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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Sunday, 3 February 2013


Can a good book help beat depression? It won't eradicate it but it sure will help, anything that takes your mind off anxieties, worries and sadness it sure to help and reading aids escapism. They don't necessary need to be novels, any book that interests you is aiding escapism and taking your mind of what is making you feel they way you do. Sometimes even reading about feelings as in poetry can help and it makes you feel you are not alone and it helps express how you feel. Anything no matter what it is, is worth trying, be it reading, listening to music, painting, where you can lose yourself is excellent.

Article from the Daily Mail below

Can a good book help beat depression? GPs draw up list of 27 'mood-boosting' reads to help those with mental illness

  • Therapeutic qualities of books hoped to help those with depression, anxiety and stress
  • List includes Cider With Rosie, A Small Island and The Secret Garden 

It is the rural idyll that has given happiness to generations of book-lovers.
Now Cider With Rosie is to be recommended by GPs across the country, in the hope that its therapeutic qualities will help those with mental illness.
The book, which chronicles the Gloucestershire childhood of author Laurie Lee, is one of a new list of ‘mood-boosting’ books which experts hope will help those with depression, anxiety and stress.
Stress-buster: Reading can help you relax and escape and this is a good strategy for dealing with stress and anxiety
Stress-buster: Reading can help you relax and escape and this is a good strategy for dealing with stress and anxiety
The list also includes Bill Bryson’s Notes From A Small Island, Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden and Salmon Rushdie’s Haroun And The Sea Of Stories.
It will be advertised on leaflets distributed by GPs from May as part of the ‘Books on Prescription’ scheme, supported by the Department for Health.
The official list of was drawn up by the Reading Agency via book groups, many catering to people with anxiety and depression.
And it may not be long before the likes of Fifty Shades Of Grey By EL James are also being recommended, as readers have been invited to submit their own suggestions.
The book is one of a 27-strong list of 'mood boosting' books which will help those with depression
The book is one of a 27-strong list of 'mood boosting' books which will help those with depression
It is hoped those with ‘mild to moderate’ mental health conditions will try out the idea before turning to prescription drugs - many of which can have unpleasant side effects.
Debbie Hicks, director of research at the Reading Agency, said: ‘Readers chose books which they thought had qualities that promote well-being.
‘We have funny and humorous titles and you also get books that have quite breath-taking experiences in them.
‘Reading is a really good stress-buster. It can help you escape to another world and get out of your everyday life.
‘There’s lots of evidence that reading can really help you relax and escape and this is a good strategy for dealing with stress and anxiety.’
The scheme was announced yesterday by the Society of Chief Librarians as part of a new national strategy for Britain’s libraries.
It will run alongside the ‘Books on Prescription’ scheme, which allows GPs to ‘prescribe’ self-help books stocked at local libraries.
On each prescription leaflet will also be a recommendation for the patient to dip into the ‘mood-boosting’ reading list.
Almost every library in the country has agreed to stock the approved list of self-help books and mood-boosting books.
In addition, the books will be distributed in colleges, hospitals and workplaces around the country.
Research by Mindlab International recently revealed that out of a range of activities, reading reduced stress the most - by 67 per cent.
The reading cure

Front cover of book, titled : The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde. From Hodder & Stoughton, £12.99
Book: Home to Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani.
Uplifting: Crime comedy The Big Over Easy and the heart-warming Home To Big Stone Gap
But experts warned it is intended to supplement any treatment a patient is undergoing - rather than acting as a fail-safe ‘cure’.
The suggestions for the 27-title reading list were submitted by more than a dozen reading groups, with a panel of judges at the Reading Agency selecting the best.
They said Bill Bryson’s 19996 book was chosen for its humour value, while the Secret Garden, published in 1910, was selected for its escapism.
Cider with Rosie, published in 1959, has stood the test of time as a favourite of the nation having sold over 6 million copies worldwide.
Also featuring on the list are Lucy Diamond’s 2011 ‘chick lit’ novel The Beach Café, E. H. Gombrich’s 1935 non-fiction A Little History of the World, and Jasper Fforde’s 2005 crime comedy The Big Over Easy.
Audio Book - 'Notes From A Small Island' by Bill Bryson. Read by Kerry Sheale.
A Little History of the World, by E. H. Gombrich; published by Yale University Press.
Put a smile on your face: Bill Bryson's travel book and E H Gombrich's chronicle of human history

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Sunday, 27 January 2013


Feeling Tired All The Time, is a very common problem and there are many causes, especially stress (I have a stress section on this site) poor diet, lack of exercise, not enough fluids, depression, medication, sleep apnoea and physical causes such as diabetes, however a third of patients presenting this symptom no obvious cause can be found.  The article below is from the Daily Mail.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


It's well known how music can affect us, it can cause us to cry, it can uplift and comfort and can touch our souls. You may well have your own playlist you use to good effect. The article below is from the Daily Mail and may give you a head start to boosting your mood and anything that can uplift us surely is worth trying.

Want to boost your mood? Try listening to the Prince, Bob Marley and the Beach Boys 

  • Researchers say a fast pace, predictable melody and punchy beat are key to mood-boosting
  • Claim acapella songs can also give us a boost.

Scientists have revealed why particular songs make us happy - and say those with a high-pitched voice are best at boosting our mood.
The research reveals the elements that go into making a song a happy one, such as a fast pace, predictable melody, and a punchy beat.
Now neuroscientist Dr Jack Lewis, who led the study, has created an 11-track 'prozac playlist', which includes hits by Prince, Beachboys, and Bob Marley.
Researchers say that listening to artists such as Bob Marley (pictured) can improve our mood. they also found Prince and the Beachboys can have a similar effect
Researchers say that listening to artists such as Bob Marley (pictured) can improve our mood. they also found Prince and the Beachboys can have a similar effect


  • Prince - Sexy Dancer
  • BB King - Let The Good Times Roll
  • Beachboys - Surfing USA
  • Curtis Mayfield - Victory -
  • Norman Jay remix
  • Bob Marley - Three Little Birds
  • Muddy Waters - Got My Mojo Working
  • Boney M - Sunny
  • The Darkness - I Believe In a Thing called Love
  • Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama
  • Outkast - Hey Ya
  • Future heads - Acapella
  • Harder Better Faster - Daft Punk
  • M People - Moving on Up
    1812 - Tchaikovsky
Source: rara.com
Tunes sung without backing music - 'acapella' - and those that remind us of happy times in our life, such as a wedding, are also said to give us a boost.
Dr Lewis, who conducted the research for music streaming site rara.com, said it was essential to get the brain's 'reward pathways' firing.
He looked for music that stimulates the limbic and reward systems - areas of the brain responsible for generating emotions and sensations of pleasure.
And he claims certain musical styles stimulate all of these areas, producing a natural 'high' much like that created by good food and sex.
Dr Lewis said: "Even though it is typically seen as a 'sad' genre, early blues has all the hallmarks of music that can make you smile.
'Let the Good Times Roll' by undisputed King of the Blues, B.B. King is a good example.
'The simple, stripped-down style of his music with a punchy yet predictable brass and percussion rhythm get the brain's reward pathways firing.
'And his unparalleled string-bending and vibrato technique made the guitar sing with an emotional, vocal quality sure to get the limbic system cranked up.'
Dr Lewis said it was important for singers to connect with listeners on an 'emotional level' and revealed 'acapella' tracks were best placed to do this.
He said: 'Music is so ingrained into humans that it doesn't need instruments to have an effect on us.
'When we hear emotion in a human voice our brains are tuned to feel some of this emotion ourselves. 
'This is fundamental to empathy.'
Researchers say that listening to the Beach Boys can improve your mood - and fast paced, catchy songs are key
Researchers say that listening to the Beach Boys can improve your mood - and fast paced, catchy songs are key
'The harmonisation between several voices will activate the reward pathways, and can make you feel on top of the world.
'Indie rockers The Futureheads have produced an entirely 'a cappella' album, 'Rant' - it's highly recommended to get the brain tapping.'
The doctor revealed any song that 'reminds you of a time when you were blissfully happy' has the power to put you back in that mood.
He said: 'Perhaps it's music from an unforgettable summer music festival, your wedding day, or the opening track of a set from your favourite concert back in your younger days.'
Music that gets the heart pumping and skin tingling is also said to trigger brain pathways of euphoria.
Dr Lewis said: 'Any music that gets your heart pumping and your skin tingling can enable the brain to cast worries away.
'One example is the thrilling climax of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.
'Such music does this by causing deactivation of the brain area that orchestrates the fear response - the amygdala - making us feel less anxious.'
He added: 'Singers often communicate the 'happy' emotion using the upper register of their voices.
'When this happiness rubs off on us, premotor brain areas - which control our vocal muscles - automatically become more active.
'That is why you can find yourself singing or humming along without even realising.
'Other songs in this vocal style include Mika's 'Grace Kelly', Scissor Sisters' 'Comfortably Numb', and most of Prince's output to date.'
Dr Lewis revealed that some songs are 'inherently happy'.
Songs played in a major key, at a fast pace with a simple, predictable melody combine to create a universally positive sound.
However, more melancholy tracks are often played in a minor key, at a slower pace and with a meandering melody.
Nick Massey, CEO of rara.com said: 'We all enjoy listening to music, but Dr Jack's findings prove it is genuinely good for us.
'That is true whether you want to beat the January blues, or just put a smile on your face anytime.

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Friday, 18 January 2013


This is another good reason why you need to eat a balanced diet. I love fruit and I cannot understand why some folk do not eat it, it tastes so refreshing and lovely. I admit I'm not a lover of vegetables however I still eat a lot of them as they add bulk to the diet providing useful roughage (roughage is the bowels sweeping brush) and they contain a vast amount of vitamins and minerals, essential if you want to have healthy young looking skin and a good immune system. They are also filling and stop you feeling hungry. However they also contain carotenoids and studies have shown they make people feel more optimistic and when you feel more optimistic you boost your immune system.

Article below is from the Daily Mail.

Another good reason to eat your greens: It makes you more optimistic about the future 

  • Optimistic folk have higher levels of plant compounds called carotenoids in their blood
  • Orange produce and green veg are rich in carotenoids
  • It's thought they might have a de-stressing effect

People who eat plenty of fruit and vegetables tend to be more optimistic about the future, new research suggests.  
Scientists have discovered that optimistic folk have higher levels of plant compounds called carotenoids in their blood.
A commonly-known carotenoid is beta-carotene, a pigment found in high levels in orange fruit and veg and green, leafy vegetables.  
Scientists have discovered that optimistic folk have higher levels of plant compounds called carotenoids - found in orange produce and green, leafy vegetables - in their blood
Scientists have discovered that optimistic folk have higher levels of plant compounds called carotenoids - found in orange produce and green, leafy vegetables - in their blood
Previous studies have shown that high blood levels of antioxidants  - of which carotenoids are one form - may be a marker of good health.
Antioxidants help keep other molecules in the body from producing free radicals, which can damage cells and contribute to disease.
'Individuals with greater optimism tended to have greater levels of carotenoids such as beta-carotene,' said lead investigator Julia Boehm, of the Harvard School of Public Health.
'This is the first study of its kind to report a relationship between optimism and healthier levels of carotenoid concentrations,' she added.
One theory is that antioxidants might have a de-stressing effect. 
The current study evaluated blood concentrations of nine different antioxidants, including carotenoids such as beta-carotene and vitamin E in nearly 1,000 American men and women ages 25 to 74. 
Participants filled out a questionnaire about their life attitudes and provided blood samples to the researchers, according to the report in Psychosomatic Medicine.
People who ate two or fewer servings of fruits and vegetables a day were significantly less optimistic than people who ate three or more servings a day
People who ate two or fewer servings of fruits and vegetables a day were significantly less optimistic than people who ate three or more servings a day
They also measured the degree of optimism in the same group.
Researchers found that people who were more optimistic had up to a 13 per cent increase in carotenoid concentrations in their blood compared with people who were less optimistic.
The researchers believe that higher levels of fruit and vegetable consumption among more optimistic people may at least partially explain the results.
They found that people who ate two or fewer servings of fruits and vegetables a day were significantly less optimistic than people who ate three or more servings a day.
They added that the relationship between optimism and carotenoid levels was only partially explained by the fact that more optimistic people tended to engage in healthier behaviors such as eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding cigarette smoking.
Last year, scientists at Warwick University found that people who ate seven portions of fruit and veg a day are the happiest.
The study found that those who ate around eight portions of fruit and vegetables a day had an average score that was one point higher than people who did not eat any.
The link remained even when people’s exercise levels and overall diet – both of which can influence mood – were accounted for.
Although it is not known exactly how fruit and veg improve wellbeing, they contain chemicals known as antioxidants, which are thought to reduce stress levels.
At the time, lead researcher Professor Andrew Oswald said  he was 'stunned ' when he looked at the data.
‘We think we’re on to something really important here,' he said. 'However, we don’t really know why this is – whether there is something in the biochemistry of the fruit and veg which works inside humans.
‘We know that fruit and veg  carry a lot of antioxidants and those protect us against attacks on the body. But how that works through into our minds and emotions, researchers have no idea.'
The Department of Health has spent at least £4million on its ‘five a day’ advertising campaign since it was launched in 2003.
In contrast, the French are told to eat ten portions a day, the Canadians between five and ten, and the Japanese 13 portions of vegetables and four pieces of fruit.  

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Wednesday, 16 January 2013


I do agree that Blowing your nose forcefully will make it worse, as it will drive the infection into your sinuses and Eustachian tubes to your middle ear, if you must blow your nose blow gently and only one nostril at a time. To see the results of popular decongestants the link is at the foot of this article and since I am a Holistic Therapist I will give you my tips on dealing with this bunged up feeling.

Central Heating/air conditioning whether in the home or car will make it worse as these make the air very dry and this will thicken the mucus in your respiratory tract, so it's a good idea to use a humidifier. Also it's important to drink plenty of water, your body is making mucus for a reason to trap bacteria and viruses and wash out any invading micro-organisms, so this needs replenishing and helps thin the mucus. Steam whether whether on its own or with additives e.g. essential oils or menthol crystals. Steaming is very easy to do, you can purchase electric steamers or cups with a nose piece to aid effective delivery, however the good old bowl of hot water with a few drops of essential added and inhaling the vapour with a towel over the head is effective. It's essential for best effect to do this several times a day and it goes without saying keep away from small children.

These are my favourites for Steam inhalations

Eucalyptus, Camphor Benzoin, Rosemary, Naouli, Ravensara, Rosemary will raise the blood pressure as its a stimulant and of course anyone suffering from Epilepsy should not use essential oils

The safety section is at the bottom of the Holistic Therapies page

Ravensara is particularly good for preventing catching colds and flu, this can be added to bath water diluted in oil or a little milk or used via a burner.

Ravensara Oil is steam distilled from the leaves and grown in Madagascar. There it is referred to as “the oil that heals” because it is used for so many different conditions. It can also be distilled from the bark.

The best use of the oil is for lung and throat infections as well as chronic sinus inflammation and bronchitis inflammation. It is also helps protect against viral infections such as hepatitis, shingles and herpes.

Ravensara oil also supports the immune systemwhich is so important when you have any type of infection or challenged by any health condition.

Echinacea is believed to support the immune system and help defend the body against infections, so consider taking a course of this periodically, though NOT if you suffer from Autoimmune disorders.

Increase your levels of Vitamin C by eating foods rich in this  such as citrus fruits, potatoes and dark green leafy vegetables and increase your Zinc levels foods such as oysters, toasted wheat germ, veal liver, low fat roast beef, roasted pumpkin and squash seeds,dark chocolate and cocoa powder, lamb, peanuts, crab

For the initial stages of colds and sore throats dissolve half a teasp of salt into a glass of warm water and gargle (DON'T SWALLOW IT) as salt helps prevent infection

Remember too increased mucus and a runny nose are good signs that your immune system is working well

Article below from the Daily Mail.

Bunged up? Blowing your nose will make it WORSE 

Struggling with a blocked-up nose or stuffy feeling in the head? 
It’s that time of year, but while the temptation is to keep blowing your nose, it probably won’t help. 
A blocked nose from a common cold is caused not by mucus, but by swelling and inflammation of the blood vessels in the nasal airways, triggered by the infection, explains Dr Ayah Al Ayoubi, consultant Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeon at Chase Farm Hospital, London. 
Struggling with a blocked-up nose? It's that time of year, but while the temptation is to keep blowing your nose, it probably won't help
Struggling with a blocked-up nose? It's that time of year, but while the temptation is to keep blowing your nose, it probably won't help

Not only will blowing not work, studies show that forceful nose blowing can propel some infection-laden mucus into the sinuses, where secondary bacterial infections may take hold.
So if you must blow your nose, it’s best to blow gently, one nostril at a time. 
And don’t bother inhaling the steam from a bowl of recently boiled water because that won’t help unblock your nose either. 
But what about an over-the-counter remedy?
Decongestants — in the form of tablets or medicated nasal sprays — contain different chemicals that work as vaso-constrictors. 
These narrow the small blood vessels in the nose, so reducing blood flow, which brings down the swelling and helps to open up the nasal airway so you can breathe more easily. 
    However, such decongestants should be avoided by people with heart disease, high blood pressure, glaucoma or diabetes. 
    That’s because the vaso-constricting drugs also work as stimulants, raising the heart rate and blood pressure. 
    These problems are more common with oral tablets which provide a higher dose to the bloodstream than sprays because, if used properly, sprays should be limited to the vessels in your nose.  
    Yet despite this, sprays are actually four to five times more effective than tablets as they are applied right at the source of the congestion, says Professor Ron Eccles, director of the common cold centre at Cardiff University. 
    A spray is also unlikely to cause side-effects since the amount of medicine absorbed into the bloodstream from the nose is fairly limited. 
    Sometimes a spray can cause more sneezing and a dry mouth or throat; tablets can cause raised heart rate and dizziness in some people.
    Because of their stimulant effect, these products may well disturb your sleep, says Nicholas Eynon-Lewis, a consultant ENT surgeon at the London Nose Clinic. 
    So if you do take an oral decongestant, it is better to do so during the day. This is not such a concern with the sprays.
    Don’t use decongestants for more than a week, or you could end up with more severe congestion — rhinitis medicamentosa. 
    Normally, the spray shrinks the tissue. But overuse of the drug causes the tissue to swell rather than shrink, making a blocked nose even worse.
    And as the tissue swells, the medication stops working. 
    Mr Eynon-Lewis adds that you should also limit use of sprays to no more than three times a day. 
    Any kind of spray will only be effective if used properly, says Henry Sharpe, a consultant ENT surgeon at East Kent Hospital.
    ‘They need to go into the nose, rather than ending up down your throat, if you want them to work. 
    'To do this, kneel on the floor with your head on the ground or lean over the edge of a table or chair so that your head is forward. Don’t use them sitting up.’ 
    ‘Once the drops are in your nose, stay in this position for a minute or two to let the drops work their way up to the top of the nose between the eyes.’

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2262414/Bunged-Blowing-nose-make-WORSE--winter-cold-expert-ideas-help-.html#ixzz2I8XC87QS 

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    Wednesday, 9 January 2013


    There are studies that often say coffee is bad for you here is one that says the opposite. However I have posted this as studies have shown there is a link between fizzy drinks and depression, it's worth trying leaving off the fizzy drinks for a while to see if it makes a difference and it has been shown the acid qualities of fizzy drinks are bad for dental health.

    Sugary soft drinks may raise risk of depression - with diet versions causing the most harm

    • Four cans of pop a day raised depression risk 30%
    • But drinking four cups of coffee decreased risk by 10%

    Cutting out sweetened diet drinks could lower risk of depression, say researchers
    Cutting out sweetened diet drinks could lower risk of depression, say researchers

    If you are feeling low, it may be best to lay off the fizzy drinks and have a cup of coffee instead.
    A study has linked soft drinks to depression – with diet versions particularly problematic.
    Coffee, however, appeared to have the opposite effect.
    The finding comes from US researchers who studied the drink consumption of 265,000 men and women aged 50 to 71.
    Ten years into the study, the volunteers were asked if they had been diagnosed with depression in the previous five years.
    Those who drank more than four cans of soft drinks a day were 30 per cent more likely to have had depression than those who drank none, the American Academy of Neurology conference heard. The risk seemed greater among those who preferred diet drinks.
    The researchers said this may be due to the presence of the artificial sweetener aspartame, which yesterday was provisionally given a clean bill of health by the European Food Safety Authority, following a review.
    Unsweetened coffee could lower the risk of depression
    Unsweetened coffee could lower the risk of depression
    Making the link does not prove soft drinks cause depression.
    But researcher Honglei Chen said: ‘While our findings are preliminary and the underlying biological mechanisms are not known, they are consistent with a small but growing body of evidence suggesting that artificially sweetened beverages may be associated with poor health.’
    The study found that those who had four cups of coffee a day were 10 per cent less likely to become depressed than non-coffee drinkers.
    Dr Chen said this may be due to the caffeine in coffee stimulating the brain.

    The British Soft Drinks Association urged caution over the findings and pointed out that the scientists themselves said that more research is needed.
    Previous studies have linked soft drinks to heart attacks, diabetes, weight gain, brittle bones and pancreatic cancer.

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    Wednesday, 2 January 2013


    I had the misfortune recently to be deceived by someone online who assured me  they were genuine. Being a medium I was alerted by my intuition, I tried to give this person the benefit of doubt, however in the course of time their true colours were revealed. So this article is a warning to be careful communicating online.

    A cartoon about a dog on the Internet goes to show you never know who is on the other end of the line. There are many good people in cyber world, but there are also a lot of so-called "dogs," too. They will manipulate you and tell you anything. Because they are behind a monitor and not face to face with you, they say what they like. They can insult, criticise, hurt, and stalk.

    These people have this warped idea that because it’s on “the ‘net” it is not "real life," and its ok to verbally harass. I agree that many of these social websites are not real life, but I do not agree its okay to insult, stalk, and harass others just because you are not face-to-face.

    I have been a member of quite a few social websites over the years and I have seen how situations can quickly escalate and often out of nothing. One cause, which is apt to happen on instant messaging and comments, is the lack of vocal tone and expression in the written word. Sometimes, something you say — often an innocent remark — whilst laughing and joking, can look quite harsh and even insulting when in type.

    Another cause I have found is the relationship between nationalities. We do not all have the same sense of humour. Us Brits, well we often insult one another; we say it in jest. Try saying the same thing to an American and believe me it can be easily taken the wrong way. One only has to view British comedy shows on Youtube to understand what I mean here. Likewise, something innocently said by an American to a Brit can sound quite blunt when viewed in type. Before you know it, what started out innocently grows arms and legs with bells on. Other people’s online buddies join in, and an all out war of insults and harassing ensues.

    What can we do about this? Don’t assume everyone you meet has the same sense of humour. If there is any doubt, please stress you are saying something in jest, often you can just add an “LOL” (laugh out loud) at the end of your phrase, but use this wisely because some will assume you are laughing at them. Think carefully as you leave a comment and type an instant message so that it cannot be misconstrued. Instant messaging and comments on these sites are designed to be fun, and not insulting or designed to create drama.

    You will still find there are some “dogs” in cyber world who seem to get a high from insulting and creating drama for others. By and large they are few are far between. You meet these in real life just as much as cyber life. Sadly, these people fail to realise that insulting, harassing, and stalking others on the net is just as evil as in real life. The thoughts are there and these negative thoughts can harm others just the same. One day they will realise this, for there is no escape from Karma. It is also a sign that denotes insecurity, jealousy, and immaturity.

    One other thing I would say trust your intuition, it's there as a mechanism of protection, if you feel the person you are chatting to is not genuine, do not give out your phone number or address. If they are as genuine as they claim to be, they will understand and will be quite happy to get to know you on your terms. If they start using emotional blackmail, by insulting you, calling you uptight etc warning bells should be ringing.

    You know you should always treat others how you yourself would wish to be treated. If we all did, this world — be it cyber or in real life — would be so much happier, don’t you think?

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    I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

    Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
    A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
    Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
    A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
    Q. What is free will?
    A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
    Q. How does free will affect a situation?
    A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
    Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
    A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
    Q. So what is the Aura?
    A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.