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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Wednesday, 30 November 2011


How to heal a broken heart

When you truly love someone part of your auric field reaches out like a tentacle to the other person and if that relationship is broken up, part of your auric field is broken off with them. This leads to a feeling that part of you is missing, which is true because it is. This leads to that awful empty feeling and a hole in your heart. However a cutting ties exercise can help you get that bit back.

Click here for Cutting ties Ritual

Even if you were the one to break off the relationship you can still find that empty feeling within, so its worthwhile doing the exercise.

You will find this exercise is no fast cure, nothing is, for if you had genuine feelings for someone, you are not going to get over it quickly and if you do, it certainly wasn't love but infatuation. I guarantee though if you repeat this exercise it will get easier and easier till you find you no longer feel you need to do it.

The use of crystals can be very therapeutic and two in particular are very beneficial Rose Quartz and Aventurine. Pink and green respectively these are the colours of the heart chakra, both are very soothing crystals. I refer to the green variety of Aventurine as it does come in shades of yellow, reddish brown to blue green. Aventurine releases fear and anxiety and is is said to increase confidence, and gratitude, promotes emotional tranquility and positive attitudes. Rose Quartz, which is a delicate shade of pink as the name suggests is a heart-healing gemstone can be used for treating any issue that needs emotional healing. It's a crystal that carries a very gentle and soothing energy and gives comfort to anyone whose heart has been wounded. It encourages self love, heals emotional body, eases heartache, relieves loneliness, releases repressed hurts, often as sight and may encourage weeping, but these are healing tears, promotes forgiveness and  offers inner peace. Meditation with these crystals placed close to the heart are very healing but not to worry if you are not the best at meditation, carrying the crystals close to you, ideally close to your heart in a pocket or tucked in a bra are beneficial.

Click the link here for cleansing and tuning crystals.

Aromatherapy is also good at alleviating the depression associated with a broken relationship most of the citrus essential oils lift the spirit and the lethargy that accompanies it. The citrus essential oils are sweet orange, lemon grapefruit, tangerine, pettigrain and neroli. If you find that you are feeling sleepless Lavender will help with this and an alternative if you find citrus aromas are not your thing. What is important with aromatherapy it has to smell pleasant to you, if you don't like the aroma its not the correct essential oil for you. Clary Sage is very good at dealing with paranoia however drinking alcohol whilst using clary sage will intensify the effects of the alcohol and not to be recommended. Clary Sage can rarely affect some people like catnip does to cats and induces a feeling of euphoria so must be used sparingly. Lastly for the loss of confidence during the healing process you cannot beat Rose.

Click the link here for safety instructions and how to use essential oils.

Reiki too is a wonderful holistic therapy which has the ability to send healing to the past as well as the present and the future and works on all aspects mind body and spirit. Its very gentle in action and very good at releasing hurt and anger which often accompanies a broken heart, it has a cumulative effect and I have had excellent results on clients.

Click the link here for more about Reiki

Spell work


Doing this simple Heart Healing spell three times a day (just like you would take a prescription pill), morning, noon and night for 9 (3x3) days WILL significantly improve your energy flow and your health and happiness if you are suffering; I also recommend to use this spell at any time you experience a real "heart ache", because that is your sign that your heart of energy needs attention, and to make sure it gets the energy it needs to stay healthy.

The Heart Healing Spell

Place both your healing hands flat on the center of your chest, take a deep breath and speak the following words:

I place my own healing hands
on my own dear heart
with the gentleness
and with exquisite care;
the care I would afford
a tiny frozen bird
I found here on my doorstep.

Here, with my gentle healing hands
my touch brings warmth and life;
to right what once went wrong;
to heal what once was broken.

Fear not, my love.
I will do all I can do for you.
For sure, I am no angel
but what I have to give,
I give to you.


You will need 4 purple candles, a lavender incense and a chalice full of warm brewed chamomile tea.

While sitting in a dark quit area place the 4 candles around you at the four directions. The incense is to be placed at your right side while the chalice is to be held at your left.

Light the candles, sit for a few minutes with eyes closed meditating. Then call the goddess of your choice to aid you with relaxing. Light your incense, inhale its fragrance deeply and say: by light and love I Invoke the powers of love and tranquility to enter in me, So Mote it Be!

Drink a sip of tea and say the phrase once again. Now sit calmly and finish your tea and feel your inner self relaxing. When your have finished the tea, put out the candles and leave the incense burn out. Thank the goddess and feel free of your anxiety.


You Will Need:
  • Jasmine oil
  • Freshly picked flower (any kind will do)
  • Paper + Pen
  • Candle (Any Color)
  • Container

The Spell: Write down on a piece of paper who or what makes you sad or angry and burn the paper saying: 

"I burn this paper to bring me happiness." Then drip the jasmine oil on the flowers and burn the flowers saying: "I burn these flowers to bring me comfort." Pour the ashes into the container while saying: "Akasha (the goddess), bring me happiness and bring me comfort." Repeat it three times then put the container somewhere cool. (I.e. fridge).

Lastly no matter how you are feeling don't try and exert revenge or hold a grudge all that will do is harm your own soul by hanging onto negativity. Try and see it this way, the Universe knows what is best for us, perhaps the relationship was not at the right time or there is someone out there that will help us grow. If you still feel you have a soul connecton, let the other person go with unconditional love and if he or she truly loves you, the Universe and love will find away.

The old adage that time heals is a true one, you are in effect grieving for the love you once had and now lost, grieving is a healing process, it takes time but you will get through it for a new door to open the old door has to close.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I trained as a nurse many years ago and there was something to be said for the system of training then. We were paid a salary as we trained and we started at the bottom and worked up. Training was on the wards under the tutelage of experienced nurses and we spent sometime generally a couple of weeks at a time in college on theory. We learnt people skills and became adept at practical skills and there was a strict hierarchy amongst the staff that instilled discipline within us and basic hygiene and good communication featured in this.

Now I know things have changed over the years and with the advance of new developments and technology over the years nurses have to be highly trained and skilled but something I have noticed nursing training today is more theoretic and the onus on students is more of an observer than a hands on, mucking in, type of nurse as was the case in the past, with all the practical what I call real nursing caring for the patients dealing with their basic needs and comfort.

A few years ago I worked in the palliative care department of a large teaching hospital and to be honest I was shocked. My job, which I did on a voluntary basis, involved me having access to patients that didn't have long left on this earth, so I had access to different types of wards within the hospital. I would use either Reflexology or Aromatherapy to comfort these patients in their last days. However I observed most of the REAL nursing, the grass roots type of nursing, dealing with making patients comfortable, feeding, washing, adjusting pillows, recording observations was being done by the hard worked auxillary staff, whilst the nurses were gaggled around the nurses station. When I was a student nurse and I completed my set jobs we would be put to work cleaning and tidying there was no time to be spent huddled in little groups

Now I'd like to think there was a good reason for seeing all these nurses hanging out together and give them the benefit of the doubt but I had access to a number of wards at anytime and this was my observations. When I trained as a nurse it meant three years on the wards, when you completed the training you were capable of being in charge of auxillary staff and student nurses and being left in charge of wards for a time. This does not happen now, student nurses spend three years at university and  some weeks of that time in placement more as observers, so when they qualify and gain their degree they are not capable of the responsibilites of the old system of trained nurses and often have to do apprentice schemes to make them fit for the job, something is not right here. Meanwhile we have Clinical Assistants who have six weeks training, taking temperatures, blood pressures and observations and even taking blood. To me this is all wrong and this is where all the basic disciplines are lost, therefore care, basic hygiene deteriorate and we have a system where the elderly who go into hospital for something routine come back out worse than when they went in, as no one has made sure they have been fed and kept clean, basic nursing.

Coming back to holistic remedies and care. Contented patients heal faster and that means dealing with patients in a holistic fashion i.e. mind, body and spirit and not just pidgeon-holing  them and dealing with their ailment. We need to think was makes a patient content and I feel that starts that knowing there is someone who will listen to their needs and making them feel cared for. That does not mean they expect their ailment to go away but to know someone will be there to assist them with the basic ablutions, making sure they are eating nourishing meals, so they get all the nutrients their body needs to repair itself. I know staffing makes it difficult to spend time talking to patients, but the odd kind word and smile achieves a lot to lift a patient's spirit.

It's taken a long time but the value of holistic remedies is at last been noticed, for what holistic  remedies and therapies do is they work on the whole patient. A contented patient fights infection better and heals quicker and even when the patient is terminally ill holistic therapies can make the easing into the next world more peaceful for them. 

Holistic care however does not mean that you have to have additional staff trained in various therapies, that would be lovely if possible, what it does mean though as to see patients as people, people who have feelings, who are anxious and worried what is going to happen to them. Remember Holistic means caring for the whole patient and not their ailment. They deserve to have their dignity preserved and they deserve basic cleanliness, these needs can be addressed by better nurse education and being put into practice. A stressed patient will not recover as quickly as a contented patient and if you have read my articles on here under stress you will know exactly what stress does to health by raising blood pressure and deminishing the immune system. Hospitals are frightening enough for most patients they deserve to be treated as those who treat them would wish themselves. I feel when hospitals take account of looking at care in a holistic way the standards of care and cleanliness would rise.

One in four patients say their local hospital is not up to standard

  • Report also finds patients admitted to A&E at evenings and weekends are 10 per cent more likely to die

A quarter of patients would not recommend their local hospital, a survey revealed yesterday.
Their complaints included ant-infested floors, wards stinking of sewage and uncollected rubbish.
Others objected to doctors and nurses who made them feel as if they were on a  factory production line.
Some claimed nursing staff spent much of their time clock-watching or failed to wash their hands properly.
High risk: Patients taken to hospital over the weekend for emergency treatment have a higher chance of dying, according to statistics (Posed by models)
High risk: Patients taken to hospital over the weekend for emergency treatment have a higher chance of dying, according to statistics (Posed by models)
The Dr Foster research firm looked at the responses of 8,864 patients on the NHS Choices website and found that 26 per cent of them would not recommend their local hospital to a friend.
However, 58 per cent would do so however, while the remainder had no opinion either way.
Lack of cleanliness was one of the main reasons for the complaints to the website. One patient, who was treated at Whipps Cross University Hospital in North-East London, said ants had the run of the ward he was treated on. He also claimed food was not cleared from his bedside table for four days.
A patient admitted to Queen’s Hospital in Romford, East London, said bloodied dressings covered the floor and another said the ward stank of sewage.
At Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham, a patient said black rubbish bags were left along the corridor. Another complained that the same hospital was so dirty he ‘feared getting an infection’.
Some 72 per cent of patients who complained were upset at being ‘left in the dark’ by doctors and nurses who refused to speak to them about their illness or treatment.
One patient who had been brought in to the A&E department at Newham General Hospital in East London described doctors and nurses as ‘robotic’ and said they felt like they were on ‘some sort of mass production line’. A mother who gave birth at Queen’s Hospital said she had been ‘made to feel like an animal’.
The report also found that patients who are admitted to A&E during the evenings or weekends are 10 per cent more likely to die.
It warned that in many trusts too few senior consultants work outside of office hours meaning that patients are left in the hands of junior doctors.
In nearly a third of hospitals no senior staff were on site all weekend. Overall mortality rates, however, were found to have fallen by 20 per cent over the past decade.
The catalogue of failure
The lengthy report also disclosed that some health trusts put just one nurse in charge of more than 20 elderly patients at any one time.
At South Tyneside NHS trust in Tyne and Wear the average is one nurse to 29.5 patients while at Frimley Park in Surrey the ratio is one to 20.
Dr Peter Carter of the Royal College of Nursing said: ‘Trusts now need to look at their staffing levels as a matter of urgency. Due to the complex needs of many older people, having staff with the right mixture of skills and experience on the ward is vital.’
Sir Bruce Keogh, medical director of the NHS in England, said: ‘Mortality rates are going down, but hospitals with high rates and poor outcomes in the evenings and at weekends must investigate to see where performance may be falling short and look to those with the best rates to see how they can improve.’
Professor Keogh added: ‘I will be asking the NHS medical directors to look closely at weekend services to ensure patients admitted at weekends receive the same standards of care as those during the week.’


The Dr Foster report includes an analysis of patient comments made online about their hospital stay.
It revealed that disrespect and not being kept informed are the two main reasons why patients would not recommend their hospital. This was found to matter far more than single-sex wards or cleanliness.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Many like to dismiss old wives tales and I often wonder where this term came from and why many of them prove to be of value, whether they were passed down from old wise women, the term was around in ancient times, "

The concept of old wives' tales is ancient. In the 1st century, the Apostle Paul wrote to his young protégé Timothy, "But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself [rather] unto godliness" (I Timothy 4:7 KJV[2]). 

However one of my favourite books "Honey Mud and Maggots" explains the reasoning behind some 'Old wives tales and folklore remedies' Like the article below, I grew up being told by my grandma being told Fish is good for the brain and no doubt her grandma told her the same, so it seems the Old wives knew what they were talking about, irrespective of who, and where these old wives originated. I really enjoyed this book and you will too.

Book Description

Many modern medical practices began as old wives' tales or folk remedies. "Honey, Mud, Maggots and Other Medical Marvels" investigates a multicultural variety of age-old remedies often dismissed by 20th-century Western medicine as harmful or foolish but now shown to have real scientific validity. This book calls upon the medical establishment to open itself up to the possiblities of alternative therapies - remedies that have stood the test of time precisely because they work. The age of leeching is long gone, yet tens of thousands of leeches are used each year to re-establish blood flow following reconstructive surgery. Maggots have accidentally cleaned wounds for centuries. Now doctors use them on purpose to heal gangerous sores that are resistant to modern medicine. Honey is one of the oldest medicines in the world. In some modern hospitals it is used to heal wounds that even the best antibiotics and antiseptics cannot treat.

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Showing  results for "honey mud and maggots" in Complementary Medicine.
Honey, Mud, Maggots and Other Medical Marvels: Science Behind Folk Remedies and Old Wives' TalesHoney, Mud, Maggots and Other Medical Marvels: Science Behind Folk Remedies and Old Wives' Tales by Robert Scott Root-Bernstein
Buy used from: £3.55
Honey, Mud, Maggots and Other Medical Marvels: Science Behind Folk Remedies and Old Wives' TalesHoney, Mud, Maggots and Other Medical Marvels: Science Behind Folk Remedies and Old Wives' Tales by Robert Scott Root-Bernstein
Buy used from: £4.74
Honey, Mud, Maggots, and Other Medical Marvels: The Science behind Folk RemediesHoney, Mud, Maggots, and Other Medical Marvels: The Science behind Folk Remedies by Robert Scott Root-Bernstein
Buy used from: £3.08
Honey, Mud, Maggots, and Other Medical Marvels: The Science behind Folk Remedies and Old Wives' TalesHoney, Mud, Maggots, and Other Medical Marvels: The Science behind Folk Remedies and Old Wives' Tales by Robert Scott Root-Bernstein
Buy used from: £14.95

Why fish oil is good for your brain: Study finds it boosts memory by 15 per cent

  • Fatty acid found in fish and seafood boosts memory function by 15 per cent
  • Fish-rich diet important for maintaining optimal brain health and preventing onset of dementia

Eating oily fish such as salmon and trout can significantly improve your memory say scientists.
A new study found that a fatty acid found in fish and seafood can boost memory function by 15 per cent.
Scientists are now highlighting the importance of a fish-rich diet for maintaining optimal brain health and preventing the onset of dementia.
According to a new study eating oily fish such as salmon can significantly improve your memory and help prevent the onset of dementia
According to a new study eating oily fish such as salmon can significantly improve your memory and help prevent the onset of dementia
Over a six month period 176 healthy adults were given supplements containing DHA - an Omega-3 fatty acid found in foods such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, prawns and mussels.
During this time memory and cognitive function were assessed and compared to a placebo group.
After treatment, memory, working memory and speed of working memory all showed significant improvements.
It is believed that DHA could be key in preventing Alzheimer's disease, one of the most common forms of dementia, characterised by a decline in mental abilities, such as memory and reasoning and often associated with increasing age.
Lead researcher Professor Welma Stonehouse of Massey University in New Zealand said: 'This is the first robust study to show that a DHA-rich supplement can improve some aspects of memory functioning in young healthy adults.
DHA - an Omega-3 fatty acid found in fish and seafood is one of the most highly concentrated fats in the brain
DHA - an Omega-3 fatty acid found in fish and seafood is one of the most highly concentrated fats in the brain
'The cognitive functions shown to be affected by the DHA-rich fish oil, namely memory and working memory, are among the most important functions of our brains for numerous everyday activities, such as working, driving, shopping, studying, playing sports, etc.

'Maintaining brain health and getting your brain to perform at its optimal capacity is just as vital as maintaining physical wellbeing and health.'
DHA, is one of the most highly concentrated fats in the brain and known to play a vital role in the structure and functioning of the brain.

But as the body cannot effectively make this fatty acid it must be consumed as part of the diet.
Researchers highlighted that as many people fail to eat enough fish and seafood, the brain's performance is potentially compromised.
The study showed that male participants who took a DHA supplement demonstrated 15 per cent faster working memory while women had a seven per cent improvement in the speed of episodic memory.
Professor Stonehouse added: 'These findings contribute to the growing body of research showing that omega-3's play a very important role in brain function throughout the life cycle, even in healthy cognitively intact individuals.'
This is one of the few studies to investigate the effects of DHA on cognitive function in healthy adults with no pre-existing cognitive disorder.
Dementia affects around 570,000 people in England, with Alzheimer’s disease responsible for around 60 per cent of dementia cases.
The NHS states a healthy diet should include at least two portions of fish a week, including one of oily fish.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Monday, 28 November 2011


The article below is from the Daily Mail and not the usual articles I sometimes post on here, but I am in the business of Holistic Medicine and Psychic Mediumship so under that umbrella comes beliefs. 

Now I had thought I had heard the last of this guy, David Icke in the UK years ago when he was prevalent, we just laughed and thought he was a harmless crackpot, obvious to all that he just wasn't right and who would believe him, but this headline in the Daily Mail caught my eye, "America now falling at his feet". Frankly I was flabbergasted.

He pokes fun or is it fun? nope I think he's deadly serious, at our Royal Family claiming she is half Lizard and part of an alien sect. He also claims this of the US president Obama, now I know there may be a percentage of Americans who dislike president Obama, each to there own but to find he has sell out tours of the US where Americans are hanging on to his every word is worrying. He even claims the highest ranking UK Clergy had the mark of Satan on his robes and they lap it up.

Why are people, well especially Americans listening to this twaddle? and worrying they are supporting him? My theory is they need something to believe in. Man from time immemorial had a need to worship something, so you will find this common thread throughout all civilizations. Sadly many are disillusioned with present day religions, which have lost the impetus of sticking to the real purpose of religion, which is to care for others and treat others as they themselves wish, present day religions seem to have developed more in the way of power and control, and people have been searching for something different. David Icke is somewhat a manipulator at using those gullible searching people, he refers to such terms as "U.S. government weapons, the satanic paedophile politicians leeching ‘energy’ from children" and there are many especially in the US who are  susceptible to conspiracy theories, Icke plays on this. As far as I can see he is no different from any other organisation who tries to manipulate people with power and control. Sadly these gullible people in my opinion should look internally at themselves to their own soul and conscious.

No matter what religion you believe in take it back to grass roots, we should care for our fellow man as we would expect ourselves to be treated. Love is unconditional, it does not judge others. OK you may say I am judging him, well hes free to choose what to believe in and if he wants to believe HM the Queen and President Obama are half lizard half alien, who want to take over the world let him. But he should not be trying to convert others to his beliefs, that is a dangerous precedence. I would have more respect for him if he were to talk about Universal Love for mankind, instead he claims to be the son of God and the next Messiah.

The second coming of David Icke: Claiming he was the son of God made him a national joke. So why is America now falling at his feet?

Making a comeback: David Icke and his outlandish views are continuing to sell out tours in America, yet he is still one of the most ridiculed men in Britain
Making a comeback: David Icke and his outlandish views are continuing to sell out tours in America, yet he is still one of the most ridiculed men in Britain

Americans love to hear about the mysteries of the Royal Family and David Icke wasn’t about to disappoint his 2,000-strong audience.
A seemingly innocuous picture of the Queen being greeted at the gates of Westminster Abbey for the royal wedding flashed up on the giant TV screen on the stage behind him.
‘He’s got the inverted pentagon on a circle, the classic symbol of Satanism,’ said Icke, ringing the decoration on one of the clergyman’s robe with his laser pointer. ‘It’s so obvious, I thought it must have been Photoshopped.’
But the devil-worshipper helping to officiate at the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton is apparently the least of the Royal Family’s faults. Later, the screen was filled with a photo of the Queen with slanted eyes, next to an image of a green lizard-man. This shows her Majesty in her true form, Icke explains, as a human-lizard hybrid.
Incredibly, Icke believes that the world is being run by a race of child-sacrificing, shape-shifting, reptilian aliens — and thousands of people seem to believe him.
Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of David Icke. But while wild claims such as these forced Icke to flee the spotlight 20 years ago — after he declared on a BBC chat show that he was the son of God — his conspiracy theories are now proving lucrative.
Icke, now 59, is, sadly, a man for our times. The messianic figure in the turquoise tracksuit (which supposedly channelled positive energy) was once the most ridiculed man in Britain. But looking at the 2,100 people who had paid £45 a head to listen to him in New York at the weekend, it seems Icke has had the last laugh.
Delusional: Icke makes his extraordinary claim that he was the son of God during an interview on Terry Wogan's chat show in 1991
Delusional: Icke makes his extraordinary claim that he was the son of God during an interview on Terry Wogan's chat show in 1991

The audience — many wearing Icke T-shirts, others taking down notes on their phones or posting minute-by-minute updates on Icke fan forums — sat and listened attentively as the former Coventry City footballer spent eight hours railing against U.S. government weapons, the satanic paedophile politicians leeching ‘energy’ from children and, of course, the lizard people and their plot for world domination.
He got a standing ovation and his audience headed back home to switch on their computers and immerse themselves in their world of conspiracy theory sites and chat forums.
No matter how hard they search, they’ll find few stories as unlikely as Icke’s. Goalkeeper for Coventry City before severe arthritis forced him to give up football at just 21, he became one of the BBC’s most high-profile presenters, before being sacked for refusing to pay the poll tax.
He then became a spokesman for the Green Party. By 1990, he was having mystical experiences. A psychic’s claims that Icke would ‘heal the Earth’ were widely reported, while Icke visited a burial ground in Peru — where he said a hill ‘talked’ to him.
His personal life was equally bizarre. He married Linda Atherton in 1974, but had an affair with psychic Deborah Shaw, and moved his mistress into the marital home in 1990 to live in a polygamous ménage à trois.
He subsequently divorced both Atherton and his second wife, Pamela Leigh Richards. 
When, in 1991, he announced on Terry Wogan’s BBC1 chat show  that he was the son of God and that the world would end in 1997, his own world fell apart.
Icke has claimed the Queen is a half-lizard
Icke has claimed Barack Obama is a member of the lizard hybrids who rule the world
Half lizard? Icke has bizarrely suggested the Queen and Barack Obama are part of an alien sect that run the world.

Dawn-till-dusk lampooning followed and Icke retreated to his Isle of Wight home to develop his outlandish ideas. It also set him free to make far more money than he could have dreamt of staying in the Green Party.
He has written 18 books, published in 40 countries, under such titles as And The Truth Shall Set You Free and Infinite Love Is The Only Truth. His website receives 600,000 hits a week and he has a lucrative sideline selling DVD recordings of his performances for £35 a copy.
He is using his latest sell-out tour — which takes in Australia, the Netherlands, Croatia, a string of dates across the U.S. and a grand finale at Wembley Arena next October — to promote his new book Human Race Get Off Your Knees.
Americans are his biggest fans — it might explain the transatlantic accent Icke now seems to have — and it’s not hard to see why. 
They have always been especially susceptible to conspiracy theories, which now constitute a multi-million dollar industry of radio shows and websites in the U.S.
Much of this is founded on a suspicion of people in power. Indeed, in a recent poll, only a quarter of U.S. adults said they trust their government. 
Superstitious: Icke used to wear this fetching turquoise tracksuit as it supposedly channelled positive energy to him
Superstitious: Icke used to wear this fetching turquoise tracksuit as it supposedly channelled positive energy to him

So what, apart from a sore rear, does one take away from eight hours with the self-proclaimed son of God?
There’s some New Age waffling about overcoming negativity and humanity’s ‘infinite consciousness’ which cheers up listeners — but rather a lot more which alarms them.
Yet Icke’s scaremongering about a ‘New World Order’ of politicians, Zionists, financiers and secret societies — including the Jesuits, Templars and Freemasons — all plotting together to take over the world, is not all that original.
What’s different is that few of even the most wild-eyed conspiracists believe invisible alien lizard people are calling the shots.
Icke tells people we cannot ‘decode’ the reptilians because, conveniently, they are visible only on a light frequency that humans cannot detect.
Meanwhile, we have been brainwashed so that what we think is reality is only a hologram. Icke’s vision is all eerily reminiscent of the Matrix series of sci-fi films, starring Keanu Reeves, about a man who discovers we are all living in a dream world manufactured by evil supermachines.
He has plenty more of this hokey scientific gobbledygook, together with carefully cherry-picked quotes from scientists and rather longer extracts — which he laboriously reads out — from rather more dubious sources such as science fiction writers, fictional characters and even New York’s most famous serial killer, the ‘Son of Sam’ David Berkowitz.
Icke’s revelations include everything from the fact that the moon was built by aliens to the fact that the Rothschild dynasty of Jewish bankers are responsible for everything from the Russian revolution to the 2008 economic meltdown.
Popular: Icke has written 18 books while his website receives more than 600,000 hits a week. He also sells DVDs of his show at £35 a time
Popular: Icke has written 18 books while his website receives more than 600,000 hits a week. He also sells DVDs of his show at £35 a time

The lizard hybrids Icke believes in include every royal family in Europe, Tony Blair, Barack Obama, Henry Kissinger, Arnold Schwarzenegger and — most mysteriously — the singer Kris Kristofferson.
The list includes plenty of Jews. Although Icke insists he isn’t anti-Semitic but only anti-Zionist, his diatribe against Jewish bankers such as Goldman Sachs and their ‘control of global bloody finance’ has alarming echoes of what the Nazis used to say.
His bombardment of ‘facts’ is so rapid that listeners barely have time to consider if they ring even remotely true. And so he argues that the New World Order is so obsessed with symbolism that it chose to assassinate Princess Diana in Paris’s Pont de l’Alma tunnel. Why? Because Pont de l’Alma means ‘passage of the moon goddess’ and Diana was named after the Roman goddess of the moon.
It sounds good — but it’s tripe: the Pont de l’Alma was named after a Crimean War battle. But who cares, Icke is on to his next revelation: that the reptilians are obsessed with twin towers. The Royal Family get married in Westminster Abbey and St Paul’s which both have twin towers and, yes, that’s why the lizards blew up the Twin Towers on 9/11.
Interviewed last week on a radio show, Icke couldn’t hide his delight that in parts of the world where he has previously ‘talked to a phone box’, he is now filling out 2,000-seat auditoriums.
For anyone who stops sniggering at Planet Icke long enough to think about that, it may not be a laughing matter.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Saturday, 26 November 2011




Maggie Brown, A Truly Holistic Blog

Who Is Maggie Brown?

Maggie Brown, webmaster of “The Truly Holistic Blog” is an author, writer, poet, and psychic.  As a lecturer in Holistic Studies with a nursing background, she blogs on topics such as reflexology, aromatherapy and Indian therapy with the reverence and perspective of a Reiki master.

The Truly Holistic Blog, AstrideStella.info

The Truly Holistic Blog, www.AstrideStella.info is a bit overwhelming in that there is so much offered it is hard to decide where to go first. Whether you want to learn more about homeopathic health to quit smoking or control your diabetes or the art of reading tea leaves you will find it on this holistic blog.
Holistic Health Blog
The post on “What is Wicca?” was enlightening to me. What I got is that Wicca is a recognized religion that is basically the “awe” of life.
It is a peaceful and harmonious way of life that promotes oneness with the world and creator.

Holistic Approach To Life

Maggie’s blog topics are all-encompassing in the holistic approach to life.
The holistic blog
For example, I learned in the post “Mercury In Retrograde” that the planet Mercury which appears in the morning or early evening sky at times looks like it is going backwards. This optical illusion is called retrograde and the astrological phenomenon causes few issues here on earth. To avoid problems during this period it is good to:
  • Avoid signing legal documents.
  • Avoid closing big deals.
  • Avoid meetings that require big decisions.
  • Allow extra time while traveling.
It sounds kind of like Feng Shui to me! This type of holistic advice permeates the entire site. Anyone interested in living a healthy life without drugs would benefit from visiting “The Truly Holistic Blog“.
We give Maggie Brown’s blog a thumbs UP!!

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Maggie Brown (Author)
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Thursday, 24 November 2011


The new moon is associated with new beginnings and certain spells.  New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after. The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting.

Diagram of Moon Phases
Diagram of Moon Phases

Here is the schedule for every New Moon, 2012. 
Please note that all the times listed are in Universal Time.

New Moon for January, 2012
  • January 23, 07:39
New Moon for February, 2012
  • February 21, 22:35
New Moon for March, 2012
  • March 22, 14:37
New Moon for April, 2012
  • April 21, 07:18
New Moon for May, 2012
  • May 20, 23:47
New Moon for June, 2012
  • June 19, 15:02
New Moon for July, 2012
  • July 19, 04:24
New Moon for August, 2012
  • August 17, 15:54
New Moon for September, 2012
  • September 16, 02:11
New Moon for October, 2012
  • October 15, 12:02
New Moon for November, 2012
  • November 13, 22:08
New Moon for December, 2012
  • December 13, 08:42

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Under the laws of the Universe you can have anything you wish for providing it's not detrimental to anyone else. It's the power of positive thinking and by harnessing and creating positive thoughtforms to manifest your wish.

To Manifest or to Cosmic Order is to request a change in life, or circumstance and because of your request you will go on to experience your desires.

Do you ever find that when you expect things to go wrong, they often do? Well conversely you may believe in coincidence, the thing you appreciate when things that you may have been dreaming of actually happen, and things go right.  This is because in the Universe 'Like attracts like' Negative attracts negative, so positive thoughts manifest and create positive happenings

This is the process of Cosmic Ordering, happening to you all of the time, though you may not always realise it, and if you can learn what to do you can begin to consciously control your future.

So Cosmic Ordering is placing an order with the Universe and wait for it Manifest.

Where do I Place my orders?
In several books and recorded interviews with leading spiritual writers Dr Deepak Chopra and Dr Wayne Dyer, Manifestation is said to occur within a field of energy that they have named ‘The field of Intent’. The field of Intent is said to be an invisible dimension where our Spirit connects to the universe and returns our conscious desires.

When things happen instantaneously or in complete coincidence, you can often think back to what you were asking for at the time of the occurrence, and realise that what you requested actually happen, and normally you would put this down to coincidence. According to Chopra and Dyer coincidence, as a matter of chance, does not exist – a coincidence is actually a Cosmic Order being delivered, you have manifested your request.

How do I place my orders?
To link to the Field of Intent we use our Power of Intention, a combination of our desire and our belief to create a new situation. When we use our Power of Intention our Spirit connects to the Field of Intent and returns our request.

When we desire something we want it badly, and for this aspect of Cosmic Ordering to work we have to really want it and feel that we deserve it. Desiring something without deserving it will not work as Spiritually you experience an anomaly between what you think you want and whether you think you are worth it. However much you want something, if deep down you don’t feel that you deserve it then you will not be able to Manifest it.

Belief is a part of your psychology that influences pretty much everything you do in life. Whether you believe you can, or you believe you can’t, you are probably right. When you are in a situation where you need to push your boundaries and leave your comfort zone, your level of belief will affect whether you are successful or not. This is true for Cosmic Ordering, you must have belief that you can achieve your request, that you can make it happen, and this is probably the hardest part of the process for people who are sceptical about the process.

Making my request
When you have Desire and Belief you have Intent and by having Intent you just need to place your order. Writers present many different ways to place your Order, some methods are very involved, including going to a sacred place, wearing different outfits or being accompanied by certain artefacts to name but a few. In fact Cosmic Ordering works whatever setting feels most comfortable to you, you will know what feels right, it would preferably be somewhere you feel very comfortable and can enjoy familiarity. It is generally best to be somewhere quiet, and where you can remain quiet until you have finished.

Some reporters on the subject write their requests on paper, and review these notes at specific times. Others claim that by writing the request and wrapping it round a particular stone (that you have to pay for), you can achieve success. Many people simply recite the request several times, and then repeat it on the days following. Another method is to say it out loud and to follow this up with positive affirmations. For some the process of physically submitting your cosmic order via a website helps maintain the positive process e.g. the URL below


Cosmic ordering is the name given to a version of positive thinking that was renamed by Bärbel Mohr of Munich, Germany. She first outlined her own version in her own magazine called Sonnenwind (Solar Wind), and then expanded these ideas into a book called Cosmic Ordering Service: A Guide to Realising Your Dreams. In the Great Depression of the 1930s Napoleon Hill popularised similar ideas, and in the 1970s Reverend Ike was widely heard over radio and television stations claiming that "You can't lose with the stuff I use". This "stuff" was mind power based upon similar ideas to those promoted by Hill in his many books, and which Mohr has recently promoted in Germany. In the United Kingdom disc jockey and TV game show host Noel Edmonds has become the main media promoter of Mohr's work.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.