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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Saturday, 19 November 2016


Other mediums and myself have been trying to enlighten people about the otherside for years and its good to see another account. Its just as I have been shown by my guides. I am not a medium to forecast the future for no one can accurately but to give survival evidence proof that life exists after physical death and its eternal. We are here on Earth to learn and grow, to grow more spiritually and to learn unconditional love is eternal and more important than anything.

The reason I started this blog in the first place was to show you there are much more to us than what we see on the outside and when you radiate unconditional love from your soul you'll experience more contentment and radiate true beauty from your soul.

There are many glimpse of the afterlife stories and they have a common theme, we see loved ones who have passed over and we have the opportunity to learn, grow and develop. This account is by a highly intelligent articulate man, who previously was materialistic and not interested in being spiritual. 

I might add he confirms what my guides have told me that Hell is of our own making and we are not destined to stay there if we realise the error of our ways and accept unconditional love for others is more important than anything. He has been given a wonderful gift and shown and to show others what is most important in life


I found the story below from The Daily Mail.

The top doctor who swears he saw a glimpse of hell: No-nonsense anaesthetist dismissed patients who said they'd had out-of-body experiences until HE went under the knife

  • Rajiv Parti heard people say they'd seen dead friends during cardiac arrest
  • Doctor said patients also claimed to have seen lights at the end of a tunnel 
  • He was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had a series of operations 
  • During one operation he saw visions of his family and former patients
By all indications, the patient on the operating table was dead. His heart had been stopped, his body drained of blood and he was no longer capable of breathing on his own.
He was, in fact, in suspended animation — through a surgical procedure that replaces the blood with a cool fluid and stops all bodily functions. Meanwhile, surgeons had just one hour to repair a tear in the main artery leading to his heart.
This is a difficult operation, not to mention dangerous. And, as the hospital’s chief anaesthetist, it was my job to make sure that the patient remained deeply unconscious throughout.
Dr Rajiv Parti (pictured) had had many patients who claimed to have seen strange things while on the operating table but thought it was all nonsense. That was until he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had to go under the knife himself 
Dr Rajiv Parti (pictured) had had many patients who claimed to have seen strange things while on the operating table but thought it was all nonsense. That was until he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had to go under the knife himself 

He did, and thankfully he survived.
In the recovery room later, I was there by his side as he woke up — with a smile on his face.
‘I was watching you guys in the operating room,’ he told me. ‘I was out of my body, floating around by the ceiling. I saw you just standing at the head of the table, I saw the surgeon sewing the patch on my artery, I saw that nurse . . .’
Everything he said was uncannily accurate. But could he really have witnessed it all?
No, of course not — how could he see anything when his heart wasn’t beating, his head was packed in ice and his brain had stopped functioning?
He wasn’t the first patient of mine to have reported strange events. Over the course of my 25-year career, I’d heard people claim to have seen deceased friends during a cardiac arrest, or lights at the end of tunnels or people made of light.
I’d always thought such stories were nonsense, so I said I’d return to talk to him later. But I never did.
By the next day, he’d been moved to another department, so he was no longer technically in my charge. And time, after all, is money. That’s how materialistic I was.
Within a few days, that patient had become just another anecdote.

In many ways, my wife, Arpana, and I had a charmed life. She ran her own dental practice and I was making a very good living not only as an anaesthetist, but also as the co-founder of a private pain clinic.
Soon we’d traded our small house for a larger one and then a mansion. Our cars went from average Fords and Toyotas to ‘supercars’, including a Porsche and a Hummer. I was even planning on buying a Ferrari: my goal was bigger everything — house, cars, art collection, bank accounts.
Naturally, I’d made sure my three children had the finest possible education. And I had my eldest son Raghav’s life all mapped out: he was going to follow in my footsteps and become a doctor.
The only problem was that he wasn’t that interested in medicine, and his grades reflected that. I had no sympathy: I shouted at him a lot, punishing him with my anger. Like my father and grandfather before me, my theory of child-raising was: ‘A bent nail must be straightened with a hammer.’
Otherwise, I felt my life was near-perfect.
Then, in 2008, at the age of 51, I found out I had prostate cancer. I was furious with God: what had I done to deserve this? Still, I booked an operation with one of the best prostate surgeons in the country and assumed that all would be well. ‘I can almost guarantee no complications,’ the surgeon told me — but something went drastically wrong, and I was left with incredibly painful scar tissue and other debilitating side-effects.
There were five more operations over the next two years to try to repair the damage, but none of them really worked.
Then one evening, just two weeks after my fifth operation, I suddenly felt faint. My temperature was 105f.
Dr Parti said he felt himself 'zooming straight up' as soon as he was put to sleep before his operation 
Dr Parti said he felt himself 'zooming straight up' as soon as he was put to sleep before his operation 
I knew instantly what was happening: despite two courses of strong antibiotics, an infection was spreading rapidly in my abdomen. And if I didn’t get help fast, I’d soon be dead from septic shock.
My wife, tears streaming down her face, managed to bundle me into her BMW and drive me to hospital, where I was quickly loaded on to a trolley.
I remember emerging from a fog to see a surgeon looming above me. He held his hands like a praying mantis, a sign that they were scrubbed for surgery and ready to be gloved.
Next time I surfaced, I was in the operating theatre. I managed to tell the anaesthetist what I did for a living and ask him what he was about to give me. Propofol and fentanyl, he said. In other words, the usual — exactly what I would have selected.
‘Are you ready?’ asked the surgeon. He waved his gloved hand at the anaesthetist, and I was asleep before I could answer.
Was it over? Was the surgery already over? I felt myself zooming straight up, as if in a lift. It was the same feeling you get in the pit of the stomach when you’re rocketing to the 20th floor of a skyscraper.
Slowly, my consciousness began to return: I could see the ceiling approaching, its glossy surface slowly getting closer.
Then I looked down and saw my own abdomen, now with several incisions. I heard the anaesthetist make an off-colour joke. I won’t repeat it, but everyone in the operating theatre laughed, including me.
But where was I? For a few moments, I froze with fright, worried that whatever was holding me up on the ceiling would suddenly let me drop. Eventually, though, I relaxed, watching in rapt amazement as the surgeons and nurses worked on my body.
‘Is that really me, or is this really me?’ I wondered. ‘How can I be in both places at once?’
Suddenly, I became aware of a shift in my perspective as my field of vision expanded. I was still in the operating theatre, but at the same time I could see my mother and sister sitting on a sofa in our family home, thousands of miles away in New Delhi — where I’d grown up.
The scene was vivid and detailed. My sister was wearing blue jeans and a red sweater and my mother a green sari and a green sweater.
‘What should we make for dinner?’ my sister asked.
‘It’s cold outside,’ said my mother. ‘We should make hot soup. Lentil sounds good.’
I was so focused on them that the sudden sound of instruments clanking in the operating theatre gave me a start. Turning my head to the left, I found I could still see and hear the scene below me.
‘This guy’s a mess. He’s lucky to be here. Give me more swabs,’ said the surgeon to a nurse.
I was now seriously frightened. What was going on? Would my untethered consciousness ever get back into my body — or was I destined to roam through eternity as a spirit?
I flew up to the ceiling as the medics operated 
Was I dead? I felt like an astronaut who’d left his spacesuit, only to find that a suit was unnecessary to begin with. With rising panic, I looked back and forth at the two scenes — until both started to fade like a fast-setting sun. Everything went dark. I was relieved: I’m returning to my body, I thought.
Then came a jolt of pure fear. To my right, I heard screams of pain and anguish. I was drawn in, as if on a moving pavement, to the edge of a flaming canyon. Smoke filled my nostrils, and with it the sickening odour of burning flesh. I knew then that I was on the lip of hell.
I tried to turn away, but each time I took a step back, an unseen force moved me forward. A voice spoke to me telepathically. ‘You have led a materialistic and selfish life,’ it said. I knew that was true, and felt ashamed. Over the years, I’d lost empathy for my patients.
Standing on the rim of hell, I remembered a woman who’d come to my clinic for treatment of chronic arthritis. She was in considerable pain, but that wasn’t the reason why she was weeping.
‘I need to talk to you, doctor,’ she said to me. ‘My husband’s dying of lung cancer, and I don’t know what to do.’
‘I’d love to talk to you,’ I said, writing out a prescription for pain-killers and sleeping pills. ‘But I have several patients waiting.’
I was like a robot. I’d trained myself to blunt my emotions. Worse, I had trained myself to think only of myself.
While asleep Dr Parti says he left his body and 'felt like an astronaut who’d left his spacesuit'. He saw visions of his family and former patients (stock photo) 
While asleep Dr Parti says he left his body and 'felt like an astronaut who’d left his spacesuit'. He saw visions of his family and former patients (stock photo) 
As the smoke billowed and the burning souls screamed around me, I thought of my possessions and how meaningless they were. Why did I have all these things? Why did I need a home so big that, when we were in different parts of the house, we had to communicate through our iPhones?
I felt steeped in shame. But I knew my chance to change was gone: at any moment now, I’d be pulled into the pit of fire to burn for eternity. There seemed no way out, but I prayed for one anyway.
‘My God, give me another chance. Please give me another chance.’
Almost at that instant, I did get my second chance — in the form of the last person I ever expected to see. It was my father. I recognised him immediately, though he looked at least 30 years younger than when he’d died.
He took my hand in his and led me away from the edge of hell, as if I were still a little boy.
Then, putting his arm around me, my father tried to comfort me — and it was the first time I could remember him touching me affectionately.
To be honest, I almost shrank back — even at the age of 53, I was still afraid that my father was going to beat me, just as he had so many times in my childhood.
But, just then, I had a vivid flashback of the day he found out I’d bunked off school and gave me a savage beating with a cricket bat.
Suddenly, I was seeing it all from his perspective. His own dreams of bettering himself had come to nothing, so he’d beat me because he couldn’t bear to see me wasting my life.
What I’d discovered in my father’s mind wasn’t hatred, but fear. He’d been frightened that I wouldn’t take advantage of my chances and go on to university. His tyranny, I finally understood, had been born of love.
And now this. My father, my cruel and despotic father, was spiritually rescuing me from hell! I looked into his eyes, and my hard heart melted with love.
No words came from his mouth, but for the first time I learned from him that his own father had abused him, just as he’d abused me.
‘Anger,’ my father told me, ‘isn’t usually about an event. It’s passed on from father to son. If you know that, you can stop it; you can choose not to be angry. Simple love is the most important thing in the universe.’
I asked myself, would I ever return to the land of the living? If I did, I would have to focus on love; I would have to break the cycle of anger in my family.
The scenery was changing: I noticed now that we’d walked straight into a tunnel. Incredibly, it was soon teeming with people I knew were my ancestors, reaching out hands of welcome.
I recognised my grandfather, who gave me a look of sheer joy. ‘Love is the most important thing there is,’ he told me. Then both he and my father simply faded away.
I was now halfway through the tunnel. And that’s when I had a life review — in which I re-experienced in detail all the good things that had ever happened in my childhood — from being given sweets by my sisters to the warm feeling of being swathed in my mother’s love.
Again, a telepathic message came from nowhere: ‘The simple moments are the most important. All moments are memory and lessons. They all build the person you are.’
I was nearing the end of the tunnel now, where a light shone more brightly than a thousand suns. I could feel it pulling me weightlessly towards it, but I felt no fear.
Before I could reach the light, however, two angelic forms emerged into the tunnel. Exuding powerful energy as they hovered above me, they introduced themselves as my guardians — the archangels Michael and Raphael.
Now, I’m a Hindu. So it was only later that I learned that St Raphael is the angel of healers, and St Michael is the protector of people and the angel who opens doors.
Both archangels had a human shape, yet they shimmered with light and had a thick translucence. Michael had a blue hue and long hair; Raphael was greenish and wore a cap.
In a moment, I was lifted by them and guided towards the blazing light before us. As we approached, I found myself high above a green meadow, peppered with rose bushes. Just the sweet smell of the grass and roses made me almost delirious with pleasure.
Burning souls were screaming all around me
We travelled on to a higher plane and then a higher one still, until I was surrounded by a landscape of clear light. Raphael explained that at the highest level, you are surrounded by a powerful energy that consists of pure love and intelligence — the underlying fabric of everything in the universe.
Enlightenment comes, added Michael, when a person realises that love is everywhere and is the only thing that matters. Yet most people don’t realise this until they leave the earth.
With that, they took me by the arms and we moved rapidly upwards towards a being of light, a silver-blue form that showed no sign of being male or female.
When it engulfed me with its blue light, I felt as if I were being wrapped in a blanket of pure love. ‘I am one with the universe,’ I thought.
The being started communicating telepathically. ‘You need to look at your life one more time,’ it said. ‘It’s important to reflect on changes that you need to make.’
It went on to tell me that I was destined to become a healer of souls — helping people with problems such as addiction, depression and chronic pain.
I would no longer be an anaesthetist; instead I’d become a practitioner of spiritual medicine, of ‘consciousness-based healing’.
I don’t know how long I stayed with the being. But my exit, when it happened, was sudden and rapid as I fell into a white fog. For the first time, my eyes began to hurt, so I closed them.
And when I opened them . . . I was in the recovery room. My heart was beating hard and my lungs pumping double time.
‘How do you feel?’ It was the anaesthetist, still in his scrubs. ‘That was a rough one,’ he said, referring to my surgery.
I must have looked stunned, because when I didn’t respond, the anaesthetist leaned closer. ‘Are you all right?’ he asked.
‘I saw you during my surgery,’ I said. ‘I left my body and watched you from the ceiling.’
Two angels lifted me up and guided me to the light 
‘Interesting,’ he said, his voice a study in disinterest.
‘No, really. I watched as you administered the anaesthetic and even heard you tell a joke.’ I repeated his risque joke, word for word, and he blushed.
‘I must not have given you enough anaesthesia,’ he said, looking hard at my file in order to avoid meeting my gaze.
I wasn’t about to be fobbed off. As one professional to another, I was determined to tell him exactly what I’d seen. So I described going to India, where I’d seen my mother and sister, and travelling to the edge of hell. I’d just started on the next part when he glanced at his watch and flipped the file shut.
‘Very interesting,’ he said. ‘I’ll come back later to hear about it.’
I never saw him again.
When the surgeon came in to check on me, I started recounting my out-of-body experience all over again, and this time got all the way to the tunnel entrance.
At that point, he reached for his phone — which wasn’t ringing. Then he excused himself by saying he had an ‘important call’.

After recovering, Dr Parti resigned from his job as chief anaesthetist at Bakersfield Heart Hospital in California — much to the bewilderment of his colleagues — got rid of all his expensive cars and sold his mansion, moving into a house half the size.
His wife supported all his decisions, keeping the family afloat while he established a new practice to heal people though meditation and other alternative methods.
Realising he’d placed his ego above his eldest boy’s happiness, Dr Parti encouraged his son — then in his third year at medical school — to find a career he preferred.
His son is now happily training to be a computer programmer and enjoys a close relationship with the father he once feared.

Adapted from Dying To Wake Up by Dr Rajiv Parti (Hay House, £10.99). © Rajiv Parti 2016. To buy a copy for £8.79 (valid to November 26, 2016), call 0844 571 0640 or visit mailbookshop.co.uk. P&P is free on orders over £15

23 Aug 2016

by Dr Rajiv Parti and Paul Perry
Get it by Monday, Nov 21
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Astrid Brown (Author)
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Friday, 11 November 2016


Supermoons can have a potential impact of natural disasters and astrologically it is an intensified New Moon or Full Moon. With a New Moon you often focus on personal beginnings, however when there is a Supermoon  new beginnings will have a more momentous tone this also applies to a Full Moon, events will seem even more dramatic. The Moon is also associated with emotions and  so when a Supermoon is involved you can be more emotional than usual moods will suffer extreme swings and there will be no shortage of drama. The moon tends to have more of an effect on women so they can find their emotions are more intensified.

In view of what is happening in the world at the moment it's understandable.


The ultimate guide to the biggest supermoon in living memory: MailOnline reveals how to watch the stunning spectacle on Monday

  • Supermoons are new or full moons that occur when the moon's orbit brings it particularly close to Earth
  • On Monday the full moon will appear 14 per cent larger and 30 per cent brighter than it normally does
  • It'll be the closest to Earth it's been since January 1948, and the closest full moon to date in the 21st century
The moon doesn't get much bigger and brighter than this.
On Monday, sky gazers across the world will be treated to a so-called supermoon – the closest full moon of the year.
It will be closer to the planet than it has been since 1948, and this month's full moon is set to be the biggest supermoon in living memory.
The once-in-a-lifetime sight takes place on the 14th of the month when the full moon will appear 14 per cent larger and 30 per cent brighter than normal.
It will be closer to the planet than it has been since 1948, and this month's full moon is set to be the biggest supermoon in living memory. People will be treated to the once-in-a-lifetime sight on the 14th of the month, when the full moon will appear 14 per cent larger and 30 per cent brighter than normal 
It will be closer to the planet than it has been since 1948, and this month's full moon is set to be the biggest supermoon in living memory. People will be treated to the once-in-a-lifetime sight on the 14th of the month, when the full moon will appear 14 per cent larger and 30 per cent brighter than normal 


Supermoons are new or full moons that occur when the orbit of the moon brings it particularly close to Earth.
For this reason, it appears to be bigger than normal - by about 10 per cent.
We usually get between four and six supermoons a year, but this November is special because the moon will be closer to Earth than at any time this century, and we won't get as near again until 2034. 
The moon’s orbit is elliptical rather than perfectly circular, so as the moon moves around the Earth it is sometimes a little bit closer and sometimes a bit further away from us.
'If a full moon happens to occur when the Moon is also at its closest point then it will look slightly larger and brighter than usual – this is what is popularly known as a "supermoon",' Dr Marek Kukula, Public Astronomer at the Royal Observatory Greenwich told MailOnline. 
'It’s a natural part of the moon’s cycle and happens around once a year. 
'The differences in apparent size and brightness amount to few percent but they can enhance the already beautiful sight of the full moon, making a supermoon worth looking up for.'
For this reason, it appears to be bigger than normal - by about 10 per cent.
We usually get between four and six supermoons a year, but this November is special because the moon will be closer to Earth than at any time this century, and we won't get as near again until 2034.
During the event, it will appear up to 14 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than an average full moon.  
A winter supermoon is supersized, because the Earth is closest to the sun in December each year, which means its gravity pulls the moon closer to the planet making it appear brighter and larger than those that occur during the rest of the year.
The best time to view a super moon is when the moon is low on the horizon where 'an illusion will occur that makes it look unnaturally larger,' according to AccuWeather.
Since the moon's orbit is elliptical, one side (perigee) is about 30,000 miles (48, 280 km) closer to Earth than the other 

Supermoons are new or full moons that occur when the orbit of the moon brings it particularly close to Earth. For this reason, it appears to be bigger than normal - by about 10 per cent

On November 14th, the Moon will be the closest to Earth it's been since January 1948. During the event, it will appear up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than an average full moon.


It was not until 1979 that Astrologer Richard Nolle first defined the supermoon, which is now a widely-used term, as 'a new or full moon which occurs with the moon at or near (within 90 per cent of) its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit'.
The moon has to be 226,000 miles (363,711 km) away from the Earth to be considered 'super' which normally happens only once every 14 months. However, there will be no supermoons in 2017.
Because of its close proximity to the Earth, the moon's surface appears a lot bigger when a supermoon occurs, which makes for stunning photography.
A winter supermoon is supersized, as the Earth is closest to the sun in December each year, which means its gravity pulls the moon closer to the planet making it appear brighter and larger than those that occur during the rest of the year.
Supermoons will get smaller in the future as the moon is slowly propelling itself out of Earth's orbit, moving 1.5 inches (3.8cm) further from the Earth each year.  
The supermoon will arrive next Monday, on November 14.
As long as the sky is clear, it should be an excellent night to gaze upon the lunar spectacle.
It will be the second supermoon of the year, the first having already happened on October 16, and the third expected on December 14.
At 8.09 PM GMT (3.09 PM ET) the moon will be the closest it has been to the Earth since 1948, at a distance of around 217,000 miles (350,000 km).
This will be when the moon is at its biggest and brightest during the day. 
'I've been telling people to go out at night on either Sunday or Monday night to see the supermoon,' said Noah Petro, deputy project scientist for NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) mission. 
'The difference in distance from one night to the next will be very subtle, so if it's cloudy on Sunday, go out on Monday. Any time after sunset should be fine. 
'Since the moon is full, it'll rise at nearly the same time as sunset, so I'd suggest that you head outside after sunset, or once it's dark and the moon is a bit higher in the sky. 
'You don't have to stay up all night to see it, unless you really want to!' 
Experts suggest that, provided that the sky is clear and you have a view to the South, the moon will be clearly visible.
'Like any full moon it will rise above the ground in the East at sunset and reach its highest point in the sky at midnight before descending to set with the rising sun,' Colin Stuart, astronomy author, told MailOnline.
'This is the same for everyone on Earth.'  
For an even better view, try viewing from a spot with as little light pollution as possible.
The extraordinary visual effect of the moon is more pronounced when viewed near the horizon.
'The moon will look particularly big when seen close to the ground. It isn't actually bigger, but due to an effect called the moon Illusion it appears like it is,' Mr Stuart said.
'So if you can view it rising from a location with an unobstructed Eastern horizon free from trees and buildings you're more likely to see it at its "biggest".' 
'You don’t need any special equipment to see it the supermoon – just your eyes and a clear, cloud-free view of the sky,' Dr Marek Kukula, Public Astronomer at the Royal Observatory Greenwich told MailOnline. 
'The moon usually appears most impressive when it’s close to the horizon, so look out for it as it rises in the eastern sky around 6pm on the evenings of November 13th and 14th.' 
If you want to watch it without even moving out of the house, Slooh Observatory will be doing a live broadcast
'Many people these days don't have a connection with the night sky because light pollution ruins our view of space from built up areas,' Mr Stuart said.
'Something as easy to see as an unusually bright full moon is a great way to spark people's interest in astronomy and think about how our solar system works. 
'Hopefully that will make them curious about seeing more of the wonders of the universe for themselves.'
Experts suggest that, provided that the sky is clear and you have a view to the south, the moon will be clearly visible. For an even better view, try viewing from a spot with as little light pollution as possible. Image of the supermoon by Albert Dros taken using Sony¿s 70-200 G Master lens
Experts suggest that, provided that the sky is clear and you have a view to the south, the moon will be clearly visible. For an even better view, try viewing from a spot with as little light pollution as possible. Image of the supermoon by Albert Dros taken using Sony’s 70-200 G Master lens


Always surrounded by an aura of mystery, the moon and its possible influence over human behaviour has been object of ancestral fascination and mythical speculation for centuries.
While the full moon can't turn people into werewolves, some people do accuse it of causing a bad night's sleep or creating physical and mental alterations.
Dr Niall McCrae, a mental health researcher at King's College London, has spent years studying the phenomenon.
He told MailOnline he was first inspired to write his book 'The Moon and Madness' because looking back through archives he found a lack of research into the link between a full moon and mental health issues in the early 19th century. It appeared people were trying to distance themselves from the folklore, he said.
But, in stark contrast to this, mental health nurses Dr McCrae spoke to told of strong beliefs that at the time of a full moon, patients were more restless and agitated.
He said years ago, when mental health hospitals were buildings far away from cities placed on hills, with no curtains, the idea of a full moon affecting their sleep is very plausible.
Once one patient was woken by the light from the moon, they could become anxious or agitated and disturb other patients, causing a scene.
'In this environment, it's not unbelievable that moonlight can be a disturbing factor,' he said.
In the Bible, people described as 'lunatics' who fell to the ground, shaking, during a full moon might have been suffering from epileptic fits, he added.
Nowadays, he says, mental health care has changed and with different treatment, along with medication and artificial lighting, patients are less likely to be affected by the light from the moon.
To establish if lunar phases affect humans, an international group of researchers studied children in to see if their sleeping patterns changed or if there were any differences in their daily activities.
The research studied a total of 5,812 children from five continents, and the results were published in May this year. 
The researchers found, in general, nocturnal sleep duration around full moon compared to new moon reported an average decrease of five minutes (or a one per cent variant).
Another study found healthy adults slept for 20 minutes less time during a full moon, Dr McCrae told MailOnline. 
Some argue the moon has an impact on the weather, but the evidence shows this is not significant.
'The weather isn’t affected by the moon,' Dr Marek Kukula told MailOnline.
'However the moon does affect the tides and, because the moon will be at its closest point to the Earth, high and low tides may be slightly more extreme than usual around the date of the supermoon - but only by a few centimetres.
Dr David Harland, space historian and author, said: 'It's possible that the moon may be a kilometre or two closer to Earth than normal at a perigee, but it's an utterly insignificant event. '
Previous supermoons took place in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005 - all years that had extreme weather events, conspiracy theorists say.
The tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people in Indonesia happened two weeks before the January 2005 supermoon. And on Christmas Day 1974, Cyclone Tracy laid waste to Darwin, Australia. 
But Pete Wheeler of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy greeted warnings of an impending apocalypse with scepticism before the supermoon in 2011.
'There will be no earthquakes or volcanoes erupting, unless they are to happen anyway,' he told news.com.au at the time.
'Earth will experience just a lower than usual low tide and a higher than usual high tide around the time of the event, but nothing to get excited about.'
During a full moon, the sun and the moon are pulling on Earth from opposite sides - making the chances of any dramatic tidal events unlikely. 
While the full moon can't turn people into werewolves, some people do accuse it of causing a bad night's sleep or creating physical and mental alterations. Image of the supermoon by Albert Dros taken with Sony¿s 70-200 G Master lens
While the full moon can't turn people into werewolves, some people do accuse it of causing a bad night's sleep or creating physical and mental alterations. Image of the supermoon by Albert Dros taken with Sony’s 70-200 G Master lens
Supermoons are new or full moons that occur when the orbit of the moon brings it particularly close to Earth. For this reason, it appears to be bigger than normal - by about 10 per cent. The supermoon will arrive next Monday on November 14. As long as the sky is clear, it should be an excellent night to gaze upon the lunar spectacle
Supermoons are new or full moons that occur when the orbit of the moon brings it particularly close to Earth. For this reason, it appears to be bigger than normal - by about 10 per cent. The supermoon will arrive next Monday on November 14. As long as the sky is clear, it should be an excellent night to gaze upon the lunar spectacle


Myth and folklore feature tales of werewolves being affected by phases of the moon, and it appears this behaviour isn't as far-fetched as it may seem.
Coastal wading birds shape their lives around the tides and new research shows different species follow prey cycles tied to our lunar satellite.
Experts now plan to study how their prey responds to such tidal forces to learn more about this behaviour.
While the full moon can't turn people into werewolves, some people do accuse it of causing a bad night's sleep or creating physical and mental alterations. 
To establish if lunar phases affect humans, an international group of researchers studied children in May this year to see if their sleeping patterns changed or if there were any differences in their daily activities.  
The research studied a total of 5,812 children from five continents.
The children came from a wide range of economic and sociocultural levels, and variables such as age, sex, highest parental education, day of measurement, body mass index score, nocturnal sleep duration, level of physical activity and total sedentary time were considered.
Data collection took place over 28 months, which is equivalent to the same number of lunar cycles. 
These were then subdivided into three lunar phases: full moon, half-moon and new moon. 
The findings obtained in the study revealed that in general, nocturnal sleep duration around full moon compared to new moon reported an average decrease of five minutes (or a one per cent variant). 
No other activity behaviours were substantially modified.
'Our study provides compelling evidence that the moon does not seem to influence people's behaviour,' said Dr Jean-Philippe Chaput, from the Eastern Ontario Research Institute.
Another study found healthy adults slept for 20 minutes less time during a full moon.
Historically, full moons have been linked to a lack of sleep because of the bright light that shines from them.
Always surrounded by an aura of mystery, the moon and its possible influence over human behaviour has been object of ancestral fascination and mythical speculation for centuries.
Myth and folklore feature tales of werewolves being affected by phases of the moon. 
'Folklore and even certain instances of occupational lore suggest that mental health issues or behaviours of humans and animals are affected by lunar phases,' Dr Chaput said.
'Whether there is science behind the myth or not, the moon mystery will continue to fascinate civilisations in the years to come,' he added. 
One study found healthy adults slept for 20 minutes less time during a full moon. Historically, full moons have been linked to a lack of sleep because of the bright light that shines from them. Image of the supermoon by Albert Dros
One study found healthy adults slept for 20 minutes less time during a full moon. Historically, full moons have been linked to a lack of sleep because of the bright light that shines from them. Image of the supermoon by Albert Dros

Astrid Brown (Author)
Find all the books, read about the author, and more

Wednesday, 26 October 2016


The article below mine is from the Daily Mail.  I am often asked about Ouija boards, my advice is and I cannot stress this strongly enough DO NOT go anywhere near them.

Good and evil, light and dark co-exists in the Universe as everything is balanced and if you have read previous articles on this site I have explained this many times but for those who have not, the Universe operates a series of laws and one of the main ones to consider is 'THE LAW OF ATTRACTION' in other words like attracts like, therefore positivity will attract positivity and negativity will attract negativity. The is why positive thought is very important but it also goes with how you live your life, if you walk in the light and strive to be a good kind person, you will attract all that is good towards you, however if you are an evil person you will attract this back to you. This does not mean however there is no hope for you if you have done wrong in the past, far from it, if you genuinely are sorry and aim to make amends you will attract the good to you. You may have heard the old saying, "What goes around comes around", will this is precisely the law of attraction in operation.

When you are beginning to develop psychically or are indeed curious, you begin to open up and use your third eye chakra, when you do so certain malevolent spirits and entities are very aware you are doing this, you give off a signal. Lower energies and spirits who haven't moved on either because they have committed wrong doing or chose to stay on the lower spiritual realms to cause trouble will be attracted to you. If you are pure in thought and a very positive person, you are less likely to attract these, but if shall we say, you're not a very nice person you are much more likely to attract those. Lower entities, come in all shapes and sizes often in the shape of flying creatures and can be very frightening. Now these entities cannot harm you in anyway, they cannot control you, but your negativity and fear feeds them and they will play on this. All you need do is basically tell them with conviction, to 'F*** off' and they will go, but you must override your fear and do it with a strong mind. For everything in the spirit world is controlled and operates on thought.

When you dabble in Ouija boards you will attract these lower entities and malevolent spirits for they think oh I can have a bit of fun here and cause fear and anguish, something they like doing. The other thing they do is to masquerade as the spirit of a loved one to give false messages. One thing spirit of your loved ones DON'T DO is to tell you to do something, as they know we have to live our lives through free will. So if you get a message from someone you know, a deceased love one in spirit telling you to do something, you can guarantee, they are not who they say they care and they are from the dark side.

If you are really interested in communicating with loved ones in spirit go and see and experienced Medium and DO NOT dabble in Ouija boards for all you will do is conjure up the dark and malevolent side



Men and women share horror stories from their experiences using a Ouija board and they're guaranteed to give you goosebumps

  • People have taken to Reddit to share their spooky stories 

  • There have been several threads dedicated to tales about Ouija boards

  • Horror stories include objects being thrown and eerily predicted deaths 

With Halloween fast approaching, people love to hear spooky stories that send shivers down their spines.
And just in time, Reddit users have taken to the forum to share their creepiest tales of using a Ouija board, which people use to attempt to contact the dead.

There have been several threads asking users to share their strangest experiences when using the device, which has a planchett that spells out words based on questions that users ask.
With Halloween fast approaching, people love reading scary stories the use of Ouija boards always manages to conjure up plenty of those. Users have taken to Reddit to share their spookiest stories 
With Halloween fast approaching, people love reading scary stories the use of Ouija boards always manages to conjure up plenty of those. Users have taken to Reddit to share their spookiest stories

The first one asked: 'Anyone have any personal ouija board experiences?' and the second said 'Paranormal fans, who has used an Ouija board? What was your experience(s)?'
Together, they have more than 200 comments from people and the stories are enough to make you never want to try it.

From predicting deaths to moving objects, it seems people have been put off using the Ouija board after their first time. 
One Reddit user took to the forum to tell a story they had 'always wanted to tell, but never had the opportunity' to.

The story is about their father who had been playing with an Ouija board with his friends when they were told one of the friend's fathers would die in the near future.
The next week, his father was struck down by a car and killed immediately. 

One group of friends were told by the board that they were being watched through the window and then the power went out

One group of friends were told by the board that they were being watched through the window and then the power went out

Another said they used an Ouija board when they were 12 or 13 years old and were at a friend's house.

They were messing around when they got the message: 'I can see you through your window' and then 'I can see through your eyes.'

It later said 'I'm under the car' and after going outside to peer under the vehicle, they saw a 'huge black stray cat which was hissing.'

They ran inside and at that moment all of the power went out. They stayed awake until dawn and never played with the board again. 

One Redditor explained that the planchette (pictured above) flew off the board as they were using it

One Redditor explained that the planchette (pictured above) flew off the board as they were using it

Another user said not to persist when questioning an Ouija board as it lead to a glass being smashed in their hands

Another user said not to persist when questioning an Ouija board as it lead to a glass being smashed in their hands

One user named Mathari said that some unexplained things went on in their house so they decided to use an Ouija board to try and figure out what they were dealing with.
'Bad idea', they said, 'What we didn't realise is that Ouija boards open the door for anything to come through and speak.'

The planchette then flew off the board and things got worse in the house, eventually leading to them moving out.

Another said the Ouija board spelled out the name 'Gemma Jane'. Their friend had been adopted and didn't know her biological family but found out later that her birth mother had in fact been named Gemma Jane Parham.

Their second story was about when their great aunt asked if she would get married to her boyfriend.The board said no and after being asked if they would break up, the board again said no.

When asked if one of them would die, it said yes. A week later the man died in a woodchipper accident.

One Redditor was 10 years old when their mother and her friends were using the 'Psychic circle' - which is similar to an Ouija board.

They were persistently asking the board the same question over and over again.
After a while, the 10-year-old went into the kitchen to pour themselves a drink. As they walked back to where their mother and friends were sitting, the entire glass shattered in their hands.

To this day, 'it still makes me feel uncomfortable', she added.

When user lenoresden was 14 or 15, she and her friend used an Ouija board one night.
After communicating with somebody, the next thing they knew it was 7am: 'It was like we blinked and the sun came up.'

They lost 10 hours of their lives and neither of them remember anything about it. 
After they posted their story to Reddit, they said they called their friend to ask if they remembered that night: 'She told me yes, and she didn't want to talk about it. EVER. Then she quickly told me she had to go and hung up.'

Two friends think they lost 10 hours of their life after using an Oujia board and said neither of them remember what went on during the night
Two friends think they lost 10 hours of their life after using an Oujia board and said neither of them remember what went on during the night

Another two friends got freaked out when they asked if anyone was in the room with them and the board spelled out the name 'Ruth' - both of them had family members called Ruth who had died that year

Another two friends got freaked out when they asked if anyone was in the room with them and the board spelled out the name 'Ruth' - both of them had family members called Ruth who had died that year

One user said that she and a friend used an Ouija board in 6th grade. They asked if anyone was in the room with them and the planchette spelled out the name 'Ruth', which was her grandma's name and their friend's great-aunt's name. They had both died that year.
Describing the incident, they said: 'We threw the board back in the box and were totally freaked out.

'I brought it home and put it in my closet, but every time I looked at the box it gave me this horrible, creepy feeling, so I ended up throwing it in the dumpster a couple of years later.' 

Astrid Brown (Author)
Find all the books, read about the author, and more





I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.