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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Thursday, 8 March 2012



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The journey to Spirit

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Wednesday, 7 March 2012


I have a new book on the way "THE JOURNEY TO SPIRIT" and will be launching soon in paperback and kindle. This is a psychic development book and a guide to spiritual and inspirational philosophy

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Maggie Brown (Author)
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Monday, 5 March 2012



As I have discussed on here before, we incarnate in soul groups, the purpose being to help and support one another in our spiritual growth. We each take a different role in each incarnation and some of these roles will be fraught with difficulties, this is normal for without challenge we wouldn't grow both stronger and spiritually. Many times there is a recognition, a knowing that you know someone from before you know intuitively they are a kindred spirit, if both of you feel this connection you could say it is recognition on a soul level. This doesn't mean you will greet one another with oh I know you from before, alas thats not how it works, but you will both get on well, like a house on fire or you may find that recognition takes a different form and you will sense an instant dislike. Whatever form it takes there is a spiritual challenge involved.

There is another type of recognition and that is one where you have had a loving relationship with someone in a past life, it could have been as lovers, siblings or parental, either way there is a strong pull. If you are equally developed in your spiritual growth, chances are you will both experience recognition, however if one of you is more developed than the other, this relationship can be fraught with difficulties. You see you make these plans of experience and challenge before you incarnate and you make them in Divine timing, therein lies the first difficulty Divine timing does not run like earth time and divine timing will be as long as it takes for recognition to occur. It's akin to saying "How long is a piece of string?". You see Divine timing is eternal and will carry on until there is recognition. There is not much you can do to hasten the other party as the recognition has to come from them for it has to resonate at soul level and not from you physically saying to the other party, "Don't you feel connected?" All you can do is be patient and know recognition will happen but it will be in Divine Timing.

Remember too seldom is a deep spiritual challenge straight forward, it will be difficult, none the less when this challenge is overcome it will be the most rewarding. 

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Maggie Brown (Author)
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Sunday, 4 March 2012


Angel cards

There are as many different types of angel cards as there are tarot packs and many clairvoyants prefer working with angel cards to tarot, personally I use both, in fact I use many different types of cards primarily to seek confirmation. Some decks come with a single phrase or message others give  a bit more and like I advised when reading tarot forget the accompanying book that comes with them, trust your intuition when it comes to interpretating them. You can work with the phrase and build a reading from that or you may use the illustration and colours to conduct a reading, but whatever method you use, follow your intuition as this is your link to the Universe and enables you to tap into the guidance given by your guides and helpers.

A three card spread is the simplest way to start. Lay your cards out in a line. The first card signifies your Past  the middle card signifies your present  and the third card represents your future.

A six card spread lay out angel cards as above. Place a second row of cards alongside the first. Each of these second cards can be used to expand on the first card.

For significant questions most people want to know about either love, money or work situations As with tarot cards, it is better to use at least three cards – but go ahead and use as many as you want to answer your query. 

Reading the Angel Cards

Always follow your intuition first. Each card has many meanings and even those which are not included in the booklet with the pack. If you pick a card which says LOVE for example and you feel that the person needs to GIVE love then say so. If you feel the card means that their angel or guide is SENDING love, then indicate that. If you feel more comfortable, say what you think the card means, see how the person you read for reacts. Don't spend too long thinking about the meaning for if you do this, then your own mind energy interferes with the reading.

Product Details

Daily Guidance From Your Angels: 365 Angelic Messages...: Oracle Cards

Daily Guidance From Your 

Angels: 365 Angelic 

Messages...: Oracle Cards
By Doreen Virtue PhD

List Price:£11.99
Price:£8.12 & eligible for
FREE Super Saver

Availability: Usually dispatched
within 24 hours
Dispatched from and sold by
28 new or used available 
from £5.31
Average customer review: 
(61 )

Product Description

A deck filled with 365 channelled meditations,
offering comforting and uplifting messages,
to set a positive and healing tone for the day.

Product Details   

The Romance Angels Oracle Cards

The Romance Angels 

Oracle Cards
By Doreen Virtue PhD

List Price:£11.99
Price:£8.09 & eligible 
Super Saver 


Availability: Usually dispatched
24 hours
Dispatched from and sold by
28 new or used available from 
Average customer review: 

Product Description

The Romance Angels are a group of cherubic angels
who are focused upon all things love related.
Anyone can call upon these beings, and they're able
 to help unlimited numbers of people simultaneously.

This beautifully illustrated card deck by Doreen Virtue
will allow you to receive angelic guidance about your
 romantic status, as well as conduct accurate and
trustworthy readings for your friends and clients.
The Romance Angels Oracle Cards can offer you
more clarity about soul-mate relationships, healing
from the past and attracting more love into your
life. Whether you're seeking answers for yourself
or someone else, these cards can yield
valuable insights. The Romance Angels are happy
to guide you to a lifetime of love!

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Maggie Brown (Author)
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"See yourself and others through the eyes of the angels, with unconditional love and acceptance. In this way, you inspire and lift everyone to their highest potential."

I often write during the night as I do automatic writing and channel  philosophy from Spirit and last night this message came through. I has been seeking the answers to a question I had asked and this was my answer.

"It's necessary as we grow more spiritual to undertake challenges, this happens not just in our present lifetime but in ALL our lifetimes, to undertake all kinds of pain. Of all those emotional is the hardest of all for in emotional pain the message and lesson within touches the soul. Physical pain only affects the earthly body and can be solved, there are many advances in medicine to deal with this. Only a kindred soul who has gone through and felt  emotional pain has the skills and experience to empathise and can truly unburden others. 

As you develop spiritually you will do more good by allowing others unburden their emotional pain onto you for you are the key to their release. This undertaking is tough but necessary your time just now is making keys of which there are many. One day you will have a full set. See yourself as a seeker of knowledge. 

The day will come when you are akin to a sponge when you cannot take in anymore, it is then you will have achieved full spiritual growth. Do not fight this. Your lesson is acceptance know this is so. remember one cancels out the other."

It's a very true saying no one can ever understand unless they have walked a mile in anothers shoes.

Remember too, "Compensation and Retribution for all souls" you will never go unrewarded for those you help

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Maggie Brown (Author)
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Saturday, 3 March 2012


I cannot recommend enough how wonderful the philosophy of Silver Birch is. It truly does help you cope and make sense of life and why we have challenges. There is one book everyone should have and that is "SILVER BIRCH BOOK OF QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS" You don't need to read it right through but dip into it when you like. I've owned several copies of the book and loaned it out never getting it back for the recipients have loved it so much. If there was only one book you were allowed to own this would be my choice.

Showing 1 - 10 of 16 results for "silver birch" in
Silver Birch Book of Questions and AnswersSilver Birch Book of Questions and Answers
by Tony Ortzen 11 new £8.50
Guidance from Silver Birch (Teachings from Silver Birch S.)Guidance from Silver Birch (Teachings from
Silver Birch S.)

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The Philosophy of Silver Birch (Teachings from Silver Birch series)The Philosophy of Silver Birch (Teachings from
Silver Birch series)

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Lift Up Your Hearts (Teachings from Silver Birch)Lift Up Your Hearts (Teachings from Silver Birch)
Buy used from: £8.50
Silver Birch Anthology (Teachings from Silver Birch series)Silver Birch Anthology (Teachings from
Silver Birch series)

Buy used from: £17.00
Silver Birch: the Spirit SpeaksSilver Birch: the Spirit Speaks by Tony Ortzen
Buy used from: £2.75
A Voice in the Wilderness (Teachings from Silver Birch)A Voice in the Wilderness (Teachings from Silver Birch)
by T. Ortzen
Buy used from: £23.00

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Maggie Brown (Author)
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Thursday, 1 March 2012


Sometimes despite your best efforts, you have to step back from trying to help someone as by interfering you are doing them no favours. As my mediumship developed and became stronger, I wanted so much to help others, what I found out was it doesn't always work out like that. Firstly we all have personal responsibility for our actions and if you constantly interfere and help someone too much as well as being very draining it stops them taking some responsibility. This does NOT mean we don't help, we should try to help others but there comes a point where we should be helping them to help themselves.

Secondly on a spiritual level, we all plan our lives' challenges and experiences before we incarnate, we have all chosen our pathway in this life, the good and the bad as life is a teaching experience. On conversation with my guides this was pointed out to me, that I was interfering with their challenges.

So how do we know when it's ok to help someone yet again and when to step back? Well when we go through challenges and difficulties spirit want to help us, they want to support us for they want the best for us and they will send us that bit of support and help along the way, so I would say go for it and help where you can, but also  give the the person you are helping the means and knowledge to further help themselves, this way we fullfill spirit's ideals of supporting others, yet we allow them to manage their own destiny and we don't interfere with the life challenges they chose for themselves.

Life is not fair and it never will be, nor was it ever meant to be, for if we weren't challenged we would not grow and this is what spirit want for us to grow and to understand what life is about.

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Maggie Brown (Author)
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Monday, 27 February 2012



An Angel feather fell on me one day when I felt down
I was too busy to notice at first walking staring at the ground
Then I felt it's soft embrace wrap around me warm
And with it came the message I'll protect you from all harm
The feeling felt of love so pure and true
Unconditionally perfect gentle but strong too
And then I heard a voice inside my heart, it's voice gently spoke
It told me all I needed was trust, and suddenly my soul it woke
I looked upwards towards the sky
No longer did I feel the need to ask of me why?
That gentle Angel feather had awoken and touched my soul
No longer did my heart feel broken, but stronger repaired and whole

MPB © 

I don't normally post my poetry on this blog but on my writing one www.astridestella.org however there is a message in this. Life is not easy it's not designed to be, we are all incarnated on Earth to learn. Not academic subjects but to learn something more valuable and much more important than anything material; patience, understanding, empathy, compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love, but before we even begin to understand these lessons, we need to learn trust and I would say this is the most difficult and the most important of all. We can't move on in life without trust, if we trust no one we will end up very lonely. Everyone makes mistakes, YOU included, what's important is that you learn from them, so everyone needs a second chance to right their wrongs. For those who have made mistakes if you apologise from your heart and soul, you deserve forgiveness and for those who have been aggrieved remember don't tar everyone with the same brush, remember how your not infallible either. But above all trust in the Universe it wants us to learn but it also wants the best for us.

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Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.