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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Showing posts with label holistic medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holistic medicine. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 January 2013


I do agree that Blowing your nose forcefully will make it worse, as it will drive the infection into your sinuses and Eustachian tubes to your middle ear, if you must blow your nose blow gently and only one nostril at a time. To see the results of popular decongestants the link is at the foot of this article and since I am a Holistic Therapist I will give you my tips on dealing with this bunged up feeling.

Central Heating/air conditioning whether in the home or car will make it worse as these make the air very dry and this will thicken the mucus in your respiratory tract, so it's a good idea to use a humidifier. Also it's important to drink plenty of water, your body is making mucus for a reason to trap bacteria and viruses and wash out any invading micro-organisms, so this needs replenishing and helps thin the mucus. Steam whether whether on its own or with additives e.g. essential oils or menthol crystals. Steaming is very easy to do, you can purchase electric steamers or cups with a nose piece to aid effective delivery, however the good old bowl of hot water with a few drops of essential added and inhaling the vapour with a towel over the head is effective. It's essential for best effect to do this several times a day and it goes without saying keep away from small children.

These are my favourites for Steam inhalations

Eucalyptus, Camphor Benzoin, Rosemary, Naouli, Ravensara, Rosemary will raise the blood pressure as its a stimulant and of course anyone suffering from Epilepsy should not use essential oils

The safety section is at the bottom of the Holistic Therapies page

Ravensara is particularly good for preventing catching colds and flu, this can be added to bath water diluted in oil or a little milk or used via a burner.

Ravensara Oil is steam distilled from the leaves and grown in Madagascar. There it is referred to as “the oil that heals” because it is used for so many different conditions. It can also be distilled from the bark.

The best use of the oil is for lung and throat infections as well as chronic sinus inflammation and bronchitis inflammation. It is also helps protect against viral infections such as hepatitis, shingles and herpes.

Ravensara oil also supports the immune systemwhich is so important when you have any type of infection or challenged by any health condition.

Echinacea is believed to support the immune system and help defend the body against infections, so consider taking a course of this periodically, though NOT if you suffer from Autoimmune disorders.

Increase your levels of Vitamin C by eating foods rich in this  such as citrus fruits, potatoes and dark green leafy vegetables and increase your Zinc levels foods such as oysters, toasted wheat germ, veal liver, low fat roast beef, roasted pumpkin and squash seeds,dark chocolate and cocoa powder, lamb, peanuts, crab

For the initial stages of colds and sore throats dissolve half a teasp of salt into a glass of warm water and gargle (DON'T SWALLOW IT) as salt helps prevent infection

Remember too increased mucus and a runny nose are good signs that your immune system is working well

Article below from the Daily Mail.

Bunged up? Blowing your nose will make it WORSE 

Struggling with a blocked-up nose or stuffy feeling in the head? 
It’s that time of year, but while the temptation is to keep blowing your nose, it probably won’t help. 
A blocked nose from a common cold is caused not by mucus, but by swelling and inflammation of the blood vessels in the nasal airways, triggered by the infection, explains Dr Ayah Al Ayoubi, consultant Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeon at Chase Farm Hospital, London. 
Struggling with a blocked-up nose? It's that time of year, but while the temptation is to keep blowing your nose, it probably won't help
Struggling with a blocked-up nose? It's that time of year, but while the temptation is to keep blowing your nose, it probably won't help

Not only will blowing not work, studies show that forceful nose blowing can propel some infection-laden mucus into the sinuses, where secondary bacterial infections may take hold.
So if you must blow your nose, it’s best to blow gently, one nostril at a time. 
And don’t bother inhaling the steam from a bowl of recently boiled water because that won’t help unblock your nose either. 
But what about an over-the-counter remedy?
Decongestants — in the form of tablets or medicated nasal sprays — contain different chemicals that work as vaso-constrictors. 
These narrow the small blood vessels in the nose, so reducing blood flow, which brings down the swelling and helps to open up the nasal airway so you can breathe more easily. 
    However, such decongestants should be avoided by people with heart disease, high blood pressure, glaucoma or diabetes. 
    That’s because the vaso-constricting drugs also work as stimulants, raising the heart rate and blood pressure. 
    These problems are more common with oral tablets which provide a higher dose to the bloodstream than sprays because, if used properly, sprays should be limited to the vessels in your nose.  
    Yet despite this, sprays are actually four to five times more effective than tablets as they are applied right at the source of the congestion, says Professor Ron Eccles, director of the common cold centre at Cardiff University. 
    A spray is also unlikely to cause side-effects since the amount of medicine absorbed into the bloodstream from the nose is fairly limited. 
    Sometimes a spray can cause more sneezing and a dry mouth or throat; tablets can cause raised heart rate and dizziness in some people.
    Because of their stimulant effect, these products may well disturb your sleep, says Nicholas Eynon-Lewis, a consultant ENT surgeon at the London Nose Clinic. 
    So if you do take an oral decongestant, it is better to do so during the day. This is not such a concern with the sprays.
    Don’t use decongestants for more than a week, or you could end up with more severe congestion — rhinitis medicamentosa. 
    Normally, the spray shrinks the tissue. But overuse of the drug causes the tissue to swell rather than shrink, making a blocked nose even worse.
    And as the tissue swells, the medication stops working. 
    Mr Eynon-Lewis adds that you should also limit use of sprays to no more than three times a day. 
    Any kind of spray will only be effective if used properly, says Henry Sharpe, a consultant ENT surgeon at East Kent Hospital.
    ‘They need to go into the nose, rather than ending up down your throat, if you want them to work. 
    'To do this, kneel on the floor with your head on the ground or lean over the edge of a table or chair so that your head is forward. Don’t use them sitting up.’ 
    ‘Once the drops are in your nose, stay in this position for a minute or two to let the drops work their way up to the top of the nose between the eyes.’

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2262414/Bunged-Blowing-nose-make-WORSE--winter-cold-expert-ideas-help-.html#ixzz2I8XC87QS 

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    Monday 15 October 2012


    I've always seen how this can happen from a Holistic point of view but research has now shown how in physical terms. In a Holistic point of view we know anything that affects us Spiritually and Emotionally is going to affect us physically eventually if not dealt with. Emotions do affect the heart chakra and from a Holistic point of view, this chakra governs the Thymus gland, the heart and other structures in that area, the Thymus gland is important in our immune system as it produces 'T'lymphocytes, therefore our immune system is compromised.

    Article from the Daily Mail Below

    Yes, you CAN die of a broken heart - emotional turmoil can narrow the arteries, leading to cardiac arrest 

    It has long been claimed that people have died from a broken heart.
    Now German researchers say they have identified how emotional trauma - from winning the lottery to losing a close relative - can trigger a potentially lethal catastrophe in the body they call the 'broken heart syndrome.' 
    Similar to a stroke or a massive coronary, broken heart syndrome causes the body to pour out adrenaline and other stress hormones. 
    Researchers say they have identified how emotional trauma - from winning the lottery to losing a close relative - can trigger a potentially lethal catastrophe in the body they call the 'broken heart syndrome'.
    Researchers say they have identified how emotional trauma - from winning the lottery to losing a close relative - can trigger a potentially lethal catastrophe in the body they call the 'broken heart syndrome'.
    This narrows the coronary arteries and impairs blood circulation. It also stuns the bottom half of the main pumping chamber of the heart, forcing the top portion to work much harder to compensate.
    The lack of oxygenated blood reaching the rest of the body — and indeed the heart — causes breathlessness, pain and a loss of consciousness.

    The patient can die as a result of cardiac arrest, causing the brain and body to be starved of oxygen.
    Victims struggle to breathe, feel weak and have pains in the chest which are typical heart attack symptoms. 
    'These patients suffer under a heavy emotional load, either positive or negative and their hearts literally break, explained lead researcher Christoph Nienaber, director of cardiology at the University Clinic of Rostock. 
    He recently treated a 78-year-old woman who collapsed with the complaint, despite walkingseveral miles a day and appearing fit and healthy. 
    He later discovered she had been involved in an ongoing dispute with her neighbours, causing her considerable stress. 
    Professor Nienaber said broken heart syndrome mostly affects women who have gone through the menopause
    Professor Nienaber said broken heart syndrome mostly affects women who have gone through the menopause
    ‘It was believed for a long time that such a banal neighbourhood dispute could not have such an impact,’ said Professor Nienaber. 
    ‘But the elderly suffering from a stressful situation for months find their resistance is weakened and it can have devastating consequences.' He added the affliction typically affects post-menopausal women between the ages of 50 and 70.
    ‘We are still unsure why it seems to affect this group the most,' he said. 'One theory is that the female body reacts especially strongly to stress hormones after menopause.’
    Current figures suggest that about 2 per cent of the 300,000 'heart attacks' in the UK each year will actually be broken heart syndrome.
    Doctors have long known the stress of a bereavement can trigger heart problems — studies have shown the risk of heart attack rises ten-fold in the 48 hours following the death of a loved one.
    It’s previously been assumed that the patient already has an unhealthy heart as a result of bad diet or clogged arteries.
    But scientists now say that a bereavement can trigger a specific type of heart attack very different from these ‘unhealthy’ heart attacks.
    In August, Marcus Ringrose was sitting at his desk responding to letters of condolence about the death of his wife, when he suffered a fatal heart attack. 
    Just 12 days earlier the Doctor Who actress Mary Tamm, his beloved wife of 34 years, had died after a lengthy battle with cancer.
    It seems the heartbreak of losing her proved too great, said Ms Tamm’s agent: ‘He adored her. If you can die of a broken heart, then that’s what he died of — his heart just gave out.’
    Around one in ten patients with broken heart syndrome may have further episodes, but misdiagnosis could have meant they were not followed up and given appropriate advice andmedication.

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    Wednesday 10 October 2012


    As a firm believer in Holistic medicine, it's nice to see an article in the news such as this. I have used Echinacea myself and I swear by it, but don't take my word for it, read the article below and judge for yourself and lets hope there will be more blind studies into various holistic remedies.


    Largest ever clinical study into echinacea finds herbal remedy CAN protect against colds

    The herbal remedy echinacea can prevent colds and is of most benefit to people who are prone to them, according to the largest ever clinical study of the herbal medicine.
    Researchers found that taking three daily doses of the common remedy for four months reduced the number of colds.
    The duration of the illness suffered by patients also went down by an average of 26 per cent.
    Taking three daily doses of the common remedy for four months reduced the number of colds, new research found
    Taking three daily doses of the common remedy for four months reduced the number of colds, new research found
    According to the results of tests on 750 people, the treatment also cut the number of recurrent colds suffered by those with weak immune systems or a history of catching several bouts each year by 60 per cent.
    Several previous studies, including an overview of evidence by the highly respected Cochrane Library, had suggested that echinacea could soothe symptoms and cut colds short, but there was only limited evidence it could prevent the illness from ever taking hold.
    The most recent major paper into the therapy, by the American College of Physicians, had found that it did not prevent colds or significantly reduce the length or severity symptoms.

    But the new study by experts from the Cardiff University Common Cold Centre suggested that taking Echinaforce, a common form of the herb extract, could not only reduce the risk of colds but reduce the amount of paracetamol patients took while ill.
    The research, which was part-funded by A. Vogel, the Swiss manufacturers of Echinaforce, was published in the peer-reviewed journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
    It was primarily designed to test the safety of the treatment, and found that it caused no adverse sideeffects in the participants, who were all over the age of 18.
    Experts from the Cardiff University Common Cold Centre suggested that taking Echinaforce, a common form of the herb extract, could not only reduce the risk of colds but reduce the amount of paracetamol patients took while ill
    Experts from the Cardiff University Common Cold Centre suggested that taking Echinaforce, a common form of the herb extract, could not only reduce the risk of colds but reduce the amount of paracetamol patients took while ill
    The MHRA, the British drugs regulator, warned parents earlier this year that Echinacea should not be given to children under 12 because of the risk of 'severe' allergic reactions including rashes and swelling of the mouth and tongue.
    Echinacea is extracted from the Eastern Purple Coneflower, which is found in North America, and has long been used as a herbal remedy for the common cold.
    It is purported to work by fighting viruses, which cause up to 95 per cent of all colds and flu, and studies suggest it can also boost weak immune systems if swallowed.
    Patients mixed 25 drops of Echinaforce or a placebo with water and held it in their mouths for 10 seconds before swallowing it, three times per day over a four month period.
    Those who took the treatment suffered 149 bouts of illness compared with 188 in the placebo group, a difference described by researchers as 'borderline significant', but the total number of days spent with flu was reduced from 850 to 672, a 'highly significant' change.
    Recurring infections were cut from 100 episodes in 43 patients to 65 episodes in 28 patients, a difference of 59 per cent, the authors wrote.
    Roland Schoop, a medical researcher for Bioforce, the British arm of A. Vogel, and one of the study's authors, told the Daily Telegraph: 'We were actually pretty amazed when we found this 26 per cent difference in cold episodes.'
    University of London researcher Dr Margaret Richie, who was not involved in the study, added: 'The clinical trial indicates that echinacea supports low-running immune systems but does not overstimulate well-supported ones.'

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    Wednesday 25 July 2012


    I don't bee-lieve it! Man, 62, cures painful eye infection with 99p jar of honey

    Frank Dougan from Glasgow spent eight years searching for a cure for a chronic eye condition
    Frank Dougan from Glasgow spent eight years searching for a cure for a chronic eye condition
    A man who spent eight years searching for a cure for a chronic eye condition was amazed when he finally found the remedy in a 99p jar of Tesco Value honey.
    Frank Dougan, 62, lost his left eye when he was shot with a bow and arrow in a childhood accident and he later developed a painful infection called blepharitis.
    He visited doctors and eye specialists and spent a fortune on different drops over the years but nothing worked.
    But he was finally cured when he cut his hand while on holiday in Jerusalem and he was advised to put honey on it.
    Surprised by the results, when he returned home to Glasgow he bought a jar of Tesco Value Honey and tried it on his eyelid - and within weeks the infection had cleared.
    He said yesterday: 'It’s unbelievable. It’s incredibly effective. I have spent a fortune on prescription eye drops over the years, I have a fridge full of them.
    'It’s funny that at the end of it all the cure would come in the form of a 99p jar of honey from the supermarket. And it’s not bad on toast either.'
    The retired soul DJ, who has played for celebrity fans like Rod Stewart, Shirley Bassey, Joe Cocker and Eric Clapton, lost his left eye as a 12-year-old lad.
    He has worn a prosthetic eye ever since, but it caused irritation at the end of the day and he eventually developed the painful infection which blighted him for eight years.
    Despite the pain, he kept on working as an international DJ, completing long residencies at top hotels around the world including Hong Kong and D|sseldorf.
    Frank spent hours visiting doctors and eye specialists but none could find a long lasting treatment.
    Frank suffered blepharitis that caused chronic inflammation of the eyelid
    Frank suffered blepharitis that caused chronic inflammation of the eyelid
    He said: 'I got shot in the eye by a bow and arrow when I was playing with friends as a kid. It was a terrible experience but I got through it and never let it hold me back.
    'Sometimes prosthetic eyes can cause irritation, especially at night after you have been wearing them all day.
    'Over the years I have learnt to live with it and I get a new eye made every few years.
    'But eight years ago I began to get these infections that turned out to be blepharitis.
    'Lots of doctors gave me eyes drops, I have a whole fridge full and I have spent a fortune but nothing worked.'
    The fed up Scot retired three years ago and has spent his time travelling the world visiting historic monuments, all the while suffering intolerable pain.
    But in February, Frank stumbled across the cure while on a trip to Jerusalem, Israel.
    He first spread the honey on his eyelid twice a day, including on his tear duct, and after just a few weeks the problem cleared up completely.
    He said: 'I was staying at a B&B when I cut my hand. I didn’t have a first aid kit and the owner recommended putting honey on it.
    'I did what he said and the cut healed overnight. Then weeks later I was at home and got a terrible inflammation in my eye.
    'I thought I would give it a try and I haven’t had any problems since. I have looked it up and honey has anti-bacterial qualities so that must be it.
    'Before that the best cure I could find was Johnson’s tear free baby shampoo.


    Honey has long been known to have antibacterial properties and is sometimes included in licensed wound-care products.
    Research has demonstrated that honey can inhibit pathogens normally capable of causing wound infection, including superbugs that are resistant to conventional antibiotics.
    While Mr Dougan used supermarket honey, Manuka honey is thought to be particularly potent because it contains high levels of the compound dihydroxyacetone.
    'I would wash my eye out with it and the pain would go away, but it was only a temporary fix and the pain would always come back.
    'But I went to the opticians a few weeks ago after using the honey and she said she couldn’t find any trace of blepharitis.
    'I have been all over the world and seen terrible illnesses in places where people can’t afford to go to the doctor. So to find a cure that’s so cheap could help so many people.
    'It’s fantastic. My life has improved so much and for 99p I get a massive 340 gram tub which last for months.'
    A Tesco spokesman said: 'While we can’t attest to its healing powers, we can say for sure that Everyday Value Honey is great quality at a fantastic price and we’re delighted that it has helped one of our customers.'
    Consultant dermatologist Dr Sasi Attili, from www.onlineskinspecialist.com, based in Dundee, said: 'Honey does have anti-bacterial qualities and is used in medicine for wound healing and conditions such as leg ulcers.
    'It’s hard to say whether a particular treatment will or won’t work because everyone is different, but honey has obviously worked well for this particular patient.'

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    Wednesday 18 April 2012


    The Story below is from the Daily Mail. Sadly people have forgotten what treasures we have all around us and many are for free. Modern medicines have their "roots", excuse the pun! in herbal medicine. The ones below in the article are only a tiny tip of the iceberg of what we can use. Common plants, such as Dandelion, The roasted root makes an excellent coffee substitute, is an extremely high source of potassium and is also a diuretic. Feverfew, which many gardeners view as a weed can alleviate Migraine, though I have to say the leaves are very bitter and you need lashes of dressing to make them palatable. Chamomile is often used in soothing skin remedies and the infused flowers enhance blonde hair, I have tried this myself and used it on my blonde daughter to enhance golden highlights. Pot Marigold (Calendula) and NOT the French Marigold (Tagetes) is extremely soothing especially for stinging nettles, and other skin conditions, I'd say better than the common Dock leaf.  And even the common stinging nettle can be made into a soup or infusion and be used as a tonic as it too is rich in iron. All of these can be obtained in their purified state at a herbalist and are generally very inexpensive and the list is vast.

    One of my favourite books is

    Of course there are many others but this one takes pride of place on my bookshelf

    Basil reduces blood pressure, while coriander prevents food poisoning... the healing power of herbs

    Thyme may ease the misery of acne, according to a study published last month. So which other herbs and spices can benefit your body? 


    ROSEMARY: Rosemary leaves are high in iron — a lack of this mineral can cause fatigue and anaemia. The herb also contains carnosic, which can shield the brain from damaging free radicals. This lowers the risk of strokes and neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s, says a study in the Journal Of Neurochemistry.
    Herbal remedies: Basil, left, can lower blood pressure while oregano can cure thrush
    Herbal remedies: Basil, left, can lower blood pressure while oregano can cure thrush
    Herbal remedies: Basil, left, can lower blood pressure while oregano, right, can cure thrush


    BASIL: A study at Xinjiang Medical University found an extract of the herb reduced blood pressure in a similar way to medication. It’s thought it affects levels of endothelins, proteins which constrict blood vessels.


    FENUGREEK: A daily extract of its seeds improves diabetics’ blood sugar control and decreases insulin resistance, say researchers at the Jaipur Diabetes and Research Centre in India. 
    It may also increase inadequate breast milk supply, nursing mothers have reported. But as the spice is also a traditional remedy to induce childbirth, the seeds shouldn’t be taken during pregnancy. 


    OREGANO: This contains the powerful antifungal agents thymol and carvacrol. A study at Georgetown University Medical Centre in Washington showed that carvacrol inhibited the growth of the fungus Candida albicans (which causes thrush) better than a common antifungal medication. 


    CORIANDER: Coriander oil has been shown to fight against food poisoning bacteria campylobacter, according to research published in the Journal Of Medical Microbiology. 
    Chicken and red meat (particularly mince) can carry campylobacter, which may cause illness if food is undercooked. You could add ground coriander seeds (which provide the essential oil component) to your burgers and chicken dishes.  


    Sage advice: The herb can improve your memory
    Sage advice: The herb can improve your memory
    SAGE: Healthy young volunteers who were given capsules with high doses of sage essential oil in a study at Northumbria University said their mood was consistently enhanced.
    In older people, Australian research found extract of sage improved memory and attention. The herb is thought to inhibit breakdown of acetylcholine, a brain chemical associated with attention span and sharp memory. 


    CARDAMOM: If you’ve had a stomach ulcer, or are prone to them, try adding cardamom to spicy dishes or rice pudding. Indian researchers found its oil extracts protected the stomach lining and helped guard against ulcers induced by alcohol and aspirin. The active ingredient is thought to be nootkatone, obtained from ground pods.

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    Monday 30 January 2012


    Why does this not surprise me from a Holistic point of view disease disharmony begins first of all in the spirit and in the emotions long before it begins in the physical. I've written about this many times on here, so to me this just backs up what us Holistic Therapists have been saying for years. (STORY FROM DAILY MAIL BELOW)

    Could your friends be making you sick? Toxic relationships are linked to cancer, depression and heart disease

    It may be wise to keep your friends close and your enemies not quite so close, after all.

    Relationships may be as vital to good health as a balanced diet and plenty of rest, new research suggests.

    Scientists at UCLA's school of medicine have found that negative social interactions can lead to increased inflammation, which may in turn cause a host of illnesses from cancer to heart disease and high blood pressure.

    Call these friends? The stress caused by negative relationships can lead to inflammatory diseases, say scientists

    Published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, the study gives solid grounding to the anecdotal evidence that being upbeat and positive - and surrounding one's self with people with that do not represent competitive or toxic relationships - may be one way to avoid getting sick.

    Taking a group of 122 healthy young people, the California-based scientists monitored stressful events and compared them to the body's production of two inflammation-causing proteins.

    Relying on the age-old method of capturing emotions - the diary - scientists recorded the group's competitive and frictional moments and compared them with the chemicals found in swabs from the inner cheek.

    Those who had a negative few days preceding the swab had a higher proportion of the proteins responsible for conditions including high blood pressure, risk of heart disease, cancer and depression, according to Science News.

    A similar peak in the pro-inflammatory proteins also occurred after participants were subjected to a stress-inducing numbers quiz and then asked to give a public speech.

    The results - which may bring a whole new light to many a bad relationship - are thought to be grounded in evolutionary survival mechanisms.

    While the modern link between stress and illness is well-documented, psychologist Nicholas Rohleder from Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, told Science News that inflammation fends off infections that may once have been the result of fight or flight encounters.

    Without the dangers humans once faced when it came to getting through each and every day, stress may lead to unchecked chronic inflammation, he said.

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    I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

    Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
    A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
    Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
    A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
    Q. What is free will?
    A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
    Q. How does free will affect a situation?
    A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
    Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
    A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
    Q. So what is the Aura?
    A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.