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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Monday, 9 December 2013


Seeds of Love
You may not be actually planting these seeds in the dirt, but this charm can help love to blossom. Cutesy enough for you? Well, this is a great love spell even if you don't like my plant metaphors. You'll need to get these items together:
• 9 sunflower seeds
• 9 dried beans
• 9 dry kernels of corn
• 9 grains of barley
• 9 dry chamomile buds
• 9 whole cloves
• Rose oil
• Glass bottle with stopper
• Red ribbon

You need to choose a bottle that will hold all the seeds, but won't have too much empty space at the top either. This Wiccan love spell should be performed on the night of the new moon.
Drop each of the seeds into the bottle, one by one. Yes, it's a bit tedious but that's how it's done. As you do so, repeat the following lines:

Seeds and spices, give me power
Time to make my love life flower
As the moon grows in the sky
This charm will make my wishes fly

When the bottle is filled, add 9 drops of rose oil to the top and stopper it up. Don't shake, you need to let the oil work its way down from the top. Tie the red ribbon in a bow around the bottle and place it somewhere quiet where it won't be disturbed. By the full moon, you should see some action in the love department.

 From Free-Witchcraft-Spells.Com

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


I came across this below today and thought I would share with you.

Dealing with Stress!

A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they’d be asked the “half empty or half full” question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: ”How heavy is this glass of water?”
Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz.

She replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.”

She continued, “The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed – incapable of doing anything.”

It’s important to remember to let go of your stresses. As early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don’t carry them through the evening and into the night. Remember to put the glass down!

For ways to manage Stress click on the link here

Saturday, 16 November 2013


Spell magic is really an enforced thought form however it can only do so much, you still need to get out there to places where you are likely to meet love for lovers are not going to start suddenly banging on your door.

Three Knot Love Spell
Knot spells are relatively easy and with this one your intent and spell magic is bound up in the knots as you chant the spell below

• A length of red ribbon at least 24 inches long

• Patchouli oil

• Ylang ylang oil

Put one or two drops of each oil into your palms, and rub them together. Run your fingers along the length of the ribbon to anoint it with oil. The three knots in the ribbon should be spaced out evenly along the length of the ribbon. Say each line of the spell as you tie each of the three knots:

With knot of one, my love will come

With knot of two, it shall be true

With knot of three, so mote it be

Loop  do not tie, the knotted ribbon around a bed post, bedside lamp or the doorknob to your bedroom.


Friday, 15 November 2013


This is one of the most basic binding spells, and used to keep someone away who is bothering you.  It doesn't really stop any specific action, just keeps them out of your path.


• A piece of cardboard

• A long piece of black yarn

• Black marker

Cut out the rough shape of a person from the cardboard, and write the person's name on it in big letters with the marker. If you don't know their name, this spell won't be as effective but you can still give it a shot. Write how you know them instead (such as “annoying guy on bus").
Start chanting the following words, while you wrap the cardboard around and around with black yarn.

I bind you left,

I bind you right,

I bind you now,

Stay out of my sight

I bind you day,

I bind you night,

I bind you now,

With all my might

Keep repeating the words and wrapping until the little cardboard person is well covered-up. Tie three knots to secure the yarn.
You can then bury the charm outside. If you have an altar then you can place it there but if you do that, then repeat the chant each day to keep it working.


Sunday, 3 November 2013


To use lunar phase energy to enhance your spells just follow this simple rule.
To draw something to you, or for binding spells, cast your spell any time between three days after the new moon to the full moon, with the full moon being the best.

To send something away from you, or for banishing spells, cast your spell anytime between three days after the full moon to the new moon, with the day of the new moon being the best.



THE PENTAGRAM see below ***

Evil spirits control through fear. To get rid of them, replace fear with love, for perfect love cast out all fear. Without fear, the controlling ghost is unable to grasp the mind of another. It’s difficult I know but NO spirit can possess or control another soul, its the fear you generate that gives them the ammunition and power to create havoc. All they can do at worst if frighten and cause trouble but they cannot harm you.

Salt is very prevalent in folk remedies. It is thought to have the same purifying and cleansing properties as water. Just like water, some people prefer to have it blessed before they use it. Once blessed, or even not, make a line of the salt at the threshold of your door and windows and the corners of the room. The salt on the floor or ledge of these entryways will keep any spirit from entering your room. If you perform this act at entries of the entire house, the whole residence is assumed to be protected from entering spirits—whether they are vindictive or neutral.

The idea of using blessed water, whether by a Catholic priest or merely the head of a Wiccan cover, is a very old belief. Water is thought to be one of the neutral elements which can act as a transitory plane or a barrier. Its ability to cleanse and wash off anything that sullies the body in addition to its necessity for all living creatures makes most cultures believe in the sacredness of water in general. If you add the consecrated quality that is innate to water to a divine blessing of sorts, no matter what religion you prefer, you will create a naturally powerful element which will protect you against all types of evil spirits. Once you have your water blessed by the religious official of your choice, merely wet your fingers with the water then spread it across the top part of all the thresholds of the haunted room—doorways and windows. The barrier created by the blessed water should keep out the evil spirits at each of the room’s entryways.

Smudging is another good way to cleanse a room or property. Before you begin smudging to help attract positive energy around you need to de-clutter and clear out and tidy up. Any dead or dying houseplants/flowers have got to go. Empty bins and get rid of belongings that no longer serve you well, if you haven't worn it or used it for a year chances are you wont ever, so recycle it. Do the laundry, and tidy and clean your home, you can now smudge your surroundings. The traditional method is with sage and sweet grass and an abalone shell and with a feather. You light the sage and sweet grass bundle blow on it till smouldering and carry it in the abalone shell, this will induce smoke. The feather is used to waft the smoke to the areas you wish to smoke, remember you are dealing with a naked flame so be sensible and don't use it near combustible materials or gas sources etc. You can use incense Frankincense is ideal or a bell or even clap your hands if you have nothing available to hand. What is important is the intent. You are smudging to remove negative energy and attract positive energy in its place.

With rooms, homes, after you have de cluttered and cleaned, in each corner of each room, either waft the smoke, ring the bell or clap and with your mind focused and with intent ask that the negative energy is changed into positive energy. The reason I say changed if you simply ask for the negative energy to be removed, you are moving it out into the atmosphere and sending it to someone else.

You may find you have a bit of interference from lower elementals
The universe has its own vibration, Earth having the lowest in spiritual terms. After Earth comes the Astral realm, it is on this realm that we travel when we dream, its not unusual to see friends etc, in dream state, after all they will be traveling this realm too at night lol. It is on this realm where lower Elementals reside, i.e. wood nymphs, nature spirits, elves and fairies amongst others, and as often as in the case spirit who are trapped unable to move on also reside in this vibration. this is the same vibration used in psychic work. There are several spiritual realms each having a different vibration, with the most Celestial where the realms of the Angels are.

These entities live in the lower astral realms and they feed on negative energy, like everything else there is balance in the Universe, cause and effect, good and bad, so obviously they do not like the shift in negative energy, so you may find light bulbs will blow, computers act up, it will pass, focus on the positive and visualise this positive energy flowing throughout your home. When it comes to smudging people and possessions its basically the same technique wafting the smoke around yourself and visualising covering you and washing and cleansing all the negative energy into positive energy, same with the bell, its often easier to get a helper to do this for you, remember the key is by thought and intent. If you use incense or sage and sweet grass be careful when dealing with flames. You should notice a difference almost immediately the atmosphere will feel lighter and you may get a sudden energy rush.

The idea of a banishing ritual is seen throughout history and across the globe. Any culture that has a strong belief in malicious spirits and their ability to interact and affect the living has a type of banishing ritual. However, modern Western culture has designated most banishing rituals as a pagan custom. Spells that banish can vary greatly even from person to person. Yet, they can be relatively simple. The easiest way is to write down the problem on a piece of paper, being as concise and specific as possible. After focusing deeply on the problem written on the paper, you must burn it. Most people prefer to burn using a white candle or by lighting the paper and placing it in a bowl to allow it to burn in a controlled setting.

The use of herbs in certain settings and for certain reasons has been used for centuries. During the Elizabethan era of Tudor England, it was common place to use herbs rather than flowers during ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, or elevations of status to bless the special occasion. Garlic is a protective herb for all evil spirits all you need is a single clove (not a giant bulb) placed at points of entry that need protection, doorways as well as windows. If you are the particular subject of the spirit’s actions instead of just the room, feel free to keep a clove in your pocket. A bag of protection can also be made from herbs that will be helpful. A small amount of cinnamon, five-finger grass, ague weed, and sage in a pouch that you place at thresholds or carry with you will most certainly protect from evil spirits. Sage in general is renowned for its ability to cleanse any malicious presences. Merely burning sage in a doorway and windows of the haunted room are thought to provide a very strong barrier for particular evil spirits while allowing good spirits to pass. Bundles of sage and sweet grass are often used for smudging. Sprigs of Rosemary hung up at the entrances is also known to prevent evil spirits from entering.

Since the majority of spirits that haunt the realm of the living used to be humans themselves, they are probably haunting for a reason acting as a type of counselor to this evil spirit can put the spirit at ease and allow them to pass on to another plane of existence or at least to a state of peaceful being so that they do not wish to bother the living anymore. This can be achieved several ways. Straight forward meditation then asking your questions allowed is the simplest way to speak to a spirit. I would recommend you use an experienced spiritualist medium for this. Do not dabble in Ouija boards I can’t stress this enough as this conjours up negative entities focused on causing mischief and mayhem.

I am often asked about Ouija boards, my advice is and I cannot stress this strongly enough DO NOT go anywhere near them.

Good and evil, light and dark co-exists in the Universe as everything is balanced and if you have read previous articles on this site I have explained this many times but for those who have not, the Universe operates a series of laws and one of the main ones to consider is 'THE LAW OF ATTRACTION' in other words like attracts like, therefore positivity will attract positivity and negativity will attract negativity. The is why positive thought is very important but it also goes with how you live your life, if you walk in the light and strive to be a good kind person, you will attract all that is good towards you, however if you are an evil person you will attract this back to you. This does not mean however there is no hope for you if you have done wrong in the past, far from it, if you genuinely are sorry and aim to make amends you will attract the good to you. You may have heard the old saying, "What goes around comes around", will this is precisely the law of attraction in operation.

When you are beginning to develop psychically or are indeed curious, you begin to open up and use your third eye chakra, when you do so certain malevolent spirits and entities are very aware you are doing this, you give off a signal. Lower energies and spirits who haven't moved on either because they have committed wrong doing or chose to stay on the lower spiritual realms to cause trouble will be attracted to you. If you are pure in thought and a very positive person, you are less likely to attract these, but if shall we say, you're not a very nice person you are much more likely to attract those. Lower entities, come in all shapes and sizes often in the shape of flying creatures and can be very frightening. Now these entities cannot harm you in anyway, they cannot control you, but your negativity and fear feeds them and they will play on this. All you need do is basically tell them with conviction, to 'F*** off' and they will go, but you must override your fear and do it with a strong mind. For everything in the spirit world is controlled and operates on thought.

When you dabble in Ouija boards you will attract these lower entities and malevolent spirits for they think oh I can have a bit of fun here and cause fear and anguish, something they like doing. The other thing they do is to masquerade as the spirit of a loved one to give false messages. One thing spirit of your loved ones DON'T DO is to tell you to do something, as they know we have to live our lives through free will. So if you get a message from someone you know, a deceased love one in spirit telling you to do something, you can guarantee, they are not who they say they care and they are from the dark side.

If you are really interested in communicating with loved ones in spirit go and see and experienced Medium and DO NOT dabble in Ouija boards for all you will do is conjure up the dark and malevolent side

*** The Pentagram is a symbol of a star encased in a circle. Always with 5 points (one pointing upward), each has its own meaning. The upward point of the star is representative of the spirit. The other four points all represent an element; earth, air, fire, and water. All these things contibutite to life and are a part of each of us. FOR PROTECTION OF NEGATIVITY AND EVIL SPIRITS MUST BE WORN OR USED WITH ONE POINT UPWARDS

To wear a pentagram necklace or other form of jewelry, is to say you feel the connection with the elements and respect the earth.

The number 5
The number 5 has always been regarded as mystical and magical, yet essentially 'human'. We have five fingers/toes on each limb extremity.We commonly note five senses - sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. We perceive five stages or initiations in our lives - eg. birth, adolescence, coitus, parenthood and death. (There are other numbers / initiations / stages / attributions).

The number 5 is associated with Mars. It signifies severity, conflict and harmony through conflict. In Christianity, five were the wounds of Christ on the cross. There are five pillars of the Muslim faith and five daily times of prayer.

Five were the virtues of the medieval knight - generosity, courtesy, chastity, chivalry and piety as symbolised in the pentagram device of Sir Gawain. The Wiccan Kiss is Fivefold - feet, knees, womb, breasts, lips - Blessed be.

The number 5 is prime. The simplest star - the pentagram - requires five lines to draw and it is unicursal; it is a continuous loop.

Protection against evil
The pentagram has long been believed to be a potent protection against evil, a symbol of conflict that shields the wearer and the home. The pentagram has five spiked wards and a womb shaped defensive, protective pentagon at the centre.

Five elements
Here are five elements, four of matter (earth, air, fire and water) and THE quintessential - spirit. These may be arrayed around the pentagrams points. The word quintessential derives from this fifth element - the spirit. Tracing a path around the pentagram, the elements are placed in order of density - spirit (or aether). fire, air, water, earth. Earth and fire are basal, fixed; air and water are free, flowing.

The single point upwards signifies the spirit ruling matter (mind ruling limbs); is a symbol of rightness. With two points up and one (spirit) downwards, subservient, the emphasis is on the carnal nature of Man.

The Pentagram As A Christian Symbol
Up until medieval times, the five points of the pentagram represented the five wounds of Christ on the Cross. It was a symbol of Christ the Saviour. This is in stark contrast to today where the pentagram is criticized by modern Fundamentalist Christians, as being a symbol of evil.

The church eventually chose the cross as a more significant symbol for Christianity, and the use of the pentagram as a Christian symbol gradually ceased. -

Sunday, 20 October 2013


Yet another article to reinforce what I have been saying about the connection of aging and UV light.

The effects of ultra-violet on the skin are a mixed blessing!

Some is beneficial, necessary for the formation of vitamin D, some is harmful. Much of what happens to the skin as a result of ultra-violet light is the result of the skin trying to protect itself and the body inside from the harmful effects of an excess of the rays; the skin is quite effective at preventing the rays penetrating deeply into the body.

The Stratum Corneum is a major factor in this prevention (see diagram below)

Reflection of rays by layers of the Stratum Corneum

The Stratum Corneum is maintained at such a thickness that with the ‘usual’ intensity of ultra-violet falling on it, very little passes through and no damage is caused to the live cells beneath. The Stratum Corneum of exposed parts of skin such as the face, neck and hands will be thicker than those parts normally covered by clothing.

However, exposure to higher than normal intensities of ultra-violet will allow sufficient rays to pass through the epidermis possibly to cause damage to the living cells underneath.

Penetration of Ultra-Violet Rays into the Skin

In a skin, which has active melanocytes producing melanin pigment granules, this extra ultra-violet will develop the colour of this melanin, resulting in a Tan.

But not everyone’s skin is in such a state of readiness; their melanocytes may be inactive, as a result damage will be caused to the live cells. The result reddening, discomfort, may be even blisters and peeling i.e. Sunburn.

Regardless, more UVB rays will penetrate to the Stratum Germinativum to stimulate its dividing cells into greater activity, this will produce new epidermal cells at a more rapid rate and this will eventually thicken the Stratum Corneum, thus helping to reflect UV rays.

The general increase in the skin’s metabolism reflects throughout the body in creating ‘a feeling of well-being’.
The physical, physiological and psychological effects of Ultra-Violet

Beneficial effects:
    •    Vitamin D production
    •    Stimulation of Metabolism
    •    Tonic Effect
    •    Has slight Germicidal effect on the skin
    •    Causes hyperkeratinisation (thickening described as above), which is thought to help with some skin conditions such as Acne Vulgaris and Psoriasis.

Screening responses against excess:
    •    Suntanning
    •    The irritant effect of sunburn
    •    The thickening effect of the Stratum Corneum

Damaging effects:

    •    Short term – Sunburn
    •    ***Long term – Premature aging, thickens the epidermis giving a ‘leathery’ appearance, irreversibly damages Collagen and Elastin fibres, causes dehydration, can cause allergic reactions, can produce dark pigmentation patches; Skin Cancer.

Vitamin D Production

A normal varied diet including dairy produce will supply all the vitamin D required; however through sunshine the vitamin may be made in the body with the help of ultra-violet.

In the body there are two substances, which can be converted into vitamin D, these precursor substances are 7-dehydrocholesterol and ergosterol. When vitamin D is required these substances are moved to exposed skin where using ultra-violet energy these substances are converted to Vitamin D.

The potential for making vitamin d in the skin is so enormous that merely exposing the face for less than an hour on an overcast December day will make all that is required for the day, the body is able to regulate this however so a days long sunbathing will not cause over production.

Article below from the DAILY MAIL

Blame the sun for your visible wrinkles: UV rays account for 80 per cent of skin ageing

  • Exposure to sunlight is to blame for a majority of skin aging
  • Research show that the effect of UV rays on skin increases with age
The sun is responsible for the vast majority of visible ageing, according to new research – another reason  to slather on the sun screen all year round.
UV rays accounted for  80 per cent of skin ageing, including wrinkles, in a study of almost 300 women – half sun-worshippers and half  shy of the sun.
The study also found that a two per cent increase in  skin damage ages a face by three years.
Blame it on the sunshine: UV rays are responsible for 80 per cent of your skin's visible ageing
Blame it on the sunshine: UV rays are responsible for 80 per cent of your skin's visible ageing

Long-term UV exposure  can also lead to pigmentation, reduced skin elasticity and a degradation of skin texture, including yellowing.
Various other factors can also change the skin’s appearance and structure, including gravity, the  natural ageing process, pollution, diet, tobacco, illness and stress.
But in the study, reported  in the medical journal Clinical, Cosmetic And Investigational Dermatology, researchers wanted to calculate for the first time the effect of sunlight alone.
Dermatologists examined the faces of 298 women, aged 30 to 78, with 12 experts studying photographs of individual faces on a screen.
Cover up: The sun's damage on the skin increases with age
Cover up: The sun's damage on the skin increases with age

Another panel of  volunteers also viewed the women’s faces and estimated their age.
The results show that the effect of UV exposure increases with age. Significant differences  were seen in wrinkles and skin-texture quality after  the age of 50, with the  sun-seekers looking older than their real age.
The researchers worked out what they call a ‘sun damage percentage’ and calculated that the sun is responsible for 80.3 per cent of skin ageing.
They also found that  women with 80 per cent damage look their age, while those who have 82 per cent damage look about three years older, and those with  78 per cent damage appear three years younger.
The researchers, from L’Oreal Research and Innovation Center, Paris, said: ‘Our study confirms  the accountability of sun exposure in premature ageing of the face.
‘Our comparison between two groups of women, whose sun behaviour was different, has allowed us to clearly demonstrate the effect of  UV exposure.’
However, the researchers added that sagging in older faces is likely to be linked to the long-term effects of gravity.
Dr Richard Warren, senior clinical lecturer and consultant dermatologist at the University of Manchester and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, said: ‘It is very hard to distinguish accurately between intrinsic [natural] ageing and extrinsic [environmental] ageing, and this study goes some way to addressing the specific impact of the sun on skin.
‘Effective use of sunscreens will not only limit extrinsic skin ageing but will also reduce skin cancer risk.’

Friday, 18 October 2013


I came across this article in the press Daily Mail, and it reinforces what I have been saying on this site for ages. You cannot possibly hold on to your looks if you smoke never mind the detriment to your health. It just isn't good for you at all.

Astridestella.info: SMOKING AND CANCER
29 Dec 2012
... and results in death and disease. 'Giving up smoking can be extremely difficult, so providing extra motivation and reminding people of just how harmful the habit is can help smokers to take that first step in quitting for good.' ...
02 May 2011
Smoking is one of the worst abuses you can do to your body, firstly because of its direct effect affect on the lungs, it impairs the uptake and absorption of oxygen and of course all cells in the body require oxygen in order to ...

29 Dec 2012
... and results in death and disease. 'Giving up smoking can be extremely difficult, so providing extra motivation and reminding people of just how harmful the habit is can help smokers to take that first step in quitting for good.' ...
02 May 2011
Smoking is one of the worst abuses you can do to your body, firstly because of its direct effect affect on the lungs, it impairs the uptake and absorption of oxygen and of course all cells in the body require oxygen in order to ...
- See more at: http://www.astridestella.info/#uds-search-results
29 Dec 2012
... and results in death and disease. 'Giving up smoking can be extremely difficult, so providing extra motivation and reminding people of just how harmful the habit is can help smokers to take that first step in quitting for good.' ...
02 May 2011
Smoking is one of the worst abuses you can do to your body, firstly because of its direct effect affect on the lungs, it impairs the uptake and absorption of oxygen and of course all cells in the body require oxygen in order to ...
- See more at: http://www.astridestella.info/#uds-search-results
29 Dec 2012
... and results in death and disease. 'Giving up smoking can be extremely difficult, so providing extra motivation and reminding people of just how harmful the habit is can help smokers to take that first step in quitting for good.' ...
02 May 2011
Smoking is one of the worst abuses you can do to your body, firstly because of its direct effect affect on the lungs, it impairs the uptake and absorption of oxygen and of course all cells in the body require oxygen in order to ...
- See more at: http://www.astridestella.info/#uds-search-results

What's smoking doing to YOUR body? Alarming graphic shows how cigarettes cause women to go grey and sprout facial hair and men to have sluggish sperm

  • Tobacco Body has been created in conjunction with the Cancer Society of Finland to show the damage smoking causes
  • Highlights lesser-known effects such as spots, grey hair, increased risk of stomach ulcers and weight gain 
We all know that smoking can cause lung cancer - but did you know it can also trigger women to go grey, grow facial hair and men to have sluggish sperm?
In an attempt to move on from the grisly anti-smoking pictures found on cigarette packets, Finnish doctors have developed an interactive website to highlight the dangers. 
Tobacco Body has been created in conjunction with the Cancer Society of Finland to show the damage smoking causes.
The site explains that with skin, for example, 'smokers are more likely to get spots as smoking weakens the circulation which increases the risk of infection. It also make acne more difficult to deal with'
To see the dangers for yourself, select the male or female body and then browse different parts of the body.
From spots, to an increased risk of stomach ulcers, the catalogue of side-effects and images make for disturbing viewing - right down to the grey, mottled skin of the smoker.
For women, one of the most disturbing things may be that smoking can trigger the growth of extra facial hair on the face and arms. 
To see the dangers for yourself, select the male or female body and then browse different parts of the body.

It adds that smoker's skin looks unhealthy because the chemicals in cigarette smoke make the skin¿s elastic fibres snap more easily, causing the skin to lose its elasticity
It adds that smoker's skin looks unhealthy because the chemicals in cigarette smoke make the skin's elastic fibres snap more easily, causing the skin to lose its elasticity

The site explains that with skin, for example, 'smokers are more likely to get spots as smoking weakens the circulation which increases the risk of infection. It also make acne more difficult to deal with.'
It adds that smoker’s skin looks unhealthy because the chemicals in cigarette smoke make the skin’s elastic fibres snap more easily, causing the skin to lose its elasticity.
Non-smokers also have five times less wrinkles compared to smokers who have smoked a pack a day for 25 years. 
Excess hair growth in women in triggered because smoking increases levels of the male hormone, testosterone.
Indeed, a study from the Medical College of Wisconsin found that women who smoked a pack of cigarettes or more a day were significantly more likely than non-smokers to have facial hair and experience early menopause and irregular periods.
The site also claims that smokers are more likely to carry extra weight around the middle. Of girls aged 16-24, those who smoke are most likely to be overweight
The site also claims that smokers are more likely to carry extra weight around the middle. Of girls aged 16-24, those who smoke are most likely to be overweight

Smokers are more likely to carry extra weight around the middle. Of girls aged 16-24, those who smoke are most likely to be overweight, it is claimed. 
Hair doesn't fair well, either. The site explains: 'Smokers have brittle hair and are more likely to go bald and grey than others. Chemicals from tobacco gather in the hair and cause hairs to break off before they are fully formed.'
The Tobacco Body site was created in conjunction with the Cancer Society of Finland to show the damage smoking causes in the body
The Tobacco Body site was created in conjunction with the Cancer Society of Finland to show the damage smoking causes in the body

Smokers also have double the risk of a blood clot and a worse sex life. Smoking weakens
blood flow to the penis, which counts for smokers being twice as likely to have erectile problems. 
Smokers’ sperm density is also significantly less compared to the non smokers. The toxins from cigarettes decrease the concentration and mobility of sperm cells in semen and harm the cell’s structure, the site says.
And if that wasn't bad enough, smokers also put themselves more at risk of painful stomach ulcers.
The nicotine in cigarettes weakens the stomach’s ability to fight helicobacter pylori, a bacteria which causes stomach ulcers.  

Thursday, 17 October 2013


The article below comes from the 'Daily Mail' and I've posted this to make you aware that Cannabis can lead to the user suffering from psychosis. It's a common recreation drug many will first experiment with and most users will find it has no side effects, however in some it will lead to full blown psychosis trouble is there is no way of knowing who will develop it, so is it worth the risk? Research has shown the active substance in Cannabis can have therapeutic medicinal benefits however much more research needs to be done and evaluated before it ever reaches being classified as a medicine. The other danger of Cannabis is it can lead to harder drugs as users look for a bigger 'high' as their tolerance rate improves and they become less immune to it's effects. It isn't possible to gauge who will be affected by these effects so is it worth the risk? for once changes have begun in the brain it can't be undone, the damage is done.

Read one family's experience below

Think cannabis is harmless? It drove this grammar school boy insane - then killed him

  • Matthew was a bright young boy who excelled at maths and science
  • But he started smoking cannabis and the 'harmless' drug took its toll
  • He began having hallucinations and became incredibly paranoid
  • Matthew's erratic behaviour turned violent, he started speaking of suicide
  • His parents put him in hospital but once there he tragically hanged himself
  • Matthew's doctors believe his suicide was triggered by smoking cannabis

Melanie Leahy has many photos of her son, Matthew. But it is the one of him aged 13, fresh-faced and dressed in his grammar school uniform, that is the most painfully poignant of all.

'Matthew had just been awarded top marks in all his academic subjects and was on the cusp of adulthood, with his whole future ahead of him,' she recalls. 'Even as a boy he spoke about his future, of having a large family and how he wanted to start up his own business.'
Happy and healthy: Matthew was 'gorgeous' and capable, learning to swim at the age of three

Tragically, it is a future Melanie will never see for her only child. For Matthew, 20, previously a Grade A student as well as an expert skiier and qualified lifeguard, hanged himself last November. His  suicide was triggered, doctors believe, by smoking cannabis.

Any suicide is an utter tragedy, but what makes Matthew's case even more shocking is that the young man took his own life while an in-patient at a mental health hospital.

Despite being on hourly observation because of his unstable state of mind, Matthew had managed to hang himself.

'When I got the phone call to tell me about Matthew's death, it ripped my heart out,' says Melanie, 48, a property manager. 'But most of all I was in shock about how doctors could have allowed it to happen.

'Matthew's father, Michael, and I had agonised over putting him into that hospital. We believed he was in the safest possible hands and that we had done our best for him. We never would have agreed if we'd thought we were sending him to his death.' Melanie questions his treatment at the NHS-run Linden Centre mental health unit in Chelmsford, Essex.
Bright-eyed: Matthew, pictured in his school uniform, aged five - several years before his troubles began
Bright-eyed: Matthew, pictured in his school uniform, aged five - several years before his troubles began

Several other young people have taken their own lives while in the care of the trust in recent years and Matthew's parents are still waiting for answers as to what really  happened to their beloved boy.
It's cannabis, a drug many class as 'harmless', that they blame for his spiral into self-destruction.
Born in December, 1991, Matthew was a 'healthy, happy and bright lad' according to his mother.

'Matthew was absolutely gorgeous and it soon became clear he was very bright,' says Melanie, who lives in Heybridge, Essex. 'He learned to swim at the age of three and, by time he was nine, was excelling academically at school.' Sadly, it was around this age that Melanie and Michael, a restaurateur, divorced.
'We'd been growing apart for a long time,' she explains. 'But where Matthew was concerned, we remained amicable, sharing care of him.'
Although Melanie and Matthew moved ten miles away to a three-bedroomed semi-detached home, Matthew divided his time between his parents' homes.
Painfully poignant: Of her many photos of Matthew, this one reminds Melanie the most of his bright future - now tragically lost
Painfully poignant: Of her many photos of Matthew, this one reminds Melanie the most of his bright future - now tragically lost

'We were incredibly proud when Matthew passed his 11-plus exam and won a place at Westcliff High School For Boys, a selective grammar school. He excelled at maths and science and was a natural with computers,' Melanie says. However, by the age of 14, teachers reported that Matthew wasn't paying as much attention at school.
Because of the characteristic smell of cannabis on his clothes, and his erratic behaviour, both Melanie and Michael suspected he was smoking the drug.
'I confronted him about it, but he would deny it,' says Melanie.
In June 2005 - after a friend told Melanie she'd seen him in a park smoking cannabis - Melanie took Matthew to see their GP.
'I wanted him to be tested,' she says. Her GP refused, on the grounds that it was not something GPs would test for, but Melanie became increasingly concerned about her son's behaviour.
'We had lots of arguments about him smoking cannabis. Both Michael and I did everything we could to try to stop him, from arguing to reasoning with him but nothing worked.'
By the age of 15, Matthew was having problems sleeping.
'Matthew saw his GP on his own and I now know from his medical notes that he admitted he was smoking cannabis, although because his friends were also smoking it he told his GP he believed it was harmless,' says Melanie.
'This time the doctor advised him about the risks and gave him advice about stopping smoking.'
But Matthew continued and, by the time he was 17, having left school with a clutch of GCSEs and the equivalent of two A-levels, he began his own computer support business. He moved into a shared house that Melanie owned, but at the same time his symptoms worsened significantly.
'Terrifyingly, he began saying he felt as if something was crawling over his body,' recalls Melanie. 'I researched it and pointed out to Matthew it was an effect of  cannabis smoking [doctors call this sensation 'formication' and it is one of a number of hallucinations cannabis can trigger].
'Matthew saw his GP on his own and I now know from his medical notes that he admitted he was smoking cannabis, although because his friends were also smoking it he told his GP he believed it was harmless'
'It became so severe that, at the end of 2009, he was referred by his GP to the drug and alcohol early intervention team. They came and spoke to him about the effects  of cannabis.'
Melanie now feels they didn't do nearly enough and wishes they'd referred him for counselling and more specialist help, such as  drugs rehabilitation.
Matthew's parents grew even more concerned when, in January 2011, Matthew became convinced he had threadworms living in his stomach, coming out of his nostrils and mouth and living in his ears - a sign of the paranoia caused by the cannabis.
The drugs team explained he was delusional and Matthew's state of mind deteriorated so much he was unable to continue his computer job.
'Eventually in May, Matthew was in so much distress about these imagined parasites that it was  preventing him from sleeping properly,' says Melanie. 'His GP felt he was hallucinating due to his drug problem and referred Matthew to a consultant psychiatrist.'
Yet he continued to smoke cannabis and his paranoia only worsened.
That June, having experienced a terrifying psychotic episode where he believed worms were destroying him, Matthew was admitted to the psychiatric ward at Clacton hospital and then the Linden Centre, where he remained for five months.
Young promise: 15-year-old Matthew, pictured with his mother Melanie, excelled at maths and science and was a natural with computers
Young promise: 15-year-old Matthew, pictured with his mother Melanie, excelled at maths and science and was a natural with computers

Matthew was given drugs to calm his paranoia, but when he was released in November 2011 the family were shocked at his appearance.
'My son had become like a zombie,' says Melanie. 'He'd gone from a bright conversational boy to someone who was hollow-eyed, dribbling and shuffling.
'In hindsight, I don't feel there was any proper care for him at that hospital. His problems were just masked with medication and he was able to continue smoking the drug. I was horrified by the smell of cannabis whenever I visited him.'
His problems were clearly far from resolved when, in April 2012, Matthew - by now back in the shared house - erupted at Melanie when she forbade him to grow cannabis there.
'He said he couldn't deal with the hallucinations any more and wanted to kill himself,' she says. 'He thought the cannabis was helping to cure them, and wouldn't believe it was the cause.
'He threatened to cut his wrists or hang himself and I was so upset I called the police who took him to hospital.' Over the following weeks, Melanie's life became hell.
'One day, Matthew came home with cuts on his face that he'd made with a razor blade. He then threatened to hang himself. I kept telling him I loved him and begged him to get help.
'Another time when I wouldn't give him any money because I knew he would spend it on cannabis, he pinned me against a wall. I wasn't hurt, but it was frightening. I rang the police and, once again, they returned him to hospital.'
Heartbreak: Melanie keeps the memories of her beloved son close to her heart
Heartbreak: Melanie keeps the memories of her beloved son close to her heart

Melanie's frustration with the system is evident. 'Despite all these episodes, he would simply be taken to hospital by police, be assessed and just sent home again,' she says.
In May 2012, with Melanie at her wits' end, Matthew, now 20, went to live with his father. But in November 2012, during a terrifying psychotic episode at his father's home in Bradwell, Essex, he smashed up his room with a baseball bat.
Michael says: 'Matthew was threatening to kill himself with a knife, so I called the police. He was in such a rage there was no knowing what he'd do.'
At this point he was admitted to the Linden Centre under Section 3 of the Mental Health act.
'Melanie and I were desperate,' explains Michael. 'Matthew needed professional help. He needed proper care and, although it was the hardest thing we've ever done, we believed putting him in hospital would save him.
'We were terrified that, if we didn't section him, he would kill himself. Doctors told us Matthew would be put on suicide watch, which reassured us because we felt something positive was being done at last.
'It was exhausting for us watching his every movement 24 hours a day and we knew this way he would not be allowed to kill himself.'
 'My son had become like a zombie. He'd gone from a bright conversational boy to someone who was hollow-eyed, dribbling and shuffling. In hindsight, I don't feel there was any proper care for him at that hospital.'
However, the couple say they have since been told that Matthew was put on constant watch only for the first day. They say they've been told this was reduced to hourly and he was being watched by a student nurse.
'We have no idea why this was allowed to happen, it was a  decision made by the nurses,' says Melanie. 'But, had I known that he wouldn't be watched 24 hours a day, I would never have agreed to let him go. I bitterly regret it.'
Tragically, five days before his death, Matthew rang his father, distraught, saying he'd been drugged and was desperately unhappy.
'We were scared for him, but were told not to visit for first seven days to give him time to settle,' says Melanie. 'And when we spoke to the ward, the staff denied he was as distressed as he'd made out to us, reassuring us he was in an art class.'
A post-mortem examination has since also revealed four to five mystery needle marks in Matthew's groin.
'He was petrified of needles,' says Melanie. 'We worry as to what drugs he had been injected with. We've had no explanation as to what these were, but it haunts me that he might have experienced real terror in those final days.'
Melanie was shocked to discover that Matthew was not the only troubled young person to die in the care of the same trust.
Grieving parents: Melanie and Matthew's father Michael now bitterly regret putting their son in hospital
Grieving parents: Melanie and Matthew's father Michael now bitterly regret putting their son in hospital

In 2001, Nicola Dordoy, 42, was found hanging from her curtain pole in her room at the Linden  Centre, prompting the unit to claim that 'procedures would be changed' as a result.
A year later, Steven Kay, 39, went missing from his room at the Linden Centre and was later found  hanging from a tree. Then, in 2008, Ben Morris, 20, hanged himself with his belt at the same centre.
In May 2012, a Care Quality Commission report judged over all that 'the Linden Centre was not meeting one or more essential standards. Action is needed.'
Says Melanie: 'I was stunned by the fact that similar problems over lack of care plans, risk assessments and communication errors had been highlighted so many times at the same centre and the same trust.
'Had the trust taken on board all the issues then and improved the care within these mental health units, I believe Matthew would still be alive today.'
She claims that a lack of records of Matthew's final days might mean she never knows exactly what  happened to her son.
North Essex Partnership said: 'What happened to Matthew is terrible and the family's hurt is totally understandable. Everyone wants answers.
'The coroner can hold an inquest where all issues are raised, and questions asked. We ask Melanie and her family to talk to us about it all, we will answer her questions and her fears, frankly and honestly. That's in everyone's interest.'
Almost a year on, the family are still waiting for an inquest, but they bitterly regret putting him the hospital.
'Losing Matthew has caused pain beyond description,' says Melanie. 'But I'm not going to be happy with weak promises for the future.'
Whether she will get the answers she longs for remains to be seen. But she insists: 'I'm determined that Matthew's death won't be  in vain.'





I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.