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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Thursday, 2 May 2013


An interesting article in the 'DAILY MAIL' today about the hypothalamus, I've written quite a bit on here on this amazing area of the brain. The Hypothalamus is our most primitive area of the brain and the home of our moods and emotions, it is also the area of the brain that controls homoeostasis in the body, in other words, it regulates every thing that goes on in the body, balances body chemistry, hormone levels etc. so it stands to reason how it could be involved in ageing. It will be interesting to see further research on this amazing area of the brain.

Is this the key to eternal youth? Scientists find the brain region that controls ageing - paving the way to turn back the clock

  • Signal pathway in the hypothalamus controls ageing throughout the body
  • Signalling can be altered to slow ageing process and increase longevity
  • Hormone made in the hypothalamus also slows ageing so injecting it into mice increases their lifespan

Scientists are a step closer to finding the key to eternal youth after discovering a single region of the brain may control the ageing process
Scientists are a step closer to finding the key to eternal youth after discovering a single region of the brain may control the ageing process

For generations, we have tried, and failed, to find the key to eternal youth.
But scientists think they may now be one step closer to unlocking the secret.
New research has found that a single region of the brain may control the ageing process.
Researchers believe that the hypothalamus – the area of the brain which controls hunger, thirst, body temperature and fatigue - may be the ‘fountain of ageing’, controlling how the body declines over time.
They say they have discovered a specific age-related signalling pathway which opens up new strategies for combating diseases of old age and extending lifespan.
Senior author Professor Dongsheng Cai, at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the United States, said: ‘Scientists have long wondered whether ageing occurs independently in the body's various tissues or if it could be actively regulated by an organ in the body.
‘It's clear from our study that many aspects of ageing are controlled by the hypothalamus.
‘What's exciting is that it's possible - at least in mice - to alter signalling within the hypothalamus to slow down the ageing process and increase longevity.’
The hypothalamus, located deep within the brain, is known to play fundamental roles in growth, development, reproduction and metabolism.
Professor Cai suspected that the hypothalamus might also play a key role in ageing through the influence it exerts throughout the body.
He said: ‘As people age you can detect inflammatory changes in various tissues.
‘Inflammation is also involved in various age-related diseases, such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, neurological disease and many types of cancer.’
Researchers believe that the hypothalamus - the area of the brain which controls hunger, thirst, body temperature and fatigue - may be the 'fountain of ageing'
Researchers believe that the hypothalamus - the area of the brain which controls hunger, thirst, body temperature and fatigue - may be the 'fountain of ageing'

Over several years, Professor Cai and his research colleagues showed that inflammatory changes in the hypothalamus can give rise to various components of metabolic syndrome - a combination of health problems that can lead to heart disease and diabetes.
To find out how the hypothalamus might affect ageing, they decided to study hypothalamic inflammation by focusing on one protein complex.
Professor Cai said: ‘Inflammation involves hundreds of molecules, and this one sits right at the centre of that regulatory map.’
In the latest study, the team showed that activating the protein complex pathway in the hypothalamus of mice significantly accelerated the development of ageing, as shown by various physiological, cognitive and behavioural tests.
He said: ‘The mice showed a decrease in muscle strength and size, in skin thickness, and in their ability to learn - all indicators of ageing.
‘Activating this pathway promoted systemic ageing that shortened the lifespan.’
Researchers found that blocking a pathway in the hypothalamus (shown in red) increased longevity in mice by about 20 per cent
Researchers found that blocking a pathway in the hypothalamus (shown in red) increased longevity in mice by about 20 per cent

However, they also found that blocking the pathway in the hypothalamus of mouse brains slowed ageing and increased longevity by about 20 per cent.
The researchers also found that activating the pathway in the hypothalamus caused declines in levels of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is made in the hypothalamus.
Suspecting that reduced release of GnRH from the brain might contribute to whole-body ageing, the researchers injected the hormone into aged mice and made the striking observation that the hormone injections protected them from the impaired neurogenesis – creation of new neurons - associated with ageing.
When aged mice received daily GnRH injections for a prolonged period, the therapy exerted benefits that included the slowing of age-related cognitive decline, probably the result of neurogenesis.
Professor Cai said preventing the hypothalamus from causing inflammation and increasing neurogenesis via GnRH therapy are two potential strategies for increasing lifespan and treating age-related diseases.

Friday, 26 April 2013



Tuesday, 23 April 2013


As time goes on it's discovered more and more how smoking is so detrimental to health. I understand for those who are addicted how difficult it is to give up what I don't understand is why people and especially young girls (who are the biggest new smokers taking up this habit) want to start in the first place given that it will ruin their looks, age them and damage their health.

As well as the cancer, lung and heart disease and amputations, arthritis is one of the most debilitating and painful conditions, so why take the risk? Do they think they will avoid ill health and it won't happen to them? By the time they come to their senses, often it's too late.

Article below is from the Daily Mail

Smoking just a few cigarettes a day can DOUBLE a woman's risk of arthritis

  • Those who smoke one to seven cigarettes a day are more than twice as likely to develop the disease
  • Increased risk lasts 15 years after stopping smoking
Smoking more than doubles a woman's risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis
Smoking more than doubles a woman's risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis

Smoking just a few cigarettes a day more than doubles a woman’s risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, according to a new research.

The study found that women who smoked between one and seven cigarettes daily were more than twice as likely to develop the disease as those who had never smoked.

It also found that women remained twice as likely to develop the disease even 15 years after giving up smoking.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune condition that causes the joints to become painful and swollen.

Symptoms may subside for many months or even years before a flare-up which can make movement difficult and very painful.

It affects around 600,000 Britons and is most commons in women aged between 40 and 70.  It can, however, begin at any age.

There is no known cure for the condition and treatment usually involves taking anti-inflammatory painkillers or steroids during a flare-up

The study, carried out by Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, analysed 34,101 women aged between 54 and 89. Of those, 219 suffered with the condition.

Data showed that the risk of RA increased with the length of time the woman had been smoking.
Smoking for 25 years raised the risk 1.6 times compared with smoking for just one year.

Previous research has suggested that drinking alcohol can reduce a person’s chance of developing arthritis.

Researchers, also from the Karolinska Institute, discovered that drinking five or more glasses of wine or beer a week can halve a person’s chance of developing RA.

Women who smoke between one and seven cigarettes daily are more than twice as likely to develop the disease as those who have never smoked
Women who smoke between one and seven cigarettes daily are more than twice as likely to develop the disease as those who have never smoked

They found that people who consumed more than five units a week were up to 50 per cent less likely to develop the disease.

The biggest benefit was seen among some smokers who had a genetic risk of developing the arthritis.

Although more work is needed to explain the link, it is thought alcohol suppresses the immune system and reduces the inflammatory process behind the condition.
Another recent study suggested that women who are regularly exposed to sunlight are less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis.
The research, which was published in the journal Arthritis Research and Therapy, suggested that women can reduce their risk of developing the disease by a fifth by regularly exposing themselves to direct sun.

Friday, 19 April 2013


Most mothers know this if you've ever had a fractious baby, they cry in their prams or buggy but as soon as you carry them they calm down, rocking and movement has the same effect. When my daughters were babies I carried them everywhere in a sling and carried on vacuuming etc and they loved it, works on my baby grand daughter too although shes now 22 months and a bit heavy to carry everywhere if I pick her up and walk round with her it soothes her and if I sing to her she generally falls asleep, in fact she asks for me to pick her up and sing to her. (generally when she's feeling tired) I suppose babies just know what soothes them and makes them feel calm, I never believed it was spoiling them, it makes them feel secure and loved and gives them the stability they need. They do grow out of it eventually as they become independent and start exploring the world.

Why DO babies calm down when they're picked up and carried? Because it lowers their heartbeat, say scientists

  • When babies are picked up and carried, their heart rate slows and they 'automatically and deeply' relax
  • But this doesn't happen when they are simply held
The mystery of why a baby is soothed by being picked up has been unraveled by Japanese scientists.
New research not only confirms that babies deeply relax when they are carried, but goes on to explain the physiological processes at work.
An instinct hardwired by evolution causes crying babies to calm down when transported in their mothers' arms.
Scientists have discovered that when babies are picked up and carried, their heart rate slows and they 'automatically and deeply' relax
Scientists have discovered that when babies are picked up and carried, their heart rate slows and they 'automatically and deeply' relax

They say that when babies are picked up and carried, their heart rate slows and they 'automatically and deeply' relax.
But this doesn't happen when they are simply held, the study found.
The scientists behind the work say their study is the first to demonstrate that the a baby's response to being carried is a coordinated set of nervous, motor and cardiac regulations.
The findings, published in the journal Current Biology, could help parents who have trouble pacifying their babies, claim the scientists.
'This infant response reduces the maternal burden of carrying and is beneficial for both the mother and the infant,' said lead scientist Dr Kumi Kuroda, from the Riken Brain Science Institute in Japan.
The researchers believe the calming response is a survival trait preserved by evolution in many mammals, including lions and squirrels.
But the calming effect doesn't happen when babies are simply held
But the calming effect doesn't happen when babies are simply held 

The research involved measuring electrical brain activity in both human babies and mouse pups.
When infant mice are carried by their mothers, they adopt a characteristic compact posture with limbs flexed and stop emitting high pitched squeaks.
In mice, the calming response was dependent on the sense of touch and the ability to perceive body movement.
The findings may have important implications for parenting, say the scientists.
'Such proper understanding of infants would reduce the frustration of parents and be beneficial, because unsoothable crying is a major risk for child abuse,' said Dr Kuroda.
The study authors wrote: 'Although our study was done on mothers, we believe that this is not specific to mums and can be used by any primary caregiver.'

Thursday, 11 April 2013


This blog came about due to a rant about ignorance in certain culture groups in the UK. The only way to increase insight and knowledge is by education. Some societies like to moan about hard-done-to they are, yet they don't seem ask themselves why. The world does not owe us a living, life is what we make it. Nobody is going to hand things to you on a plate nor is life fair. There's two ways we can look at this, we can sit and moan, blame others, envy them even, blame the government, but seldom do they look at themselves. Or we can exert change ourselves, by hard work and by education. Of the latter education is the key and it doesn't mean we all have to go to University. Knowledge is power and we gain that knowledge through reading.

It saddens me in certain culture groups they don't see reading as being important and you do not have to read factual books to expand your mind. In my opinion a lot of parents take the easy option, rather spending time with their children reading and encouraging their children to develop a love of reading and books, they prop them up in front of the TV or let them play video and computer games. 

The only way to change your lot in life is by education and that begins with reading, not just one particular genre either, even poetry encourages you to think deeper about life, philosophise about the world and expands consciousness as well as improve vocabulary. Books and reading give pleasure too and many poor societies in the world would gladly give their eye teeth for an education and love to get their hands on a book and yet some take it for granted and don't value education and then they wonder why they are in the situation they are in. It's never too early to introduce children to books even the tiniest babies love them. We owe it to future generations to encourage and value education, in this way we rid society from ignorance and complacency.

The importance of reading on a child’s development

Language and communication skills are vital to a child’s emotional and personal development as they develop a sense of self and their relationship to others. Exposure to stories helps to enrich the imagination and provide knowledge of a range of experiences that a child can draw on to give them confidence in their daily life.
Advances in neuroscience show that reading stimulates the growth of a young child’s brain. New brain imaging technology shows that literally, in a matter of seconds, thousands of brain cells burst into action when you read to a child. Some brain cells are turned on, some are strengthened, new brain cells are formed; adding more definition to the intricate circuitry of the brain.

Experts now believe that success is influenced 20 percent by IQ and 80 percent by various factors that make up a person’s character and personality, or their “emotional intelligence.” Furthermore, they have found that emotional intelligence can be learned, and reading books can help develop it.
Nick Gibb, Schools Minister says “I am passionate about wanting all children to develop a real love of books and of reading for pleasure. Children should always have a book on the go. The difference in achievement between children who read for half an hour a day and those who don’t is huge – as much as a year’s education by the time they are 15.


I have never seen such venomous twaddle spouted on social networks before as in the recent few days. We all have a right to our own opinions and that's fair enough, we all have a right to like or dislike situations or people but I feel we do not have a right to hate people we do not know personally. No one is perfect especially these people who spout hate and they would do well to remember this. Many of these people profess to be Christians and if that being the case they would do well to remember what the bible says on  this, i.e. let those who have not sinned cast the first stone. All holy books in all religions teach we should love and respect one another and I defy anyone who says this is not the case. For those haters who profess to believe their opinions are correct and who feel they have the right to hate those they do not know personally, they are not perfect themselves they are hypocrites and shame on them. As I said before we all have the right to opinions, some of those opinions will be wrong, some will be correct in others eyes, but we do not have the right to foist our beliefs and opinions on others, especially when it comes to spreading venom and hate.

I am not perfect, you are not perfect, perfection does not exist on earth but only in God's kingdom, whoever your God is. Earth is our classroom, we are all incarnated to learn, to learn what is right and wrong, to learn to respect others and to learn, humility, empathy and compassion and to grow spiritually. Hate is not growing, it's going backwards, and belongs to that place where greed, envy, bigots and disrespect reside. Hate only harms your own soul, it twists you up inside as does carrying a big chip on your shoulder.

To sum up: we do not have a right to spread hateful opinions on situations or someone where we have no personal experience off. Shame on anyone who does this and I pity you for the Universe will teach you a tough lesson and I don't envy that lesson you're going to receive.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


As a lecturer and a pioneer in bringing reflexology into hospitals I am surprised its taken so long to recognise how effective a therapy it is. The article below mine here is from the Daily Mail, which states "Reflexology may be as effective as painkillers for conditions as backache and arthritis".

Reflexology dates back to ancient civilisations such as Egypt, India and China, but this therapy was only introduced to the West in the early 20th Century. The oldest documentation of Reflexology comes from a pictograph in the dates back to ancient civilisations such as Egypt, India and China, but this therapy was only introduced to the West in the early 20th Century.

The oldest documentation of Reflexology comes from a pictograph in the tomb of an Egyptian Physician Ankhmahor (2500-2330 B.C.) at Saqquara near Cairo.
It shows two men working on the feet and hands of two other men. The hieroglyphics above the scene read‘ Do not let it be painful’ says one of the patients.‘ I do as you please’ the practitioner says

In China there is evidence of some form of foot and hand therapy being practiced as long ago as 4,000 B.C., and the North American Indians have practised a form of foot therapy for hundreds of years. It was not until Dr William Fitzgerald USA 1872-1942 who was an Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon. He practiced in the USA, briefly in London and Vienna for 2 years. He was the founder of “Zone Therapy”, an early form of reflexology. But it was medical journalist Dr. Edwin Bowers who suggested his method be known as 'Zone Therapy'. Through research Dr. Fitzgerald discovered that if he exerted pressure on the tips of the toes or fingers, a corresponding part of the body would be anaesthetised. From this theory he divided the body into 10 equal zones running from the top of the head to the tips of the toes. He found that by applying pressure using tight bands of elastic on the middle section of each finger, or by using small clamps that were placed on the tips, he could carry out minor surgery using this technique only. These were very controversial ideas at the time.

However it was Eunice Ingham (1889 -1974) USA “The Mother of Modern Reflexology” who finally developed it to the form we now know and recognise. She was a Physiotherapist who worked in a Doctors practice and she used Dr Fitzgerald’s Zone Therapy method. However, she felt that the therapy could be more effective on the feet than the hands. After extensive research she evolved a map of the entire body on the feet. Hence the saying ‘The feet are a mirror of the body’. Eunice Ingham travelled around America for 30 years teaching Reflexology first to Doctors and Nurses and then to non-medical practitioners. It was in 1966 Doreen Bailey who was a former student of Eunice Ingham, returned to England and became the pioneer of reflexology as we know today in the UK


Reflexology may be as effective as painkillers for conditions such as back ache and arthritis

  • People felt 40% less pain and were able to stand pain for about 45% longer when they had the treatment
  • Researchers say is the first time reflexology has been scientifically tested as a treatment for acute pain
Reflexology may be as effective as painkillers for common conditions such as osteoarthritis, new research suggests.
Those who had the treatment felt about 40 per cent less pain, and were able to stand pain for about 45 per cent longer when they used the complementary therapy as a method of pain relief.
The researchers, from the University of Portsmouth, said it was the first time this therapy had been scientifically tested as a treatment for acute pain.
Reflexology reduced pain by 40 per cent and people who had the therapy were able to stand pain for 45 per cent longer, researchers found
Reflexology reduced pain by 40 per cent and people who had the therapy were able to stand pain for 45 per cent longer, researchers found 

Dr Carol Samuel, a trained reflexologist who carried out the experimental procedures as part of her PhD studies,  said the results suggested reflexology could be used to in conjunction with drugs to treat conditions such as osteoarthritis and back pain.
Participants attended two sessions, in which they were asked to submerge their hand in ice water.
In one of the sessions they were given reflexology before they submerged their hand, and in the other session they believed they were receiving pain relief from a Tens machine, which was not actually switched on.
The researchers found that when the participants received reflexology prior to the session, they were able to keep their hand in the ice water for longer before they felt pain, and that they could also tolerate the pain for a longer period of time.
Dr Samuel said: 'As we predicted, reflexology decreased pain sensations.
'It is likely that reflexology works in a similar manner to acupuncture by causing the brain to release chemicals that lessen pain signals.'
Dr Ivor Ebenezer, co-author of the study, said: 'We are pleased with these results. Although this is a small study, we hope it will be the basis for future research into the use of reflexology.'
The findings suggest reflexology could help with conditions such as back ache and osteoarthritis
The findings suggest reflexology could help with conditions such as back ache and osteoarthritis

Reflexology involves applying pressure to any body area but is commonly used on either the feet, as it was in this study.
The researchers used a small study of 15 people to determine whether reflexology would be more effective than no pain relief at all.
Dr Ebenezer said: 'Complementary and alternative therapies come in for a lot of criticism, and many have never been properly tested scientifically.
'One of the common criticisms by the scientific community is that these therapies are often not tested under properly controlled conditions.
'When a new drug is tested, its effects are compared with a sugar pill.
'If the drug produces a similar response to the sugar pill, then it is likely that the drug's effect on the medical condition is due to a placebo effect.
'In order to avoid such criticism in this study, we compared the effects of reflexology to a sham Tens control that the participants believed produced pain relief.
'This is the equivalent of a sugar pill in drug trials.'
Dr Samuel added: 'This is an early study, and more work will need to be done to find out about the way reflexology works.
'However, it looks like it may be used to complement conventional drug therapy in the treatment of conditions that are associated with pain, such as osteoarthritis, backache and cancers.'
The study has been published in the Journal of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice.



Why moon phases are important?

People are often affected by the different phases it's no coincidence the word 'lunatic' was coined from the Latin word 'Luna' meaning the moon, after all we know how the moon affects the tides and we as humans are 70% water so we are likely to be affected by the moon's gravitational pull too.

The dark moon (new moon) is often associated with negativity and not the best time for being creative or signing documents, however it is a time for planning and wishing and positive spells as the power builds up as the moon waxes until the full moon.

The full moon is at it's most positive and most powerful

The waning moon is a time for closure and for conducting spells associated with endings and sending back negativity




It is never justifiable to curse or hex anyone, it is wrong and you have to remember the laws of the Universe what you give out you will get back tenfold. However that does not mean you have to tolerate being bullied or attacked by anyone for this can result in unhappiness and can if it goes on resulting in physical illness. Sometimes no matter what you do to try and resolve something and even report it to the appropriate authority that doesn't cause it to cease. You cannot wish ill on them for bad vibes will always rebound on the sender of negative magic but what you can do is return the pain to the perpetrator. You are not mentioning names but merely returning ill will and negativity back to where it came from.

This ritual is most effective when carried out at the time of a waning moon or on any moonless night.

Method and ingredients

Take nine iron nails (carpet tacks will do) and place them in a dark glass bottle with sprigs of rosemary, sour milk that's begun to curdle and some cheap red wine that has gone sour
Cork the bottle and shake it saying: "May venom and viciousness coil like poisonous snakes and bottle up the evil that is done to me"
Purify a drain with a few drops of fenugreek or pine dissolved in warm water with a sprinkling of some salt.
Shake the bottle well and tip the contents down the drain saying words such as:

Pain, misery flow from me
Flow not to the sea
Flow back to he or she
Inflicter of disharmony
Wheresoever you may be

You can do this ritual also for anonymous letters, phone calls or unidentifiable malice
Rinse out the bottle with very hot water and tip any remnants away, rinsing until the water from the bottle runs clear
When the bottle is empty say:

I have returned the pain
Send it not again

Purify the bottle by placing a clear quartz crystal in it with pure spring water and leave it uncorked for a sun and moon cycle

I have performed this many times to good effect to send back negativity to where it originated





Candle magic has been used for centuries in homes and churches alike. It is a powerful force and can be effectively utilized when making requests of your angels, guides or deity. In many churches, continuous candle burning is commonplace and used to petition Angels and Saints.

Seven day vigil candles are frequently used for magic and religious purposes. They are easily found in discount stores, even many grocery stores. Usually found in tall glass containers, these candles can be clear or decorated with pictures of Angels and Saints. Seven day candles are used when energy should be concentrated and sustained. These candles are usually lit with intention and allowed to burn freely until nothing is left. The glass containers with the picture of the particular angel you are petitioning can be very effective. However, in this case, you will be using a candle that is not housed in a glass container.

First find a suitable candle. Using a candle in the color appropriate for the Angel or Archangel from whom you are requesting help will add additional power. Next obtain crystal headed pins in seven different colors: white, black, yellow, orange, red, blue and green. Regular color pins will work, but the crystal heads will add something special to your angelic work. You may need to obtain them from a fabric store or florist, if your local stores don't carry crystal headed pins.

Take out your candle and using normal precautionary steps, use the pins with your candle in the following manner. Divide the candle into seven equal parts by inserting six of the pins into it in intervals. The seventh pin should be inserted at either the top or bottom. If you wish to insert them according to the chakra colors that is fine. Make sure the pins are fully inserted into the candle.

The next step requires a piece of paper and a pen. If you want to add extra power to your intention, don't just grab a piece of computer paper. Use beautiful stationery, or even make your own paper. It is best to use a large piece of paper. With a quality pen or quill and ink, write down seven wishes. Take the time to think out your wishes and make them very clear. Wishing for a new car, could lead to an accident and needing to replace your car. Wishing for a relationship might bring an ogre to your door. Instead of wishing for a new job, wish for one that will utilize your artistic skills, etc. Keep in mind the old saying be careful what you wish for.

Now, fold the paper at a ninety degree angle and write your name over your wishes. Fold the paper again and write your name. Continue until you have folded the paper seven times. You will end up with a triangle of paper.

For the next step, anoint the candle being careful not to dislodge any of the crystal pins. Place the folded paper under the candle. Burn the candle on seven consecutive nights. Each time you light the candle pay attention to any revelations or angelic signs you may receive.

Each time a pin falls, pinch out the flame, saving the pin. Do not blow out the flame as it scatters the energy of the candle, the wishes and the intention. When all of the pins have fallen, insert them into the paper in the following manner. The white-headed pin should be inserted at the top of the triangle pointing downward. The black pin from the bottom toward the top point of the triangle. The orange pin should be inserted from the left side, the yellow from the right side. The green pin should be placed between the orange and black pins with the tip at a 45 degree angle. The blue pin should be the opposite of the green pin. Finally insert the red pin into the middle of the folded piece of paper.

Some older traditions recommend that the final step be burying the paper, pins and wax under your doorstep. In the modern world, people seldom have doorsteps that have space under them that can be used for burying. Another way to finalize your wishes would be to burn the paper and blow the ashes into the air, carrying it to the angels one last time.

Be alert and pay attention to any signs, messages or even miraculous happenings that your angel provides. By petitioning your angel, your wishes can come true.

Sunday, 7 April 2013


I came across this article today about research suggests being optimistic and having a sense of purpose helps you live longer, made me laugh really for us in holistic medicine and mediums have known this for decades.


Hopefully these will give you some insight as to why being optimistic and positive about life will benefit your health


Let's  start at the beginning. What is Stress?  a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances : he's obviously under a lot of stress | [in combination ] stress-related illnesses.
• something that causes such a state : the stresses and strains of public life. The trouble with stress is that it's not a universal level, everyone has their own threshold i.e. what is stressful to one is positively fine and stimulating to another.

We need stress for without it we'd have no motivation to do anything. Imagine this scenario: you've suddenly acquired a vast amount of money on the lottery, riches beyond your wildest dreams. So what's the first thing you do? likelihood you give up your job, people often find their jobs as stressful. You've got enough money so you don't need to work. That makes you feel less stressed, or so you think. Of course you buy the big house, the cars, the boat, designer wardrobe and you party. You really think you have it made. There comes a point though when you can have anything you want, you don't have to work for it, there's no sense of achievement, no goal in sight. You don't have to cook or clean what do you do all day? eventually you will run out of ideas and you will become bored, you will have no motivation to do or achieve anything. Stress is a catch 22 situation if you have no motivation, you become depressed and bored, the days are long that equals stress. So a certain amount of stress is necessary to motivate us and stimulate us and give us a reason to be here and a sense of accomplishment this can be seen simply as this:

Stress = Motivation > Stimulation > Accomplishment = Satisfaction

Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced within the adrenal cortex in the adrenal glands, these are cone shaped organs sitting on top of the kidneys. It's a very important hormone and responsible for proper glucose metabolism, helping regulate blood pressure, has a part to play in insulin and blood sugar levels and is part of the inflammatory response. It's often known as the stress hormone but as you can see that's only part of its functions, and this is because it's secreted in higher levels as part of the 'Fight or Flight response'. When secreted in short bursts its beneficial to the body as due to it's actions, it helps mobilise energy reserves, heightens memory and lowers response to pain. This is how and why it's beneficial in the 'Fight and Flight response', it acts quickly and helps survival, however today's stresses are not the same as yesteryear and therein lies the problem.
When there is prolonged secretion of this hormone, when stress is on going, it causes blood sugar imbalances, affects bone density, causing it to decrease and also causes a decrease in muscle tissue. It raises blood pressure affects the body's immune system making us more susceptible to infection and leads to poor healing. It also causes shifts in body fat by increasing more fat around the abdominal areas and leads to higher levels of cholesterol.


The benefit of positive thinking has been proven through much research. What Affirmations do are to consciously harness the power of positive thinking and direct it to specific areas of your life that need attention or where you want to bring about change. 
Affirmations work and can really transform your life!

Affirmations and positive thinking are very powerful tools that can bring about healing and change. However negative thoughts are just as powerful and can be very self-destructive. Although we have no control over all what goes on in the world and certain aspects of our lives, we do have control over the way we interpret and how we deal to it.

"The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences"

You experience your interpretation as an internal dialogue. Thoughts, judgements and feelings are ceaselessly swirling through your mind. Thoughts like: I like this; I don't like that; I am afraid of this; I am unsure about him/her. This internal dialogue is not random, it is generated from a deep level by your beliefs and assumptions which have been formed and accumulated from the time you were born. It is worth remembering that a lot of these assumptions and beliefs were formulated as a child and have never been re-examined and therefore may be highly inappropriate to you as an adult or just simply wrong. When someone's interpretation changes, a change subsequently takes place in their reality. Thus we can make big changes in our lives by changing our thinking. We can start simply with positive thinking and Affirmations and then go further with Neuro Linguistic Programming.

The first step is being aware, being aware of how we are thinking, it is then we can change old patterns and mind set.

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is  therapy  which seeks to educate people in self-awareness and effective communication, and to change their patterns of mental and emotional behaviour".

The co-founders, Richard Bandler and linguist John Grinder, believed that NLP would be useful in "finding ways to help people have better, fuller and richer lives".They coined the term "Neuro-Linguistic Programming" to emphasize their belief in a connection between the neurological processes ("neuro"), language ("linguistic") and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience ("programming") and can be organized to achieve specific goals in life.

It is often noted as a "science of excellence", derived from the study or "modeling" of how successful or outstanding people in different fields obtain their results. Bandler and Grinder claimed that if the effective patterns of behaviour of outstanding therapists (and other exceptional communicators) could be modeled then these patterns could be acquired by others.



Thumbs up: Why optimism may help you live longer

  • Optimistic people less likely to suffer a stroke
We all like to feel needed. But new research suggests having a sense of purpose is good for our health, too.

In a study of 7,000 people, those with the strongest sense of direction in life were over 70 per cent less likely to suffer a stroke.

The researchers accounted for other aggravating factors such as blood pressure and alcohol use and believe the effect comes through regulating the immune system.

Happy days: Those with a strong sense of purpose in their lives are less likely to suffer a stroke 

‘Maintaining a purpose in life not only increases quality of life but may improve physical health and increase longevity,’ says clinical psychologist Eric Kim, who led the study at the University of Michigan.

More than 150,000 people have a stroke each year in the UK.

It has long been thought that pursuing meaningful activity after retirement is important for physical and mental health – which often declines dramatically soon after retirement.

Thumbs up: A positive outlook on life can improve your health 

But while past research focused on the detrimental effects of negative psychological traits, such as depression and anxiety, new research is investigating how positive traits, such as optimism, protect against illness.

In the recent study, men and women aged 50 and over were tracked for four to five years and completed psychological tests while researchers recorded strokes.

The results show that the higher someone’s sense of purpose, the lower their risk of a stroke.

Those with the greatest sense of purpose were 73 per cent less likely to suffer a stroke compared to those with the lowest.

Other research has shown that positive mood can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, also implicated in stroke.

‘This is significant as we have an ageing population and it helps show what behaviours inoculate people from getting ill,’ says Cary Cooper, professor of health psychology at Lancaster University.

‘Maybe retirement is not good for some.’





I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.