I have never seen such venomous twaddle spouted on social networks before as in the recent few days. We all have a right to our own opinions and that's fair enough, we all have a right to like or dislike situations or people but I feel we do not have a right to hate people we do not know personally. No one is perfect especially these people who spout hate and they would do well to remember this. Many of these people profess to be Christians and if that being the case they would do well to remember what the bible says on this, i.e. let those who have not sinned cast the first stone. All holy books in all religions teach we should love and respect one another and I defy anyone who says this is not the case. For those haters who profess to believe their opinions are correct and who feel they have the right to hate those they do not know personally, they are not perfect themselves they are hypocrites and shame on them. As I said before we all have the right to opinions, some of those opinions will be wrong, some will be correct in others eyes, but we do not have the right to foist our beliefs and opinions on others, especially when it comes to spreading venom and hate.
I am not perfect, you are not perfect, perfection does not exist on earth but only in God's kingdom, whoever your God is. Earth is our classroom, we are all incarnated to learn, to learn what is right and wrong, to learn to respect others and to learn, humility, empathy and compassion and to grow spiritually. Hate is not growing, it's going backwards, and belongs to that place where greed, envy, bigots and disrespect reside. Hate only harms your own soul, it twists you up inside as does carrying a big chip on your shoulder.
To sum up: we do not have a right to spread hateful opinions on situations or someone where we have no personal experience off. Shame on anyone who does this and I pity you for the Universe will teach you a tough lesson and I don't envy that lesson you're going to receive.