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The website of Author/Writer and Psychic Medium Astrid Brown. Making the most of 'YOU' i.e. how to achieve well-being and beauty from within ourselves. A truly holistic blog providing information on all aspects of psychic mediumship, spiritualism, philosophy, holistic therapies, nutrition, health, stress, mental health and beauty with a little bit of Wicca for good measure. Feeling and looking good is as much a part of how we feel inside as the outside.

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I am a great believer in Karma, but just what is it? Karma comes from the Sanskrit and ancient Indian Language with the underlying principal that every deed in our lives will affect our future life. For example, if we treat others badly during our lifetime we will have negative experiences later on in that lifetime or in future lifetimes. Likewise, if we treat others well we will be rewarded by positive experiences.

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Sunday, 18 December 2011


I can safely say this about all so called anti wrinkle creams THEY DO NOT WORK. I will explain why: NOTHING CAN PENETRATE THE TOP LAYER OF THE SKIN THE EPIDERMIS EXCEPT MEDICATIONS, DRUGS DELIVERED BY ADHESIVE PATCHES AND ESSENTIAL OILS, THAT IS FACT. Ask any Dermatologist and he/she will tell you the same thing. If these so called anti wrinkle creams were to achieve what they claim, they would have to be licensed as a medication. 

The Epidermis consists of 5 layers and is designed to be tough and waterproof, it needs to be, think about it if you were to hop into a bath if you weren't waterproof you would absorb the water. The upper layers contain a tough protein called Keratin and this Upper Layer has no blood supply only the lowest layer of the 5 layers of the epidermis receives any nourishment through tissue fluid, the fluid you see within a blister. It is the true skin, the Dermis that contains all the nerve endings, blood vessels and collagen and elastin, it is collagen and elastin that gives our skin elasticity and firmness, through time, the specialised cells, Fibroblasts, that produce collagen and elastin, slow down, this can be further exacerbated by how we treat our skin, smoking, too much sun and UV light and stress damage these specialised cells. When we are young the collagen and elastin fibres lie neatly in flat interlocking rows, however, through movement, wrinkling our brows, squinting in bright light and of course the effects of gravity and free radicals (free radicals are pollution and the atmosphere) causes these neat rows to bunch up leading to indentations and wrinkles, see diagram above. So I'm afraid ladies there is no point in spending a vast amount on so called anti wrinkle cream. 

This does not mean you cannot do anything about this, you can prevent and slow the process down. Now apart from collagen and elastin plumping our skin up, the skin contains a lot of moisture and through the process of evaporation we constantly are losing fluid from the skin, so we can add moisture to the epidermis this will plump up this upper layer but unfortunately it cannot plump up a wrinkle. Moisturisers that contain a little oil will further stop and trap moisture in the skin and ideally it should be a vegetable oil base, such as grapeseed, sweet almond etc as these oils won't seal and block the pores leading to blackheads and blocked pores that can form spots. Many of the cheap facial moisturisers and even some of the expensive ones contain liquid paraffin, which is a by product of the oil industry, these can block the pores, this type of oil is fine for the body but not for the face so read the labels. You don't see it so much in skin creams these days as its a well known allergen and that is lanolin which is in fact 'Sheep sebum'

So the solution ladies and men too, is to use a good moisturiser, don't squint, get your eyesight checked so you can see properly, wear shades in bright light for the same reason. Eat a good balanced diet so your skin gets all the nutrients it needs. Don't smoke as nicotine constricts blood vessels thus nutrients to the skin, avoid stress or have some sort of relaxation therapy as adrenalin  also constricts the blood vessels and hormones such as the corticotrophic hormones, produced when stressed damage the fibroblasts that manufacture collagen and elastin. Lastly avoid too much UV light as this too damages collagen and elastin as UV light can penetrate the dermis. Remember too dry skin that doesn't produce enough sebum, oil, does line quicker than oily skin, which retains moisture. You do not have to spend a fortune on so called anti wrinkle creams. Vitamin E oil is a well known anti oxidant vitamin therefore its good at protecting the skin from 'free radicals' and under my Aromatherapy section under Holistic therapies I have a recipe for a cheap essential oil based skin cream that can make a difference.

I did come across this website http://www.topwrinklecreams.com/ and the only truthful thing it states on the site is "95% of all Wrinkle Creams simply do not WORK!" and even that is not entirely truthful, I will say 100% don't work, what they want you to do is buy their products which they claim do work. I'm sorry to say they won't, for if they could do all they claim they would have to be licensed as a medication, which of course they are not.



Before using any new product particularly on the skin its a good idea to patch test on a tiny area where you wish to apply it and leave it unwashed and alone for 48 hours, if there is no reaction then its safe to go ahead and use the product.
Aromatherapy oils MUST NOT BE USED UNDILUTED and for the face the dilution is 1%, this is because the face is close to the nose and therefore the limbic system.

For this recipe you will need a base creme and its best to obtain one from an aromatherapy supplier as they are designed to be used for blending. The active ingredients in this recipe are the essential oils themselves and not the base creme.

Essential oils
On the skin this oil helps regenerate helps smooth out wrinkles, it has a firming action, and helps balance sebum levels. The ancient Egyptians used this essential oil in mummification, therefore if it helped preservation it makes sense that it will help preserve the skin.

Helps promote new cells again has a balancing effect on the skin and speeds up healing, so its especially effective at dealing with break outs.

This essential oil is also a good skin oil, particularly for rough dry areas and soothing for inflammed areas.

You will also require the contents of a Vitamin E capsule or a few drops of wheatgerm oil (which is high in Vitamin E) this extends the shelf life of the creme but more importantly Vitamin E is a powerful anti free radical agent and helps sooth the skin.

This creme is best used at night however if used during the day you would require the addition of a sun protection factor as UVA light ages the skin (see earlier articles on the skin)

To make a 1% dilution the ratio is as follows 1drop of essential oil to 100 drops of carrier oil/creme

1% dilutions
  • 5 ml:1 drops
  • 10 ml:2 drops
  • 15 ml:3 drops
  • 20 ml:4 drops
  • 25 ml:5 drops
  • 30 ml:6 drops
Therefore if you use a 30 ml jar of base creme you will need 6 drops of essential oil in total so for this recipe add 2 drops each of Frankincense, Lavender and Patchouli, add the contents of the Vitamin E capsule and stir well with a clean spatula. The preparation should last for 3 months and should be kept in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Saturday, 17 December 2011


Found this article in today's Daily Mail and another reason why Marmite is so good for you! Marmite that lovely yeast paste is rich in Vitamin B complex. Vitamin B is water soluble so must be eaten regularly as the body is unable to store it. It's well known Vitamin B complex is necessary for nerve function so it stands to reason how it can help prevent memory loss in old age. As for Marmite it's said you either love it or hate it, personally I can't see why anyone would hate it, it's divine on hot toast and with cheese and even better it's so good for you.

Daily dose of Vitamin B 'can fight memory loss and help protect against Alzheimer's'

A daily dose of vitamin B can dramatically combat memory loss in old age and even protect against Alzheimer's, a study has found.

People taking the pill had lower levels of a brain protein known to lead to a rise in the risk of dementia.

Researchers found it also slowed mental decline in older people who have slight problems with their memory.

Care: Having a daily vitamin B pill can fight the onset of memory loss in old age

More than 800,000 people in Britain suffer from dementia and the number is forecast to double within a generation, but previous drug trials have been unsuccessful.

Supplement: Research at Oxford University

Around a sixth of people over 70 are thought to suffer from mild cognitive impairment and about half develop dementia, usually within five years of diagnosis.

The research suggested dementia could be treated with a food supplement rather than by taking complicated medicines.

More than 250 people took part in the study, at Oxford University, including people with mild cognitive impairment who were aged 70 years or older.

They were given vitamin B - found naturally in food such as beans, meat, wholegrains and bananas - or a placebo over a two-year period.

Taking the food supplement appeared to help maintain mental processes, such as planning, organising and recalling information.

An earlier study showed B vitamins slowed the rate of brain shrinkage compared with a group receiving a placebo.

Dr Carrie Ruxton of the Health Supplements Information Service told the Daily Express: 'The findings from these two reports should be of interest to clinicians.'

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I was sitting after dinner drinking fresh pineapple juice which prompted me to blog about the health benefits of Pineapple. I drink it not just because I love the taste, it is incredibly healthy and is crammed full of nutrients, flavonoids and anti free radicals (free radicals are what age you ladies). It is also a natural anti inflammatory and brilliant at soothing the digestive system after gastro enteritis, I can personally vouch for this. If you don't like the flavour it makes an excellent face mask dissolving dead skin cells to reveal fresh healthy skin layers. Anyway below are some facts

Health benefits of Pineapple fruit

• Fresh pineapple is storehouse of many health promoting compounds, minerals and vitamins that are essential for optimum health, like calcium, potassium, fiber and vitamin C.

• The fruit is low in calories (provides only 50 cal per 100 g), contains no saturated fats or cholesterol; but rich source of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber like pectin.

• Pineapple fruit contains a proteolytic enzyme bromelain that digests food by breaking down protein. Bromelain also has anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and anti-cancer properties. Regular consumption of at least one-half cup daily fresh pineapple can relieve joint pain is recognized in osteoarthritis. In Germany, bromelain is approved as a drug because it is considered post-injury to reduce inflammation and swelling. Studies have shown that consumption of pineapple regularly helps fight against arthritis, indigestion and worm infestation.

• Fresh pineapple is an excellent source of antioxidant vitamin; vitamin C. It is required for the collagen synthesis in the body. Collagen is the main structural protein in the body required for maintaining the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones. Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps body protect from scurvy; develop resistance against infectious agents (boosts immunity) and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body. One of the benefits of pineapple is to help build healthy bones. Pineapple is rich in manganese, a mineral that is needed for the body to build bone and connective tissue. Just one cup of pineapple provides 73 percent of the daily recommended amount of manganese. The benefits of pineapple can affect bone growth in young people and strengthening of bones in the elderly. Gums hold your teeth in place and the teeth will be in poor condition if you have unhealthy gums. By eating pineapple, you strengthen the gums for many years later. The benefits of pineapple when you have a cold or cough are the same as the benefits of orange juice. Bromelain found in pineapples, has been found to help suppress coughs and loosen mucus. Bromelain has proven beneficial for upper respiratory tract infections such as sinusitis and bronchitis. Bromelain helps reduce inflammation of the nose and break up mucus in the nose, sinuses and respiratory areas.

• It also contains good amount Vitamin A (provides 58 IU per 100 g) and beta-carotene levels. These compounds are known to have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A is also required maintaining healthy mucus membranes, skin and essential for vision. Studies have suggested that consumption of natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps body to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. Pineapple contains more beta carotene is good for the eyes and vision. Studies show that eating three or more servings of pineapple a day can lower the chance to get macular degeneration associated with age, a major cause of vision loss in older people.

• In addition, this fruit is rich in B-complex group of vitamins like folates, thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and minerals like copper, manganese and potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids, helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Pineapple can help reduce the risk of blood clots, thereby also preventing the occurrence of heart problems. Copper is helpful cofactor for red blood cell synthesis. Manganese is a co-factor for the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which is a very powerful free radical scavenger.


Maggie Brown (Author)
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Whether its finding objects or been given to you in a reading or meditation, certain objects or symbols convey messages from Spirit


Finding white feathers are Celestial beings (Angels) way of letting you know they are around you. They often appear at times when you need strength to let you know you are not alone and a symbol of hope and conveying you will get through this. (They are said to be from Angel wings)


Sometimes finding a crystal is for similar reasons as above. It is also said that we don't own crystals and they go to those who need them. For those of you who can see Auras you should also be able to see that crystals have their own aura too. If you've ever had an Aura photo taken, you will be told to remove any crystals from your person as they will affect the outcome of the photo. Each crystal has a different effect, with blue crystals, such as turquoise affecting the throat chakra and thus communication, so if you are planning on giving a speech for example carrying or wearing a turquoise crystal will be beneficial in delivering that speech. Also if intuitively you feel you should pass on a crystal to someone else please do so for this is your 'Higherself' conveying they will benefit from it.


Small birds such as Robins or song Thrushes are often symbolic as good news coming your way. Whether you see one by your window or this particular bird has constantly attracted your attention more than one another, or as a symbol of one found in a tea leaf reading or even given in a reading or meditation the meaning is the same that is: there is good news coming your way.


Maggie Brown (Author)
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Thursday, 15 December 2011


I have been meaning to write about detox foot spas for a while but seeing a report of the 'Detox Industry' recently reminded me. I first came across these at a trade fair I attended as a Holistic therapy/Beauty therapy Lecturer. I didn't believe the claims at the time and I still don't and I was amazed at the amount of gullible beauty salon owners who were buying these for their salon so below is the THE MANUFACTURERS' SALES PITCH 

Detox foot spa machines are sold in several common names including: Detox Foot Bath, Foot Detox Spa, Aqua Detox, Ionic Detox Foot Bath, Detoxification Foot Spa, Energizer Detox, Cell Spa Foot Detox, Chi Detox, Bio Detox, Water Detox, and Energetic Foot Bath.
The Detox Spa starts the process of rebalancing your body's bio-energy. Effectively rebalancing the cells equilibrium of positive and negative ions which, in turn, 'kick starts' the dispersal of the unwanted toxins. The renewed re-balancing of the cells ensures re-hydration resulting in optimum efficiency of their function to extract nutrients and dispose of unwanted waste. The result will be renewed energy levels, both physical and mental, with a general feeling of well being. The relaxing 30 minute treatment involves placing your feet into a spa bowl filled with warm salted water. An Energizing Cartridge creates a flow of electrons and a bioenergetic field that provides a relaxing and enjoyable treatment.

The feet have an amazing 2000 pores in each foot and therefore offer one of the best points to administer the treatment which is both efficient and convenient. The Bio Energiser rebalances and harmonises by sending signals up through the lymph glands to stimulate the detox process. The Bio Energiser is used in hospitals around the world for hypo hydrosis (sweaty hands and feet) cases. In addition it also helps to cure the symptoms of athletes foot. When your cells are functioning correctly they allow vital nutrients to be absorbed into your body, which in turn results in the elimination of unwanted toxins.


The claim about them being used in hospitals funny that I've never come across this in my nursing experience. The only correct aspect of the sales pitch above is the '2000 pores in each foot' For a start NOTHING can be absorbed into the skin UNLESS it is a licensed medication, nicotine or HRT or other medicated skin patch or aromatherapy essential oils and that is a FACT. Nor can the Lymph Glands receive signals via the feet. It's quite laughable really what is being said. The skin, via the sweat glands are only responsible for eliminating an infinitesimal  amount of toxins such as salts, the bulk of toxins are expelled from the body via the gut and bladder and the human body does an excellent job of removing harmful toxins already it doesn't need a foot spa (especially one that is incapable and never will work).

The treatment is normally given by soaking your feet in water with salt added to aid the conductivity of the water. Then, low electrical current is transmitted through two electrodes.

They claim that water turning reddish brown is the toxic matter removed from the body. Depending on the color, they claim that yellowish color is from the kidney and bladder toxins, orange is from arthritis-related illness, dark brown is from liver-related diseases, and so on. Scientifically, these claims are 100% nonsensical!

Here's what really happens. The color of water changes due to a process called “electrolysis”. The brown toxins you see are from the rust generated by the corrosion of the iron electrodes! The different variations in color can be accounted by varying amount of salt added to the water and variations in the compositions of the electrodes. The color of water will change with or without soaking your feet in it. ‘Far from removing toxins in the body, the process of electrolysing sodium chloride creates substances that are actively hazardous to human health — explosive hydrogen gas and poisonous chlorine gas.’

Next time someone tries to sell you this treatment ask them this: "Where is the scientific evidence to back up the claim?", they wont be able to produce any for none exists

The human body is a marvellous detoxifying machine, give it a balanced diet, drink plenty of water and regular exercise and sleep and it will work wonderfully all by itself

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Fibromyalgia is one of those ailments that is difficult to diagnose. It has such a variety of symptoms it's not so much an ailment but a syndrome. The name itself is indicative of this debilitating syndrome. 'fibro' pertaining to the tendons and connective tissues, 'my' pertaining to muscles and 'algia' pertaining to pain. It is a debilitating syndrome characterised with widespread muscularskeletal pain and specific tender areas accompanied by fatigue and sleep disturbance. Sufferers don't seem to experience periods of deep sleep, so awake feeling as if they haven't slept at all.

Every sufferer is different in what alleviates their discomfort and likewise some medications and therapies might work for one and not another, so hence the list of homeopathic remedies, it's certainly worth a try to see if it works. There are no contraindications to Homeopathy the worst you can do is neutralise its effects as it works on vibration and strong smelling substances like aromatherapy oils, strong toothpaste, mouthwash and coffee can antidote its effects. Its a complementary therapy like most I have discussed on my site here, so that they can safely be used with regular orthodox medicine.

Homeopathy can often provide relief from the unpredictable, sometimes debilitating, aches and pains of fibromyalgia. Nutritional supplements, dietary monitoring, special types of exercise, and other natural approaches are also helpful and may be used along with remedies.

Arnica: This remedy is indicated when any body area feels bruised and sore, after exertion, overuse of muscles, or injury. Sometimes Arnica is enough to soothe a chronic condition; often, other remedies follow Arnica.
Bryonia: A person who needs this remedy tries to stay as still as possible, since even the slightest motion aggravates the pain. People who need this remedy often feel extremely irritable and grumpy, not wanting to be touched or interfered with. Warmth often makes things worse and cool applications may be soothing. Pressure on the painful parts (or lying on them) often helps, because it minimizes movement.
Calcarea carbonica: Muscle soreness and weakness that are worse from exertion, and worse from getting cold and damp, may be relieved by this remedy. The person often is chilly with clammy hands and feet, easily fatigued, and has a tendency to feel overwhelmed and anxious. Cravings for sweets and eggs often confirm the choice of this remedy.
Causticum: Soreness, weakness, and stiffness in the muscles—worse from being cold and worse from overuse—suggests a need for this remedy. The forearms often feel stiff, unsteady, and very weak. The muscles of the legs can feel contracted and sore, and the person may have restless legs at night. Problems tend to be worse when the weather is dry, and better in rainy weather (although getting wet aggravates the pain and stiffness). Warm applications and warming up in bed often relieve discomfort.
Cimicifuga (also called Actae racemosa): People who need this remedy are often energetic and talkative, becoming depressed or fearful when physical problems trouble them. Soreness and stiffness of muscles may be accompanied by shooting pains and are usually aggravated by getting cold. The neck and spinal muscles can be very tight, and the person may have headaches and other problems during menstrual periods.
Kalmia latifolia: Severe pain in the muscles, extending from higher areas to lower ones, often responds to this remedy. Shooting pains may occur, along with stiffness, neuralgia, and numbness or a cold sensation. Pains can come on suddenly, and often shift around, being worse from motion and worse at night.
Ranunculus bulbosus: This remedy is often helpful with fibrositis and muscle stiffness, especially when the neck and back muscles are involved. Stabbing pains and soreness may be felt near the spine and shoulder-blades, especially on the left. Problems may be aggravated by cold damp weather, walking, and alcoholic beverages.
Rhus toxicodendron: If a person feels very restless, with stiffness and soreness that find relief in warmth and motion, this remedy should be considered. Problems are aggravated in cold, damp weather. Stiffness and pain are worse on waking in the morning, and after periods of rest.
Ruta graveolens: Tremendous stiffness of the muscles, with lameness, pain, and weakness (especially after overuse) may be soothed with this remedy. The legs and hips are sore and weak, and the person may find it difficult to stand after sitting in a chair. Muscles in the back and neck feel bruised, the tendons may be sore, and the wrists and hands feel painful and contracted.

Homeopathy Dosage Directions

Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. In addition, instructions for use are usually printed on the label.
Many homeopathic physicians suggest that remedies be used as follows: Take one dose and wait for a response. If improvement is seen, continue to wait and let the remedy work. If improvement lags significantly or has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken. The frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual. Sometimes a dose may be required several times an hour; other times a dose may be indicated several times a day; and in some situations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient.
If no response is seen within a reasonable amount of time, select a different remedy.

Maggie Brown (Author)
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Tuesday, 13 December 2011


This is not a new idea, those of us involved in nutrition have been well aware of this for years, but if it helps get the facts out there, then its good. The trouble is a diet that is high in refined sugars causes havoc with our blood sugar levels and its this that instigates type 2 Diabetes later in life. When you eat a snack or meal high in refined sugars the amount of sugar gets into the blood stream after being converted into glucose via the digestive system. To enable the glucose to reach the cells and give the body's cells energy, the pancreas has to produce Insulin, Insulin is the catalyst, the key to allow sugar entry into the cells. Now the body is constantly trying to achieve homoeostasis, a balance a lot of sugar means a lot of insulin needs to be produced by the pancreas and if we eat a lot of refined sugars over a period of years this has a detrimental effect on the Pancreas. In time you will gain weight too and for the poor Pancreas this means more work. The other effect with refined sugars is peaking in the blood stream, there is a surge of Insulin to enable the sugar to enter the cells, this Insulin causes a trough  and whats often apparent is a feeling of tiredness and sometimes shaking. On the other hand eating complex carbohydrates and unrefined sugars, they are released much slower into the blood stream, so there is not this sudden rush of Insulin and no tiredness and weakness. This peaking and troughing in the blood stream leads to mood swings and a craving for sugary foods and makes it difficult to stick to a weight loss plan. 

We need adequate vitamins especially the B complex group for nerve function and Thiamine which is one of this group for energy release. Vitamin B is also water soluble so has to be eaten daily as it cannot be stored by the body and easily destroyed by over cooking and processing. Our bodies also use more Vitamin B in times of stress. The Brain especially needs adequate levels of Omega 3 Fish oils, so a good balanced diet is essential in order for it to function correctly, Processed foods lack adequate nutrition, so if you find yourself getting that tired lagging feeling around late afternoon your first thought should be to have a good look at your diet.

Anybody who has tried a quick fix weight reduction diet will know how grumpy it can make themselves feel and how often its driven them to cravings for sweet sugary foods and chocolate. By taking care to balance your diet by eating good fats, such as fish oils and olive oil, whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables, you will lose the weight and you will achieve your goal rather than give in to those sugar cravings

The Happiness Diet: How a new weight-loss plan promises to tackle your mood as well as your waistline

We all know that a diet high in fat, sugar and processed food is bad for our waistlines.
But according to a new book, it is also making us depressed.
Authors of The Happiness Diet believe that what we eat can affect mood as much as it does weight.
Brain food: Authors of The Happiness Diet believe that what we eat can affect our mood as much as it does our weight
Brain food: Authors of The Happiness Diet believe that what we eat can affect our mood as much as it does our weight
Drew Ramsey, a clinical psychiatrist at Columbia University, and health writer Tyler Graham say that eating the right food is 'the foundation of good mental health'.

They point out that rates of both obesity and depression have doubled in the last decade, and blame the rise on the Standard American Diet, or the SAD Diet.
'Your brain is made of food, and the right foods are the foundation of good mental health'
A weight-loss plan that simply cuts fat and calories is a recipe for failure, they say, and without natural mood-boosters such as magnesium, vitamin B12 and conjugated linoleic acid, we are less likely to feel happy and therefore successful.
Instead, a diet rich in 'good' fats, like olive oil, whole grains, vegetables and quality meat can benefit both out minds and our waistlines because, by feeling more satisfied, one will lose weight effortlessly.
Dr Ramsey told Today.com: 'Focusing on getting skinny by eating a low-fat, low-calorie diet, fails for most people.
The Happiness Diet: You can't feel your best if you starve the brain, say Tyler Graham and Drew Ramsey
The Happiness Diet: You can't feel your best if you starve the brain, say Tyler Graham and Drew Ramsey
'Your brain is made of food, and the right foods are the foundation of good mental health. You can't feel your best if you starve the brain.'
They also counter the argument that the food they recommend is too expensive for those on a budget.
'The biggest myth out there is that eating right is expensive,' Dr Ramsey said, explaining that ordering a weekly seasonal box of produce from community-supported agriculture programmes can actually cut your weekly grocery spend.
But there's nothing wrong in investing in your health if you do need to spend more, Mr Graham added.
A century ago, people spent far more on food than they do now, because they had different priorities.
'Your brain is made out of food,' he said, echoing his co-author. 'What's more important, having 200 cable channels or feeding your brain the nutrients it needs?'

Maggie Brown (Author)
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*Please read the highlighted note at the bottom of this article to the background of Homeopathy

Dosage: 2 pills three times daily dissolved in the mouth until symptoms improve, remember with homeopathy, its unlike orthodox medicine as soon as you feel better stop taking it, else you will go on to "prove" the remedy. Take away from food or drink because strong tasting substances can stop the remedies working. If your symptoms fail to improve after 5 or 6 doses of a remedy then look again, it may be that you do not have the right remedy.


Aconite 30c - No. 1 Remedy for nipping colds in the bud. Useful in the early stages of colds, fevers, sore throats and the inflammatory stage of other illnesses. Sudden onset often after exposure to cold. Much sneezing with pain at root of nose. Dry mucous membranes. Worse: evening or night and for touch. Better: fresh air and rest. At the first symptoms of any ailment Aconite it a brilliant remedy for aborting problems and stopping them from developing
Allium Cepa 30c - Common feverish cold with streaming eyes and nose. Profuse watery nasal discharge which burns upper lip. Red, running eyes with bland discharge. Headache worse in warm room. Worse: evening and stuffy rooms. Better: open air and cold room.
Arsenicum Alb 30c. - Catches cold easily, burning, watery nasal discharge alternating with dryness. Frequent sneezing without relief. Very chilly and shivery. Nostrils become sore and red and nose feels blocked alternating with watery discharge. Worse: change of temperature, cold, damp and after midnight. Better: heat and warm applications, hot drinks.
AGE 30c Arsenicum-iod/Gelsemium/Eupatorium in combination which is very useful for covering typical flu symptoms. (Great first remedy if you think you may becoming down with flu)
Euphrasia 30c Profuse bland nasal discharge, running red eyes with burning tears and frequent sneezing. Burning sore throat and eyes sensitive to light. Worse: light, in the evening. Better: during the day when up and about.
Eupatorium perf.30c - Chill followed by heat and sweating. Intense aching of bones as if broken or bruised. Great thirst for cold drinks. Worse: movement, cold, open air. Better; Resting, warmth, sweating.
Ferrum Phos 30c - Tired and weary not feeling quite right. First signs of a cold or flu. Red inflamed eyes. Chill with shivering and fever with flushed face. Hot, burning, gritty eyes. Worse: quick movements, cold air. Better: rest, cold applications.
Gelsemium 30c - No 1 remedy for flu. Dull, sluggish with heavy looking eyes and dull headache usually at the back of the neck. Chills and shivering up and down the spine. Aching muscles in limbs and back. Burning throat. Colds and flu usually comes on gradually. Worse cold, damp weather. Better: after urination.
Nux Vomica 30c - Colds and flu with extreme chilliness just cannot get warm. Blocked up nose at night, runs during the day or much sneezing alternating with blocked nose, sides can alternate. Sore or raw throat and teeth may ache. Thirsty and Irritable. Worse: early morning, eating, cold air. Better: heat, lying down, sleep.
Pulsatilla 30c Chilliness even in a warm room, nasal catarrh, bland and thick. Dry mouth with no thirst. Painful headache with changing, shifting symptoms. Worse in a warm room, after lying down. Better: in the open air.
Rhus Tox 30c - Very restless with aching in all muscles and stiffness. Just cannot get comfortable. Heat alternating with chills, pain in head and eyes with red face. Worse: night, first movement. Better: warmth
Combination Sinus Remedy - Ferr-p/Kali-m/Kali-s/Nat-m 6x


Aconite 30c - Sudden onset of sore throat after exposure to cold or cold dry winds. High fever, flushed face with restlessness or anxiety. Pharynx and tonsils bright red without pus, burning and mildly swollen. Painful swallowing though intensely thirsty for cold drinks.
Apis 30c - Redness and swelling of mucous membranes. Dirty grey covering of throat with or without ulcers on tonsils. Swelling of uvula. Stinging or stitching pains. Worse: warmth and warm drinks. Better: cold applications
Belladonna 30c - No 1 remedy for sore throats with sudden onset. Bright red, inflamed angry looking throat. Swollen glands. Dry burning heat, flushed face with fever. Burning with pain extending to right ear when swallowing. Neck tender to touch. Worse: swallowing, talking, cold air, touch. Better: sitting up in bed.
Hepar Sulph 30c - Pain spreading to ear when not swallowing. Swollen ulcerated tonsils with offensive breath and much saliva. Splinter like pains or, sore, raw and burning. Worse: cold air and drinks. Better: warmth of bed and wrapping up head and throat.
Lachesis 30c - Sore throat starts on LEFT side. Dry, intensely swollen with a sensation of a lump in the throat. Throat dusky, purplish dry with a constant desire to swallow. Worse: left side, pressure and constriction. Better: swallowing solids.
Lycopodium 30c - Sore throat starts on RIGHT side and extends to the left. Throat membrane is grey/white with ulcers. Dryness without thirst. Burning sore , rawness. Worse: swallowing, in the afternoon from 4-8. Better: warm drinks and food.
Merc Viv 30c - Ulcerated throat, tonsillitis. Offensive breath with profuse saliva especially at night. Swollen glands. May have bitter metallic taste in mouth. Sore, raw burning pains or splinter like pains that shoot into ear or neck on swallowing. Worse: night, swallowing, heat or cold. Better: moderate temperature.
Nitric Acid 30c - Horrible pain, often stitching or Òlike a fish boneÓ in the throat. Dark red tonsils and pharynx with ulceration. Pain may extend to ears on swallowing. Worse: cold air, swallowing must lower head to swallow.
Phytolacca 30c - Throat is dark red, dry and rough. May have white or grey spots on sides of throat. Cannot swallow anything hot. Very painful swollen glands. Pain shoots in both ears on swallowing and pain felt at base of tongue when sticking it out of mouth. Worse: hot drinks and hot food. Better: cold drinks


Aconite 30c- Sudden onset often after exposure to cold air. Dry croupy cough with runny nose and sneezing. Irritation of respiratory tract, hoarseness/dryness of throat. Worse: cold dry winds, talking and deep breathing. Better: lying on back.
Ant Tart 30c - Noisy, rattling, loose cough as if chest full of mucus. Young children or elderly with cough too weak to expel the mucus. Worse: night, especially from 10 pm until after midnight, lying flat, eating. Better sitting up and after expectoration
Bryonia 30c - Dry hacking cough in the evening and night without sputum. Spasmodic cough shaking the whole body, pain in the head an abdomen from coughing, better for holding the painful part. Dryness of all air passages with thirst. Worse: movement, deep breathing, lying in bed. Better: fresh air and for pressure of painful part.
Causticum 30c - Cough with raw, sore feeling in chest. Hollow, hard, dry cough from tickling in throat pit. Expectoration not easy to cough up and slips back down the throat. Worse: lying down, talking and bending head forward. Better: cold drinks
Coccus Cacti 30c - Paroxysmal, hard, short hacking cough ending in copious thick, ropes of mucus. Worse: 6-7 am or after 11.00 pm, becoming heated, warm rooms. Better: cold, open air, cold drinks.
Drosera 30c - Spasmodic, dry irritating coughs like whooping cough. Barking cough which is dry in the evening and loose in the morning. Sputum is yellow/green, bitter or offensive, bloody or pus like. Retching after spasmodic cough. Worse: after midnight, lying down, singing, laughing and drinking. Better: holding chest.
Hepar Sulph 30c - Productive cough with thick, yellow mucus. Also dry, croupy cough. Worse: slightest drafts, uncovering, cold dry air Better: warmth, from expectoration.
Ipecacuanha 30c - Almost always totally dry cough which comes in paroxysms causing choking, gagging or vomiting. Worse: night, deep inspiration especially in morning while lying in bed, warm room. Better: after expectoration and cold drinks. A good children's cough remedy if the symptoms fit.
Phosphorous 30c - Cough may be dry or loose, (useful in the early stages of bronchitis/pneumonia) Every cold descends to the chest. Burning in the chest with raw larynx and feeling of tightness. Scratchy sensation in the throat, tickling cough. Worse: change from warm air to cold air, talking, laughing. Better: heat, sleep and lying on right side
Pulsatilla 30c - Catarrhal cough with copious yellow/green lumpy mucus. Dry cough at night, loose in the morning. Worse: warm stuffy rooms, lying down, becoming warm in bed. Better: fresh air, gentle walking, sitting up in bed.
Rumex 30c - Main remedy for tickling irritated coughs. Incessant, violent, tickling cough with scant expectoration. Intense tickling in the larynx and trachea , worse cold air. Covers mouth when goes out in the cold air. Teasing cough preventing sleep. Worse: slightest inspiration of cold air, going from warm room to cold, talking. Better: warm air
Spongia 30c - Barking, dry croupy cough with wheezing and rasping. Great dryness of all air passages. Scanty expectoration tasting salty, looser in the morning but no mucous rattle in the chest. Cough sounds like a saw being driven through a pine board. Sensation as if had to breath through a dry sponge. Worse: warm room, talking before midnight. Better: swallowing, especially warm drinks, sitting up and bending forward.

*Origins of Homeopathy, the word “Homeopathy” is derived from two Greek words meaning “similar suffering”. History tells us that it was the Greek physician Hippocrates, who, in the fifth century, first wrote of the medical practice of treating like with like. So far as is known he was the first doctor to treat an illness with a substance that produces, in a healthy person, similar symptoms to those displayed by the person who is ill. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the principle “similia similibus curentur”, (let likes be cured by likes), was quoted by many physicians, including Paracelsus, often regarded as the ‘father’ of holistic medicine. Homeopathy is therefore not new but the form we know today is attributed to Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755 - 1843), a German Physician who in 1796 prove his "Law of similars". The basic principal  of homeopathy is "Let like be cured by like". There is no scientific proof as to how Homeopathy works and although individual trials have positive results, some researchers have suggested this is down to a placebo effect. However that argument falls down when it comes to work on animals and many vets use homeopathy on animals.

Homeopathic remedies are prepared by serial dilution, the term used for this is called succession, (succession means shaken)  this is known as potentisation. For example  the original solution, known as a mother tincture and one example is a plant or herb, though homeopathic remedies are made from a variety of substances, and the herb is placed in a solution of alcohol. This is left to potenize  and the liquor strained off and this is known as 'Mother Tincture'. In the "C" system of potency or '100', one drop of this mother tincture is placed with 99 drops of alcohol and succussed and this makes '1C'. To make 2C, one drop of 1C is added to 99 drops of alcohol, succussed and this makes 2C and so on some remedies go on being diluted well into the millions e.g. 2M. The medicines are often given in tablet form, though they can be powders or even applied topically as in a cream. To make the tablets/powders a few drops of the appropriate remedy tincture is added to a bottled or phial of lactose tablets/powder and these pills are to be allowed to dissolve in a clean mouth, that is a mouth not tainted with strong flavours such as mint or coffee as they would neutralise the effect of the remedy as homeopathic medicines are very gentle and delicate. Generally 30 mins should have elapsed since eating etc.

Homeopathy works on an energy/vibrational level and treats the whole person i.e. holistically and not just a specific disease or symptom but takes into account of how the patient is feeling mentally, emotionally as well as physically. The homeopath taking the case will want to know, if the weather affects the condition in anyway, does food for example does eating cold food make the patient feel worse or better and taking a case history a patient can expect an hour long consultation as the homeopath is looking for the correct remedy to match the homeopathic drug picture. The homoeopath, views the symptoms as a direct manifestation of the body’s attempt to heal itself therefore a substance is given capable of producing similar symptoms if given to a well person. Homeopathy does not treat diseases but, rather, individuals with specific symptom pictures.

Homeopathy do not have side effects as they work in a totally different way from orthodox medicine however if a remedy is not quite right the patient could end up proving a remedy, where symptoms may show up but no harm will come to the patient. Occasionally, on first taking a Homeopathic medicine, the symptoms become worse. This is one of the "Laws of Cure" and called an ‘aggravation’, and should be regarded as a good sign as it shows that the remedy is working you should stop taking the remedy until the aggravation has passed and only resume if necessary. Aggravations are most common with skin disorders, as the body “throws out” the disease. Higher potencies work at a much deeper level. Occasionally patients may exhibit symptoms of conditions suffered prior to condition under treatment, or their symptoms may manifest in other parts of the body. For this reason only trained homoeopaths should prescribe high potencies because only they can properly monitor such situations. Other users should limit themselves to the 6th and 30th potencies. When you think about how homeopathic medicines are made in effect it can be quite difficult to ascertain how they do work for when the remedies are succussed theres no actually remedy in the solution especially when it comes down to the very high potencies. There are different theories to how this may be one is that the liquor used in making the remedies retains a memory or the original substances and this is transmuted in an energy.

The "Laws of Cure" from a more important organ to a lesser one i.e. an internal organ to external like the skin, from above down i.e. from pains in the abdomen the pain travels down the legs to the feet then out of the body. And ailments in reverse order, symptoms from old ailments may manifest themselves before leaving the body. You will feel better in yourself, even though you are still suffering from the ailment and the aggravation, where the ailment worsens before getting better.

Basic 18 Kit:
A Basic 18 kit is ideal for newcomers as well as the more experienced user of homeopathy. The 18 well known remedies cover the most common ailments and minor injuries for all the family. In a compact and lightweight box, the kit is suitable to take with you when going on family outings, weekend breaks, holidays etc.
All remedies are in 30c potency.
18 remedy kit contains: Aconite, Apis, Arnica, Arsenicum alb, Belladonna, Bryonia, Cantharis, Chamomilla, Gelsemium, Hypericum, Ignatia, Ledum, Mercurius, Nux vom., Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Ruta, Silica.
£26.95 basic36aBUY@www.helios.co.uk
I do recommend Helios if you live in the UK as I do use this Homeopathic pharmacy myself and the kits are excellent as is their mail order service

Maggie Brown (Author)
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I am often asked various questions pertaining to the spirit world and various aspects of the psychic, here are some of them: I will in time feature more questions and answers as this webpage evolves

Q. Is a psychic or medium a fortune teller?
A. It may surprise you to know psychics and mediums are not fortune tellers
Q. Is it possible to forecast the future?
A.Well not 100% and this is because of free will.
Q. What is free will?
A. Free will is YOUR right to decide what you want to do about a situation, it is a choice
Q. How does free will affect a situation?
A. Well before we incarnate as Spirit in a human body, we decide on what experiences and challenges that will benefit our spiritual growth. However we are given the choice (free will) as to whether we go through with the experience or challenge. In effect we are allowed to change or mind.
Q. So are you saying we all know what lies before us?
A. Well in a way we all do. Remember we are 'Spirit' in a human body and your spirit does retain a memory but it is deep in our subconscious. This memory is retained deeply for a reason to help us fulfill our experiences and challenges we ourselves chose. However it is also at this deep level so we are not so aware. If you knew what lay before you would you go through with it? Probably not but we still retain this memory deeply and this reflects in our Aura.
Q. So what is the Aura?
A.The aura is The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds living bodies, this includes people, animals, plants and crystals and is composed of several layers that are constantly moving. The Aura links us to whats known as Universal energy i.e. that is all the knowledge in the Universe past, present and future. It is on this aura that psychics are able to tap into and access your past, whats going on in the present and the possible future and I say possible specifically if your goal or desire is dependent on other people, for remember every person involved in a situation has free will.