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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Friday, 11 May 2012


Me with a copy of "MY LEGACY'

Finally received my personal copy of "MY LEGACY" This is quite a thick book as it contains 700 of my love and inspirational poems. At present I am working on my next collection which is called "WHISPERED FANTASIES" "MY LEGACY" is available  worldwide and can be found in 'Barnes and Noble' Amazon and all good book stockists. It's also available on Kindle

An example of the interior

Maggie Brown

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Tuesday, 8 May 2012


Soul rescue is the process of releasing an attached spirit and helping it to move to the spirit realms This is done in a compassionate and non-confrontational way. It is not like orthodox exorcism, which attempts to banish the attached spirit by force.

Upon death some spirits remain earthbound and can attach to places or persons. This is called spirit attachment. Reasons for this include a traumatic death, concern over some unfinished business or anxiety for a loved one on Earth. More often than not earthbound spirits are simply trying to get our attention and mean no harm. By attachment I mean they like to hang out with someone in particular, so they go wherever that person they are attached to, so by moving house for example the attached spirit may well follow. The spirit often feels an affinity with someone as perhaps they feel they are like someone they knew or have something in common with. 

This is not necessarily a frightening experience, I was a patient in hospital once when an old lady passed over and she attached herself to me and followed me home. She was harmless enough and used to just wander around picking up items and looking at them, she was very fond of looking at my jewelry and would rummage amongst it. I did eventually persuade her to go over to the light and two of her friends came to meet her from the spirit realms. It wasn't just me who was aware of her but other family members heard her. She was a lovely old lady and because she had passed suddenly, she simply was not aware she had passed.

Not all attachments are of human origin. Curses or psychic attacks tend to be dismissed in the West, but their impact can be far reaching. They are not necessarily intentional; merely thinking badly about someone or wishing them harm can cause an impact, they create what is known as a "Thought form" as thoughts are energy, which is why we should not think ill of anyone. The source of the attachment can also be due to negative energies from a place. This can be if someone occupied a home where they were always arguing, this creates a tangible  energy albeit a negative one. The remedy here is to cleanse the home by smudging

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Thursday, 3 May 2012


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Friday, 27 April 2012


The subject of predictions comes up time and time again a lot on forums about psychics or on rating sites, so I feel its time to enlighten people about psychics and predictions.

Often I see comments, referring to predictions psychics have made and the client is unhappy it's not come to pass on July 1st or whenever so they start a tirade saying they have wasted money. I cannot speak for other psychic/mediums I can only speak for myself, however predictions are notoriously difficult so let me explain why this is.

Firstly its impossible to predict the future because there is so much that can influence it, this does not mean there never was any kind of planned destiny, far from it, we all have a planned destiny for we plan our lives before we incarnate on earth and psychics are able to tap into this plan for we hold this plan in our Aura. Your Aura holds a record of your past, your present and your planned destiny. Now if this is the case how come psychics get it so wrong? Who says they are wrong? After all maybe they are right. Your Aura doesn't lie, so whats gone wrong? The problem lies with the client i.e. ourselves and those people who interact with us and this problem is called 'FREE WILL'. It is free will that compromises predictions.

You see we all plan our destinies right down to every detail with other souls from our soul groups. Trouble is some of which we plan for ourselves won't be very nice, life isn't meant to be easy or nice all the time for we are all incarnated on Earth to learn and grow from these experiences. If we knew what was ahead of us, we may not go through with it, so our memory from previous lives including time in spirit is wiped so we have no recollection. There is a latent memory there though and we do have it deep in our subconscious and also in our Auras and of course the psychic can tap into this to give predictions.

So how can these predictions be so wrong? its because of 'FREE WILL' and we all have free will, so all those from our soul groups who interact with us are all able to use free will and thus compromise our destiny. Because some of these experiences we plan won't be so pleasant God wants us to willingly go through with them for although they are not pleasant to go through, those experiences will enable us to learn and grow and we will learn a lot from doing so. We are subconsciously trying to stick to the plan, though sometimes we wander off the plan and if everyone else who we interact with in our time here, wanders off the plan too can you see how difficult it is to predict accurately, it cannot be done with accuracy its impossible.

For example. A psychic has predicted Jane will meet a new boyfriend in July his name is Martin. Now Jane and Martin are part of the same soul group, so both have planned to meet up in July 2012, the psychic can see this from Jane's Aura. Jane is happy she is going to meet a new guy. July comes and goes and no new guy turns up, so she leaves a bad rating for the psychic, saying her predictions are rubbish. The psychic clearly saw there was a meeting in July so what went wrong? Well Martin had planned on going to the same bar Jane was going to on the 25th July, however Martin changed his mind he had been looking to meet someone new, but he hadn't in a while and thought it would be pointless going out after all it was raining. Martin used his 'FREE WILL'.

Now Jane goes to another psychic the psychic tells you will meet someone with the initial M in November, November comes along it so happens Martin has gone to Jane's favourite bar, Jane was planning on going out but decided to watch TV instead. So Jane complains psychics are useless and gives her a bad rating. Jane used her 'FREE WILL'.

Jane has another reading from a different psychic, this psychic tells her she will meet someone in February. Martin isn't sure about going out but a friend tells him he won't meet anyone staying at home. Meanwhile Jane is also undecided about going out but her friend persuades her too. So on a Friday evening in February Jane and Martin meet and immediately they click as its as if they've known one another before. Jane now thinks this psychic is great and the others previously were terrible. They haven't been, they stated what they saw, Jane would meet a guy called Martin, but because it didn't happen when they saw it was supposed to Jane thought them as useless.

Now that was just a simple example of how 'FREE WILL' complicates predictions.

So before you go complaining that predictions haven't happened when the psychic said they would remember it might not be the psychic's fault, it could have been you or another person in the equation who exercised 'FREE WILL'

Myself I don't claim to offer accurate predictions. I'm not a fortune teller, I'm a Medium and my job is to provide survival evidence that life exists after physical death and to pass on messages from loved ones in the Spirit Realms. Occasionally   I will give the odd prediction but timing cannot be accurate because of free will and I will say this.  If I feel strongly that something is going to happen, its like those other psychics I have picked something up from the client's Aura but like all other psychics, nothing is written in stone because of 'FREE WILL'

If you want to read more on this subject about predictions and free will you can in my book "THE JOURNEY TO SPIRIT" which is available in paperback and on Kindle

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Article from the Daily Mail and again evidence that eating red and purple fruits which are rich in flavonoids are beneficial to our health. These fruits are also rich in anti oxidants, which fight free radicals, free radicals cause ageing not just in looks but in every cell in the body, so it stands to reason this has to be beneficial to blood vessels and nerve cells in the brain. Strawberries as well as tasting lovely have a high Vitamin C content, one of the anti oxidant vitamins.

As we are all growing older more Dementia cases are going to come to light so anything that helps stave off the onset of this disease has to be good.

How to live to a ripe old age: Regularly eating strawberries and blueberries can stave off mental decline by more than two years

Berry good: Scientists said women could easily up the amount of strawberries and blueberries they ate
Berry good: Scientists said women could easily up the amount of strawberries and blueberries they ate
Eating blueberries and strawberries may stave off mental decline in later life, claim researchers.
They found brain ageing could be delayed by up to two and a half years in elderly women regularly eating high amounts of the berries.
The findings come from an ongoing study of nurses which involves only women, but may also apply to men.
Experts believe the benefits are derived from the high content of flavonoids in berry fruits, antioxidant compounds found in plants which can protect against a wide range of diseases.
The US research team used data from the Nurses’ Health Study, involving 121,700 female, registered nurses between the ages of 30 and 55 who completed health and lifestyle questionnaires beginning in 1976.
Since 1980 participants were surveyed every four years regarding their frequency of food consumption.
Between 1995 and 2001, cognitive function was measured in 16,010 women over the age of 70 years, at 2-year intervals, says a report in the Annals of Neurology journal. 
The findings suggest increased consumption of blueberries and strawberries slows cognitive decline in older women.
Those who had higher berry intake delayed cognitive aging by up to 2.5 years.
The authors warn they cannot rule out the possibility that women who eat more berries also have other healthy habits, such as exercising more, which may play a part in the overall findings.
However, they found a greater intake of anthocyanidins and total flavonoids was also associated with less cognitive deterioration.
Experts believe that stress and inflammation contribute to cognitive impairment and that increasing consumption of flavonoids could mitigate the harmful effects.
Brain cells are particularly sensitive to free radicals, destructive groups of atoms made as a by-product of metabolism that can damage cell membranes and DNA.
Experts said the study strengthens evidence that eating berries can stave off dementia
Experts said the study strengthens evidence that eating berries can stave off dementia
Antioxidants help to neutralise free radicals, Dr Elizabeth Devore with Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, said ‘Our study examined whether greater intake of berries could slow rates of cognitive decline.
‘We provide the first epidemiologic evidence that berries may slow progression of cognitive decline in elderly women.
‘Our findings have significant public health implications as increasing berry intake is a fairly simple dietary modification to test cognition protection in older adults.’ 
Derek Hill, CEO of IXICO and Professor of Medical Imaging Sciences, University College London, said: ‘Later this year, two major drug trials targeting the proteins in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s Disease will announce their results. Many experts fear these drugs will be added to the long list of potential dementia treatments that fail to demonstrate conclusively that they slow cognitive decline.
‘This latest research suggesting that a diet high on berries can slow cognitive decline in the elderly population is therefore especially welcome.
‘It is a large and well-designed study that significantly strengthens the evidence that changes to diet may be able to delay onset of dementia symptoms.
‘This suggests that we can take further steps to tackling the scourge of dementia in society while we await the arrival of effective new medicines.’ 
Dr Eric Karran, Director of Research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: ‘Population studies like this can provide useful clues about the effects of lifestyle and diet on cognition, but we must be sensible when interpreting the results. The study suggests a link between eating berries and slower cognitive decline, but there could be many factors at play.
‘It is not possible to say whether the increased consumption of berries resulted in an increased, beneficial level of flavonoid antioxidants in the brain.
‘Further research will be needed to conclude whether antioxidants in berries are beneficial in the brain and we can’t assume that simply eating berries could protect against cognitive aging or dementia.
‘Previous evidence has shown that eating fruit as part of a healthy diet in midlife could help to reduce our risk of dementia and so eating a healthy balanced diet is something we should all be thinking about.
‘With 820,000 people in the UK living with dementia, there is an urgent need to understand more about how to reduce the risk.’ 
Carol Brayne, Professor of Public Health Medicine, University of Cambridge, said: ‘Broccoli, blueberries, Mediterranean diet, Sudoku.....it is very difficult indeed to be sure that this is not residual confounding as these kinds of dietary patterns are associated with many other positive attributes, which themselves are associated with healthier ageing.
‘Blueberries have been of interest for many years and it’s certainly worth further investigation, but for definitive evidence we have to await well designed trials as this is another observational study.’ 
The range of consumption in the study was women eating less than one serving of blueberries a month, between one and 3 servings a month and more than one serving a week, and from less than one serving of strawberries a week to more than two a week.

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Wednesday, 25 April 2012


This is something that has really ruffled my feathers. 

It is no secret I work on The Circle and have had years of experience both as a reader and as a client. of all the psychic companies offering readings I have to say The Circle is the best. It has been from the beginning from the early days when it was set up for I was a client in those days, and like many other psychic mediums I am unable to read for myself. I love working at The Circle and I wholeheartedly recommend using The Circle for readings all readers are throughly tested and vetted. And no I am not flogging myself but I vouch for all readers

One of the great things about The Circle is the complete transparency of the company, clients are urged to give feedback, readers are NOT allowed to remove or adapt any of the comments. In fact the comments stay regardless if they are negative or positive so you can be absolutely sure all feedback is genuine from clients and not made up.

So what has ruffled my feathers, this is NOT the case with some other psychic sites, it has come to my attention there is at least one company (I won't name them) who claims to offer the same transparency  this is NOT the case, if a reader is rated anything less than 3 stars, they remove the rating and comment. So in effect you are NOT getting a true reflection of the readers ability, why what have they got to fear?

I will round this blog off by saying I wholeheartedly recommend the readers at The Circle as a highly ethical and honest service who genuinely have their clients' interests at heart.

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I felt I should post this article from the Daily Mail as you know my blog here is all about well being and health and taking care of ourselves completely inside and out. Another reason if it helps dissuade someone not to take it then its worthwhile posting on here.

As the population in general are living longer there is a growing number of dementia cases, why accelerate the process further by taking drugs? In years to come I fear such cases will be found in much younger patients, so sad really as this could be prevented.

How cocaine rots your brain: Using Class A drug doubles the speed you lose your grey matter

  • Drug use had biggest impact on the prefrontal and temporal cortex, which are associated with attention, decision making and self regulation 

People who are dependent on cocaine are putting their grey matter at risk, say scientists.
A study from the University of Cambridge has found abusing the Class A drug accelerates the brain ageing process.
Previous studies have shown that cocaine can affect the reward pathways in the brain and put strain on the heart. However, this is the first to link grey matter loss with the addiction.
Cocaine is a stimulant. Chronic use can cause uncontrolled aggression, insomnia and psychiatric problems
Cocaine is a stimulant that can cause a powerful high followed by a comedown. Chronic use can cause uncontrolled aggression, insomnia and paranoia
Research leader Dr Karen Ersche said: 'As we age, we all lose grey matter. However, what we have seen is that chronic cocaine users lose grey matter at a significantly faster rate, which could be a sign of premature ageing. 
'Our findings therefore provide new insight into why the cognitive deficits typically seen in old age have frequently been observed in middle aged chronic users of cocaine.'
For the study, published in Molecular Psychiatry, researchers scanned the brains of 120 people with similar age, gender and verbal IQ.
Half of the individuals had a dependence on cocaine while the other 60 had no history of substance abuse disorders.
The researchers found that cocaine users lost about 3.08 ml brain volume per year, which is almost twice the rate of healthy volunteers (who only lost about 1.69 ml per year). 
The accelerated age-related decline in brain volume was most prominent in the prefrontal and temporal cortex, important regions of the brain which are associated with attention, decision-making, and self-regulation as well as memory.
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that cocaine is used by up to 21 million people around the world. More than one million people are believed to take the Class A drug in the UK - the highest rate in Europe.
Dr Ersche said: 'Our findings clearly highlight the need for preventative strategies to address the risk of premature ageing associated with cocaine abuse. 
'Young people taking cocaine today need to be educated about the long-term risk of ageing prematurely.'
The concern of accelerated ageing is not limited to young people but also affects older adults who have been abusing drugs such as cocaine since early adulthood.
Dr Ersche added: 'Our findings shed light on the largely neglected problem of the growing number of older drug users, whose needs are not so well catered for in drug treatment services. It is timely for heath care providers to understand and recognise the needs of older drug users in order to design and administer age-appropriate treatments.'

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Wednesday, 18 April 2012


The Story below is from the Daily Mail. Sadly people have forgotten what treasures we have all around us and many are for free. Modern medicines have their "roots", excuse the pun! in herbal medicine. The ones below in the article are only a tiny tip of the iceberg of what we can use. Common plants, such as Dandelion, The roasted root makes an excellent coffee substitute, is an extremely high source of potassium and is also a diuretic. Feverfew, which many gardeners view as a weed can alleviate Migraine, though I have to say the leaves are very bitter and you need lashes of dressing to make them palatable. Chamomile is often used in soothing skin remedies and the infused flowers enhance blonde hair, I have tried this myself and used it on my blonde daughter to enhance golden highlights. Pot Marigold (Calendula) and NOT the French Marigold (Tagetes) is extremely soothing especially for stinging nettles, and other skin conditions, I'd say better than the common Dock leaf.  And even the common stinging nettle can be made into a soup or infusion and be used as a tonic as it too is rich in iron. All of these can be obtained in their purified state at a herbalist and are generally very inexpensive and the list is vast.

One of my favourite books is

Of course there are many others but this one takes pride of place on my bookshelf

Basil reduces blood pressure, while coriander prevents food poisoning... the healing power of herbs

Thyme may ease the misery of acne, according to a study published last month. So which other herbs and spices can benefit your body? 


ROSEMARY: Rosemary leaves are high in iron — a lack of this mineral can cause fatigue and anaemia. The herb also contains carnosic, which can shield the brain from damaging free radicals. This lowers the risk of strokes and neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s, says a study in the Journal Of Neurochemistry.
Herbal remedies: Basil, left, can lower blood pressure while oregano can cure thrush
Herbal remedies: Basil, left, can lower blood pressure while oregano can cure thrush
Herbal remedies: Basil, left, can lower blood pressure while oregano, right, can cure thrush


BASIL: A study at Xinjiang Medical University found an extract of the herb reduced blood pressure in a similar way to medication. It’s thought it affects levels of endothelins, proteins which constrict blood vessels.


FENUGREEK: A daily extract of its seeds improves diabetics’ blood sugar control and decreases insulin resistance, say researchers at the Jaipur Diabetes and Research Centre in India. 
It may also increase inadequate breast milk supply, nursing mothers have reported. But as the spice is also a traditional remedy to induce childbirth, the seeds shouldn’t be taken during pregnancy. 


OREGANO: This contains the powerful antifungal agents thymol and carvacrol. A study at Georgetown University Medical Centre in Washington showed that carvacrol inhibited the growth of the fungus Candida albicans (which causes thrush) better than a common antifungal medication. 


CORIANDER: Coriander oil has been shown to fight against food poisoning bacteria campylobacter, according to research published in the Journal Of Medical Microbiology. 
Chicken and red meat (particularly mince) can carry campylobacter, which may cause illness if food is undercooked. You could add ground coriander seeds (which provide the essential oil component) to your burgers and chicken dishes.  


Sage advice: The herb can improve your memory
Sage advice: The herb can improve your memory
SAGE: Healthy young volunteers who were given capsules with high doses of sage essential oil in a study at Northumbria University said their mood was consistently enhanced.
In older people, Australian research found extract of sage improved memory and attention. The herb is thought to inhibit breakdown of acetylcholine, a brain chemical associated with attention span and sharp memory. 


CARDAMOM: If you’ve had a stomach ulcer, or are prone to them, try adding cardamom to spicy dishes or rice pudding. Indian researchers found its oil extracts protected the stomach lining and helped guard against ulcers induced by alcohol and aspirin. The active ingredient is thought to be nootkatone, obtained from ground pods.

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Monday, 16 April 2012




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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.