia, which handle aspects of cognition and emotion.
    The women who ate non-probiotic yogurt or no dairy showed either no change, or an increase of activity in this network over time.
    In the resting state, the brain scans of the women who ate probiotic yogurt showed stronger connectivity in a neural network which connects the periaqueductal grey (PAG) &mdash a region of the brainstem involved in responding to pain and emotional stimuli — to areas of the prefrontal cortex related to aspects of cognition like decision-making.
    Experts hope that one day probiotics may provide a therapy for neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's
    Experts hope that one day probiotics may provide a therapy for neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's
    The women who ate no dairy, however, had stronger connectivity of the PAG to sensory and emotion-related parts of the brain, like the insula, somatosensory cortex, and amygdala.
    The mechanisms behind these changes are unclear, wrote the researchers, but it's clear that gut bacteria send molecular signals to the brain that can change over time.
    Dr. Emeran Mayer, who also worked on the study, said that what we eat alters the way our gut bacteria breaks down food. 
    While diets high in vegetables and fibre promote healthy gut bacteria, the typical Western diet full of fats, sugars, and carbohydrates, can do the opposite.
    The research team hopes to identify which signals from the gut bacteria lead to a shift in brain activity. 
    People with digestive conditions linked to gut dysbiosis (an imbalances in gut bacteria) such as irritable bowel syndrome, might show such shifts in brain response if they are treated with probiotics.
    Dr Mayer also suggested that specific probiotic strains in yogurt could have health benefits such as relieving anxiety, stress, and other mood symptoms over time.
    As tests to analyse bacteria growth in individuals become more readily available, it will become easier to see how someone's gut bacteria makeup influences factors like brain development, stress, and pain sensitivity.
    It is possible that changing the composition of gut bacteria could lead to treatments for chronic pain disorders, he said, as well as symptoms of brain conditions like autism, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's disease.





    I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

    Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
    A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
    Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
    A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
    Q. What is free will?
    A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
    Q. How does free will affect a situation?
    A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
    Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
    A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
    Q. So what is the Aura?
    A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.