How to curb your cravings:
A new book reveals what those impossible-to-resist moments are telling you and the best way to satisfy them
In just a few moments, all those carefully counted calories and hours in the gym can be instantly neutralised by an unfathomable compulsion for something sweet, creamy, salty, delicious, but definitely bad for you.
For years scientists have struggled to explain how cravings can defy logic and nutrition, yet cause perfectly sane and healthy people to gorge themselves on junk food.
Now, however, one psychotherapist believes she may have the answer. After years of working as a counsellor to drink and drug addicts, Dr Dorothy Virtue noticed strong similarities between their cravings for a ‘fix’ and her own out-of-control cravings for ice cream and bread.
When we crave food, we visualise it, making it difficult to think of anything else, says a study
‘I transformed myself from a fat, unhappy woman with little money or romance in her life, into a trim-figured psychotherapist rich in friendship, love, and financial success.’
Dr Virtue switched her specialism to the study of eating disorders and food cravings and, through on-going investigations, found strong correlations between certain food types and specific emotional issues.
She believes food cravings are as natural and predictable as a startled reaction to a sudden loud noise, and her work centres on the belief that psychological issues such as stress, anger, anxiety and shame drive us to crave either sweet, crunchy, chewy or creamy foods.
- Impose a 15-minute cooling off period during which you try the steps below. If you still feel like eating after 15 minutes you are free to do so. The enforced break is enough to stop a pattern of automatic eating.
- Brush your teeth — this can get rid of the imagined taste of what you are craving — and drink a large glass of water (you may just be confusing thirst with hunger).
- Analyse your craving — do you feel fear, anger, tension or shame? Recognising the trigger can relieve the craving.
- Do something about the feeling or trigger. Instead of procrastinating and carrying the burden of this problem around with you, think of some way to move toward relief.
- Exercise — this can help to boost serotonin levels, improves your mood and suppresses appetite.
Crunching on crisps, popcorn, or crackers — even celery — can help ease tension in the body; they provide a cathartic outlet for all the tension held in the jaw and act like a delicious punching bag as we take out stress and anger in every crispy bite.
Choline, found in milk, has a soothing effect on the body. Milk also contains L-tryptophan, which when combined with carbohydrates (such as sugar) triggers the production of the brain chemical serotonin, which creates a pleasant feel-good sensation. In addition, the sugar in milk products boosts energy and mood, while the creamy smooth texture is comforting.
Your urge to chew is linked to the innate belief that chewing will release the tension and help you work through your confusion. For example, are you craving toffees? You may be struggling with indecision.
They are high in fat which, in food, can mask feelings of emptiness, loneliness, worry and discontent, and can either be crunchy (which makes them perfect for the stress-eater) or creamy smooth (perfect for the comfort-seeker).
When we get tense, our body assumes we are in danger and may need pain medication. The brain produces the hormone cortisol to anaesthetise any pain. Cortisol, in turn, stimulates production of another brain chemical called Neuropeptide Y, which triggers cravings for carbohydrates.
If we eat in response to these cravings, we’re more likely to gain weight, because Neuropeptide Y and cortisol, still believing the body may be in danger, order the body to hang on to any excess body fat.
A craving for biscuits, cakes and pies reflects a desire for comfort and reassurance, but it can also signal a resistance to doing something (you may take solace in the sweet deliciousness to avoid something you don’t want to do). Cravings can be particularly strong if sweet treats were used as a reward in childhood. In effect, when you reach for a biscuit or a slice of cake, what you’re really saying is ‘I need a hug’.
What’s more, the high fat content also soothes feelings of emptiness, insecurity or loneliness, while the texture can be creamy if you need comfort, or crunchy if you’re angry.
Chocolate also contains a serotonin-like substance called diphenylamine, which appears to promote feelings of calm — so if serotonin and energy levels are drained by stress-filled days, too-tight schedules, unhealthy eating, and lack of exercise, we turn to chocolate to feel better.
The stimulants in chocolate also act as an instant pick-me-up.
Finally, Pyrazine, a chemical found in chocolate odour, triggers the pleasure centre in the brain. So how do you beat your chocolate cravings? Ginger ale and soya milk have a high tyramine content which can relieve chocolate cravings.
The sweeteners in diet drinks stimulate brain production of phenylethylamine, the same ‘love drug’ found in chocolate, while the smell of coffee can alleviate chocolate cravings because it contains the same chemical (Pyrazine) as chocolate.
Non-fat chocolate (frozen yogurt or fat-free brownies) may help, but be warned: fat-free doesn’t necessarily mean low-calorie.
Finally, aerobic exercise will boost serotonin levels, improve your mood and suppress appetite.
- I tend to over-eat one or two certain types of food.
- If I have just one bite of a certain food, my eating habits and appetite go out of control.
- I sometimes worry — often without justification — that I won’t get enough to eat.
- I crave certain flavours or types of foods; sometimes the only way to make the cravings go away is to eat what I desire.
- I have gone to extreme lengths to get the food I’m craving.
- I only over-eat when I feel a strong emotion, such as anger.
- As soon as I finish work, I head straight for food.
- Sometimes, out of the blue, I’ll find I’m incredibly hungry.
- I feel uncomfortable openly talking about my feelings.
- I wish I were a more confident and strong person.
- When I lose enough weight to start receiving compliments, I start to put it back on again.
- I want to lose weight to please my spouse, parent, lover, or some other person.
- I’m almost to the point where I’ve given up hope that I’ll ever lose my excess weight; maybe I’m meant to be overweight.
- My weight makes me feel bad about myself, and when I gain weight, I feel like a failure.
- I never seem to have enough time to eat right or exercise.
- I’m so busy, some days I wonder if I’ll drop from exhaustion.
- I seem to be working harder these days and achieving less.
- Often, the only way I can unwind is by eating.Food is a great pick-me-up when I’m feeling drained but feel that I need to keep going.
- My weight changes between the seasons.
- Eating is one of the few pleasures in my life.
- Sometimes when I’m lonely, I’ll nibble on whatever’s handy.
- Usually when I diet, I’ll stop caring whether I lose weight. That’s when I start over-eating.
- I often go back for second or third helpings of diet, low-fat, or low-calorie foods.
Q 1-5. If you answered ‘true’ to three or more, your cravings are triggered by foods containing refined white flour or sugar (biscuits and cakes).
Q 6-10. If you answered ‘true’ to three or more, you could be the sort to over-eat in response to very strong emotions. You may be sensitive, but you may get so absorbed by other people that your own feelings get ignored, and you end up eating in order to manage your emotions.
Q 11-15. If you answered ‘true’ to three or more, you could be the sort of person who uses food as a friend, a companion, or for entertainment value.
Q 16-20. If you answered ‘true’ to three or more, you are likely to be a stress eater, whereby unhappiness at work or dissatisfaction with your love life triggers over-eating to ease the tension. You might get alcohol cravings to manage taut nerves, need a regular caffeine fix to pump up enthusiasm and energy, crave chocolate to ease love-life disappointments, desire bread and dairy to calm yourself down, or go for crunchy snack foods to control feelings of anger.
Q 21-23. If you answered ‘true’ to three or more, you could have rather inconsistent motivation because you’re trying to lose weight for someone or something else — not yourself.
Extracted from Constant Craving by Dr Doreen Virtue (Hay House, £9.99). To order a copy for £8.99 (incl p&p), call 0843 382 0000.