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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Showing posts with label toxins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toxins. Show all posts

Wednesday 18 September 2013


I've posted this article from the Daily Mail below to illustrate how what you consume affects your skin and appearance. The whole idea of this site, is to share my knowledge on how to look good for your age, without having to resort to cosmetic surgery and without having to spend a fortune on expensive face creams etc. I take a holistic approach to beauty and health so that includes diet, mental and emotional aspects as well as a spiritual approach. The article below illustrates below how alcohol can affect your skin, as well as having a vaso dilation effect, alcohol is a toxin and every unit has to be detoxified by the liver, so this alone puts the body under stress. If you do drink regularly why not try abstaining for a few weeks, you'll be amazed at the difference in your complexion.

Look what giving up drink for a month can do to your face: Mother who enjoyed five glasses of wine a week is transformed after going cold turkey

We all worry about the effect an extra glass of wine has on our waistline — but what about on our skin?
To find out if ditching alcohol can improve your complexion, we challenged Laura Hogarth, a 40-year-old mother-of-two from Falkirk, to spend a month without consuming a drop of booze.
Before this, Laura drank about 15 units of alcohol a week — which equates to around five large glasses of wine and is just  one unit a week above the recommended national guidelines for women.
Excessive? Before giving up alcohol for a month, Laura Hogarth, 40, drank 15 units of wine a week - five large glasses - which is just one unit above the recommended guidelines for a woman
Excessive? Before giving up alcohol for a month, Laura Hogarth, 40, drank 15 units of wine a week - five large glasses - which is just one unit above the recommended guidelines for a woman

Many modern women enjoy a drink with an evening meal or have a glass of wine at home to unwind after a busy day, with large numbers of women exceeding the Government’s daily drinking guidelines of two to three units a day.
But would many cut down if they knew that, as well as affecting their health, alcohol could also damage their looks, making them look years older than their age?
As Dr Nick Lowe, a professor of dermatology based in London and Los Angeles, says: ‘Alcohol does several things to our bodies, none of them good. 
‘One of the main effects is a chemical reaction that causes our peripheral blood vessels to expand and widen, so allowing more blood to flow through our skin.’ 
Here, he and Laura give their week-by-week verdicts on how a month without alcohol transformed her life — and looks.
At week one Laura clearly has skin which is red and flushed
At week one Laura clearly has skin which is red and flushed 

Laura says: ‘Urgh, this picture looks horrific. I look awful. My skin is red and flushed, all the way down my decolletage. My forehead and nose are shiny and there are rough, dry patches across my cheeks. 
‘More worryingly, I don’t remember thinking my skin actually looked this bad. 
‘As a full-time mother to Callan, 11, and Amy, seven, I have little time to worry about my appearance — I’m too busy rushing them to school, after-school clubs and doing the housework.
‘I can get half-way through the day before realising I’m not wearing any make-up. Even though I’m not vain, I am aware of my skin’s failings. It’s dry, not just on my face but all over my body, and — as you can see — red and flushed.
‘I’ve had broken, red veins around my nose since I was a teenager and, in spite of the dryness, a greasy nose and forehead. 
‘I don’t think I drink an awful lot, but if giving up alcohol helps my skin, especially the redness, it’s worth it. Even more so if it can help me lose weight! 
‘Within days of giving up drinking, my skin has improved dramatically. The redness has lifted, although the thread veins around my nose are still visible and my forehead and neck are a little rosy. Most excitingly, my eyes are brighter — it hadn’t even occurred to me they looked dull before.’
Dr Lowe says: ‘Alcohol makes skin look red or flushed, which is more obvious in paler complexions like Laura’s. In both the 'before' picture and the 'after one week' picture her face looks red.
It can take weeks of no drinking for the blood vessels to constrict fully and redness to disappear altogether.
‘If you drink regularly over a number of years — and especially in larger quantities — small peripheral veins can become permanently enlarged after being repetitively expanded, causing thread veins and permanent skin damage.’ 
By week two Laura says she was sleeping for longer in the mornings and getting up less frequently in the night
By week two Laura says she was sleeping for longer in the mornings and getting up less frequently in the night 

Laura says: ‘What a miracle! I’m sleeping for longer in the mornings and getting up less frequently during the night. 
‘Before, I might have woken up once or twice — whether I’d had a drink or not — but now I am sleeping like a baby. It might have helped that it was also the school holidays, so the children were sleeping in as well, but I am definitely waking up feeling brighter and more alert.
‘I’ve also noticed that in the evenings I’m not snacking as much. Normally I’d crave crisps with my usual glass of wine, but sipping a glass of lime and soda means I don’t feel like junk food. The urge just isn’t there.
‘This week also saw our 13th wedding anniversary. My husband Euan took me out to a lovely restaurant overlooking the River Forth.
'When he ordered a tall, cool beer, I had real cravings for a glass of rosé. It got worse when the table next to us started popping corks. I ordered a pink lemonade instead to distract myself.
'At least Euan was happy, as there was no discussion over who was driving home!’
Dr Lowe says: ‘Laura’s cheeks look puffy and swollen and there’s a lingering redness still — although it’s less obvious now.
'The spider veins remain on her lips and nose, but these might take longer to go, if at all. Facial puffiness is caused by the gentle leakage of fluid from enlarged blood vessels.
‘During the night, when we lie flat for a number of hours, this fluid tends to accumulate around our eye-lids and cheeks.
'This is because lying down helps gravity push it in that direction, but also because this is where the skin is loosest and therefore has the most room to accommodate excess fluid.
‘During the day, as we stand up and move about, the trapped fluids are released back into circulation, so the facial swelling reduces.
'After a period of time without alcohol, our blood vessels constrict, so less fluid will accumulate in the first place and skin will look less swollen after a night’s rest.’
Laura began noticing a difference in her skin's dryness after week three
Laura began noticing a difference in her skin's dryness after week three 

Laura says: ‘By now I’m noticing a difference in my skin’s dryness, and not just on my face.
'It sounds unpleasant, but when I used to take off leggings or trousers I often noticed dry flakes of skin left behind. Now there’s hardly anything. 
‘Equally the backs of my hands are looking less dry and — unless I’m imagining it — marginally  less wrinkly. 
‘When my mother visited this week, she said how less blotchy I was looking — success! A friend also said my skin tone looked more even. 
‘Euan and I have noticed less of a difference day-by-day. That’s probably because it’s such a gradual change, but friends and family are noticing the improvement in my appearance which has given me a real thrill. 
‘This has made me feel braver and more confident. I left my hand-mirror at home for a weekend camping trip this week and only took a couple of face wipes and a small pot of moisturiser — and still I got compliments.
'I did miss having a glass of wine around the camp fire, but the nice comments more than made up for that.’
Dr Lowe says: ‘There’s a significant reduction in facial redness, even around Laura’s nose and lips. She looks healthier, less puffy and slimmer, especially around her cheeks and jowls. 
‘Stopping drinking alcohol means you reduce your calorie intake. There are up to 185 calories in a large glass of wine.
'Not only that, alcohol has the secondary effect of stimulating appetite, so I’m not surprised Laura isn’t snacking as much. 
‘Drinking alcohol also makes the skin dry because increased blood flow though the skin speeds everything up and stimulates skin cells to renew and shed quicker.
‘Studies have shown high levels of alcohol consumption can also exacerbate dry skin conditions such as psoriasis and facial eczema.’ 
Laura lost 3lb and her face was slimmer by week four
Laura lost 3lb and her face was slimmer by week four
Laura says: ‘While Euan hasn’t noticed my mood changing, by week four I’m feeling invigorated and so much better in myself. 
‘I’m getting fewer headaches and have much more energy. My lips are less dry, too — I usually get a cold sore almost every week —  but since ditching the booze not a single one has appeared. 
‘Better still, I’ve lost 3lb and my face definitely looks slimmer. I have to admit, it’s been far easier to abstain from alcohol than I’d feared. I said no to a few barbecues, just in case I was tempted, but I’ve enjoyed feeling healthier and brighter, especially in the mornings.
‘On the whole, the month has sailed by. I’m going to try and stick to the no drinking rule — or at least cut out alcohol during the week.
'I’ve only had one major lapse since the end of my booze-free month. It was the very first night after the experiment and I went out with a group of friends to celebrate.
‘We drank far too much, and guess what? When I woke in the morning I looked red as anything and noticed a small dry patch of skin had re-emerged. It just goes to show alcohol does a lot worse than just give you a hangover!’
Dr Lowe says: ‘Although the changes between the final two weeks are subtler, this last photo shows a much improved Laura.
'Her eyes are more open and brighter. This, again, is because of the increased blood flow caused by alcohol. If more blood passes through the eye’s surface, it looks duller and more bloodshot.
‘After four weeks without alcohol, the blood vessels have constricted and her eyes are bright white once more.
'By now the redness across her cheeks and neck has vastly diminished and the thread veins around her nose have largely disappeared.
‘This is a classic example of what I’d hope to see for someone who has given up alcohol — and if she sticks to it, she’ll only feel and look even better.’

Thursday 15 December 2011


I have been meaning to write about detox foot spas for a while but seeing a report of the 'Detox Industry' recently reminded me. I first came across these at a trade fair I attended as a Holistic therapy/Beauty therapy Lecturer. I didn't believe the claims at the time and I still don't and I was amazed at the amount of gullible beauty salon owners who were buying these for their salon so below is the THE MANUFACTURERS' SALES PITCH 

Detox foot spa machines are sold in several common names including: Detox Foot Bath, Foot Detox Spa, Aqua Detox, Ionic Detox Foot Bath, Detoxification Foot Spa, Energizer Detox, Cell Spa Foot Detox, Chi Detox, Bio Detox, Water Detox, and Energetic Foot Bath.
The Detox Spa starts the process of rebalancing your body's bio-energy. Effectively rebalancing the cells equilibrium of positive and negative ions which, in turn, 'kick starts' the dispersal of the unwanted toxins. The renewed re-balancing of the cells ensures re-hydration resulting in optimum efficiency of their function to extract nutrients and dispose of unwanted waste. The result will be renewed energy levels, both physical and mental, with a general feeling of well being. The relaxing 30 minute treatment involves placing your feet into a spa bowl filled with warm salted water. An Energizing Cartridge creates a flow of electrons and a bioenergetic field that provides a relaxing and enjoyable treatment.

The feet have an amazing 2000 pores in each foot and therefore offer one of the best points to administer the treatment which is both efficient and convenient. The Bio Energiser rebalances and harmonises by sending signals up through the lymph glands to stimulate the detox process. The Bio Energiser is used in hospitals around the world for hypo hydrosis (sweaty hands and feet) cases. In addition it also helps to cure the symptoms of athletes foot. When your cells are functioning correctly they allow vital nutrients to be absorbed into your body, which in turn results in the elimination of unwanted toxins.


The claim about them being used in hospitals funny that I've never come across this in my nursing experience. The only correct aspect of the sales pitch above is the '2000 pores in each foot' For a start NOTHING can be absorbed into the skin UNLESS it is a licensed medication, nicotine or HRT or other medicated skin patch or aromatherapy essential oils and that is a FACT. Nor can the Lymph Glands receive signals via the feet. It's quite laughable really what is being said. The skin, via the sweat glands are only responsible for eliminating an infinitesimal  amount of toxins such as salts, the bulk of toxins are expelled from the body via the gut and bladder and the human body does an excellent job of removing harmful toxins already it doesn't need a foot spa (especially one that is incapable and never will work).

The treatment is normally given by soaking your feet in water with salt added to aid the conductivity of the water. Then, low electrical current is transmitted through two electrodes.

They claim that water turning reddish brown is the toxic matter removed from the body. Depending on the color, they claim that yellowish color is from the kidney and bladder toxins, orange is from arthritis-related illness, dark brown is from liver-related diseases, and so on. Scientifically, these claims are 100% nonsensical!

Here's what really happens. The color of water changes due to a process called “electrolysis”. The brown toxins you see are from the rust generated by the corrosion of the iron electrodes! The different variations in color can be accounted by varying amount of salt added to the water and variations in the compositions of the electrodes. The color of water will change with or without soaking your feet in it. ‘Far from removing toxins in the body, the process of electrolysing sodium chloride creates substances that are actively hazardous to human health — explosive hydrogen gas and poisonous chlorine gas.’

Next time someone tries to sell you this treatment ask them this: "Where is the scientific evidence to back up the claim?", they wont be able to produce any for none exists

The human body is a marvellous detoxifying machine, give it a balanced diet, drink plenty of water and regular exercise and sleep and it will work wonderfully all by itself

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.