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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Monday, 14 February 2011


Firstly please read the blogs and page on health as this will give an indication on a balanced diet.

If I were to ask you what is the largest organ in the body what would you say? It's not the liver or the intestines but the skin, it does a very important job for us and how many of us take it for granted and don't look after it.


The basics so you will understand how the skin works. The skin is comprised of 3 layers, the Epidermis the layer you can see, the Dermis the true skin and the subcutaneous. Cosmetics only work on the Epidermis and you can see how deep it is, if you have ever experienced a blister. A blister is caused when friction causes the Epidermis and the Dermis to separate and the fluid within the blister is lymph. The Epidermis has no nerve endings or blood supply that is why removing the top layer of a blister is not painful, not to be recommended though as it exposes the Dermis which is rich in nerves and a blood supply to infection.

The skin  has several functions to secrete sebum that oily substance on your skin, this is to help keep the skin moisturised by trapping moisture and forming a barrier together with sweat known as the 'Acid Mantle' The Acid Mantle is slightly acidic and acts as a Bacteriastat to inhibit bacteria. The skin secretes sebum via the sebaceous glands within the hair follicles and sweat via the Endocrine glands (there are another type of sweat glands know as Apocrine glands these are found in the axillary and pubic regions unlike Endocrine sweat bacteria act on Apocrine sweat quickly and this causes the characteristic Body Odour, these glands only become active after puberty and have a role to play in pheromones)

Our body temperature is regulated by the skin this is due to the  peripheral circulation either dilating to bring blood to the extremities of the body like the skin causing flushing to help loose some of the heat and also by sweating for as the sweat evaporates heat rises with it. The opposite happens when its cold the body conserves heat to vital organs more important than the skin, giving a more white/bluish appearance and may even induce shivering. At the base of every hair follicle there is a tiny cilary muscle when its cold and we start to shiver this muscle contracts causing the hair to stand up trapping a layer of air next to the skin, giving the appearance of goosebumps. Within the Dermis there are sensory nerves that detect temperature. We also have an insulatory layer of fat in the subcutaneous.

Our skin is waterproof so absorbs very little, the only things that can permeate the skin are medications, this includes patches such as Nicotine  and HRT and Essential oils (see Aromatherapy articles on Blog) COSMETICS CAN NOT. Do not believe the hype and sales talk ladies if it could be absorbed by the skin you would have to go to your Doctor for it and it would need to be licensed as a Medicine.

Our Skin is protected by sensory nerves that alert us to pain, pressure, touch, heat and cold, it is waterproof largely impermeable except to the substances above, fairly tough and it with its layer of fat below the dermis in the subcutaneous layer keeps us warm, protects our organs and bones, gives us shape. As fore mentioned the Acid Mantle helps protect from bacteria as bacterial growth is inhibited in its slightly acid environment. Melanocytes special little cells in the dermis increase as a result of UV light and give us tanning, the epidermis also thickens to help protect our skin. Also in the skin are mast cells and when they are damaged, they produce histomine, it gives the characteristic itching a weals associated by allergies, its function is to stimulate blood to the skin to repair and maintain it. However with allergies the body is hypersensitive producing this effect.

The skin also excretes some toxins through sweat but this is very very minimal, so do not believe the hype of some sales people who will suggest you have a detoxifying foot bath that will rid you of toxins as it changes the water to a dirty brown colour. Again this is sheer hype and nonsense for if ridding the body of toxins was that easy we wouldn't have a need for Dialysis Machines for those suffering kidney failure. It is the Liver, Kidneys and large Intestine that detoxify us.

Vitamin D is also formed in the skin as a result of the action of UV light acting on 7-dehydrocholesterol present in the skin, so everything in moderation we do need some sunlight.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Remember this site is dealing with YOU in a holistic way not just concerning your outward appearance. To shine on the outside you have to shine from within and that includes how you think and how you interact with others. In other words COMMUNICATION.

Over years using social network sites I've noticed never a day goes past without some drama somewhere and by and large most of the drama is caused by poor communication. 

There is drama caused by some mischief makers you will get them anywhere and these trouble makers delight in getting their kicks out of upsetting and winding others up. I have noticed they love doing this and then disappearing, these types are best ignored for the more attention you give them even negative attention, is still attention, the more they love it. With them don't play the game and they will get fed up and crawl away.

But I would like to blog about the fore mentioned type of drama, poor communication. When we communicate in person we don't just use words, we use our voice expressing tone, we use body language, we gesticulate and we smile, use our eyes, we laugh.  On social network sites what means of communication do we have available to us? we have words, therein lies the problem. Even when we speak the same language say English, we all have different colloquialisms and expressions but to compound the problem further we can be classified into different types, the way we interpret and understand each other.

Some of you may have heard of Neuro linguistic programing NLP for short, and NLP has many uses, but essentially its about the way our brain assimilates information and acts on it and how we can program our brains to use this information to best effect. NLP is a vast subject. I studied it as part of Health Studies at University and put it into practice in my work as a lecturer and as a counsellor to good effect.

The one aspect I want to mention is how we interpret the written word and the classification of different types of personalities.

There are three main types and some sub types and people can be combination of types but by and large there  generally is a dominate type within each of us e.g.

Visuals, who like to think in pictures and diagrams, who prefer to say take in information via diagrams and illustrations, who use the words I see, picture this and various expressions conveying their  dominate visual skills, when they are thinking for example if trying to spell something, you will see them raise their eyes upwards and to the left as if accessing some part up there in their brain, which is actually what they are doing. They love colour and tend to dress flamboyantly.

Auditory types, who think in words, they respond to hearing and learning through the spoken word are good at receiving instructions and work well on the telephone. When they think, you will see them tilt their heads to one side showing an ear and when they are working or studying say like peace and quiet, noise is a distraction to them. They too will use words to express their auditory skills, can you hear me, listen if you want my advice. They are more conservative in appearance

And the Kinesthetic types, these are the touchy feely ones, when they are thinking and concentrating you will see them looking downwards to their abdomen towards their solar plexus. These are the type of people who like to touch things, whether its stroke fabric when buying things and tend to be  shifting position in an audience however slight as they have to work the information in. They will use words conveying feelings and emotions, who like to show affection and will talk about how they feel and can be very empathetic words like I understand, I really feel for you etc.

So what has all this got to do with drama on social network sites, well it is  just showing we take in and assimilate information differently, and we are apt to misconstrue information differently as we do not have rapport with the persons we are trying to communicate with. Its nobody's fault. We can get over this in person as we use or voice and our body language in person so we have more ways to take in understanding, but on here we are limited to just words. If you also bear in mind many of the people we communicate with come from different cultures and English is not their first language you compound the problem further if you do not take all this into consideration.

So want can we do, well by taking time to read carefully what is written and not jump to first conclusions, different cultures will use the same words but with different meanings and look at their use of words, do you think they are visuals if they use the words I see a lot, or are they very emotionally based by using touchy feely words etc.

When you can ascertain and gage what type some one is you can talk the same language as them and gain rapport e.g. if some one is a visual type use the same type of words and expressions mirror them and try and gain understanding and thus rapport. By doing this and just being aware not everyone thinks the same way as you and just because they don't it doesn't make them wrong and you right. Just take a little time to understand and learn to communicate with one another by doing that you can ease the drama that is all to prevalent on social network sites

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Sunday, 13 February 2011


Energy-giving Carbohydrates

Your body’s most constant and basic requirement, apart, perhaps from water is Energy. Energy to breathe, to move, to function, to power itself, for repair and growth. Like machines we need an outside source of energy, but our fuel has to come from what we eat and drink.

That energy is measured in Kilocalories. When you expend energy you burn up calories and when you eat you consume calories. The amount of calories/energy your body needs in a day depends on your size, age, proportion of muscle to fat, activity levels and many other factors

In order to maintain a reasonable and stable body weight, energy/food intake and energy expenditure needs to be balanced. Too little intake and too much expenditure can result in weight loss and being too thin, too much intake and too little expenditure can result in weight gain, with the excess calories converting themselves into body fat and eventual obesity.

All food/drink-containing calories can supply you with energy, in the form of carbohydrate, fat, protein or alcohol but the majority of your energy supply should be derived from carbohydrate.

There are two main sorts of carbohydrate, starches and sugars. Starchy foods are plant-based foods e.g. breakfast cereals, bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, pulses and vegetables also contain starches in varying amounts, most fruits contain none with the exception of bananas

The carbohydrates in these foods are called Polysaccharides and known as complex carbohydrates

Sugars are either intrinsic, such as those found in fruits, which are part of the cellular structure of the food or extrinsic such as those found in table sugar, honey, fruit squashes, cakes, biscuits sweets etc. and not bound into the cellular structure of the food but are Refined and depleted of fibre.

It is the complex carbohydrates and intrinsic sugars that should form the bulk of your healthy diet

The more unrefined the carbohydrate that you eat, the better for your health.

Why? These are the plant foods which not only supply your energy but which also contain a whole range of vital nutrients

Carbohydrates also ‘spare’ protein from being converted into energy, which can be important if protein needs are high.

The Facts about Fats

Fat is mainly used by the body as energy. If fat surplus to energy needs is eaten it stores itself in the body as adipose tissue, this can be converted to energy if needed. A small amount of fat is also needed because it ‘carries’ the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E. Polyunsaturated fats are also needed to supply essential fatty acids

Saturated Fat this is the kind of fat that is usually solid at room temperature and often in largest quantities in animal products e.g. cheese, meat, cream, eggs, butter, lard and in milk chocolate. It has been proved that a diet high in saturated fats can raise levels of the bad blood cholesterol, which is a major factor in heart disease and may be linked with other ailments and problems such as cancer and obesity.

Polyunsaturated Fat, this type of fat is found in the kinds of fat that are liquid at room temperature e.g. vegetable oils, such as corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil and most nuts, they have the opposite effect by lowering blood cholesterol. However experts believe high levels are never the less a good idea because they are easily oxidised by the body why can result in free radicals, which can damage body cells. However a diet high in Anti-oxidants will help counteract this effect.

A certain amount of polyunsaturated fats are needed because they contain essential fatty acids

What is Protein?

We require protein as we need it to build us up and keep us strong, it is essential for growth and development in children, for cell maintenance and repair, especially muscles and for the regulation of all body functions and for various jobs that fats and carbohydrates cant do.

Protein is a component of many foods, but it doesn’t always take the same form. It is made of Amino Acids, like building blocks. Proteins from different food sources contain different amino acids. Twenty-two of these amino acids are used in the body in different combinations to make the body’s proteins, such as muscle, and for the activities above.

What are good sources of Protein?

Animal sources of protein, such as all animal fleshes, dairy produce, fish and eggs, contain all eight essential amino acids within themselves, which is why they have been called ‘First Class Proteins’.

All vegetable sources of protein with the exception of Soya beans don’t, which is why they have been called ‘Second Class Proteins’. Some vegetable sources have certain amino acids but not others, and they need to be combined with the correct ‘missing’ amino acids in other forms of protein in order to be utilised by the body.


These are the unseen components of a healthy diet; vitamins are organic substances for the everyday functioning of our bodies, for good health and proper development. Each has a different role to play and most have to be provided in what we eat and drink.

We only need very small quantities, normally just a few milligrams or even micro-grams depending on the vitamin.

Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble and can thus be stored in the body. Vitamins C and the B group are water-soluble and can’t be stored, excess is excreted in the urine and so they must be consumed on a daily basis.


Minerals are inorganic substances and various vital body processes, as well as normal development, are reliant on an adequate supply of them. Altogether 15 minerals have been classed as essential in the diet. The major minerals, needed in larger quantities are, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Phosphorus, Iron and Zinc, although needed in milligrams rather than grams are also classed as major minerals.

The trace Elements needed in much smaller quantities, but essential are, Selenium, Copper, Fluoride, Iodine, Manganese, Chromium, and Cobalt.

In general the three main functions of minerals are as constituents of bones and teeth, as salts regulating body fluids and as components of enzymes and hormones or helping all the functions of the body.

Vitamin & Mineral Awareness

Bear in mind it is important to have correct nutritional advice regarding vitamins and minerals, the wrong advice can lead to problems, some of which can be serious. Many people believe use vitamin and mineral supplements assuming that if enough is good, then more must be even better. This might be true sometimes, for some individuals and of some vitamin and minerals, however it is not always a good idea to exceed the recommended daily amounts, without proper advice as vitamin and minerals can be toxic in excess.

Good examples are with vitamins A and D, they are toxic in excess as they can be stored in the liver and too much of vitamin A is a particular danger for pregnant women. High intakes of Iron can cause stomach upsets, constipation and kidney damage. Excess Zinc, over 50mg a day can hinder Copper absorption and it is thought possibly Iron as well. Selenium, although an important trace element and a good anti-oxidant, which protects us from heart disease and some cancers and premature ageing, is toxic in excess, producing a nerve disorder and hair and nail loss. Up to 1,000ug per day should be safe, the Department of Health, however has set an upper limit of 450ug per day, as a precaution. An excess of vitamin C can cause stomach upsets and it can be quite laxative in high doses. Vitamin B6, often used to treat PMS, high doses may cause nerve damage. In the UK pills containing more than 10 mg of this vitamin have been withdrawn from sale over the counter.

Almost all vitamin and minerals can have some side effects if taken in very high doses. In certain people, though not all can be affected by certain vitamins e.g. vitamin E, particularly if they suffer from hypertension and or if they are on anti-coagulant drugs such as ‘Warfarin’. This supplement, vitamin E, can also affect people adversely if they have kidney stones or those on Calcium supplements.

Supplements can also cause nutritional imbalances, this is because vitamin and minerals and other nutrients work together, too much of one particular nutrient can cause imbalance within the body e.g. when taking Calcium supplements, you should take Magnesium as well as they both need one another to be assimilated by the body. Iron supplements may reduce Zinc absorption, it also in high intakes can hinder vitamin E absorption and high Zinc needs Copper to be assimilated too. The B supplements should be taken together rather than separately, as an excess of one upsets the delicate balance of assimilation of these vitamins. High intakes of any one particular vitamin or mineral should be avoided unless you’ve been advised to take them by a suitably qualified person.

Most nutrition experts agree however that there is no substitute for a healthy balanced diet and vitamins and minerals are best taken as part of that diet. Vitamins and minerals extracted or created synthetically, (and many of them are); don’t have quite the same effect on the body as when eaten as part of a healthy balanced diet. In having a balanced diet with the chief source of our vitamins and minerals coming from food it is impossible to overdose on them. Another reason is that as well as vitamins and minerals, food also contains other substances, phytochemicals, namely bioflavinoids. Also food contains a whole balance of things we need i.e. proteins, essential fats, fibre etc. In merely popping a vitamin C tablet instead of an orange we miss out on other nutrients an orange contains.

But there are times when to take supplements is better than nothing at all. In illness to aid recovery when the patient is suffering from anorexia, loss of appetite, supplementation will support the patient until his appetite recovers. Although most of us try to eat a nutritionally sound diet most of our food has suffered from overzealous food production methods, in that a lot of the vitamin and mineral content has been lost. Today we live busy life-styles; we eat irregularly and often unfortunately through lack of time eat processed pre-packaged food.

To conclude, we should eat as balanced a diet as we are able, but we should seek advice from a suitably qualified person if we feel we need supplementation; for although vitamin and minerals are very valuable and ‘good for us’, too much can be dangerous.

Article by MPB©

Maggie Brown (Author)
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When I first got into healing I had this idea that I could physically heal people and this is a misconception the vast majority of the public have. What healing does is heal the soul, our souls are our life force energy, the very essence of what makes us unique and who we are. You can liken it to the mind. we know that when we think we hear our own voices as we think we hear it in our mind and that's really what our souls are, our inner voice our thoughts. It is often referred to as our 'Higher self', and when people are following their hearts we are listening to our 'Higher self'. Remember whilst we are incarnated we are spirit in a human body.

What is the difference between our hearts and mind? Well when we think about something rationally and logically we are using just our mind, our physical mind, those physical processes and go on inside our brains, but when we use our hearts, we follow our intuition which is our 'Higher self'. In following our intuition we listen to what the Universe is telling and guiding us. The Universe has all the answers we ever need out there, all the knowledge that mankind should ever want is there, as we have evolved in the modern world we have forgotten how to listen. Animals haven't, they are still very much in touch with nature and the world and they know instinctively when its time to hibernate, time to fly south for the winter and for some species like homing pigeons they know the correct distance to fly home. Animals instinctively know when to trust, whom they feel safe with and if we think about it, we do too. How often have to walked into a room where there has been a quarrel and may not have known about it at the time but you feel the energy is so dense you could cut the atmosphere with a knife, that is you using your intuition and listening to your hearts.

So what has this got to do with healing? well its not about healing the physical body but healing the troubled soul. When your soul is in perfect balance there is no 'dis-order' or 'dis-ease'. Ill health begins with the spirit, which in turn affects the mind and this then influences the functioning of the bodies internal organs. How does this happen? Well in Holistic terms we have seven major 'Chakras' these are spinning vortices of energy spaced out the length of our head and spine and each chakra is assigned to a major Endocrine gland, they are also responsible for the governing of the internal organs and structures of the body in their region too e.g. if we take the Throat Chakra this chakra governs the Thyroid and Parathyroid glands, the structures surrounding these glands e.g. throat, trachea. upper oesophagus, neck etc, and because it covers the trachea and thus larnynx is is responsible for communication. When I say there are seven major Chakras, there are many minor ones e,g, Healers use the Palm Chakras to convey Healing Energy from the Universe via the Healees body to the recipient through the Palm chakras which are situated in the centre of the plams.

Anyway to get back to the subject of Healing in healing the spirit we do this by balancing the Chakras, When we are troubled on a spiritual level it begins to affect the mind, causing symptoms such as anxiety, sadness and depression, this then causes our Auric field (more about the Aura in a later article)to retract in on itself causing an inbalance in the functioning of the chakras, which in turn begins to affect the structures and Endocrine glands associated with the Chakras.

Let me explain, supposing we have a communication problem with those or someone specific around us, whether it is them that have caused the problem or whether it was ourselves who failed to communicate adequately, it will eventually affect the Throat Chakra which governs communication. Remembering that this chakra governs the throat, larnyx, neck etc, if these issues are not resolved it could lead to constant sore throats, tightness on swallowing, feeling there is a lump in ones throat, stiff neck, tension in the neck leading to tension headaches to name but a few, not forgetting it could eventually affect the functioning of the thyroid and parathyroid glands with the detrimental effects this would lead to affecting our metabolic rate and thus our appetite. How much of this now begins to make sense?

The Chakra system has been around for thousands of years and is the basis of the Indian system of Ayurvedic medicine, the word 'Chakra' comes from the ancient Sanskrit meaning spining wheel
To be continued:

Maggie Brown copyright

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Saturday, 12 February 2011


The Historical Background of Crystals

For centuries man has revered crystals not just for their beauty and economic value but as healing tools. the healing power of Crystals dates back to 1600 BC by the Egyptians where the practice of placing or wearing of the stones on various parts of the body was an early practiced ritual. In these ancient times it was popular to pulverise the gems, mix the powder with water and then drink the liquid.

The Egyptian priests used Crystal energy for healing and power. the Aztecs and the Incas, used semi-precious stones as a means for 'divination', however the use of crystals was a skill which vanished through the ages and has only recently began to appear again.

Astrologically crystals play an important part of our lives, you will no doubt be aware of the semi-precious/precious stones that is associated with birthdates.

Even there are references in the New Testament (Revelations Chapt. 21 v 18) and the Old Testament (Exodus Chapt 28 v 17-20)

So Crystal Healing Just What is it?

Firstly 'Healing' means not just the symptom that the client presents with, but the whole body. By healing you will not just be treating the physical body, but also the Spiritual Body i.e. the Chakras and Auric Field.

Healing does not begin in the physical body but in the Subtle body of which the physical body is just a reflection. In crystal healing, the healing involves more than just consulting a long list of the various crystals, finding out which one to use for a specific ailment then placing the crystal on the body. this is where intuition of the healer plays an important role.

So what is Intuition? 

Intuition is not about seeing, it is about sensing and feeling, it is a deep desire that you know what is right.

In crystal healing intuition is an integral part of the therapy, knowledge of the various therapeutic aspects is not enough. If the crystal 'feels wrong' then it is wrong.

What are subtle bodies?

Subtle bodies are part of the Human energy field, which includies the 'aura' , the 'chakras' and the 'meridians'.

Throughout history the idea has been well documented that 'Universal Energy' pervades all of nature, i.e. the Indian spiritual tradition of 'Prana', the ancient Chinese 'Chi' and in Christian religious paintings indicating a 'field of light' surrounding Jesus and other religious figures.

More recently scientific and technological research from Holographic patterning through 'Kirlan photography' to diferent types of scanning have observed the 'Human Energy field' in a concrete physical way. It validates the concept that all matter is 'Energy' and forms the basis for understanding how human beings can be considered dynamic energetic systems

Humans are beings of energy, the solid nature of physical mater is a perception of our physical senses. Humans can thus be viewed as networks of complex energy fields that inteface with physical and cellular systems.

The Chakras

The word chakra comes from the ancient sanskrit language meaning 'wheels' and the resemble whirling vortices of subtle energies and are involved in accessing 'Universal Energy' to a utilisable form within the human structure. The chakra system functions as energy transformers thus stepping down energy from a higher frequency to a lower level of energy. this energy is the translated into hormonal and physiological system to bring about cellular changes throughout the body.

The location of the 7 major chakras associated with the physical body correspond with the major nerve plexuses. The swirling vortex motion of teh chakras entrain or suck in energy from the 'Universal Energy' field for distribution throughout the body. As well as anatomically each chakra being asociated with major nerve plexus each chakra is associated with a major endocrine gland and each chakra is situates in a vertical line ascending from the base of the spine to the head.

Energy of a higher frequency is translated by the chakras into glandular hormonal output which then affects the entire physical body. They are also interconnected with the Nervous system and affect the functioning of neural transmission with in the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System. Illness in the system can be said to be caused by an imblance of energy, therefore a lack of energy flow through the system tends to lead to disease.

The Meridians

The energy flow from the subtle body is taken further into the physical body by means of the Meridian System and this sytem forms the basis of Oriental medicine. The Merdian sytstem is complex like the Chakra system but briefly there are 26 meridians each having the name of the organ system of the body through which the meridian runs. They are devided into 'Yang' (positive) and 'Yin' (negative) in so that Yin meridians flow up the front of the body from the earth and Yang meridians from down the back of the body from the 'Heavens'. Like the chakra system malfuntion, tension, disease result from an imbalnce in the energy distribution along the particular meridian.

Holistic Theory

In order to bring back the balance of health it is necessary to treat the person as a whole, Mind, Body and Spirit as in this theory illness is caused by an imbalance between these aspects, unlike convention medicine where upon only the part of the body that is showing or feeling pain is treated.


Healing involves energy, this energy is passed to the client from the healer or from a healing source and in 'Crystal Healing" the 'source' is the crystal to the client. Emotional healing or comfort is probably the easiest to explain simply by talking to someone, by showing empathy, understanding , compassion and kindness this can instigate the healing process by bringing calmness and peace.

The Role of Crystals

Crystals are ideal as an energy source as they are capable of healing with energies from the lowest, such as electricity to the highest forms such as the subtle spiritual energies.

Crystals are the purest form of matter, each containing Universal Energy.

Crystal Healing is a very individual therapy, some healers use it as an ajunct to other therapies such as Reiki or Reflexology. Others use the crystals to dowse to find where in the body imbalnces may be found. Generally after this intial procedure of dowsing a crystal layout will be followed, where various crystals ,will be used intuitively, and placed in a cetain order around the client.

Crystals also have a role in the home, office and therapy room they can be used to 'mop up' negative energy as a means to protect the occupants from picking up negative energy from the environment, through the transmission of harmful unseen elecrical fields given off by computers, televisions and mobile phones etc.

MPB (c)

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Homeopathy is a system of medicine, where remedies are chosen according to the 'whole profile' of the patient. It is a truly holistic system of medicine, where, as well as the patients physical symptoms are taken into account, the mental, emotional, the time of day when the patient, feels better in themselves, when they feel worse, whether the weather affects them, even whether, hot or cold food has an effect on them.

When a Homeopath takes a case (the consultation) it can take up to 2 hours to get a full picture of the patient, he/she will want to know absolutely everything this is essential as each remedy has its unique picture. What remedy suits one patient for indigestion say, it does not necessarily, mean it will be the correct remedy for someone who is also suffering the same identical physical symptoms, in conventional medicine, disease is often 'pigeon-holed', and only physical symptoms are taken into account. In Homeopathy the whole Holistic picture is important, for in Holistic medicine, it is believed disease begins in the spirit and in the emotions/mental state long before the physical body is affected. this is why a 'Positive' attitude speeds and aids recovery in illness.

Why is this?

Well to explain firstly on a purely physical level.

Within our brains we find an area known as the Hypothalamus, it is a very primitive part of our brain and the home of our moods and emotions. Emotions such as fear, anxiety, pleasure are all registered there. In turn the Hypothalamus because it is responsible for maintaining the body's homeostasis, acts in two ways: in emotions such as fear, the Hypothalamus activates the Sympathetic part of the Autonomic Nervous System, this in turn triggers of the release of Adrenaline and Noradrenaline from the Adrenal Medulla (centre area of adrenal glands), this is the stress hormone responsible for the increase in heart rate and the intial rise in blood pressure. At the same time the Hypothalamus secretes a homone that directly influences the anterior lobe of the Pituitary gland, causing it to secrete Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone, this hormone then targets the Adrenal cortex, (outer body of adreanal glands) to release two hormones, these are Mineralcorticoids and Glucocorticoids, these further maintain the rise in blood pressure, and intigate further biological changes in our body like releasing glycogen stores in our liver to release Glucose into the blood stream to give our muscles and our heart and lungs energy to work more effciently. Unfortunately Glucocorticoids being the body's natural anti-inflammatory hormone affects our ability to repair itself and an increase leads to poor healing. this hormone further has a detrimental effect on the fibrocytes, cells that are responsible for producing collagen and elastin in our skin. Collagen and elastin are what gives our skin its support and when this diminishes as a natural process in ageing our skin wrinkles. Adrenaline because it causes the tiny blood vessels in our tissues to constrict, raises the blood pressure, as a result of which blood is diverted away from the skin and thus the hair, affecting its health and lustre. This will give you an idea how continual stress ages us.

However, these hormones and the sympathetic nervous system don't just affect the skin they affect the digestive system amongst others by diverting blood away from the organs of digestion, therefore affecting its functioning to concentrate the blood where its needed to the heart, lungs and muscles: this is known commonly as the "Fight or Flight Response" and is a survival mechanism to deal with stressors, but we don't have the same stressors today as we did as we were evolving as the human race. Of course if the stress continues indefinately it will be detrimental to our body in putting stress on our heart and the delicate structures, the nephrons, in the kidneys that filter the blood , these are just two examples.

So what can we do to help healing and to prevent damage caused to our bodies by stress? We can adopt a Holistic system of medicine, whereby we treat the whole person: for example I have created a profile of someone who:

Has poor skin, pale and early signs of wrinkling
Their hair is thining and falling out
They are suffering from indigestion
Possibly iritable bowel disease
Kidney disease
Heart problems
High blood pressure

By using a system of medicine such as homeopathy we treat the emotional/mental symptoms as well building up a whole profile of the patient. The Homeopath will look for one remedy to match the profile of the their ailments thus alleviating the emotional anguish that is leading to the 'stress symptoms' that is in effect causing 'disease'. In doing this; often the patient will report they are 'feeling better' in themselves and more 'Positive'. when we reach this stage in the case, we know this is the beginning of Cure.

MPB (c)

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Colour Therapy aims to balance and enhance our body's energy centres/chakras by using the seven colours of the light spectrum, which can help to stimulate our body's own healing process.
Each of the seven colours resonates with one of the main seven chakras.

The ancient Egyptians have been recorded to have been using colour for cures and ailments.

They worshipped the sun, knowing that without light there can be no life. They looked at nature and copied it in many aspects of their lives. The floors of their temples were often green - as the grass which then grew alongside their river, the Nile. Blue was a very important colour to the Egyptians too; the colour of the sky. They built temples for healing and used gems (crystals) through which the sunlight shone. They would have different rooms for different colours. We could perhaps relate our present methods of colour/light therapy to this ancient practice.

There are lists on papyrus dating back to 1550 BC of colour "cures". Their deep knowledge and understanding of the healing powers of the colour rays was so nearly lost when, later on in history, the Greeks considered colour only as a science. Hippocrates, amongst others, abandoned the metaphysical side of colour, concentrating only on the scientific aspect. Fortunately, despite this, the knowledge and philosophy of colour was handed down through the ages by a few. 

The Chinese also apparently practiced Colour Healing. The Nei/ching, 2000 years old, records colour diagnoses.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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It is the systematic use of essential oils in Holistic treatments to improve physical and Emotional well being. Essential Oils are extracted from plants and possess distinctive therapeutic properties, which can be used to improve health and prevent disease. Both their physiological and psychological effects combine well to promote positive health. 

Essential Oils can be applied in a variety of ways such as in massage, baths and inhalations. They are readily absorbed into the skin and have gentle physiological effects and Aromatherapy is an especially effective therapy for stress-related disorders and a variety of chronic ailments

Aromatherapy has its roots in ancient civilisations i.e. the Ancient Egyptians and the Romans used plants and herbs and oils extracted from these for religious, medical and cosmetic purposes and in the Ancient Egyptians used Essential Oils for Embalming and Preserving. 

What are Essential Oils? 

Essential oils are aromatic, volatile substances extracted from a single botanical source by distillation or expression. They are found in leaves, the hairs on leaves, in flowers, in tree bark or roots, in fruit pulp and peel. Similar to animal hormones, they are sometimes referred to as the plants’ ‘Life force’. The cells containing essential oils are generally close to the surface but they can only be seen with the help of a microscope. The essence is either stored in the cell where it is made or, as is the case with citrus fruits, moved to special storage sacs. 

Essential Oils are: 

• Aromatic, have a distinctive and often fragrant smell 
• Volatile, evaporate quickly in the air and to varying degrees depending on the oil 
• Very powerful when neat, are usually blended with a carrier oil for massage purposes 
• Flammable, must be kept in a cool place away from heat and/or naked flames 
• Soluble in oil and alcohol, (in water they will form a suspension) 
• Liquid, exceptions include Rose Otto and Benzoin, which are semi-solid Non-greasy, despite their name, the oils are generally light and not oily Expensive, producing the plants and extracting the oil is labour intensive and thus not cheap.

Essential Oils come from various parts of the plants. Some plants only produce one oil e.g. 
• Basil oil from Basil leaves 
• Carrot from Carrot seeds 
• Pine from the needles and sometimes the cones of Pine trees 

Other plants produce several oils from different parts e.g. each Sweet Orange tree produces three essential oils 

•Petitgrain from the leaves and branches 
• Neroli from the blossom 
• Sweet Orange from the peel 


How should oils be stored? 

Essential oils are delicate and expensive; it is therefore wise to look after them. They should be stored: 

• Away from extremes of temperature, heat will evaporate them and cold can affect their composition 
• In dark, amber/blue glass bottles, essential oils are sensitive to ultraviolet light, they should not be stored, or bought in plastic because it affects the molecular structure of the oil 
• In tightly sealed bottles, to protect them from evaporating in the air and to stop contact with the air from changing their composition 
• Out of the reach of children. 

Are Essential Oils Safe? 

Used correctly essential oils are very safe, mainly because they are used in such tiny amounts. When used in the wrong dilutions and in the wrong conditions they can produce adverse effects. Certain oils should never be used, under any circumstances and some should not be used for specific conditions. 

N.B. Essential oils are very strong and should not be swallowed. If oil gets into the eye rinse it immediately with lots of water. If necessary seek medical advice. 

N.B. Essential oils should never be used in the first three months of pregnancy. For the rest of the term, Mandarin is the only oil, which may be used. 



What are the specific effects of Aromatherapy?

Using Essential Oils affects the Human Body 

• Pharmacologically, essential oils are chemical and so are humans. Once essential oils have been absorbed into the body, either through the skin or inhalation, the chemicals in the oils enter the blood and other body fluids and interact with the chemistry of our bodies e.g. hormones, enzymes and neurotransmitters are all chemicals and the presence of another chemical (the essential oil) can affect the way they work. 
• Physiologically: physiology is the way our body works. Essential oils can affect this by changing the chemical messages and impulses sent around the body and thus changing the way the systems of the human body function e.g. if an oil has relaxing and de-stressing properties, it may help to relieve the symptoms of stress displayed by our bodies e.g. slowing heart rate and breathing rate or encouraging tense muscles to relax. 
• Psychologically: the way essential oils affect our mind is more difficult to describe, mainly because everyone’s mind id different. However, our sense of smell is closely linked to our memory so that particular smells can cause particular responses: e.g. if you dislike the smell of Roses, Rose oil is unlikely to relax you; if Jasmine reminds you of a good holiday then its smell will bring back happy memories and provoke a positive response. 

General effects of Aromatherapy

There are certain effects from using essential oils which result from most treatments, especially since relaxing and/or hands-on application methods like massage and baths are very common in aromatherapy. 

General effects include:

• Reduction in Stress & Tension 
• Feeling of Well-being, Balance and Calm 
• Antibacterial effects of oil help the body to heal and support the immune system. 

How do essential oils penetrate the skin? 

There are two ways that oil can safely penetrate the body: 

1. Smell/Inhalation 
2. Absorption via the skin Ingestion, i.e. swallowing them is not safe. 

Smelling & Inhaling Essential Oils. The Nose & Olfactory Tract Smell is the fastest way for Essential Oils to penetrate the body. The molecules travel up the nose and there are two results: they send a message to the brain and nerves which respond to the new smell and they pass into the blood stream via the lungs and the respiratory system. 

In order to understand how this works, it helps to understand the structure of the Olfactory Tract. 

Most of the nose is concerned with breathing: inhaling air into the body and exhaling it out, however it is the organ of smell and thus very important in a therapy based on the power of aromas! At the top of the nose there are two areas of pigmented tissue known as Olfactory Membranes. They contain the olfactory, or smell-sensing cells, which have fine hair-like protrusions called cilia. The olfactory cells connect to nerves in an area known as the Olfactory Plexus. Once triggered, these nerves send messages along the olfactory Nerves to the Brain, particularly the Limbic System. This is the area of the brain that deals with Memory, Emotions, Our Basic Instincts and Mechanical Functions. When essential oil molecules pass over the olfactory cells, it is thought that these cells trigger receptor areas, which send an impulse via the olfactory plexus and nerves to the brain. Here the information is processed and interpretated (with either positive or negative associations). Depending on the interpretation, the brain sends messages to other parts of the body to elicit a response e.g. Grimace! The brain may also react to different chemicals in an essential oil and produce particular effects e.g. a relaxing or sedative substance may cause the brain to send out a message of relaxation either to the whole body or a particular part. 

How do Oils Penetrate the Skin? 

Essential oils are absorbed through the skin. In order to understand this, it helps to understand the skin’s structure. Being the largest human organ it is water resistant, but extremely minute substances, such as the molecules of an essential oil, can enter the tiny pores of the Epidermis, as well as penetrating through the hair follicles and the sweat glands. From here they enter the blood capillaries in the dermis. Once the oil reaches the blood and the circulation it is transported around the whole body. 


Essential Oils are almost always used in a blend. They are blended with Carrier oils for use in massage and in some cases, baths. The correct blend is very important because essential oils are potentially toxic if used undiluted. They are also highly concentrated and will therefore not go very far in a massage on their own! 

What is a Carrier Oil? 

Carrier oils are known as fixed oils because unlike essential oils, they do not evaporate when heated. They are extracted from plants, flowers, nuts and seeds and those generally used in aromatherapy do not have a strong smell as it might interfere with that of the essential oil. Some carrier oils contain fat-soluble vitamins e.g. A, D, E and K, minerals and proteins in differing amounts, so have healthy benefits of their own. 

Carrier Oils Used in Aromatherapy are:

• Of vegetable, nut or seed origin 
• Refined preferably cold-pressed 
• Stable, not volatile 
• Used neat 
• Non sticky 
• Lubricants for aromatherapist’s hands thus giving a smooth massage. 

There are several suitable carrier oils, which can be used alone or in a blend with other carriers. Some are lighter than others and often the thicker denser oils, which are more expensive and may be used, mixed with a lighter oil to make them go further. Lighter oils are better for a full body massage because they allow smoother movements whereas the thicker oils are more useful for massage on a small area. 

Recommended carrier oils are

Grapeseed Evening Primrose Calendula Sweet-Almond Avocado Macadamia Wheatgerm Jojoba Peach-Kernel 

DILUTIONS What are the correct dilutions? 

Dilutions depend on two factors i.e. the treatment and the scale of the treatment. The following are just guidelines and the more experienced Aromatherapist will adapt them according to circumstances. Treat dilutions and blends like a medical treatment i.e. a prescription must provide the right drug and dosage for the condition and patient. The same care should be used to create blends i.e. use the right oils for the problem in the appropriate amounts. For a treatment to work, just like a prescription, the quantities and qualities of both essential oil and carrier oil must remain constant. 

How much Essential Oil should be mixed with Carrier Oil? 

Usually from 1 % to 2%, the maximum dilution should be 2.5% of Essential Oil. 

How do I work out & measure these percentage? 

1 % equals one-drop essential oil to 100 drops carrier and 2% blend equals two drops essential oil to 100 drops carrier. 
Does that mean I have to count out 1OO drops of carrier oil? – No, 100 drops of oil is equivalent to 5mls or one teaspoon, therefore 1 % dilution would be one drop of essential oil per 5mls and 2% would be two drops per 5mls. 
Are there any instances when these dilutions are wrong or need changing? Use a maximum 1 % dilution when treating:

• Clients with sensitive skin 
• The elderly 
• Children 
• The weak/convalescent 
• Pregnant or breastfeeding 

How much oil is needed for different treatments? 

Full body massages require about 20-25mls carrier oil i.e. 8 drops essential oil per 20mls. 

For face massage only about 5mls of carrier is required i.e. 1-2 drops of essential oil per 5mls. 
Absolutes may contain traces of solvents so a weaker solution i.e. 1 % blend should be used. 

Baths essential oils float or sink so drops should not be added directly to the bath water but should be mixed with a small quantity of an emulsifier such as a fragrance-free shampoo, bath gel, liquid soap or even full cream milk before adding to the bath. 

Those with sensitive skin should use a lower concentration and take care with those oils known to cause skin irritations. 

Burners use two drops of the chosen oil in water 

Compresses soak the cloth in 100mls of water and add two drops of the chosen oil. 

Steam inhalations use one drop of essential oil to a bowl of hot water, two for a stronger effect. 

N.B. When using essential oils, always be very careful if in doubt, don’t. 

How Long do Blends Last? 

The average shelf life of a blend lasts approximately 3 months however by adding 10% Wheatgerm oil this can be extended to approx. 6 months. 

Can oils be used undiluted? 

Only in specific circumstances i.e. Lavender or Tea Tree, though some may be sensitive to the latter. Blending Oils that blend well Oils that are in the same botanical family to which they belong blend well i.e. the citrus e.g. Grapefruit & Lemon etc. 
Botanical Families & Examples Woody Cedarwood & Pine Herbaceous Marjoram & Clary Sage Citrus Bergamot & Lemon Floral Geranium & Rose Resinous Galbanum & Frankincense Spicy Ginger and Black Pepper 

A general guide to blending can be gained by looking at the ‘Note’ of the individual oil. The Note is a measure of the volatility of the oil, of which there are three main categories.

Top Notes 
• Fresh & light in aroma 
• The fastest acting • The quickest to evaporate 
• The most stimulating & uplifting to both mind and body 
Middle Notes 
• Moderately volatile 
• Primarily affect the functions of the body systems e.g. the digestive system etc. 
• Affect the general metabolism 
Base Notes 
• Are rich & Heavy 
• Slower to evaporate and therefore mixed with top notes, help to ‘hold back’ the volatility of that oil 
• The most sedating & relaxing 

A Frenchman named ‘Piesse’ developed the categorisation of oil notes during the 19th century. He classified aromas according to their harmony with other oils and based their grade on the musical scale; each aroma forming perfectly balanced chords or harmonics when combined with other oils. The simplest ratio being 3:2:1 i.e. Three drops top note, two drops middle and one drop base. 

Contra-indications for aromatherapy are the same for any massage with the proviso that certain oils will not be suitable depending on the client’s condition. 

MPB (c)

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday, 9 February 2011


I have taken some of this from


To help explain an exercise I recommend a lot, in fact in recent weeks I have been recommending this exercise a lot and that is "How to help mend a broken heart when you feel part of you is missing"

The exercise is explained at the end of this article

How Chakras Affect us

The 7 Major ChakrasThe chakras are not physical. They are aspects of consciousness in the same way that the auras are aspects of consciousness The chakras are more dense than the auras, but not as dense as the physical body, but they interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven chakras is associated with one of the seven endocrine glands, and also with a particular group of nerves called a plexus. Thus, each chakra can be associated with particular parts of the body and particular functions within the body controlled by that plexus or that endocrine gland associated with that chakra.
  Your consciousness, your experience of being, represents everything it is possible for you to experience. All of your senses, all of your perceptions, all of your possible states of awareness, can be divided into seven categories, and each of these categories can be associated with a particular chakra. Thus, the chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body, but also particular parts of your consciousness. When you feel tension in your consciousness, you feel it in the chakra associated with the part of your consciousness experiencing the stress, and in the parts of the physical body associated with that chakra.

When there is tension in a particular part of your consciousness, and therefore in the chakra associated with that part of your consciousness, the tension is detected by the nerves of the plexus associated with that chakra, and communicated to the parts of the body controlled by that plexus. When the tension continues over a period of time, or reaches a particular degree of intensity, the person creates a symptom on the physical level. Again, the symptom served to communicate to the person through their body what they had been doing to themselves in their consciousness. When the person changes something about their way of being, they are able to release the stress that had been creating the symptom, and they are then able to return to their natural state of balance and health.
Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything that happens in your life, and everything that happens in your body, begins with something happening in your consciousness.

Your consciousness, your experience of Being, who you really are, is energy. We can call it "Life Energy" for now. This energy does not just live in your brain; it fills your entire body. Your consciousness is connected to every cell in your body. Through your consciousness, you can communicate with every organ and every tissue, and a number of therapies are based on this communication with the organs which have been affected by some kind of symptom or disorder.
This energy which is your consciousness, and which reflects your state of consciousness, can be measured through the process known as Kirlian photography. When you take a Kirlian photograph of your hand, it shows a certain pattern of energy. If you take a second photograph while imagining that you are sending love and energy to someone you know, there will be a different pattern of energy shown on the Kirlian photograph. Thus, we can see that a change in your consciousness creates a change in the energy field that is being photographed, which we call the aura.
Aura seen in Kirlian Photography The Aura or Human Energy Field
This energy field shown in the Kirlian photographs has been quantified, so that when there are "holes" in particular parts of the energy field, these are said to correspond to particular weaknesses in specific parts of the physical body. The interesting thing about this is that the weakness shows up in the energy field before there is ever any evidence of it on the physical level.
Thus, we have an interesting direction of manifestation shown through what we have described.
  • 1. A change of consciousness creates a change in the energy field.
  • 2. A change in the energy field happens before a change in the physical body.
The direction of manifestation is from the consciousness, through the energy field, to the physical body.

When we look at things in this way, we see that it is not the physical body creating the energy field, the aura, but rather the aura or energy field that is creating the physical body. What we see as the physical body is the end result of a process that begins with the consciousness.

By using Crystals you can Realign, Unblock and Balance your Chakras. This provides healing on an emotional and spiritual level which ulitmately leads to better health and better state of physical well being. While it is not recommended that gems or crystals be used in place of modern medical treatment, many people find that the use of healing gems improves their overall well being, encouraging a more positive outlook and a generally healthier visage.

More Crystal Healing Information


Begin by visualising the person you wish to detach from and both of you are smiling, you are going to carry out the exercise by sending love, never send malice for it will only reverberate back onto you.

Visualise ribbons of the chakras in the colours explained about attached to both of you at each chakra and you are both surrounded by a pink cloudy light.

Visualise the most ornate pair of scissors and one by one cut the ribbon with the scissors begining with the red base chakra as you cut each ribbon both ends coil back to each of you, you continue smiling at each other and as you cut each tie the pink cloud rises until you have cut all ties and the pink cloud has risen till you no longer can see one another.

You always do this exercise with love for you are sending them on their way with love and no malice.

In the begining of a broken relationship do this exercise often when you think of the other person gradually you will find you no longer have to do it so often and you will be able to think of them without feeling "that part of you is missing". In time you will be able to do it quickly then you will no longer feel the need to do it at all and you will be complete once more.

This feeling that part of you is missing when you break off a relationship occurs because when you think intently about another for when you do part of your aura reaches out and forms a tentacle to the other person in love. If the relationship is broken you may feel part of you is with the other and indeed it is. Therefore this exercise really does help and inf act everyone who I've recommended this too has confirmed this"

MPB (c)

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.