Tarot an explanation to this Mantic Tool
The cards above featured are the "Mythic Tarot" these are the ones I prefer I resonate with the illustrations, though there are many different decks available, these are my favourites. They are laid out in the 'Celtic Cross' spread. The illustrations are very beautiful don't you think and are based on Greek Mythology. What I like about this deck is every card including the minor arcana, which are equivalent to the numbered cards in a pack of ordinary playing cards, is beautifully illustrated. The illustrations help me work psychically. Not that I need cards or anything to do a reading with, but rather speeds connection with the person I am reading.
Much has been written about this mantic tool some associate it with the dark side, well let me enlighten you. How many of you use playing cards? whether its to play bridge, poker or whatever. Do you know the origins of these cards come from Tarot. In the Minor Arcana the 'Cups' are associated with 'Hearts', the 'Pentacles' with 'Diamonds', 'Wands' with 'Clubs' and 'Swords' with 'Spades' In fact its quite easy to use ordinary playing cards just as you would with Tarot.
Firstly let me explain what a Mantic tool is, well it is an object or objects a psychic uses to tap into psychic energy to expand a reading and link with the person they are reading's Aura. This can be their palm. a crystal ball, a bowl of sand, runes, cards, candle flames, crystals, you name it its been tried and Sylvester Stallone's mum reads Butts, and no I've never tried it, but if anybody wants me to have a go let me know lol.
So each card in the Minor Arcana Tarot deck is numbered just like ordinary playing cards, there are kings, queens, etc just the same. The difference is within Tarot we have the Major Arcana, these are more powerful cards and depending on where they are placed within a reading they have an important significance depending or where they are placed.
Now if anyone has ever had a tarot reading you may come across two cards which strike fear in those who know little about Tarot one is the 'Death' card the other is the 'Tower', neither of those are to be feared, with the Death card, this simply means a break with what was once familiar, a total change of surroundings and important change or re-birth. With the Tower again the illustration shows a tower falling down and depending on the clients circumstances, it can mean whole different lifestyles collapsing and something new to follow. it doesnt necessarily mean the negative.
Other things to be remembered about Tarot cards can either be the right way up or reversed (upside down), this can water down teh meaning or pose a more negative situation depending on the other cards. Readings can be given using just the Major Arcana alone or the full deck. I prefer to use the full deck. There are many ways in which to do readings the traditional one depicted above shows the Celtic Cross Spread, this is often used in general readings. But when you really get into it you find you make your own spreads whatever works for you.
I can only speak for myself and not for other readers and the Tarot cards do all have traditional meanings, many books have been written about Tarot and for the beginner that is sometimes helpful, but for the very psychic I would urge you to throw away the book that comes with the deck and be guided what your intuition tells you. The traditional meaning of the cards is merely a guide only, they are designed to be used as a mantic tool
Other Tarot layouts
This layout is very simple and easy for the beginner and utilises 4 cards
This one below is ideal for beginners as well, where 7 cards are used for the layout.
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